Bonkers Episode 10 (Cartoon for kid) HD

  • 3 months ago


00:00You know, Lucky, I'm getting so I can tell a crook just by looking at him.
00:13Take this one, say for example.
00:15Look at those shifty little eyes, that twisted smile, those crooked two-fers.
00:19Hey, that's a picture of my mother.
00:23Oops, sorry, I didn't recognize her without the mustache.
00:28Well, back to work.
00:30Take a taste, take a taste, to make a taste, taste better.
00:42Believe me, bunkers, you need years of experience like I have to tell the good guys from the bad guys.
00:48Do you know when it's good news knocking at your door or just plain trouble?
00:52Horsons, we're three good guys with lots of trouble.
00:55I'm Hokey Pig, and these are my brothers, Knuckles and Chomps.
00:58Nice meeting you.
01:02Our racket, er, game, is real estate. We build and sell fine homes.
01:07Only, we have a problem, a wolf problem, and we need your help.
01:12Oh, this is sounding all too familiar here. Three little pigs, big bad wolf, hello.
01:20Well, we are not those guys. We are the three big pigs.
01:23Yeah, but we do have a mean old wolf blowing down homes in our latest subdivision, Porkwood.
01:28Right, and I suppose you want us to throw him in a slammer.
01:31Bingo, that's it, baby, you are brilliant.
01:34Don't worry, we'll find that mean old wolf in no time, while we'll coon the entire city.
01:47By the way, how mean is this wolf?
01:49Real mean.
01:51I'm sick of that. This guy might be tough to find. In fact, it might take forever to find him.
01:55Oh, no, no, no, no, no, it won't.
01:57Well, let's check our local guide to the wolves of Hollywood here.
02:01Huh, well, that was convenient.
02:03At 943, every Tuesday morning, you can find the mean old wolf at the donut stand on the corner of Magnolia and Lancashire.
02:09Reading the paper and eating a banish.
02:13Hmm, too much can't be more specific.
02:15It's a southeast corner. See you, gotta go, bye.
02:17Hmm, sounds like we have a case.
02:19What's up, partner?
02:20Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't just go pick up this wolf without any proof.
02:24Hey, slam your eyeballs against this, baby, we have proof.
02:27Take a look here, the wolf blowing down a house.
02:29Let me see that.
02:34Oh, yes.
02:49Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
02:55You look a little nervous, Bonkers.
02:57You're not afraid of that wolf, are you?
02:59Me, afraid?
03:01I'll make that mean old bully wish he'd never huffed and puffed in his life.
03:05Yeah, it's kind of big, though.
03:13Um, excuse me, uh, Mr. Wolf?
03:16Are you talking to me?
03:18M-m-maybe, maybe.
03:20B-b-b-but are y-y-y-you the big old wolf?
03:23Yes, I am.
03:24I'm the big old wolf.
03:26I'm the big old wolf.
03:28I'm the big old wolf.
03:30I'm the big old wolf.
03:32B-b-b-but are y-y-y-you the big old m-m-m-mean old wolf with the-the big arms and the-the soles and the b-b-b-big teeth?
03:45Hey, you're not very big.
03:47That's right, I'm not very big.
03:50What did I say to you?
03:52Oh, he's just curious.
03:54We're taking you in on a 38-10B, blowing down a house without a license.
03:57Yeah, we're taking you in, woof.
04:01Can we go now?
04:05Okay, pigs, see if you recognize who blew down your homes.
04:09And, uh, take your time, don't rush.
04:11I know this can be tough.
04:13Oh, yeah, this is gonna be a toughie, all right.
04:16He did it.
04:17See you, gotta go, bye.
04:23I still don't see why we're blaming the wolf for blowing down our houses.
04:27What do you have, bacon for brains?
04:29We gotta blame somebody for our cheap houses falling down.
04:32Okay, why do we build cheap houses?
04:36Okay, I'll explain this one last time.
04:39We build the homes for very little money.
04:43But we sell them for lots of money, and then we get very, very rich.
04:47Okay, but what does the wolf get?
04:50A nice fat tail, some pigs.
04:55Hmm, you know, this is a toughie.
04:59I mean, how do we know the wolf's guilty?
05:01Look, the three pork rinds see the wolf blow down a house.
05:04The pig's ID the wolf, it's an open and shut case.
05:10Hey, what do you know? I got an idea.
05:17Stop, please, I'm too young to go to jail.
05:21Look, you wanted to make sure the wolf was guilty,
05:24so now I'm going clue hunting in Porkwood,
05:27and you're going undercover.
05:29I can't go undercover, I don't have a thing to wear.
05:31Well, what do you know?
05:33I just so happen to have a spare wolf costume in my pocket.
05:37Wait, wait, wait, hold the phone.
05:38I can't play a wolf just like that.
05:40I am a method actor.
05:42I need to know the innermost thoughts of my character first.
05:46Just act tough, the wolf will respect that.
05:53All's I have to do is act tough.
06:02I'm dead.
06:03Oh, yeah.
06:11Yeah, I'm tough.
06:12Oh, yeah, tough.
06:13That's me.
06:14Tougher than nails.
06:15Tougher than a pistol with a pipe bomb.
06:17Tougher than...
06:18Oh, what's a big idea?
06:19Staring at itty bitty moths?
06:21Yeah, that'd be a shame.
06:24Careful, you.
06:25I don't want to have to hurt myself.
06:28Perhaps you don't know who I am.
06:32Well, you know that red riding hood caper?
06:35That was me.
06:37Yeah, and Bo Peep?
06:38She didn't lose a sheep.
06:40I ate him.
06:42Yeah, that's right.
06:44I'm the rough and rugged Wolf of Westwood,
06:46and there's nobody tougher.
06:50So what?
06:58Looks like we got some problems.
07:00Yeah, you're right.
07:01We can't have that copper snooping around Porkwood.
07:06Cause if that cop sees a house fall down and a wolf isn't around,
07:09he'll know we're lying.
07:11Well, if the wolf's ever been to Porkwood,
07:13he hasn't left behind any clues.
07:15Dusted every doorknob and haven't found a single paw print.
07:28Maybe we should scab him off?
07:30Too messy.
07:31Besides, I got a plan that'll keep us out of trouble.
07:36That'll keep you two out of trouble.
07:40You know, I've never been one for jewelry,
07:42but this is kind of cute.
07:47There must be some way I can buddy up to the wolf.
07:50I know.
07:51I'll talk to him about macrame.
07:53Nah, too controversial.
07:57So, what do you want to talk about?
07:59Uh, well...
08:00I know.
08:01We're prisoners, so we should be talking jailbreak.
08:05You probably already have a plan.
08:07It's okay.
08:08You can tell me.
08:09We're jailmates.
08:10Prison pals.
08:11Convict compadres.
08:12And, you know, that's the kind of thing we talk about.
08:15Guards! Guards!
08:19You want the guard to hear?
08:20Come on, they won't suspect a thing.
08:22So, just between us, what's the plan?
08:24Do we use saws?
08:27Pocket peeler?
08:28Do we dig a tunnel?
08:33Too low a profile.
08:34Something flashier.
08:35Oh, I know.
08:39Hurry up, balloon!
08:47Well, he certainly look like Toon Wolf Prince to me.
08:53This ought to make sure the wolf gets all the blame.
08:56Ah, Officer P. Quell.
08:58What are you doing here?
09:00Pick Cal, and I'm on an investigation.
09:02You're on an investigation?
09:04No kidding?
09:05How long will it take exactly?
09:07Days, weeks, months.
09:11Depends on the clues.
09:21Wait, I know.
09:27You blasted your way out.
09:30Like this.
09:41I hope they don't take this out of my salary.
09:45I guess this means we won't be staying for dinner.
09:52Jailbreak! Jailbreak!
09:55Here, boy! Come here, boy!
09:57Come on, boy!
09:58I got us a jailbreak!
10:00I know.
10:01Just escape with some Toon in a deep wolf costume.
10:34Boy, he's good.
10:36Can't eat a bank of cherry pie.
11:16Well, at first I was suspicious of you porkers.
11:19Wasn't sure if I believed your story about the wolf blowing down houses.
11:22But these wolf tracks didn't just fall out of the sky.
11:26Yeah, right, right.
11:27Oh, yeah, and it takes a pretty smart guy to realize something like that, I'll tell you.
11:32Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
11:34Oh, yeah, sure.
11:36And there's a place for a smart guy like you in Porkwood, absolutely.
11:40Yep, this could be all yours.
11:42Just imagine you and your family living here.
11:44Imagine enjoying this widescreen TV, later disc player, and surround sound system.
11:49Now, how much would you pay?
11:50Wait, don't answer. There's more.
11:51Imagine sitting in this vibro-magic massage chair.
11:55Oh, yeah.
11:57Feels pretty good.
11:59Oh, what am I thinking? Forget it.
12:01It's out of my price range.
12:03Not if it's free.
12:07That's what I said, baby.
12:08A little reward for catching the wolf.
12:10Besides, you would be performing a service.
12:12With a police officer living here, people would be assured that Porkwood is safe.
12:17No kidding.
12:23That tickles.
12:24Don't do that.
12:25Why, we'll sell these places faster than they can fall down.
12:29Hey, Knuckles, Chomps, show this gentleman here the sauna, the jacuzzi, and the bowling alley.
12:36Bowling alley?
12:37Man, this is great.
12:38When can I move in?
12:39Well, I'll give you the keys at our grand opening, right after you cut the ribbon.
12:45I get to cut the ribbon?
12:53We'll have a couple of T-bone steaks.
12:55And a hacksaw.
12:56We heard that steaks were tough here.
13:01Wow, Elvis ketchup.
13:03I'll have to get one of these for Lucky. It's a souvenir.
13:10Excuse me.
13:22Excuse me.
13:23The meat is tougher than we expected.
13:24Perchance, do you have, oh, I don't know, a torch?
13:28I'm looking for a couple of escapees.
13:31Have you seen anyone suspicious looking?
13:33No, not me.
13:34No, sir.
13:35Well, keep your eyes peeled.
13:37They may look dopey, but they might be dangerous.
13:40Say, you two boys look familiar.
13:42Oh, really? We've never been there.
13:44Uh-oh, maybe it's our show. We're professional Abraham Lincoln impersonators.
13:48Hit it, A.B., baby!
13:49Well, uh, four score and seven years ago.
13:53Hey, you're pretty good. You do birthday parties?
13:57I'm sorry, books on a two-president state. Maybe next year.
13:59Book on you.
14:08Whoa! Bridge out!
14:12Well, I guess here is where we have our wolf-to-wolf chat.
14:16About what?
14:17Well, for waiting.
14:20Let's pull off the pig gig.
14:24Every time a basket of goodies gets swiped or a house gets blown down,
14:29they blame it on a wolf.
14:31Couldn't you just huff and puff and blow this guy away?
14:34Ah, that's the big bad wolf. I'm the mean old wolf.
14:38Although, I have blown down a pig's house, sort of.
14:42But I always pay for them.
14:44I can't even control what I huff and puff.
14:47It's just an allergy.
14:51So, you're saying you're just a big sneezer?
14:54Don't even know what caused it.
14:57So, you're saying you're just a big sneezer?
14:59Don't even know what caused it. It just happens.
15:02Suddenly I'm huffing and puffing and blowing down pig houses.
15:07This calls for plan two.
15:09Albus, do your stuff.
15:16You know, I'm starting to like you, buddy boy.
15:24You! You're the cop who busted me!
15:27Oh, did I forget to mention that? Silly me.
15:34I can't believe it.
15:36I thought you were my friend,
15:38but you're nothing but a bobcat in wolf's clothing.
15:42What do you know? You're right.
15:44I thought I looked familiar.
15:49Well, I guess this is it.
15:51Promise me you'll tell the gang I look with a smile on my face.
15:54Well, not exactly a smile. It's more like a grimace.
15:57It's not exactly a... Never mind.
15:59What was I doing up against the three big pigs
16:01that you blew down their houses? Is that so wrong?
16:18Nutty Hattie, any calls till I was gone?
16:20Now, say what?
16:22I'm not gonna hurt you.
16:25Ah, you've been a pretty nice guy.
16:28Fool of Oni.
16:29Besides, it's those pigs I really want.
16:34Sorry, but as an officer of the law, I can't allow that.
16:37Look, have you ever been framed?
16:41Just once.
16:42But the picture really didn't do me justice.
16:44I'm talking about the pigs setting me up.
16:47I knew that.
16:48Hey, I'm talking about you helping me find out why.
16:51Somebody needs a mint.
16:53Look, I don't know.
16:54After all, it is just your word against theirs,
16:56and there's three of them, and there's only one...
16:59Hey, when we air this promo tape,
17:01the customers are going to come pouring in like mud.
17:04And just remember, when it's a pig home, it's a joy to be in hock.
17:08And what does that mean?
17:10It's going to make us rich, Dodo.
17:13And now, to cut the ribbon and open Porkwood,
17:16we are very happy to have our first homeowner,
17:19Detective Lucky Piquel.
17:22Thank you.
17:23It's Piquel.
17:31Hold it, slow down.
17:33Can't we all just get along?
17:35We can't budge in on the pigs like this.
17:37They're law-abiding citizens.
17:39Oh, and what am I?
17:41You're a wolf.
17:43Yeah, yeah, I'm the mean old wolf.
17:45But I'm also loving and caring, kind, sensitive,
17:49and a fool about hot cocoa on a cold winter's night.
17:53And I'm innocent.
17:55Why, I've never wrecked one of these pig houses in my life.
18:02Did I do that?
18:05Boy, looks like some pretty shabby construction.
18:09Yeah, and it looks like you just proved who is guilty.
18:13And furthermore, Detective Piquel has assured us
18:16that there will be no more wolf problem.
18:18Isn't that right, Lucky?
18:21And that's Piquel.
18:22We've seen the last of that wolf.
18:24My name isn't...
18:25Lucky, over here.
18:29Uh, excuse me.
18:31I think I left some brownies cooking in the oven.
18:34I'll be right back.
18:36Bonkers, what are you doing here?
18:37You should be in jail watching a wolf.
18:39Don't worry, I brought him with me.
18:41Hi, remember me?
18:43Bonkers, he's supposed to be in prison.
18:46It's the pigs who should be in prison.
18:48What are you talking about?
18:49And make it snappy.
18:50I got a rib in the gut.
18:51The pigs are using cheap building materials
18:52to defraud the public.
18:54That's impossible.
18:55The pigs are respectable contractors.
18:57Oh, yeah?
18:58Bonkers, go ahead, hit me.
19:00If you say so.
19:03I meant hit me with the board.
19:05Oh, yeah, sorry.
19:10You see?
19:11That proves that pigs are using cheap building material.
19:14And that I'm a glutton for punishment.
19:16Oh, terrific.
19:18The pigs are about to swindle hundreds of homeowners
19:20and I was about to help them.
19:22Wow, that's a brilliant deduction, really.
19:26You're a little late.
19:28Oh, yeah?
19:29And what's going to stop us from spoiling your little scam?
19:32How about a couple of tons of concrete?
19:37Yep, that ought to do it.
19:45Come on, boys, we got houses to sell.
19:48Can't you huff and puff or something?
19:50Sorry, but like I told Buddy Boy,
19:52the huffing and puffing is an allergy thing.
19:54Well, then, maybe it's time to see what you're allergic to.
19:57What if it's hay?
20:02Maybe it's a bag of 60 sitcoms?
20:04And I thought the pigs were going to give me a house, no charge.
20:07I should have known there's no such thing as a free lunch.
20:10Did someone say lunch?
20:11Bonkers, this is no time to eat.
20:13We're not talking eat, we're talking defeat.
20:15Take a whiff, Wolf.
20:16Take a whiff, Wolf.
20:29And remember our slogan, folks.
20:31When it's a pig home, it's a joy to be in huff.
20:51What do you know?
20:52The mean old Wolf turns out to be a good guy.
20:55So how'd you know what he was allergic to?
20:56Elementary, my dear Piquel.
20:58Every time the Wolf huffed and puffed in the past,
21:00he was around pigs.
21:02Ergo, and hence, he is allergic to pork,
21:04and therefore the ever-popular hen sandwich.
21:07Hold the mail.
21:09Oh, no.
