Ruhun Duymaz - E03P02

  • 3 months ago
00:00Melekciğim, birlikte bir yemeğe mi çıksak ya, ha?
00:05Bizim yemek molamız mı var?
00:06Olmasın mı ya? Olmasın mı?
00:10Zaten insanlık dışı şartlarda çalışıyoruz.
00:12Ben konuşacağım Onur Şef'imle. Bu böyle olmaz ha.
00:15Konuş, konuş.
00:21Aa, Ali!
00:23Onur Şef'ten mesaj var.
00:24Müzayede binasının asanındaki elektrik aksamını hemen çökertmeni istiyor.
00:28Yapabilir misin?
00:29İşte bu! Çökertmek benim işim. Hallederiz.
00:32Ben çökertmeye gidiyorum.
00:37Söyleyin şuna, bina çok iyi korunuyor, ona göre girsin.
00:40Sabahtan beri bunu konuşuyoruz ya, Ayla abla zaten.
00:42Dinliyor mu sence? Bir kulağından giriyor, bir kulağından çıkıyor. Varsa yoksa aksiyon.
00:51Ya sen bizim için endişeleniyor musun sen?
00:55Sen bize hiç karışmıyormuş gibi yapıp oradan bizi mi diyorsun?
00:59İyi, bırakın beni. İlgilenmiyorum sizinle. İlgilenmiyorum!
01:04Tamam, tamam.
01:05İlgilenmiyor musun?
01:06Yok, yok. Hiçbir şey yapmadım.
01:19Yemek yiyorduk.
01:23Nasıl yapalım?
01:29Değil mi?
01:38Bak, buranın beytisi mükemmel.
01:40Beyti, beyti ama Adana. Ama Adana'yla Urfa'yı ayıran...
01:44Adana... Yarım yarım yeriz bence.
01:47Olur, paylaşırız. Çok güzel olur.
01:49Bir şey diyeceğim. Ya burada salatasız olur mu?
01:51O zaman onu da söylüyoruz.
01:52Beyti, Adana, Urfa, gel buradan salata.
01:55Tamam efendim, hazırlatıyorum.
01:56Çok teşekkürler.
01:57Abiciğim, biz niye kebapçıya geldik ya?
02:00Ece geçenlerde söylemişti, Türk yemeklerini çok özlediğini, o yüzden.
02:04Aa, ne kadar dikkatlisin acaba? Aynı zamanda da incesin. Teşekkür ederim.
02:13Ben bir salata rica edeceğim. Sen ne yiyeceksin hayatım?
02:16Ben de aynısından bakarım.
02:18Tamam efendim. Hazırlatıyorum.
02:22Onur, senin belirli bir tercihin yok mu? Yoksa hani Hila ne isterse onu mu yapıyorsun?
02:33Sizi özeniyorum diyelim Civan Bey.
02:34Öyle mi?
02:35Bu arada ben sizin çok sıkı bir takipçinizim. Bütün işlerinizi takip ediyorum.
02:40Ve çok beğeniyorum. Sizden nemalanıyorum diyelim. Olmaz mı?
02:46Abimden örnek alınacak çok şey var gerçekten.
02:48Belki böylelikle siz de biraz daha çok vakit geçirirsiniz.
02:51Çok isterim.
02:52Bu arada benimle de mesainiz olacak. Ketrin'in hazırlıklarına başladım ama...
02:56Şöyle bir ricam olacak. Gerçekten müzayedeyle ilgili ben hiçbir şey bilmiyorum.
03:00Böyle biraz bir şeyler anlatırsan, ben de belki ona göre revize ederim.
03:04Söve söve, boyda boyda. Hemen göstereyim. Bak şimdi.
03:07Hemen göstereyim. Bak görüyor musun? Bu işte müzayedenin yapılacağı salon.
03:11Şimdi asıl önemlisini gösteriyorum.
03:14Bunlar da müzayedeki takılar ve en önemlisi işte kameryan koleksiyonunun en değerli parçası.
03:24Sahra'nın gözü. Nasıl?
03:27Gerçekten çok güzel. İlginç bir hikayesi varmış diye biliyorum.
03:31Evet aynen öyle. Hatta sen bu akşam bize geliyormuşsun. İstiyorsan ben sana anlatayım evde.
03:40Onurcuğum, seni de bekliyoruz müzayedeye. Değil mi abi?
03:43Aa çok isterim. Gerçekten çok isterim. Hatta bir yardımın dokunursa söve söve buradayım.
03:48Keşke gerek olsaydı Onur. Ancak müzayedeyle ilgili bütün hazırlıklar zaten dört dörtlük bir şekilde benim gözetimimde ilerliyor.
03:54Çok teşekkürler. İyi niyetin için.
03:59Sen şimdi neler düşünüyorsun bu cateringle ilgili bunları? Akşam istersen konuşsana.
04:03Hazırlıklar başlasın.
04:04Evet kesin.
04:05Benim buna bakmam lazım. İşle ilgili. Kusuruma bakmayın.
04:07Tabii tabii şüphesiz.
04:08Hemen geliyorum.
04:09Tamam hayatım.
04:11Şuraya baksana çok güzel.
04:12Bana iyi haber ver.
04:13Ağa salonunun elektrik sistemini çökerttir şefim. Tekrar düzeltmeleri en az üç günlerini alır.
04:23Limon sıkalım her şeyi. Şöyle oh. Oh soğanlı. Ah bir dakika.
04:28Ha alo.
04:35Nasıl ya?
04:36Ne oldu?
04:38Düzeltin canım. Geri getirin elektrikleri.
04:41Nasıl giremiyoruz salona? Beni delirtmeyin. Getirtmeyin beni oraya.
04:46Allah kahretsin ya. Nasıl böyle bir şey olabilir ya?
04:52Ne yapıyorsun Murat?
04:54Pişti yapıyorum aşkım.
04:57Ay bu oyunda pişti yok ki.
04:58Farkındayım be Servi.
05:00Kendine gel ya. Toparlan. Bak Hilal'le Civan müzayede için basın toplantısına gitti. Sen niye buradasın acaba?
05:06Ne yapayım? Olmayan konukları mı karşılayayım?
05:11Genişlet kocacığım. Yetki alanını genişlet.
05:14Konukları ara. Connection yap. Ne bileyim ortalarda gerine gerine dolaş falan ama Allah aşkına şurada oturma ya.
05:20Bak ne diyeceğim. Ece'yi de Civan'a yapacağız unutma. Civan efendinin kafası karışsın birazcık. Handan anne de Ece'den nefret ediyor.
05:28Hayda. Peki bu kadar şeytanca plan arasında sen ne yapacaksın benim melek karım?
05:34Handan annem havuzda onu yalnız bırakmayayım dedim.
05:37Biraz canı sıkkın yalnız kalmak isteyebilir söyleyeyim.
05:40Ay Handan annem bana bayılıyor biliyorsun.
05:43Tabii tabii.
05:44Ben şimdi onunla iki sohbet ederim falan hallederim burayı. Burası bende. Hadi sen işine. Hadi kocam.
05:53Handan anneciğim. Ben geldim.
05:57Hay Allah'ım bir rahat yok bu kızdan ya. Bir rahat yok. Ne güzel yüzüyorsunuz.
06:04Şimdi acele ettiriyor beni. Saçım bozulunca. Islanacak saçım.
06:09Ay soğuk. Nasıl girmiş bu?
06:11Gel gel. Hemen geldi. Sen eksiksin ya.
06:16Ne güzel yüzüyorsunuz maşallah.
06:22Geliyorum ben de.
06:27Ay nasıl gireceğiz?
06:55Hayırdır birini yakaladık da benim mi haberim yok? Kim bu?
06:59Firuz başkanın portresini yapıyorum.
07:02Görünür bir yere asacağım ki varlığı unutulmasın.
07:06Burada sanki bana bir mesaj var.
07:09Ay sen mesaj verince alıyor musun?
07:12Hala yapma ya.
07:15Bak her şey yolunda. Sen benim için endişelenme tamam mı?
07:21Bıktım senden.
07:22Aman bık. Sen bık.
07:25Hala. Bak bugün Ali çok güzel işler başardı. Gel sana anlatayım.
07:30Benim sana ihtiyacım var. Hadi gel çalış bizimle. Ne olur.
07:34Asla ve kata. Benim başka işim var.
07:37Ne işi o?
07:39Bak daha kapanmamış bir dosyamız daha var. YX ile ilgili çalışıyorum.
07:50Bu karate videosu ne iş? Ne oluyor?
07:52Ee paslanmayayım diye izliyorum ara sıra.
07:55Ya sen paslanır mısın ya? Sen bir efsanesin. Sen beni bile devirirsin istersen.
08:00Ya öyle çok isterim ki.
08:06Seni şöyle bir temiz dövsem belki rahatlarım.
08:10Gene eğer rahatlayacaksan ben bu konuyu...
08:19Ne haber?
08:25Bir şey diyeceğim. Sen boş vakitlerinde karate videoları mı izliyorsun?
08:31Bana böyle birkaç taktik öğretir misin ya? Ormanda beni devirmen 5 saniye falan sürmüştü.
08:57Ben gidiyorum.
08:58Nereye gidiyorsun?
08:59Mesaim bitti mesaim yeter. Önemli bir işim var.
09:03İnsanları biraz rahat bırakın.
09:08Hey hey hey.
09:22Hey hey hey.
09:24Hey hey hey.
09:26Hey hey hey.
09:28Hey hey hey.
09:30Hey hey hey.
09:32Hey hey hey.
09:34Hey hey hey.
09:36Hey hey hey.
09:38Hey hey hey.
09:40Hey hey hey.
09:42Hey hey hey.
09:44Hey hey hey.
09:46Hey hey hey.
09:48Hey hey hey.
09:50Hey hey hey.
09:52Hey hey hey.
09:54Hey hey hey.
10:08Nereye gidiyorsun sen?
10:53Hoş geldin, hoş geldin.
10:54Ben de seni bekliyordum, Onur.
10:57Ne yapıyorsun hala orada?
10:59Ne yapayım, davetiye falan mı çıkarayım gelmen için?
11:39Ne yapıyorsun sen burada?
11:41Ya sen şaka mısın?
11:43Hayır lokması yapıyorum.
11:44Bir şey diyeceğim ya, gelmişken elindeysin bana yardım et.
11:45Sevap point.
12:19Benim işim var Ece.
12:20Ofise gitmem lazım.
12:21Ha, ne işin var?
12:23Bence şuan benden önemli bir işin yok.
12:25Bütün gün beni takip ettin.
12:27Şimdi takiptesin.
12:28Bir şey diyeceğim, bak beni o kadar oyaladın ki teşkilattan iki saat çıkamadın.
12:32Yetimhanedeki çocuklara hayır lokması dağıtıyorum.
13:07Yes, I'm a little late, but I'll make up for it now.
13:11I'm going to make you such a nice bite.
13:15Yes, I'm going to make you such a nice bite.
13:19Come here. Come here. I'm going to make you smile.
13:21I'm going to make you smile.
13:23I'm going to make you smile.
13:35Ece made you a crispy bite.
13:39Pistachio, slow down.
13:41Eren, don't do that to your friend.
13:43Okay, I'll give you a bite.
13:45Don't eat his bite.
13:47You again?
13:49Are you sure you don't want cinnamon this time?
13:51Who are you?
13:53He came this week, sister.
13:55He won't come this week. We'll be alone again, okay?
14:03They thought you'd take me because they never saw you.
14:07I'm worried they won't see me again.
14:18What happened? Why are you looking like that?
14:21What did I do?
14:23What did I do to make you upset?
14:27You always asked me what was going to happen to me.
14:31Now I understand you.
14:35Besides, I see you smiling for the first time.
14:39Your eyes are smiling.
14:41It's beautiful.
14:45That's the only thing I've ever done right in my life.
14:48They all admire you.
14:50You're doing well.
14:53Of course.
14:55Here you go, Efe.
14:57Here you go, Mustafa.
14:59Give me your trash.
15:01The only thing they're waiting for is stability.
15:03I come here every week.
15:05If I didn't come here once, they'd leave right away.
15:09There's only one person I can trust in my life.
15:11Do you know that?
15:13Have you ever been in such a life?
15:15I mean, when I was in the orphanage.
15:17Yes, there is one person.
15:25You know, I'm an agent.
15:27I guess you didn't think that Musti would eat your ex-girlfriend's son.
15:29Did you?
15:31Well, you're smarter.
15:33Just so you know.
15:35Yes, Musti.
15:37We've been together since he was 12.
15:39He's like a brother to me.
15:41Do you have someone like that in your life?
15:43My aunt.
15:45She's my only family.
15:47What about your parents?
15:53I'm coming.
15:57You're in the orphanage, too.
15:59Of course.
16:01Boss, the museum has been moved to B Hall.
16:05Now we've searched everyone.
16:07Employees, security, guests, one by one.
16:09But we need to talk about how you're going to get into the cashier's room.
16:11We want another one.
16:13Okay, dear. Your sister Ece is there.
16:17Boss, are you okay?
16:19Where are you? I hear children's voices.
16:21I'm fine. I'm sharing a bite with Ece.
16:23Okay, I'll come to you soon.
16:25Don't worry.
16:29Where is she?
16:31They're sharing a bite with Ece.
16:37I'm telling you.
16:39Ece has lost her mind since she met this woman.
16:41Take care of her now.
16:43Come on.
16:45Maybe she'll share a bite with you, too.
16:47Sister, was it three ups and one down?
16:51Son, what are you doing?
16:53I can't do it.
16:55I can't do it at all.
16:59Okay, there's more.
17:01I'll do it again.
17:09Take it.
17:11I'll give it to you if you don't cry.
17:15Thank you, dear.
17:33You left early, mom.
17:35I was scared.
17:37I'm a little cold.
17:41But you're a little tired today.
17:43I understand.
17:45It's nothing like that.
17:47Don't worry.
17:49What do you mean?
17:51You're obsessed with Lele.
17:53Now she's getting engaged.
17:57She's sleeping somewhere.
17:59Her cheeks are pink.
18:01What do you think?
18:03Is she pregnant?
18:05But I don't think so.
18:07Don't worry.
18:11Let's drink something.
18:13Fatma Nur.
18:15Where are they?
18:19I can't find them.
18:21Fatma Nur.
18:35Fatma Nur
18:37Fatma Nur
18:39Fatma Nur
18:43By the way, thank you.
18:45Thank you so much.
18:47You helped me today.
18:49You took one hour and 44 minutes.
18:51You took my life, Onur Karasu.
18:53You're not even aware of.
18:55I need to go to Korea.
18:57Because I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's menu.
18:59You're not going to leave the house tomorrow.
19:01Tomorrow is very hot.
19:03Jackson you're in shock and I'm gonna go to catch a check. It's perfect. Yabba. Yeah, there's a much more in the color
19:08Sanda Bena, but I'm send it and I'm sure a kick a check for some of them. Yes, I'm key
19:12It's not the catchy and I believe me over some give me a chair
19:15Ben, it's not a big so it's very good. Yeah, I'm sending a very bad
19:20So good. Yes, I'm good. Yeah, I'm good. I didn't come on
19:26Telephone we're missing one
19:29Nah, yeah, I'll miss him. I'm an HCL
19:33You can give me your number
19:36You're not a manager. Go get it from the office. I have a number, but if you're aware, I want it from you
19:42I saved your number, but I got it from Ali. Why? Because I have to
19:49I'm stealing you record
19:55You saved me because I'm crazy
19:58He saw the crescent, he saved it like that
20:01The telephone is ringing, there's a crazy guy writing. He saw the crescent, he won't ask. Okay, whatever
20:07Can we
20:09pass over the plan again?
20:11We can't. I'm not going out of the mansion. I'm not going to take my step. I'm not even going out of the kitchen. But please shut up now
20:25It smells so good, I'm going crazy. I really love being in the kitchen. You don't seem to like it very much.
20:42What am I, am I perfect?
20:44Quick, you have to taste it.
20:46No, there's no need, I really appreciate it
20:54It's perfect
20:56Wow, wow, wow, wow
20:58You've made a lot of progress
21:00Which one can I eat? I need to have a briefing.
21:03You can eat all of them.
21:05But before that, taste my sauce.
21:14It's really great.
21:16If you cook like this, Musti must be in love with you.
21:20My friend, let me tell you something.
21:23I broke up with Musti.
21:25I feel comfortable this time.
21:26This is what it should be.
21:27It's over.
21:31He doesn't look good with you anyway.
21:33I dream of a more handsome and charismatic man.
21:37Let's close this subject.
21:39Let's get to the point.
21:41You can eat these.
21:44But look, cream cheese.
21:46These are yogurts.
21:47You can tell by the color.
21:48Nothing white.
21:49Don't touch.
21:51They are so beautiful.
21:53Enjoy your meal.
21:56I'm so bored.
21:58Can you take me out?
22:00Elif, please.
22:01Elif, don't be stubborn.
22:02Civan dragged me here and there all day.
22:04I just got home.
22:05I'm meeting with Onur.
22:12He's eating in front of me.
22:13He's not eating behind me.
22:14It's like we're torturing him.
22:26I'm so bored of the cafes.
22:30Me too.
22:31When will the subway stop?
22:33If you're talking about the house,
22:35it can take forever.
22:38But I'm coming to Muzahide in the evening, right?
22:41There's no problem with that.
22:42I said you're coming.
22:44Of course you're coming.
22:45Only the entrance is forbidden.
22:48What am I going to tell you?
22:51Should we go to a hotel or something?
23:00Hilal, I'm asking when the subway will stop.
23:03It's like you're trying to make him more crazy.
23:06Trust me, my brother can't go crazy anymore.
23:09Why? What happened?
23:11We can't do it in the hall.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:15My brother Murat is nervous.
23:17He thought he'd be in Muzahide's building.
23:20We didn't say he'd be in the office.
23:22No one went.
23:23He must be very upset.
23:24Of course he's upset.
23:26Besides, when he learned that the hall was canceled,
23:28he said we should postpone the interview
23:30because the new hall is not safe.
23:34Cancel the interview?
23:37Cancel it?
23:38Civan said we'd do it.
23:40He sent the old security.
23:41He made a deal with the new company from scratch.
23:43He's crazy.
23:45I see.
23:46This is a big and prestigious interview.
23:49It's normal for him to be stressed.
23:51Don't go overboard.
23:59We have a guest tomorrow morning.
24:00They're going to do an interview.
24:02I don't understand.
24:03With whom?
24:04With you?
24:05No, mom.
24:06With all of us.
24:07As a family.
24:09With us?
24:10As a family.
24:11With Koral's family.
24:13Do I count as a family?
24:15My God.
24:16Do we have to count as a family?
24:18Doesn't anyone know if Koral's family exists?
24:21Koral's family.
24:22They're going to do it as a family.
24:32Should Onur come?
24:37Let me explain.
24:38Those whose last name is Koral, raise your finger.
24:50So Koral's family is made up of these people.
24:53So tomorrow's interview will be with these people.
24:56Enjoy your meal.
24:57I brought you something to taste from tomorrow's menu.
25:01Let me serve it to you.
25:03Wait a minute.
25:04Can I taste it first?
25:06Of course.
25:07Here you go.
25:08Thank you.
25:10Can I give you one of each?
25:15Give me the one with the ball.
25:18Here you go.
25:20You're so sweet.
25:22You're both beautiful and kind.
25:25Right, Civan?
25:27That's right.
25:33It's really good.
25:35Thank you.
25:39This reminds me of...
25:43It reminds me of your cousin's bad jokes at her wedding.
25:48What a nice wedding it was.
25:50You were also poisoned.
25:55The wedding was nice.
25:57But the poison...
26:00But Ece...
26:01...I guess we'll have to organize for you to eat these nice dishes.
26:06I guess so.
26:08Let's open the restaurant.
26:10Of course.
26:11Enjoy your meal.
26:13I'm going back to the kitchen.
26:15Thank you.
26:16You're so sweet.
26:25You don't want me on the field.
26:31I'm not saying I don't want you on the field.
26:34I think it's nonsense for the best chef on the table to be on the field.
26:38Do you think I'm wrong?
26:39You're saying that because you don't want me to be sad.
26:43Which of these treats do you think Hilal can eat?
26:50She can't eat the white ones. They have yogurt in them.
26:53But she's paying attention.
26:55How many people do you think are paying attention to this?
26:59Not many, right?
27:00You're right, chef.
27:02I need your help.
27:04Hit it from here.
27:05Come here.
27:09Are you okay, chef?
27:10Chef, I'm okay.
27:12I was showing some techniques about wrestling.
27:19Why are you yelling?
27:21Do you understand what I mean?
27:23Go on.
27:29What is he trying to do?
27:33We haven't been able to get into Elif's room since yesterday, chef.
27:38This is definitely a trap.
27:55They made a deal.
27:58They're running to fantasy.
28:03Don't be ridiculous.
28:05I'm sorry, chef.
28:11What's in her hand?
28:14Zoom in here.
28:16That image is clear.
28:21I guess she had her hair trimmed.
28:23She's a maid, of course. She takes care of herself.
28:27What are you after?
28:29No matter how good I am, I'm after food, chef.
28:42I'm not stopping you, right?
28:43Are you going somewhere?
28:45I'm in the bathroom.
28:46I'm going downstairs.
28:47I want to finish the final preparations.
28:49I'm in a hurry.
28:51I just wanted to tell you something.
28:52Of course.
28:53The interview tomorrow is very important for our family.
28:57What you just tasted was so good.
28:59I really enjoyed it.
29:01I wanted to thank you again for that.
29:03You're welcome.
29:04Let's be happy.
29:05Let everything be beautiful.
29:07I'm going to your place anyway.
29:09I mean, for the preparations.
29:10I'm sure everything will be great.
29:12By the way, we can't spend time alone with you.
29:14We can't chat.
29:15Yes, we can.
29:16But this is our time.
29:18You say.
29:20Gather around.
29:23We need to talk about the robbery plan.
29:34I'm coming to the field this time, right, boss?
29:36Ayla is not here anyway.
29:38Did Koray see you before?
29:40Are you sure?
29:41I'm sure, boss.
29:42Think about it, boss.
29:43I'm dressed like James Bond.
29:46What do you think, boss?
30:14We're going to sell you as a cleaner.
30:19Send the building plan to everyone.
30:22I'm coming.
30:27Necklace and other materials...
30:29...will be kept in the room I marked until the inauguration.
30:36I'll take the necklace, right, boss?
30:37No, Ece and I will take it.
30:39We'll take it, we'll give it to you.
30:40You will put the other cleaning materials inside and take it out.
30:43Okay, boss.
30:44That's my job.
30:45So how are you going to get into the room?
30:47That's the most troublesome part of the plan.
30:49Because there's only one person in the room.
30:54Jewelry expert.
30:55He's the only one who can get in before the inauguration.
30:58To check if the pieces are original or not.
31:02What are we going to do?
31:03Are we going to kidnap the expert and make him work with us?
31:06I don't know that either.
31:09They offered that job to Mifit.
31:11He refused.
31:12Maybe you'll convince him.
31:17You're one of them.
31:23You're making the expert ineffective.
31:25I'll convince the boss.
31:31I'm saying make him ineffective, Ali.
31:35If I may, can you make him ineffective?
31:48Oh, all the preparations are done.
31:50Look, we're ready for the interview.
31:53Listen to me.
31:54By the way, I don't want to see Onur standing next to you like a landlord.
31:58I don't want him to upset me.
31:59Okay, bro.
32:00You're on Onur.
32:01Because I want everything to be perfect.
32:03Everything is perfect.
32:04Why don't you understand that?
32:06By the way, Ece's food is great.
32:08Isn't it?
32:09I'm behind your restaurant business.
32:14Why don't you leave it alone and let me take care of it myself?
32:17Oh my God.
32:18When did I get involved in your business?
32:20Do I get involved in your business?
32:22Okay, look.
32:23Ece is very talented.
32:24We'll both take care of it.
32:25If we need your superior commercial intelligence, we'll consult you.
32:33By the way...
32:41Do you understand?
32:42I'm asking if she has a boyfriend.
32:44Wait a minute.
32:45Are you serious?
32:46I mean, she's a beautiful girl.
32:48She's different.
32:49It sticks to my mind.
32:50Of course she's different.
32:51I mean, there was one, but it's over.
32:53For nothing.
32:55Can I talk to her?
32:56No, Hilal.
32:57Let me ask her.
32:59She's a little girl.
33:00Hilal, look.
33:01Don't do such adult things.
33:03I'll talk to her.
33:05But if I need your superior emotional intelligence, I'll definitely contact you.
33:14I'm very curious.
33:16Elif turned off her phone.
33:18I can't see where she is.
33:19I called her, but she didn't answer.
33:21She's definitely up to something.
33:23Okay, mom.
33:24Let's write a scenario.
33:25She must be somewhere here.
33:29If you hear anything, tell me.
33:38Where is my brother?
33:39Don't come home without him.
33:40Civan, you tell him not to come home ten times a day.
33:43He can't do anything but come home.
33:46Where is this girl?
33:47Where is she?
33:48I'm going crazy.
33:49I don't know, mom.
33:50I don't know.
33:51There's an interview in the morning.
33:53Look what she did in the interview in the evening.
33:55She made us all sleepy.
33:57Go do it, Selvi.
33:58No one's holding you.
33:59Go get some sleep.
34:00She's definitely partying with her friends like she used to.
34:03But where?
34:04With which friend?
34:06Can we please calm down?
34:08Your calmness is going to kill me, Murat.
34:11I'm sick of your calmness.
34:13Is it something new?
34:14Is this a new situation?
34:16There's an interview tomorrow.
34:17And you're saying it's something new.
34:24Yes, Ece.
34:27Elif is missing.
34:28You have to help me.
34:29What do you mean she's missing?
34:30She ran away from home.
34:31Elif does things like that from time to time.
34:34It's very normal for that family.
34:36Didn't Gilay tell you?
34:37She does things like that from time to time.
34:39She didn't tell me.
34:40Besides, is it normal for a 17-year-old girl to run away from home?
34:43Her family is suffocating.
34:44Every 17-year-old girl's family is suffocating.
34:47What's going on with you and Elif?
34:49What's going on?
34:50I'm in a hurry.
34:51A 17-year-old girl is running away from home.
34:53It's normal, isn't it?
34:54I don't think I'm in a hurry.
34:55Can you help me, please?
34:56Gilay didn't even have to call me.
34:58She'll come out of nowhere.
34:59You calm down.
35:00No, I can't calm down.
35:01Are you going to help me or not?
35:03Aren't you an agent?
35:04Identify yourself.
35:05We don't have a magic wand in the organization.
35:08I'm sorry.
35:09It's my fault for asking you for a favor.
35:11I'm sorry.
35:18Musti, Musti.
35:19Elif ran away from home.
35:21You need to help.
35:22Can you find where she is?
35:24Call her.
35:25Do something.
35:27Text me.
35:28I'm waiting for your call.
35:35You're all aware.
35:36She did it on purpose, didn't she?
35:39Let's go.
35:40I'm afraid she'll come back.
35:41Let's go.
35:42She'll come back.
35:43She'll come back.
35:44She'll come back.
35:45She'll come back.
35:46She'll come back.
35:47Come on, girls.
35:48Let's go and consult Elif.
35:49What will happen?
35:50Why don't you come with me?
35:51She's my daughter.
35:52Don't worry.
35:54Are you okay?
35:55Are you okay?
35:57Where are you?
35:58I'm dying of curiosity.
35:59Mom, faint if you want.
36:00He hasn't heard from me for a year.
36:02Look at her tongue.
36:03It's as big as a carrot.
36:04I'm trying to tell her myself.
36:05I'm trying to tell her myself.
36:06She's not going to die.
36:07I'm trying to tell you myself.
36:10Is that so? We don't even want to hear a single word. Sit here. We'll talk.
36:14Oh, okay. God damn me. I'm a disgusting person, okay? Are you comfortable?
36:20I'm going then!
36:21Ellif, don't go anywhere. Sit here, we'll talk. Come on.
36:28Come on, let's go to bed. Murat, come on.
36:30Well, in the morning, my bags will talk instead of me at the interview.
36:33Selvi, you won't have a situation where you'll talk too much tomorrow, okay? You relax, go to bed.
36:37Oh my God, dear. Just as it is in every subject, we are also excluded in this subject.
36:40When did we exclude you?
36:41Oh, shut up, you always exclude me anyway.
36:43Well, bravo. Really, bravo to all of you. Can I stay in this family's agenda for a maximum of 10 minutes?
36:50Then again, everyone to their own problems.
36:52You shut up, Ellif!
36:53Everyone to their own problems.
37:10Oh, enough! Enough! Shut up!
37:14Oh my head. I don't understand.
37:18What kind of a family is this?
37:20We are a family that loves each other very much and protects each other.
37:30Isn't it hard to live in the same house all together?
37:33Oh, no way! No way!
37:36No, no, of course there is nothing like that.
37:38Now, look, since we live in the same house, we know each other's everything very well.
37:42Therefore, we support each other very well.
37:44Isn't that right, Arun?
37:45I agree.
37:48Isn't it hard to have a daughter-in-law?
37:51Oh, no way!
37:53Because we are not the mother-in-law of a daughter-in-law with my mother-in-law Handan,
37:56we are more like best friends.
37:59Isn't that right, mother-in-law Handan?
38:01Of course, of course.
38:03Well, Ms. Hilal, do you plan to live in this house again after you get married?
38:09You talk like I'm getting married tomorrow.
38:12Of course, we have some feelings.
38:14Now, when you are officially in Hilal's life, you will definitely know.
38:19Don't worry.
38:20I mean, I'll decide where I'm going to live when I get married.
38:24I don't think my sister can go anywhere.
38:26Because the heart does not give up.
38:28The mind always stays here.
38:30Isn't that right, Hilal?
38:32Yes, definitely.
38:35Yes, Elif, you are the youngest member of this family.
38:38Are you happy to live in such a crowded family?
38:44Yes, very.
38:45I'm incredibly happy.
38:47I'm glad I have this family.
38:49I'm glad you are my family.
38:51I'm so happy.
38:59A dream show.
39:09These underground works are not enough.
39:11You turned the city into a shanty.
39:15We apologize for the inconvenience we have caused to the environment, ladies.
39:19We are not uncomfortable at all.
39:34I'm so confused.
39:45The event is ready, Ali.
39:47Isn't it too deep?
39:49There's an air pillow in it.
39:52Let's see, Izzet.
39:54I'm going to wrap it in cotton.
39:56I've prepared a soft shower for him.
39:58Mrs. Izzet came out of the subway.
40:00She's coming to you.
40:01Come on, get ready.
40:02Mrs. Izzet?
40:03Yes, she's coming.
40:05Yes, Ali.
40:06Yes, she's walking.
40:08She's walking very slowly.
40:10Three minutes, Ali.
40:11Why is she walking slowly?
40:13It's because she's old.
40:15She's a woman and she's old.
40:17Is that Mrs. Izzet?
40:19Yes, Ali.
40:20She's walking slowly, but she's coming to you.
40:22Come on, one and a half minutes left.
40:24Did I open this hole for a woman?
40:27Yes, it's Mrs. Izzet.
40:29She's blind.
40:31She's very likely to fall without seeing the hole.
40:33Collect your warning signs.
40:35Come on, Ali, one minute.
40:36No way.
40:37No way.
40:38I can't trap a woman.
40:40You didn't read the file, did you?
40:41I didn't read the file.
40:43If I knew she was a woman, I'd do something else.
40:45I'm an idiot.
40:46Ali, it's too late.
40:47We don't have time.
40:48Come on, get lost.
40:4930 seconds.
40:50God damn it.
40:57I was falling.
41:01It's just dug.
41:02You'll fall.
41:03God forbid.
41:04Now she's turning the corner.
41:06Get lost.
41:07Why should I get lost?
41:09Why should I get lost?
41:10Ali, why don't you read the file?
41:13It's coming.
41:14It's coming, man.
41:15It's like it fell before.
41:18It's coming, Melih.
41:19I can't look.
41:24Oh, my aunt.
41:25Let me help you.
41:26Your leg was crooked.
41:27Come here.
41:28Oh, my aunt.
41:29Let me see.
41:30Is she dead?
41:32Melih, run.
41:33What are you doing?
41:34What are you doing?
41:35My hands and feet are tangled.
41:37What am I going to do?
41:39I'm coming.
41:41Don't talk.
41:42I'll throw you in the hole.
41:43I'll start with your hands and feet.
41:47Are you dead?
41:52Come here.
41:53What is this?
41:58They steal the bag.
42:09Take the bag.
42:10Take the bag.
42:11I'll do it.
42:19I was going to be a scoundrel.
42:20I wonder if it's in the organization.
42:27Look, I'm going to talk to the boss.
42:31I left the expert out.
42:32Now the only option is Mr. Mifit.
42:34You didn't hurt the woman, did you?
42:36No, boss.
42:38Did you break the woman?
42:41I fainted first, then I took the bag.
42:42When I woke up, I said my feet were broken.
42:44I sent the bag home.
42:46What kind of work is your head?
42:48How did you...
42:55Sorry, boss.
42:56It was an important call.
42:57Sit down, Onur.
42:59I was going to call you since yesterday.
43:01I couldn't sleep.
43:04What happened?
43:07You're a very smart man.
43:09But you're going to go to bed with this.
43:14You're going to sleep, son.
43:20What can we do?
43:22But look, I taught you to be patient, son.
43:25Whatever happens to you, be patient.
43:28Be patient.
43:29Patience, patience, patience.
43:35Does what I said mean anything to you?
43:38Of course.
43:40It was a very important life lesson for me, as always.
43:45Very good.
43:47What were you going to say?
43:49Well, boss.
43:52You rejected the beauty of the cameramen.
43:54She went to Mrs. Izzet.
43:56Now I talked to Mrs. Izzet.
43:58You know, she has a little bit of a personality.
44:01She has a personality, Izzet.
44:03Isn't it 15 degrees?
44:05She looks at diamonds with a microscope.
44:07I say, let's not tire Mrs. Izzet.
44:09She's going to go down so many stairs.
44:10If you torture her now, you're a boy like a knife, boss.
44:13Like a knife?
44:16Did you see the boy like a knife next to your aunt?
44:20I used to be a boy like a knife.
44:22Nobody knew my value.
44:23Enough is enough.
44:25Boss, patience.
44:27What patience?
44:28What patience?
44:29Is there any patience left?
44:30It's been 40 years.
44:31If it was a stone, it would crack.
44:37Well, boss, then I'll ask for your permission.
44:40The job is waiting.
44:43You're coming.
44:44We can think of it, right?
44:49Okay, I'll come.
44:51But only for you.
44:53For your mental health.
44:55Don't be left with a stick.
45:04Boss, patience.
45:34Is the crescent straight?
45:35Brother, it's straight.
45:37Please, please.
45:40Oh, Ms. Simbila, Ms. Bahar, hello.
45:43Oh, hello.