July 4th God Bless our King

  • 3 months ago
The Council features Cardinals Eric Logan & Clark Isaac, revealing the truth of kingship and America as a nation, who must all BEND THE KNEE.
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02:00So be it, threaten to fall Into secure pieces to prepare for war
02:17So be it, settle the score Touch me again with the words that you will hear evermore
02:30Don't tread on me
03:01So be it, threaten to fall Into secure pieces to prepare for war
03:22I've been to your death Walkin' so proudly, yeah, but you broke up
03:52I've been to your death Walkin' so proudly, yeah, but you broke up
04:12Yeah, sorry, I just remembered to bring our audio back.
04:16So yeah, thank you for joining us, Cardinal Eric Logan.
04:19Second time today I've done this.
04:21It's going to be a tradition.
04:23Yeah, I hope not.
04:25Well, speaking of tradition, today marks Independence Day for the United States of America.
04:31July 4th.
04:34And, um...
04:40Support crew in action.
04:42Love them.
04:43Yeah, love them too.
04:44Love you all.
04:45Thank you for joining us.
04:49Forgive me, my lens is a bit fogged here.
04:52So America's Independence Day is kicking off, and we've got some interesting tour codes
04:58I believe that were shown this morning, if I'm not mistaken, or by Emil yesterday.
05:02I don't know.
05:03I forget if they've even been shown on the show yet.
05:06I think it was a couple weeks ago, maybe.
05:08No, it's been redone.
05:09Yeah, no, I've shown them on one of Glenn's segments, Glenn Cotton.
05:13And that was last Wednesday.
05:15Not this week's Wednesday, but the Wednesday before.
05:18And actually, interesting factoid, I did rerun that code, the one for July 4th.
05:25I found a lot more stuff.
05:27And I'm actually going to reveal it on a special episode after we're done here.
05:32I'm going to bring it up and come right back to streaming.
05:35Actually, I might even just do an intermission, I'm not sure.
05:37Well, that works.
05:38I'm here for it if you want, but that works perfectly.
05:41The previous episode Brother Thomas was on, it very much ties into this one, I think.
05:47So, American Independence Day, independent specifically from the British Empire,
05:53which is responsible for more independence days than probably any nation in history.
05:59Except maybe Rome, but they had a different structure, so it doesn't really apply.
06:03With exception to Rome, okay.
06:05Well, again, different structure.
06:07Rome, you weren't a state of them.
06:11You're Rome now.
06:13Congratulations, wherever.
06:16One of the only places that really stands out as having never quite been conquered by Rome,
06:21no matter how much they tried, was England.
06:23For a time, it was a tradition in the United States of America to practically deify the former presidents.
06:31Yes, former presidents and liberty itself.
06:34They've got a big idol to her right there in Ellis Island.
06:40If you dig into it, we're going to go into a much deeper dive on it in a later date,
06:46but that is the goddess of America.
06:49It is not a symbol.
06:51It is an actual deity from ancient Babylonian, Sumerian, Mesopotamian times, whichever you prefer.
07:00The point is, all the gods back then, they've worn multiple faces.
07:04As you go through history and around the world, same deities, different faces.
07:09Different names, actually, I should say.
07:11Different characters.
07:12Same entities.
07:13I've heard about the sigil of the eagle, that the shape of the head is not actually akin to a bald eagle, but a phoenix.
07:22Which is interesting, the phoenix being very symbolic of rebirth.
07:26Those who have studied their Bibles and looked closely at prophecy,
07:30especially that of Daniel and the mystery of Babylon and all of that in the last days,
07:35understand that the statue of Nebuchadnezzar really, really puts a play on it.
07:43Reincarnation of Babylon.
07:46Of the harlot nation.
07:48Back then, nations were cities.
07:51It was a city-state back then.
07:55We were talking earlier about Independence Day, and I'd asked you while we were muted here, and I'll repeat the question.
08:05Independence, but independence from what?
08:09Well, that's the tagline at the time, and that's the cry that everyone will march forward on.
08:24As Wallace said it so well.
08:29But the overall idea of freedom, of individual, personal freedom, essentially making every man a god.
08:41Every man sovereign to himself.
08:44Dangerous concept.
08:45Well, on paper it sounds great, but then you get into the reality of it, and it's not so great.
08:52Yeah, in a fantasy world it would be wonderful.
08:54This utopic world where every...
08:56If every god were godly.
08:58Righteous gods, but unlikely.
09:02Or even if the majority were godly.
09:05But are they?
09:06Well, you could say that there is one that is.
09:12One is hardly a majority, sir.
09:14Right, so this sort of brings to question the purpose of the monarchy and the divine right to rule.
09:22That's getting into it.
09:24See, there's always been this tradition of divine right to rule, the divine right of kings, they call it.
09:30That has been in place for a great long time, especially in Europe with the European monarchies.
09:37Specifically Britain has enjoyed this tagline.
09:41Actually, I believe I was posting about it a few days ago.
09:46Maybe you'll remember which king it was.
09:48Edward I, I think.
09:50He was talking about having divine right to rule, meaning he can't answer to any earthly authority.
09:56And a short time later, he got beheaded.
09:59Yeah, he basically was tried for treason.
10:02And I believe you gave me a meme for that one.
10:06Well, it's not in here.
10:08But there is actually something about that, but we haven't gotten to that yet.
10:12It was shortly after he was tried for treason, and he basically said he was above the law, that a king can't be judged.
10:18Yeah, so the people judged him and found him wanting.
10:22Yeah, ten days later, his head was off of his shoulders and buried separately.
10:30Now, a more specialized historian than me, who focuses specifically on European history,
10:35could probably tell us whether or not he was actually doing something unjust,
10:39or if it was simply something that in the long term would have been better for the nation and unfavored by the people.
10:45Because that's a key point of this whole liberty idea.
10:48Sometimes what is best for the nation is not what the nation wants.
10:51Any father who's had to discipline a child understands this concept,
10:55that not everyone is qualified to lead or make all the decisions.
11:03But someone is.
11:05Part of qualification certainly needs to come from a higher authority.
11:09It can't just be determined by the sovereign people.
11:12Exactly. It does need to be from God.
11:14And a little revelation for you all.
11:17The European monarchy, in fact several monarchies around the world,
11:21several bloodlines around the world, do stem from the Davidic line,
11:25which does actually stem far, far back, far before Israel.
11:32That was not just a random bloodline that God chose.
11:36Should we talk a bit about the Davidic covenant?
11:38Yes, absolutely.
11:40I know you brought up a quote here from 2 Samuel.
11:43So the Davidic kingship is very much set in place by God.
11:48So what is the Davidic covenant?
12:03That's 2 Samuel 7, verses 12 and 13.
12:08So that's actually referring to the return or the completion of the Messiah.
12:14I'm going to bring up an image here for the House of David for our audience to see.
12:18This is a bloodline leading up to Yeshua.
12:21Yeshua was a descendant of David, son of Mary.
12:25Son of Mary, yes.
12:27And this is the lineage that dates back all the way to King David.
12:32But he was also Joseph's heir, who was also of David.
12:37From the Solomon line.
12:39Unfortunately, you'll notice Solomon's line doesn't actually biologically connect.
12:46That's why he's the son of David, not of Solomon in Scripture.
12:51No one refers to the Messiah as the son of Solomon.
12:54That's not a thing.
12:56There's a reason.
12:57The biological connection on the Father's side is...
13:03You missed. It's that close.
13:05It's not earthly, though.
13:07It's spiritual.
13:08The spiritual indwelling of the Word of God in spirit form.
13:11Well, spiritual is something that most people misunderstand.
13:15They seem to have a very loose, mystified definition of what spiritual is.
13:22It literally is a spirit who is the Son of God who joined with Yeshua at his baptism.
13:29Actually, the Advent video shown in the previous episode with Brother Tom explains this.
13:34I was narrating it.
13:35The hypostatic union.
13:37This is very much the Son of God, the spirit, a literal being, a spirit,
13:45that indwelled into the mortal man, Yeshua, at his baptism.
13:49At that moment, God introduced them.
13:51It's Hebrew tradition that what tribe one is a part of is passed down through the mother.
13:59So, his mother being a part of the Davidic line,
14:05it would be, one would say, the perfect lineage to be passed down through that line.
14:14So, this is evidence unto itself, of course,
14:19and the same can be said about Raymond Elwood Lear's bloodline,
14:25but also being passed down through descendants of Yeshua and his wife, Mary.
14:31That connects, that actually kind of completes something I wanted to, a few dots I wanted to connect for people.
14:36I mentioned the European lines being tied to David.
14:40I understand what that means.
14:42David coming from divine right as well.
14:47For better or worse, he wasn't always perfect either, but he made Israel what it is.
14:53My point is, there is a Davidic line that rules.
15:00It's still there.
15:02It hasn't disappeared.
15:04Yeshua did have children.
15:07His daughter's name was Sarah.
15:10A little Egyptian girl, if you've read enough, you'll understand who that is.
15:13She wasn't Egyptian.
15:15She was his daughter.
15:19He and Mary Magdalene, she was his beloved.
15:26So, the line of King David did not end with Yeshua.
15:32He did, himself, reincarnate into that line, this lifetime, as Raymond Lear.
15:39That bloodline that he's from now is Davidic.
15:44He is a Davidic heir.
15:46One of many.
15:47The Merovingians, for example, there are Davidic heirs all over the world who have ties back to that bloodline.
15:55That's not the big point.
15:57The big point is that this is the man God has chosen, that God has named.
16:01We have to obey him.
16:05Obedience to God's decree, to God's will, so may it be on earth as it is in heaven.
16:13Do you think America's doing that?
16:15We've been trying to get Americans to be on board with this for quite some time.
16:22What is America at its core?
16:24What are they celebrating today?
16:26The United States of America, they're celebrating their independence from the crown.
16:32The crown of who?
16:33The crown of David, really.
16:36The divine right to rule was passed down through generations, even unto Queen Elizabeth.
16:43Her progeny would inherit that divine right to rule as well.
16:50With the King of Kings returning through the lineage of the Collins line, and carrying himself a promise of divine right for rule, would replace that.
17:02He very much would replace it, and that's actually a failing of the British monarchy today.
17:07There's a British tradition that the scepter will not depart from them until Shiloh comes.
17:14Shiloh is the Messiah.
17:16That is Rael.
17:17He is Shiloh.
17:18He's here.
17:19They're not passing the scepter as their tradition holds that they must.
17:23They understand that they're to be replaced.
17:25It's part of their tradition.
17:27One of the queens, one of the more recent of the two queens, I forget which, said she should very much like to see the return of Christ.
17:35They look forward to it.
17:36I hope she's honest.
17:37But they don't recognize it.
17:38I do.
17:39I hope so, too.
17:40It's almost like it has to basically hit them in the face for it to really be that obvious.
17:45It really has to be irrefutable and something that is inescapable.
17:52Right now, it seems escapable because people are given a choice.
17:56They're being sorted.
17:57Certainly not irrefutable, but yeah, escapable is a word I would use, too, because they can hide in any hole on the earth right now,
18:06including that within their own mind or their own little created world.
18:09It was written that they would.
18:11Yeah, of course.
18:13It was written that they would.
18:16Yeah, that the kings of the earth would do that.
18:19But you would think that there would be some exception or hope for.
18:24One would hope.
18:25I've often said in this live stream that there are factions among the elite.
18:31They're not all for Satan.
18:32They're not all for Lucifer, Christ.
18:38There's a revelation for you if you weren't already caught up, but please beef up your reading comprehension and reread Isaiah.
18:45Isaiah 66, right?
18:48No, I don't believe so.
18:50It was 14 or 42 or 12.
18:53Four and two are the numbers that are sticking in my head.
18:57We'll go with that for now.
18:59We'll be covering that one on a full episode for sure, if God wills us to have the time to do so.
19:05And for those who study their Bibles much more, God bless you.
19:13But I would point out something that is...
19:15That's the only book in the world that I'm aware of where we really go by numbers.
19:21And there's some relevance to that, but that is a modern adaptation.
19:28That's not the way it was written long ago.
19:30It was written long ago not for you to remember a number, but for you to remember a message.
19:36That's the focus for me.
19:38And I hope it is for you too.
19:41The message being today that America is in rebellion against God.
19:48Against the monarch.
19:51The monarch.
19:53To replace all monarchs.
19:54I understand people's distaste for earthly monarchies.
20:02Human errors.
20:06Error or not, it is put in place by God.
20:10Man makes mistakes.
20:11God does not.
20:16So we have to submit.
20:17Here's a fun question for you, everyone in America.
20:22The political party that you most align with...
20:28Let's extend this to the rest of the world.
20:30It's Independence Day for America, but I sure hope the rest of the world is watching.
20:34You all have political parties as well.
20:36Even in Britain, there are different monarchies.
20:39Even in a monarchic state, there are different political parties.
20:43So, when the king is on the throne.
20:47When the final heir of David is on the throne.
20:50When the Son of Man is ruling this whole world from New Jerusalem.
20:54When all the nations... Yes, there will still be nations.
20:57When they are all paying tribute to the king.
21:01To Israel.
21:03The new Israel.
21:05Not the old one.
21:08When that time comes, what's your political party going to be?
21:12Will you be a Democrat?
21:17A Libertarian.
21:20You know, of all the American political parties, I do favor that one the most.
21:23Or I have for quite some time.
21:26But some revelations have come to me about it.
21:28An understanding that really should have clicked far sooner.
21:33Brief shout out to Gun Drummer.
21:36At the beginning of this, we played a gun cover of his.
21:41There's so much about America I still just love.
21:46That's a perfect example of it.
21:47It's hard not to be enjoying that when, you know...
21:53We've still got American Park to run through.
21:56We grew up there.
21:58We were as indoctrinated as anyone.
22:00You were a soldier yourself.
22:02Yeah, and like yourself, I also grew up in the country.
22:06Shooting guns was like a pastime.
22:08Yeah, I love it.
22:10And not necessarily killing animals, but just shooting at whatever target we put up.
22:15It's an explosion in your hand.
22:17Thing go that way.
22:18It's wonderful.
22:19So, yeah, shout out to Gun Drummer getting your page back up, man.
22:24And I'm probably saying a bunch of stuff that guys like him...
22:27You notice that flag behind him in that video was...
22:30Don't Tread On Me.
22:31Don't Tread On Me.
22:32That's the whole name of the song.
22:33And it's a reference to this core idea of what real America is.
22:38Yeah, what does the snake represent?
22:41The snake on the surface is...
22:46Well, it ties to that motto.
22:48Don't Tread On Me.
22:49What happens if you tread on a snake?
22:51On a steak.
22:52If you tread on a snake, it's going to bite you.
22:57There's got to be some deeper meaning.
22:58A grievous wound.
22:59There is a deeper meaning to it.
23:01There is a meaning that goes all the way back to the book of Genesis.
23:05When God said to Eve that a serpent would bruise her heel.
23:13You understand?
23:14America and its three main political parties...
23:18Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians.
23:23There is a symbolism of archetypes going all the way back to the Adam and Eve story.
23:30And extra-biblical events such as Lilith.
23:33You see, the Republican Party is very much the masculine.
23:36Very much like Adam.
23:40Very much led astray and imperfect in many ways.
23:45The Democratic Party, in all of its insanity...
23:51We can go into an entire video of that.
23:54Is very much akin to Lilith.
23:59It is, in many ways, demonic.
24:03But specifically demonic because of its absolute rejection of...
24:08The father.
24:09The patriarchy.
24:12But, Libertarianism, again, has been my favorite for so long because it does have some truly good values.
24:18But it has a core flaw.
24:21From its very...
24:23From its core!
24:25The notion that everyone is like a god.
24:28No one will quote this, of course, but that is what it is.
24:32Can I read from that scripture that you were referring to earlier?
24:36Genesis 3.15
24:39And I shall put hatred between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.
24:44She shall tread upon your head, and you will strike him in his heel.
24:49And that was God making a declaration to the serpent.
24:55So, there you have it.
24:57This Libertarian movement, it is very much...
25:02The last legs of that.
25:04Of that very curse.
25:08Understand that...
25:11As long as the idea of a monarch is so detestable to you...
25:16Especially the Davidic monarch...
25:18You cannot see the kingdom.
25:21You can't be in the garden.
25:23You can't enjoy its fruit.
25:28You have to give that up.
25:32Speaking of giving things up, and change is coming...
25:37Should we talk about this code that was discovered recently about July 4th?
25:42We should.
25:43Is it a good time for that?
25:44I think it is.
25:46So, this is a discovery from Cardinal Richard Ruff.
25:50I'll go ahead and zoom in for our audience to be able to see it better.
25:58If I can.
26:01If it will let me.
26:13It really doesn't, does it?
26:15I guess that's the max resolution on that photo.
26:17Well, I'll go ahead and read from it.
26:20This is July 2024.
26:24And it also, within the part that says 2024, is also for the numeral 4.
26:30So, it could be July 4th. It could also be July 2024.
26:33It's the main search term.
26:37Actually, July 5th. Excuse me.
26:39July 5th.
26:41Which, in Israel, is the night of July 4th.
26:45When those times overlap.
26:47When the fireworks are off.
26:50There's a couple of terms that stand out here.
26:54Belligerent, feisty, militant, combative is one word.
26:59That's in the yellow there on the right-hand side.
27:01The diagonal yellow.
27:03Right next to that is earthliness, worldliness, mundane-ness.
27:08Parallel to that, the brown square.
27:12The green octagon, it looks like, is alteration, modification, permutation, turnover, change, altering, transforming.
27:25And the green squares, going the opposite direction to the right of it, is to take revenge.
27:33And extending a little bit past that down below in the blue trapezoid is supersede, overwrite, replacing, substituting.
27:45And the orange diamond on the very right-hand side of that, going straight up, is the name Harris.
27:54Now, without going into a lot of details about the rest of the code here,
28:00it's important to know what's going on in American history right now.
28:06Particularly with the American president.
28:08President of the United States, Joe Biden.
28:11He's senile.
28:13He's lost the plot, so to speak.
28:15Plainly unfit.
28:17And the only viable temporary replacement would be Kamala Harris.
28:22Viable to a democratic perspective.
28:24She would be the first female president.
28:27She would be the first female president.
28:29She would be the first black female president.
28:34There's some modern...
28:36And she voted for Biden, so she's allowed to call herself black.
28:41According to Biden.
28:45Yeah, I think his quote was, if you don't vote for me, you're not black.
28:49You ain't black.
28:50You ain't black.
28:54And now he's senile.
28:56Now he's senile, yeah.
28:58As opposed to before.
28:59Yeah, he was totally okay then.
29:02But if you do look at it before and after, it's...
29:07This code might indicate that something big is coming,
29:10and it has to do with Kamala Harris.
29:12It has to do with a lot of these attributes and actions
29:18that may take place shortly after, during this time.
29:21I'm just going to come out and say that there's a very real possibility
29:24that Biden could be Kennedy'd in some form of accident, perhaps.
29:34If he, as crotchety old men do, refuses to budge,
29:40or more likely his wife refuses to get him to budge,
29:46she's very clearly pushing for him to remain in presidency at this point.
29:51But if they refuse to pass that to Kamala,
29:56it's quite likely that the Democratic Party will do the very sorts of things
30:00that it's known for.
30:03Corruption of the highest order.
30:07This code was discovered back in June,
30:10and around June time, it really wasn't that obvious
30:16that Biden was going to be replaced by Kamala Harris.
30:20In fact, nobody was really talking about that.
30:23It wasn't until recently, within the past couple of weeks,
30:26that it's been part of really serious discussion,
30:29even among Democrats within the past week after the debate.
30:33If we can call it that.
30:35Yeah, well.
30:36The very first debate in United States history
30:39that was televised and had commercial breaks in between.
30:43I've seen some interesting meme-ish type cartoons
30:48that depicted Biden getting an adrenaline shot
30:53every so often to stay awake,
30:56which could have very well been something like that.
30:59Or maybe it was some kind of adrenaline inhaler or something.
31:04You know, if it wasn't for his previous track record being what it was,
31:08and some of the actions that he's taken over the years,
31:11I would say, poor guy.
31:13It would be sad.
31:15There would be no humor in watching this go about.
31:18If it weren't for his track record as a politician.
31:20If it wasn't him.
31:21As being a lying scumbag.
31:24Probably the least honest politician in American history, by the record.
31:29She's got a public track record.
31:32That's a tall order.
31:33A public track record of being dishonest.
31:35Pretty high bar for dishonesty across the board in American politics.
31:38It's a surprise that he ever stayed in office.
31:40It's almost like the people of Delaware are completely retarded.
31:43Yeah, it's been a meme of American dishonesty before memes existed.
31:46American political dishonesty.
31:50Well, so I did take another look at this code.
31:53Quite recently, in fact.
31:56Early this morning.
31:57But hey, democracy.
31:59I researched that word Harris in the same matrix table.
32:06I looked for extensions.
32:10And it turned out that it extended quite a bit further than the original search term for July 2024 or July 5th.
32:17And what I found was multiple confirmations.
32:23Multiple confirmations.
32:25I've seen booms in there a few times.
32:28The main search term reads estimated boom hot Harris.
32:33And the confirming terms around this include many of the same ones that were in the original table.
32:40But I've only included the ones on the left side.
32:42Now, you and I have privately have spoken about this, brother.
32:45That what may be on the left side of the table could be a different message than what's on the right.
32:50And I totally agree with you on that.
32:52And this code is a confirmation of that.
32:54However, I'm only revealing the left side to the public because it has to do with them.
33:01The right side of this code, I believe, has to do with us.
33:05And I'm going to reveal that to our people privately.
33:08And I did allude to the fact that this software that we're using, while it is still available to the public, is no longer on sale.
33:17It is now the full price.
33:19And, unfortunately, for people who didn't jump on the opportunity to get it when it was first released, likely can't afford it.
33:27It's now mostly just for the elite.
33:30And it truly is valued as such because there is a profound message here.
33:37So, yeah, there's a lot here to go through.
33:40But I want to focus around where it says July 2024.
33:46Right above that is where it says alteration, change, modification, permutation, change, modifying, transforming.
33:54We've seen that before, but there's more.
33:56There's also detaching, plucking, pulling out, tearing off.
34:01There's also supersede, overwrite, replacing.
34:05There's also to take revenge, which we did see earlier in the other code.
34:12There's something about that I want to touch on because I mentioned the possibility of a quote-unquote accident or something Kennedy-style.
34:20This is where I think is the message with that is it says offspring right next to that.
34:26And this could be something about Hunter Biden, too, taking revenge.
34:33Or it could be against one of Trump's children, which they have been targeting Trump's children.
34:40So I think this offspring term might have something to do with taking revenge.
34:46Let's see here.
34:49There was one more that stood out to me.
34:54What I was going to say was that it's a very real possibility that, as false flags are, that would be very much the thing to make a false flag of, too.
35:05Just as we know, the July 6 event was very much orchestrated and coordinated.
35:10Yes, there's plenty of testimony about that.
35:13It wasn't a purely organic Republican action.
35:18It was a performance, guys.
35:22See it for what it is.
35:25The possibility of Biden being plucked might be something that they make a false flag of.
35:38What did the Lord say of America when he returned?
35:42Actually, I believe he played the video this morning.
35:45I believe his exact quote, if I'm not misquoting a bit or poorly.
35:50In speaking to America, you bully the world and feign victimhood.
35:55That's very much what might be about to take place.
36:01Right in the middle of these two terms, the light blue and the dark blue circle, on the left-hand side there, going diagonally, you see them overlapping each other.
36:16That's why I made them the same shape.
36:17You really need a pointer.
36:18I can use the mouse.
36:21These terms right here, going diagonally, they overlap each other.
36:26You see them right here.
36:28I know it says Spice Royale-y or colloquially out of reach, but it also says sky high, unattainable.
36:40Now, what kind of boom would go sky high?
36:45Think about that.
36:46The celebration of July 4th, also, there's all kinds of booms going sky high.
36:53That in itself is its own fulfillment.
36:56We also have here potence, potency, sexual potency, and marring callings, conversation, discourse, and talks.
37:07Now, there is talk about Kamala Harris being somewhat of a vixen, sleeping around, sleeping her way to the top.
37:19I can't say she did or didn't.
37:22I have no idea, but there is a military precedence concept that the Lord has tried to teach to us that a leader cannot have, and that's the appearance of impropriety.
37:35That's all it takes.
37:36She certainly has that.
37:37Not to mention her track record being arguably worse than Biden's in terms of her career before politics.
37:47Now, while I haven't searched extensions on any of these other terms, with exception to the main search term that's here, it's all I really was able to make time for this morning.
37:55I will continue to research this.
37:57I do expect there would be more.
37:59I anticipate there would be more.
38:01But here, kind of separating these here, all these, in between, is charge, instruction, order, prescript.
38:11And then on the left side of this, sort of its own message, Gentile, being a Jew, non-Jewishness, intersecting with Elohim.
38:29Now, like I said, there's a lot more to this code, and I'm going to reveal it to the Lord and his clergy very soon.
38:37It is private, just for us.
38:40I'm not going to reveal it to the public.
38:45You could do the research yourself if you had the software.
38:49If you don't, then you'll have to pay us.
38:54You'll have to pay us for each and every individual code that we research for you.
38:59That's fine.
39:00I mean, it's not as high of a price as the software itself.
39:04These are the words of the Most High God given to us for the last days.
39:08Sealed in the scroll, as it was told to Daniel, shut up until the last days.
39:13And, as it is in the book of Revelation, unsealed.
39:17This is the time those seals on the scroll are being opened, and people have had ample opportunity to take part in this.
39:23Oh, so much opportunity.
39:25So now you can pay for the privilege.
39:27Yeah, the options are limited.
39:29But I will provide a service of searching whatever code topic you want, including your own name, for a price.
39:36And the price will depend on the amount of work that needs to be done to achieve that goal.
39:41So, it's relative.
39:43Basically, I'll do the search for free, and I'll reveal it to you for a price.
39:48We've tried for so long to cast seeds everywhere, all over the place.
39:54But it's not time for that anymore.
39:56It's time for harvesting.
39:57It isn't time to sow seeds.
39:59It's time to separate wheat from the crop.
40:02It's time to gather our tithes into the storehouse.
40:06And it's time for people such as, not just each other, but the whole world that wants any degree of not only salvation,
40:15but acceptance and embracing in the new kingdom, to contribute.
40:22This code, I wanted to look again at the vertical terms.
40:26Let me bring it back up on the screen for our audience.
40:32If I'm not mistaken, the date is there twice vertically at the same skip. Is that?
40:38Oh, no, I was mistaken.
40:40The red term is, what's the fullness of the red term?
40:43The main term?
40:45The main term is estimated boom on Hot Harris.
40:55When I scroll, it just goes to other codes in the same folder.
40:58That's fine.
40:59So this date.
41:04Charge instruction, order prescripts, school teaching, etc.
41:07These are all synonyms for one Hebrew word that has multiple applications.
41:15Tie that same day, that same skip.
41:17I've often believed that there is a...
41:21Oh, never mind.
41:24Well, brother, I look forward to hearing your opinion on this,
41:29especially when we can have a private conversation about it.
41:32I think that some pearls should not be scattered before swine.
41:38No offense to our audience, but most of you are unworthy.
41:41Those who actually care to watch might have a better chance.
41:44They probably were guided to this.
41:46If you are watching, you likely have the ability to communicate with us directly.
41:50Reach out, take part, be part of the kingdom.
41:54And if you don't know how to communicate with us,
41:57it's not hard to find a way because there's somebody in the audience that does,
42:02and all you've got to do is reach out.
42:05So, look forward to having you with us again.
42:09Cardinal Eric Logan, Ecumenical Order of Christ, our Vicar General.
42:16And fellow priesthood and our audience,
42:21we hope that you join the flock of the Lord and remain as such.
42:25We hope that you've heard the voice of your shepherd and chose to follow.
42:31It's not time to rebel anymore.
42:33It's time to repent.
42:36You don't have to bend the knee to the British Crown.
42:38They're in a form of rebellion of their own.
42:40You would simply be sharing in that.
42:42Repent, bend the knee to the King of Kings.
42:47To those who do, love you, bye.
42:51And to those who don't, peace out.
42:56Love you, bye!