citizens khan

  • 2 months ago
00:00I've got to go to the mosque my photo shoot in 10 minutes. There's a photo shoot at the mosque
00:04Yes for the annual mosque magazine. Are you in it? I'm in it every year
00:14You see the person who represents the mosque must be perfect embodiment of a Muslim man
00:19I got big beard nice hat classic suit
00:24Tradition never goes out of fashion Amjad you young people spend too much time on the space book hot males
00:31watching videos on boob tube
00:35This is what it's really about
00:38You want to feel it?
00:41No, thank you, sir. It's okay. You can touch it feel my beard go on
00:53What do you think? It's bushy, isn't it?
00:56It's very bushy sir
00:58And I tell you something else beads are very popular now
01:02Did you know one in five men in the UK has a beard in Pakistan? It's double even more if you include the women's