The Lord of the Storm and his SUN

  • 3 months ago
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00:00🎵Outro music plays🎵
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00:53My children, I am Rael. I am your king and I am your lord.
01:05And I have arrived as promised to reclaim the throne of my father.
01:16Just as my son now rises, so too does the Son of God rise to redeem humanity.
01:29My children, this shall not be pleasant, for the harvest has begun, as has your judgment.
01:41Know this, what must be done, must be done.
01:50I shall remove all evil from the kingdom, and those of my choosing will reign with me in peace and love forever.
02:03My father's breath is already upon you. As never before, you are feeling your lands move, the water rising.
02:14In the gust of his nostrils laying waste to your embankments, he will be here soon.
02:21But first, I shall judge the nations. I shall decide who will be spared.
02:31There is no defense for what is coming.
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04:31🎵Outro music plays🎵
05:02Cardinal Thomas, Kevin, thanks for joining us.
05:06And we were talking earlier, before the audience could hear us,
05:11that a lot of these chastisements that the world's been experiencing have been getting worse and worse and worse.
05:19Even in the days that people have been without the opportunity to hear from us, just in the past few days,
05:28Prophet Elijah returned.
05:30The next big announcement from the Holy Prophet.
05:33And that big announcement really clinched it.
05:37Well, that's it now. This is the end.
05:40It is the end.
05:42And people's opportunity to repent, only God knows how much time they have for that,
05:49Truly, the majority of people on this planet are not worthy.
05:54They won't be joining us in the new kingdom.
05:57And those who are aware of Christ's return need to be spreading the message.
06:03Yep. And repentance is the key.
06:05They have to come back now.
06:08There's no more time.
06:10It's the end.
06:12Anyway, I'll read the scripture that I was reading there.
06:15Matthew 24, 37 to 39.
06:46As it was in the days of Noah.
06:48We just seen through the video there, how close that is.
06:54We know why this is all happening, because of the nemesis system getting closer.
07:02I mean, there's a screenshot there of the whole nemesis system itself.
07:10And this time we have heard from the Lord that this is going to be the closest pass-by that's ever been.
07:18This is what actually caused the flood on Noah the last day.
07:23The nemesis system coming in.
07:25But it's going to be worse this time.
07:28There's going to be so many cataclysms on this earth.
07:32Too numerous to count.
07:34This nemesis system.
07:36It's a fulfillment of this prophecy that's up here on the screen as well.
07:55Calves of the stall.
07:57When you let them out of the stall, they're jumping around with great joy.
08:03So, those that fear his name will be jumping for joy, basically.
08:08But those who don't...
08:11And by the way, that's what rapture means.
08:16It does.
08:19Rapture can mean a few different things.
08:21I'm sure most people think that...
08:23But I would say joy.
08:25Of course.
08:26And being so close to the end and knowing that this big change is coming,
08:32with this cause for joy,
08:36Christ's new kingdom is something to look forward to for those who fear his name.
08:42And he's returned with a new name.
08:46Most people are not aware.
08:48Well, if they follow scriptures, they should.
08:52Because, I mean, it's as straight as day.
08:55And the scriptures tell you that he would come back with a new name.
08:59Revelation 19, 13...
09:02No, 1912 and 13.
09:04That's right.
09:07Yeah, his name would mean the word of God.
09:09That's right.
09:10And he had a name that no man knew.
09:13But he himself.
09:18Now, here on this show, we offer quite a bit of daily news.
09:23As part of the segment that you offer.
09:25Well, have you seen, in the video there,
09:29that wasn't just in one place.
09:31I mean, Texas is getting absolutely hammered from...
09:35from Burrow, Hurricane Burrow,
09:37right at this moment in time.
09:39Now, I seen yesterday in the news
09:42that Hurricane Burrow is actually taking the same path,
09:46the very same path, right,
09:48that the great American cliffs took over America.
09:52That's right.
09:54That's really interesting.
09:55And, you know, there was some Bible codes released on this topic recently.
10:02And it talked about Beville, like that curve.
10:07Yeah, well, that's exactly the same path that Burrow is going.
10:12Let's see if I can bring that up.
10:15Because you said you had posted that online recently?
10:18Yeah, I posted it in the congregation page.
10:20I posted it.
10:21Was it on VK or Facebook?
10:24Okay, I'll go ahead and bring that up.
10:32Really interesting, sir.
10:33You can actually see.
10:36It's a screenshot.
10:39Oh, yeah, there it is right there.
10:40Okay, I'm going to bring that up for our audience to see.
10:48The great American eclipse is that red outlined path, right?
10:54And this is the path that they're projecting,
10:56but it could even be more in line with the reality of it.
11:01So, only days ahead we'll be seeing this happening.
11:08But as I say, Texas is getting pummeled just now.
11:13Houston itself.
11:15I mean, there's millions of people that's actually without power right at this moment in time.
11:21Plus, there has been deaths.
11:24I'm not too sure on how many deaths yet,
11:26because I haven't seen the full news stories on it today,
11:30but there is deaths within Houston itself.
11:37That didn't take long.
11:38Up to 90 miles per hour winds as well.
11:43Barrels made landfall then.
11:47You know, I saw the storm development and it...
11:51It's exactly the same.
11:52It looked like it was developing two eyes.
11:55I'd never seen that before.
11:57It's exactly the same as...
12:01Since the Lord's return, these storms have been happening.
12:05We've had Irma, so many of the storms, you know.
12:09And the category, even with the hurricanes and everything like that,
12:13it's just wiping America out.
12:15Why the people have to bend their knee, it's a mystery to me.
12:22Because their homes are getting wiped out from them.
12:26Floods are just taking their homes away.
12:30It's just, it's that...
12:33That deep.
12:37People are pretty stubborn.
12:40Yeah, I mean, if you tell them they're wrong about anything...
12:43After 12, 13 years, we can say that.
12:45Yeah, well...
12:48I wouldn't say I'm not stubborn, but...
12:52When you tell people they're wrong, not only do they not want to hear it,
12:56they're totally shut off from anything you have to say.
12:59So it's almost like you really got to comfort them
13:01and tell them how they're right about everything or something.
13:03This generation.
13:04For them to be open to it.
13:05You'd call that a truth sandwich, right?
13:07Yeah, but it's this generation.
13:09I mean, that was predicted as well.
13:11We're in the Bible.
13:12And how they would be, I mean, narcissism and everything like that.
13:18They just didn't want to hear the truth.
13:24How many people run out of...
13:26They've run out of time.
13:29They've got an opportunity to hear an important message
13:34direct from the Messiah and indirect through his apostles.
13:38And here...
13:40Here you are.
13:42Here we are.
13:45Bringing that message.
13:46How much more time they have even to receive this from us
13:50may be very limited.
13:52Could be, Chase.
13:54We could be taken away from this world at some point in time.
13:59And there may be many people left without us.
14:03I mean, the Christian community,
14:06they call it the rapture, even though it's not.
14:11But we would call it getting the hell out of here as quick as possible.
14:18Getting out of Dodge.
14:23And how that happens is totally up to God Almighty.
14:28If he's willing.
14:31And we're grateful for the opportunity to serve and to give this message.
14:39We'd like a lot more on board, though.
14:41I mean, we're here to save as many souls as we can.
14:47And it's just a pity that people didn't take the message on board.
14:52They need to contribute in some fashion.
14:56Even if it's just the smallest amount.
15:00Every little bit counts.
15:03They're going to lose everything, brother.
15:05Every single thing.
15:07But eventually they'll have to give up everything.
15:10It's very strange to me that people can't see the necessity of giving something
15:15when they have to give everything in the end.
15:20Even going along with these scriptures,
15:22it tells you even through scriptures that they'll be throwing their gold and silver out into the streets.
15:27It's going to be useless to them.
15:31What they can do is start storing up their treasures in heaven.
15:36Storing up their treasures in heaven.
15:38If they were donating here, that's half of up the stairs.
15:49In the name of the returned Christ, Lord Rao.
15:51Blessed beyond all measure.
15:56It's difficult to imagine.
15:58Because we've given so much already.
16:00I couldn't imagine the magnification of that gift.
16:03But even more than that in itself.
16:09And here people are still drawing breath, still hearing this message.
16:13I mean, how good is it to actually save a soul, give it to God?
16:19That's more than anything, isn't it?
16:21Yeah, yeah.
16:22That's worth more than all the gold and silver on this planet.
16:25Just one soul.
16:27If even people could be willing just to save themselves.
16:31At the very least.
16:34It's not just that that I've got to think about.
16:38They've all got loved ones as well.
16:41And if they really loved them, they'd want the truth.
16:43And they'd want to make them safe.
16:47Well, the Lord did say that he wanted people to come to him out of love
16:51and not simply out of fear.
16:53And if they love God, if they love goodness, righteousness,
17:00they would make their correct choice.
17:03But there is this factor of cognitive dissonance
17:07where these things they just seem so unusual
17:13compared to what they've been brought up to think.
17:15They just can't grasp the idea that could be true.
17:19Yeah, that's true.
17:21Very true.
17:22It's almost like a fantasy
17:23or some kind of science fiction movie playing out in front of them.
17:27And they're so conditioned to disbelieve it
17:29and think that it's just crazy.
17:32This system has got everybody's head pickled.
17:35It's as simple as that.
17:36I mean, Satan, don't get me wrong,
17:38he's done a good job because he's weeding out the weeds.
17:43And he's making sure he's doing that.
17:47He's done a great job.
17:48Yeah, maybe too good.
17:49Don't get me wrong.
17:50Satan's doing a job for God as well.
17:53He's making sure that the kingdom is going to be full with decent people.
17:59Well, there was also something the Lord said to the devil, to Satan.
18:03He said that you know judgment, but you do not know justice.
18:10I think that's an important factor to keep in mind
18:12that Satan, while he judges against mankind,
18:20he doesn't implement justice.
18:22Nothing like what the Lord would have it be.
18:24But that's the key.
18:26Mankind is against mankind.
18:29He's not against God.
18:31He's against mankind.
18:33And he's making sure that the weeds are getting pulled out.
18:37Yeah, against mankind for what could be a very good reason.
18:41Because people are really showing their true colors
18:43as things get more difficult.
18:46I mean, look, we've been spreading this word since 2011, right?
18:53And how many people really have forgot this?
18:55There's only the remnant.
18:57It could be so much more.
18:59I mean, if humanity, again, as a whole,
19:01had it turned around in the first place and went like that,
19:04okay, we're going to God.
19:07We're going to follow God's ways, right?
19:10Then there wouldn't have been this upcoming Armageddon.
19:13That wouldn't have had to take place.
19:17They could have so easily lived their lives out, right?
19:21As normal.
19:23The end.
19:24They pass away.
19:25They're up the stairs.
19:27The way things are set up in the world today,
19:29the amount of access they have to this kind of information,
19:32they would really have to seek it out to find it.
19:35They'd have to make an extra effort,
19:37a very concerted effort to find this information.
19:42Now, we know, we're aware,
19:45that millions of people have seen something about Lord Rael,
19:52the majority of which have likely heard his voice,
19:54at the very least.
19:58If they're not of his flock,
20:00they won't follow him.
20:02Simple as that.
20:04Many of us, when we came about to learn about Lord Rael,
20:08we were immediately captivated to learn more,
20:12at the minimum, to learn more,
20:15whether it be to disprove or prove him correct.
20:19We're still here because clearly we've seen the evidence,
20:24and we didn't allow our misgivings or alternate beliefs
20:29to sway us in any other direction.
20:32Well, I was kind of lucky, really.
20:36That's what I say, lucky.
20:38But I suppose it's not just that,
20:40because when you get a calling, it's a calling,
20:42and that's it, you know?
20:44But I do remember, throughout my younger days,
20:49getting into my music and that,
20:52and that's actually how I found the Lord's name in a way,
20:55right through that British band Genesis.
20:58Genesis, you were telling me about that.
21:01I wish we could play some of their music,
21:02but we'll just get, we'll just take it down.
21:05You can't have a good time on the internet.
21:09No, no, no, no.
21:13Okay, well, maybe we'll get Genesis permission
21:15to play their stuff in the future.
21:17I don't know, we'll have to reach out to the record labels.
21:20Hi, Peter Gabriel.
21:25Hope you watch this.
21:28The, what was it, the...
21:30The Lamb Lays Down on Broadway.
21:32Thank you.
21:33Yeah, you...
21:35And on the cover of that album,
21:37I'm going to look it up,
21:39because this is really, this is good stuff.
21:43You remember what I'm talking about?
21:45Yeah, we have a teaching on it as well,
21:47and they're like teachings.
22:04What was that?
22:05Is that the same album that's got the,
22:09the writing on that wall?
22:11The subway wall?
22:13Why am I not finding it here?
22:14They may be taking that,
22:19that photo away,
22:22because it has been getting used
22:24very often.
22:33It's not, it's not anywhere.
22:34I can't find it here.
22:36That's crazy.
22:37They're really like teachings you've got.
22:39Yeah, well, what's the name of the teaching?
22:47It's got Genesis on it.
22:55There you go.
23:02So this is a really like teaching where
23:05Genesis predicts the name Rael.
23:08Yeah, it tells you all about the album and that,
23:11and obviously they sang about the Lord on there.
23:14That's really great,
23:16but that's where I found out the Lord's name.
23:20That's an interesting story.
23:23I think we should go into more about that
23:26in a future episode,
23:27if you want to give us your testimony.
23:29Yeah, well, yeah, definitely.
23:32We may do that tomorrow because
23:34it is quite an interesting story.
23:36I didn't think you've even heard the full story.
23:39I'm not sure about tomorrow.
23:40Tomorrow's Wednesday.
23:41We may have Glen Cotton on with us
23:44on Wednesday morning.
23:50Maybe Thursday, yeah.
23:52You got time to work this out?
23:54You want to present some things
23:55in addition to your testimony?
23:59All right, audience,
24:00you've got something to look forward to there
24:01if God allows you to survive that long.
24:04We've got to keep saying these things now.
24:09Yeah, and if we're still here.
24:11So thank you everyone for joining us.
24:15We hope that you appreciate our time.
24:18We certainly appreciate yours
24:20and your attention and your love
24:23and your repentance.
24:24In the name of the returned Christ,
24:26Lord Rael.