• last year
This is:
(Full Series Playlist Link Just Below)

This new series is based on my essay that a sexist at Facebook blocked. I will be publishing the scripts in essay form as I release each Femisode of the series.

Many, many more links to my full body of work including music, film, writing are at the bottom of this description.

PLANETTE EARTH MOTHER Series: Femisodes Scripts: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/06/worldwide-solutions-planette-earth.html?m=1

Full Playlist For This Series: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8fhs0

Original essay: http://jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com/2024/04/superspecielle-feminism.html?m=1

All my feature length documentaries that cover common land and footpath rights issues in West Norfolk and many other very serious concerns in this region and our nation, are available on this channel in 30min episodes ... check out my full links list below for shortcuts to the documentary films

My three latest projects are also on DAILYMOTION now. I have just completed a documentary series about the sugar beet industry, and my new pre-series called Talking And Walking has started on DAILYMOTION: it is the prologue to this series.

It is time to Feminise Reality :)

... Merci Les Bien, Thank You Very Much Everyone


Official Governmental Petition For Equal Representation For Women In Every Political Constituency


Dailymotion: 30min Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:
Channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/uk_footpaths_in_crisis
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x83hta


Dailymotion: Sugarbeet Problems:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x8a7ja

Dailymotion: Talking And Walking:
Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x8b12w

Dailymotion: West Norfolk Shorts:
Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x87iaw

Main Blog:

Metaphysical Theory Of Infinity:


Search Me Blog:

YouTube: Full Length Versions Of "Footpaths In Crisis" Documentaries:

Jason HowardLove: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090638659423

Jason HowardLove: https://twitter.com/JasonHowardLove

Email Contact:

#Leziate #Love #Feminism #Equality
00:00In this series I am discussing the essential need for this planet and all her peoples to
00:25feminise our viewpoints and behaviours.
00:30World Wide Solutions, Planet Earth Mother, Ideas for a New World.
00:35Please see my previous documentaries as a valuable introduction to this series.
00:39Sugar Beet Problems Conclusion Episodes 4 and 5 and my Talking and Walking mini-series
00:44of three episodes are important viewing and essential to contextualise this project.
00:49I will be publishing the minutes script from each episode of the series onto my blog page
00:54jasonwadehoward.blogspot.com as I release each episode.
00:59My original blog post for the first version of this essay was blocked by someone at Facebook
01:03who invoked the spam application to get my blog URL marked as an unshareable on Facebook
01:09This redraft includes the info from the first essay but it largely expands its coverage.
01:24Immorality of Buying in Bulk Theory So to events happening in England and other
01:50home nations and across the world I would assume.
01:54The systematic attack upon all independent shops.
01:59Lots of small and independent bookshops are now gone because of Tesco's and others breaking
02:05the market by pricing new books so cheaply using their purchasing power and artificial
02:12subsidisation of profits from other goods to lower prices.
02:17This is an old and immoral trick that businesses do to destroy smaller traditional businesses.
02:24And we the people allow this by not being able to stop the dictatorship parties that
02:30unilaterally run our countries without asking us.
02:35One could forgive poor people being forced to buy products cheaper through desperation
02:41at winter festival time when books go on financially desperate offers in supermarkets.
02:48But this then removes the shops we would rather use and when we go back in the new year we
02:53go oh no and look through a whitewashed window of the lovely shop that we have lost in our
03:02You'll now just have to drive over to a slightly bigger town to choose from a smaller selection.
03:07But now we have expensive high street bookchains in said larger town but no small lovely bookshops
03:14in our town or an eclectic selection of lovely bookshops in the larger town.
03:20Though we of course are told on TV that we prefer the new way things are done and it
03:25was after all our decisions as consumers that made these choices.
03:30It's like saying a woman in a brothel who is chained to a bed chooses to sell herself
03:35for money.
03:37Impoverished people who are constantly concerned about their bank balances are not really able
03:43to exhibit actual and variable free accurate statistics on purchasing trends.
03:50But the men like to skew our opinions and regale the convenience of the modern world
03:55with far less bookshops in it.
03:59Our governments allowed this to happen by not interceding and forcing all the sellers
04:04of books across the whole market from publishers and book factories and wholesalers and shops
04:11and market stalls to follow a fair and costed pricing structure that provided all lovely
04:18participants with business inherent to our legal system protections.
04:24I suppose MPs do not want to protect businesses and their citizens from this free market world
04:31that doesn't give a hoot about shopping pleasures or ethics in commerce.
04:37So our high street bookchains do not sell second hand books so that we can now also
04:42be ripped off online for second hand books and their delivery cost.
04:47Amazon cornered a market early with a wonderful and inexpensive platform on which second hand
04:54booksellers across the world were selling their books at cheap prices and delivery costs
05:00were low.
05:01But that is now over.
05:04Amazon has now ramped up its prices after destroying the businesses of the opposition
05:10through acquisition of funds from other products they sell to use to subsidise their business
05:17by intentionally lowering prices of products like books.
05:22They undercut a market until the opposition collapses then put prices back up and then
05:29look at another product stream to do the same thing to next season or year.
05:35Tesco's have done this with their purchasing power on books and other products.
05:41This is a standard way that large businesses with diverse product ranges can cycle their
05:47prices to harm smaller opposition until they go bust.
05:51But it's also a constant battle between large companies whom are seeking to monopolise as
05:57they incorporate disgusting and unethical pricing schemes to constantly fight each
06:03other with as always the collateral damage being us the population of this world and
06:10the lower earners suffering the most.
06:13Namely women and children and poorer families whom have to pay more at times for whatever
06:19goods they need having been priced upon the whims of combative chauvinists.
06:26And these men use modern consumerism as a bloody and lethal battlefield that impoverishes
06:31and kills millions of homo sapiens and untold amounts of people of other species across
06:38the world.
06:39Any tenet of modern culture that causes economic harm or harm of any kind must be permanently
06:47removed and tenets that have caused historical harm must also be permanently removed due
06:53to the need for respect towards those that have been intentionally killed by man's merciless
07:00economic war.
07:02Let us talk quickly about the prices we pay on food items of differing sizes.
07:09The disgusting habit of modern supermarkets to massively overprice smaller items is an
07:14absolute disgrace.
07:16I am already in a very bad mood over the plastics that are leeching into everything we consume
07:23and the cancers that this total and intentional disregard for our health is causing, but the
07:30fact you can buy a tiny bottle of water for the same price as two to three bottles ten
07:35times the size or some such is absolutely criminal in my opinion.
07:41Where has the morality in commerce gone?
07:46Supermarkets have been given free reign which the new Labour government now needs to correct.
07:52One of the issues is the supply of plastic bottles of water which are inherently dangerous
07:59as they put cancer causing molecules into drinking water.
08:04We need to revert to glass or similar to safeguard our health rather than men intentionally putting
08:11our health at risk to make money on plastics and save money on energy.
08:17You can never allow trace amounts of harmful substances into food and drink.
08:22And profit prioritising men are directly responsible for the diseases we see today, sweeteners
08:29usage being another example where men seek to intellectual property corner a market with
08:36patented and very dangerous compounds through dangerous legislation that blames sugar drinks
08:43for obesity.
08:45And it is healthy lifestyles or lack thereof that are to blame for poor health and not
08:51chubbylicious body shapes.
08:54The sugar tax on soft drinks in the United Queendom has exposed millions of people to
09:00carcinogenic compounds for no reason other than to make money on dangerous cancer causing
09:08sweetening molecules.
09:10And sweeteners combined with plastic bottles and other plastics packaging like jars and
09:17food trays and so called waxed cartons and trays and dangerous factory exposure of food
09:24to plastics as in plastic handled knives and chopping boards and baskets and containers
09:32and machinery etc. has all coincided with a massive increase in cancers.
09:39And still men look on ignoring these facts by not making safeguarding legislation that
09:45prioritises health.
09:47You have to legislate safely i.e. ensure no trace amounts of dangerous hydrocarbons or
09:54any dangerous chemicals can make it into any foodstuffs or drinkstuffs.
09:59And then build your packaging solutions around this ethos.
10:05Men do not do this.
10:06They prioritise profit and convenience over children dying painfully and horrifically
10:13in hospitals.
10:16And of course supermarkets having decided to not self-regulate themselves to safeguard
10:22our health by insisting on utilising healthy packaging regardless of ruthless men in government
10:29and their inability to legislate.
10:32As always use any excuse to ramp up their profits and prices.
10:38When will we arrest and imprison all the men involved in the trace amounts of carcinogens
10:45in our foodstuffs and drinkstuffs profit making conspiracy?
10:51When are people working for governments going to stop intentionally blocking oncology and
10:57chemistry and biochemistry scientists whom are trying to talk to politicians in government
11:04on this subject?
11:06When will they be listened to?
11:08When will men stop corruptly prioritising their profit making collusions over the lives
11:14of painfully dying cancer victim children?
11:19And cheaper water is no longer available in supermarkets this being another exercise in
11:26profit making only.
11:28Our local Tesco's which had a vast and sufficient warehouse built onto it already recently decided
11:36to reduce the size of the store to build another warehouse within the store space and then
11:42reduce its selection of foodstuffs getting rid of many cheaper items.
11:47They did not need this new warehouse space which makes me wonder what they are doing
11:52with the new space and or the old space.
11:56And of course this has also created the convenient opportunity of getting rid of the cheaper
12:02items surely a company that claims every little bit of saving helps and that they care about
12:08your food shopping costs would have made the choice to get rid of the more expensive lines
12:14instead or simply make space on the aisle shelves for all the products or install a
12:20mezzanine in the vast above head space as is found in many supermarkets.
12:26So why did they need the space and what are they doing with it and why does a company
12:30that makes vast profits at our expense not want the store to look after its customers
12:37as priority and simply extend up into the vast ceiling space?
12:42Are they immorally classifying increasing shareholder commitments as overheads?
12:49The answer is Tesco's just want to make as much money as they can get away with and this
12:54includes their disgusting and criminal pricing of convenience food products or indeed any
13:01smaller sized product.
13:03Convenient sandwiches and crisps and small drinks items are massively inflated in prices
13:10because they are convenient and quick right at the front of the store.
13:15These days sandwiches are made automatically.
13:18A loaf of bread costs 50p which is a price that is too high anyway and of course Tesco's
13:26bake their own bread at fractional cost to themselves.
13:31One sandwich can cost two to four pounds at retail in store.
13:37What multiple of resource product costs is this markup?
13:42We all know how expensive these items are and that we are being ripped off.
13:47We shouldn't even have the option to buy overpriced items.
13:51The shops will say you do not have to buy them but this is not what customers want.
13:57Customers want convenience at times but at fair prices.
14:02In a newly regulated world that we can achieve when we look into the accounts of these shops
14:08and actually tell them what they are permitted to charge and actually tell them that their
14:13shareholders are no longer able to demand loads of profits.
14:18Once we streamline all the outflow of money from their business to reasonable and regulated
14:24levels and then price food correctly and once we have built local community run and owned
14:32100 storey greenhouses to intensively grow 99% of what we eat locally all of these convenience
14:41foods will be priced in line with their actual value in line with their resource products.
14:48A store bought sandwich must be cheap around 20p ish or lower and larger.
14:58Reduced wholesale prices and standardised delivery costs for all.
15:04So some people might be thinking that bringing the larger chain stores into line is great
15:11but what about smaller shops that will struggle if the big stores are forced to reduce prices.
15:17So too the immoral forcing of smaller shops to pay more at wholesale for goods they sell
15:24at retail.
15:26A new world economy will legislate and ensure wholesalers, suppliers, factories, everyone
15:35sell their products at the same price to everyone and that delivery costings will be standardised
15:42to facilitate the economic efficacy of such.
15:47Prices will be adjusted for this purpose.
15:52Supermarkets use their ability to buy or not buy products to force everyone to supply
15:57them cheaper but it is the end customer that must make the choice not a ruthless and unpleasant
16:05supermarket supplies manager.
16:09Smaller shops end up being forced to pay more by desperate suppliers being squeezed by the
16:15disgusting behaviour of supermarkets that make all their decisions based on profits
16:22for stock market shareholders rather than supplying their customers with what they want
16:27at the price they want.
16:30Often items disappear from the shelves of supermarkets because they are squeezing their
16:35suppliers and use this technique to blackmail a lower price.
16:41If you can't supply at the price we want we will take the existing stock we have off
16:47the shelves.
16:49They have saleable product in the warehouse but intentionally take it off the shelves
16:54so they can rip off their supplier.
16:58This as you know squeezes farmers and the whole chain from farm to store.
17:04This has to stop.
17:06We have to fully regulate every purchase and make it illegal to haggle on prices that are
17:13set correctly.
17:15This is the way you protect everyone throughout the industry.
17:19No longer can we allow the profit hunger of a few people on financial markets and ruthless
17:26retail sector managers destroy everything in the world.
17:31Our children do not have all the food they want because of these men.
17:36We must act now.
17:39So back to Amazon.
17:41Booksellers are now forced to use their platform or eBay.
17:47The big men have been allowed to use diversity trading to destroy specialist shops and call
17:53it a new world and that's the way it works etc.
17:58People want to walk down to the old bookshops knowing they are happy and viable and chat
18:03about books with the owner but can't.
18:08Of course some bookshops hold out in busy places or lucky circumstances but the loss
18:14of small bookshops in this country has been an industry of genocide.
18:21And news channels just reported it nonchalantly like it was okay and inevitable and a new
18:28world of internet sales etc. but it could have been prevented by consumers having money
18:35and shops being looked after.
18:38The big men will say you should have proven you liked those shops by continuing to go
18:43to buy there knowing full well that it was they who drove those shops out of business
18:49by undercutting them and being part of the global financial market landscape that accepts
18:54this financial torture.
18:57Now you would do well to even buy books cheaply to start a bookstore as even the second hand
19:03market is wrapped up by the big man.
19:06We want those shops back and viable and money enough in our pockets too and we can easily
19:11have both with a redressing of the way things work.
19:16Full abolition of the financial markets and a reparation scheme funded by a new global
19:22economic plan could see our lovely villages, towns and cities reinvigorated with restoration
19:30of all the things we want back now like all those lovely shops including bookshops being
19:36reinstated under the new reparation scheme.
19:41So prices of products must be fixed and inflation must be done away with.
19:47The only reason to not do this is for those who play the markets to make money which is
19:53murderously stealing money from the system to keep every price constantly inflating over
19:59time to ensure there is not enough funds for everyone to thrive.
20:06Considering the whole concept of money is just a great orchestrated imaginary delusion
20:13why not put the money in places it can actually improve everyone's lives.
20:19We must use our ability to petition government to get the changes we need put into action
20:25in our country and worldwide.
20:28We need girls across the globe to pool their wondrous resource of lovely loving care and
20:34vote for freedom within loving parameters.
20:38No more can financial institutions and financial markets blackmail governments to hand over
20:45money printed for quantitative easing by threatening to downgrade a country's credit rating which
20:52puts up interest rates on a country's national debt.
20:56With inflation gone there will be no need for quantitative easing and with the financial
21:02markets abolished there will be no one to murderously steal all the money out of the
21:07world's financial system and blackmail governments to hand over vast sums of newly printed cash.
21:15All cash printed and a lot will be will be distributed to the people of this new world
21:21so that we can all have what we want when we want.
21:25No more can lovely people trying to do their best in the world be forcibly stopped by murderers
21:33colluding to kill uncountable amounts of people of our super species.
21:39We need to create new numerical resource allocation infrastructures because the word money will
21:44need to be abolished that actually give people the ability to have what they want so we can
21:51then understand what people actually want.
21:55This might sound obvious and you might say that at present we can in lots of ways but
22:01it is a philosophical point if you do not give everyone the ability to have everything
22:07they want within a new very generous resource allocation arrangement how will we find out
22:14what people want as in what they will actually go and get with a millionaire's budget and
22:20how we need to arrange ourselves around this wonderful new socio gratification system of
22:27cuddle joy.
22:30I suggest everyone needs to actually have everything they want within a near future
22:36time frame and of course all of us adopting loving parameters ethos and accepting resource
22:43requirements for all people's happiness is in our own personal decision making and desires
22:50we always factor in everyone's needs and do not want that which would overburden super
22:56special society as to think that way is unethical and has caused widespread suffering and death
23:04under the yoke of man.
23:07On planet earth mother space is at a premium not as much of a premium as it may seem but
23:13we do need to get up into space meaningfully and build sensibly and on larger scales on
23:21and within and above planet earth mother's surface and in her oceans then there will
23:27definitely be space enough for us all to have larger properties for our wonderment happinesses
23:35this might seem far-fetched to some people but it is most definitely not and it is a
23:41nearer than one might expect reality if we can just get things under new loving management
23:49so having everything we want is an essential aspect of all our futures there are so many
23:55things that at present are denied us assuming that we do not ban cars on moral grounds I
24:04think the banning of cars is a strong possibility because of the amount of people who have been
24:10harmed I will use car affordability as an example many people are forced into situations
24:19where they cannot buy their own house but these many who can't are able to own a car
24:26I say a car because people most definitely hardly ever own the car they actually want
24:3499.99% of people do not have the car they could have if money was no object so if all
24:44cars were within your price bracket as in all cars were cheap and you could borrow the money
24:50to buy it if needed at 0% interest and you had a loving affluence universal income then we would
25:00then find out something useful about market spending for a change market surveys generally
25:07mean absolutely nothing as regards what people actually would want to buy research that looks
25:15at what people are forced to buy because of limited resources as in the idea that all people
25:22should have a million in the bank and all cars should be priced at no more than six thousand
25:28pounds allows us to see what car design people actually prefer and the notion that people are
25:36interested in what car buyers end up purchasing is highly disturbing because car buyers are
25:43artificially impoverished by murderous world raping financial systems serial killing men
25:50and car manufacturers whom charge over inflated prices on their products so any studies upon any
25:59consumer spending habits across any sectors of human torture because the research is compiled
26:07from what impoverished people are forced to buy rather than what they would actually buy in a
26:13world of caring and affluence for all families which is easily achievable to me is just a
26:21disgusting fascination in the mechanisms of torture market spending statistics on cars are completely
26:30useless because the wrong questions are being asked what car did they purchase instead of what
26:39dream car do they actually want so if any and all cars could be bought new for 5,000 pounds then we
26:49would see sales distribution would alter drastically if all models of cars worldwide were 500 pounds
26:57for instance and credit was guaranteed to be given because your universal income is guaranteed then
27:06we really really would find out what cars people really really want so at present we live in a
27:15constant state of psychological torture because we can't have the Lamborghini or Mercedes that we
27:22would choose this is the world where us the people do not make our own decisions but instead allow
27:30rich men who do not care about our feelings make our biggest life choices on our behalves as they
27:37remove all those choices so in effect because we are not prepared to force car manufacturers to
27:46only double their money or even go non-profit we are torturing ourselves they have no right to
27:53massively inflate their prices to keep us poor and in constant hope people have died for need
28:01of a car watch their children starve grow sick and die for need of transport some people even
28:09get used to this torture by putting up Ferrari posters and even seem to enjoy the I can never
28:15have that mentality how intrinsically unhealthy is that wanting a Ferrari is common enjoying the
28:24fact you can't have it is forced upon us by loving the idea of having it but then settling for a
28:31picture the knowledge that you can't ever have something against the knowing that you most
28:38definitely will is a contrast that reveals much about what we really want for example if a Ferrari
28:47costs 250 pounds to manufacture because it is made by automated systems then they can't justify
28:55charging more than 500 pounds from their factory in Italy anything more would be morally corrupt
29:03the total cost to actually design make and distribute could be higher but it must be
29:11regulated and checked and if the end price was 2,000 pounds I might question whether it should
29:18be so high now this new world would involve a lot more factories being required for making
29:25more cars in bulk but this new world must happen we can no longer let the rich torture the poor
29:33and this starts with essential price fixing to stop companies enacting discompassionate business
29:41models what changes would Ford make to their models if they had to compete directly with
29:48McLaren I am talking aesthetically as of course the performance of cars and regulating this heavily
29:55would have to occur if we were to keep the present car ownership road destination dynamic
30:03having any cars capable of driving fast would be something that women would want to review upon
30:11their full feminization of reality planning gestation period they may opt for all perambulation
30:19devices to be automatedly driven on new pristine highly engineered roads that would also have some
30:27of attachment system so cars would be snugly kept safe during transportation periods talking
30:35about making it possible to stop any car moving remotely with untamperable onboard systems is
30:42one thing but ensuring cars cannot be driven dangerously by fitting all existing models
30:49with retrofitted accelerator controls and steering assist is something which should
30:55already have been done could already have been done but for the fact that men like to endanger
31:01the lives of our wives and children ladies all men must feminize men could have turned said
31:10retrofit into a massive money-making scheme and would have done but making profit from anything
31:17that is essential in protecting life like medical equipment life-saving drugs or safety equipment
31:24for any purposes is just disgusting but of course there is no impetus among men to stop driving
31:32dangerously informational channel for government when children are taught all laws from the time
31:41when they first go to nursery school all the way through their school years until they leave their
31:47studies the society we live in is transformed into a loving and caring and law respecting and
31:55conscientious playground of safety for all our hearts desires and of course further to this
32:04regard all adults will also be expected to study law in detail so as to fully understand and respect
32:14what a society of cuddling prosperity deserves from them with a law degree for all citizens
32:22compulsory covering all legislation considering a lot of masculine formulated legislation will
32:32be discontinued this is not a difficult task to achieve no more will the obfuscations of
32:40disgusting rape culture perpetuating legalities ruin our wives and children's and our lives the
32:49dissemination of all new truly compassionately logicalized legislation stroke laws and political
32:59information has to be thought about carefully an informational channel run by a new political
33:07system would be an essential way of presenting political information with scheduled presentations
33:14and on-demand viewing that would include compulsory programming that all citizens would have to view
33:21and the legal expectation that these important informational presentations will have to be viewed
33:29and understood will ensure that everyone has the knowledge required to be a happy and free to
33:37within loving parameters citizen to ensure people are focused and take their legal responsibilities
33:46towards politics seriously people will not be able to access any other content including any
33:53messaging or phone calls or artistic or sports presentations etc until they have proven they
34:01done such no further programming will be possible to absorb until this information has been watched
34:09and understood so a new informational political intra communicational system for essential and
34:18compulsory informational and feedback purposes these will be accessibility friendly presentations
34:25on all neo-governmental stroke political familial business and the expectation that certain political
34:35bills will be compulsory for people to vote on if deemed necessary will require full comprehension
34:42of certain very communicational friendly presented materials so as to engage the population in
34:49referendum type decisions on any bills that are deemed compulsory and any bills that any citizen
34:57shows an interest in absorbing the relevant information for with all political bills being
35:04voted on by any interested citizen if they choose to upon proof they have absorbed and understood
35:11said relevant documentation in any form of their preferential choosing so this channel of
35:20televisual and audiobook type and written documentation communication streams will give
35:27direct access to political bills information in easy video format and facilitate anyone acquiring
35:35eligibility to vote on any and all political bills including those compulsorily selected by
35:41central national representations groups I will call political familial and the wider interested
35:49population with new laws and their details featured as compulsory viewing for all citizens once the
35:58party system is gone and representatives are selected in new loving ways like compassionateness
36:05quotients and random selection the topics for perusal and decision-making become about resource
36:13allocation for super special expansion as in city building and space exploration and colonization
36:21and merry-making fun times cuddle times so there will not be any room anymore for opposition or
36:28arguments and arguments will be illegal man's addiction to combat based politics is over and
36:38the disgusting tradition of representatives representing us exclusively without citizens
36:45being able to represent themselves either via voting on all political bills or being able to
36:52speak in Parliament will be a thing of the past and the disgusting tradition of certain bills
36:59being composed of non-compassionate options as regards their composition and amendment during
37:07parliamentary process or their final yes no abstain framework will be fully abolished you
37:14can't ethically vote on non-compassionate optioning referendums therefore the only outcomes
37:21one can ethically vote for are kind and considerate and about improvements and never impingements upon
37:30sentient beings happiness is all species being lovingly in cuddled within our super species
37:38family of compash perfectioner combo lysis I will be talking about a possible new political
37:47system later in this project but of course I know that women will formulate the way forwards
37:54perfectly under the remit of a full feminization of reality full cultural audit this will include
38:03politics ethics sciences sports arts legislation communication everything
38:13man's freedom is rape not CCTVing the whole planet means rape men cannot cite reasons of
38:26of freedom because their reasons of freedom equals rape they cannot intellectually stroke
38:35non-logically compartmentalize to maintain a status mortis bilingually and argumentedly
38:44ignoring that their freedoms equals rape we will no longer accept their rape making contexts
38:54of present state perpetuation within which they erroneously and violently try to contextualize
39:02a world where they are allowed freedoms that do not exist your freedom to not be surveilled
39:10all day every day does not exist you will accept this premise of safety for your daughters
39:18without protestation or you will go to prison whilst girls are getting raped women do not want
39:27to have babies if you are forcing girls to open their legs when they do not want to because there
39:34are girls getting raped in the world and you are creating these parameters and are not acting
39:40against the governments of the world who refuse to legislate to end rape and girls are desperate
39:47to have children then it is rape mass collusional rape ask your woman if she wants to have sex with
39:55you whilst millions of girls are getting raped ask your woman if she wants to have sex with you
40:03at the same time as millions of girls are getting raped millions of girls are getting
40:10raped right this second and your man wants to fuck you ask your woman if she wants to have sex with
40:19you at the same time as every single dead body you wish to consume is a paedophilic rape victim
40:27and countless girls of all species are all getting raped by men and that you do not care or do
40:34anything to stop this so man uses girls love for children as a weapon to force girls to accept rape
40:43not one woman wants to have sex with you or get fucked by you whilst there are women getting
40:49raped in the world so in effect every woman that is being forced to have sex in a world of rape
40:58is getting raped herself and for your information fucking is rape as sexual intercourse
41:06without love declares you incapable of giving consent and sexual intercourse itself as a term
41:14is a rape term too as it does not specify loving cuddlementization as primary men need to wake up
41:24and realize girls want cuddly lovely men whom are yumptious and soft and kind and considerate
41:33all the time all women whom have been married in english language traditions stroke terminology
41:40have been raped without their knowledge like in date rape a feel-good tranquilizer was put in
41:47your drink as the terminology is slavery objectification girls as sexual property formulated
41:57offering and promoting drugs and drug culture is rape offering anyone drugs is rape as the
42:05willingness to consume drugs declares a person incapable of self-safeguarding and incapable
42:13of making a decision upon the subject of their self-safeguarding and means they will be in effect
42:20self-raping and allowing you to rape them and convince them to self-rape chemical damage to
42:28the body is chemical rape if people breathe in or in any way imbibe any chemicals they do not want
42:37or that are unhealthy and unneeded by the body then it is rape your body deserves protection
42:43and you cannot consent to damage protecting pharmaceutical drug culture instead of
42:50creating a world that creates widespread happiness and protection is not only chemical rape but
42:56callous cashing in on your torture victims promoting pharmaceutical drug culture instead
43:03of creating a world that creates widespread happiness and protection from diseases from
43:09chemical pollution from industry and recreational chemical uses in all forms whether intrabodily
43:17or environmentally is not only rape but callous cashing in on your torture victims bodily damage
43:25including systemal and cranial physiology non-consensually induced counter functions
43:34governments intentionally make money from drugs but do not legislate to fully protect women
43:41from men and their rape abuse so in effect governments are raping women through lack of
43:48protective legislation and protective equipment installation and they are cashing in on a form of
43:54chemical rape and monetary rape that is a result of this disgusting rape scape design
44:03all devices being monitored in real time and person identification mechanisms of immorality
44:12promotion child watching beginning of gangster movie where guns are firing and bodies are
44:19dropping and hoes are being abused to cool music and gangster man is strutting down street to cool
44:26music but now it's bedtime and child doesn't see the gangster maybe get his comeuppance at the end
44:33of the movie it is easy to watch part of a vhs or dvd recording also or even be exposed to an
44:43incomplete copy of the movie or watch violence promoting clips on youtube because the computer
44:50being used isn't confirming the idea of the person via camera identification access control
44:58all rooms can easily be camera'd and all devices monitored and switched off if required to ensure
45:06kids do not access the wrong materials but men prefer to not have safety for their children's
45:13psyches the artistic license to be sucked into the gangster's delusion that everything he is doing
45:22is cool and the rendering of such through third-person pov narrative structure and this
45:30structure being used as an excuse to render the scene with cool music is completely unacceptable
45:39a child sneaking into a back of a theater whilst a murder scene with cool music playing is being
45:46portrayed can leave an indelible and disgusting memory of promotional interpretation within the
45:54child's mind as they were ushered out of the theater and didn't see the end where the murderer
46:01got apprehended and if he even did get apprehended in this presentation of disgustingness if
46:09apprehension is even enough when he gets out of prison seven years later after a pleasant prison
46:16experience i suppose people wandering free without protection and children being shown
46:25violent war movies when they are five years old by their dad because he is not able to make correct
46:32choices is a risk all governments like to take at all our daughter's expenses and heterosexual man
46:41who makes all the rape and violence murder rape disgustingness
46:46content thinks he is worthy of having children
46:52babies for everyone when a lesbian couple and a gay couple combine they can share their eggs
47:00and sperm by switching the genetics inside to create their own babies this way eggs and sperm
47:08can still be babies as was their destiny it is also possible for people to change their body
47:15shapes utilizing a technique that is non-surgically invasive and totally safe that i will not mention
47:23the details of here so their morphologies can adopt the shapes of the opposite gender and then
47:31they can switch their genetics to the opposite gender also utilizing their parents x or y
47:38chromosomes or a donor friends this gender switching technique utilizes the same technique
47:46that can reverse aging then men will be able to have babies in their own fully feminized bodies
47:54if they wish
