Der Rosarote Panther Staffel 1 Folge 33 HD Deutsch

  • 2 months ago


00:30The sawmill owner, Holztwurm, travels with his family, i.e. with his children and the nice Mrs. Ottilie, to a picnic place to forget the tomorrow's tax evaluation.
00:40Mrs. Ottilie has also taken her smallest spruce with her in a so-called baby carrier bag.
00:46Mr. Holztwurm, as always, urges for as quick a nourishment as possible with the things he has brought with him, in order to make his nigger at the noise of the children, just like Paul.
00:53He stumbles under an oak, where he meets the spicy and rich scent of the picnic basket, his sense of smell, and, of course, he rushes to the basket.
01:23He sits there with his nigger child. You can see how he is on the way out. How would it be for the child to turn to another mother?
01:47Well, of course, he will go to Mama Brummel. She only has three this year, otherwise she has seven. He will put the stolen baby under her.
01:53Said and done, he is already in the bear's nursery and unloads the ballast. The bad boy.
02:18Oh, if only he could find a way out. There come Eagle-Eye and his wife Morgenröte.
02:22In a basket he sits with babbling and squawking. Hi-ho-ta-wa, the Indian bengel.
02:27In addition, Paul puts the nigger child.
02:29And when the Indians are on their way, and when there are suddenly two to dry, Mother Morgenröte can not help but believe that the white man, Mr. Schwartek, has nothing to do with this increase.
02:47The baby cries. Is it because it loves to get little teeth?
03:05Well, whatever the reason for the cry, it is said that crying with babies is healthy.
03:10And because the little baby was apparently smart, it apparently does not get enough of the health.
03:15Well, now. Suddenly it is quiet. That's exactly what the little Paul wants.
03:20Cautiously in the basket, Paul seems to be saved for the first time.
03:23How peaceful it is with a little squawking.
03:47Suddenly a skunk walks past. The smell that makes him shudder is suspicious.
03:52And Paul brings it to the river on his long, stiff arm, which is certainly not very warm, and washes the child there with the nigger.
03:59So don't ask me how I find that. And at six in the morning.
04:04Oh, the wind has stopped.
04:34Oh, not enough that Paul falls from the tree. Now the baby cries again, what holds the lung.
04:59The Paul can no longer hear it, and he runs away.
05:01Just don't despair, my poor Paul, there is the rescue already.
05:04No, really, I call it something like that.
05:06There is a rattlesnake with a rattle.
05:08Here Paul has just decided to unscrew it, even if the snake doesn't believe it at first.
05:11And when it believes it, it cries with a heart-breaking tear.
05:14Paul, who is very inventive, as he says, suddenly sees that the baby is no longer there.
05:19For this, he sees the father and mother, who have now noticed the loss and suspect that the baby is on the picnic area.
05:26It is the sawmill owner, next to Mrs. Ottilie, who congratulates the family that everyone is there again,
05:31and goes there with babbling children and a little loud exhaling.
05:35The Paul no longer needs the rattlesnake rattle, it is now finally out of the mud,
05:40until it should play babysitter again at a nest full of little birds.
05:56© BF-WATCH TV 2021
