Jews Can't Handle The Truth

  • 3 months ago
Featuring Cardinals Thomas Cavin & Clark Isaac, revealing the truth about the messiah that Jewish people have known for a long time, but...
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01:00Art thou the king of the Jews?
01:11Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?
01:17Am I a Jew?
01:27Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me.
01:30What hast thou done?
01:34My kingdom is not of this world.
01:41If my kingdom were of this world, then would my people fight, that I should not be delivered
01:46to the Jews.
01:47Art thou a king, then?
01:48Thou sayest that I am a king.
01:54To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear
02:00witness unto the truth.
02:05Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
02:13What is truth?
02:19Ye have brought this man unto me as one that perverteth the people.
02:25I have examined him before you, and find no fault with this man touching those things
02:30whereof you accuse him.
02:34I have sent him to Herod.
02:37He has found that nothing worthy of death has been done.
02:45I will, therefore, chastise him and release him.
02:57According to your custom, at this time of year, one prisoner shall be released.
03:03Barabbas, free Barabbas.
03:06What shall I do, then, with Jesus, who is called the Christ?
03:16Crucify him.
03:17Crucify him.
03:18Crucify him.
03:19Crucify him.
03:20Crucify him.
03:21Crucify him.
03:22Crucify him.
03:23Crucify him.
03:24Crucify him.
03:25Crucify him.
03:26Crucify him.
03:27Crucify him.
03:28Crucify him.
03:29Crucify him.
03:30Crucify him.
03:31Crucify him.
03:32Crucify him.
03:33Crucify him.
03:34Crucify him.
03:35Crucify him.
03:37I am innocent of the blood of this just person.
03:43See ye to it.
04:06So they persecute an innocent man.
04:09They demand that he be crucified.
04:12And despite Pontius Pilate's plea with them that they not punish an innocent man, they
04:21instead plead for a criminal to go free.
04:25Because what?
04:26Because he's some kind of revolutionary?
04:28And they think that he might help them revolt against Rome.
04:32That's a great recap of these rallies.
04:36But we must always remember, these rallies that are in power, these Orthodox, Orthodox
04:47people, they're so scared of losing this power that they've had all of humanity for
05:09And it's just phenomenal the way, for that stiff-necked, they know who the Messiah is,
05:10but they won't bend their knee.
05:12Now, there's a good book that would actually, if the viewers would just go out and read
05:18it, called The Learned Elders of Zion.
05:24That exactly lets people know who actually rules this world.
05:30The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
05:35Very controversial book.
05:38In fact, there's quite a movement against it from Zionist Judaism.
05:45But it's the truth.
05:47They don't want people to know about it.
05:51And if you take a read of it, you'll see why.
05:55Because it lists out all of their rules about how to deal with society and their plans for
06:03But they might not have kept hidden from just everything else they wanted.
06:08I mean, the Bible even tells you about the synagogue scene.
06:15This is just a spiritual war.
06:17The whole world is actually in this moment of death.
06:22And it's actually Christ's Jews against Satan's Jews.
06:29The ones that are in power just now don't want to give up their power.
06:33They're obviously the synagogue scene.
06:36Christ is back.
06:38Where are Satan and his apostles?
06:40They're here to tell the truth.
06:44There's profound pieces of truth that Jews tend to overlook within their own scripture.
06:55And this isn't just from the book of Isaiah.
06:58This is actually from the prophecies of Daniel, in addition to that.
07:03And even the sages that both Orthodox and Reformed Jews look to as guidance for scripture
07:14and prophecy, outlining exactly who the Messiah is, when he was supposed to come.
07:21And this detailed list was actually an exemplary teaching that a fellow had offered to another Jew.
07:35And we got a video of it.
07:37We were going to play it for the audience.
07:39It shows you how frightened some people are, some Jewish people are.
07:46And how indoctrinated they are too.
07:49Of the Orthodox Jews that are running this world.
07:52Because, I mean, even back in that day, Yeshua.
07:56You had people like Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus.
08:01They were frightened as well.
08:04And they had to sneak out.
08:05I mean, they ended up disciples.
08:08Like Yeshua.
08:09But they had to sneak out.
08:10I mean, they were terrified at that time.
08:13And the same thing is happening still today.
08:16Do you want to show about what's going on today?
08:20Because there are quite a number of Jews that are frightened.
08:23And the Ultra-Orthodox Jews in particular, they're expressing that fright, that panic, and they're rioting.
08:36So here we have the Ultra-Orthodox Israeli men protesting against the military draft order.
08:42I don't know why they got Biden right there.
08:44But there's thousands of Ultra-Orthodox Jews that poured into the streets of Jerusalem on Sunday.
08:51They're protesting against the mandatory military conscription.
08:54Which is, you know, it was ridiculous.
08:58About the country's court ruling, about the military starting a draft for their religious students.
09:21This is from CNN.
09:22I mean, the people out in power don't care about these people.
09:24don't care about these people. They're ready just to throw them to the floor.
09:30Of course. The Zionist Jews, they don't look at Orthodox Jews as anywhere near the level of
09:37sophisticationists themselves.
09:38They're just fodder for the war, that's all.
09:45But I suppose the question goes, fodder for what? Fodder for a Zionist state?
09:52Not really for Israel. They just call it Israel, but it's really not what it is.
10:22And it's been happening for thousands of years that way, right? Because these Zionist Jews,
10:28they hope that the power will let us out, right?
10:33You just get rid of them like that.
10:44That's it.
10:53As a Jew, why do I need Christianity? Why do I need the New Testament?
10:56Because if you believe the Old Testament prophesied the Messiah, there is no Judaism without belief in Messiah.
11:01In fact, one of the 13 articles of faith by Moses Maimonides is that you must affirm the Messiah.
11:05So Christianity says your Messiah came. So if he has come, you reject him, then you're rejecting God.
11:08But how do I know Jesus is the Messiah?
11:10Well, that's what you have to examine, right?
11:13So you have to examine the claims of Jesus and his followers, see if they're anchoring the Old Testament,
11:16and the interpretation of the Old Testament is correct.
11:18But from what I understand, it's only shown in Isaiah.
11:21It's only in Isaiah? No, it's not.
11:22Even the rabbis point to many passages in the Hebrew Scriptures.
11:25Rabbis, who are not Christians, say this is messianic.
11:27For example, Daniel 7.13-14, where the prophet Daniel has a vision of the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven.
11:32You have in the Talmud and Rashi himself saying, this is King Messiah.
11:35And that's a passage that Jesus has self-quoted in reference to himself.
11:37So a lot of the prophecies found in the New Testament, where they say this passage is about Messiah,
11:42Psalm 2.7, Daniel 7.13-14, Daniel 9, even the rabbis agree it's Messiah, though they reject Jesus.
11:49Okay, so it's just not Jesus?
11:51Yeah, they'll say it's Messiah, but they don't believe in Jesus.
11:53But that's the dilemma for them.
11:55For example, Daniel 9, Rashi himself says that the timetable given in Daniel 9, Daniel 2,
12:00shows that the messianic kingdom had to be established during the time when Titus,
12:04who is the general of the Roman armies, who came and destroyed the Second Temple.
12:09In 66-73 AD, you had what's called the Jewish War, when the Jews opposed the Roman occupation,
12:14and then the emperor sent an army, headed by Titus, to then bank Jerusalem, causing a great famine.
12:21Then they came in, destroyed the Temple, burned it down.
12:24Rashi says that according to Daniel, it was during that time that the messianic kingdom had to be established.
12:29So he admits that Daniel's timetable says Messiah was to show up and establish the kingdom during that time.
12:35Well, where is it Messiah?
12:37Is it after the Baruch of Arabels?
12:38No, that's in the 2nd century.
12:40You're talking about in the 130s. I'm talking about 66-73 AD.
12:43Rashi says the messianic kingdom was supposed to establish at that time.
12:46So where's the Messiah?
12:48Because he's saying that's the timetable given by Daniel.
12:50Here, I'll show it to you.
12:51So where is he?
12:52Exactly, because when the Jews rejected Jesus, not all of them, the first believers were Jews.
12:58They were not Gentiles.
12:59When they rejected Jesus, they didn't know what to do with the prophecy, so they had to reinterpret them.
13:03So what does he say?
13:04Here he's talking about Daniel 9, 24-27.
13:07In 70 weeks of the Creed, he says,
13:09" that Israel should receive their retribution in the exile of Titus and subjugation."
13:12So he's saying when Titus destroyed Jerusalem, this is when Israel will receive their retribution.
13:17He says that the Anointed One, because in Daniel 9 he talks about Mashiach Nagid,
13:22the Anointed One, the ruler, would be cut off.
13:25He says it was Agrippa who was killed around 40 AD, 10 years after Jesus.
13:30But why Agrippa?
13:31Why did he say it's him?
13:33Why didn't he say it's Jesus?
13:34And he says, "...Titus and his armies would come and destroy the temple."
13:38But then he says, "...and his end will come about by inundation, and his end will be damnation and destruction,
13:42for he will inundate the power of his kingdom through the Messiah."
13:45So he's saying that during this time you would have the messianic era, the messianic kingdom.
13:50And he's placing it in that period of time when Jesus walked, was killed, was buried,
13:54and his followers claimed that he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.
13:56But then he doesn't admit it's Jesus.
13:58Let me get you something.
13:59So who is it if it's not Jesus?
14:00That's what you've got to tell them.
14:02But that's why so many Jews end up becoming followers of Jesus, because these are prophecies.
14:05So you've got to tell Tobias, hey, Tobias, where's the Messiah?
14:08What do you mean?
14:09Rashi says, according to Daniel 9 timetable, the messianic kingdom had to have started at that era.
14:13An anointed one, a ruler, an anointed messianic figure would be cut off.
14:16Well, if you reject Jesus, Daniel's a false prophet, because his prophecy says
14:21the messianic kingdom, Messiah, would start at that time.
14:24Well, Jesus came and went.
14:26The temple was destroyed.
14:27The Jews say, well, he's not the Messiah.
14:30So is Daniel a false prophet?
14:31Obviously not.
14:32So here, let me now show it to you.
14:33Here it is.
14:34To terminate to the transgression and to end sin.
14:36So that Israel should receive their complete retribution and exile of Titus and his subjugation
14:40in order that their transgression should terminate, their sin should end, and their iniquity should be expiated
14:44in order to bring upon them eternal righteousness, to anoint upon them the Holy of Holies,
14:48the Ark, the Altars, the Holy Vessels, which they will bring to them through the King, Messiah.
14:52So this is all going to happen through the King, Messiah, when Titus comes to destroy the temple in Jerusalem, 70 A.D.
14:57Well, 70 A.D. came and went.
14:59Where's the Messiah?
15:00So what's the objection?
15:01What's the Jewish objection?
15:02I don't know why they rejected Jesus.
15:04Why did he continue to do so?
15:06And his end will come about by inundation, and his end will be damnation and destruction,
15:10for he will inundate the power's kingdom through the Messiah.
15:13And it's all talking about Jerusalem and temple being destroyed in 70 A.D.
15:16And it says this happens through the Messiah.
15:18What Messiah?
15:19You don't believe Jesus is the Messiah.
15:20So where is he?
15:21Now watch.
15:22And until destruction and extermination befall the dumb one, and the ruling of the abomination will endure until the day
15:26destruction and extermination decreed upon it will befall in the days of the King, Messiah.
15:31Well, 70 A.D. came and went, buddy.
15:33Where's the Messiah?
15:34I don't know what to tell you.
15:35All right.
15:36So what about like all the tradition, like Jewish tradition about like Messiah bringing like world peace and stuff?
15:41Is that not biblical?
15:42Well, that's the thing.
15:43They don't tell you that the Hebrew Bible mentions a Messiah that will be killed and be resurrected,
15:49and then the Messiah who comes to resurrect them.
15:51Are you aware in the Babylonian Talmud, you have two Messiahs?
15:54Yeah, I know about that tradition, yeah.
15:57So you're aware of Moshiach ben Yosef?
15:59Moshiach ben Yosef is killed, right?
16:03I don't know.
16:04Yeah, two Messiahs, Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed in battle, and Moshiach ben David will resurrect them.
16:10That's in the Talmud.
16:11But wait, where did they get a Messiah son of Joseph will be killed?
16:13Because I thought the Christians are lying when they say the Messiah must be killed.
16:16But in the Talmud it says, Messiah son of Joseph will be killed according to Zechariah 12.10.
16:20Here, let me show you.
16:23Now, even though I don't agree with the way it translates to Hebrew, but that's okay.
16:25Zechariah 12.10.
16:26If you read Hebrew, you're going to see it says,
16:28They shall look on me whom they pierce.
16:29Not, they shall look on me about the ones who were slain.
16:32But here, Zechariah 12.10.
16:34And I will pour it upon the house of David, upon the heaven and the earth,
16:36through the spirit of grace and supplications.
16:37They shall look to me because of those who have been thrust through.
16:39There is no plural.
16:40If you read the Hebrew, I don't know if you can, it says,
16:42Can you?
16:44Yeah, can you show me the Hebrew?
16:45Read it for me.
16:46Read it for me.
17:06Translate that.
17:12They stabbed and pierced.
17:17Reread it again.
17:18They shall look on me.
17:21Whom they pierced.
17:22They pierced who?
17:24That, as you hear, is the object marker.
17:26Meaning, the ones who pierced me.
17:29Read it carefully.
17:34But alav means on him.
17:36No, that's not the next line.
17:37And they will mourn for him.
17:38But it's still singular.
17:40It's still singular.
17:41It's not them.
17:42Yeah, it's singular.
17:43But why did they translate it as plural?
17:46Here, look at the English.
17:51No, it's singular.
17:52You got it.
17:53So that means you just admit, here are the rabbis, or the Jews,
17:55that mistranslated the Hebrew.
17:56Why did they do that?
17:57They accused us of mistranslating?
17:58Now here.
17:59Who was it, though?
18:00Who was the one that they killed?
18:01Here you go.
18:02Rashi, right here.
18:16But I thought Jesus is the son of Moshiach.
18:18No, I'm not telling you the rabbis are right.
18:20Because where does it say, this Messiah is the son of Joseph?
18:22What I'm trying to show you is, the rabbis admit there's a Messiah who will be killed.
18:25Here, read it in Hebrew.
18:27Read it for us.
18:37Who's going to be killed?
18:40But I thought the rabbis say, we Christians are lying that in the Hebrew Bible,
18:44Messiah is killed.
18:45Oh, no.
18:46Chabad says that and he will be killed.
18:47And Chabad is not quoting Chabad.
18:49It's quoting Rashi.
18:50This is Rashi's commentary.
18:51And Rashi said, this is what our sages taught.
18:53So my question to the Jews is,
18:55why do you accuse Christians of butchering the Old Testament and misquoting it?
18:58That there's nowhere in the Hebrew Bible that Messiah will be killed.
19:01Your rabbis say Messiah will be killed.
19:03Zechariah 12.10, which is what we quote.
19:05John quotes this about Jesus being killed on the cross.
19:08Come on.
19:09Here, let me show you.
19:10You see the Zechariah 12.10?
19:12You just read it.
19:13The rabbis admit this is about Moshiach.
19:15But they say Moshiach ben Yosef, right?
19:16Yeah, they do.
19:17Watch John saying this is about Messiah and Jesus fulfilled it.
19:23Same verse.
19:24Now we're going to go here.
19:25John 19, 30 to 37.
19:28So why do the rabbis then say the New Testament is making things up?
19:31How are we making it up?
19:32Your rabbis say, yeah, this passage is about Messiah.
19:34And John said, yeah, and Jesus is a Messiah.
19:36And when he was pierced on the cross, he fulfilled it.
19:38Now, cool.
19:40So when Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, it is finished.
19:42And bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.
19:44Then the Jews, because it was a day of preparation,
19:47so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath,
19:49for that Sabbath was a high day,
19:51asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away.
19:55So the soldiers came, broke the legs of the first man,
19:57and of the other was crucified with him.
20:00But coming to Jesus, when they saw that he was already dead,
20:03they did not break his legs.
20:05But one of the soldiers pierced his side,
20:08pierced Jesus' side with a spear.
20:10Now, cool.
20:11There's that word.
20:12And immediately blood and water came out.
20:13And he who has seen has borne witness.
20:16And his witness is true, saying, see, I'm an eyewitness.
20:18I was there.
20:19I'm writing as an eyewitness.
20:20And he knows that he's telling the truth,
20:22so that you also may believe.
20:23For these things came to pass in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
20:26Not a bone of him shall be broken.
20:28And notice here.
20:29And again, another Scripture.
20:30They shall look on him whom they pierced.
20:32That's Zechariah 1210.
20:33So why is it when the Christian quotes Zechariah 1210, saying, see,
20:36when Jesus was killed on the cross and pierced, he fulfilled Zechariah 1210.
20:39No, baloney.
20:40Messiah is not killed.
20:41But then that's what the rabbi said.
20:42They agreed with us.
20:44They agreed with John, the Jew, that Zechariah 1210 is about Messiah.
20:48I see.
20:49Right here.
20:50It looks like Rashi is just wrong.
20:52But he said the sages, not him.
20:54Sages, plural.
20:55They're all wrong.
20:56Then who got it right?
21:01So this is what happens when we follow people like anti-Christian rabbis,
21:06They don't tell you these facts.
21:07They only try to show we're wrong.
21:09But then we go and read their sources.
21:10But wait, wait, wait.
21:11Hold on.
21:12You told me nowhere in the Old Testament, Hebrew scripture,
21:14there's a Messiah will be killed.
21:16What about Zechariah 1210?
21:17The Talmud, your rabbis.
21:21All the sages are telling them the same thing.
21:25Even giving a timeframe of when this was supposed to happen.
21:28Only one man fulfills these prophecies.
21:33Ben David.
21:35I want to mention a Jewish sage as well.
21:41Rabbi Yitzhak Genduli.
21:45Now he himself, he was afraid of his peers.
21:52He actually had a letter with the Messiah's name written on it.
22:01Because he was afraid of what would happen, repercussions of his peers.
22:07So that's a big story as well.
22:12That these Jews do hide everything.
22:20You just put it up on the screen.
22:24Just to be there.
22:26The video that we've just played, yeah.
22:35And this letter actually reads out the name of the Messiah, Yeshua.
22:42And this letter was actually instructed to not be opened until, what was it?
22:47Like a year after he died?
22:48After his death, yeah.
22:50So they couldn't dig him up and desecrate him.
22:52Yeah, that's correct.
22:54And he knew that this would cause a lot of outrage.
23:01It just shows you the power that these people have over others, you know.
23:06That it just frightens them that way.
23:09You know, for these repercussions when they are alive.
23:12And it's a shame.
23:14It really is.
23:16Because they are the people that actually want to tell the truth to the world.
23:20And we wouldn't have had all this trouble for all these years if we hadn't listened to these people.
23:47And there's really only one man that fits the prophecies for that time as well.
24:00And we've got another video to show about that.
24:13I'm looking forward to seeing this.
24:14This is probably one of my favorite videos.
24:17Because it really gets down to brass tacks as to the truth of this matter.
24:20There's actually a rabbi that's actually saying this as well.
24:23Oh yeah.
24:24He didn't want us to show this study.
24:44But the truth is that there are a few prophecies by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.
24:56And he's saying that there are three Gog and Magog.
25:00Gog and Magog is this big war that's going to come before Mashiach comes.
25:04He explains there are three Gog and Magogs, not one.
25:08The first Gog and Magog was World War I.
25:11That's why at the time the Chafetz Chaim thought that Mashiach is coming.
25:15The second Gog and Magog is World War II.
25:18And the third Gog and Magog is what we're going to have now.
25:21That's why a lot of people say we already had Gog and Magog with World War II.
25:26That's true. We're not going to have another one.
25:28The reality is that that's what Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai says.
25:32I'm just quoting.
25:33That Mashiach will come 72 years after the second Gog and Magog.
25:41So second Gog and Magog is World War II.
25:44So if you go from the beginning 1939, then it's 2011.
26:11...was in the skies over Jerusalem.
26:13And why did it stop over one of the most treasured sites in Christianity?
26:19We've seen them in Mississippi like this, but never like this.
26:29Well, if you surf around online today,
26:31and it probably will not be long before you come across footage of a UFO in the skies over Jerusalem.
26:37Now it is sparking intense debate on the Internet.
26:40Trace Gallagher following this live from our West Coast newsroom.
26:43So the question is, what was that UFO?
26:45What was it doing over Jerusalem?
26:47And, you know, is he back?
26:49Yeah, and that is the question, by the way, Megan.
26:51Because, you know, critics, it's difficult for them to dismiss this
26:54because there are so many different angles.
26:56We've got four different videos all from various perspectives
26:59showing this light above the Dome on the Rock.
27:03In Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, of course, we know which is a holy site for both Jews and Muslims.
27:09You see the shining ball of light, right?
27:11It's above there.
27:12It's kind of, well, they just froze it early, can't see it now.
27:14But there it is right there.
27:15It's at the top of the screen.
27:17It's up there, and it hovers, kind of a pulsating orb.
27:20And then hold on here, because this thing starts going down right toward,
27:24you see it there, going down toward the Dome of the Rock and the Temple Mount.
27:29And then it stops, and it hovers there for a while.
27:32It kind of sits there, and then all of a sudden it shoots straight back up into the air.
27:38The experts say this would be kind of an indication this is an unmanned.
27:42There it is. You saw it right there.
27:43It shot straight back up in the air.
27:45Yeah, kind of hard to see, but it shot up in the air,
27:47and the experts think that, you know, it's an unmanned vehicle, they believe.
27:51It could be a drone, but they do not know of anything like this in the Israeli army.
27:58So they say this is either incredible video or some very well-orchestrated hoax.
28:03Some have said maybe this is a movie that's putting out this, I don't know,
28:10what do you put out, your movie, a trailer or some kind of a hoax
28:13to try and promote a movie that's yet to be named?
28:15We don't know.
28:16Could it be Jacob's Ladder? Remember Jacob's Ladder?
28:18No, I don't watch scary films. They freak me out.
28:21Well, no, the biblical thing, or Jacob's Ladder, you know,
28:24was the Jews and the Christians believed Jacob's Ladder,
28:27who sought a dream, leads from the Temple Mount.
28:30I thought that was a thriller that went very scary.
28:34That's what one of the producers said.
28:36I saw that movie. No, I'm talking about the biblical reference.
28:39Okay. All right, because, listen, I don't like to be scared.
28:42I just can't take it. You know, I don't know what it is,
28:44but I don't like anything with torture, and I don't like to be scared.
28:47So that video, that doesn't make me feel either of those things, so we're okay.
28:51T.G., thank you.
28:52We're going to follow up on it. You bet.
28:53What do you guys think? What was that?
28:55I mean, it's one thing when it just comes down, but then it goes back up?
28:58Kelly at
29:23This has been a production of Fox News.
29:53Thank you.
30:23Thank you.
30:53Thank you.
31:23Thank you.
31:53Thank you.
31:54Thank you.
31:55Thank you.
31:56Thank you.
31:57Thank you.
31:58Thank you.
31:59Thank you.
32:00Thank you.
32:01Thank you.
32:02Thank you.
32:03Thank you.
32:04Thank you.
32:05Thank you.
32:06Thank you.
32:07Thank you.
32:08Thank you.
32:09Thank you.
32:10Thank you.
32:11Thank you.
32:12Thank you.
32:13Thank you.
32:14Thank you.
32:15Thank you.
32:16Thank you.
32:17Thank you.
32:18Thank you.
32:19Thank you.
32:20Thank you.
32:21Thank you.
32:22Thank you.
32:23Thank you.
32:24Thank you.
32:25Thank you.
32:26Thank you.
32:27Thank you.
32:28Thank you.
32:29Thank you.
32:30Thank you.
32:31Thank you.
32:32Thank you.
32:33Thank you.
32:34Thank you.
32:35Thank you.
32:36Thank you.
32:37Thank you.
32:38Thank you.
32:39Thank you.
32:40Thank you.
32:41Thank you.
32:42Thank you.
32:43Thank you.
32:44Thank you.
32:45Thank you.
32:46Thank you.
32:47Thank you.
32:48Thank you.
32:49Thank you.
32:50Thank you.
32:51Thank you.
32:52Thank you.
32:53Thank you.
32:54Thank you.
32:55Thank you.
32:56Thank you.
32:57Thank you.
32:58Thank you.
32:59Thank you.
33:00Thank you.
33:01Thank you.
33:02Thank you.
33:03Thank you.
33:04Thank you.
33:05Thank you.
33:06Thank you.
33:07Thank you.
33:08Thank you.
33:09Thank you.
33:10Thank you.
33:11Thank you.
33:12Thank you.
33:13Thank you.
33:14Thank you.
33:15Thank you.
33:16Thank you.
33:17Thank you.
33:18Thank you.
33:19Thank you.
33:20Thank you.
33:21Thank you.
33:22Thank you.
33:23Thank you.
33:24Thank you.
33:25Thank you.
33:26Thank you.
33:27Thank you.
33:28Thank you.
33:29Thank you.
33:30Thank you.
33:31Thank you.
33:32Thank you.
33:33Thank you.
33:34Thank you.
33:35Thank you.
33:36Thank you.
33:37Thank you.
33:38Thank you.
33:39Thank you.
33:40Thank you.
33:41Thank you.
33:42Thank you.
33:43Thank you.
33:44Thank you.
33:45Thank you.
33:46Thank you.
33:47Thank you.
33:48Thank you.
33:49Thank you.
33:50Thank you.
33:51Thank you.
33:52Thank you.
33:53Thank you.
33:54Thank you.
33:55Thank you.
33:56Thank you.
33:57Thank you.
33:58Thank you.
33:59Thank you.
34:00Thank you.
34:01Thank you.
34:02Thank you.
34:03Thank you.
34:04Thank you.
34:05Thank you.
34:06Thank you.
34:07Thank you.
34:08Thank you.
34:09Thank you.
34:10Thank you.
34:11Thank you.
34:12Thank you.
34:13Thank you.
34:14Thank you.
34:15Thank you.
34:16Thank you.
34:17Thank you.
34:18Thank you.
34:19Thank you.
34:20Thank you.
34:21Thank you.
34:22Thank you.
34:23Thank you.
34:24Thank you.
34:25Thank you.
34:26Thank you.
34:27Thank you.
34:28Thank you.
34:29Thank you.
34:30Thank you.
34:31Thank you.
34:32Thank you.
34:33Thank you.
34:34Thank you.
34:35Thank you.
34:36Thank you.
34:37Thank you.
34:38Thank you.
34:39Thank you.
34:40Thank you.
34:41Thank you.
34:42Thank you.
34:43Thank you.
34:44Thank you.
34:45Thank you.
34:46Thank you.
34:47Thank you.
34:48Thank you.
34:49Thank you.
34:50Thank you.
34:51Thank you.
34:52Thank you.
34:53Thank you.
34:54Thank you.
34:55Thank you.
34:56Thank you.
34:57Thank you.
34:58Thank you.
34:59Thank you.
35:00Thank you.
35:01Thank you.
35:02Thank you.
35:03Thank you.
35:04Thank you.
35:05Thank you.
35:06Thank you.
35:07Thank you.
35:08Thank you.
35:09Thank you.
35:10Thank you.
35:11Thank you.
35:12Thank you.
35:13Thank you.
35:14Thank you.
35:15Thank you.
35:16Thank you.
35:17Thank you.
35:18Thank you.
35:19Thank you.
35:20Thank you.
35:21Thank you.
35:22Thank you.
35:23Thank you.
35:24Thank you.
35:25Thank you.
35:26Thank you.
35:27Thank you.
35:28Thank you.
35:29Thank you.
35:30Thank you.
35:31Thank you.
35:32Thank you.
35:33Thank you.
35:34Thank you.
35:35Thank you.
35:36Thank you.
35:37Thank you.
35:38Thank you.
35:39Thank you.
35:40Thank you.
35:41Thank you.
35:42Thank you.
35:43Thank you.
35:44Thank you.
35:45Thank you.
35:46Thank you.
35:47Thank you.
35:48Thank you.
35:49Thank you.
35:50Thank you.
35:51Thank you.
35:52Thank you.
35:53Thank you.
35:54Thank you.
35:55Thank you.
35:56Thank you.
35:57Thank you.
35:58Thank you.
35:59Thank you.
36:00Thank you.
36:01Thank you.
36:02Thank you.
36:03Thank you.
36:04Thank you.
36:05Thank you.
36:06Thank you.
36:07Thank you.
36:08Thank you.
36:09Thank you.
36:10Thank you.
36:11Thank you.
36:12Thank you.
36:13Thank you.