• last year
This is:
(Full Series Playlist Link Just Below)

This new series is based on my essay that a sexist at Facebook blocked. I will be publishing the scripts in essay form as I release each Femisode of the series.

Many, many more links to my full body of work including music, film, writing are at the bottom of this description.

PLANETTE EARTH MOTHER Series: Femisodes Scripts: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/06/worldwide-solutions-planette-earth.html?m=1

Full Playlist For This Series: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8fhs0

Original essay: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/04/superspecielle-feminism.html?m=1

All my feature length documentaries that cover common land and footpath rights issues in West Norfolk and many other very serious concerns in this region and our nation, are available on this channel in 30min episodes ... check out my full links list below for shortcuts to the documentary films

My three latest projects are also on DAILYMOTION now. I have just completed a documentary series about the sugar beet industry, and my new pre-series called Talking And Walking has started on DAILYMOTION: it is the prologue to this series.

It is time to Feminise Reality :)

... Merci Les Bien, Thank You Very Much Everyone


Official Governmental Petition For Equal Representation For Women In Every Political Constituency


Dailymotion: 30min Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:
Channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/uk_footpaths_in_crisis
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x83hta


Dailymotion: Sugarbeet Problems:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8a7ja

Dailymotion: Talking And Walking:
Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x8b12w

Dailymotion: West Norfolk Shorts:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x87iaw

Main Blog:

Metaphysical Theory Of Infinity:


Search Me Blog:

YouTube: Full Length Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:

Jason HowardLove: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090638659423

Jason HowardLove: https://twitter.com/JasonHowardLove

Email Contact:

#Leziate #Love #Feminism #Equality
00:00In this series I am discussing the essential need for this planet and all her peoples to
00:25feminise our viewpoints and behaviours.
00:30World Wide Solutions, Planet Earth Mother, Ideas for a New World.
00:35Please see my previous documentaries as a valuable introduction to this series.
00:39Sugar Beet Problems Conclusion Episodes 4 and 5 and my Talking and Walking mini-series
00:44of three episodes are important viewing and essential to contextualise this project.
00:49I will be publishing the minutes script from each episode of the series onto my blog page
00:54jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com as I release each episode.
00:59My original blog post for the first version of this essay was blocked by someone at Facebook
01:03who invoked the spam application to get my blog URL marked as an unshareable on Facebook
01:09This redraft includes the info from the first essay but it largely expands its coverage.
01:24In this episode I will be talking further on finances.
01:47The buying and selling of products needed for or manufacture for the sake of bleeding
01:52out profit, as in to buy and then sell on at a profit to someone else whom will do
01:59the same or even at the end of a long chain of middlemen potentially sell to someone whom
02:04actually needs said product for a justifiable reason of creative production, is highly immoral
02:12and will be made illegal.
02:15These products do not need to be bought or sold, they need to be ethically as in physically
02:21processed for the betterment of all peoples.
02:25And imaginary betting on these things to artificially inflate prices is completely and utterly disgusting
02:33and it is mass murdering the people of the world.
02:38The phenomenon of shorting products is just as ridiculously disgusting and I will be talking
02:44further on this in this episode.
02:49Wishing for others to fail, as in wishing the real buyers and sellers to lose loads
02:55of cash, is an absolute disgrace.
02:58But then again that is the only function the markets serve, to take money away from others
03:05for nothing.
03:07Does anyone even dare try to use the markets to actually buy stuff these days?
03:13I suppose they have to and when they do they are being overcharged massively.
03:19I suppose these products do need to be used after the markets have taken their massive
03:26and murderous levy.
03:29So imaginary shorting is basically a function to make anyone brave enough to actually buy
03:35real physical products in the markets be exposed to lots of risk as the product they have could
03:43lose so much value overnight that the product they might wish to make from that resource
03:48product could drop so far in value as to make their business of manufacturing or whatever
03:54completely worthless.
03:57And of course the constant unease that goes with this knowledge has driven many men into
04:03massive psychological stress and even to suicide even when their business has been going well.
04:11A business could continue manufacturing for years and lose loads of money due to buying
04:17high and selling low.
04:20If the markets decide it is your sector of industries turn to suffer.
04:26Never tell anyone you are about to need a large shipment because the markets can be
04:31adapted to increase prices on you in your moment of need.
04:36But of course nefarious surveillance of your business and inside informants can make self
04:43protection for a company impossible.
04:48If the markets are able to increase their prices on you then they can then decide how
04:53much to make you suffer.
04:56And this is also exactly how they like to as in it is a microcosm of how they like to
05:02manage populations, middle classes and working classes assets accumulations in so called
05:09developed countries also.
05:12And to be honest they are managing the rich and mega riches pockets too as no ones money
05:18goes very far in this world.
05:22But of course the mega rich find this all highly amusing at times as they can always
05:27bleed out more money and look special as they love to buy overpriced goods anyway,
05:34in theory.
05:36Anyway the prices of a product have risen so a company now needs to borrow money to
05:41purchase what they actually and ethically need to continue their reasonable, well manufacturing
05:50So they are forced to borrow money in the hopes prices may rise again and make their
05:55business viable again.
05:58The markets knew they were sitting on cash reserves and decided they wanted them.
06:04Sounds familiar doesn't it?
06:07And the financial institutions will of course be very prepared to lend you your own funds
06:13back to you.
06:15Funds you couldn't even make because you were forced to buy when the price was high.
06:21But you might come to some arrangement which leaves you with 50% less of your company or
06:27supplying someone at a loss for a few years or any number of inside and corrupt dealings.
06:35These deals are not regulated and not monitorable at times as, as I have already pointed out,
06:43it is easy for the markets to receive backhanders by people they target being forced to open
06:50trading accounts and lose large sums of cash.
06:54The markets might then allow your business to be a bit more viable if they feel like
06:59it, maybe.
07:01And forcing people to play the markets and lose cash in return for favours from you when
07:08they are desperate is an obvious form of blackmail that is untraceable as crime.
07:16And this same technique of dumping large amounts of money is a perfect and legal way
07:22for large sums of registered cash to transact for illegal purchases.
07:29And is a favourite way for illegal drugs or illegal guns or anything else to be bought
07:36when coupled with the technique I mentioned in my previous Fema-Sode 0160.
07:43I didn't want to tell you all these things about the markets ladies as I thought a quick
07:48look at finances might be enough for this piece, but I find myself wanting to cover
07:54the markets just enough to give you a quick snapshot into the way these men operate.
08:00Now being slightly aware of how these things work is one thing, a film here or a TV show
08:07there, an industrial espionage movie or an insider trading movie, great.
08:14But we all have to understand that this fucking world is an absolute fucking murderous disgrace
08:20and that the company I mention that has to buy its resource products at criminal pricing
08:25levels, a company that struggles through no fault of its own, will just be forced by these
08:32murderers to hoik their prices up.
08:35Good honest men and women trying to do as wonderful a job as possible in the world within
08:43the inherited parameters of what they do, trying to treat their workers well and their
08:48customers well, but being forced to put up their prices and not give pay rises, maybe
08:55increase hours, and all because some group of murderous, world for our children's happiness
09:02destroying so called finances men decided they were the next targets for a criminal
09:08set up.
09:10We can no longer put up with this ladies, we need your help, we need your voice, we
09:16need all women of the beauteous feminine world to stand up and rise up together and take
09:23back all our futures.
09:25We men do not have the strength or agreement amongst ourselves to get this done, but with
09:32your wonderful and caring and compassionate leading of the way, the lovely ones amongst
09:38us, good and loving men who just need to realise that femininity is the future, could support
09:45you wonderful and gorgeous girls all to change the world into the planet earth mother that
09:53we all know she is.
09:57The shorting of supply and demand.
10:00So shorting is a very useful market mechanism to cause a price to drop further through no
10:07inherent need other than people doing imaginary bets on that price.
10:13So this drives prices down which serves no purpose other than to cause a feeding frenzy.
10:20Well the feeding frenzy will happen.
10:24So the herd mentality makes prices rise and fall for no other reason than people either
10:30expect them to or by just buying or selling through speculation on a price rise or fall.
10:39The price will then actually rise or fall based upon neo supply and demand concept.
10:46Imaginary betting with nothing actually transacting.
10:51Organised gambling on a massively disgusting and destructive scale.
10:56This runs the world.
10:58This dictates the prices of everything you buy.
11:01This keeps you poor.
11:03This starves your children or your neighbours.
11:06This kills billions of homo sapien people worldwide.
11:12Many of whom never get to be born.
11:15So in this great big fix basically if people are selling prices must drop and if people
11:22are buying prices must rise.
11:25This concept is a killer.
11:28It is based on the immoral principle that if something is becoming scarcer one should
11:33rip people off.
11:35As in take advantage and cash in because they will buy it even if you do raise your price.
11:43Taking advantage of people's desperation.
11:46Men say this is the way the world works and we can't stop it but we can by just justly
11:54making it illegal.
11:56The men who can stop this mainstay practice in governments can stop it but do not want
12:04They refuse to but anything short of doing this is going to simply perpetuate the death
12:10and suffering and starvation.
12:14There is one person on planet earth mother however who does have the power to stop this.
12:20The power to close down the markets and design a new numerical resource allocation system
12:26that works for all citizens of our planet.
12:30That person is you and now you know you can all you have to do is say yes.
12:38So this whole concept of supply and demand principle is complete insanity but people
12:45who are happy to bleed the world and make you suffer do not care because they see opportunities
12:52to bet and win.
12:55The whole global economic system is based on this premise that prices must rise when
13:02people buy, fall when they sell even though all it is they are doing is watch numbers
13:09go up and down on a computer.
13:13This whole premise is a flaw, a sociopathy that causes minds stuck in the acceptance
13:19of it to be socio psychopathic.
13:23They care for nothing that is important.
13:27They do not care about people starving and losing houses and struggling and dying.
13:34In acceptance of these systems all they think about is their own bank balance and your government
13:41that is sworn to protect you does not protect you.
13:46It protects these systems that torture you because it refuses to legislate against the
13:56Time for change and you can bring that change through your power to petition your government
14:03to abolish this murderous global financial system.
14:09Prices of all products worldwide must be fixed.
14:13Inflation must be done away with but they really do not want this to happen.
14:19They will even lie to you and say that something like this is not possible but then they will
14:24say that's the way it works, it's the way of the world, it's dog eat dog.
14:29All of which are behaviours and behaviours can be modulated and changed and stopped.
14:37The financial systems of the world are a choice not a necessity.
14:41The world needs to handle its resources but we can't continue to do it following the
14:46principles of greedy men who do not care and who laugh at your pathetic poor suffering.
14:54All hierarchies must be done away with and this is the first that must, must, must, must
15:04The only reason to not do away with these systems and install a new streamlined and
15:09efficient and compassionate financial system is so those who play these markets can make
15:15their money.
15:16They are not making anything, just juggling numbers on a computer screen to no end but
15:22to bleed your future and your children's future.
15:26Their work achieves nothing.
15:2999% of all these transactions are simply bets and are not even buying or selling anything.
15:38You are being massively short changed with every transaction you make to nurture your
15:43family and it is simply lining the pockets of global thievery.
15:50One could also analogously refer to what is transacting as a war.
15:56An eternal war with no victory in sight because the whole planet has no viability because
16:03of the way the markets neuter everything and themselves.
16:08Some people might make money but as we have seen what happens when the markets are eventually
16:14driven to failure they just end up getting bailed out by the taxpayer that then has to
16:20borrow money back from them later.
16:23The only purpose served by the markets is to fill the pockets of a few ruthless and
16:30manipulating men who use the wealth they have to immorally stroke illegally make tons
16:37of money.
16:39But the money they make is minuscule in comparison to what the world would really make once free
16:46from this bondage of murder and slavery.
16:51When we fully mobilize and install new laws to govern the financial markets I suggest
16:57a sweeping tranche of specifically designed new laws to pick apart the financial systems
17:04and retroactively prosecute all the men involved in these immoral and murderous activities.
17:12They knew people were dying all across the world because of their dealings and now they
17:18have to be judged for them.
17:20I am a proponent of the notion that we were all babies and all the bad people in the world
17:27have simply inherited their behaviours from others through cause and effect chains beyond
17:32their control but fact finding and accountability and the old notion of justice must be allowed
17:40to gather the data before we then decide what to do with it.
17:46A new and compassionate world where everyone is nice and off drugs and healthy and happy
17:53and life extension has freed us from the limitations of ageing.
17:57Life extension to indefinite time frames is just around the corner.
18:03The secret to life extension is just a matter of looking in the right place.
18:08But that's another story.
18:11A new world where prisons are no longer needed and we are all in loving relationships and
18:16our kids are happy and safe and free to roam and enjoy their lives.
18:23This is a world worth building.
18:25This is a world we aspire to.
18:27No one wants their baby to be the one behind bars but atonement can be a difficult thing
18:34and a needed process by which to move on.
18:38So some people see these financial institutions as the devil and that they cause all the problems
18:45but of course an institution can be a group of individuals and indeed it is.
18:51But in a sense a financial institution can be abstract in its modes, a simple tool by
18:58which some of those inside can affect the world we live in.
19:02These institutions are basically intentionally run into the ground at times so that certain
19:08investors in the world can profit.
19:12They are all orchestrating the next collapse knowing that when it comes, due to the amounts
19:18of people invested, the governments will have to bail them out or suffer catastrophic and
19:23total civilizational meltdown.
19:27It is quite the blackmailing chip and the markets men know this.
19:32So after a carefully orchestrated and calculated collapse has occurred, for sure there will
19:38be restrictions in place for a while from conscientious governments trying to split
19:43banks from the markets and any other acts of desperation they can think of.
19:48But inevitably the eternally cycling feeding frenzies allow the two to start merging again
19:56which is what the institutions want.
19:58They want leverage over the people themselves via the banking system and interest rates
20:04and prices of goods including fuel etc. and now even energy supply companies themselves
20:12that should be renewable sourced and separate from market influence.
20:18All this leverage over private citizens finances also gives them extra mortal leverage over
20:25the taxpayer stroke government who have to intervene or face total national economic
20:34So the men who want these collapses to happen do not want them to be predictable but they
20:39do want as many people as possible to short products, as in bet against prices, as in
20:45try to make money from prices going down, so that this action of increased shorting
20:50of prices will cause all prices across the markets to be driven down because people suspect
20:57a collapse.
20:58By this action the collapse is forced to happen and people in the know will already
21:04have their short positions open or are prepared to open new ones at just the right times as
21:10they are in the know and know when to take them.
21:13In fact it is a running joke within the markets that hopefully a collapse will happen, a collapse
21:20that will kill millions of homo sapiens worldwide.
21:24So in the lead up to a collapse they want prices to rise and fall but keep rising and
21:30inflating to an unknown point in time when an orchestrated collapse that is seemingly
21:36random and unpredictable will occur, so that one of the most disgusting and dangerous practices
21:43of all can come into effect.
21:46The ability to short prices of financial products or commodities or even the markets themselves.
21:53Getting the timing right is essential, hedge funds and macro investors and hidden multifaceted
22:00financial institution border transgressing portfolios owned in untraceable ways by individuals
22:07working together for overall massive riches will insider trade their collective way to
22:13not only make the collapse happen but to get the timing right on when to take up massive
22:19amounts of untraceably organised shorting positions.
22:24It is the shorting of prices that will be used to force the markets to collapse.
22:31The aim is for all prices to fall across the board and for people to expect this to happen
22:37and when the orchestrated tipping point is reached by large and accumulative short positions
22:43having been taken, the feeding frenzy upon the speculation that a collapse is imminent
22:49will cause the collapse to actually happen, as when the prices fall more and more people
22:56will seek to take short positions which will drive prices to fall further.
23:02Once the markets are known by some to be about to fail because they are in the know, as in
23:07part of the collusionary group, they basically make this happen by taking short positions
23:13en masse which drives the collapse to happen.
23:16It drives it, it contributes to it, the markets are showing the signs that this will happen
23:22due to the mechanisms these men understand, they know it will happen because they have
23:27collectively designed it to happen by market infrastructure and mathematical interactions
23:33matrix equational designs that they want to cause widespread suffering.
23:39They say every bubble, if continually inflated, at some point must pop.
23:44That is what they want you to think, and of course prices can be inflated to ridiculous
23:49levels that become untenable, but this would not cause a collapse as the markets would
23:55like you to popularistically and simplistically assume.
23:59It is the fundamental design network of the market that will make the collapse happen,
24:05and of course having prices high is better because they can make more money on the way
24:10down, so it makes sense to drive prices up as far as possible, but this price hike is
24:17not the cause but just one of the preferable conditions they seek for an optimal murderous
24:23profit making murderscape to occur for their murderous collapse.
24:28It is rather the tenet of supply and demand theory itself that designs prices to drop
24:35when more people sell or short prices, a murderous and thieving theory that is knowingly and
24:42purposefully maintained and used by these men to intentionally rape and bleed as much
24:48money out of the systems as possible, all wrapped up in the bow of people who have maybe
24:54been lucky during the collapse now being able to maybe buy some stuff cheap for a while,
25:00though of course people will not sell stuff cheap if they do not want to, and these men
25:06will ruthlessly then buy as much as they can upon cashing in their short positions so that
25:12they can make more fortunes on the way back up.
25:16So during the collapse preparations when these rich men have made all their moves and covered
25:21their tracks with some acceptable losses, they will collectively short the shit out
25:26of anything that moves.
25:29They will decide when to push this collapse and so it will happen, but of course they
25:34do not communicate or even know each other and no one can prove anything, so they short
25:40everything because they think they are savvy and they will do this luckily just before
25:45brokers refuse to open any more shorting positions for others other than the brokers
25:51themselves or special clients arrangements and said brokers will even dump positions
25:56of people whom are doing well so they can hold these positions for themselves by collusional
26:02arrangement with other brokers.
26:06And of course all this positioning is the perfect ruse because what else would they
26:12And legal because that's the way the world works and what else would they do?
26:17And it is reasonable and just about legal under self-protection measures and any other
26:22excuse they can abuse to make as much cash as possible whilst limiting their exposure
26:28to their clients taking their money away.
26:31Now of course it is a delicate procedure to not show everyone that you are selling a lot
26:36of stuff and taking short positions in preparation as rich stockholders are watched, but they
26:44manage to do this anyhow somehow who knows.
26:48So now a feeding frenzy will be imminent once the whole thing is collapsing but many traders
26:54are frozen out of this time of vast money making and the vast majority of people are
27:00absolutely done over.
27:02It's just the way the world works love.
27:05And the price of bread goes up, someone has to pay.
27:09Well the excuse of a collapse would be reason enough to hoik prices for poor people anyway
27:15despite the fact all resource products are now cheaper because of price drops.
27:20But of course any old excuse will do to raise prices.
27:25Even pretend fear of the future that you do not have because you have made a fortune from
27:29the murder frenzy.
27:31But the markets are always looking for reasons to increase prices to make money on their
27:37post collapse positions that allow them to buy stuff or imaginary stuff really cheap
27:43and to prepare the markets for the next collapse as they want the collapse drop to be as profitable
27:49as possible.
27:52Such methods as war and all resources scarcity starvation is perfect to drive prices up generally
28:00or in lieu of the next collapse.
28:02And of course general price increases are always great to make money.
28:08Such mechanisms of action including war scarcity starvation of any and all resource products
28:16and of course mass murderous financial collapses themselves.
28:21These same subjects according to traders are also great material for financial market jokes.
28:30The mass and popularist delusion that it is the symptoms as in the secondary effects of
28:37financial markets design i.e. prices going up that is the problem rather than the way
28:44the markets are intrinsically designed and the baseline financial theories that have
28:49been specifically designed to bleed the world is a lie that everyone involved in finances
28:56wants the masses to believe.
28:59The popularist theory that every bubble must pop and we don't know when it will happen
29:05is a lie.
29:06The prices should be fixed in the first place of course and this will be happening once
29:12girls move politically as one.
29:15But fundamentally prices dropping because of a mass selling of products that people
29:20should never be afforded the opportunity to hold and the mass shorting of prices which
29:25is an imaginary concept that the markets have designed to profit from mass murder also known
29:32as financial collapse both should never be intentionally designed into global finances
29:39in the first place.
29:41Men do not want the masses to realise that the design of the financial markets as in
29:47the fact they even exist is the inherent problem.
29:50They want you to buy into the concept that the markets are a force of nature and fundamentally
29:56intrinsic to our so called civilisation but this mass murderous and mass raping lie is
30:03a complete manufacturisation of bullshit.
30:07All markets as in overpricing of goods and the way supply and demand theory seeks to
30:13line the pockets of bully boy financial markets men is a load of crap.
30:19These money stealing overpricing bully boys create all these bullshit delusional constructs
30:25and then expect the people of this world to believe them.
30:29We do not need the markets or institutions of the financial world what we need is them
30:36all abolished.
30:38They do not want you to realise the truth so they shift the blame as in use diversionary
30:43tactics to present the completely manufactured theory of bubble and bust as the culprit instead
30:50of the fundamental design theories of supply and demand that they orchestrate themselves.
30:57That they set the parameters of themselves.
31:00It is the markets men themselves whom decide how far prices will fall when so many trillion
31:07dollars of product is sold.
31:10They specifically design and forcibly protect this world fucking murder machine.
31:17And the people of the world whom are dying every day as consequence of this murderous
31:23activity just watch on in effect oblivious as they accept the existence of these markets.
31:32The men will ignorantly say I did okay because I saw it happening just lucky I suppose.
31:41After each collapse ladies it is never women who benefit from these things it is always
31:47women who take the brunt of financial ruin because you are second class citizens and
31:53certain industries are sacrosanct and need protecting because men must provide for their
31:59families though there isn't really enough money to pay your wages or benefits anyway
32:06go to work you lazy cows.
32:10We must price fix all commodities and products.
32:14Each price of any product must be individually calculated upon its actual root acquisition
32:22Either a real or manufacturing product actually bought in a real and relevant way for ethical
32:30production or processing or an individual orange one has purchased for one's love.
32:39Price fixing to dominate or put others out of business is a problem and morally corrupt.
32:46Price fixing to ensure goods are correctly and morally priced is a concept we all understand
32:53and all want to happen when we purchase anything.
32:57Even these world raping men want to buy at the right price.
33:02They have just lost the way as regards treating others as they themselves would demand to
33:08be treated.
33:10If you are not quite sure about the value of a product that you have just fallen in
33:14love with it is essential you are not forced to be stressed whilst making a purchase.
33:22We all like to buy things that we want or instantly fall in love with in a shop but
33:28we really would like to know that every product we ever come across is correctly priced and
33:34that prices are not to be haggled over because this is very stressful for purchases and sellers.
33:41If a sale option is applied then the price is less.
33:45If not be polite enough to not ask about a product's pricing.
33:51One can in a civilized way ask if anything is on sale but trying to force down prices
33:58is not acceptable behavior in a world where everything is priced fairly.
34:04Trying to drive down prices is a symptom of a traumatized world of poverty and non-affluence
34:11and a world of disrespectful people trying to get products at unreasonable prices.
34:18Prices that will leave families out of pocket.
34:22We need to move on from this collective torturing mentality.
34:27Communally promoting the mentality of ripping people off has to go.
34:32The promotion of immoral behavior has long been something women want to make illegal.
34:39Just as illegal as promoting criminal behavior and promoting violent behavior.
34:45Women are not only disgusted by man's refusal to take all possible actions to enforce laws
34:52that make promoting criminal behavior and promoting violent behavior actually illegal
34:58but they also are just as disgusted by man's refusal to make the promotion of immoral behavior
35:06In a world where film companies openly promote illegal activities like drug taking and prostitution
35:14rape and simulated rape and extreme violence and necrophilia and paedophilia and the law
35:21enforcement agencies and judiciary and governments do nothing except go to the cinema, despite
35:29the fact promotion of such activities is illegal.
35:34Girls want these promotions of illegal activity gone and they also want the promotion of immoral
35:41behavior gone.
35:44Technologies exist to enforce actions against all such horrendous behaviors but because
35:49man insists upon keeping his so called freedoms intact our daughters are left at risk from
35:57not only abduction, rape, murder and sex trafficking but they also have to listen to the disgusting
36:04man next door and his filth peddling attitudes towards anything and everything under the
36:11sun because every word he says isn't recorded and analyzed in real time by a computer algorithm.
36:20Go on ladies, ask any man whether he thinks every conversation he ever has should be recorded
36:28and I bet he will say no because that would be an invasion of his privacy but unless we
36:34record all conversations and monitor all cash transactions and film every square inch of
36:40planet earth mother your daughters will continue to be raped.
36:45So it seems all fathers want their daughters to be raped, I do not want my daughters to
36:52be raped so I'll take the full surveillance of every square centimeter of planet earth
36:58mother option.
37:00So the disgusting man next door and his filth peddling attitudes towards everything and
37:06everything under the sun including promotion of one night stand rape and promotion of prostitution
37:13rape, promotion of all forms of crime and immorality and rape as he claims his rights
37:20to freedoms of non-surveillance and so called freedoms of speech as in his right to run
37:26his mouth on all subjects including his rights to tell pedophile jokes that are in effect
37:34promotion of pedophilia and promotion of serial pedophilic rape and serial killing
37:40murder of other species.
37:43In effect any filthy maneuvering he can think of to push girls to allow themselves to be
37:50defiled and any filthy support of the rape and murder enforcing of man and his masculinity
37:59prioritizing agenda, political traditions of masculinity being the source of all problems
38:07we see in the world today.
