Bolji Zivot S1E17

  • 2 months ago
Bolji Zivot S1E17
01:50Good morning.
01:51Good morning, Zeta.
01:52Good morning, guys.
01:53So, how did you sleep?
01:55Mirko, don't ask that.
01:56I slept badly.
01:57Badly, until you get used to it.
01:59And I slept badly.
02:01But Saša has changed the house and the family.
02:03And we all will need a lot of time until we get used to each other.
02:06Saša, put the bed down, set the room in the air, okay?
02:09See you at four for lunch. Come on, bye, bye.
02:12Bye, honey, bye.
02:13Oh, I'm late. Mirko, what are you waiting for? Come on, take me to Slavia.
02:16I will.
02:17Saša, take the money. Yoghurt, bread and vegetables.
02:20I don't have a car.
02:21Take a bottle of wine for us, please.
02:23Mirko, please, go call the elevator.
02:25I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
02:27Saša, lunch is in the fridge.
02:29Take it out in three hours, put it in the middle shelf and turn it on.
02:32You know, when you finish your lunch, just pick up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.
02:36You don't have to wash them.
02:37If it's not hard for you, please take a vacuum cleaner.
02:39Vacuum a little in the room.
02:41Please, take that towel out of the machine and wipe it.
02:44It's a sunny day, so let's use it.
02:47Saša, the dishes are in the kitchen.
03:17Good morning.
03:41Good morning.
03:42Good morning.
03:47Slobodan, go sit down.
03:51Sit down.
03:57What's wrong?
03:58Don't ask me.
04:01Listen, son, I want to talk to you about something serious.
04:05Since you got that money, I don't like the way you behave.
04:10What do you mean?
04:11Easy-minded and arrogant.
04:13You show everyone that you have a lot of money,
04:15you throw that money around
04:17and you behave like a scoundrel.
04:20It's not like that. It's just one day.
04:22Okay, okay, that one day can be taken,
04:26but I have to warn you that if it continues, it will be a real disaster.
04:30It won't continue, I promise.
04:35Show me another book.
04:37What's this?
04:40I was looking for something.
04:46Here it is.
04:50Here it is.
04:54It was here last night.
04:59Good evening.
05:00What is it?
05:01Who are you looking for?
05:02For the book.
05:03For the book?
05:04It's a waste of money.
05:06I put it here yesterday.
05:07I put it here yesterday.
05:08Where did you put it?
05:09Where did you put it?
05:10I put it on the table.
05:11Oh, on the table.
05:13My head hurts.
05:14It's not what you think.
05:15I put it on the table.
05:16I showed it to Guza.
05:17Who else did you show it to?
05:19It was nice, but I put it here.
05:23I'm awake.
05:31450 million?
05:33Are you crazy?
05:36Wait a minute.
05:37Wait a minute, son.
05:38Please, just for one day.
05:39For what?
05:40For God's sake.
05:41What do you mean, for what?
05:42For your memento.
05:43For Kevin Essay, Violetta, for the wardrobe.
05:46I bought...
05:48People, I bought a few more things,
05:50but I spent everything on others.
05:52I spent the least on myself.
05:53Okay, okay.
05:54It's nice that you spent the least on yourself,
05:56but look at this now.
05:57Look at this list, please.
05:59What do we need for our house?
06:01First of all, we have to buy a new closet,
06:04because this one doesn't fit at all.
06:06Then, a sewing machine.
06:08Then, installations and ceramics for the bathroom,
06:11because it's completely ruined.
06:13A hood, a wardrobe, and a complete sewing machine for the father,
06:16because he was running around like crazy.
06:19Put yours on, put yours on.
06:20I'm sorry, I'm not important.
06:21I'll be satisfied if I can invest the rest of the money
06:24in your future.
06:26I don't give a damn,
06:28because I'll invest a billion and a half in you.
06:31Excuse me?
06:32Let me introduce you to this house.
06:34What do you want?
06:35I'm on the list of everything that's been ruined,
06:38that's been worn out, that's been torn off,
06:41that looks like an old coat,
06:43that just hasn't stood up,
06:44and I'm on that list again.
06:46Wait, don't fight.
06:47There's enough for everything here.
06:49I'm not going to fight.
06:51I just want to say that someone older
06:54has to manage this much money.
06:57You've always been younger than me.
06:59No, I'm not.
07:01Is that so?
07:03Is that so, Draviša?
07:05Go ahead.
07:07Take it all in your own hands.
07:11I'm not interested in that money anymore.
07:14It's about our son, Draviša.
07:17Our son.
07:18He's young, inexperienced, easy-minded.
07:21He needs control and supervision.
07:23And as far as the money is concerned,
07:24I'm not interested in the money at all.
07:27All right.
07:28To tell you the truth,
07:30I'm very interested in the money.
07:32Please, Mom.
07:34I thought you'd be happy about this hunt.
07:36What did I do to deserve this?
07:38Why did we all fight so much
07:39if you're going to live like a dog and a cat?
07:41Please, calm down.
07:42This time it's not about us at all,
07:44it's about you.
07:45Yes, yes, I know that.
07:46As an insufficient development.
07:48I know that.
07:49Please, Slobodan, what are you doing?
07:51What does that mean?
07:53Araf, everything is approved for you.
07:56And you're still talking about me as if I were menthol.
07:59You think I'm insufficiently mature,
08:02underdeveloped, infantile,
08:04like Skorojević.
08:06All right, Mom,
08:07I didn't show you how much I value and how much I can.
08:12I'll just show you who I am,
08:16how much I can, how much I know,
08:18and how much I value.
08:21I'm a smart guy with a brain.
08:28Hello, son.
08:40What is it?
08:43I'm looking at that brooch.
08:46At this moment, you're looking at my brooch.
08:50Where did you get it?
08:52Oh, my God.
08:56Well, let's say it's someone's gift.
09:00I didn't buy it for you.
09:03So, who is it?
09:05You're interested in that, aren't you?
09:07At this moment, you're very interested in that,
09:10and you're not interested in your son's future at all.
09:13I'm interested in the past.
09:15Dragiš, what are you talking about?
09:17Wake up, man.
09:19What past?
09:20That, that, that.
09:21What past?
09:23Because if we forget the past,
09:25our future won't be great.
09:29Oh, hello, comrade Taganac.
09:31Hello, hello.
09:33You're at my place?
09:34They're waiting for you in the conference room, comrade Taganac.
09:37They've called you twice already.
09:40Is it something urgent?
09:43I'll be here in five minutes. Come in.
09:50He'll be here in five minutes.
09:52Tell me.
09:54I don't know how to tell you.
09:57Is it something unpleasant?
09:59Well, first of all, I'll tell you it's painful.
10:03Is it because of that woman?
10:06What woman?
10:09You're here because of work.
10:12How's it going, Taganac?
10:15You promised us.
10:17And you spit on me.
10:20Dad, I'm sorry.
10:21Okay, okay.
10:23But what I promised is gone.
10:27What's gone?
10:30The company in Rasul is a total mess.
10:34You're right.
10:36I'm in Rasul too.
10:38What are you talking about?
10:40If I don't get a job, I'll be mentally and morally ruined.
10:44Just so you know, everyone runs away from that company.
10:47So, where there's a will, there's a way.
10:53Call Ciganovic.
10:56Just don't talk to me later.
10:59I don't want Taganac to cheat.
11:09There you are.
11:12So, you're talking about leaving abroad.
11:19That lawyer who ran away from you.
11:23Is it filled?
11:25Great. I have a man for you.
11:29He's not crazy, he's young and he wants to work.
11:34At 12.30.
11:36Okay, I'll send him. See you.
11:39I don't know how to thank you.
11:44Thank you.
11:46You don't need to apologize or thank me.
11:49You're going too far.
12:02Tonight we'll play the first pre-release.
12:06Tomorrow night, the second.
12:08I'm asking the performers to come one hour before the show.
12:13This is a tourist place, but the audience is not provincial.
12:16I heard that in this bar there's a critic I haven't spoken to for 8 years.
12:21He's healing his tooth.
12:23So, we have to play with full force.
12:25Like in all of Belgrade.
12:27I think there's a place behind me.
12:30Yes, you'll find something.
12:33You left Ciganovic here.
12:38If you don't mind, I can talk to him.
12:45I'm not bothering anyone.
12:47I'm not here.
12:49I'm not even a gypsy.
12:53Good afternoon.
12:55I'll be away for a few days.
12:57Do you see what's going on?
13:02I'll be back in two or three days.
13:07I'm looking for another Ciganovic.
13:09Go ahead.
13:11Thank you.
13:22Good afternoon.
13:28I'm looking for another Ciganovic.
13:30It's me.
13:36Have a seat.
13:38Thank you.
13:43I'd like a drink.
13:45Why are you here?
13:47I don't know what you have.
13:49I don't know either.
13:51I'm just looking.
13:57Excuse me.
14:06It looks like you drank everything.
14:09That's how we are.
14:11I can't offer you a coffee.
14:13The coffee makers are on strike.
14:15You can do without coffee.
14:17I can't. I'm like a madman without coffee.
14:20Excuse me.
14:22Do you need help?
14:24No, no.
14:26We had eight directors here.
14:28Now, when you have to pay, there's no one.
14:30Only Ciganovic and empty bottles.
14:32You've seen the bottles.
14:34You don't have to see everything.
14:36Please, fellow inspectors,
14:38judge for yourself
14:40if Ciganovic is guilty
14:42or someone else.
14:44I'm not, inspector.
14:46Why don't you come to the inspection?
14:50They say someone is coming.
14:54Someone else sent me.
14:56It's about work.
15:00I'm sorry.
15:02I'll change my mind about inspectors.
15:04I'm just walking around.
15:06Who are you?
15:08Aleksandar Popovic.
15:10Economist. What are you?
15:12A lawyer. We need both.
15:16Economist had a heart attack.
15:18The lawyer is in prison.
15:22So, I can choose?
15:24Everything was possible here.
15:26That's what brought you here.
15:28What's better for me?
15:30The best thing is to be out of here.
15:32No one will take the money.
15:34We're blocked.
15:36When can I start?
15:38Right now.
15:40Right now?
15:42Without a decision?
15:44Without a decision.
15:46That's the procedure.
15:48The procedure brought us here.
15:50Tell me your name.
16:06Please, sign here.
16:10Thank you.
16:12All three copies, please.
16:14So, this is a regular job?
16:18What do you think?
16:20I mean, for a certain period of time.
16:22It's uncertain.
16:24It's uncertain.
16:30Thank you.
16:32So, this is over?
16:34No, it's not.
16:36I have to take this to the protocol.
16:38They're afraid.
16:40Can you replace me for a moment?
16:42Where should I replace you?
16:44Sit here.
16:46If an inspector comes, give him the books.
16:50If he asks something, what should I say?
16:54Last look.
16:56Close your eyes.
16:58Last time,
17:00clasp your hands.
17:02Doors of the spirit,
17:04you lips,
17:06seal with a pure kiss
17:08my contract for the rest of time
17:10with the trustworthy
17:14with death.
17:16This one is too much.
17:28bitter fruit.
17:56bitter fruit.
17:58Return to the guide.
18:16What's wrong with him?
18:18He has always died without any debt.
18:20But Bartosz, it's true.
18:24Give me a hand.
18:28Get up.
18:30Come on.
18:46What is better
18:48than a bright flood
18:50for a red and gray river?
18:58What should we do?
19:00Where is Jesus?
19:02When he was still a baul?
19:04Julius hasn't killed himself yet.
19:06I will kill myself.
19:08I will kill myself.
19:10In which order?
19:12Without order.
19:14I will kill myself.
19:16Come on.
19:28Peaceful darkness
19:30brings us a new morning.
19:32The sun from the darkness
19:34does not dim the head.
19:36Let's go
19:38to hear what else is new.
19:40To punish the wrong
19:42and to forgive the right.
19:46The sad story
19:48will not be solved by the court,
19:50but by Romeo
19:52and Juliet.
20:12Romeo and Juliet.
20:14Romeo and Juliet.
20:40This is a memento
20:42for you.
21:12This is a memento
21:14for you.
21:36Good evening.
21:38Good evening.
21:40I came to see Bob.
21:42He is somewhere far away.
21:46You have a nice room.
21:50It is beautiful.
21:54The students look powerful.
21:58What do you mean?
22:00Yes. I should be the first
22:02to get married.
22:04Don't go ahead.
22:06As you Latins say,
22:08you should be the first.
22:12Not for school, but for life.
22:14For life.
22:16Time will show.
23:34What happened?
23:36He is hiding.
23:40Does the Baron want to kill me?
23:42Then you hide.
23:44No, I am innocent.
23:46I have no intention to hide or run.
23:54What is this?
23:56This is a momentary resignation.
23:58Dear Baron, you did not hide anything.
24:00In this case,
24:02find out who poured the Styx.
24:04Check the car.
24:08it is not dangerous.
24:10Dear Baron,
24:12I would rather die on the stage
24:14than to be poisoned.
24:16I have been playing for more than 25 years
24:18and they never laughed at me.
24:20Tonight they tried to kill me.
24:22With Styx?
24:24With a smile.
24:26A smile that kills everything.
24:28Poetry, suffering, tragic feelings of life.
24:30Please take this to the record.
24:32Who is recording?
24:34We are not on a meeting.
24:36Please introduce yourself.
24:38What is this?
24:40This is a message from Mr. Giancarlo Marotti.
24:50He said it was a joke.
24:52Why is it a joke?
24:54What is it?
24:56They usually send a bottle of wine.
24:58Bring it.
25:02Dear friends, good evening.
25:04Good evening.
25:06I am Giancarlo Marotti,
25:08the director.
25:10Gentlemen, please.
25:14Thank you.
25:24Congratulations on the show.
25:26Thank you.
25:28Thank you, gentlemen.
25:30You are very kind.
25:32We had a lot of fun today.
25:34I don't understand.
25:38Her name is Zeza, right?
25:40Zeza, I understand.
25:44No, no Zeza.
25:46No Zeza.
25:50Congratulations on the show.
25:52Thank you.
25:54You know what?
25:56I don't remember playing worse than last time.
25:58It's a joke.
26:00What is a joke?
26:02Mr. Marotti,
26:04the baron is not satisfied.
26:06Romeo is not good.
26:08Yes, yes, yes. Romeo is not good.
26:10Miserable, miserable.
26:12Why are you sending flowers, rich man?
26:14Mr. Marotti, why flowers?
26:18Flowers are for the lady.
26:20Beautiful Juliet.
26:24Magnificent actress.
26:28Good, beautiful.
26:32I'm coming, I'm coming.
26:36Are all the actors here?
26:38Excuse me?
26:40Ozorište from Belgrade is here in this hotel.
26:42Yes, they are here.
26:44How many nights are left?
26:46Two nights.
26:48Do you have an empty room?
26:50No, I'm sorry.
26:52I'm sorry.
26:56Look, please.
26:58We'll see.
27:00How many nights are left?
27:02I don't know yet.
27:04I have a three-bedroom room.
27:06I'll take it.
27:08Please fill it up.
27:10The key is here.
27:14Thank you.
27:16Two bottles of champagne.
27:18No, no, no.
27:20Excuse me.
27:22I'm a passionate peritator.
27:24He's a passionate lover.
27:32Very nice.
27:34Very nice lady.
27:36Very nice actress.
27:40If he brought you flowers,
27:42he would probably be Fellini.
27:46I'm the first assistant of Maestro Fellini.
27:48I'm the second assistant of Fellini.
27:50I'm the third.
27:52I'm the first.
27:54Antonioni, discount.
27:56De Sica.
27:58De Sica is dead.
28:00Excuse me.
28:18Thank you.
28:20Thank you.
28:46What is he doing here?
28:48He's making a film.
28:50I think he's making a film.
28:52What film?
29:34Miss Violeta.
29:36You were in Verona.
29:38Were you in Verona?
29:40I wasn't.
29:42Only Tuesday.
29:44And Thursday?
29:50You have to see
29:52a statue of Giulia.
29:54You have to see a statue of Giulia.
29:56When it rains.
29:58When it rains.
30:02Eyes are the statue.
30:04Eyes are the statue.
30:08How do you say
30:20Maco, let's go.
30:24I can't watch this.
30:26Right now.
30:28Maco, I'm leaving.
30:30Who is Maco?
30:34Maco is a little cat.
30:36Senor, senor.
30:38Maco is what you eat
30:40in Verona.
30:42Thank you.
31:42Good morning.
31:52Good morning.
31:56Why do you look at me like that?
31:58Why do you look at me like that?
32:00Playing, drinking.
32:02At 5.30.
32:04Very nice.
32:06Why do you get up at 5.30?
32:08I can't sleep.
32:10Then take a sleeping pill.
32:12So you don't die all the time.
32:16You want to put us to sleep,
32:18drug us, and then you can do whatever you want.
32:20What does this mean?
32:22What does this mean?
32:24Wake me up at 5.30.
32:26It's time to wake up,
32:28to open your eyes.
32:30Look at your husband.
32:34Look at me.
32:36Look at me.
32:38I sleep on my left shoulder.
32:40I sit in my room
32:42and I listen to music
32:44from the golden 60s.
32:46You should listen to music
32:48from your 30s.
32:50My 30s weren't 30s,
32:52but 940s.
32:54And those years weren't golden,
32:56but war years.
32:58I thought 830s.
33:00You hear her.
33:02Stop it.
33:04If you listen to music of this time,
33:06those were our years.
33:08Go back to those black 80s.
33:10Infostan is chasing him.
33:12We didn't pay for electricity.
33:14He wears a golden watch.
33:16It's a gift, ma'am.
33:18Who gives such things today?
33:22My students.
33:24Your students?
33:28My favorite professor.
33:34Those students you believed
33:36don't love me.
33:38You think no one loves me, right?
33:42I see that only in this house
33:44no one loves me.
33:54What's wrong with him?
33:56Another youth.
33:58What do you mean?
34:00Can't you see
34:02that he...
34:06You mean...
34:10You're so stupid.
34:32First question.
34:34Why did you come so late?
34:40Did you hear the first question?
34:42150 times more than the father.
34:44The second question?
34:46Do you think you can answer
34:48the second question on your own?
34:52I don't think so.
34:54I don't think so.
34:56I don't think so.
34:58I don't think so.
35:00The second question.
35:02Do you think about your future?
35:04You're my father and mother.
35:08You look like a flower in Danilo's head.
35:10You look nervous.
35:12I'm worried, dear.
35:14I'm worried.
35:16Like an actor or like a lover?
35:18Like an experienced actor.
35:20You imagine you're an actor
35:22and he convinces you that you're a real Juliet.
35:24Julieta Vera.
35:26Wait, you convinced him.
35:30Yes, you said I'm a real Juliet.
35:32You convinced me and others.
35:34That's normal.
35:36I convinced myself.
35:38Excuse me.
35:42So, you're a philosopher.
35:44No, no.
35:46You're a good citizen.
35:48Great material.
35:50I need to work on it.
35:52I have a lot of work to do.
35:54I don't care about that man anymore.
35:56If he comes to me,
35:58I'll never see him again.
36:00You promise?
36:04That you'll never see him again.
36:06I promise.
36:32Look at the time.
36:34People are sleeping.
36:42Get out of here!
36:44Get out!
36:56Get out!
36:58Get out!
37:02Get out!
37:04Get out!
37:06Get out!
37:08Get out!
37:10Get out!
37:12Get out!
37:14Get out!
37:16Get out!
37:18Get out!
37:20Get out!
37:22Get out!
37:24Get out!
37:26Get out!
37:28Get out!
37:30Get out!
37:32Get out!
37:34Get out!
37:36Get out!
37:38Get out!
37:40Get out!
37:42Get out!
37:44Get out!
37:46Get out!
37:48Get out!
37:50Get out!
37:52Get out!
37:54Get out!
37:56Get out!
37:58Get out!
38:00Get out!
38:02Get out!
38:04Get out!
38:06Get out!
38:08Get out!
38:10Get out!
38:12Get out!
38:14Get out!
38:16Get out!
38:18Get out!