• last year
This is:
(Full Series Playlist Link Just Below)

This new series is based on my essay that a sexist at Facebook blocked. I will be publishing the scripts in essay form as I release each Femisode of the series.

Many, many more links to my full body of work including music, film, writing are at the bottom of this description.

PLANETTE EARTH MOTHER Series: Femisodes Scripts: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/06/worldwide-solutions-planette-earth.html?m=1

Full Playlist For This Series: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8fhs0

Original essay: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/04/superspecielle-feminism.html?m=1

All my feature length documentaries that cover common land and footpath rights issues in West Norfolk and many other very serious concerns in this region and our nation, are available on this channel in 30min episodes ... check out my full links list below for shortcuts to the documentary films

My three latest projects are also on DAILYMOTION now. I have just completed a documentary series about the sugar beet industry, and my new pre-series called Talking And Walking has started on DAILYMOTION: it is the prologue to this series.

It is time to Feminise Reality :)

... Merci Les Bien, Thank You Very Much Everyone


Official Governmental Petition For Equal Representation For Women In Every Political Constituency


Dailymotion: 30min Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:
Channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/uk_footpaths_in_crisis
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x83hta


Dailymotion: Sugarbeet Problems:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8a7ja

Dailymotion: Talking And Walking:
Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x8b12w

Dailymotion: West Norfolk Shorts:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x87iaw

Main Blog:

Metaphysical Theory Of Infinity:


Search Me Blog:

YouTube: Full Length Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:

Jason HowardLove: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090638659423

Jason HowardLove: https://twitter.com/JasonHowardLove

Email Contact:

#Leziate #Love #Feminism #Equality
00:00In this series I am discussing the essential need for this planet and all her peoples to
00:25feminise our viewpoints and behaviours.
00:30World Wide Solutions, Planet Earth Mother, Ideas for a New World.
00:35Please see my previous documentaries as a valuable introduction to this series.
00:39Sugar Beet Problems Conclusion Episodes 4 and 5 and my Talking and Walking mini-series
00:44of three episodes are important viewing and essential to contextualise this project.
00:49I will be publishing the minutes script from each episode of the series onto my blog page
00:54jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com as I release each episode.
00:59My original blog post for the first version of this essay was blocked by someone at Facebook
01:03who invoked the spam application to get my blog URL marked as an unshareable on Facebook
01:09This redraft includes the info from the first essay but it largely expands its coverage.
01:24In the same way we teach our children that all music they make is beautiful, whether
01:46random or conceived, and that all their musical conceptions are eternally gorgeous just like
01:51they are, so too we must teach them that everything we busy ourselves with must be
01:56feminine in nature and gorgeous in tone, and that all resource allocation must be compassionate
02:03in nature and loving in approach.
02:07Unethical lyrics cannot be considered as music, unloving lyrics have to be banned.
02:14If any artistic expression in any medium associates with unethical content it cannot be considered
02:21as art.
02:22These theories of socially destructive thoughts and behaviours cannot be considered content.
02:28All unpleasantness must be excluded from our creativity.
02:33Emotionally challenging content can never be considered as creative.
02:39It is difficult to accept for some but we must stop sharing our stories of torture as
02:44this suffering that we have ourselves experienced will perpetuate suffering itself and spread
02:50this suffering to others who may come into contact with our stories.
02:55When all non-only positive novels are recategorised as our historical texts and they are sent
03:02to off-world libraries under the remit of new book access laws, when a new only loving
03:08in approach is adopted across all mediums of super-special art, once we recognise that
03:15we can't keep processing the problems in our society through disgusting explorations
03:20of the problems within the human condition and the past stories of rape, murder and suffering
03:27that has been the nightmare enacted by ourselves upon ourselves, as it just perpetuates an
03:32ongoing and difficult to stop self-torture and we realise such negativising cannot be
03:39shared, then we will see true happiness for all peoples whom will then be feminine flowering
03:45outwards cuddle children in pure love beauteousness.
03:50Man takes people's suffering and revels in it monetarily and emotionally and sexually.
03:57Man is a disgusting disgrace and he will be stopped and he will be abandoned in theory
04:02of concept and actuality.
04:07Masculinity and all it stands for is a defunct disgrace of rape and torture and violence.
04:13Drama is not a cinema experience, death and horror is not for shits and giggles.
04:19Man will abandon himself or he will be abandoned by all women forever.
04:26All future defence mechanisms allowances and allocations will be under feminine review
04:32and veto, this is non-negotiable and all terminological requirements will be excluded from the creativity
04:41We have to have separation of terminology and acclaim and all other modes of profit.
04:49Military considerations can no longer be used as emotional crutches, as emotional addictivenesses.
04:57Our defence mechanisms must be loving and compassionate in nature.
05:02We always wish to cuddle not destroy, to include with love not harm.
05:11Financially arranged theft is thought of as clever on the markets and creative, but stealing
05:17the world's financial birthright can never be referred to as creative.
05:24Men have lied and cheated and siphoned and watched children starve and die and they have
05:31had no mercy and no remorse, but we will make them stop.
05:37The inflated prices indoctrination regime of modern man has happened across all commodities.
05:44The market pre-buying and pre-selling and imaginary buying, as in betting for and against
05:49prices of, causes massive inflation of all resource product prices across all sectors
05:56of human based economic systems.
05:59And this affects prices of fabrics for clothes and upholstery etc. in the form of natural
06:05and synthetic fibres price hikes that have catastrophic effects upon many people in this
06:10world and their access to fairly priced goods.
06:15Obviously wool can no longer be utilised as it belongs to sheep people not thieving humans.
06:23Cotton is one of the most utilised of the natural or synthetic fibres, so anything that
06:28affects the price of cotton has majorly detrimental ramifications for the clothing of peoples.
06:36So when we go to buy clothes, before resources they are made from, like cotton, ever get
06:41to wool manufacturers or wholesale materiel stroke fabric sellers or even to sweatshops,
06:48the prices are already inflated.
06:51So then our country's clothing industry buys any and all goods as cheaply as they can and
06:57we end up paying the price we pay in shops, a price that could be significantly less on
07:02many over inflated in this country prices, but also there could be a larger margin in
07:08reasonably priced clothes for sweatshops stroke clothes wool manufacturers if the men at the
07:14bottom didn't siphon out loads of cash before the fact.
07:19Victims are forced to work for terribly low pay in horrendous conditions all because the
07:24markets are fixed and ruthless press gangs force modern slavery to keep turning.
07:31We want people whom actually work to make money, not men whom think they are entitled
07:36to money for nothing.
07:39Sweatshops could reinvent themselves with women at the helm instead of uncaring men
07:44positioned by an uncaring systems demands and pay their workers more if everything wasn't
07:50being squeezed and women could then be creative love producers in a new perfect girliness
07:56centric women's clothes cuddliness.
07:59The only way to achieve this lovely bright future for all women whom would love to be
08:04involved in a cuddly new clothes industry is enforced global regulation.
08:09Men must be pushed out of the way with new protectionist legislation.
08:14Women cannot be allowed to continue the subjugation of girls, women and all femininity.
08:22I know that this very concern is very worried about by women and feminine consumers and
08:28feminine consumerism as a whole in this country and obviously the whole system if overhauled
08:34and regulated compassionately would mean that clothes could have been produced by happy
08:39workers earning good money, but of course these days I would imagine the majority of
08:44clothing industry slaves would prefer to fully automate with manufactories here and
08:50Why hasn't the whole industry been fully automated?
08:54In some places they still use manual looms which are outdated in the 19th century and
09:00the enslaved operators of said equipment would prefer an equalised economy world and generous
09:05universal income arrangements in a price parity world across borders which is what we are
09:11aiming for.
09:13As in everyone in the world receiving a £50,000 a year universal income and the prices of
09:19goods being comparable and very low across borders and this would mean that people in
09:25this country who wish to produce fabrics and clothes from scratch would find they could
09:30do so very easily and competitively and supportedly, supported by a new global financial system.
09:38It would be a pleasure for pleasure and a way to make a nice guilt free living.
09:43We need guilt free consumerism for all manufacturers and femme sellers and femme buyers, through
09:49abolition of all financial markets and their enforced so called tenets of supply and demand.
09:56This is our only route to achieving that so let's make it happen, let's force the financial
10:01markets to close and change the world to a new and caring cuddle world.
10:07And with a fully automated clothes industry we acquire the pleasure for any people of
10:12all genders who wish to design and create clothes lovelinesses to do so within women
10:17of factories that would be legislated to have traditional clothes making spaces covering
10:22all methods from hand stitching to manual looms and sewing machines that would be safe
10:27loving spaces for clothes wonderment cuddle times.
10:33One more thing on this before I continue, I think we need to think long and hard about
10:37wholesalers and their continued existence.
10:40Some wholesale clothes shops are walk in but supply lots of other shops also.
10:45If these wholesalers are prepared to sell at retail to off the street customers also
10:51it is always appreciated.
10:53If one can buy say ten different dresses in bulk from one of these wholesale shops for
10:58instance this can make girls and boys very happy.
11:02People like this sort of thing but sometimes there are so many hands between that take
11:06a cut out the pie that you can't win.
11:09Lots of lovely little shops are forced to overprice or fold.
11:13I think we need to restrict the clothes industry and other industries to less middle men money
11:19One wholesaler between factory and retailer would be a good idea maybe.
11:24And with the full databasing of cash you can track these transactions and ensure these
11:29extra middle men transactions do not occur.
11:33There is also the concern of fabric selling wholesalers.
11:44So for instance a streamlined chain of supply could be source fabric factory to fabric printing
11:50factory to clothes factory to clothes wholesaler to clothes retailer.
11:56We don't need a load of people in between taking extra money out of the system.
12:02Fabric wholesalers can exist between fabric printing factories and clothes factories.
12:07I would suggest maybe doing away with this and only allow fabric wholesalers to sell
12:12to retail fabric sellers or general public or to even become fabric retailers themselves.
12:19All clothesware manufacturers, factories and smaller clothes makers could buy directly
12:25from the fabric printing factories or source fabric factories who would be supported in
12:30doing this by a new system, a fully legislated system.
12:35We like the idea of being able to go to really safe factories even and buying stuff cheaper
12:41and for this to be facilitated by the system and for this to actually be a completely financially
12:46supported joy for those who are manufacturers to provide.
12:50The history of family impoverishment has been so severe and disgusting and the forced enslavement
12:56of workers so deadly as to qualify the whole clothing industry to be massively overhauled
13:02or even legally forced to become non-profit on ethical grounds.
13:07We can no longer allow a nationalist racist class system to force the world's lovely girls
13:13to slave away for a pittance at our murderous convenience.
13:18What makes us think that we are better in class?
13:22Women are factoring open door policy.
13:25An open door policy within any private business is a wonderful new approach of openness and
13:31togetherness that I think all women will wish to insist on within all areas of science and
13:36technology and private business.
13:39This will include any super special activities like universities and any surviving industry
13:45type or manufactories.
13:48All production or manufactories within a new fully feminized production industry will be
13:53open for everyone to engage with and learn about or manufacturing in situ.
14:01Even though all such functions will have been automated to free people from an unpleasant
14:06past of effective slavery that makes them unhappy, people will still want to be able
14:11to fulfill yummy roles within creative and production based areas as per their own wishes,
14:17not via social monetary suicidally enforced pressurizing.
14:23The people will be able to walk off the street and access production spaces as part of a
14:28new global bill of rights that will uncuddle everyone's feelings for interest in exploration
14:34and experimentation with only limited abilities to have secret projects based upon surprise
14:40quotient considerations.
14:43We must always consider a child's right to learning and loving access to yummy information
14:48as the most fundamentally important aspect to the societal cuddling yumminess we provide
14:54and eternally foster with all our hearts, and yumminess we're manufacturing will be
14:59a cuddle joy of the feminine world post full feminization of reality.
15:06Exciting and compassionate only university projects have to be open information and mirrored
15:12across the globe if appropriate, with surprise quotient yumminess being a public release
15:17timing decision and not permanent secrets, cuddled within a loving algorithm of sharing
15:24decisioning that can be numerical or emotional, feministical in styling.
15:31Men do realize that feministical, excitable, delightable, cuddlistical, feminine deliciousnesses
15:38are fully contingent upon the surety of bovine yumptiousness being included within every
15:45single project and decision that we ever together cuddle, ever.
15:51Girls want lovey stuff and they want it everywhere.
15:55With a new open door policy between all nations on planet earth mother including all governmental
16:01projects, because femininity demands cooperation between all nations and peoples, we will see
16:08an end to nationalistic racial rivalries.
16:12Nationalism is always racism in severity regardless of ethnic background.
16:19Sport can never be called nationalistic, new terms are needed as cross-utilization of terminology
16:26can no longer be acceptable across the bivision boundary between nice and horrid.
16:33Proportional representation within all public and private projects.
16:38If one looks at all governmental projects in the western world, wherever that is, proportional
16:43representation across all governmental projects for people of different ethnicities and their
16:49earnings is a minimal standard that sexist racist northern european men do not care for.
16:55And how do people of different genders fare in this biased selection process?
17:00I personally think that we should select ethically minded people only and have over and above
17:06proportional representation for previously sidelined and intentionally marginalized peoples.
17:13Every single project we uncuddle from now on has to not only provide proportional representation
17:18going forwards, but has also got to be formulated and populated with the intention of proving
17:24to all those whom are of different ethnicities and sensualities and genders and whatevers
17:30that we not only love them very much, but that we would like to see their influences
17:35beautificationalizing all superspecial creativity in perpetuity over and above proportionalizing
17:43representationalizing calculations so for to bliss fill our future in ways our ancestors
17:50deserved but never were permitted by sexist racist and genderist and homophobic and against
17:57everything non-hetero masculine violent men.
18:02Through the ages there has been an artificial skewing of reality against the idea that people
18:08are biverse in nature in a multi-singing approach of joyous expressionism.
18:14An inherently inclusive yummy cuddle that has been historically intentionally neutered.
18:19A yummy cuddle that when free to be as one wishes, all wishes of all peoples can be incarnationalized
18:25in dreamlike states of reality fulfillment.
18:29Anybody different from violent heterosexual normative has been denied an our story and
18:36we will never know how this could have positively flavored our culture.
18:40A massive loss has been taken culturally and man will continue to deny any culture that
18:45is different to be unmodulated by his monetary blackmailing and prejudicial blacklisting.
18:53Homosexuality and bisexuality is given space only at heterosexual mans behest, control,
18:59manipulation and ridicule.
19:01With lovely people offered up as sacrifice for the modern heteroridicule meat grinder
19:07of rape torture disgustingness.
19:10People of all different sensualities and sexualities and gender identities want the
19:15our story they would have had throughout thousands of years of non-prejudicial civilization back
19:21and they have the right to emotionally sue for anything their hearts desire within this
19:25reparational process.
19:27They want nice only content of togetherness cuddle times in forever joy.
19:33Not barbaric social ambushing and mind modulated demonizing that presents all peoples as the
19:39way TV men think of themselves and the world.
19:43Namely a shark tank dog eat dog, bullying sarcastic, ridiculing bravado filled rapist
19:49disgustingness of filth trope horror promotion and body part flying gore violence.
19:56Men whom are sheltered within the moving pictures industries are so out of touch and so violently
20:01monetarily monopolizing in their filth promotion as excuses serious content that they delude
20:07themselves into thinking that people want to continue to watch this bully boy shit.
20:13Strictly Come Dancing is a disgusting example of bully TV execs filling their boots on intentional
20:19ridicule and belittlement with disgusting scoring themes that see elitism promoted and
20:25culling of people from the show as the norm.
20:28How can a show justify the stress they seek to promote in the very formulaic approach
20:32to hurting peoples feelings and getting rid of them?
20:35This is not the culture we want for the future, we want it gone now.
20:41All dances are beautiful, all dancey movements perfectional.
20:46If it is gesturally disgusting it cannot be called culture, cannot be called dance.
20:53We have to remove the violent heterosexual normative demands of masculine dominating
20:57culture that is unrelenting and merciless in its combative self promotion of aggressive
21:04masculine psychology across all human projects whether publicly or privately resourced worldwide.
21:12Since the beginning of time man has shown his murderous and violent prejudice against
21:17any and all peoples he deems to be targets for his fun, ridicule, bullying and killing.
21:24If he had not done so the world would have been full of biverse and yummificational lovey
21:29creativity cuddle joys and we would not now be needed to rise up against his murderous
21:34nature to demand equality and inclusive justice for cultural influence from marginalised lovey
21:44To prove to women that man is ready to contribute to setting the correct and loving tone towards
21:49spacefaring and childbearing men love to pretend to care and say nice things like we're pregnant
21:58but then turn a blind eye to the intentional removal and control of feminine global influences.
22:05To prove to women that man is now worthy of being thought of as an equal in women's eyes
22:12man must completely change his whole entire mindset.
22:16Setting the tone for space, man earning his right to the stars.
22:22And all governmental projects for development of any tech, space, infrastructure, defence
22:27etc all have to be prime examples of new caring man's at all times compassionately logicalised
22:35abilities to step to one side whilst women create loving extrapolations of femininity
22:41gorgeousnesses for all explorational and artistical and technological cuddly woo woos.
22:50If women were not constantly oppressed by seriousness expectations and monetary limitations
22:56because they're female then the world would already be bedecked with cushny park benches
23:01and ribbonsy buildingsy deliciousy architecture and never picked flowery roof spaces everywhere
23:08designed by seed sprinkly toddler bubba collectives of all species baby boo boos.
23:15So I wanted to talk more about financial markets to give you more of an impression of what
23:20goes on.
23:21I mentioned stop losses as protection from losing on the markets.
23:26Stop losses are basically automated computer selling orders that tell the broker you are
23:30utilising to sell at a certain price.
23:34This functions to protect you from owing the broker lots of money if things go wrong.
23:39But a lot of brokers will cancel a position for you even in a losing position if the price
23:45changes too far in their opinion.
23:48If they think they can get away with it legally.
23:51A broker will always chase down your losses and even take your house if they want to,
23:56which they do, but stop losses that legally should have been honoured or would have been
24:01honoured normally but for small print unexpected in inverted commas market unexpectedly unexpected
24:07circumstances put it this way even accidental in inverted commas stop loss malfunctions
24:15can mean that your broker really doesn't feel like giving you your money but actually
24:19fancies coming after you for more if they feel like it and no legal right to legal aid
24:25exists despite the fact someone in the private law industry would be happy to charge you
24:31vast fees to look at getting justice for you.
24:35It is a losing battle if they just use a contract to say that it wasn't their fault but a technical
24:41fault and the money is owed and it is your responsibility not theirs as you took on the
24:46risk as per your contractual agreement that ultimately protects the broker and not the
24:51victim that's regulations for you or lack of.
24:55So stop losses can be trustworthy or not dependent on the market and the broker and certain market
25:02conditions and how they are feeling that day but everyone uses them because they have no
25:08It is your position in the markets hierarchy that will afford you actual honoured protection
25:13though there is not much honour in this or the markets as a whole basically a lot of
25:18people lose money because stop losses are not honoured all the time because everyone
25:22else is trying to make money too.
25:25If a market closes for the night there are also early market sessions where a price can
25:29go against you and certain brokers will not actionize stop losses during these sessions
25:34unless you are mega rich.
25:37Money talks.
25:39Also the financial world insists on markets having opening and closing hours traditionally
25:43in theory to protect investors from night time losses but these days opening and closing
25:48hours are used as opportunities to skim money from less protected people.
25:53If you are on the inside of a financial institution for instance you could be safe although I
25:59am pretty sure this is a running joke between bullying anxiety mongers who work in such
26:03places who often see the weak running to the hills or other countries when the jokers
26:08withdraw protections for entertainment or dog eat dog rules of the hierarchy.
26:14You really should have fucked that prostitute you faggot.
26:18But a lone trader has limited protection sometimes on certain forms of trading.
26:24A lot of traders unless a position is really safe will close down trades before markets
26:29close to protect themselves.
26:31As long as their home computer has not crashed or the internet has suddenly and inexplicably
26:38Because of course it is a dog eat dog world and even protections are not necessarily honoured
26:43if a broker in a legally backed small print type way just decides to protect their own
26:48assets over people who trade with them.
26:51Even very old very large accounts are sacrificed in this way because legal protections do not
26:56exist or are theoretically eroded by illegal contracts at times.
27:02A lot of illegal activities go on across borders because oversight is scarce or losers will
27:07not pursue when they could.
27:10Basically if this macro financial system that we have was to continue real regulation would
27:16be legislated and rigorously enforced.
27:20Men do not want this though and with present lack of giving a shit this is never ever going
27:24to happen.
27:26Which I suppose doesn't really matter in the long term because we are going to close down
27:30all the markets ladies.
27:32We have to.
27:33We have no choice.
27:36So linking imaginary markets to real ones takes money out of the system and causes these
27:41massive price increases of everything we buy which causes massive economic problems.
27:48Everything and I mean everything is done this way.
27:51This is the way the financial markets are screwing the world over.
27:55Artificially inflating prices that should definitely not be artificially inflated.
28:00Not if we care about people committing suicide and starving and struggling and wars and everything
28:06else that's bad in the world that is going on at the moment because there is no way to
28:10stop these things.
28:12No money no power no impetus as it is being diverted.
28:18So the buying and selling of commodities just for the purposes of selling them on for profit
28:22has gone on since the advent of market trading but of course and rightly so this has at various
28:28times through history been highly frowned upon due to the massively immoral nature of
28:33interfering in prices.
28:35And obviously at times this has been outlawed.
28:38But in modern history the people who have wanted to do this have managed to gain the
28:42upper hand financially and so too politically and they have managed to convince stroke force
28:47people that moral concerns are irrelevant.
28:51The buying and selling by such people was always treated as betting because the men
28:55buying and selling had no interest in the product only in buying and selling on for
29:00more money when people get desperate.
29:03And this would cause price inflations which would be a significant driver in actual general
29:08inflation also.
29:10But of course every single market reaction is dictated by rules and direct interferences
29:16by the men who run the markets.
29:19The markets are not an uncontrollable abstraction but are linked to what these men want to happen
29:24as they set the parameters.
29:27If a product or suite of products imaginary or real go up or down in price people will
29:33expect the prices of the same types of products to go up or down.
29:38These markets are directly linked as in the price fluctuations are amalgamated and even
29:44if they weren't herd mentality and speculative expectations cause these market changes to
29:49occur because people buy when prices go up and sell when they go down.
29:54So the more people want to buy the more the price will rise and of course with lots of
29:59people buying and selling driving the prices themselves any movements in price can cause
30:04panic selling or buying or just trend followers or potential trend following.
30:09Any information is followed by others.
30:12Any potential price change sought as impetus.
30:16Any real time data sheets on collective or private individual spending patterns perused
30:22and or sold for personal gain.
30:25And of course hearsay communication between people is a massive market driver.
30:31If someone with vast funds sells or buys a very large amount of a product then the price
30:36can jump massively in one direction or the other and this can cause a lot of sudden money
30:41loss or gain if you are in the communication loop which is illegal.
30:47So big market players can affect prices and leveraged friends can make lots of money if
30:53they are informed.
30:55This is called insider trading and theoretically is illegal.
30:59But where there's money to be made you'll find people on the take and it is always easy
31:04to open up an account and accidentally lose large sums of cash to pay a backhander or
31:09fund a drug deal.
31:11And arrange some advice for a drug dealer to make money on your broker platform to cover
31:17the fee for the drugs purchase.
31:20And the law enforcement services are either oblivious or turn a blind eye.
31:25A bit like commanding officers turning a blind eye when soldiers do not declare full inventories
31:31of seized weapons caches.
31:33So they can have weapons available for planting on victims whom they have misidentified or
31:39intentionally illegally killed.
31:42Regardless however of all these market dynamisms the overarching market mechanisms of how the
31:48market should behave as in the basic rules of supply and demand and how prices inherently
31:53rise and fall in line with buying and selling are just delusional machinations for the purposes
31:59of ripping people off.
32:01Because these price rises are simply mechanisms that the market control men dictate.
32:06The whole thing is just a complete and utter murder manifesto.
32:12Prices should not go up and down if you desire balanced economics.
32:17The whole thing is a great big sham not to mention the whole immorality of putting prices
32:23up because something is scarce.
32:26Taking advantage of desperate people is where this whole ethos comes from and it is so disgusting
32:32to the point that I really can't understand why we allow it to be the cornerstone of our
32:37global economic system.
32:39It is inherited from men at the top who used to control these systems and their complete
32:44and disgusting lack of morality.
32:46Billions have died in the name of supply and demand economic theory implementation.
32:52So linked products affect each other's prices and most certainly imaginary betting as in
32:58betting against the value of commodities is permitted to affect these markets which then
33:03causes massive completely irrelevant instabilities in market prices and markets themselves.
33:09Unless of course you plan to bleed the money out based upon these instabilities which is
33:14what the vast majority of people seek to make money from when they bet on the markets.
33:19It's like a randomised casino which can't be predicted because the cards are constantly
33:23being shuffled as they are dealt from one deck or a million who knows by men who use
33:29a great big computer to count all the cards in their favour.
33:33Well put it this way the men with big positions on the markets can burn all the decks and
33:38just give out twos whenever they want.
33:41So financial instability is intentionally created and hoped for despite the fact it
33:46directly causes death and a lot of people who trade lose a lot of money because only
33:52the big man always wins like in the casino.
33:56So a resultant phenomenon of allowing prices of products to just go all over the place
34:01for the means of raping the world and ruining all our futures is the market mechanism of
34:06shorting financial products and commodities etc. as in people giving you a financial return
34:13when the value of something goes down like being paid by a criminal to destroy someone's
34:20Now in a sane world all the prices would be fixed to a fairly worked out price that would
34:25be calculated by an algorithm that would look at all the products our story and cost of
34:31acquisition etc. to come to an unchangeable price for the person who actually plans to
34:36utilise that product by which to acquire it for real and moral purposes.
34:42This would create price stability with no stress or risk but in a world where prices
34:48massively inflate for no reason other than to rip anybody and everybody off there is
34:52obviously going to be the need to drive prices down sometimes despite the fact someone is
34:58going to lose vast sums of cash when prices drop.
35:02In imaginary betting one can bet for a price to rise as in if it does one will make profit
35:08but there is also the facility to short a bet against a price which means if the price
35:12goes down then the imaginary bet will allow one to make a profit from the price drop.
35:18This is also a disgusting mechanism of trading as it simply seeks to profit from other people's
35:24destruction and of course imaginary shorting bets affect market prices.
35:29Of course the men want them to.
35:32Buying and selling things that do not need to be bought or sold but just need to be utilised
35:37for their ethical function and imaginary betting on these things to artificially inflate price
35:42is completely and utterly disgusting but the phenomenon of shorting products is just
35:48as abhorrently disgusting and not only allows men to make vast sums of cash when the markets
35:55collapse but makes them manipulate this to happen.
36:00Culling upon ban, duty of care.
36:03The certainty that all dead body consumption on planet earth mother will cease is not in
36:11What is a potential problem if we do not take the correct sequence of actions is that men
36:15will try to murder people in multitudes calling it a cull.
36:20They will cite reasons of economy and ownership of peoples and any which reasoning they can
36:25muster to slaughter their way to convenient outcomes for themselves i.e. not having to
36:31give land to other species or even accommodate their dietary preferences.
36:37This cannot be allowed to happen.
36:39All the species on this planet that are to be saved from the murderous nature of man
36:44will be respected and supported and land will be compulsory allocated and houses will be
36:50built for them.
36:51This is the only possible feminised nurturing outcome that is guaranteed.
36:57Man at present seeks to drag the arguments through irrelevancies that are ten steps behind
37:03what has to happen.
37:04They do this to keep those who fight for the freedom of all species focusing on disputes
37:09that will ultimately bear no fruit for the emancipation of all sentient peoples.
37:15Arguments like bovines releasing too many gases into the atmosphere.
37:19Firstly this isn't actually true.
37:22If they enjoy a proper, lovely and healthy biverse diet, flatulence is not a concern.
37:28I know some people imagine slaughtering millions of bovines and other mammals and avian dead
37:33body providing species upon any possible legal banning of all animal provided dead
37:39body sources, but to simply cull their numbers for convenience is genocide and will not be
37:45accepted for any consideration other than to put men in prison.
37:49In fact man would seek for this to happen simply out of spite and a self delusion of
37:54power that at present drives their disgusting and murderous logic assumptions.
37:59Men do not like change and do not want to stop persecuting and murdering other species.
38:05It is, in distillation, quite simply a power play and they also enforce the same regime
38:11upon women and girls and anyone whom gets in their way.
38:16In the new world we will create, they will no longer be able to enact this murder power
38:21upon all femininity and super-speciality.
38:25All saved slave peoples will be treated with joyousness and love, feminine caring and compassion.
38:33A new man of inclusion will emerge in the new cuddlement of feminine girliness that
38:39women will wrap around the planet.
38:42All peoples of all species deserve family life and residential lands.
38:48That is the only outcome to the future banning of baby body eating.
38:53In the past the US was covered in gigantic herds before Europeans arrived.
38:59They ate the grass too.
39:00It is not flatulence that is the problem to planet earth mothers atmosphere, it is mans
39:05disregard in burning anything and everything it is possible to burn.
39:10The reason this planet is in such serious mortal danger, deadly danger that man ignores
39:16for the sake of traditional murder practices and limited money making, is because man has
39:21deforested for thousands of years and now the climate is about to mal-implode.
39:27To say that bovine flatulence is a blameable factor in the global warming cycle we are
39:32now going through is clearly ridiculous, as vast amounts of buffalo existed across North
39:37America for thousands of years, that also subsisted upon grass bio-matter before ranch
39:44owners turned up.
39:46Carbon factors like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are by far the main antagonists that
39:52are causing problems to our atmosphere, but fossil fuel burning Americans want to somehow
39:57justify their ability to burn twice as much oil per dollar of GDP produced compared to
40:02Europe in their typically bloodthirsty want.
40:06The excuse that America is larger and this justifies the complete disregard for economical
40:11industry and living has never been accepted by women.
40:16If smaller cars economise your large industry, but then again you do not need to when your
40:22fuel is twice as cheap whilst the rest of the world is ripped off on fuel prices.
40:27Lucky for the continued morality of Americans, electrical cars are going to save their planet
40:32from this disgusting manufactured in America financial markets choke hold.
40:37Fuel prices being a direct reflection of the USA's financial raping of the world.
40:43It's designed to create desperation and competition amongst all those involved, so as to erroneously
40:49justify the very need for these murderous markets to exist in their current form.
40:55No one of these markets could seek to break away and do things kindly and compassionately
41:01as the rest of the global markets infrastructure would financially pummel any such attempts
41:07without remorse.
41:09Of course men will seek to justify a cull of bovine peoples just before bovines gain
41:14equal citizenship based upon the reasoning that they fart too much.
41:19Man burns the fossil fuels which pollute our atmosphere, substances that are actually composed
41:24of dead people's remains.
41:26The remains of people whom once lived and loved and strived for happiness.
41:31But fear not those of compassionate soul, once again the economic argument comes forth
41:36with the truth of it.
41:38The most profitable, easiest and cheapest to acquire energy source is wind, solar, tidal.
41:45Oil is a profitable business and even if it was more profitable for electrical energy
41:49production than renewables, which it isn't, men would still want to make it so, as in
41:55make it appear to be so due to their strangle hold over the world's economy as in the price
41:59of goods.
42:01Coal is dead bodies too.
42:04But of course any such arguments that men continually mal-offer are the most disgusting
42:09of justifications ever conceived due to the desecration of googles of dead people whose
42:15resting place is in the coal and oil.
42:19Making complex hydrocarbons and complex hydrosilicons and other materiel for physical cultural interfacings
42:27like building and artistic outfluences from renewable energy powered molecular reconfiguration
42:34of substrates like soil, rocks, sand, silt, salt water, biomass is just a matter for further
42:43development of the technologies that we need.
42:47Within these new material production methods, energy being the main consideration and energy
42:52being abundant in virtual free to acquire circumstance due to the effective economically
42:57free nature of wind power production, due to the ability of wind turbines to pay for
43:03themselves in a tiny fraction of a year when we're manufactured for non-profit, indeed
43:10by the time wind turbines need replacing we will be able to re-atomise them where they
43:15stand meaning they are indefinite structures of electrical energy production.
