Mike & Angelo - A Wonderful Wife (1994)

  • 4 months ago
An episode from the long running kids TV show Mike & Angelo. This was the last episode of the 6th series, broadcast on April 26th 1994. In this episode Mike's parents Patti and Barney return from their travels, but a misunderstanding leaves Patti wishing she had never married her husband in the first place. When Angelo hears this, he decides to grant her wish and shows her a alarming future...

Starring Shelley Thompson, Tim Whitnell, Michael Benz, Alexandra Milman, John Levitt, Jocelyn Cunningham and Peter Banks. This was originally uploaded on Youtube by VideotapeFTW from one of his video recordings, so all credit for this goes to him. Apologies for not being able to ask to upload this (due to my Youtube account disappearing), but I can at least link where the video is on Youtube, and where you can check out more of his videos and old adverts. And as he is a fan of Alexandra Milman, I think he'd appreciate this channel of her work. His own channel - and video of this - can be found on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz47chi0Noo


00:00This is the end of the video.
00:02I hope you enjoyed it.
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00:06I'll see you in the next video.
00:31Your Uncle Cyril's been arrested?
00:33Mr. Pinner? Arrested by the police?
00:35There was a bank raid in the High Street yesterday.
00:37Three armed men.
00:39But Mr. Pinner's only got two arms.
00:42It's one of those identikit pictures.
00:44Made up from a witness's description.
00:47Oh, it's obviously just a coincidence.
00:49One of the bank robbers just happens to look like your Uncle Cyril.
00:52Yeah. He swears he was at the cinema.
00:54But nobody saw him.
00:56Nobody can prove he's innocent.
00:58Wait a minute. Yesterday afternoon?
01:00Yeah, that's right. I was there.
01:02And so is Mr. Pinner.
01:04I spent the whole time dropping peanut shells in his hair from the balcony.
01:07That's wonderful.
01:09Not if you're Mr. Pinner.
01:10Now we can get him out of there.
01:12I know he's a fat old pain in the tonsils.
01:14But this is heavy.
01:16We have to help him. Come on, let's go.
01:22You're a splendid boy.
01:25An angel.
01:27Sent from heaven to save me.
01:30Steady on, Mr. Pinner.
01:32You saved me from catastrophe.
01:35And I thank you.
01:39Freedom, eh? Freedom!
01:45I haven't seen him laugh so hard since that magpie flew off with Mrs. Pinner's glass eye.
01:51Enjoy it. It won't last.
01:53See you tomorrow?
01:56Goodnight now.
02:09What are you doing here?
02:12You're supposed to be in Mallorca.
02:14You're not to be back here for another three weeks.
02:17What kind of welcome's that?
02:18You make it sound like we threw away your train set or something.
02:21Dad? Why are you here? Is everything all right?
02:23Oh, sure, son.
02:25I'm guessing your mom got a phone call this morning.
02:27A top job's come up at Chill Billy Ice Creams.
02:30Harry Blagg, their head of publicity.
02:32He got run over on the weekend.
02:34Run over?
02:35Yes! Isn't it marvelous?
02:37For you?
02:39Well, not for him, of course, but for me.
02:41It's the chance of a lifetime.
02:43I've wanted that job since forever.
02:46And guess what?
02:48It looks like I'm being headhunted.
02:50I'm confused, Mom.
02:52You see, Michael, they're holding the job interview right here in London tomorrow afternoon.
02:56You cancelled your holiday just to come back for a lousy job interview?
03:01Hey, what the heck?
03:02It was only a $6,000 cruise, glorious sunshine,
03:05fabulous scenery, the smell of the sea, and...
03:08Barney, you want to smell the sea, go in the kitchen and fan yourself with a mackerel.
03:12This job happens to be very important to me.
03:15Honey, I know that.
03:17I don't mind. There'll be other holidays.
03:19Let's face it.
03:20Paddy is one of the most sought-after people in the ice cream business.
03:24And that's not just my opinion.
03:26It's hers.
03:28Very funny.
03:30Well, I think I'll retire.
03:32Blimey, now that is what I call a brief career.
03:34You haven't even got the job yet.
03:36Retire upstairs, Angelo.
03:38I have to prepare myself for the interview.
03:41Rehearse my ad-libs.
03:43We'll talk, okay?
03:46Sure, Mom.
03:48Night, everyone.
03:49Night, Pats.
03:55Oh, poor old Barney.
03:58I know how much that holiday meant to you.
04:01Paddy is just obsessed with work.
04:04I just wanted to be happy.
04:06So what if we never got to see Spain?
04:08I mean, Spain will still be there another day.
04:10You are a good man, Barney Mason.
04:12She just doesn't appreciate you.
04:15I'm ready.
04:17You ready?
04:18Yes, I've just about finished the ironing, Paddy.
04:21You should have got Barney to do it.
04:22That's what he's for.
04:23Can we please hurry?
04:28We're off to the shops.
04:29You surprise me.
04:31Come on, sis.
04:32Let's flash those cash cards.
04:36Right, back soon, Barney.
04:39Come on, sis.
04:41I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
04:43I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
04:45I'm coming, I'm coming.
04:47Go, go.
04:52Hi, Dad.
04:54Morning, son. You sleep well?
04:56Dad, you know what you were saying last night
04:58about not getting to see Spain?
05:00Yeah, that was kind of disappointing.
05:02That was disappointing.
05:04Hey, what the...
05:08Step this way, senor.
05:11Hey, yes.
05:17What's going on?
05:24This is to make up for your half a holiday, Dad.
05:27Oh, you son of a gun.
05:40Oh, Barney, oh, Magnifico.
05:49Say that again.
05:53What did you say?
05:55Oh, a party.
05:56I sure like that.
05:58A sixties party.
05:59Even better.
06:02Well, don't worry, I'll tell you.
06:05Hey, Barney, oh, Magnifico.
06:09What's burning?
06:10Stoking mom effect.
06:13I think the boat's on fire.
06:17Most normal people forget their keys.
06:19My little sister forgets her shoes.
06:22Yeah, well, if we weren't always in such darn rush.
06:29Oh, hey, it's just as well you came back.
06:32There was a message from Chilly Billy Ice Cream.
06:34A message?
06:35Please arrive early.
06:37We're having a sixties party all day.
06:39Sixties party?
06:41I thought it was a formal interview.
06:43So did I.
06:44A sixties party.
06:46All day.
06:47Sounds like fun.
06:49Oh, no.
06:50Sixties clothes.
06:52Where am I going to lay my hands on some sixties clothes?
06:55Leave it to me, sis.
06:56Leave it all to me.
07:06Well, how'd it go?
07:08Where is he?
07:12Where is he?
07:16There he is.
07:17Oh, hi, honey.
07:18How'd it go?
07:19You get the job?
07:20Barney Judas Mason.
07:24Mom, what happened?
07:26Mom, tell us.
07:27Your little message.
07:28Please arrive early.
07:30We're having a sixties party all day.
07:32What about it?
07:33That was not the message, Barney.
07:35The message was, please arrive early.
07:38We have restricted parking all day.
07:42Oh, dear.
07:44I must have misheard.
07:50Is that all you can say?
07:54Try ouch.
07:58Oh, that's certainly closer.
08:00How about,
08:01please let me curl up and die?
08:04Because that's how I felt,
08:06sitting in front of an executive interview panel
08:08looking like something that stepped out of a balloon.
08:10Patty, I'm sorry.
08:11You're not sorry.
08:13You did it deliberately, didn't you?
08:16Hey, come on, sis.
08:18You never wanted me to get this job, did you?
08:20Sure I did.
08:22You deliberately and cold-bloodedly and maliciously
08:25sent me off to that interview looking like a prize dolt, didn't you?
08:28Oh, sweetheart.
08:29Sweetheart me, you snake in the grass?
08:32Of all the treacherous, deceitful things.
08:35Patty, Patty, you are way out of line here.
08:39It was a mistake, I'm telling you.
08:41Everybody makes mistakes.
08:43I sure made a mistake 20 years ago when I married you.
08:46Mom, don't.
08:47Patty, that's enough.
08:49There is no way they're going to give me that job now.
08:51Are you satisfied?
08:53You got this all wrong, Patty.
08:55No, Barney, I got you all wrong.
08:58I thought you loved me.
09:01But now I realize the horrible truth.
09:11Somebody back me up here.
09:21What do you want?
09:23That was my question.
09:26I have a good mind to walk out on that man and never come back.
09:30You don't mean that.
09:32He needs you.
09:34And you need him.
09:36I need Barney Mason like Scott of the Antarctic needs ice in his martini.
09:42I wish I'd never married him in the first place.
09:47Say that again?
09:49I said I wish I'd never even met him.
09:52Oh, you do, huh?
09:54Yeah, I do.
10:00Come with me then.
10:02Where to?
10:04You'll see.
10:11What in the name of...
10:13Welcome to your very own alternative reality, Patsy baby.
10:19What are you talking about?
10:22What have you done?
10:24It's an amazing thought, isn't it?
10:26If you'd done things differently in your life, how differently other things would have turned out.
10:32Who turned the lights out?
10:34Oh, the electricity's been cut off.
10:36What nonsense. What are you trying to pull here, Angelo?
10:39Well, you got your wish.
10:42Your wish.
10:44You got it.
10:46You never met Barney, so you never married Barney.
10:52Oh, she can't hear you.
10:55Can't see you.
10:57Nobody can.
10:59You're out of your mind.
11:01Excuse me.
11:07Where are you?
11:10Hang on a minute, I'm coming.
11:14Rita, what's going on around here?
11:16I said hang on a minute, for Pete's sake.
11:19Hello, Rita. Remember me?
11:22Mr. Pinner.
11:24Mr. Pinner? Angelo?
11:27Here's a bit of cash for a cup of tea, will you?
11:30You get away from here, you criminal.
11:33Coming around here after robbing a bank, begging for handouts.
11:37The very idea.
11:39Oh, Rita, I'm broke. I'm hungry.
11:43I don't have a roof over my head anymore.
11:46Yeah, well, that makes two of us.
11:48Oh, get your foot out of my door.
11:51Where would you be?
11:53I mean, I'm being evicted.
11:56Or being thrown out of your lovely house.
11:59Oh, Mal!
12:02Mal, come here for a sec, would you?
12:06Oh, Mal, I've got to move all this stuff out of here,
12:10and I was just wondering if maybe you could, you know, give me a hand?
12:13What's it worth?
12:14Melanie, I'm down to my last 50 pence.
12:1750 rotten pence?
12:19You must think I'm a charity or something.
12:22Anyway, me and Jeff have got better things to do than that.
12:25Is it such as?
12:26Such as? Mind your own business. Goodbye.
12:30Oh, dear.
12:32Oh, my little Melanie.
12:35She's gone right off the rails.
12:37Well, I hardly think armed robbery is setting the perfect example.
12:41I never, I never, I was innocent.
12:45Oh, yeah, that's what they all say.
12:57I don't understand.
13:08What's happened to everyone?
13:10Why are they all so different?
13:14You never married Barney.
13:16So Barney wasn't there to help Rita out with that loan, remember?
13:22No, I forgot. What loan?
13:25Years back, when Rita moved into this house, Barney lent her a lot of money to help her out.
13:30Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.
13:34There's a lot of things you've forgotten.
13:37Rita's had to struggle for years, and now it's come to this.
13:41What does it mean?
13:43Angelo, what are you doing to me?
13:46It was your wish.
13:47Rita, are you home?
13:49Through here, sis.
13:51Great, let's see.
13:58It's so dark in here. What are you doing, growing mushrooms?
14:02They cut the power off. I'm being evicted.
14:06Really? That's nice. Listen, I can't stay. I just popped in to use your phone.
14:09My portable's broken, and I have to call the office. Urgent.
14:12I haven't got a phone, Patty. They took it away.
14:16I... I'm bankrupt, Patty.
14:20Stoneybrook. How frightfully inconvenient.
14:23Patty, didn't you hear what I said?
14:25Of course I heard.
14:27And I have the perfect answer.
14:30You have? What? Tell me.
14:33I'll fax them from the post office.
14:36Gotta fly, sweetie.
14:38See you around sometime.
14:41Sis? Sis?
14:49I wonder if you could loan me some money.
14:52You being a millionaire and all, I don't need much. Just...
14:56Ciao, Rita. If I'm not too busy, I might see you next year.
15:00Patty. Patty, please. I'm begging you.
15:03No, scrub that. Better make it year after next.
15:06Is it a date? Phone me. Bye!
15:16It's a living nightmare.
15:19Oh, Mr. Pinner went to jail.
15:22Lost his job, lost his house.
15:24Mike wasn't there to prove his innocence that time, remember?
15:27What are you saying?
15:29Oh, and Mike wasn't there also to make friends with Melanie.
15:32She started going out with Jeff Camiso.
15:35Turned into a proper little hoodlum.
15:37What do you mean Mike wasn't there?
15:39Where was he?
15:41Where is he?
15:43There is no Mike.
15:45What are you talking about? You're crazy.
15:47Uh-uh. You never married Barney, right?
15:50So there is no Mike.
15:52That's a lie. Where's my son?
15:54You don't have a son.
15:56I do. Of course I do.
15:58Mike? Mikey? Where are you?
16:05Where are you, son?
16:17So you see, Patty,
16:19you really were a wonderful wife.
16:22What have I done?
16:24What have I said?
16:26I didn't mean a word of it.
16:29I love Barney.
16:31I love him.
16:33Oh, take me back.
16:35Please, Angelo, take me back.
16:37I want him back.
16:46It's over.
16:48Everything I ever believed in.
16:51All over.
16:53No, Dad. No, she didn't mean it. I know she didn't.
16:56Yes, she did, son.
16:58Every word.
17:00No, she didn't, Dad.
17:02Yes, she did, Mikey.
17:04She did.
17:06No, I didn't, Barney.
17:08Patty? Mom?
17:14Oh, I'm so sorry.
17:16Patty, I'm sorry about the job. Honest, I am.
17:18The job? The job?
17:20Who cares about the job?
17:22Come here.
17:24Oh, Rita, I'm so sorry.
17:28Can you ever forgive me?
17:29All those things I said, I didn't mean a single word.
17:31I take them all back.
17:33Oh, I'm such a stupid fool.
17:37Hey, come here, baby.
17:45Hello? Hello?
17:47Oh, yes. Oh, hang on.
17:49Patty, Patty.
17:51It's Mr. Chilly Billy.
17:58Patty Mason?
18:00Oh, hi.
18:02You're kidding me.
18:06Wow, that's great news.
18:08She got the job.
18:10Way to go. Nice one.
18:12Thank goodness for that.
18:14Yeah, I'm very flattered, really.
18:16Only, the thing is, if I were to accept,
18:18there are one or two things I'd have to sort out.
18:20I can't work evenings or weekends.
18:24Plus, I need a minimum of six weeks holiday per year
18:27to spend more time with my family.
18:29Yes, six.
18:31I'm sorry, that's non-negotiable.
18:33I'm afraid if you can't offer me those terms,
18:35well, I'll simply have to decline your very kind offer.
18:39I see. I see.
18:42Yes, I understand.
18:46Thank you very much.
18:55They liked the sixties outfit.
18:57They said okay.
19:05I discovered in the nick of time
19:07that there's more to life than chocolate banana boats.
19:12How do you...
19:13We are going to have such good times.
19:16All of us.
19:17Yes, please, Barney.
19:19Yes, please.
19:23I love a happy ending.
19:27I love a happy ending.
19:57I love a happy ending.
