• last year
This is:
(Full Series Playlist Link Just Below)

This new series is based on my essay that a sexist at Facebook blocked. I will be publishing the scripts in essay form as I release each Femisode of the series.

Many, many more links to my full body of work including music, film, writing are at the bottom of this description.

PLANETTE EARTH MOTHER Series: Femisodes Scripts: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/06/worldwide-solutions-planette-earth.html?m=1

Full Playlist For This Series: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8fhs0

Original essay: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/04/superspecielle-feminism.html?m=1

All my feature length documentaries that cover common land and footpath rights issues in West Norfolk and many other very serious concerns in this region and our nation, are available on this channel in 30min episodes ... check out my full links list below for shortcuts to the documentary films

My three latest projects are also on DAILYMOTION now. I have just completed a documentary series about the sugar beet industry, and my new pre-series called Talking And Walking has started on DAILYMOTION: it is the prologue to this series.

It is time to Feminise Reality :)

... Merci Les Bien, Thank You Very Much Everyone


Official Governmental Petition For Equal Representation For Women In Every Political Constituency


Dailymotion: 30min Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:
Channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/uk_footpaths_in_crisis
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x83hta


Dailymotion: Sugarbeet Problems:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8a7ja

Dailymotion: Talking And Walking:
Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x8b12w

Dailymotion: West Norfolk Shorts:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x87iaw

Main Blog:

Metaphysical Theory Of Infinity:


Search Me Blog:

YouTube: Full Length Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:

Jason HowardLove: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090638659423

Jason HowardLove: https://twitter.com/JasonHowardLove

Email Contact:

#Leziate #Love #Feminism #Equality
00:00In this series I am discussing the essential need for this planet and all her peoples to
00:25feminise our viewpoints and behaviours.
00:30World Wide Solutions, Planet Earth Mother, Ideas for a New World.
00:35Please see my previous documentaries as a valuable introduction to this series.
00:39Sugar Beet Problems Conclusion Episodes 4 and 5 and my Talking and Walking mini-series
00:44of three episodes are important viewing and essential to contextualise this project.
00:49I will be publishing the minutes script from each episode of the series onto my blog page
00:54jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com as I release each episode.
00:59My original blog post for the first version of this essay was blocked by someone at Facebook
01:03who invoked the spam application to get my blog URL marked as an unshareable on Facebook
01:09This redraft includes the info from the first essay but it largely expands its coverage.
01:24Same Room, Same Situation, Different Perception I was considering calling this a ladder scale
01:52where people whom seemingly are acting unacceptably either climb or descend a ladder scale as
01:59their behaviour theoretically deteriorates.
02:03I suggest that it is never the fault of people themselves when their behaviour transitions
02:10to different parameters within verbal defence mechanisms and physical defence mechanisms.
02:17A hierarchical framework for labelling behaviour always creates tensions because people are
02:23perceived to be better or worse or deteriorating.
02:29Of course if someone's behaviour is labelled as getting better then this creates a false
02:34boost in happiness as we should never suggest the assumption that their behaviour was ever
02:40anything other than their emotional reactions to their environment.
02:45Be that social, verbal, physical or chemical.
02:51Behaviours can be difficult for others to accept because people know no better, due
02:57to the cause and effect experiences that have happened in their life, a chain of events
03:02of suffering in a world of unacceptable circumstances and traditional behaviours that are experienced
03:09by all of us and are transposed into more difficult to accept behaviour.
03:16Rooms of the same type with the same people inside that are enacting the same behaviours
03:21can feel very different to different people dependent upon their previous experiences
03:27in their life, experiences they can remember or not that have forged their personality
03:35Memories that can rise up to consciousness in the moment and create unhappy feelings
03:40that can express themselves in in-the-moment behaviours or the same memories have formulated
03:47your present state of mind but are not held in your conscious thoughts.
03:52Our subconscious mind is subject to memories we can and can't recall and these are what
03:58push and pull at us in our reactions to different scenarios we may come across.
04:05People are often blamed for the way they react to different circumstances and their behaviour
04:11is compared to other people whom seemingly are behaving in a so-called properly manner.
04:19But the people whom are prejudged to be behaving properly are generally accepting abuse or
04:26are ignoring its existence, whereas those whom are overtly reactionary to seeming normal
04:34circumstances which are generally full of abuse are labelled as the problem as they
04:40are unwilling to accept this inherent social abuse that occurs.
04:47Being ignored in a room is a very extreme form of upset and when people do speak to
04:53each other the way this speech is perceived is flavoured for the individual recipient
04:58of this verbal behaviour by their previous experiences which may be good or bad from
05:05their perspective.
05:07So instead of talking about a scale, scales are hierarchical. I wish to frame the way
05:14people are perceived to deteriorate in a different way. I suggest that society is inherently
05:21offensive and abusive and that people's behaviour is not deteriorating but just reacting healthily
05:29to a disgusting communal delusional axiology of abusive communication acceptance.
05:37Their behaviour is not deteriorating regardless of how they are acting. Even full catatonia
05:43due to unwillingness to conform to abusive society we live in is just healthy behaviour.
05:51So instead of a scale that is inherently seeking to label and abuse its subjects, I will call
05:57the cuddle I am suggesting same room, same situation, different perception.
06:06People's experience in a room can be different to the other people in the same room and will
06:12be subject to prior experiences with other people whom are in this room or subject to
06:20prior experience in their life in general. What negativisers of words like to call baggage.
06:30Baggage is supposed to be a wonderful thing that allows you to take all your lovely stuffy
06:34woo-woos with you when you go on a trip. But of course people like to now negativise and
06:40call such delightful objects like kids or houses or previous loving relationships baggage.
06:50I suppose the negativisation of this word is half understandable due to the fact that
06:58a monetarily poor person with a few suitcases and no one in a busy city that cares enough
07:05to help might erroneously consider all their worldly goods to be a chore and a negative.
07:13This mindset should never occur and it is most certainly not the fault of this person
07:19in need that they may end up feeling this way. It is the fault of a world that forces
07:26people to not care. World makes luggage baggage difficult because people do not care. World
07:34makes so-called baggage difficult because people do not care. I suppose you could assume
07:42that under the parameters of same room, same situation, different perception, a rich person
07:49will be helped quite quickly if they need help with their worldly goods. A seemingly
07:56normal interaction in a room can feel one way to one person and one way to another.
08:04A person might be driven to nervous camaraderie and offensive wordplay and another person
08:12might be driven into a semi-catatonic state also known as silence. Men do not want to
08:20accept that society and the way everyone on this planet communicates is unacceptable.
08:28They want to use inherently abusive labels that are constituents of a hierarchical ideology
08:35to formulate treatment programs of more abusive interaction and framing and drug treatment
08:42programs that keep pharmaceutical companies happy to give cash backhanders to individuals
08:49or companies that run psychiatric hospitals, treatment programs that are inherently abusive
08:56that are inherently flawed because they assume that there is something wrong with a patient
09:02instead of realizing that the problem is society and its usage and abusage and abusive usage
09:09of language and social positioning. Protective agencies like to position themselves
09:17as non-perpetrators and like to buy into the masculine mind-controlled illusion that man
09:24is not the problem and that it is the victims of mass verbal and societal and monetary abuse
09:32and murder that are at fault. It's babies that are at fault and not the social conditioning
09:40that forces them to be seemingly non-conformist. How can innocent babies that have no experiences
09:48be the ones that are at fault? How can it be minorities that are being monetarily murdered
09:55that are at fault? It is the uncaring society men are refusing to let go of that is at fault.
10:03So in the same situation a person three months ago was only reasonably comfortable and silent
10:11but today they just want everyone to be quiet and may even say as much.
10:18The background behavior in the room was always offensive but now they are unwilling to put up
10:25with this environment they have to be in as it is a waiting room and they are waiting to see someone.
10:32The others in the room perceive this position as being at fault and are unable to understand
10:38that they are creating an unacceptable and abusive environment.
10:44Same room, same situation, different perception. So silence can mean someone doesn't think anyone
10:53in a room is worth talking to or it could mean that they are nervous and would like to talk
11:01but haven't the courage stroke encouragement of prior experience to make them feel comfortable.
11:08Or they may think why should I have to talk and perceive that this scenario or others expectations
11:15that may or may not exist is trying to control their behavior by making them do something
11:21they do not want to do. The complications of a seemingly simple and normal situation
11:28can become very upsetting and difficult to cope with for people who have been preconditioned
11:34by their experiences to be stressed and uncomfortable. We have to understand that every situation
11:43even a seemingly polite and nice situation in a room full of theoretically nice people
11:50is inevitably pre-ruined by world society's unpleasant behavior.
11:56Even one girl on planet earth mother getting raped ruins the whole planet forever.
12:04This is how girls think. They do not want to take your cock tonight.
12:10They do not want you to fuck them and call them a whore. They want all rape on planet earth mother
12:17to stop now so that maybe in a million years time when women have decided enough time has passed
12:24then maybe you can ask a girl out on a date again if you are nice and if you are lucky.
12:31So just one unpleasant social interaction from your past can ruin a nice situation
12:38if someone or yourself has been harmed and man's refusal to change ruins all social interactions
12:47in every room across the planet. One unpleasant social interaction occurring
12:54when we have the ability to fully camera and prevent people being horrid
12:58transfers itself into all women never wanting to have a baby with a man ever again.
13:06Wake up men!
13:09So when psychiatrists whom adopt inherently abusive treatment techniques like calling people autistic
13:18labeling everyone that has ever supposedly done something wrong as being autistic
13:24and abusing them with the newly emerged insult being on the spectrum
13:31another tainting of a lovely word namely spectrum
13:36labeling them and telling them they are dysfunctional because they cannot and will not fit
13:43into subservient abuse accepting roles in an inherently abusive society
13:49is evidence of the fact that modern society is so deluded into thinking that people's social behaviour
13:58that disgustingly behaved people call humour
14:02labeling them and telling them that they are the ones that are at fault and not so called modern society
14:10is a mass psychiatrist's hierarchical delusion on such a disgusting scale
14:15simply because modern society is so very self-delusionary
14:21in its disgustingly accepted role of ethical superiority
14:27when autistic people are unhappy or actively upset
14:32this is because someone has abused them into a defensive mindset
14:37throughout their life experiences and now any continuation of abuse
14:42abuse which is accepted within modern culture as jokes and banter and mild teasing
14:49and even overt violence referencing and aggressive metaphor usage
14:54will not be accepted by autistic people
14:58and then they are criticized and castigated for their overt reactions
15:04the reactions are deemed to be the fault
15:07but the fault lies with society and common lingual language and body language
15:15lingual and body language that is inherently abusive
15:21so when we look at the same room, same situation, different perception concept
15:28the so called increasing severity of autistic behaviour looks like the fault lies with the autist
15:35because they are seemingly exhibiting automatic behaviour that they cannot control
15:42but this is a fallacy, they are intentionally and constructively changing their behaviour
15:48to desperately remodulate unchanging and unacceptable abuse around them
15:55so instead of labeling people as different or autistic
16:00we must recognize that we are all the same
16:03and that the people whom are exhibiting the abusive behaviour towards the so called autistic person
16:10are unable to change their behaviour because they do not recognize that they are the ones at fault
16:17there is no ladder scale but only people reacting healthily to situations
16:23situations that are refusing to improve because the people within
16:28are unable to understand their behaviour is destructive
16:33and so called autistic people at times are refusing to even accept
16:39that these people exhibiting abusive behaviour are even actually people
16:45because to assume such is too painful to accept
16:50to accept that people who feel could act that way
16:55so how can they even be real?
16:57so the people around a catatonic person can become part of the landscape
17:04rather than free entities
17:07and the catatonic person will either ignore the horrible suggestions
17:12that they should participate in a murderous and abusive society
17:16or will be able to completely stop hearing them talk
17:21which would be their preference as it would be tantamount to a zen like peace
17:25and nirvana of quiet
17:29but in finding sanctuary from the disgustingness of a world
17:34that doesn't act to protect all peoples of all species from murder and rape
17:40one will be labelled dysfunctional by a society that is murderously dysfunctional
17:47and ill equipped to protect anyone
17:51so the mechanisms by which nice and kind people
17:55will seek to help unkind people change
17:59can be different and desperate depending on the age
18:03at which the kind people realise they must act
18:07and how confident they feel in doing so
18:11so in the approach of trying to analyse societal behaviour
18:15we have to flip the whole definitional nomenclature
18:20as in terminology to an opposite frame of reference
18:25so so called autistic behaviour
18:30to become unhappy with peoples rude verbal and physical behaviour
18:36people think their constant picking at each other humour
18:40teasing which is bullying is acceptable
18:45all teasing is bullying
18:49and all autistic children know this because it makes people feel bad
18:54the intention is to make people feel bad
18:58to push people away or down a hierarchical rung
19:02and it is a typical response to abusive behaviour
19:06to seek a position in the hierarchy of untouchability
19:11to protect oneself
19:14but it just perpetuates abuse
19:17and abuses those you are trying to create relationships with
19:22so within same room same situation different perception
19:28the perceptions of the normal person who is being abused
19:32shift as they become more cognizant of the fact
19:37that all people within society are abusive
19:41and this sees the abused taking further and further action
19:46to try and protect themselves from this constant
19:50and steady and unwavering attack
19:54the perceptions of the abusers towards the abused
19:58will shift as they become increasingly convinced
20:02that there is something wrong with the abused person
20:06but in fact there is nothing wrong with the abused person
20:11and everything wrong with the abusers ignorance of their own abusive behaviour
20:16and their need for the abused person to accept their behaviour
20:21the abused person cannot ever accept this behaviour
20:27so different perceptions of the rooms occur
20:32as defence mechanism behaviours of the abused person
20:36start to become more desperate
20:39desperate to be loved and respected and cuddled
20:43within physical and lingual and emotional interaction
20:48but the abusers do not know how to be these things
20:52so the desperation can become more apparent and in different ways
20:58for example so called autistic behaviour
21:03to become unhappy with people's rude verbal and physical behaviour
21:09people think their constant picking at each other humour
21:14teasing which is bullying is acceptable
21:18all teasing is bullying
21:20and eating of dead bodies acceptance is disgusting
21:25and disturbing to normal also known as autistic children
21:30and so called discipline which is abuse
21:34wrapped up in a parenting bow is disturbing to normal
21:39also known as autistic children
21:42because children are abused by their environment
21:46and then desperate parents turn to aggression
21:48to force children to behave differently
21:52other than how they should and do in normal healthy ways
21:57and call this aggression constructive
22:00it is anti-reconstructive
22:04because society is at fault and needs reconstructing
22:09into all cuddling compassion
22:12so in this example the perception the abusers stroke parents have
22:18is different to the reality
22:21the normal child is unhappy with the way the people in the household
22:26are communicating and they will make this known through unhappiness
22:32next the normal child is increasingly unhappy
22:36with the way the people in the household are communicating
22:39and they will make this known physically and verbally
22:44as their perception of their family changes
22:48to different realisations that the people around them are unpleasant
22:53a normal child in this situation
22:56whom is reacting to unacceptable behaviour
22:59is often labelled autistic
23:02as they are unwilling to accept the abusive camaraderie
23:06their parents expect them to accept
23:10they become increasingly unwilling to listen to people
23:15and tell them to be quiet
23:18to tell abusers around you to be quiet
23:22when they are around you
23:24seems like controlling behaviour to abusers
23:27because abusers are more often than not
23:30unaware or unwilling to accept
23:32that it is their past and present behaviour
23:36that is causing the desperation of their child
23:40to end the abuse
23:42normal also known as autistic children
23:46often seek to silence their parents
23:49by putting their hands over their parents mouths
23:52and if that doesn't work
23:54getting extremely emotional and physically upset
23:58as in the same room same situation
24:02different perception model
24:04the room stroke environment is not changing
24:08but perceptions are shifting
24:11the abused is becoming more determined
24:15and aware of the abuse
24:17and the abuser is becoming more sure
24:20that there is something wrong with a child
24:23whom is just demanding normal and fair respect
24:28and further shifts in perception
24:31can see these defence mechanism behaviours
24:35become built into an abused child's mind
24:38to the point where they are uncomfortable
24:41with anyone talking or doing anything
24:44which is upsetting
24:46or even based upon 100% evidence
24:49that proves everyone is unpleasant
24:52they will become understandably completely uncomfortable
24:57with anyone talking or doing anything
25:00around them
25:02this is normal behaviour and totally healthy
25:06it is the abuse that frames this normal behaviour
25:11that is the problem
25:13these normal reactionary behaviours
25:16to systematic abuse
25:18can see further perception shifts
25:21when you tell your abusers
25:23also known as anyone
25:25to only talk when you ask them specific questions
25:28and that they should answer the question posed only
25:32politely of course
25:34and say nothing else
25:36this might seem like typical controlling behaviour
25:40and it is
25:42justifiably so
25:44it is a normal response
25:46to being stuck
25:48within constant endemic abuse situations
25:53this form of behaviour
25:55is seen in high stress situations
25:58amongst men
26:00like interactions within criminal gangs
26:03and interactions within prisons
26:06prisoners whom end up being labelled
26:09as extremely violent
26:11and impossible to deal with
26:13are simply normal people
26:15whom have been pushed to behave in ways
26:18that demand respect
26:20such environments are self-forced
26:23to operate upon contingents like
26:25hierarchical position
26:28everyone deserves respect
26:31but in criminal gangs
26:33you have to know your place
26:35and in prisons
26:37the prison guards or the prisoners
26:39or both
26:41are not willing to give anyone the respect
26:43every person deserves
26:45unless they are willing
26:47to be subservient
26:49to the pecking order
26:51when you as a normal person
26:53become unwilling
26:55to conform
26:57to the abusive hierarchy
26:59and also become unwilling
27:01to take your abuse properly
27:03and dish out
27:05equatable abuse
27:07to others as is expected
27:09when you
27:11a seemingly violent prisoner
27:13or a seemingly violent normal child
27:15become unwilling
27:17to have people around you
27:19because you have had enough
27:21of the abuse
27:23and your behaviour
27:25of normal
27:27also known as abusive interactions
27:29have shifted
27:31to the point where you
27:33are prepared
27:35to be aggressive
27:37in protecting your space
27:39like not being willing
27:41to share a cell
27:43with a normal person
27:45also known as
27:47a member of the abuse team
27:49your behaviours
27:51are totally normal
27:53if you commit suicide
27:55to those
27:57whom would have you
27:59subservient to their will
28:01to their whim
28:03they know no better
28:05as that is how
28:07they have been indoctrinated
28:09by wider society
28:11your behaviours
28:13are totally normal
28:15and healthy defence mechanisms
28:17and you are not at fault
28:19in fact nothing you do
28:21can be
28:23as it is your surroundings
28:25that are at fault
28:27not your desperate
28:29self-protection mechanisms
28:31some of your behaviours
28:33can become part
28:35of the construct
28:37that is wider society
28:39and be part
28:41of the problem
28:43but having been a baby
28:45and having had your purity
28:47tainted by the world
28:49and whilst any behaviours
28:51you are exhibiting
28:53to the widespread
28:55disgusting nature of reality
28:57must stop now
28:59and you must realise this now
29:01please do understand
29:03that having been that baby
29:05a baby
29:07whom has been harmed
29:09by the world
29:11your behaviour
29:13has been a normal
29:15reactionary personality forging
29:17that is a result
29:19of your own singular
29:21cause and effect chain history
29:23that has been beyond your control
29:25but now
29:27you must realise
29:29that you have to realise
29:31that control
29:33you have to change yourself
29:35and in so doing
29:37change the whole emotional
29:39lovescape of the world
29:41what I'm saying to you now
29:43is part of that
29:45cause and effect chain
29:47our story
29:49and we need
29:51to be collectively
29:53aware of the information
29:55we lovingly receive
29:57we have to decide
29:59to create the changes
30:01this reality
30:03and women need
30:05to feel loved
30:07we have to understand
30:09that pushing people
30:11with verbal aggression
30:13into corners
30:15creates a fight response
30:17they will fight
30:19at some point
30:21to get out of the corner
30:23not as a forced prison
30:25but as a prison
30:27constructed and imposed
30:29by families and society
30:31in their
30:33dis-social behaviour
30:35as modern culture
30:37is extreme in its
30:39self-destructive mechanisms
30:41of bullying and disrespect
30:43and assumedly humorous
30:47we need exciting
30:49and diverse interaction
30:51but without the cost
30:53often non-hierarchical
30:55and polite people
30:57are seen as intrinsically
30:59uninteresting and boring
31:02their politeness
31:04and pleasantness
31:06is mistaken for a lack
31:08of excitingness fun
31:10and the hierarchy
31:12generally includes
31:14supposed excitement
31:16which is generally
31:18just stress and disgusting behaviour
31:20the deeper you dig
31:21into language
31:23the more there is
31:25to be disgusted by
31:27if you adopt
31:29compassionate logic
31:31the risk that a words origins
31:33are not known fully
31:35is too much of a risk
31:37to people's comfortable happiness
31:39the whole world needs
31:41to become autistic
31:43and catatonic
31:45towards history
31:47and existing languages
31:49and the abusive way
31:51to defend ourselves
31:53and our children
31:55from the abuse of circumstance
31:57a fresh chance
31:59is needed
32:01women demand
32:03a fresh start
32:05all the behaviours
32:07we see around us
32:09are normal responses
32:11to trauma
32:13it is the emotional landscape
32:15we create as a collective
32:17that provides the conditions
32:19for normal people
32:21being then perceived
32:23by us
32:25as being destructive
32:27and disgusting
32:29and abusive
32:31and murderous
32:33grown up babies
32:35commit murder
32:37babies that grow up
32:39in a perfect world
32:41do not commit murder
32:43we have to construct
32:45that world together
32:47if men in the world
32:49do not change
32:51man's behaviour
32:53then that same perception
32:55that women have of men
32:57as in men are intentionally
32:59and indifferently
33:01perpetuating a world of murder
33:03and rape and war
33:05this perception
33:07will not change
33:09women who understand
33:11the disgustingness
33:13of man's behaviour
33:15hate all men
33:17because there are no
33:19men's groups in the world
33:21that change
33:23if men do not change
33:25then this perception
33:27will not change
33:29if men do change
33:31then women will show men
33:33how deliciously wonderful
33:35a world of femininity
33:37can be
33:39and truly be
33:41our happy
33:43women demand
33:45same world
33:47same situation
33:49same happiness
33:51same experience
33:53joyful opportunity
34:03epithanical structure
34:05the realisations
34:07required for man
34:09to prise himself away
34:11from violent thought
34:13and ideology
34:15can be thought of
34:17as false epiphanies
34:19for surely to qualify
34:21something wrapped
34:23within pure joy
34:25and not correction mechanisms
34:27from a world of abuse
34:29and murder
34:31insomuch as the realisations
34:33required to create
34:35a world of joy
34:37that should already exist
34:39if not for man's refusals
34:41to change
34:43a notion that all epiphanies
34:45of history have been wrapped
34:47in false structure
34:49that rendering them
34:53pulls our minds
34:55to a trueness coalescence
34:57that only the joy
34:59of feminine encuddlement
35:01is of the essence of future
35:03heretoforever after
35:05with outing
35:07the fast tracking
35:09of false epiphanies
35:11so too for
35:13creation of a minding
35:15of superspecialty
35:17in our hearts
35:19and togethernesses
35:21may come abundant
35:23and blissfilling
35:25man's needs
35:27to go through many
35:29false epiphanies
35:31to clarify his mindings
35:33towards thinking
35:35like an autistic child
35:37or like a resident
35:39violent prisoner
35:41autistic children
35:43have always known
35:45the way automatically
35:47and we have all been
35:49prisoners of this world
35:51of a respective
35:53rebirth that paints
35:55compassion indelible
35:57and loving ethicality
35:59of epiphanical
36:03for in the purity
36:05of thought and ideas
36:07of only joyfulnesses
36:09we all can shed
36:11unhappinesses of your
36:13and re-encuddlementise
36:15feminine blissinesses
36:17of our
36:19a yummy mummy
36:21and Hansing's womb joy time
36:23can creationalise
36:25loving alwaysnesses
36:27for all hearts that love
36:29within this duo-verse
36:31of potential
36:33realise the potential
36:35or lose the opportunity
36:37within worlds
36:39of true loving joy
36:41we may realise
36:43the ability to experientialise
36:45purity epiphany
36:47rather than having to imagine
36:49we are already there
36:51in affectional
36:57we may there forthwith
36:59in togetherness cuddling
