The Bible Code App

  • 3 months ago

Featuring Cardinal Clark Isaac, revealing the magnificent Bible Code app, discussing the Word of God, and making all this available to the public eye.
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00:30For three thousand and three hundred years since the Torah was scribed, as the Lord instructed
00:50to Prophet Moses, a message remained hidden within that text, from the prophecy of Daniel
01:00chapter twelve, verse four, But you, Daniel, keep these words secret, seal up the book
01:11until the time of the end.
01:14Many will rush here and there as knowledge increases.
01:19Our collective knowledge and technological ability have increased since that time.
01:26We are closer than ever to the prophesied end times, or time of the end.
01:35So it is certain that the Torah code is a complete fulfillment of this prophetic instruction
01:43depicted from within the book of Daniel, and confirmed at the time of Revelations.
01:52From the book of Revelation, chapter twenty-two, verse ten, And he saith to me, Seal not the
01:58words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.
02:06Some say that the equidistant letter sequence, or ELS, code can be found within many other
02:14books, such as War and Peace, or Moby Dick, which may be true in some capacity, or as
02:23it could be with many other texts with such a large amount of words within them.
02:30The major difference between the possibility of any of these or any other work of literature
02:38could have a comparable result.
02:41These are minuscule.
02:42To say the least, here are two simple facts about the Torah code that we should be mindful
02:51of that sets it apart from all other ELS equidistant letter sequences.
03:02No other ELS code can reproduce the insurmountable odds against random occurrence, sometimes
03:08one in over a million, sometimes one in over a trillion, sometimes one in over a quadrillion,
03:15sometimes one in over numbers that have no English reference to their size.
03:30No other ELS contains relatable and relevant terms within such close proximity to the primary
03:42search terms that have the most profound discoveries of the Torah code.
03:51Just these two facts alone prove the divine purpose and higher intelligence at work here,
03:59and we have only recently discovered, scraping the surface of what can be discovered.
04:09These revelations are merely the beginning of the astounding nature in this field of research.
04:19Many examples of how the Torah code and the Bible code, which, if you'll allow me to
04:27define it, the Bible code is like the Torah code, but in addition to the Torah, also expands
04:36to the Tanakh, which is the remainder of the Old Testament in the original Hebrew language.
04:46The prophetic discoveries that we have found, along with a few other researchers throughout
04:52the past 40 years, more recently with us, have predicted events before they occur.
05:02One of these predictions we call the glacial or frozen chastisement, where a polar vortex
05:11caused record freeze and snowfall to occur in many parts of the world, including the
05:17Middle East, on the 13th of December, 2013.
05:22This dated code was published months before the event was actually happening on that exact day.
05:32So here's a little bit about how the Torah code works.
05:36The Torah code is contained within the first five books of the Bible, the Old Testament,
05:42while the Bible code, of course, extends further through the Tanakh, the remaining books of
05:48the Hebrew Bible.
05:50The Torah code works like this.
05:52Letter by letter, the entire Torah, Tanakh, is fed into a computer program.
05:59Then words and sentences are searched using this ELS, or equidistant letter skips or spacings.
06:08ELS is used by cryptography and government code experts around the world.
06:15The most important and world-changing discovery yet, though, is one that all other Torah code
06:23researchers fear the results of, and that is the identity of the Messiah, who is confirmed
06:29in over a thousand recently discovered Torah code tables, using Torah decoding software,
06:38such as the vastly superior to all others Bible Code app, is what we are showcasing today.
06:48The is the URL.
07:02The, the very best of all Bible Code and Torah Code software available publicly
07:15within the world today.
07:18It's no wonder that there has been such an astounding outreach, people that would like
07:30to use this software to discover a message within God's Word that was previously hidden
07:38until the time of the end.
07:40This is the time of the end.
07:43And here we are, presenting these discoveries to you, to the public.
07:48Now don't get me wrong, many of these discoveries are kept hidden for a purpose, and often times
07:57we choose not to reveal some of these codes to the public.
08:03Take no offense, the software is available to you.
08:07You could discover this and much more yourselves.
08:11We also offer the service of doing this research for you, both of which are available under
08:21the pricing section of the
08:25And yes, our time is quite valuable to us, to God, as it should be to you.
08:34Here's a recent review of the software, from our Prime Cleric, Cardinal Richard Ruff.
08:42The is a groundbreaking tool that delves into the hidden depths of the
08:49Hebrew Bible, Torah, and Tanakh, using equidistant letter sequence, ELS, initially developed
08:58by Professor Eliyahu Ripps and his team.
09:02Expert coder Samuel Grenier has completely rewritten the app to utilize modern software,
09:11and it now goes way beyond traditional Bible code research, offering a unique perspective
09:17on the sacred texts.
09:20After using the quote-unquote keys to the Bible for ELS research for the past 20 years,
09:27with little to no updates, I have found that this new app has made the process of researching
09:33much more user-friendly, and 100 times quicker.
09:38The provides powerful search capabilities, allowing users to explore ELS
09:46patterns within both the Mesoretic and Leningradic texts.
09:52The Global Dictionary utilizes multi-Hebrew-English dictionaries, so you get the most accurate
10:02Easy for English speakers to use, knowing Hebrew is not a necessity, though understanding
10:08the Aleph-Bet is handy, and easy to learn.
10:14Automated updates that take only one click and a few seconds to complete, added features
10:19on a regular basis, with Samuel Grenier taking suggestion requests for future updates.
10:26I am looking forward to seeing what else Samuel will be developing for the,
10:33and must have for all serious Bible code researchers.
10:40Now I am sure you would love to see this software, and we have done some recent research on a
10:46topic, a dated code, for the 6th of July, titled 6th of July Rapture.
10:54Originally, this search was done through a different spelling, not 6th July Rapture,
11:03but July Rapture, from Cardinal Richard Ruff, expanded by Prophet Michael Hart.
11:12And here, we see additional researching done by myself, on this new application recently
11:19made available, 6th July Rapture.
11:25Now here we are going to showcase some of the software's features.
11:29Now forgive me if I don't go into great detail on all of the new features, and some of the
11:34features which you may be expecting from any, but I will do my best for you
11:40Here you can see something unique to this application already.
11:45As I've already done a code search, this is the matrix table that appears.
11:49I've already marked out the additional terms, and I'll show you how I got to that point.
11:53But as I hover over these lines of text, you can see clearly where within the Hebrew Bible,
12:02and in this case, the book of Genesis from the Torah, that this matrix table occurs with
12:08each line.
12:09You can see, clearly, chapter, verse, from the book of Genesis.
12:17Now, perhaps, coming someday, we may even be able to see the exact word within the scripture
12:25It would be a nice feature, and I fully expect that someday it will be made available.
12:32But this feature itself is unique to this software.
12:37As you can see here, with each of these terms, all I have to do is click Identify Terms,
12:49and what's brought up is a window that allows me to calculate the distance in viewport simply
12:56by manually entering that number here.
12:59Typically, I would suggest a distance, an x-axis distance, which is right to left, of
13:0616 from the main search term.
13:09Just keep it neat, and keep it relevant to what God intended be a message about this
13:15particular search term.
13:18Enter that number manually here.
13:24The y-distance, of course, you can have that be any number you wish, y-distance being top
13:29to bottom, bottom to top.
13:31I prefer 6.
13:34I click Perform Search, and immediately, with no delay, no perceivable delay, I can
13:43see multiple terms that appear within that proximity, their English and their Hebrew,
13:48the skip, the index, and even as I hover over, I can see which dictionaries they appear in.
13:54My custom dictionaries, which we'll get to soon, and some of the core software.
14:02Core software contains multiple dictionaries from acceptable public resources.
14:12As you can see on the top here, this is from the Masoretic Texts, but if I click Code Search,
14:20I can also select the Leningrad Codex, another factor, feature, unique to this software.
14:30Click on Open Codes, and I can tab through multiple results that I have saved here.
14:40Clicking the Save button allows me to manually save location and name of this result and
14:47many others.
14:48Font size, I can customize how it looks through the Matrix Viewer and bolster the terms.
14:56Focus, I can unlock it.
15:00Move it side to side, up and down, left and right.
15:04Typically it would be locked so that you don't lose track of your search term.
15:09I can click on each term result that I have marked, as it is here, and the Identify Terms,
15:17I have certain marked terms on this tab right up here.
15:23Now within the search, I perform this search, scroll over here to the right, through Actions,
15:32I can mark these terms.
15:35I can also select if there is more than one result in the dictionary for a term, I can
15:43select specifically which one I'd like to include, because it could include multiple.
15:50Because many Hebrew words have multiple definitions, such as this, Alternative, Choice, Dilemma,
15:58Option, Selection.
16:01Could it be mere coincidence that we've simply come upon this term here today?
16:06That we have these alternatives, these choices?
16:10Is it such a dilemma?
16:12Well, you might say so.
16:15For some, it could be a dilemma of sorts.
16:22Maybe one of the dilemmas that you're facing today is whether or not you're capable of
16:29affording this software, because the price has recently changed.
16:33Oh yes, and by quite a bit.
16:39The value has always been great.
16:45The value of this information, the value of the Saints of the Returned Christ and the
16:49time they put into presenting this to you, helping you, supporting you, in learning how
16:55to use it, in interpreting its message, yes, the perceived public value has increased.
17:03Is it comparable to the actual value?
17:07I would say no.
17:09I would say you're still getting a discount.
17:12Keep that in mind.
17:18Look back 2,000 years.
17:21Consider Christ's Apostles being available to the public, to individuals.
17:32What value would you put on the opportunity to speak directly with one of the Apostles,
17:45to utilize a tool of divining prophecy that they themselves use, having the opportunity
17:54to stand next to Moses while he's on the top of the mountain, preparing to present
18:03a message from God to the public, and you have his ear.
18:13The value of that, you can't put a price on.
18:19But we want to be available to you, and our time is valuable to us.
18:26Imagining you could speak to Prophet Moses, imagining you could speak to Prophet Elijah
18:30while they are reincarnated in the world today, and they serve the Returned Christ, Lord Royal.
18:38Many of his Apostles have also returned, few of which have been identified.
18:45This information, well, this information is also made publicly available as to who
18:50they are.
18:53Most available through the Torah Code's Facebook group, currently a public group.
19:03Don't anticipate that'll change anytime soon, unless Facebook changes its terms of service
19:07or the Prophet Moses himself decides to make what was publicly available, these pearls
19:13that we have cast before swine, no longer available to them to trample underfoot.
19:20Well, that would be his choice, wouldn't it?
19:22These are his pearls that he has put in place, but the reality of which is they are God's
19:31They are messages from God.
19:33And what we have done with this message over the past 12 years, 13 years, is give freely
19:43to all of you.
19:45Most of you don't appreciate it.
19:47I shouldn't say that's fine, but nor is it acceptable, but it is what it is.
19:58And you will do as you do, and we will do as we must.
20:09Consider this message, and many of those like it, a blessing to you, an opportunity to repent,
20:19to accept the message from the Word of God, the Apostles of the returned Christ, whose
20:27name means the Word of God, Rael.
20:33With what little time you have left on this planet, make the best of it.
20:39And so, in so, may God bless you, in Lord Rael's name.