citizens khan

  • 2 months ago
00:00You can come and stay with us in the holidays.
00:01There'll be plenty of room now we're getting the loft done.
00:04Can you afford that?
00:05Dad's lending us the money, aren't you, Dad?
00:09That reminds me.
00:11I can't lend you the money.
00:12Why not?
00:14I spent it on Alia's university.
00:16You spent our loft money on Alia?
00:19It's not my fault.
00:21If Alia had failed her exams like we thought she was going to,
00:24she wouldn't be going to university.
00:27So technically, it's her fault.
00:30Why didn't you tell me before?
00:31I'd have borrowed the money from the bank.
00:33I'd done it last year.
00:34But, oh.
00:37Don't borrow from the bank, you said.
00:39Always borrow from family.
00:41Our rates are much better.
00:48Doesn't sound anything like me.