• l’année dernière


00:00Sous-titres par Jean-Luc Coulon
00:30But Dudley, it's been 23 years that you've been trying to bring in Snidely Whiplash, and you haven't succeeded yet.
00:35Well Nell, as I've said before, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
00:39The trouble with you is you've lost your incentive, and when a Mountie has lost his incentive, it's time to turn in his coat.
00:45I was feeling so good a minute ago, but Nell, I've got all the incentive any red-blooded, red-coated Canadian youth would want, the RCMP!
00:51But that isn't enough, Dudley. You have to have the feeling of being wanted.
00:55That is why I want you to wear this locket close to your heart. Open it, Dudley.
00:59You see, Dudley, it has a picture of me.
01:02Gee, thanks, Nell.
01:04Incentive, Dudley. I hope this little token of my love will make you remember. Don't tell anyone. It will be our secret.
01:12Dudley, when an officer of the RCMP enters the room, it is military courtesy to rise.
01:18But I am, sir.
01:19You are, sir.
01:21Right, sir.
01:23What's the matter, boy? You're all stooped.
01:25Oh no, sir inspector. I've always walked like this.
01:28Well, do right, I have information that will start your Mountie heart pounding.
01:32Snidely Whiplash is planning to rob the bank. It's your big chance at last.
01:37Who is that, sir?
01:38Snidely Whiplash.
01:39Is that the chap with the moustache and the long black cape?
01:41Snidely Whiplash, do right. The arch-villain that you've been trying to bring in for the last 23 years.
01:48What's the matter, Dudley? Have you lost your incentive?
01:50No, sir. I have it right here.
01:52Meanwhile, Snidely Whiplash was in the best of evil spirits.
01:55Such a beautiful, gorgeous day. I haven't lifted a finger and already Nell Fenwick has fallen into me clutches.
02:02Snidely Whiplash, you poor, poor man.
02:04What poor? I'm feeling great and you, Nell, have fallen into me clutches.
02:09If you like, Snidely, but it does seem a shame.
02:12What's a shame?
02:1323 years.
02:1423 years?
02:15Yes, for 23 years you've been pursued by Dudley Do-Right of the Mountain.
02:18That's right and he hasn't brought me in yet.
02:20Hunted, hounded, forced to skulk about the Canadian countryside like some kind of fertile beast. 23 years!
02:27Stop already!
02:28But it's understandable.
02:30What's understandable?
02:31That after 23 years you would lose your incentive.
02:33I was feeling so good a minute ago. Incentive?
02:36Yes, Snidely, but don't worry.
02:38Wear this locket close to your heart. It has a picture of me inside.
02:42Do you think it will help, Nell?
02:44Don't tell anyone I gave it to you. It will be our secret.
02:47Gee, thanks, Nell. And here I always thought you were for the good guys.
02:51Snidely, have you considered taking sitting-up exercises?
02:55You've got to do something about your posture.
02:57Man, you're stupid!
02:58Not at all, Homer. I've always walked like this. What's on the schedule today?
03:02Oh, we've got a jink dandy of a day today, Snidely.
03:05Well, get on with it.
03:06Well, at 11 o'clock we tie that woman down by the block to the railroad tracks.
03:10Homer, could you handle that? I'm just not up to tying women to railroad tracks.
03:13At 12 o'clock, you're supposed to foreclose some mortgages.
03:16Now, where will it all end, Homer? Railroad tracks, mortgages.
03:19Gee, Snidely, you sound like you've lost your incentive.
03:22Of course I haven't lost my incentive. I've got my incentive right here.
03:26What was that?
03:27Nothing, Homer. Carry on.
03:29And there's the bank.
03:30Oh, yes, the bank. We're supposed to deposit money in the bank, Homer.
03:33We are not supposed to deposit money in a bank, Whiplash. We are supposed to rob the bank.
03:38You sure you ain't lost your incentive to lead a life of evil doing?
03:41I told you, Homer. I've got my incentive right here.
03:44Jeez it. Here comes Dudley Do-Right of the Mountain.
03:47Is that you, Snidely?
03:48Oh, yes. What brings you to town, Dudley?
03:51Well, I had a reason, but for the life of me, I can't think what it was. How about you?
03:55Something to do with the bank.
03:56I can't seem to remember whether I was supposed to deposit some money or withdraw some.
04:00I know how that is.
04:02What's the matter with you guys? Mortal enemies, and here you stand.
04:05You guys lost your incentive or something?
04:07Of course not. I have it right here.
04:11You're wearing Nell's locket.
04:15It would have been a shame to see those boys lose their incentive after 23 years.
04:31Let's face it. Watching hidden cameras take down Hollywood stars is just plain fun.
04:36So get in on the jokes as Aston Kutcher pranks the rich and famous on Punk'd.
04:41Weekdays at 5 and 5.30 on Coffee TV.
