• last year
The Bill S26E19 Deadly Consequences
00:00Are you sure it's the body, sir?
00:02It's small. It's all wrapped up.
00:04But it looks like it's seen hair. It looks like human hair.
00:07OK, sir. Can you give me the precise location?
00:09Yeah. Greenwood Common, just up the adjustment...
00:12Stevie! Stevie!
00:16Has the missing kid shown up yet?
00:18No. Look at the screen.
00:26Over there, by the building.
00:31Excuse me, madam. Out of my way. Thank you very much.
00:34Get the dog out, please, sir. Thank you very much. Thank you.
00:51Right. Come on. Out, please.
00:53Everyone move back, please. Just move right away.
00:55OK, we're going to have to get this place cleaned up.
01:19I wish I could swap places with you, Jake. I really do.
01:23Yeah, well, I'll be coming down later anyway, so...
01:29What do you mean? Why not?
01:34Come on, mate.
01:36I won't be there long and...
01:38I need to see you.
01:41All right, look, I'll call you back in a bit, Jake, yeah?
01:48The missing schoolboy the mother reported.
01:50They found a body.
01:52Is it a match? Yeah.
01:59Just to let you know that Ben and Leon are with a family dog.
02:01They've been told we've found a body, but that's all.
02:03OK, thanks.
02:06There are only apparent injuries to the side of his head.
02:09There's no defence injuries, no real sign of a struggle.
02:13When did you say he went missing?
02:15This morning, about 8.00, 8.15.
02:18Two and a half hours ago, OK.
02:20What about his clothes?
02:22Well, we've done a quick search of the area, but there's no sign of them.
02:25The injury to the head, that's what's killed him?
02:27Well, I can't see anything else.
02:29The weapon would have been something angled, pointed.
02:32It's barely broken the skin, and there's no sign of that either.
02:35Was he killed here?
02:37Listen, I only got here about ten minutes ago, so...
02:39Well, the body was wrapped in that blanket, so it does suggest he was moved.
02:42Well, the lab will have a look at that.
02:44We can identify him with scars or moles.
02:46Well, I haven't even finished taping the body yet.
02:48The family needs to know if this is their little boy.
02:50Yeah, and what are the family going to say if the suspect walks free?
02:52Because the forensics are all over the shop.
02:58OK, Eddie, how about we give you 20 minutes, OK?
03:09Here they are.
03:17Mother, stepdad, grandmother inside.
03:19How are they doing?
03:21Not good. They just want to know if it's him.
03:25You guys want to get yourself back to the scene?
03:28Next time a shark goes out for a missing child, I'm going to pull up and let someone else get it.
03:33I ain't joking. I can't handle it.
03:37I'm sorry to have to do this, but I need to ask you a couple of questions, Jane.
03:41For confirmation.
03:45Does Matthew have a small birthmark on his left shoulder blade?
03:50Does he have a scar just below his right knee?
03:53About an inch long, vertical?
03:56Look, you've seen the body. Just look at those photos and tell us.
04:15It's the hospital again.
04:17About Poppy.
04:20Who's Poppy?
04:22It's my granddaughter, Mattie's sister. She's in for an operation.
04:27What sort of operation?
04:29Kidney transplant.
04:35How old is she?
04:40Have they gone ahead with it?
04:52How are we going to do this?
04:54I don't know.
04:56We can't tell her.
05:00But, um...
05:02She's got to be the priority. One of us has got to be there with her.
05:06I can't.
05:08I can't.
05:10All right, then, it's me.
05:15Mrs Pearce?
05:19I understand, of course, you don't want your granddaughter to be alone, but are you...
05:24Are you really in a fit state to support her?
05:27Well, I'll have to be, won't I?
05:29Um, isn't there any friends or family you could call?
05:34We have been waiting so long for this.
05:37I don't know, Mattie, it's been what we've been holding her for.
05:40It'll be OK.
05:41No, it won't.
05:45I have to get through it. I'll have to figure out how.
05:47Let us help you.
05:52Let us help you.
05:54Let us help you.
06:00Tread carefully, phone anything new through to Stevie.
06:03You're going to be able to handle this.
06:04Listen, it's their tragedy, not mine.
06:06Well, I think you're going to have to dredge up a little bit of sympathy if you want to get coherent statements from them.
06:09I'm not saying that I don't...
06:10You've got the missing person report she filed. Start with that.
06:12Take it at the wrong pace. But if it's not working, let me know.
06:14I'll put someone else in there.
06:25The mother realised Matthew was missing
06:27when she went to drop his homework diary off at Deansgate Comp at ten o'clock.
06:31He wasn't there.
06:33If he leaves, number one, Swallow Road at about 8.15,
06:36he takes the three-quarter of a mile walk to the school, cutting through the woodland.
06:39That would take him about 15 minutes, bang in the middle of Russia.
06:42Exactly. So someone must have seen something.
06:44Max and Terry, you take CCTV.
06:46Banksy, can you talk to the school?
06:48Joe's heading up the team on the ground.
06:50See if you can find anything.
06:52Joe's heading up the team on the ground,
06:54so Stevie, manage the info from Joe, Grace and the rest of CID.
06:58What about the blanket he was wrapped in?
07:00We don't know where it came from. It's still at the lab.
07:02Do we think he was killed in that spot?
07:03Hard to tell, although there's no murder weapon.
07:06Eddie thinks the bloodstain means that he could have been moved.
07:10Any indication of sexual assault?
07:12Not yet.
07:13The fact that he was naked, covered up, but in a remote spot...
07:16We're not talking hit and run, are we?
07:18Yeah, but we don't know for sure yet, so we'll keep an open mind.
07:20You all know what they're doing?
07:22Thank you.
07:23Terry, is it staying so happy that keeps you going?
07:29Have you had a look round his room yet?
07:31Oh, well, yeah, I was just about to do that.
07:33Grace, we need to know if he's left anything behind that we can work with.
07:36Garth, I've been phoning people for them.
07:38OK, well, let me know if anything comes up.
07:40Will do. OK.
07:48How's Jane doing?
07:50We need to know he didn't suffer.
07:53That he was dead before anything else happened.
07:56As soon as I know more, I'll let you know.
08:01We fought like cat and dog.
08:04But I loved him like he was my own son.
08:07Did you see Matty before he left for school this morning?
08:10No, he got back from Reading two hours ago.
08:12That's where you work?
08:14The last four days. On a building site.
08:18Do you think it'd be OK if I take a look at Matty's room?
08:20Are you going to take his things?
08:25Look, why don't you come upstairs with me?
08:28Then you can make sure that I don't touch or move anything you don't want me to.
08:52When Dad died, she cleaned the whole house from top to bottom.
08:58I think she's just emptying the bins, Jane.
09:01Within three weeks, she got rid of every last trace of him.
09:03We weren't allowed to mention his name for a year.
09:06Jane, are you OK if I get someone to come take this away?
09:09It might help.
09:12Thank you.
09:22Jane, is this his school bag?
09:47OK, thanks, Grace.
09:48Gav, Matty wasn't going to school this morning.
09:51Hold on. Matty's teacher says he's a quiet kid, difficult to get through to,
09:54and doesn't mix with the other children in his class, and he plays truant.
09:58So he bumped off.
10:01Which means this whole timeline could be completely wrong.
10:07Yeah, thanks, Mum.
10:24Gav, is everything all right?
10:29How's Jake doing?
10:34Kima must be tough.
10:36I saw my father-in-law go through...
10:37Yeah, I appreciate your support, Banksy, I really do,
10:40but you don't have to keep checking up on me, you know?
10:46Truth is, it's torture.
10:53His hair's falling out.
10:56He's losing weight.
10:57I'm sure he thinks it's killing him.
11:02Why don't you take some time off, Gav?
11:05He's got his mum there, and her partner, and...
11:09I'd do more good here.
11:15OK, I'm on my way.
11:27They don't want me here, and I don't want to be here.
11:30No one will miss me.
11:31It's off Matthew's computer.
11:33Hates school, hates his stepdad,
11:35or at least he thinks his stepdad hates him.
11:37Sounds like he's found someone to talk to.
11:40I get the impression they don't know each other all that well.
11:42Well, they share in a hell of a lot.
11:44Any idea how old this Alan's?
11:46Says that he's 12.
11:47Well, why is he asking Matthew to send him a photo?
11:50Maybe to see who he's speaking to?
11:52As far as grooming's concerned, Matthew ticks every box.
11:55Vulnerable, friendless, having a tough time at home.
11:58Hang on, just scroll back.
12:01I need to know you're still up for this.
12:04Up for what?
12:05I don't know.
12:06Matthew stopped replying a few days ago.
12:08Maybe they've had some sort of fallout.
12:19It looks like they were meeting up this morning.
12:41We got some witnesses?
12:42No, but we think we've identified Al.
12:44Alistair Gilmore. No prior convictions.
12:47According to records covering a theft he reported over a year ago,
12:50he's 43 years old.
12:52Let's go.
12:56Let's go.
13:01Alistair Gilmore, it's the police. Open the door.
13:05Do it.
13:34Hey, what's going on?
13:36Hey, I live there.
13:37Alistair Gilmore.
13:38Yeah? Yeah.
13:39We're arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Matthew Watts.
13:42Gav, Gav.
13:43Are you Al? Is your name Al?
13:45Yeah, we're both Al.
13:48Is Matthew dead?
13:52I've never met him.
13:54But today you were going to.
13:57I want you to tell us about that.
13:59He's terrified, OK?
14:01You need to make it crystal clear to him that he's not in trouble.
14:04All right, we're just interested to know why you were going to meet with Matthew.
14:09He wanted to run away.
14:11Why did Matthew want to run away?
14:13To see if anyone noticed.
14:15What do you mean by that?
14:16His mum didn't care.
14:18And that bloke Craig, he wasn't his real dad.
14:20He didn't want him there.
14:22Matthew didn't want him there.
14:23No, he didn't want Matthew there.
14:25In his messages to you, Matthew said that Craig hated him.
14:30When you spoke to him, did he say anything more about that?
14:32Craig was making his mum not like him.
14:35He was scared of him.
14:39What happened this morning?
14:43I went to where we said we'd meet.
14:45And where was that?
14:47Kingdown Park.
14:49He never showed up.
14:51Did you try calling him?
14:53No, he hasn't answered his phone since Saturday.
15:01That's definitely Alistair, and he's in the park at 10.32.
15:06Yeah, Gav. We've got a whole load of other images of him in the park.
15:09And he leaves alone.
15:10All right, thanks, Max.
15:13Well, Al was where he said he was. Matthew never showed up.
15:16And there's no CCTV of him close to the house this morning.
15:19Last text was sent at 4pm on Saturday.
15:22No-one's seen him here either.
15:24How can that be?
15:25Well, maybe we've got the timeline wrong. Jane made a mistake.
15:28I'm thinking about Al. About what he said about Matthew and his stepdad.
15:32Just two kids egging each other on.
15:35You should hear some of the things my son says about his stepfather.
15:38Has he ever said he's scared of him?
15:42Eddie, you said he'd be removed an hour ago.
15:45Takes as long as it takes.
15:47Well, we still don't have a time of death.
15:49We don't know for definite how he died.
15:51What about the blanket he was wrapped in?
15:53Well, the lab are fast-tracking it, but it's going to take time. You know that.
15:57What, do you really think we're on a go slower?
15:59Look, we're working on Baxe Isle.
16:01I know, mate. I know.
16:03Look, do you think it's worth running Craig's name through the system just to see if...
16:06I'm going to call Grace. Get her to double-check with the mum.
16:10Find out exactly what happened this morning.
16:17So, you saw he'd left his homework diary when you got home from the hospital around 10am.
16:22Then you drove to his school.
16:24They told me he wasn't there, so I phoned you.
16:26Asking the same questions over and over again. How can that help?
16:30We need to be sure of the exact time that Matthew left the house.
16:34Is there any reason that he might have run away yesterday? On Sunday?
16:39It were a tough weekend, weren't it?
16:41In what respect?
16:43We were going to go out for the day Sunday, do things, the three of us. Craig was away.
16:49Matthew was really excited.
16:52Saturday night the hospital rang to tell Jane that they might have found a suitable donor.
16:56And asked us to take Poppy down to the hospital the next day.
17:00There were about four, weren't there?
17:04I had to take her to the hospital.
17:06Was Matthew upset?
17:13What if I was wrong?
17:17What if I just thought he was in bed this morning?
17:20I was so tired when I got back last night.
17:23If Matthew wasn't in bed this morning, when was the last time you saw him before that?
17:29I popped back from the hospital yesterday, Sunday.
17:33Three or four.
17:34You saw him then?
17:37And you?
17:38I've already told you I haven't seen him since Thursday.
17:44She's shattered.
17:46And so am I.
17:48Can you just leave us alone for a bit?
18:01Look, maybe it's best to leave him for today.
18:04Yeah, well I'm not going to come down there if he doesn't want to see me, am I?
18:08Look, you know how he is, Neil.
18:10He just doesn't like speaking to people when he feels ill.
18:18Just tell him I love him, Philippa, will you?
18:22Yes, of course.
18:29They've started the post-mortem, boss.
18:36Any news?
18:37Well, the kid's not been sexually assaulted, but that's all Eddie would say.
18:44Is he still down?
18:53Sternly, there's only that one head injury.
18:56So the cause of death is almost certainly the blow to the head.
19:00What else?
19:01Well, I don't know what that is.
19:03Could be some sort of black paint.
19:05And this stuff was found all over the blanket he was wrapped up in as well.
19:09These orange particles have been sent off for analysis too.
19:12Both of them could give us a lead on the murder site.
19:15So it didn't happen in the woodland?
19:17Not where we found him.
19:18He was moved.
19:19It wouldn't be difficult, would it?
19:21He's only a little lad.
19:23I think he's been dead at least 24 hours, maybe longer,
19:26meaning he was killed yesterday on Sunday, perhaps even Saturday.
19:34Come on.
19:38So why has the mother only reported him missing this morning?
19:41Because he left the house yesterday and they didn't notice.
19:44No, she said she saw him around three yesterday, and that's less than 24 hours ago.
19:48So do you think the mother's involved?
19:50I'm just saying that Jane's changed her story.
19:52She's also said that they were under a lot of pressure at the weekend.
19:55They've been under horrendous pressure since the moment Poppy was born.
19:58I'm not pointing the finger at Jane. I just wonder if she's giving us the whole story.
20:01So what about Craig?
20:02I'd like to see if he wasn't reading at the weekend.
20:04He has got a criminal record.
20:06All right, so you ran a check.
20:07Yeah, he's got a form for petty theft, robbery and handling stolen goods.
20:12How does that connect to this exactly?
20:14Well, you heard what Al said about Craig,
20:16and Grace has been with the family all morning and she's got her suspicions.
20:19Yeah, well, it's pure speculation, isn't it?
20:22Give me some evidence, I'll think about it.
20:33The last thing I want to do is to cause that family any unnecessary distress.
20:38But I think we need to check his alibi.
20:42I also think we need to search the house.
20:46There's a perfectly legitimate reason why we need to search a property.
20:50I can explain to them that we need to make sure that the substances found on the body weren't transferred from the house.
20:56But what you're really thinking is let's link the forensics from the body to the body.
21:00What you're really thinking is let's link the forensics from the body or the blanket to the house, and we've got our murder scene.
21:05No, I'm thinking whatever happens, it might help us find it.
21:10It's like you said, the most important thing is that they don't feel they're under scrutiny, and I can make sure that's the case.
21:16How are you going to do that?
21:18The family are really keen to be with Poppy.
21:20I can take them to the hospital, and that will give me a chance to pin down some facts about the weekend with Jane.
21:32You know, we can't imagine what this family is going through right now, Grace, so be sensitive.
21:38Of course.
21:40Right, OK, when you've done that, can you start a door-to-door?
21:44Could you go with PC Spencer, please?
21:51Yeah, I'm up here.
21:57What's up?
21:58Take a look at this.
22:00I wonder if it's the same stuff we found on the kid's body.
22:05You're sending it down lab, yeah?
22:10Anything new?
22:11Bottle of vodka.
22:13And we found this.
22:14Back of the drawer.
22:18No, it's prescription.
22:19Mrs. Ruth Pierce.
22:22Well, I saw her taking some pills earlier.
22:25She's not exactly with it now.
22:27Can I have a call back later, Sergeant?
22:30Ruth, we found something for pills in Jane's room.
22:33She was having trouble sleeping, I gave them to her.
22:39Just spoke to the nurse.
22:41They say Poppy's going to go to the theatre in about an hour.
22:44I'm going to go stay with her.
22:45I'll come with you.
22:47Is that all right?
23:09You must have had very mixed feelings when you got the call about Poppy's operation.
23:15I suppose it's a huge relief.
23:19It'll be a relief when it's over and she's safe.
23:23The pressure must have really taken its toll on all of you.
23:27Craig, Matthew.
23:29Craig's never around for the hard stuff.
23:35Tell me about Saturday.
23:39What was it like?
23:41It was nice.
23:43Me, Poppy and Matthew.
23:45Until you got the phone call.
23:51You said that Matthew was really upset because it spoiled your plans for Sunday.
23:58It's really important that you try, Jane.
24:03I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore.
24:06Do what?
24:10I just need to get through these next few days.
24:26No, nothing yet.
24:29The grey transit van out front, does that belong to Craig?
24:32Yeah, why?
24:33The neighbours have seen it leave here two or three times over the weekend.
24:36There are some keys in that basket over there.
24:42Let's try these.
24:43Right, let's have a look.
25:04This looks familiar.
25:05Orange dust.
25:28It's got to be the same stuff.
25:30If we can find fibres from the blanket in the back of the van,
25:32then it suggests it was used to move Matthew's body.
25:35Well, at least Tim are in there now.
25:36He's an interesting character, Craig.
25:37He had some big-time associates back in the day.
25:39Max, I'm really not interested in doing a bust on a grieving stepfather.
25:42And his alibi doesn't check out.
25:43The gaff on the building site where Craig was supposed to be working
25:46says he wasn't there over the weekend.
25:48Craig was involved in Matthew's murder.
25:50How did he keep that from Jane?
25:52She was at the hospital the weekend.
25:53Not the whole time.
25:54She said she saw Matthew at three o'clock yesterday afternoon,
25:56which isn't possible.
25:57Well, she's confused.
25:58She's taking tranquilliser.
25:59She's hit the bottle.
26:00Her daughter is critically ill.
26:01Her son has been murdered.
26:02Well, I think she knows something.
26:03That Craig killed Matthew?
26:04I don't think Craig was at the house this weekend.
26:06The neighbours haven't seen him,
26:08and Jane's repeatedly told me he wasn't there.
26:10So, on the one hand, she's lying.
26:12On the other, she's telling the truth.
26:14That's useful.
26:15OK, let's see what Craig Gant has got to say in interview.
26:18I'm going to have a look.
26:19It's a bit early to go for an arrest.
26:20Do it.
26:21But we've got a circumstantial.
26:24What is wrong with him?
26:27He doesn't want her to be their mother.
26:41Grace doesn't have an agenda, Gav.
26:43She's got a family.
26:44She's got a job.
26:45She's got a family.
26:46She's got a job.
26:47Grace doesn't have an agenda, Gav.
26:49She's doing her job.
26:50She spent the whole day with her family.
26:52And still she has no grasp of what they're going through.
26:54With respect, Gav,
26:56I don't think Grace's relationship with the family is the problem.
27:00Out of everyone,
27:01I think you've probably got a better idea of what Jane has gone through.
27:04All right.
27:06So I'm overly identifying with the family.
27:08Well, that's very neat, Banksy.
27:12You said it, Gav, not me.
27:18Banksy, tell them to hold off on Craig's arrest.
27:24A couple of things have cropped up,
27:26concerning you.
27:29They're getting in the way of our investigation.
27:31You've done a background check on me?
27:36Where were you this weekend?
27:38I was at a party.
27:39I was at a party.
27:40I was at a party.
27:41I was at a party.
27:42I was at a party.
27:43I was at a party.
27:44I was at a party.
27:45I was at a party.
27:46Where were you this weekend?
27:47I've gone over this twice already.
27:51Not according to the bloke that runs the building site.
27:56I wasn't working on the site.
27:59What were you doing down there?
28:05I was...
28:09What was?
28:15Craig, I have to tell you that you are on the brink of being our prime suspect.
28:22It was a one-off.
28:24We need the money.
28:27You can't tell Jane.
28:28You doing a deal?
28:31It wasn't big.
28:34Just taking some gear down for a mate.
28:40Some watches.
28:42You never...
28:43So you drove down to Reading in your van?
28:47I called the coach.
28:48It was cheaper.
28:51Let me get this straight.
28:52You're saying that you were down there from Thursday until this morning?
28:57Who had your van this weekend?
28:59No one.
29:01Does Jane drive your van?
29:03She's not insured.
29:10Okay, well...
29:13I'm going to get the CCTV from Reading coach station and you better be on it.
29:17And you need to get some other witnesses to prove that you were down there for the last four days.
29:24Thank you.
29:25This isn't for your benefit, Craig.
29:29I'm doing this for your daughter.
29:36He's Craig Dent.
29:37Craig Dent.
29:38Taking Thursday morning outs on Reading coach station.
29:41Got several other hits we were told to look for out the weekend.
29:43But Craig's back in the game.
29:46Max, we're dealing with a murdered child. Do you get that?
29:49I'm not interested in stolen goods.
29:51Well, I just got confirmation that Ruth stayed with friends on Saturday night.
29:54So however unpalatable, we're going to have to consider the possibility that Jane may have done this.
30:00And that she acted alone.
30:01Well, that makes her one hell of an actress, doesn't it?
30:05I don't think she's acting.
30:07I wonder if she's even aware of what's happened.
30:09Right, OK. Mum away.
30:11Eddie wants me back at the house.
30:12Dove, there is one key witness we haven't spoken to.
30:23You're not going to let them do this, are you?
30:26She's about to be operated on.
30:28It's up to the staff if they think it's OK for them to talk to her.
30:30No, Jane, it's your decision. You're her mum.
30:37Better know.
30:39You need to eat something.
30:41I'll see if the coffee shop's still open.
30:52Have you always done what your mum says?
30:56Pretty much.
30:59She thinks I should just get on with things.
31:01You push your feelings to one side, you carry on.
31:04Then again, I guess Ruth doesn't have to deal with Matthew and Poppy on a daily basis, does she?
31:13Is that why she gave you the pills?
31:16So you could get on with things.
31:23What is it?
31:30I need to get some water.
31:45Through here.
31:48See that?
31:50That's where this broken vase used to live.
31:53We found it wrapped up outside in a bin.
31:55The fragment's on the floor, so it could have got knocked over in a struggle.
32:00A struggle?
32:01And there are tiny traces of something on the corner here.
32:04Could be skin.
32:05Need confirmation from the lab.
32:07So if he hit his head on the table, would that be consistent with the injury on his body?
32:11Well, I'm waiting for detailed photographs of the wounds to come through.
32:14Takes time.
32:17Is that your phrase of the day, Eddie?
32:20The reason it takes time is because no-one wants to make a mistake here.
32:23I mean, what's the matter with you?
32:25You walk about with that tortured expression on your face, like you're the only one that cares.
32:29Well, I'm the one that's been working on that child's body all day.
32:32I'm the one that was in the post-mortem.
32:34Oi, you don't know what it's like to take a young boy's body from a crime scene and turn it into evidence,
32:39taping him, taking samples, photographs.
32:42I'm just as invested in this as you are, my friend.
32:54What's wrong?
32:55Jane. I can't find her.
32:57Is that her bag?
32:58Yeah, the pearl's gone.
33:00Okay, check with the reception. She can't be far.
33:05Where's Jane?
33:06Could you come and bring her, please?
33:08Where is it? You're scaring me.
33:09I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.
33:14What happened?
33:15Reception saw her leave around ten minutes ago.
33:17Come on.
33:18She's been in a bad way for a month. She's exhausted, she's emotionally drained.
33:22Saturday night, her and Matthew argued about having to take Poppy into hospital.
33:27I think she snapped and lashed out at him.
33:30We need to find out if the fight happened in front of Poppy.
33:33I don't know. We weren't allowed to speak to her.
33:36Listen, we need to find Jane quickly.
33:38Are you thinking she's done a runner?
33:39No, I found her coat and her bag in the toilet. The pills are gone.
33:43I really think she's going to try and kill herself.
33:45Okay, I'll get uniform onto her. You and Stevie get back here.
33:48It might be useful if you bring Ruth with you, okay?
33:52Jane Wallace has gone missing from the hospital.
33:55She's now a suspect.
33:57Get the CCTV from the surrounding area, find out where she's headed.
34:00Can you get onto that? Do you want to circulate her description?
34:02Yeah, is Ben still at the house?
34:03Yeah, 795 from 4 to 6, be advised that Mrs Jane Wallace is now a suspect.
34:08Last seen at St Hugh's, suspected of heading home. Over.
34:11See her now?
34:12No, nothing.
34:144 to 6 from 795, all receipt.
34:17There's no sign of her.
34:18How do you know?
34:19I see her.
34:42Excuse me.
34:44Excuse me!
34:46This is a crime scene area, you need to move right away!
34:50Mrs Wallace?
34:54Joe, it's Pixie Taylor.
34:55Are you alright?
34:56No, get away from me! Get away from me!
34:59It's alright.
35:00See her or ask on 437.
35:054 to 6 from 437, we're by the outer corner of the crime scene on Greenwood Common.
35:09I have visual on Jane Wallace.
35:11She's not going anywhere but grew agitated but I tried to approach.
35:14Please advise. Over.
35:16437 from DC Dastry, we're close by.
35:19I'll talk to her.
35:21DC Dastry from DI Munson.
35:22Bring her in.
35:23But put your mobile in your pocket so I can hear what's going on.
35:28All received.
35:31She's safe.
35:37We were never told the family where their body was found.
35:54I think we should wait here.
35:56She's around there.
35:57Thanks, Leon.
36:11Are you going to arrest me?
36:17Are you going to arrest me?
36:26I think you need someone to talk to.
36:29I think you've needed that for a long time.
36:33Do you have children?
36:37I can't say that I know what you're going through. I don't.
36:42I'd like you to tell me.
36:45Poppy's been sick since the day she was born. Six years.
36:50People can't deal with it.
36:52My friends, they're...
36:56What of?
37:00It's like...
37:02they think some of the tragedy will rub off on them.
37:08Why have you come here, Jane?
37:12This was one of his favourite places. He used to come here to play.
37:19Okay, I have to say this.
37:22It's procedure.
37:25Jane Wallace, I'm arresting you for the murder of Matthew Wallace.
37:29You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned
37:33something you later rely on in court.
37:36Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
37:39Right, they've established the primary cause of death, a ruptured blood vessel in his brain.
37:44So Matthew died from the injury caused by hitting his head on the table.
37:47Well, they also found traces of sedative in his blood, so he could have been drugged.
37:51Would that have contributed to his death?
37:53Well, he may have fallen unconscious simply due to the bleed in his brain,
37:56and the drug may then have stopped him from breathing.
37:58Could the pills that were found in Jane's bedroom be the same substance that were found in Matthew?
38:02Oh, yeah.
38:04If Matthew hit his head during an altercation with Jane,
38:06it's likely she'll be tried for manslaughter.
38:08If she administered those drugs, she could go down for murder.
38:11No, the trouble is she either can't remember what happened, or she's trying to block it out.
38:16Well, she needs to start remembering, for her own sake.
38:19Also, the black streaks we found running down his back match what we found on his bed.
38:23What is it?
38:28Jane, do you remember arguing with Matthew on Saturday night?
38:31He was looking forward to spending time with you on Saturday night.
38:34He was looking forward to spending time with you on Sunday.
38:37Then the hospital called about Poppy.
38:41We argued, and he threw something at me.
38:46What did he throw at you?
38:48A vase.
38:50Jane, this is Wallis Exhibit NM2.
38:54Is this the vase he threw at you?
38:59What did you do?
39:03I must have tried to stop him because I remember holding his wrists.
39:07And then?
39:10I pushed him.
39:12I don't know, Jane.
39:14I need you to tell me.
39:16Well, this is what I don't understand.
39:18He was on the floor, crying, but then he got up again.
39:22So you knew that he'd hurt himself?
39:24It was a bump. He slid, and he hit his head, and then he was back on his feet, and he was screaming at me.
39:32Then what?
39:37He went to bed.
39:41I'm showing Mrs Wallis Exhibit BG1.
39:47These are your tranquilizers.
39:50Mum gave them to me to help.
39:52Did you take any on Saturday night?
39:54Um, yeah, probably. I don't really remember.
39:59Did you give any to Matthew?
40:02There were drugs found in his system.
40:06Jane, you told me your mother gave you these pills to calm you down.
40:13Did you do the same for Matthew?
40:20Could that be true?
40:24And was it in the morning that you realised he was dead?
40:31What did you do?
40:37Did you hold him?
40:41How did you know?
40:43He had mascara on his shoulder and his back.
40:46I thought he might wake up. I didn't know what happened.
40:52All I knew is I had to be there for Poppy. I had to take her to the hospital.
40:59So I left him.
41:03And when you came back on Sunday afternoon?
41:06I stayed with him.
41:10I stayed with him.
41:16I knew that Craig was coming back and I knew Poppy was having her operation.
41:19So that's why you moved him, to buy yourself some time.
41:22No, it wasn't like that.
41:24But you undressed him.
41:26No, he went to bed like that.
41:30Tell me about where we found you tonight.
41:35You said Matty liked it.
41:36He liked it?
41:38Yeah, he went to nursery near there when he was little, when his dad was still around.
41:45You know we found the body there?
41:54You took Matty there, didn't you?
42:00Oh my God!
42:07Given the circumstances and the pressure that Jane's been under, we're pushing for a mantle to charge rather than murder.
42:15They were my appeals, I'm the one should be in the dock.
42:21There were many different factors involved in Matthew's death.
42:26Blaming yourself won't help.
42:31All I wanted to do was keep her strong.
42:34Keep her strong?
42:40What do I do?
43:04We'll do this together. We'll get through it.
43:35First in, last out, eh?
43:41Look, I'm sorry if I didn't listen to you today.
43:52I've had a horrible few weeks, Chris.
43:55I know.
43:57I know.
43:59I've had a horrible few weeks, Chris.
44:10Do you want to talk about it?
45:18So you decided to tell the DI about the oboe, yeah?
45:20Don't tell him, Dennis. I might say something.
45:23He's just turned up.
45:25DS Carter said he would call you.
45:26You should have tried calling me yourself.
45:27I wonder what his family are going through right now.
45:29It might inspire you to join this investigation.
45:31You should not have got involved in DS Carter's case.
45:34Well, it's a shame you weren't there to explain it to DS Carter yourself.
45:56I'm sorry.
46:21About Poppy.
46:24Who's Poppy?
46:25It's my granddaughter, Maddy's sister. She's in for an operation.
46:30What sort of operation?
46:32Kidney transplant.
46:38How old is she?
46:46Are they going to head with her?
46:56How are we going to do this?
46:59I don't know.
47:01I can't tell her.
47:04But, um...
47:06She's got to be the priority. One of us has got to be there with her.
47:10I can't.
47:12All right, then. It's me.
47:17Mrs Pearce?
47:18Mrs Pearce?
47:22I understand, of course, you don't want your granddaughter to be alone, but are you...
47:27Are you really in a fit state to support her?
47:30Well, I'll have to be, won't I?
47:33Isn't there any friends or family you could call?
47:38We have been waiting so long for this.
47:41I don't imagine it's been what we've been holding her for.
47:43It'll be OK.
47:44No, it won't.
47:45It won't.
47:49I have to get through it. I'll have to figure out how.
47:51Let us help you.
47:56Let us help you.
48:02Tread carefully. Throw anything new through to Stevie.
48:05You're going to be able to handle this.
48:06Listen, it's their tragedy, not mine.
48:08Well, I think you're going to have to dredge up a little bit of sympathy if you want to get coherent statements from them.
48:11I'm not saying that I don't...
48:12There's a missing person report she filed.
48:13Start with that.
48:14Take it at the wrong pace.
48:15But if it's not working, let me know.
48:16I'll put someone else in there.
48:29Are you sure it's the body, sir?
48:30It's small. It's all wrapped up.
48:32But it looks like the same hair.
48:33It looks like human hair.
48:35OK, sir. Can you give me the precise location?
48:38Greenwood Common, just up the...
48:43Has the missing kid shown up yet?
48:46Look at the screen.
48:53Over there, by the building.
48:54Thank you.
48:58Excuse me, madam.
48:59How do I...
49:00Thank you very much.
49:01Get the dog out, please, sir.
49:02Thank you very much.
49:03Thank you.
49:14Everyone move back, please.
49:15Just move right away.
49:16OK, we're going to have to get this place cleaned up.
49:43I wish I could swap places with you, Jake.
49:45I really do.
49:48Well, I'll be coming down later anyway, so...
49:54What do you mean? Why not?
49:59Come on, mate.
50:01I won't be there long and...
50:03I need to see you.
50:06All right, look.
50:07I'll call you back in a bit.
50:10All right, look.
50:11I'll call you back in a bit, Jake, yeah?
50:16The missing schoolboy the mother reported.
50:18They found a body.
50:20Is it a match?
50:27Just to let you know that Ben and Leon are with a family girl.
50:29They've been told we found a body, but that's all.
50:31OK, thanks.
50:40The mother realised Matthew was missing
50:42when she went to drop his homework diary off at Deansgate Comp at ten o'clock.
50:46He wasn't there.
50:48If he leaves number one, Swallow Road at about 8.15,
50:51he takes the three-quarter of a mile walk to the school,
50:53cutting through the woodland.
50:54That would take him about 15 minutes,
50:56bang in the middle of Russia.
50:57Exactly, so someone must have seen something.
50:59Max and Terry, you take CCTV.
51:01Banksy, can you talk to the school?
51:03Joe's heading up the team on the ground,
51:05so Stevie, manage the info from Joe, Grace and the rest of CID.
51:09What about the blanket he was wrapped in?
51:11We don't know where it came from, it's still at the lab.
51:13Do we think he was killed in that spot?
51:14Hard to tell, although there's no murder weapon.
51:17Eddie thinks the bloodstain means that he could have been moved.
51:21Any indication of sexual assault?
51:23Not yet.
51:24The fact that he was naked, covered up in a remote spot...
51:27We're not talking hit and run, are we?
51:28Yeah, but we don't know for sure yet, so we'll keep an open mind.
51:31Everyone know what they're doing?
51:33Thank you.
51:34Terry, is it staying so happy that keeps you going?
51:39Have you had a look round his room yet?
51:41Oh, well, yeah, I was just about to do that.
51:43Grace, we need to know if he's left anything behind that we can work with.
51:46Gav, I've been phoning people for them.
51:48OK, well, let me know if anything comes up.
51:50Will do. OK.
51:59How's Jane doing?
52:01We need to know he didn't suffer.
52:04That he was dead before anything else happened.
52:07As soon as I know more, I'll let you know.
52:12We fought like cat and dog.
52:15But I loved him like he was my own son.
52:18Did you see Matty before he left for school this morning?
52:21No, he got back from Reading two hours ago.
52:23That's where you work?
52:25The last four days. On a building site.
52:29Do you think it'd be OK if I take a look at Matty's room?
52:31Are you going to take his things?
52:36Why don't you come upstairs with me?
52:38Then you can make sure that I don't touch or move anything you don't want me to.
52:42Any apparent injuries to the side of his head.
52:45There's no defence injuries, no real sign of a struggle.
52:48When did you say he went missing?
52:50This morning, about 8, 8.15.
52:52Two and a half hours ago. OK.
52:54What about his clothes?
52:56We've done a quick search of the area, but there's no sign of them.
52:59The injury to the head, that's what's killed him?
53:01Well, I can't see anything else.
53:03The weapon would have been something angled, pointed.
53:06It's barely broken the skin.
53:08And there's no sign of that either.
53:10Was he killed here?
53:11Listen, I only got here about ten minutes ago, so...
53:13Well, the body was wrapped in that blanket, so it does suggest he was moved.
53:16Well, the lab will have a look at that.
53:18Have we got anything we can identify him with? Scars or moles?
53:21I haven't even finished taping the body yet.
53:23The family needs to know if this is their little boy.
53:25Yeah, and what are the family going to say if the suspect walks free?
53:27Because the forensics are all over the shop.
53:32OK, Eddie.
53:34How about we give you 20 minutes? OK?
53:43Here they are.
53:52Mother, stepdad, grandmother in sight.
53:54How are they doing?
53:56Not good. They just want to know if it's him.
53:59You guys want to get yourself back to the scene?
54:03Next time a shark goes out for a missing child,
54:05I'm going to pull up and let someone else get it.
54:08I ain't joking. I can't handle it.
54:12I'm sorry to have to do this, but I need to ask you a couple of questions, Jane.
54:16For confirmation.
54:20Does Matthew have a small birthmark on his left shoulder blade?
54:25Does he have a scar just below his right knee?
54:29About an inch long, vertical.
54:32Look, have you seen the body?
54:34Just look at those photos and tell us.
54:52It's the hospital.
55:12When Dad died, she cleaned the whole house from top to bottom.
55:18I think she's just emptying the bins, Jane.
55:21Within three weeks, she got rid of every last trace of him.
55:23We weren't allowed to mention his name for a year.
55:26Jane, are you OK if I get someone to come take this away?
55:29I need your help.
55:32Thank you.
55:42Jane, is this his school bag?
56:00OK, thanks, Grace.
56:02Gav, Matthew wasn't going to school this morning.
56:05Hold on. Matthew's teacher says he's a quiet kid, difficult to get through to,
56:09and doesn't mix with the other children in his class, and he plays truant.
56:13So he bunked off.
56:15Which means this whole timeline could be completely wrong.
56:21Yeah, thanks a lot.
56:24Gav, is everything all right?
56:29Where's Jake going?
56:37I've got to go.
56:39I've got to go.
56:41I've got to go.
56:43I've got to go.
56:45I've got to go.
56:47I've got to go.
56:49I've got to go.
56:52Kima must be tough.
56:54I saw my father-in-law go through.
56:56Yeah, I appreciate your support, Ben.