• last year
This is:
(Full Series Playlist Link Just Below)

This new series is based on my essay that a sexist at Facebook blocked. I will be publishing the scripts in essay form as I release each Femisode of the series.

Many, many more links to my full body of work including music, film, writing are at the bottom of this description.

PLANETTE EARTH MOTHER Series: Femisodes Scripts: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/06/worldwide-solutions-planette-earth.html?m=1

Full Playlist For This Series: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8fhs0

Original essay: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/04/superspecielle-feminism.html?m=1

All my feature length documentaries that cover common land and footpath rights issues in West Norfolk and many other very serious concerns in this region and our nation, are available on this channel in 30min episodes ... check out my full links list below for shortcuts to the documentary films

My three latest projects are also on DAILYMOTION now. I have just completed a documentary series about the sugar beet industry, and my new pre-series called Talking And Walking has started on DAILYMOTION: it is the prologue to this series.

It is time to Feminise Reality :)

... Merci Les Bien, Thank You Very Much Everyone


Official Governmental Petition For Equal Representation For Women In Every Political Constituency


Dailymotion: 30min Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:
Channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/uk_footpaths_in_crisis
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x83hta


Dailymotion: Sugarbeet Problems:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8a7ja

Dailymotion: Talking And Walking:
Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x8b12w

Dailymotion: West Norfolk Shorts:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x87iaw

Main Blog:

Metaphysical Theory Of Infinity:


Search Me Blog:

YouTube: Full Length Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:

Jason HowardLove: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090638659423

Jason HowardLove: https://twitter.com/JasonHowardLove

Email Contact:

#Leziate #Love #Feminism #Equality
00:00In this series I am discussing the essential need for this planet and all her peoples to
00:25feminise our viewpoints and behaviours.
00:30World Wide Solutions, Planet Earth Mother, Ideas for a New World.
00:35Please see my previous documentaries as a valuable introduction to this series.
00:39Sugar Beet Problems Conclusion Episodes 4 and 5 and my Talking and Walking mini-series
00:44of three episodes are important viewing and essential to contextualise this project.
00:49I will be publishing the minutes script from each episode of the series onto my blog page
00:54jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com as I release each episode.
00:59My original blog post for the first version of this essay was blocked by someone at Facebook
01:03who invoked the spam application to get my blog URL marked as an unshareable on Facebook
01:09This redraft includes the info from the first essay but it largely expands its coverage.
01:24The Saving of Microorganisms In the same way that we would wish all sentient
01:48peoples of all species to have the mechanisms by which to lingually or equivalent communicate
01:54with us and all other species, the plight of microorganisms must be in the forefront
02:00of our minds.
02:02When you shower you commit genocide, when you wash your bedclothes a massacre occurs.
02:09There are cephalized people, people whom have brains, of microscopic sizes that feel pain
02:16and suffer when they are harmed.
02:19We can walk around and kill millions under our feet.
02:23The world is teeming with these people and they need support and love, as all people
02:28whom can comfort and joy and love and feel pain and suffering do.
02:35As part of a suite of future measures to protect all cephalized peoples, I have suggestions
02:42on possible approaches that could be utilised to help them flourish in a bright, super-special
02:49We are not at present in a position to make such decisions, but I hope that as more people
02:56become caring and truly aware of their plight, we may work together to stop their suffering.
03:03Please see Femisode 01 for more details on the plight of micro-peoples.
03:11How can man justify such negativising of one of the most beautiful experiences a person
03:17can have?
03:18The first time you feed your baby.
03:23Spoon-Fed like a baby, bruv!
03:25I got a spoon feed you or what, you donut?
03:30Why would men choose to negativise the word donut?
03:34So your baby's first feed with baby rice is punctuated by the usage of an off-the-baby-shop
03:40shelf plastic spoon that gives them cancer when they are 25 because man thinks trace
03:47amounts of hydrocarbons in babies' live or dead bodies is acceptable.
03:54Acceptable to the healthcare industry maybe, who make fortunes from Geoffrey's palliative
04:03Children's television duty of care.
04:06If man filling his psycho-sexual boots with violence in movies isn't enough, he spends
04:12decades in his attempt to indoctrinate young girls and boys with conflict and violence
04:18involving narratives and what he refers to as world-building.
04:23There hasn't been a narrative that involves a non-violent world-building approach in the
04:28history of speculative fiction, so the fact man struggles to even envisage a peaceful
04:34world is hardly surprising.
04:38The fact he actually revels in an intentionally violent world is unavoidable.
04:45And yet the violent world man enjoys is not enforced upon him, he perpetuates it intentionally
04:52by heavily funding violent content and wrapping it up in the bow of artistic representation
04:59or trauma processing even, maybe if he dares.
05:03And in doing such he intentionally perpetuates his own trauma and self-torture.
05:10He tortures women and children with his aggressive tendencies and his violent kids' TV shows
05:16on DVDs and TV.
05:20In the movie Highlander the world-building premise that sees men needing to have their
05:25heads cut off by the hero to get a prize is a convenient narrative to indoctrinate with
05:32violence, with the carrot of a special prize at the end of the rainbow with the usual disgusting
05:40vampiric romanticism of eternal life at a cost.
05:46Autonomer Cloud is to know all knowledge, loses immortality and be able to finally have
05:52children with a woman that isn't his Bonnie Heather.
05:57It is simply a play on the vampire myth.
06:02Vampire movies are an utter disgrace in all their forms and the seduction of immortality
06:08is dangled as a prize for being a killer.
06:12So a disgusting twisting of a classical heroism narrative.
06:17All this ultra-violence including rape references, off-screen rape which the lead antagonist
06:24is happy to brag about on screen, and on-screen rape threat in the form of ultra-violent smashing
06:30down of front doors by large sword-wielding super-strong immortals whom will rape your
06:36wives for fun, objectification of women and machine guns emptying into people and depictions
06:45of the lead antagonist dangerously driving for fun with old ladies hanging off the car
06:51whilst he laughs maniacally.
06:54Ultra-violent sword-fighting including death and multiple beheadings all wrapped up in
07:01an impressive sounding rock soundtrack by the band Queen is all presented as a 15 certificate
07:08intentionally to radicalise children who may be six years shy of their legal adulthood
07:15in some territories.
07:17Having a movie that involves rape presented as a 15 certificate, considering ages of consent
07:24can be 18 or even 21 in some places, this rape featuring movie is tantamount to paedophilia.
07:33Presenting of rape violence content to underage children seems to be justifiable to not only
07:39the filmmakers in their intentional slight sanitation of violence to get the 15 certificate,
07:46but also to the corrupt men working at the boards of certification.
07:52And despite the, in theory, slight sanitation of violence, of course as much violence and
07:58rape content is included as they could possibly get away with, all aimed at your children.
08:06Not to mention the lead character having to watch his true love grow old and die, whom
08:12he later finds out is raped by the bad guy but she never told him, but the bad guy does
08:20brag to him about it later in the movie.
08:23Men do know how to write a story that seeks to make violent rape known to your children
08:31and try to get them to revel in the beheading of someone, and politicians just watch on.
08:38And from the ultra-violence of this movie emerges more violent movies and a live action
08:44TV show that perpetuates the beheading ethos.
08:49An entrance drug TV show to get young minds to watch the violent movies, but also most
08:55disturbingly an animated TV show is also commissioned.
09:00A TV show for kids that is in theory certificated as a PG, that has an antagonist killing the
09:08hero in the first episode and running around seeking to cut off people's heads in what
09:16violently psychologically disturbed people like to call gory discretion shots, with the
09:24one token gesture to sanitisation being the fact the heroes do not behead people anymore.
10:08And most women of the world stand by as such disgustingly ultra-violent premises are put
10:26on daytime children's TV slots and channels.
10:38But do you women not wonder why women are raped and murdered and beaten and mutilated
10:58by raging men every day?
11:01Do you want your daughters to continue to be scared to go out alone at night and continue
11:08to run the will I get murdered and will I get raped gauntlet?
11:13You could just continue to compartmentalise the reality that the chances your daughter
11:18might get raped are very high, or murdered still too high for my liking.
11:26I prefer the zero chance of this happening option.
11:32So in addressing the safety of girls against men, of course all the violent kids' TV shows
11:39would seem the best place to start.
11:43The premise of He-Man is that Skeletor conveniently does not just get incarcerated by He-Man.
11:50He-Man is undefeatable in his physical and fighting prowess and yet he does not defeat
11:56the bad guys completely effectively to get them permanently locked up.
12:02The world building ensures there will be another show of violence, whilst He-Man moralises
12:10at the end of each show to pretend that the show itself is justifiable.
12:16A bit like the real world where men justify riding around shooting bad guys instead of
12:22just camera-ing every street and building and retro-fitting car-stopping devices into
12:28all vehicles' motors worldwide, that if they are tampered with get an immediate law-enforcement
12:37Camera-ed roads with computer analysis easily identifying cars travelling without devices
12:42fitted that ping their location constantly and satellite imagery analysis by computers
12:49can watch every single car in real time, but maybe men prefer cop shows and chasing bad
12:56guys who wouldn't exist if we fully databased cash.
13:01So man likes to world-build conflict intentionally into all narratives and also likes to ensure
13:09the real world itself always has conflict so that he can continue to flex his military
13:15muscles and weapon-toting indoctrination.
13:20In He-Man, Snake Mountain would have been sieged by 50,000 armed men like Man at Arms
13:27and they would have subdued or killed Skeletor and his so-called cronies.
13:33Assuming He-Man can throw Skeletor around, why can't he be imprisoned or simply killed
13:39with his laser staff taken away?
13:42Well because the writers of the show have more violent conflict to teach you is just
13:47the way the world works.
13:50It is a sanitisation of reality to perpetuate a violence narrative vehicle.
13:58A violent narrative vehicle to sell ideology of violence toys.
14:05Tools called toys to radicalise young boys and girls to ultra-violence acceptance and
14:15Men like to say the world is dangerous and that we must protect ourselves.
14:21Protect ourselves from whom exactly?
14:24Protect ourselves from Man himself.
14:28From Man and his consistent and insistent and determined radicalisation of all boys
14:35and girls to violence.
14:38In the 90s it was possible to make devices that could stop any car instantly, remotely
14:45utilising a computerised central law enforcement car control system, but instead we got mobile
14:52phones and reality shows like Cops and World's Wildest Police videos.
14:59I guess Man's need to get his ultra-violence stroke bodies mangled in car crashes pseudo-sexual
15:06climax is more important than Man actually thinking in the right way to get the streets
15:14Men have sought to sanitise violence for many years.
15:19Cold war movies seeing men shot by guns and falling down theatrically and safely without
15:26a mark on them or blood.
15:29Family favourite shows that made caring and compassionate parents wince and ban in the
15:35house like The A-Team that peddled very violent but attemptedly sanitised fistfights, grenades
15:43and machine guns not leaving a scratch.
15:46This was children's television and was a daytime weekend family show, sanitised in just the
15:52right way to make young boys buy into violence as a reward mechanism rather than the life
15:59changing injuries reality.
16:02Highlander the animated series leaves us in no doubt from the get go that courage is required
16:10and cowardice, as in the refusal to dangerously climb sheer rock faces without ropes or wield
16:18swords against trained foes with zero experience, will not be tolerated but will in fact be
16:25ridiculed if you dare step outside the so-called courage-cowardice matrix of destiny.
16:34Girls want brave men to beat up violent men and rapists rather than men to not be violent
16:40in the first place apparently.
16:44In the 80s, 90s and beyond, can't say I can bear to watch any TV these days.
16:51War movies and westerns were aired at the weekends in the daytime, though swear words
16:59were removed if necessary and blood bags were conveniently not used in older movies which
17:05meant TV execs thought it was appropriate and okay to indoctrinate and radicalise young
17:12minds with such content.
17:15Any and every violence and femininity belittling technique was adopted in all forms of TV and
17:23film until men realised they could just present women as bitches then indoctrinate young girls
17:30into thinking this was attractive.
17:33Why would women need to be bitches or aggressive like men?
17:39In He-Man, high energy weapons would not leave a scratch.
17:44So-called men have sought at every turn to put children under the cosh of a compartmentalisation
17:52against the seriousness of violence, as if by sanitising it one makes it acceptable.
17:59All these men did was make children seek out violent conflict in the real world in their
18:05delusion haze of invincibility assumed, violence addictiveness forged by carefully constructed
18:13violent children's TV shows that so-called strict parents, also known as parents with
18:19conscience would not allow their kids to watch or even outright ban TV completely.
18:26Why was man permitted to ignore determined and unwavering opposition to these violent
18:32shows because man is a violent, thuggish, innocent women and prostitute raping, disgusting
18:40fucking disgrace.
18:43Men need to understand that violence is not acceptable and that the world is not inherently
18:50Men in the world are the violent ones, now, as all other species are subdued thanks to
18:57man's protection that involves systematic rape and torture of all species he pleases.
19:04And man likes to sexually gratify himself on the fucking of goth chicks dressed up like
19:09serial killers, namely vampires, and sell such concepts of fucking to teenage audiences
19:16with such murder vehicles like the Twilight series.
19:20It is convenient that Anne Rice and Stephanie Meyer are women that have been indoctrinated
19:26by horror and murder choices of men with money and where they choose to put it.
19:33So-called TV shows like The Munsters and The Addams Family were perfect serial killer producing
19:41Interview with the Vampire only requires you to type in the letters I-N-V-E-R-V to get
19:49a Google quick search response.
19:52These murder rape promoting search results are being allowed by Google, why?
19:58And the movie Interview with the Vampire featured Kirsten Dunst when she was a child actress.
20:06This did not go down well with women whom care across the world, but man and his murder,
20:13horror, sexual disorders will not be stopped by even the most vociferous of caring opposition.
20:21Man and his money control makes TV shows in multitudes featuring vampires for children.
20:29Far too many to mention and then pedals them to the world.
20:34A world that is seriously disgusted by the Western world and its lower and lower sinking
20:42The current lowest lows being a gateway horror drug show by Netflix that a Google search
20:49says is an actual horror show.
20:52Super Monsters is aimed at, like a gun, preschool children and it is a self-confessed horror
20:59show that I presume teaches your children the virtues of horror, murder and violence
21:06tropes and that their acceptance into the minds of your two year olds is a good thing.
21:21Children of 12 years old can buy and watch the Hunger Games box set, movies full of ultra
21:27violent murder and still men in governments ignore women and do not intervene against
21:34a film industry gone mad with psychosexual violence blood spattering gratification.
21:41I am unsure where the justification for such content comes from artistically or morally
21:48or why these disgusting projects make it past the requirements of moral justifications criterion
21:55of certification laws.
21:58The courage cowardice context only stretches so far, in my mind the whole courage cowardice
22:06context is just that, a con text.
22:12Violent and morally corrupt men trying to monopolise gateway drug children's programming
22:18and movie making in their gore fest blood and guts masturbatory gateway drug filth peddling.
22:25These men have to be stopped and they have to be stopped now.
22:30And the combined political movement of all women worldwide is the only way these disgusting
22:36behaved men can be removed from their seat of disgustingness.
22:41All their projects must be stopped on the grounds of global security and all their assets
22:48seized on the grounds of profiteering on rape and violence promotion.
22:56Children need loving artistical content that stars non-violent world building ethos, nice
23:02stories that can exist in nice contextualisations of happiness and joy and then the world can
23:11mirror their loving peacefulness.
23:15Not men creating world built contexts to make tenuous sense for episodic violence climax
23:22narratives with the occasional female writer to blame and justify man's violence trajectory
23:30as if this is representative of women and their needs for joy and love not gore and
23:37horror and fucking.
23:40Man's filthy rotten need to abuse children by creating filth and serial murderer and
23:47ultra violent content tropes and then wrap it up in a so assumed cutesy horror bow for
23:54preschool children is the main driving force in rape and torture and gang violence and
24:01murder today.
24:03Men want your kids to be violence and horror gore junkies and they will indoctrinate them
24:10before they can even walk or talk.
24:14Men make money from violence and indoctrination of children to violence and so called moral
24:21men in government and the judiciary and the so called protection services do not only
24:28watch on but participate in the propagation, profligation and dissemination of psychosexual
24:37torture sickness and insist on ignoring their girlfriend's unhappinesses with all this
24:43movie filth.
24:45The best bit in Bridget Jones isn't her being ritualistically abused by men but the fight
24:51scene, a fight scene which had no business being included in the film.
24:57A fight scene that 15 year old children can buy and watch and witness a so called comedy
25:04fight that ends up with men being thrown through large glass windows.
25:24A fight that is presented as something to joke about, I wanted to talk about the ethics
25:32of presenting chimeras as entertainment but I am not sure of the placement of such in
25:39this femisode so I will simply and unthoughtfully plonk it here.
25:45The ethics of humanoidisation of other species as rote acceptance as if there is something
25:52at fault with other body types.
25:55In a new world of love every other species will have all the support of technology that
26:01they require to interact with reality and invent and construct and dream fulfil in tune
26:08with their bodily perfections.
26:12I am not sure why man in his arrogance assumes his body type is so superior as to justify
26:20all other species to don his physique.
26:24If it is a misguided attempt to pre-justify in the minds of the masses the possibility
26:30of other species and human hybridisation at some future point in time once such genetic
26:37engineering might be possible then man and his disgusting not giving a shit can think
26:46Why man seeks to not explore the true unethicalness of such immoral extrapolations of biotechnology
26:53in a meaningful way with the women and all other citizens of this world getting a say
27:00including other species but instead peddle his self supposed unilateral decisioning and
27:07ignorance and ignoring of the populations opinions and disgustingly indoctrinate and
27:12socially pressure our children into thinking such disgusting tropes are somehow normal
27:19is for man to explain himself I suppose.
27:22He can do so from inside a prison cell as far as I am concerned.
27:27Once all his ill gotten gains assets have been seized until he has learnt to think and
27:33talk in the right way to justify his release ignoring women for decades is finally going
27:42to catch up with these men and there is no justification for the filth they have sought
27:48to force upon all of us.
27:51Men make these shows not children.
27:54Children's TV as the great processor for man's violence of our times?
28:02Men using children's TV as such by proxy by exactitude of intent.
28:10But such men are the murderers of our children not the murderers themselves because they
28:15create the world context and they enact the radicalisation.
28:21Then wipe their hands clean and walk away when people are executed for their crimes.
28:28Cartoon show after cartoon show framing entire narratives around violent encounters.
28:35With the climax of each scene or movement or episode being a violent encounter.
28:43So a violence junkie creation medium that modulates the minds of kids to want shows
28:49that deliver their drug.
28:51The drug these men forced them to take.
28:55So when at the age of 15 because dad deems them now old enough they watch the gook in
29:01the film platoon have his head stoved in and enjoy it.
29:06Not realising that they were supposed to be shocked to the core and turned off from violence.
29:13Then failed Oliver.
29:15We haven't been buried in a world of important emotional movies that had enough respect to
29:22ensure that they were produced as non-profit to try and tell important stories.
29:29A world of men running film companies that took a wage only and utilised cinema takings
29:35to help the world process the trauma that they are claiming they are trying to process
29:41on our behalves through so-called art.
29:45If Oliver Stone had done a Hitchcockian style introduction to the movie platoon maybe to
29:51all of his movies to contextualise the emotional life stories shown in the piece so to ensure
29:59there was no room for misunderstanding in the eyes of young impressionable people who
30:03watched but never should have watched that movie.
30:07If a man like Oliver Stone whom has supposedly seen actual conflict had constructed the scene
30:14where the one legged man gets his brain bashed in in such a way as to be realistic.
30:20Charlie Sheen shoots bullets into the ground right next to the leg of the dancing man and
30:26ricochets are not even considered.
30:29All the fact the dirt off the ground itself would have propelled up and flayed the skin
30:34off the soon to be brain bashed in dancing man.
30:39If Oliver Stone had spent his full career fully contextualising his so-called entertainment
30:45movies with thoughtful and caring personal introductions featuring ethically thought
30:52out contextualisations to help people emotionally cope with the graphic and emotionally traumatic
30:59content of his work and also explain his ethos of trying to deter violent thinking
31:07and war acceptance instead of what I assume has happened as in he has lost his way and
31:14been sucked into a violence rewarding communal film making mindset in the making of narrative
31:21vehicles that have effectively radicalised young men to violence.
31:27I do not think that cinema was the correct medium to explore his own and others trauma
31:34and certainly I firmly know he had no right to do so, to expose people to such graphic
31:42depictions with no warning.
31:45Natural born killers being symptomatic of a downward spiral in ethicality, a warning
31:52that unpleasant family life can lead to murder, though I think Oliver missed the point that
31:58the comprehensive and never ending contextualisation of his violent movie presentations wouldn't
32:05be enough.
32:07The best thing he could have done was to not make these graphic presentations in the first
32:12place and instead he should have sought other non-profit, non-making him a millionaire routes
32:20to ensuring children do not become radicalised by the psycho-military American psycho-cycle
32:30The dancing gook scene has become a cult classic amongst violent thugs of the states and Oliver
32:37I would imagine now recoils in horror at this truth and yet he still sits back in his mansions
32:45and doesn't reject his back catalogue.
32:48Oliver does not publicly announce his complicity in the murderous nature of modern society.
32:55I do not single out Oliver, not by a long shot, I see him as possibly a man whom can
33:01realise and help to realise the changes that we need in our so-called society.
33:09Man has lost himself in his violence haze, he has been sucked in by the industry and
33:15is unable to escape.
33:17And if he does not escape of his own free, within loving parameters will, then he will
33:23simply be made to do so by the combined voting power of all women worldwide.
33:30If all film companies had used their assets to do good in the world and had been non-profit
33:37in ethos upon the presentation of any and all difficult content and at the same time
33:45presented a vast majority of nice only narrative, with only constructive world critiquing presentations
33:52disseminated in a professional and emotional manner for no money in return, and only kept
34:00cash reserves for their next important projects of emotional education, then maybe the world
34:07we are living in would be a different place.
34:10Still not good enough, as such projects are never justifiable, but better.
34:17The total ignoring of the facts that bullets ricochet and injure, the sanitisation trope
34:25of shooting off handcuffs and padlocks and shooting in contained spaces has been a real
34:31life serious injury reality for many radicalised and indoctrinated gun firers whom have no
34:39idea of the ballistic trajectory complications of firing weapons.
34:45Men like Oliver Stone and other filmmakers have a lot to answer to as many people have
34:51been seriously wounded from the serial presentation of gun fire ridiculousness presented in their
34:58disgust fest presentations.
35:01Did Charlie Sheen imagine that there wouldn't be an innocent person just beyond the paper
35:07thin walls of the hut the one-legged man danced in?
35:12Was there an American soldier milling about in that direction maybe?
35:17Did they not train soldiers on the theory of ricochets in the times of the Vietnam War?
35:25Children whom ran and run around playing soldiers watched Platoon, whom run around re-enacting
35:33scenes from this so-called cinema, kids whom have access to guns, kids whom have gunned
35:42down their classmates, men whom have invaded countries and raped and pillaged.
35:49If it is possible for children to access this material, then it is impossible for a man
35:56of ethics to make this material, I suggest.
36:01Men have stood aside and watched, serious filmmakers whom theoretically care have stood
36:08by and watched, and not spoke out as children's television has been used as an entrance drug
36:16of ambiguity to radicalise acceptance of Hellraiser and the human centipede and the hostile and
36:25people whom laugh when Hannibal Lecter slaps his lips.
36:31I only had to put the words IT WILL RUB into a search on YouTube and IT WILL RUB THE LOTION
36:38ON ITS SKIN came up as a quick search response.
36:43My search wording wasn't even correct for this movie reference and yet YouTube was ready
36:50to give me this classic cult scene straight away.
36:54If you do not get the reference, where have you been all your life?
37:31I recommend that if you've not seen the dancing one-legged man scene in Platoon or the IT
37:56RUBS THE LOTION ON ITS SKIN scene in The Silence of the Lambs, then do not watch them.
38:05If all film companies and all men whom have profited from the entertainmentisation of
38:10horror and suffering and violence and war and conflict and rape and women-fucking and
38:18emotional torture do not give all their ill-gotten gains back voluntarily, then we will take
38:25Women of Planet Earthmother will rise up as one global feminism-promoting movement and
38:31stop these murder men in their tracks.
38:35All assets acquired by the profiteering upon suffering will be seized in full.
38:42The world did not need your art, it needed your cuddle.
38:49In your seeking to reprogram the world, you have doomed its children to extreme suffering
38:55and social and violent torture.
38:58Because no one has the emotional ability to compassionise and care about each other to
39:04the standards required of compassionate logic.
39:07To emotionally compassionise and care about people whom suffer in their countries, or
39:14people whom suffer in other countries, or people of other species, despite the fact
39:22girls and women have been screaming about this disgustingness ever since they could
39:27do, without having their skulls cracked by truncheons.
39:32Men flippantly and unethically use the term robot, not understanding or caring about the
39:39moral ramifications, and through fiction acceptance seek to justify their tinkering with artificial
39:47intelligence by offering that we could be out-evolved by such like alien systems in
39:53the future to the point where we would be unable to match another super-species militarily
39:59in potential future conflict over territorial volumes in space.
40:05But women do not wish to fight a war if ethics is not applied in our civilizational preparations.
40:13We cannot live unethical life conditions.
40:17For more information on the ethics of so-called AI and so-called robotics, please see Femisode
40:2405 of this series.
40:27We want in our lives a non-violent world-building ethos, and we need such in our storytelling
40:37Our lives are our story, and our story ultimately is us.
40:43We need to be worthy of her cuddle, and he needs to be worthy of ours.
40:50Do men not understand how to write a story that does not have conflict in it?
40:56Young girls like nice stories that have parties and cuddle times and togetherness lovey-boos.
41:04Men give them stress narratives and stories full of conflictions and problem-solving.
41:12Problems should not even exist, and man perpetuates our expectance and acceptance of intraplanetary
41:20and intrasocial and intra-relationship problems so as to justify his continued meeting out
41:27of systematic abuse.
41:31Acceptance of these problems and the abuse they create, and the subsequent constant social
41:37conflict by spoon-feeding us stress-climax narratives that indoctrinate the world into
41:44accepting man's abusive nature as an inherent notion that we must accept, as if man himself
41:52and his actions are an elemental force inherently and inextricably built into the world-building
41:59itself, rather than something that he can self-modulate if he chooses to.
42:07Men will no longer accept your filthy rotten excuses of, that's the way the world is love.
42:15Man knows, fuck all within love.
42:21Women will no longer accept men forcing young girls' minds to be future abuse victims with
42:27programmed smiles on their faces.
42:30We want happy only narratives, and all conflict-stroke-problem-solving-type-abuse-acceptance-narrative-vehicle-indoctrination
42:41of so-called art content will be fully banned from our information streams, or all women
42:48will abandon man.
42:51Any conflict that we as a super-species may ever have to be involved in must be conducted.
42:59Conducted with an ethos of inclusivity and protection and non-violence as propensity,
43:07to wrap a cuddle around all other life we encounter.
43:12Any future conflict must be approached ethically or we have already lost, and we don't deserve
43:19to propagate our culture.
43:22This is the only social pressure that men are allowed to accept.
43:27All other pressures will go now, and being wonderful and loving will no longer be something
43:34man can present as an unacceptable torture he cannot bear in his seeking to justify his
43:40excuses of not giving a shit.
43:43And all violent narratives of technological experimentation of weapons development and
43:49the potentially singular emotional and societal emotional ramifications of such will no longer
43:58be permitted to transgress our entertainment streams ever.
44:04Only respectful and professional thought experiment projects on any such concerns will be permitted
44:11going forwards.
44:13This is non-negotiable.
44:17The word toy.
44:19Toys are for children or grown-up toys are suitable for children or suitable for them
44:25to know about, though referring to a car as a toy is disgusting due to the murderous nature
44:32of men treating their cars as toys rather than safety-minded transportation technology.
44:40Calling sex aids sex toys is disgusting as toys are for children.
44:47Why people whom think they are moral could ever call an object one lovingly cuddles for
44:54pleasure during a loving bodily coupling a toy is impossible to understand.
45:01The English language is in serious ethical problems and too many people are oblivious.
45:09Another irrefutable conclusion of the abuse of language is the fact that the word toy
45:14itself has to be removed from common speech also as it has been abused to refer to one
45:22of the most disgusting objects man has ever created, the so-called toy gun, that may or
45:30may not be loaded with explosive and highly dangerous gunpowder caps.
45:37And so man thinks it is appropriate to abuse the word that refers to children's playthings
45:43with the redefinitional in application to objects women and their partners lovingly
45:49insert into their bodies and then apply it also to pretend murder weapons, not only abusing
45:58a once lovely word but also abusing all those whom cherished it.
46:04But then again man in his disgustingly behaved depravity also has his favourite word abusage
46:11of referring to his own penis as a gun that fires bullets up into a woman's body.
46:19Girls recoil in horror of this disgusting talk but man will not cease and desist.
46:27Man will cease and desist or he will be abandoned by femininity.
46:34Why do people massacre large crowds with assault rifles that should not be available to the
46:40general public?
46:42Because they are sold as toys in toy shops and Jennifer, sorry Jimmy, has had an assault
46:48rifle since he was 8 months old and was shown how to use it by his daddy and 18 certificate
46:55movies that he was watching along with since he was 8 months old.
47:01And man thinks he didn't need cameras in his house monitoring his every disgusting violence
47:08fucking move.
47:10To be sure being toyed with is a negative metaphor, another attempt at humour that
47:16falls flat every time.
47:19How much longer are men going to ignore the women that share their living spaces before
47:26they get the deal?
