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#Hoshyarian #HaroonRafiq #SaleemAlbela #GogaPasroori #AghaMajid #ArzuuFatima #ComedyShow #Funny #Entertainment

Agha Majid aur Hoshyarian Family nay Patla Honay ka Iradah Karlia | Hoshyarian | Haroon Rafiq
00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching Hoshiyariyan.
00:07Friends, often you will hear that people will say,
00:11become a true believer, keep a reality check on yourself,
00:15keep realities in your mind, what are they?
00:18Reality? What is reality?
00:21You will become a true believer.
00:23Yes, I keep only the realities in my mind.
00:27But what are those realities, believe me.
00:31Actually, reality is that everyone's reality is different.
00:35If you are a rich man, and have never been poor,
00:38then you do not know what the reality of poverty is.
00:42If you are poor, and have never become rich,
00:45then you do not know what its reality is.
00:48If you have no children, then you do not know the reality of children,
00:52and if you have children, then you do not know the reality of an orphan.
00:56So, when we hate someone, when we criticize someone,
01:00when we say bad things about someone,
01:01when we raise our hands at someone,
01:03or when we see a government officer doing something wrong in your opinion,
01:09you have never seen him in his place.
01:11You are seeing your own reality.
01:13You are not seeing his reality.
01:16How will this difference end when we come to the real reality?
01:20And that is that everyone is a human being.
01:23God has created everyone in different circumstances.
01:27Everyone has their own realities in life.
01:29When everyone returns home,
01:32a war confronts them.
01:34When they fight and leave the house,
01:36a new war confronts them.
01:38You are not fighting that war.
01:39That is why you keep your own reality in mind
01:42and judge it based on its reality.
01:45From today onwards, try to like the reality.
01:49But the reality is that you should sympathize with everyone
01:52because everyone's realities are very different.
01:55Let's start today's show with this message.
01:58Today, we will take you to the park
02:00and see what the situation is like in the park in the summer.
02:04Yes, Shakir.
02:05Oh, God!
02:06Do you know that the biggest fitness trainers in Pakistan
02:11are all my students?
02:12Sir, don't say anything.
02:15The whole world is watching. I am your student.
02:19I think you have lost your mind.
02:22Don't you know them?
02:24Sir, don't you know them?
02:27Introduce yourself.
02:30Introduction is not enough.
02:33Of course.
02:33All the models and stars who have six apps,
02:37they are all my students.
02:41Look, those six packs are six apps.
02:46You think Mr. Vishak is here to train?
02:49No, he is here to eat.
02:55This is actually a straw for Mr. Vishak to drink water.
02:59How does such a big straw fit in his mouth?
03:02It is flexible.
03:05Mr. Vishak can fit it in his mouth.
03:09Why do you keep saying such things?
03:11Do you know why you are making fun of me?
03:13Because I talk to such people.
03:19You should come and get training from me.
03:21Don't just sit there.
03:22Sir, don't call it training.
03:24You should come and get fat from me.
03:27Why are you so arrogant?
03:29Do I look arrogant?
03:31How do I look?
03:32You fool.
03:33Check it.
03:34You will have to go today.
03:35Sir, if you get some leaves on your dress,
03:38it is a tree.
03:39Sir, when normal people breathe,
03:42they breathe like this.
03:44But he doesn't know how to breathe.
03:46When a man has to breathe,
03:49he tells his wife to move aside, he has to breathe.
03:52One day, the boy went inside.
03:57You have been to the park last time.
04:00You were saying that you are fat.
04:03Do you want to see magic?
04:08Where is he?
04:12Find me.
04:17You look like a kid in front of him.
04:19Sir, believe me.
04:20Even a kid is fat.
04:23Hey, look at the time.
04:26Where is my Shikhir?
04:27It is time for the class.
04:28Look, sir, the time is also here.
04:30Can't you see it up there?
04:32Okay, I think he didn't hire him to become smart.
04:36He has hired him so that he can be satisfied.
04:38Now I will give you whatever you say.
04:40You tell me, what colour is your jogger?
04:42What is this?
04:46Mr. Haroon, what you see here is not fat.
04:49Then what is this?
04:50This is pure muscle.
04:52This is pure muscle.
04:54What kind of pure muscle is this?
04:56This muscle is called pure fat.
04:59You know, this is future planning.
05:02When you eat food, you get 15 calories.
05:07Do you get it or not?
05:08How much fat is there?
05:09There is no flour, there is no bread.
05:11You will get the calories from inside.
05:14There is no need to eat so much.
05:15Okay, so you will be useful in school.
05:17This is the thing.
05:18Vishal, my friend, Vishal.
05:19Did you see the haircut of the teacher?
05:21Yes, yes.
05:22The teacher is also a cook.
05:25By the way, how much food does he eat?
05:26Oh, brother, a lot.
05:28How much food does he eat?
05:29He eats only once a day.
05:30Once a day, for the class.
05:33We will keep talking.
05:35Yes, yes.
05:36My grandson, let's go.
05:37Wow, uncle.
05:41Brother, the teacher won't let us go.
05:45Listen to me.
05:46Put one leg on the other leg and show me.
05:48One leg?
05:49Put it on the other leg and show me.
05:50Come closer.
05:52Come closer.
05:53No, teacher, if he makes a bet
05:55I will put your leg on the other leg.
05:57That means I will eat the opposite leg.
05:59No, no.
06:02Teacher, he doesn't have big legs here.
06:04He can put it there.
06:06If he makes a bet..
06:07At least try it. Come on, show me.
06:09Come on, well done.
06:10Yes, keep it.
06:16Yes, I won't give up.
06:22What has he done?
06:38One or two girls are naked
06:39and we have one leg.
06:43By the way, teacher.
06:45You won't get any benefit from this.
06:48Because you didn't pull your stomach.
06:49That's why all your fat was on your face.
06:51How is that?
06:52Do it and show me.
06:56Oh, man.
06:58There is a lot of crowd today.
07:01Sir, sir, sir.
07:06Please let me do my work.
07:07I will avoid people's talks.
07:10Okay, what do people say to you?
07:11Sir, they say that I have put on weight.
07:13I have gained weight.
07:14Believe me, I will get worried
07:16if I see myself in the mirror.
07:17You are old. You are so small.
07:20I have gained weight.
07:22Believe me, we shouldn't waste it.
07:25What else do we want?
07:26His stomach is not getting bigger.
07:27He is getting bigger himself.
07:31Okay, don't note that.
07:32If the stomach is getting bigger,
07:33the stomach is getting bigger.
07:34Sir, you don't have to worry at all.
07:37Yes, sir.
07:38I saw it with my own eyes.
07:39You had a lot of fat.
07:42Sir, who is telling you that you are fat?
07:44I can see it in you.
07:45I will come.
07:46You tell me, what have you come here for?
07:48Sir, I joined six months ago.
07:50You won't believe it.
07:51I was so fat when I came here.
07:54These are the hands of respected teachers.
07:55So, six packs have started coming out.
07:57It means that he is working a lot.
08:00But you are seeing a strange thing.
08:02The smart one thinks that he is getting fat.
08:04The fat one thinks that he is getting thin.
08:06Okay, what are you doing at this age?
08:08Sir, I want to make a beach body.
08:10Okay, you want to transform it.
08:12Beach into beach.
08:14But I don't think that I can make a beach body
08:15in the middle of these people.
08:17Sir, the teacher told me that
08:18my six pack abs will be made.
08:20Okay, you tell me, what is your scene?
08:22There is no one in the scene.
08:23I am not that kind of a boy.
08:25But I want to become an athlete.
08:26But Mr. Arun, he is such an influential instructor
08:29that all of them have come to become his students.
08:32Do you know what the real thing is?
08:33It is about motivation.
08:35I think he must be motivating them.
08:37He must be saying something.
08:38He is motivating himself.
08:41Actually, there is no one in the world
08:46who doesn't know how to lose weight.
08:48Everyone knows that they have to exercise,
08:50eat less,
08:51cut carbs,
08:53consume less calories.
08:54Everyone knows that.
08:55They have to drink more water.
08:56Everyone knows that.
08:56But what is the reason
08:58that people pay the fees
09:00but don't go to the gym?
09:01Why are you after my academy?
09:03What is your problem?
09:05I am saying that you are the reason
09:06why I have to join the class.
09:10You are underestimating me.
09:12There are 840 million followers on Instagram.
09:14How many?
09:15Of Ronaldo.
09:18What is the name of your academy?
09:19Fit and Slim.
09:20Sir, if you want to become more popular..
09:23..then bring Dhor first.
09:27What was that?
09:31Go and get the ball.
09:34Sir, I will get the ball but I will lose my moustache.
09:36Why did you lose your moustache?
09:37Sir, you lost one moustache
09:39but you have 12 moustaches now.
09:41Do you see?
09:42He is going to play cricket.
09:43He wants to become a batsman.
09:45Sir, he is not in his senses.
09:47He wants to play bowling and become a batsman.
09:50If you want to become a batsman
09:53then why are you making him play bowling?
09:55Sir, I am practising bowling first.
09:58Sir, I will play if I know how to play bowling.
10:02Sir, you are underestimating him.
10:04He has given me a formula.
10:05Eat as much food as you want.
10:07Do an exercise as per his instructions.
10:09Just for one and a half hours.
10:10What is that?
10:11Sir, I will show you.
10:18Sir, I have come to exercise.
10:20Why did you slap me?
10:22Sir, he doesn't know how to walk.
10:24He turns his back on four people.
10:26What are you doing in the park?
10:27Get him to do some exercise.
10:29Now you don't interfere.
10:30Please don't disturb us.
10:32Have you brought your mat?
10:33Oh, God!
10:34Go and get it.
10:35Sir, he is a new student.
10:37He will have to do physical exercise.
10:39Our teacher has started a club for exercise.
10:41We are doing it.
10:43How is that?
10:43Sir, we are doing it.
10:45Our internal system is working fine.
10:47Sir, I think I have polio in front of your knees.
10:52Sir, I think I have polio in front of your knees.
10:56Sir, can you do an exercise
10:58where I come down to bat?
11:02I want to hear my voice
11:04from the ladies' stand.
11:06Before you play, put your hand on the ball.
11:09Otherwise, your shirt will tear.
11:10It's my father's shirt.
11:12No, I don't want an autograph.
11:14Girls and boys take it.
11:16I want an exercise.
11:17I want a body and a face like this.
11:19I want a girl to take an autograph.
11:20I want an exercise to change her face.
11:24Move it.
11:25I want to do it on my face.
11:26I want freshness on my face.
11:28Come on, let's go.
11:29We have talked a lot about exercising.
11:31Lie down.
11:31Lie down now.
11:32I was lying down at home.
11:34Oh, man.
11:35Lie down.
11:37Don't talk to each other.
11:39You have to go to work in the morning.
11:44Sir, switch off the lights.
11:45I don't want to exercise.
11:47Coming, sir.
11:48Sir, your name is number one.
11:50Keep your arms below your head.
11:53Very good.
11:54Straighten your legs.
11:56Close your eyes.
12:02Whose voice is this?
12:13Did you get the bread?
12:16You are his trainer.
12:18Get him to do some exercise.
12:19He is sweating.
12:20Make him do it.
12:21Am I mad?
12:23I have brought 20-20 thousand rupees with me.
12:24Do you want me to make him work hard?
12:27What else do you want him to do?
12:28I have kept a stick in his place.
12:30He will do it.
12:33Sir, I have seen it carefully.
12:35It is just a stick.
12:37It is not a stick.
12:39Ajju Moti.
12:40He is not taking it.
12:41Sorry, sir.
12:43I got a little late.
12:44So, I brought Moti.
12:45He will have to pay for it.
12:49Moti, Ajju.
12:51He is a very strong dog.
12:52Which breed is he?
12:53English Mastiff.
12:54He must be bigger than you.
12:56The way you are pulling the dog,
12:58I think you are a loser.
13:02He is so strong.
13:03He can't even pull a half-sized stick.
13:06Why have you kept his leash so big?
13:09I think he has been bitten by a dog.
13:12If he is an English Mastiff,
13:14then he must be a very big dog.
13:16Sir, the rest of the dogs that are sitting here,
13:18they look like they have their own trainer.
13:21What nonsense are you talking?
13:22No, he is always like this.
13:24He doesn't come.
13:25No, no.
13:26He is so strong that he can even pull us.
13:29Hey, Akmit.
13:35English Mastiff is humiliating us.
13:39Okay, I will tell you about the diet today.
13:43Yes, where all do you want to take him to?
13:46Sit on this bench.
13:48Get up.
13:51Yes, sir.
14:08You didn't have to put your stomach inside.
14:11You are already so thin.
14:13Okay, listen to me.
14:14Is there an aerobics class going on here?
14:18Okay, what is the fee package?
14:20It's free.
14:23Okay, tell me, what is the time limit?
14:29Madam, for God's sake, go away.
14:32Don't beat them.
14:34Go away.
14:35When he doesn't get beaten up, he will get beaten up.
14:38When he doesn't get beaten up, he will get beaten up.
14:44You give me your number.
14:45I will WhatsApp the rest.
14:48Okay, listen to me.
14:50Is it going to make a difference to you to take this class?
14:53I will find a guy who will pay me Rs. 2 for the class.
14:56Or do you want to leave the pandemonium?
15:00What do you mean?
15:01Sir, come.
15:11Sir, come.
15:12It's a very responsible job.
15:13Okay, he was sitting with me.
15:15He would have got up and come under my pyjamas.
15:18I didn't believe it.
15:19Maybe he was hungry.
15:21Okay, he has come.
15:23He is a little spoiled since childhood.
15:25That's why he keeps doing mischief.
15:26Okay, since you have a rope, let him sit in the car.
15:29You sit there.
15:31Did anything happen before I came to the class?
15:33No, there was a casualty.
15:35What do you mean?
15:36You have put him in a very bad condition.
15:39There are only a few dogs.
15:41I have a lot of dogs of every breed.
15:43Actually, I am very fond of cars, raising dogs
15:47and building muscles.
15:48Yes, I think you should open your heart and find him.
15:53Sir, Moti is not getting controlled by you.
15:55Moti is so brave that he doesn't get controlled by me.
15:59I have raised him.
16:00By the way, can I get your number?
16:02Hey, Moti.
16:11Sir, I have found out.
16:13Moti has kept him.
16:16Do you know what Moti's owner calls him?
16:20And Moti has kept him in his house.
16:23He didn't get defeated. He got Moti's number.
16:25He is always like this during training.
16:33Excuse me.
16:35I want to talk to you.
16:36I also want to join your class.
16:39And I will also pay your fees.
16:41I will pay all your fees.
16:44And I will come at the same time as you say.
16:49She is saying, okay, go.
16:50In fact, if you say that I have to come two times
16:53in the morning and evening, I will come then too.
16:56I used to watch fairy tales since childhood.
16:59That fairies are so smart.
17:00I thought I should also become smart.
17:03Oh, I am dead.
17:07Listen, sir.
17:08There are people with light stomachs too.
17:11She stays here for two minutes.
17:12I and sir are dead.
17:14Sir, if you come once or twice
17:17we will have to get beaten up for you.
17:20I didn't see a smart dress before.
17:24Moti, move. Move.
17:26Move. Move.
17:27How are you?
17:32He is calling himself Moti.
17:35He is calling himself Moti.
17:39I don't want to live with Moti.
17:42He is calling himself Moti.
17:45Both of them are Moti's.
17:47They will keep saying the same thing.
17:52Ladies and gentlemen, let's take a break.
17:53We will meet again after the break.
17:55I can tell you, Mr. Binawal.
17:56That woman has a closed nose.
17:58Why does she have a closed nose?
17:59Because someone else should go where she is sitting.
18:02Yes, sir.