Jin Roh La Brigade des Loups 1999 French BdRip FRANÇAİS Pt 01

  • 3 months ago


00:41In the end, I may have played a grand effect
00:44the pace or lent me on the co-create partner made occupation
00:48who romped release almond up a unit politic authoritarian connoisseur le non de développement accéléré et lancé
00:55activité économique reprend la croissance est visible dans tous les secteurs
01:00mais à l'enjendre néanmoins de nombreux problèmes sociaux
01:06Le chômage se met à augmenter de façon spectaculaire dans les grandes villes
01:10la forte urbanisation créé des foyers de pauvreté qui engendre à leur tour une hausse de la criminalité
01:16mais surtout la montée en puissance de divers groupuscules armés anti-gouvernementaux
01:21que la police locale débordée face à de telles actions ne parvient pas à endiguer
01:26suscite des troubles sociaux d'une gravité sans précédent
01:31Afin d'éviter de faire appel aux forces d'auto défense et de mettre un frein aux ambitions de la police qui aspire à devenir une grande
01:37force nationale
01:39Le gouvernement choisit une troisième voie
01:44Il crée une force agissant sous la tutelle directe de la commission de sécurité
01:48déployé uniquement à Tokyo et doté de pouvoir particulier et d'armement spéciaux
01:54la police de sécurité métropolitaine
01:57appelé couramment
01:58La pose
02:02Mobile bénéficiant d'un armement hautement puissant et sophistiqué
02:06cette troisième force s'impose rapidement comme la seule gardienne de l'ordre public
02:11la seule force qui soit parvenue à réprimer les groupes d'opposants
02:16Immédiatement ces mouvements anti-gouvernementaux sont interdits ils commencent par se dissoudre
02:21puis petit à petit la situation n'ayant pas évolué
02:24Renaisse pour former finalement un groupe de rebelles répondant au nom de la secte
02:30C'est alors que la situation change radicalement
02:35Les affrontements se multiplient entre la secte et les panzers unité de choc au sein de la pose m
02:42La ville devient le théâtre permanent d'une répression sanglante que l'opinion publique ne tolère plus
02:53Au sein d'une société qui aspire chaque jour davantage au bien-être et à la prospérité les panzers et leur ennemi tenace la secte
03:01se retrouvent de plus en plus isolé coupé d'un quelconque soutien populaire
03:05sous leurs épaisse armure muni d'un armement redoutable les panzers sont constamment sur le pied de guerre
03:12mais la raison d'être de ces hommes d'élite leur fonction historique touche à sa fin
03:18leur action n'a plus aucun sens
03:20Ils s'apprêtent à remplir une nouvelle et ultime mission
03:51Nous répétons, dispersez-vous immédiatement
03:57Unité aéroportée 12 au rapport
04:00nous signalons environ 3000 manifestants à l'intersection 4 d'akazaka risque d'émeute soyez vigilant je répète
04:07environ 3000 manifestants à l'intersection 4 d'akazaka risque d'émeute terminé
04:51Cris de joie
05:05Cris de joie
05:16Appelez le secours, s'il vous plaît
05:19It's out of gas!
05:20How did they manage to get it this far?
05:23What are they doing with that gun? Are they sleeping or what?
05:34Homemade Molotov cocktails.
05:36What are we going to do with that?
05:37You'll see how they're going to drink it.
05:39We've just been informed that the Shibuya group is coming our way.
05:43Let's go, guys!
05:49Shibuya Group
06:00Here's a little present for Mother.
06:18Shibuya Group
06:27Fall back! Fall back! We're going to push the tanks forward!
06:30Put the cannons up there right now!
06:32Direct them at the demonstrators, so they can counter their projectiles!
06:36Commander, I've got Division 2 on the line.
06:38It's currently stationed in Shibuya.
06:402,000 demonstrators who were heading for the Yoyogi Park have changed direction.
06:44They're now heading south, Commander.
06:47We can't let them regroup.
06:49Tell Division C to set up a barrage at the intersection of Trois Points.
07:10That's bluffing.
07:11If they don't have any reinforcements and the police cordon is set up,
07:14they're going to give up.
07:15I can assure you it's the general debacle.
07:18What if 2,000 other demonstrators manage to get to them?
07:21It's going to be tough.
07:24You see how it's burning?
07:25They must have added something to their Molotov cocktail.
07:27Magnesium or napalm.
07:29Are there any members of the sect among them?
07:31Yes, but not many.
07:33Just a handful.
07:34We just need to shoot a few shots and the whole world will disperse.
07:37It's true that a raffle would stop a few, but it would be useless.
07:41We have to strike at the right time, or we'll be in trouble.
07:45Are we intervening?
07:46We work in collaboration with the police,
07:48but we only intervene when they give us the order.
07:51We'll see what happens.
08:02A little present.
08:03Use it wisely.
08:11Thank you.
08:41Watch out!
08:55A bomb, sir!
08:57Stop all this! Load! Load!
09:11Load! Load!
09:42Everyone to Block 3. We're retreating.
09:44Come on, quick!
10:03You go up there and you go to the intersection of the three points.
10:11Let's go.
10:41Come on.
11:11Come on.
11:41Let's go.
11:59No, we leave everything and go back up.
12:11Come on.
12:25It's weird, all this.
12:35Drop your weapons and go back.
12:41Come on.
13:11Come on.
13:41Come on.
14:11Come on.
14:41Come on.
15:01Not a move.
15:12What's going on, Fuse?
16:11Come on.
16:42Come on.
16:47So, he got hurt?
16:49The bomb blew him in the face.
16:51He's pretty lucky.
16:53He should no longer be with us.
16:55His armor is what keeps him alive.
16:57He has several rosaries,
16:58he's a little shocked,
16:59based on what I've been told.
17:02That's perfect.
17:04And if we were talking about yesterday,
17:05this is why we're all here,
17:07isn't it?
17:08I see what it is...
17:09As you know, the police are still on the case, I imagine.
17:12This action is undoubtedly a violation of our agreements with the police.
17:17Why didn't you inform us before taking action?
17:20You know very well that there would have been leaks if we had done it.
17:23If we act as we see fit when an action of this type is only based on their skills,
17:28it is perfectly normal for it to be reckless.
17:31Listen to me, Aniya.
17:33What would you say if we decided to break this stupid agreement that binds us to the police?
17:37The police and the POSEM are like water and fire.
17:40We try to work together, but in the end, we are always the losers.
17:44You're not wrong.
17:46But think about the situation we're in right now.
17:50Your unit, the Panzers, can only be a source of trouble.
17:53It's the ideal target.
17:54Anyone who tries to eliminate the POSEM has every interest in discrediting them.
17:58Yes, you're right.
18:00However, during a confrontation, it is absolutely impossible to predict everything.
18:03And the police don't take that into account.
18:05Your complaint is irrefutable.
18:06Yes, it is irrefutable if we prove that the explosion was inevitable or accidental.
18:11Where do you want to go with this, Miroto?
18:14The real problem is not that the Panzers intervened last night without warning the police,
18:19but that they totally lost control of the situation
18:23and that a rebel managed to blow up a bomb.
18:26Anda, tell me about this man.
18:31He's agent Fuse Kazuki.
18:33Right after he finished his classes, he was assigned to the assault section in September.
18:39It's probably too sudden and too much pressure for a Blue.
18:42He wasn't trained for this, and all of a sudden, he's facing a girl.
18:46A minor, too.
18:47Yes, it's not the first time the cult has done this.
18:50They use women and children to transport weapons and explosives.
18:54That's what you nicknamed the Little Red Riding Hoods at the office.
18:58They're ready to do anything.
19:00They're not petty robbers, ordinary traffickers, or vulgar thugs.
19:06The people we're fighting are unscrupulous individuals,
19:09ready to make any sacrifice to get to their end.
19:13They're convinced they're acting for a just cause,
19:15while they're behaving like criminals.
19:17That's exactly what they are.
19:19No need to draw me.
19:25Whatever the circumstances,
19:27this man didn't have the necessary cold blood for this kind of mission.
19:30That said, the precise establishment of the facts and the punishment that comes with it
19:35is in the last place of the competence of the Internal Investigation Commission.
19:40No objections?
19:42As long as we respect the procedure.
19:45What are you insinuating?
19:47It seems that a secret faction, trained to spy or purge,
19:51is lurking within the Panzer unit.
19:55What are you talking about?
19:58You mean the Wolf Brigade?
20:01Well, it's just a rumor.
20:03The kind of rumor you're talking about.
20:06So, Aniya?
20:07Do whatever you want. I'm leaving you in charge of this case.
20:10Even if we decide to withdraw the police complaint,
20:13the sanction that will come out of this judgment will allow them to keep their faces.
20:18But still, be careful.
20:23Wait a second.
20:25I'll have you escorted. There are so many attacks going on right now against the leaders.
20:33No, thank you.
20:35Being escorted by the Panzers, there's nothing better than being noticed.
20:53Your name and rank?
20:55Agent Kazuki Fuse.
20:58Member of the Panzer unit.
21:002nd Division.
21:021st Division.
21:041st Division.
21:061st Division.
21:081st Division.
21:101st Division.
21:121st Division.
21:141st Division.
21:161st Division.
21:181st Division.
21:201st Division.
21:222nd Division.
21:241st Company.
21:253rd Assault Section.
21:27What exactly was your mission on February 9th?
21:32We received information that the terrorists were using the city's sewers.
21:37At 10 p.m., we were ordered to inspect them.
21:40The operation was carried out with Sections 6 and 7,
21:44as well as Sections 1 and 2 of the 1st Division and Section 5.
21:49We entered point B-13 and began to climb back to line 23.
21:55What exact orders did you receive from your superior?
21:59Prevent transport, storage of all weapons, ammunition or explosives in the basements,
22:04and kill without exception any rebel or presumed rebel we encounter.
22:09How did the situation look once you entered the sewers?
22:13About 20 minutes after entering,
22:15the 1st Assault Section, which had taken the lead in the operation,
22:18encountered a group of terrorists.
22:20We were contacted and immediately reinforced with Section 6.
22:25Can you tell us who you encountered a year ago?
23:19Why didn't you shoot?
23:24I don't know.
23:27Agent Kazuki Fuse, this court has just decided to dismiss you from your duties.
23:32However, you will return to the military academy to continue your training.
24:33Hey, let's play mahjong tonight.
24:36You can't play now. Are you sure you have enough money?
24:39Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine.
24:42The only problem is that Kishida is sick.
24:45We'll have to find another partner.
24:51Well, we could always ask Murayama. He's always on time.
24:55In any case, the father of Ampey will turn to everyone tomorrow.
24:58Yeah, with your money.
26:12I'm sorry.
26:15I'm sorry.
26:18I'm sorry.
26:21I'm sorry.
26:24I'm sorry.
26:27I'm sorry.
26:30I'm sorry.
26:33I'm sorry.
26:36I'm sorry.
26:39I'm sorry.
27:09I'm sorry.
27:39I'm sorry.
27:42I'm sorry.
27:45I'm sorry.
27:48I'm sorry.
27:51I'm sorry.
27:54I'm sorry.
27:57I'm sorry.
28:00I'm sorry.
28:03I'm sorry.
28:06I'm sorry.
28:09I'm sorry.
28:12I'm sorry.
28:15I'm sorry.
28:18I'm sorry.
28:21I'm sorry.
28:24I'm sorry.
28:27I'm sorry.
28:30I'm sorry.
28:34All these terrorists have their own logic.
28:36It is perfectly coherent even if it escapes us.
28:39It is she who pushes them to commit crimes, to kill,
28:41and when there is no other way out, sometimes to commit suicide.
28:44We also have our own logic.
28:47And tell yourself that in other circumstances it would not have happened like that.
28:50It could very well be you who passes.
28:54I wanted to shoot.
28:58I really wanted to shoot him.
29:01Why didn't you do it?
29:14Come on, forget all that.
29:16You should not have feelings when you do this kind of work.
29:20Because when an animal is injured,
29:23it never survives for long.
29:32She was called Nanami Agawa
29:35and wore the pseudonym of Short Hair.
29:38During her high school years,
29:41she came into contact with the Democratic Front and joined it.
29:44After two warnings, she was finally sent back.
29:47Six months later, she joined the sect
29:50through a revolutionary section of the neighborhood.
29:53She was immediately assigned to the supply division
29:56nicknamed Division Jacobson.
29:59On the night of February 9,
30:02while she was with a commando of the sect
30:05who was operating a maneuver in the sewers during the demonstration,
30:08she was encircled by the 3rd assault section
30:11of the 2nd division of the Panzer unit.
30:14She started the bomb she was carrying
30:17and she was killed instantly.
30:20No preliminary trial.
30:59Je suis...
31:02Merci, vous êtes très aimable.
31:29Pourquoi ne me reprochez-vous rien?
31:32Vous faisiez tous les deux votre travail, chacun dans son genre.
31:35Ce n'est pas votre faute, ce qui est arrivé.
31:38En plus, d'après ce qu'on m'a dit,
31:41vous n'avez pas tiré sur elle.
31:48Evidemment, je suis terriblement triste.
31:51Je suis désolée.
31:54Je suis désolée.
31:57Je suis terriblement triste.
32:00Je crois que je n'en réalise pas très bien encore.
32:03C'était ma soeur unique et j'étais très attachée à elle.
32:06Nous nous entendions bien, quoique nous ayons toujours été
32:09très différentes, très opposées.
32:12C'était quelqu'un de très pur, très droit,
32:15qui est toujours resté fidèle à ses convictions.
32:18Je n'ai jamais connu quelqu'un d'aussi têtu.
32:21D'ailleurs, elle n'écoutait jamais personne.
32:24Je regrettais.
32:29Et je regrettais d'être la grande soeur, l'aînée.
32:32Je pensais que je n'avais pas de chance.
32:55Ma première intention a été de mettre ça à côté de ces cendres,
32:58mais je préfère vous le donner.
33:16Le petit chaperon rouge.
33:19Pourquoi m'en faire cadeau?
33:22Pourquoi m'en faire cadeau?
33:25Et pourquoi pas? Allez, voyons, prenez-le.
33:36C'est que j'aimerais faire ça.
33:41Le fleuve chemine et se jette dans la mer.
33:45Loin, très loin dans la mer immense.
33:53Réglage des lunettes, ok.
33:56Réglage du débit d'oxygène, ok.
33:59C'est bizarre comme impression. Je ne sens pas mon corps.
34:02Je me sens très léger, je ne vois pas très bien.
34:05C'est comme si j'étais un homme grenouille.
34:08Taisez-vous maintenant. Commencez l'exercice.
34:22C'est bon.
34:42Il était une fois, une petite fille
34:45qui n'avait pas vu sa mère depuis sept ans.
34:49Sa mère l'avait habillée d'une armure
34:52et lui avait dit
34:55« Quand cette armure sera usée,
34:58tu pourras venir me voir. »
35:01Désespérée, la petite fille frotta son armure
35:04contre les murs pour l'user.
35:09Elle y parvint finalement.
35:12Elle prit du lait, du pain,
35:15un peu de fromage et de beurre
35:18et partit rendre visite à sa mère.
35:21Dans les bois,
35:24elle rencontra un loup.
35:27« Qu'est-ce que tu portes avec toi ? »
35:30lui demanda le loup.
35:36Du lait, du pain,
35:39un peu de fromage et de beurre,
35:42et du pain.
35:45Alors le loup lui demanda si elle voulait partager.
35:48Mais la petite fille refusa
35:51et lui expliqua que c'était un présent pour sa mère.
35:55Puis le loup lui demanda
35:58si elle comptait prendre le chemin des épinglettes
36:01ou celui des aiguillettes.
36:04« Le chemin des épinglettes, » répondit l'enfant.
36:07Alors le loup
36:10prit le chemin des aiguillettes
36:13et lui demanda
36:16si elle comptait prendre le chemin des épinglettes
36:19ou celui des aiguillettes.
36:22Prit le chemin des aiguillettes,
36:25arriva chez la mère de la petite fille
36:28et la dévora.
36:31Peu de temps après,
36:34la petite fille arriva devant la maison de sa mère.
36:37« Mère, ouvrez la porte ! »
36:43« Pousse-la ! »
36:46« Elle n'est pas fermée, » répondit le loup.
36:53Cris de douleur
36:56Cris de douleur
36:59Cris de douleur
37:02Cris de douleur
37:05Cris de douleur
37:08Cris de douleur
37:11Cris de douleur
37:14Cris de douleur
37:17Cris de douleur
37:20Cris de douleur
37:23Cris de douleur
37:26Cris de douleur
37:29Cris de douleur
37:32Cris de douleur
37:35Cris de douleur
37:38Cris de douleur
37:41Cris de douleur
37:44Cris de douleur
37:47Cris de douleur
37:50Cris de douleur
38:12Espèce d'imbécile
38:15It's not your fault that I told you to do so.
38:19This type of glasses reduces your field of vision.
38:21You must learn to situate yourself in space, to evaluate forces in presence.
38:25You must anticipate what may arise from behind a door.
38:28You must be constantly on your guards.
38:30If you are not on your guards, you will not be able to resist the enemy's rush.
38:35Well, you there.
38:37What are the basic instructions concerning the armor?
38:44Well, go ahead. I'm listening.
38:47Rule number one.
38:49You must start by locating the blind spots due to the field of vision of the armor
38:53in order to protect us mutually and thus achieve our optimal efficiency.
38:57If you know it, why don't you do it?
39:00The mistake of a single one of you can lead to the death of the entire section.
39:04Don't just count on your equipment.
39:06Use your head, damn it!
39:09So, what do you think?
39:12What are you talking about?
39:14About what happened in the rocket's head.
39:16Why didn't he shoot the other day?
39:24You can't say these machines are really out of order.
39:28Especially if you use this type of cartridge exclusively.
39:35Especially with this kind of gun.
39:37You have to learn to shoot first before you get shot.
39:43Even with the armor, it's hard to shoot.
39:46I remember the first time I was hit,
39:48I was so hurt that I didn't close my eyes at night.
39:51That's why you left us to go to the office, isn't it?
40:03Maybe it means he's still human.
40:07Maybe, yes.
40:09But there are a lot of people who prefer to behave like animals.
40:12Even if it costs them.
40:14Even if it hurts them.
40:16Do you think that's the case?
40:18Well, that's what we should soon discover.
40:22You know, enemy, you're still a weirdo.
40:26You abandon all your friends to finally join the people in the office.
40:30And you're worried about a guy from the Panzer unit who's flanking during a mission.
40:35And you, Mr. Instructor, you don't think you're weird, do you?
40:38You stay here and waste your time talking to me.
40:43And the little friend?
40:46I'm talking about the rocket.
40:48It seems that it comes out very often at the moment.
40:51Do you know anything about it?
40:55Anyway, these stories of animals that meet men, it always ends badly.
41:11Animals have their own story.
41:15You shouldn't mix them with humans.
41:18Everyone in place, armed and equipped.
41:21We will repeat the exercise until half of you survive.
41:43Look, did you see at the corner of the street?
41:47What was exactly in this place before it was demolished?
41:50Do you remember?
41:59It's always the same thing.
42:01People forget everything so quickly.
42:05In fact, we may never remember.
42:09Finally, when a building disappears, it's as if it never existed.
42:13And when people die, it may be the same.
42:17Don't you think that's sad?
42:39When I was little, my parents...
42:42My parents often took me to play here.
42:45But in my memory, it seemed so much bigger to me.
42:49Don't you think so?
43:08Let's go!
43:38Let's go!
44:09It's beautiful.
44:11Did you notice the view we have?
44:15Every time I come here, I always think of the same thing.
44:19I tell myself that one day, I don't know when, I could leave this city.
44:23I would go very far away in a city that I don't know.
44:27And I would become another.
44:29Ah yes, another.
44:33I would forget everything that happened until then.
44:36And I would become someone else.
44:38Why did you join the Panzer unit?
44:54I don't know if I should tell you.
44:57I don't know what I'm doing.
45:01I don't know, it's hard to explain.
45:04It's as if...
45:06As if I had finally found a place to go.
45:10As if you had found your place?
45:17I understand, yes.
45:19At least you found it.
45:21They're flying! They're flying!
45:31Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?
45:45They flew away.
45:49You didn't hurt yourself.
45:55You can't come.
46:00You can't come.
46:30You can't come.
47:00You can't come.
47:19Wait! I have something to ask you!
47:23No, you can't come.
47:27You can't come, it's forbidden.
49:51Hello, I'm listening.
50:22The little girl who took the path of the pins...
50:25What happened to her?
50:29Push the door, it is not closed.
50:32Answered the wolf.
50:35But the door was still closed.
50:38Then she entered the houses,
50:41sliding through a small hole.
50:45Mother, I'm hungry, said the child.
50:49There is meat in the buffet, replied the wolf.
50:53But it was the flesh of his mother killed by the wolf.
50:59A big cat jumped on the buffet and screamed.
51:04It's your mother's flesh that you eat.
51:09Mother, there is a big cat on the buffet.
51:13He tells me it's your flesh that I ate.
51:18He's lying, of course.
51:21Throw him your flesh, my child.
51:26After eating the meat,
51:29the little girl was thirsty.
51:32Mother, I'm thirsty, give me something to drink.
51:37Drink the wine in the cup, said the wolf.
51:42She drank it, and a little bird flew on the chimney,
51:46and said to her,
51:48It's your mother's flesh that you drink.
51:51You drink your mother's flesh.
51:55Mother, a little bird flew on the chimney,
51:59told me it's your flesh that I drank.
52:04Throw him your flesh, my child.
52:07Throw him your flesh.
52:11Throw him your flesh.
52:42After eating the flesh and drinking the blood,
52:46the little girl turned to her mother and said to her,
52:51Mother, I'm sleepy all of a sudden.
52:58Come and sleep with me, said the wolf.
53:12Mother, I'm sleepy all of a sudden.
53:17Come, sleep with me.
53:23Come, sleep with me.
53:28Come, sleep with me.
53:33Come, sleep with me.
53:38Come, sleep with me.
53:44Come, sleep with me.
53:46Come, sleep with me.
53:49which considers it necessary to proceed with the complete elimination of the POSEM.
53:54Despite all the problems inherent to its creation,
53:56we really admire the work done by the POSEM.
53:59We think that without it, it would have been impossible to maintain the public order,
54:03and that it is thanks to the contribution of the Bureau that you have been directing since its creation
54:07that it has been able to achieve such a success.
54:10All of us here have a lot of esteem for you and for the entire team of the Bureau.
54:16Although the order has been restored and calm seems to reign in the capital,
54:20the anti-government forces are still too strong for us to give up our efforts.
54:24The various branches of the sect, their clandestine network, remain very active
54:28and although their movement has been greatly shaken,
54:30we are unfortunately not safe from a recrudescence of acts of terrorism.
54:34We are faced with an unstable situation in constant evolution that we are unable to control.
54:38Also, we must avoid at all costs armed clashes
54:41which only give more credibility to their movements
54:43and we must make an effort to set up a large public security force.
54:47To achieve this, it seems essential for us to unify our forces
54:50and to regroup them under a single direction.
54:53The Chief of Staff and the senior officials who want to eliminate the POSEM
54:56do not want to hear about it.
55:00Indeed, few people among these officials and within the Chief of Staff of the Police
55:04share our point of view,
55:05but they seem to be a few of those who work permanently on the ground
55:09and who are concerned about the stability and the future of our country.
55:12With you, your team at the office,
55:14as well as with the support of the friends of the very influential Commander Ania,
55:18we would have the possibility of reforming our administration
55:21or giving it a second force by incorporating the POSEM.
55:24We already have the official agreement of several members of the Security Commission.
55:30But that has only one condition.
55:35No more Panzer units.
55:43No more Panzer units.
55:54What do you think?
55:56All this is very nice, but it is only a speech.
55:59It is enough that there is a superior who teaches them a lesson
56:02and they enter very quickly in their niches, the tail between the legs.
56:05In fact, if the members of the Security Commission support them,
56:08it is above all to counteract the Chief of Staff of the Police.
56:11You are probably right.
56:13Nevertheless, their analysis of the situation is fair.
56:17We should never put two dogs in the same niche.
56:21But if we want to keep both and there is no other solution to protect them,
56:26we can always try to couple them.
56:30The only problem is that we do not know which line will survive.
56:34Even if it is healthy,
56:36the animal whose line is extinguished ends up dying.
56:42Some animals, when they dominate their group,
56:45start to kill all the offspring of their females.
56:50Organizations sometimes do as much.
56:54I understand that it bothers you to betray an old comrade who is part of the Panzers.
56:59And this girl, who is she?
57:01A red hat, like the one who died.
57:04Pseudonym, long hair.
57:06Her real name is Kei Amamiya.
57:08She has been arrested several times,
57:10but she has never been convicted.
57:12She is really a pure and hard terrorist.
57:14I noticed her some time ago,
57:16following a raffle after an attack.
57:18And why did you choose her, precisely?
57:21It was the right person.
57:24It was the right person.
57:27And in addition, she had a really disturbing resemblance to the girl who died.
57:36It's up to you to choose the moment.
57:39By the way,
57:41have you ever heard of a certain brigade of wolves?
57:45Of course, yes.
57:46The famous counter-espionage organization,
57:49created by Honda, the number two of the Panzer unit,
57:52in order to spy on all the police organizations
57:55and the different corps that make up the P.O.S.M.
57:59Why are you asking me this question?
58:01Does it really exist?
58:03I know it sounds incredible,
58:05but during the entire occupation,
58:07Honda was at the head of the G2,
58:09a counter-espionage service that had been set up by the occupant.
58:12He's someone who plays a double game,
58:14you never know what he thinks.
58:16Remember what I told you, you never know.
58:22I'm sorry.
58:38It's the only thing they found.
58:40A flirt between a terrorist and an agent of the Panzer unit.
58:45My superior doesn't have much imagination.
58:49What is certain is that this scandal
58:52will have terrible consequences.
58:55What do you think?
58:58It's always like that in counter-espionage.
