The Bill S26E24 The Calling

  • 2 months ago
The Bill S26E24 The Calling
00:00But you did your best. All of you.
00:07Is he okay?
00:08He's dead.
00:09No one could have done any more.
01:00I can't get it to work like that.
01:21What is it?
01:26Those tequilas weren't a good idea, were they, last night?
01:31And whose idea were they?
01:37That's what I came in for last night.
01:40Is it alright if I grab a shot?
01:42Help yourself.
01:55How are we going to do this, then?
02:12How do you mean?
02:13We can't turn up at work together. Everyone's going to know, aren't they?
02:18So what? We're dating now, aren't we?
02:23Idiot. Get in the car. Just drop me at the shop round the corner from the nick. I need a toothbrush anyway.
02:29Look, everyone saw us drinking. Everyone knows why we're drinking. They're going to know we ended up back at your place, aren't they?
02:35Oi, oi, oi. Good night, Newton.
02:39Sorry, mate.
02:40No worries.
02:41No, I'm sorry.
02:43He does look rough, though, doesn't he? Like he hasn't slept.
02:48I think I'm going to go to stay.
02:50I need to hook out for a bit of stuff.
02:51Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Not every day you find a kid like that, is it?
02:54No, thank God.
02:55I'll get the rest of the team to keep an eye on him.
02:59We've got a missing pregnant woman here.
03:01Called in last night. We think we've found her car. You and Leon take it.
03:05Watch him today.
03:11Mate, come on.
03:29Right, I'll have a word.
03:31Hello, mate.
03:32Hi, mate.
03:33So you called it in, yeah? What did you see?
03:35Nothing. I just found her like this, so I called you.
03:38Oh, thanks a lot.
03:40You didn't see anything?
03:42It's the right car.
03:43So what do you reckon?
03:45Somebody could have picked her up.
03:47Oh, she's in shock. She's not thinking straight and heads back toward the main road.
03:51She's been missing eight hours.
03:53Come on, Leon. Let's have a scout around.
03:55Better than calling all the hospitals, isn't it?
04:22We've got plenty of CCTV, all facing the wrong direction.
04:27You should check that handle right over there.
04:32Leon? Leon, are you all right, mate?
04:36Who's that?
04:38I don't know.
04:46Sierra Oscar from 876. Ambulance required.
04:49The junction of Handel Road and Linford Industrial Estate. Over.
04:54No, it's all right. She's got a broken leg and suffering from exposure.
04:58Has the husband been told?
05:00Only that we've found her.
05:02You want me to get on to CCTV, Governor?
05:04Yeah, and call Grace. We'll meet her down there.
05:06Neil, can I have a look at that?
05:08You all right?
05:10Yeah, sounds grim.
05:12Who's down there?
05:14Nate and Leon.
05:16I told you I'd give them a quiet shift.
05:18Yeah, but I didn't know he'd find a half-dead pregnant woman, did I?
05:20No. But can you now get down there?
05:23I thought you'd left us.
05:29Darling, can you tell me what happened?
05:33I just remember stopping for a girl by the side of the road.
05:43My baby. My baby.
05:45I just need to make sure.
05:48This is Faith, Jane's husband.
05:50She's broken her leg. They've given her some drugs to help.
05:52She'll kick in soon.
05:54Hey, hey, it's all right. I'm here now.
05:56What about the baby?
05:58I'm about to check.
06:00Oh, God.
06:03Oh, my baby.
06:10Oh, my God.
06:13You all right?
06:21Oh, I love a bit of a mystery, me.
06:23Have you solved it?
06:25Yeah, of course I have. It's a carjacking.
06:27How does that work?
06:29Well, we've got a little bit of saliva and blood on the windscreen here,
06:32which I'm betting belongs to our victim.
06:34She must have got in someone's way.
06:38And there's skid marks forward and back
06:41where we found her.
06:43That's where she gets thrown off, and then they race up here.
06:47Yeah, I've got a footprint.
06:49Car swerves, hits that lamppost,
06:51crashes into the door, gets stuck.
06:53So our driver gets out here,
06:55runs round,
06:57sticks his foot up there to...
06:59Force the door open?
07:01Yeah, it's a trainer print, so I'll get that analysed.
07:03Well, that must have been to get stuff out of the car.
07:05No, it's definitely to get a person out,
07:07cos it...
07:11Yeah, whoever was sitting there has got a head wound.
07:13And we've got the DNA. Nice one.
07:15I'll take it you want me to rush that through.
07:17Thank you.
07:19Thanks, Ed.
07:27Listen, why don't you head home?
07:29Sergeant will understand.
07:31I'm hungover tonight, that's all.
07:33Look, Leon...
07:35All I need is something to eat and then I'll be fine, all right?
07:39Sarge. How is she?
07:41She's in a pretty bad way. Let's do a check-on on the baby.
07:43Get me a coffee, will you?
07:45Sure you want one? No.
07:51Is this the bit where I'm supposed to cry?
07:53Not in front of me, no.
07:55There's no shame in feeling it.
07:57She's not gonna die. The baby might.
08:01Yesterday, finding that boy.
08:03It was yesterday.
08:05You can't forget something like that.
08:07Who said I have?
08:13Sorry, Sarge. It's just I've...
08:15I've had all this from Nate.
08:17Yeah, he's looking out for you.
08:19I wanted you to know they found her heartbeat.
08:21That's great.
08:23Yeah, it is. I mean, they want to keep monitoring, but...
08:25I am so pleased for you, mate.
08:27Do you know what happened?
08:29Not yet. The first signs point to a carjacking.
08:31Looks like they ran your wife over.
08:33Oh, God.
08:35I pray I don't panic. We'll find them.
08:39Right. Here you go.
08:41Does that got sugar in it?
08:43Food and water. Changed my mind.
08:45Leon's sticking with me today. Why?
08:47Check with the doctors and find out when she's gonna be able to talk
08:49and then follow us back to the NIC. Come on.
08:55Have you got anything yet? Maybe.
08:57Mickey's got some CCTV of a girl running from Appleyard Street
08:59about the right time, heading for the main road.
09:01Well, the victim said she stopped for a girl, so she could be a witness.
09:03Well, this girl could be the passenger. She's got a head injury.
09:05Want me to check the hospitals?
09:07Grace is already on it.
09:09Sarge, you might want to have a look at this.
09:11What's the joke?
09:13I found our female suspect on Walking Road.
09:15Now, there's no clear pictures,
09:17but I did find a couple of reliable witnesses.
09:19It's Kirsty.
09:21Yeah, and that's...
09:29Get them up here right now.
09:45OK, so it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up.
09:47That's the suspect.
09:51There is you, Kirsty.
09:55There's you, Leon. That's nice.
09:59All right, the fun's over.
10:01OK, all right, leave it.
10:05You do remember this happening, right?
10:07Not especially.
10:09It's outside my flat.
10:13We'd had a bit to drink.
10:15She runs right into you.
10:17Probably had other stuff.
10:19Shut up, Meggie.
10:21OK, brief in ten minutes.
10:25I'm really sorry, Sarge.
10:27None of my business.
10:31It would be good to know for certain situations, though,
10:33if you two are, you know, an item.
10:37No? Leon?
10:39Do the drunk on mates thing, Sarge.
10:41Well, that's not surprising after the day you're dead, is it?
10:43Keep your heads down. He'll blow over.
10:45Thanks, Sarge.
10:47Oh, God.
10:49Oh, yeah!
10:53Everyone at home!
10:56Oh, come on, a bit of banter's medicinal, innit?
10:58Oh, definitely, baby.
11:00And I don't know if I'm being foolish.
11:02Listen, listen, seriously, seriously.
11:04Could you shut up about it?
11:07What do you think, Ben?
11:11And I don't know if I'm being foolish.
11:13But it's something that I must believe in.
11:19That's what you look like after 17 glasses of pinot, love.
11:22Thanks for that. Appreciate it, Mickey.
11:24OK, forensics are in.
11:26The driver's trainer print was a Nike size 10.
11:28Pretty common, but at least it's a start.
11:30Well, we've got two suspects, one probable male, average build.
11:33Do we know what happened?
11:35Well, it looks like the victim stopped because she was flagged down.
11:37By the girl?
11:39It's an old trick. Victim sees someone in distress, stops to help out.
11:42First suspect, male, jumps in the driver's seat, female follows.
11:46And then they run her over. Nice.
11:48Odds on they're not professional.
11:50There's no reason to crash other than panic.
11:52I'm pretty sure that the female suspect had a head injury.
11:55I've been checking out A&E departments and I found a match.
11:58I can take that. Jodie Knox.
12:00She was discharged from A&E after having stitches.
12:03The time she went in works and the injury matches.
12:05Good. OK.
12:07Right, I think that's it for now. Thank you.
12:14Do you know, er, dinner later?
12:16Yeah, we should meet there. Absolutely.
12:23Number 95.
12:25Leon is fit, though. Been a long year.
12:27And he's single. He must fancy you.
12:29He was very drunk, Mel, and he was upset about yesterday.
12:32We both were, all right?
12:34Here you go.
12:41Tilly's on.
12:43Can you open up, Liz? It's the police!
12:48Sorry. I was in the bathroom.
12:51Mr...? Knox.
12:53Ali. PC Kirstie Knight.
12:55PC Mel Ryder. Can we come in, please, Mr Knox?
12:59Thank you.
13:10Are you any relation to Jodie Knox?
13:12Yeah, she's my daughter. Right, we need to speak to her.
13:15What's this about?
13:16It's regarding an incident that happened in the early hours of this morning.
13:21Jodie, love?
13:23Can you come down? It's the police.
13:30I'll put the kettle on.
13:32Don't bother, I know I can't.
13:34Here we go. Six of these.
13:36Jodie got them.
13:38Sure you don't want anything?
13:40No, thanks. Thanks.
13:44Ah, there she is.
13:46Hi, Jodie. What's wrong?
13:48We heard about the bump you had. We wanted to ask you about it.
13:51It's nothing. The hospital sorted it.
13:53Well, can I ask you how it happened?
13:55No need. Recognise me, Jodie?
13:57No. Should I?
13:58Yeah. You banged into me last night.
14:00Sorry, Mr Knox, but your daughter's under arrest.
14:03Jodie Knox, I'm arresting you on suspicion of aggravated vehicle taking.
14:06You do not have to say anything, but if you don't mention in question
14:09something which you later rely on in court.
14:11Anything you do say...
14:14Jodie Knox.
14:18Is that the girl from the CCTV, is it?
14:20Yeah. I recognised her as soon as I saw her.
14:25Date of birth? Is that her, then?
14:27Yeah, Kirsty recognises her. One out of two isn't bad.
14:30Good work. Thanks.
14:35Did you read the list of evidence we gave you before we started the interview?
14:39So you know we found blood in the car from the crash?
14:44Which means if you were in the car, we can prove it.
14:48The owner of the car was run over.
14:50Did you know she was pregnant?
14:54Seven months pregnant.
14:56She lay by the roadside all night, badly injured and alone.
15:01Is she all right?
15:02This is serious, Jodie.
15:04You need to tell us.
15:06Did you do it? Were you in the car?
15:08I didn't know she was pregnant.
15:10So you admit you were in the car?
15:13For the benefit of the tape, Miss Knox is nodding her head.
15:16Why didn't you stop?
15:18It was her fault. She stepped out.
15:20Why didn't you help her?
15:23You weren't driving.
15:25We know there were two people in the car.
15:27We know it was a passenger who hurt their head.
15:31So you need to tell us, Jodie.
15:33Who was the driver?
15:36Please, I told you it was me.
15:38Who was the driver?
15:40Please, I told you it was me.
15:42Why are you protecting him?
15:44You're scared of him, is that it?
15:46I said I did it.
15:48If someone else...
15:49Mr Knox, we need to know who was driving.
15:54Jodie, this is serious.
15:56I didn't know she was pregnant.
15:58But you knew you'd hit her. You must have known that.
16:02She needs a break.
16:09I'm sorry.
16:11Hey, hey, what are you doing?
16:13You nearly had her.
16:14We did have her. She confessed.
16:15Yeah, it's the driver we want.
16:17We do know that, Leon.
16:18So what are you planning?
16:19Get back in there.
16:20You saw what state she was in.
16:21We'll get it out of her.
16:26What was that about?
16:28Nothing, sir. I think he's quite invested in this one, that's all.
16:33I can't believe she was in that car.
16:35It's really important for Jodie that she cooperates.
16:37Yeah, it wasn't her, was it? She can't even drive.
16:40Jodie's just as responsible. She could be facing jail, Mr Knox.
16:43How long?
16:45They nearly killed someone.
16:47If she can give us a driver, it could go in her favour.
16:51Give me some time to her.
16:58Everything all right?
17:00Leon, yeah, he's good.
17:02Do you know where he is?
17:04Oh, no.
17:06I've just seen him hand in CID for a result in the carjacking.
17:09Sorry, I'll have a word.
17:11Er, Callum...
17:15I went for a drink with Gina last night and she told me about your dad.
17:19Sounds like he's in a pretty bad way.
17:23So if you need some time off...
17:25I don't.
17:30He sent me this.
17:32Which you haven't opened.
17:36I'm not gonna. So, what does that tell you?
17:49Go on, love.
17:51Ashley Johnson?
17:53Lives on the Larkmead estate. That Ashley Johnson.
17:56They were at school together. Since primary.
17:59And Ashley was driving the car?
18:01And Ashley was driving the car?
18:04Why were you with him?
18:06He made me.
18:08Are you saying he threatened you?
18:10What did he make you do?
18:13Stand in the road. Pretend I was upset.
18:16And then?
18:18Woman got out and came to help me.
18:21Ashley jumped in the car. Me too.
18:25We couldn't get the gears right.
18:28The engine's revving. She runs over.
18:34She's done what you asked.
18:46We're looking for you.
18:48I thought you'd want to know that Jane Connor's gone into labour.
18:54That's two months only, right?
18:58Thank you, Sarge.
19:03Sarge, Jodie's named the driver. Ashley Johnson.
19:07Ashley? That's a bit of a step up for her.
19:09She was at school with him. Reckons he made her do it.
19:12It wouldn't surprise me.
19:14We'll get a warrant.
19:27Hello, Karen.
19:29What's he done? Is Ashley in?
19:32Go have a search warrant.
19:37Do you know where Ashley is, Karen?
19:40Do you have to do this now?
19:43It's her home, too.
19:45I'm afraid we do.
19:47Up here!
19:49Come on.
19:51It's her home, too.
19:53I'm afraid we do.
19:55Up here!
20:01Jane Connor's purse. Her credit card's inside.
20:05Anything else? Is that not enough?
20:15It's Jane Connor's.
20:21Do you know where we can find him, Mrs Johnson?
20:23He took his football with him. Try round Atlee House.
20:37Is that him?
20:39That's him? Yeah.
20:41Give me a minute, all right? I'll come round from the other side.
20:52I'll play them, man.
20:54I'll play them all.
20:57Hey, what are you men running for?
20:59You haven't got a right to, Ashley.
21:01Why should I? I've just had a good look round your bedroom, mate.
21:03You've been to my house? Yeah, I have. Your mum won't bend for me.
21:05You don't grab at my mum, yeah? Get out of my face!
21:08Mum knows what you are. I know what you are.
21:10Don't touch him, man. I'm running to you.
21:12Don't touch him, man. I'm running to you.
21:14Well, that's it. I'll secure it.
21:16Get off me, man.
21:19Get in the car.
21:21I'm struggling. Get in the car.
21:23Tell him I've done nothing wrong.
21:37Mr Johnson, can you explain why this item was found in your bedroom?
21:41Look, man, I don't know what youse lot are on.
21:44The purse was found in your stock drawer.
21:48You found it, yeah?
21:51What's funny?
21:53He put it there, man. It makes perfect sense now.
21:56You've got to laugh like that in court.
22:02We've got you, Ashley. You understand?
22:07Hey, Leon! What? Huh?
22:09Leon! What are you going to do, huh?
22:11Sit down! Sit down, Ashley!
22:14For the benefit of the tape, Mr Johnson spat...
22:16You ran her over in her own car. You ran her over in her own car.
22:19Heavily pregnant woman. You left her for dead, yeah?
22:21She's now gone into labour, OK?
22:23It's too early. Too much too early. The baby could die.
22:28You're laughing.
22:30Leon! What? Huh?
22:32What are you going to...? Leon!
22:34Sit down, Ashley! Sit down!
22:36You're not giving me nothing.
22:38You're not giving me nothing.
22:42What the hell were you doing in there?
22:44He spat on me, Sarge!
22:46What, are you 12 years old?
22:48I want to get whoever did this as much as you do.
22:50What do you mean, whoever did this? We don't know for certain he did it.
22:52He only said he was the driver, the purse was found in his room,
22:54and he's got night trainers on, Sarge.
22:56He hasn't got a clue what we're on about.
23:02Let me get back in, and I'll get out of him.
23:04All right. You're going to beat it out of him, are you?
23:06Let me get back in, and I'll get out of him.
23:08I swear.
23:16I'll tell you what.
23:18You just...
23:20I'm good.
23:22I'm good, Sarge.
23:26Did he confess?
23:28Not yet.
23:30What, not even close?
23:32I wouldn't say so, no.
23:34Thought we'd go through the evidence again,
23:36see if we can find something to throw back at him.
23:38Well, I can go through Jodie Knox again,
23:40see if there's anything there.
23:42Did you want chicken soup?
24:14What are you after?
24:16Do you want a coffee?
24:18Don't matter.
24:20Oi! Hello.
24:22I'm your mate, remember?
24:26Mates don't generally shag, do they?
24:28Oh, come on.
24:30I thought we said we wouldn't let that be a problem.
24:32It's not.
24:34Really, it's not.
24:36Well, it feels like it is.
24:40I'm just sick
24:42of this place.
24:44People treat me like I'm...
24:46I'm the one that's getting us there.
24:48Is this about Ashley Johnson?
24:50Yeah, right. I arrest him, OK?
24:52We do the interview and then, bam, Stone comes in
24:54and I'm this close.
24:56You're like this in there.
24:58Don't you start.
25:00You got a minute?
25:08So, we're gonna re-interview you.
25:10Just wait there.
25:12Take your shoe off, please, Mr Johnson.
25:16Just take it off now.
25:22Size 8.
25:24Size 8.
25:35I thought Britt only found out the car's a size 10.
25:37Ashley's only a size 8.
25:39It was the right make.
25:41It's two shoe sizes, Leon.
25:43You reviewed the evidence before you interviewed?
25:45We thought it was him.
25:47But we don't know for sure he wasn't driving the car.
25:49Well, if he wasn't, it means that Jodie Knox is lying.
25:51Apparently, she's been on social services' radar in the past.
25:54Grace is trying to track down a social worker.
25:56We'll see what she says first.
25:58What do you want to do with Ashley?
26:00Well, either way, we can charge him with theft.
26:02He reckons we planted the stuff.
26:04All right, we'll bail him.
26:06If he's not our driver, he might lead us to whoever it is.
26:08Keep an eye on him.
26:10What can I do to help?
26:12You can apologise to him.
26:30I shouldn't have lost my temper.
26:32No, you shouldn't have.
26:36So I apologise.
26:38Apology not accepted.
26:40Now, where's my ride?
26:49By the book, take him home.
26:51Nate's going with you.
27:00Come on.
27:13Child lock, idiot.
27:17Do that again.
27:19I'll take him.
27:30Don't even pull my arm from here, all right?
27:32It's time to take you home.
27:40I'm not under arrest, remember?
27:42Checking to see your mum's OK.
27:44Why wouldn't she be?
27:46Because she's got you for a son.
27:50Mrs Johnson.
27:52Are you letting him go?
27:54I didn't do it, Mum.
27:56Look, tell her.
27:58Ashley's still very much a suspect.
28:04I warned you last time.
28:06Come on, Mum.
28:08No, you come on.
28:10A pregnant woman, Ash!
28:12You do the right thing, for once.
28:14But I didn't do it!
28:16Mum, don't! Mum!
28:20Do that again, I'll re-arrest you.
28:22You've got to go back, man.
28:24Look, tell her that you've got nothing.
28:26Nice one. Well done, big man.
28:48What happened?
28:50Just leave me!
28:56Come on.
29:04Show me.
29:08Ashley Johnson.
29:10Who hit who first?
29:12It didn't matter to him, Ronan.
29:16I just told his mum.
29:18He was still a suspect.
29:20And he lost it?
29:26We'd better pick him up for assault, then.
29:30What's wrong with me?
29:34You found a dead boy yesterday.
29:36I've seen dead bodies.
29:38That's what we do.
29:40Kids are different dead.
29:42They're different...
29:44You can't block them out.
29:48Well, you know that you did
29:50everything you could to save that boy.
29:52Nobody could have done more.
29:54It didn't work, though, did it?
29:56I mean, I didn't save him.
30:10Inspector's offering to cancel it.
30:12Maybe I should take it.
30:18Maybe you shouldn't.
30:32I can hear that kid.
30:34I can hear him.
30:40That passes.
30:44You have to let it.
30:52I think
30:54that getting out there,
30:56doing the job,
30:58that's what works.
31:02It works.
31:06I'm seeing why we do this.
31:10Trusting it again, you know?
31:14Trust it.
31:22You want to do that, old buck, yeah?
31:34Kirstie told me. Is he all right?
31:36Yeah. We need to pick up Ashley Johnson.
31:38He did that to Leon.
31:40Put the word out. He wants to stay on shift.
31:42No, he needs some help. He's got it.
31:44You all right?
31:46Let's go. Good.
31:48You going home?
31:50I've heard from the hospital.
31:52Jane Connor had her baby, all right?
31:54Is it OK?
31:56It's in the special care unit.
31:58Go and get some rest.
32:20I love you.
32:50Come on.
32:52Come on.
33:18I heard about the baby.
33:20What baby?
33:22A little girl.
33:28She's all right.
33:30She was only three pounds.
33:32And she's a fighter.
33:38You got her, you did this.
33:42We're still looking.
33:46I'm sorry.
33:48It's OK.
33:50We'll find him.
34:18It's OK.
34:20It's OK.
34:46And I saw you on the step.
34:51I've got too used to bad news.
34:57is still an official suspect, Mrs Johnson.
34:59But you didn't run over that poor woman.
35:01He says not.
35:03And you believe him?
35:05I'm starting to.
35:07I didn't believe him and he's my son.
35:12Do you know a girl called Jodie Knox?
35:14Really sweet, that girl.
35:16Came round earlier.
35:18Ash was out and she had a cuppa with me.
35:21Why did she come round?
35:23They hang out. Always have.
35:25Hadn't been gone five minutes when you lot turned up to arrest him.
35:29Jodie's really great for Ash.
35:32Picks him up, he says.
35:34Me and I really thought he'd turned a corner.
35:37He was trying to get into college, you know.
35:40Found a course. I talked to one of the staff.
35:43They said he had to prove he was serious.
35:46He wants to do art.
35:51These are his?
35:54Yeah. He spends hours in the library.
35:56Says he can concentrate there.
36:46Excuse me!
37:00This your tyre?
37:05Where's Ashley?
37:07You're going to meet him, right?
37:09Hm? Jodie.
37:11Right, OK.
37:13Don't get this, OK? One minute you're giving us his name,
37:15the next minute you're going round to meet him.
37:17What's that all about? Ash is my friend.
37:19Right, OK. And that's why you went round his house
37:21to warn him that you'd told us.
37:23Yeah? Yeah.
37:25Right. Jodie.
37:27I was watching that interview, OK?
37:29Why did you lie?
37:33I've just... I've just come from his mum's.
37:35I've just... I've just... So?
37:37So why are you doing this to her? I'm doing nothing to her.
37:39Ashley's her son.
37:41I'm not going to get cut out of prison for this.
37:43I mean, you understand that, don't you?
37:49Is Ashley...
37:51even in the car?
38:04Right. Come.
38:17Karen Johnson asking for Leon.
38:19Yeah, yeah, put her through.
38:23Hello, Mrs Johnson, this is Sergeant Stone.
38:25I'm afraid PC Taylor's not available. Can I help?
38:31You've just seen him?
38:33Will you tell me exactly what you talked about?
38:41Jodie's mother died of cancer.
38:43The kid's been in care since she was eight years old.
38:45The social worker said
38:47all she's ever wanted to do was go back and live with her dad.
38:49Why wouldn't they let her?
38:51Because he lost the house through debt.
38:53He can't look after himself, let alone her.
38:55First thing she did when she was old enough to leave care
38:57was move in with him.
38:59Not the best outlook, is it?
39:01He's all she's got.
39:03So, Jodie was at Ashley's
39:05just before we went to arrest him.
39:07She told us she was scared of him.
39:09Big mates.
39:11So she's clever. She's making herself look good at his expense.
39:13What, and then goes round to warn him?
39:15Look, even if Jodie's lying about Ashley driving the car,
39:17we know he's still involved, don't we?
39:19Because we found the purse in his bedroom.
39:21What if that's what Jodie went round to do?
39:23Put the purse in Ashley's bedroom?
39:25To frame him.
39:29Yeah, but why would she do that for their mates?
39:31Because she's trying to protect someone else.
39:39Hey, what are you doing?
39:41Look, you're going to wait here. You move one inch, I'll rearrest her, all right?
39:59Leon, what are you playing at?
40:01Right, listen, Sarge. No, you listen.
40:03I want you back here, now.
40:05Sarge, I know who was driving the car.
40:07You tell me that's not where you are.
40:11Leon, you're not to go in there.
40:13Sarge, I think I'm going to need backup.
40:17Ashley's in there. Sounds like he's killing him.
40:23All units, this is Sierra, Oscar One.
40:25Urgent assistance required. Repeat, urgent assistance required.
40:27Ashley, stop!
40:29It would be you!
40:31Don't do this.
40:33You want to hit me, I deserve it.
40:39We know he was the driver.
40:41All right.
40:43Tell him.
40:45Tell him what you did.
40:47You want to get out of here, he needs me to hear you confess.
40:49Does it matter?
40:51Tell him!
40:53All right.
40:55All right.
40:57I was driving.
40:59I ran her over.
41:01There you go.
41:03Sorted. You're innocent.
41:05I put this down, you take me away. I'm not stupid, you know.
41:07What are you going to do, run? Is that your plan?
41:09What are you going to run to, Ashley?
41:13Let me tell you something, that wasn't your fault.
41:17I've had the worst couple of days, Ashley.
41:19You have no idea.
41:21You got in the way, you bore the brunt.
41:23Wrong place, wrong time.
41:25I'm sorry.
41:27No, I still go down for it.
41:29I'll solve it.
41:31Trust you!
41:37I'm giving you a chance here, mate.
41:39You haven't got many.
41:59Don't let him hurt my dad, please.
42:01All right.
42:03Don't let him hurt my dad.
42:05We need to stay down here, OK?
42:29Come on.
42:51Hang in a bit.
42:53All right?
42:55Back in a bit.
42:59Is it true?
43:03Come on, Liam, you have to prosecute.
43:05Kirsty, please, just leave it.
43:07No, he attacked a police officer.
43:09This is about all of us.
43:11No, this is about me.
43:13It's my fault.
43:15He hit you?
43:17I made him, I wound him up.
43:19Pushed all the right buttons.
43:25Are you all right?
43:29I don't know if people would stop asking me that.
43:39Um, tomorrow night we'll get everyone out, yeah?
43:41We'll go for a drink or something.
43:47All right, nice.
43:49No tequila, though.
43:51No, no tequila.
43:59You must have known that Leon was on the edge
44:01before Ashley attacked him,
44:03so you want to count yourself very lucky that he's still in one piece.
44:05Yeah, I made the wrong call.
44:07Yeah, you did, and you've been making the wrong call all day.
44:09Now, I know you said you didn't want time off over your dad,
44:11but if he's the reason...
44:13That has absolutely nothing to do with what happened today.
44:15Really? Are you sure about that?
44:17Yes, I'm sure about that.
44:19Are we done?
44:21Yeah, we're done.
44:29All right.
44:59Your mum called.
45:01She said it's about your dad.
45:03She wants you to call her back.
45:05Do you think you could describe him for me?
45:07He was wearing a mask.
45:09You don't feel comfortable?
45:11No, I don't.
45:13I bet you feel a damn slight more comfortable than she does.
45:15I feel so useless.
45:17Maybe we can muddle through this together.
46:11Oh, I love a bit of a mystery me.
46:13Have you solved it?
46:15Yeah, course I have. It's a car jacking.
46:17How's that work?
46:19Well, we got a little bit of saliva and blood
46:21on the windscreen here,
46:23which I'm betting belongs to our victim.
46:26And there's skid marks forward and back where we found her.
46:29That's where she gets thrown off, and then they race up here.
46:34Yeah, I've got a footprint.
46:35Car swerves, hits that lamppost,
46:38crashes into the door, gets stuck.
46:40So our driver gets out here, runs round,
46:46sticks his foot up there to...
46:48Force the door open.
46:49Yeah, it's a trainer print, so I'll get that analysed.
46:51Well, that must have been to get stuff out of the car.
46:53No, it's definitely to get a person out, is it?
46:58Yeah, whoever was sitting there has got a head wound.
47:01And we've got the DNA. Nice one.
47:03I'll take it you want me to rush that through.
47:05Thank you.
47:06Thanks, Ed.
47:14Listen, why don't you head home?
47:16Sergeant will understand.
47:19I'm hungover, mate, that's all.
47:20Look, Leon...
47:22All I need is something to eat and then I'll be fine, all right?
47:27How is she?
47:28She's in a pretty bad way. They're still checking on the baby.
47:31Get me a coffee, will you?
47:32Sure you want one?
47:38Is this the bit where I'm supposed to cry?
47:40Not in front of me, you're not.
47:42There's no shame in feeling it.
47:44She's not gonna die.
47:45The baby might.
47:48Yesterday, finding that boy.
47:51It was yesterday.
47:52You can't forget something like that.
47:54Who said I have?
48:00Sorry, Sarge, it's just I've... I've had all this from Nate.
48:03Yeah, he's looking out for you.
48:06I wanted you to know they found her heartbeat.
48:08That's great.
48:09Yeah, yeah, it is. I mean, they want to keep monitoring, but...
48:12I am so pleased for you, mate.
48:13Do you know what happened?
48:14Not yet. The first sign...
48:21You all right?
48:23We've got plenty of CCTV.
48:25You're all facing the wrong direction.
48:29You should check that hand on right over there.
48:37Dion? Dion, you all right, mate?
48:41Who's that?
48:42I don't know.
48:51Sierra Oscar from 876. Ambulance required.
48:53The junction of Harold Road and Linford Industrial Estate. Over.
48:59That's her. She's got a broken leg and suffering from exposure.
49:02Has the husband been told?
49:04Only that we found her.
49:05Anyone want to go and see CCTV, Governor?
49:07Yeah, and call Grace. We'll meet her down there.
49:11Neil, can I have a look at that?
49:13You all right?
49:14Yeah. Sounds grim.
49:15Who's down there?
49:16Nate and, er, Leon.
49:18I told you I'd give them a quiet shift.
49:19Yeah, but I didn't know we'd find a half-dead pregnant woman, did I?
49:21No. But can you now get down there?
49:24I saw you lift her.
49:30Hold on. Can you tell me what happened?
49:34I just remember stopping for a girl by the side of the road.
49:44My baby. My baby.
49:48We just need to make sure.
49:51This is Faith, Ginny's husband.
49:53She's broken her leg. They've given her some drugs to help.
49:55She'll kick in soon.
49:56Hey, hey. It's Charlie. I'm here now.
49:58You've got a baby.
49:59I was about to check.
50:02Oh, God.
50:03Hold on.
50:05Oh, my baby.
50:13Oh, my God.
50:19Let's point to a car jacking.
50:21Looks like they ran your wife over.
50:24Oh, God.
50:25Things like this. They leave a trail. They panic.
50:27We'll find them.
50:30Right. Here you go.
50:32Has that got sugar in it?
50:33Food and water.
50:34Changed my mind.
50:35Leon's sticking with me today.
50:37Check with the doctors and find out when she's going to be able to talk
50:39and then follow us back to the nick.
50:40Come on.
50:41Have you got anything yet?
50:43Mickey's got some CCTV of a girl running from Appleyard Street
50:46about the right time, heading for the main road.
50:48Well, the victim said she stopped for a girl, so she could be a witness.
50:50Well, this girl could be the passenger. She's got a head injury.
50:52Want me to check the hospitals?
50:53Grace is already on it.
50:55Sarge, you might want to have a look at this.
50:57What's the joke?
50:58I found our female suspect on Walking Road.
51:00Now, there's no clear pictures.
51:02I don't know what's going on.
51:04I don't know what's going on.
51:05I don't know what's going on.
51:06I don't know what's going on.
51:07I don't know what's going on.
51:08I don't know what's going on.
51:10I did find a couple of reliable witnesses.
51:14That's Kirsty.
51:15Yeah, and that's...
51:23Get them up here right now.
51:38Get up!
51:39Okay, so it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up.
51:42That's the suspect.
51:43Yeah. There is you, Kirsty.
51:46And if it...
51:48There's you, Leon. That's nice.
51:52All right, the fun's over.
51:54OK, all right, leave it.
51:58You do remember this happening, right?
52:00Not especially.
52:02It's outside my flat.
52:05We'd had a bit to drink.
52:06See that.
52:08She runs right into you.
52:10Probably had other stuff...
52:11Shut up, Mickey.
52:13OK, brief in ten minutes.
52:18I'm really sorry, Sarge.
52:21It's none of my business.
52:24It would be good to know for certain situations, though,
52:27if you two are, you know...
52:30But you did your best.
52:32All of you.
52:34Is he OK?
52:36Is he dead?
52:37No, he couldn't do any more.
53:36Get out of there.
53:47Can't go to work like that.
53:51What is it?
53:56Those tequilas weren't a good idea, were they, last night?
54:00And whose idea were they?
54:07That's what I came in for last night.
54:09It's all right if I grab a share?
54:11Help yourself.
54:40How are we going to do this, then?
54:42How do you mean?
54:44Can't turn up at work together. Everyone's going to know, aren't they?
54:47So what? We're dating now, aren't we?
54:53Idiot. Get in the car. Just drop me at the shop round the corner from the neck.
54:56I need a toothbrush anyway.
54:58Look, everyone saw us drinking. Everyone knows why we're drinking.
55:01You should look back at your place, I'd like that.
55:03Oi, oi, oi. Good night in the end?
55:07Sorry, mate.
55:09No worries.
55:11He does look muff, though, doesn't he?
55:13Like he hasn't slept.
55:17Leon and Kirsty.
55:19I mean, look out for them stuff.
55:21Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Not every day you find a kid like that, is it?
55:23No, thank God.
55:25I'll get the rest of the team to keep an eye on him.
55:27We've got a missing pregnant woman here.
55:29Called in last night. We think we've found her car.
55:31You and Leon take it.
55:33Mate, watch him today.
55:38That's my pet.
55:40Very cool.
55:58Right, I'll have a word.
56:00Hello, mate.
56:02You called it in, yeah? What did you see?
56:04Nothing. I just found it like this.
56:06I called you, so you know.
56:08Oh, thanks a lot.
56:10You didn't see anything?
56:12So what do you reckon?
56:14Somebody could have picked her up.
56:16Oh, she's in shock. She's not thinking straight
56:18and heads back toward the main road.
56:20She's been missing eight hours.
56:22Come on, Leon, let's have a scout around.
56:24Better than calling all the hospitals, isn't it?