Ruhun Duymaz - E06P02

  • 2 months ago
00:00He's black.
00:01Onur likes black people.
00:02I'll be right back.
00:16Ayla, everything's fine, but where did this jacket come from?
00:19Shut up.
00:20Mufit likes seriousness.
00:21You'll leave him the image of a gentleman.
00:24But this much gentlemanliness is wrong for me.
00:26It looks good on you.
00:29You say that.
00:31If you say so.
00:32I don't know where this jacket came from.
00:35Listen to me.
00:36Don't talk too much while eating and drinking.
00:39Just like how I trained you.
00:41You're the son of a butcher.
00:43Just talk like a meatball, okay?
00:45Let Mufit in.
00:47Ayla, this is my specialty.
00:49I can go in without a word.
00:52Besides, trust me.
00:53I'm an agent. I won't talk too much.
00:56See you, Melek.
00:58See you.
01:02It'll last for 15 minutes and then he'll talk.
01:05Should I not have sent him?
01:07Don't worry.
01:09He won't say he's an agent or a thief.
01:11You'll see.
01:15Let's see.
01:23My love.
01:26What's going on?
01:27You're early.
01:28But it's a surprise.
01:31I'm done early.
01:33What are you doing here?
01:35You're still mad at me, aren't you?
01:39How can I be mad at you?
01:42Come on, we have a great table.
01:48Did you cook for me?
01:50No, I didn't.
01:52No, I'll cook.
01:53Ece cooked.
02:07Thank you. Welcome, Ece.
02:11You didn't have to. It looks great.
02:14Ece will be our server tonight.
02:20Yes, really.
02:22Of course, Ece. You'll do it.
02:25Of course, I'll do it. I prepared the food.
02:29And I'll be the server.
02:32Shall we sit?
02:42Everything looks delicious, Ece.
02:43Thank you in advance.
02:47It's not enough for you.
02:49I'm so happy that we'll be alone for the first time in a long time.
02:55Ece, you can go now.
02:56Thank you.
03:00I'll go. I'll go anyway.
03:03I made you a nice dessert. I'll put it in the fridge.
03:05And don't bother to clean up this romantic dinner.
03:09I'll clean up a little bit. I'll go.
03:10Enjoy your meal.
03:12Goodbye, dear. Thank you.
03:20Dear Onur, you were right.
03:22Ece is a perfect chef.
03:24We invite her to serve on special occasions like this.
03:32We'll invite her, dear.
03:34We'll invite her.
03:37Enjoy your meal.
03:50The most beautiful days
03:55So I lived without you
04:01So I lived without you
04:07Oh my God!
04:09Those young people.
04:12Those handsome musicians.
04:14What does the diary say?
04:16My years have been wasted.
04:19My years.
04:21If I knew I'd be like this,
04:23I'd run away the first time I saw you.
04:35Uncle Musit.
04:37How long have you been in love with Ms. Ayla?
04:41Since I was nine.
04:43Since you were nine?
04:45Since I was nine.
04:47One month.
04:49One month.
04:50Since I was nine.
04:51To this day.
04:53Is there such a thing as love?
04:56I swear there isn't.
04:57Well done to you, brother.
04:59Well done?
05:00Why are you listening to me?
05:03Pity me.
05:10I won't give you a face.
05:13I won't give you a face.
05:15I won't.
05:16I won't.
05:17I have a face.
05:23I'm sorry, Uncle Musit.
05:26I'm sorry, Uncle Musit.
05:28I told you.
05:30Come, let's go.
05:34Let this world end.
05:36Let it end.
05:37Shame on the women who don't listen to us.
05:40They won't.
05:41My son.
05:42They won't.
05:43They won't listen.
05:44They won't listen.
05:45Who won't listen, Musit?
05:50Look at me.
05:51Do I see my Ayla in a dream?
05:58Hi, Melih.
06:00Uncle Melih.
06:02Your father was worried about you.
06:04So we came to pick you up.
06:05Come on.
06:13Aren't you the musician girl in Nisan?
06:16We are.
06:17We are.
06:18We've seen Ali very often since Nisan.
06:20With Ayla.
06:22She sees him a lot.
06:25She sees him the most.
06:27I saw it with my own eyes.
06:29Ali and Nisan.
06:32I can't get up from here.
06:34There are very deep holes here.
06:37The thing is...
06:38Since you know each other...
06:42This boy...
06:44He fell in love with a blonde girl.
06:47That blonde girl...
06:49Went and...
06:50Made a...
06:51A man...
06:52Burned him.
06:54Burnt him.
06:55I don't know what they were doing.
06:58After that...
07:00Do you know this girl?
07:02Do you know her?
07:03Come on.
07:04Talk to her.
07:05The blonde girl.
07:06What a shame.
07:07She's a stupid girl.
07:08Why did she run away?
07:10How will he know her?
07:11She's a girl from his neighborhood.
07:13I've been listening to her for years.
07:15She can't be.
07:16Uncle Müfit has been in love with you for years.
07:20He's been in love with you for years.
07:22But you...
07:23You're heartless.
07:24Angel-faced devil.
07:26You're heartless too.
07:27What's that?
07:30That Ayla...
07:31That's not Ayla.
07:32That's another Ayla.
07:36What was your name?
07:39Meli is my name.
07:41My dear.
07:42I'm very pleased.
08:04My love, I'm very happy that we're getting along.
08:07You've never been so rude to me.
08:09My life has nothing to do with my behavior.
08:12You're the one who's been distant to me because of Civan.
08:15You don't take me into your home, your family, your life.
08:18Then you get aggressive.
08:20You're right.
08:22Civan sometimes goes too far.
08:25He was going to go to London.
08:27He stayed here.
08:28Is there a problem?
08:29No, no.
08:30There's nothing like that.
08:33Let's not talk about it now.
08:35They shot your brother in front of me.
08:39If there's a danger, I have the right to know.
08:44Civan is a very respectable and successful businessman.
08:48You know our family.
08:50We can't deal with trouble.
08:52Besides, please, I don't want to talk about it tonight.
08:57Civan Koral is at home. I'm following him, boss.
09:03Can you leave it on the phone, please?
09:06My love.
09:08It's about me.
09:10Okay, okay.
09:11They wrote something about work.
09:13I answered it, it's done.
09:20Am I really going to wait here all night?
09:23I love your house.
09:25It's beautiful, isn't it?
09:26Yes, it's beautiful.
09:27You're a man of your word.
09:29You don't want to leave your house.
09:31So I thought we could live here when we get married.
09:34What do you think?
09:42I mean...
09:44I don't care how you're going to relax.
09:47But we need to change the furniture.
09:51But we need to change the furniture.
09:54What's in the furniture?
09:55No conditions.
09:56We definitely need to change it.
09:57I'll take care of it.
10:00I'm giving up a lot for you.
10:02I'm sacrificing a lot.
10:04Are you aware of that?
10:07I can only guess, my love.
10:13I'm saying...
10:15I have an idea.
10:17For example...
10:21My love.
10:22I'm saying...
10:24You should stop being so clingy.
10:28What do you mean?
10:30You're very clingy.
10:32I'm saying you should break those chains.
10:34I'm not going to look anymore.
10:36There's no need to look.
10:37It's happened.
10:38I'm not going to look.
10:39I'm not going to look.
10:40I can't stand it.
10:41My love.
10:43We talked about this with you.
10:45What did we talk about?
10:49I believe in the sanctity of marriage.
10:51And I don't want to make a mistake against you.
10:53Do it now.
10:55Do it now.
10:56What mistake?
10:58I'm sitting on your lap.
10:59What can I do to make you understand?
11:01Come on.
11:02I'm going.
11:03Where are you going?
11:04We're going inside.
11:05That's enough.
11:06Come on, my love.
11:07Do something.
11:08Go or stay.
11:09Do something.
11:12My love.
11:17Listen to me.
11:18Let's finish our meal.
11:20We're a little drunk anyway.
11:22I mean, let's not take advantage of this situation.
11:24We'll be more aware of this with you.
11:27More about this subject.
11:41What's going on?
11:42What's going on?
11:43Damn it.
11:45I can't believe it.
11:49My love.
11:50The whips have been doing this a lot lately.
11:52There's a malfunction.
11:54I need to call my master.
11:55It's urgent.
11:56Otherwise, this place will turn into a lake.
11:58Our table is ruined.
11:59Our night is ruined.
12:01We'll make up for it.
12:02Come on, I'll take you to your car.
12:04Come on.
12:07Slow down.
12:28Yes, sister.
12:30Are you still after Civan?
12:32Of course, of course.
12:33I'm after him.
12:34He's at home.
12:35He's not going out.
12:36I don't think he's going out.
12:38I'm so sleepy, sister.
12:41Good luck.
12:43Where are you?
12:44What's that noise?
12:46At the tavern.
12:47At the tavern?
12:48What are you doing at the tavern?
12:50I don't want to.
12:52Let's get up.
12:53Let's pack up and go.
12:54Don't ever bend in front of a woman.
12:56Stay upright.
12:57Don't bend.
12:58I'll kiss you.
12:59You're my father.
13:01You're my father.
13:02Can I kiss you?
13:03Can I kiss you?
13:04Of course, dear.
13:05Come here.
13:06Okay, come here.
13:08Good luck.
13:09Good luck.
13:11We're out of alcohol.
13:13Me and Mesut.
13:15I was going to ask you for help.
13:19Sister, we need a caravan to carry them.
13:21How are you going to carry that caravan?
13:23No, no.
13:25Melek is with me.
13:26We'll take care of it.
13:27You mind your own business.
13:28Let me know if there's any improvement.
13:30Okay, okay.
13:31Don't worry.
13:32I'm on it.
13:33Good luck to you, too.
13:35I'm on it, too.
13:36I'm bored.
13:37Come on.
13:38We're getting up.
13:39Come on, get up.
13:40Come on.
13:41Uncle Mesut.
13:42Uncle Mesut.
13:43Come on, Melek.
13:44You'll talk to Uncle Mesut on the way.
13:46Come on, get up.
13:47What's going on?
13:49Leave it, don't take it.
13:50Okay, come on.
13:51You ate it all, Melek.
13:52Come on.
13:53What caravan?
13:55You won't throw up.
13:56Come on.
13:57It's nothing like that.
13:58It's nothing like that.
13:59We're going.
14:13I thought you were going to pull it.
14:15It's a window by eye difference.
14:17Anyway, I could have been Ali Jabbar.
14:19God forbid.
14:35I heard a voice.
14:36I heard a voice.
14:37I heard a voice.
14:38I heard a voice.
14:39I heard a voice.
14:40I heard a voice.
14:41I heard a voice.
14:42I heard a voice.
14:44Let's check right and left.
14:45No problem.
14:55Okay, son, come.
14:56It's a bird.
14:59What kind of a bird is this?
15:01It's a bird.
15:02It's an ignorant bear.
15:03It's a bear, son, a bear.
15:04Did I make it look like a bird?
15:13I'm so sleepy.
15:20What's wrong with you?
15:21I'm so sleepy.
15:22I'm so sleepy.
15:24I'm so sleepy.
15:25I'm so sleepy.
15:26I'm so sleepy.
15:27I'm so sleepy.
15:28I'm so sleepy.
15:29I'm so sleepy.
15:30I'm so sleepy.
15:31I'm so sleepy.
15:32I'm so sleepy.
15:34I'm so sleepy.
15:35I'm so sleepy.
15:38What happened to you?
15:39I did my nails.
15:43What about you?
15:47I opened the windows to help you.
15:51I asked you something for help.
15:53When I arrived didn't I tell you to go away?
15:56You got here early.
15:57What could I have done?
15:58Am I supposed to be an accountant?
16:01You are my chef. You can do whatever you want with your speciality, but you have to do what I tell you, okay?
16:08Okay, okay chef. What should I do? What should I do at this time of the night?
16:20You got too wet.
16:22We got wet.
16:25Let's go inside and dry.
16:27I'll light the fire over there. We'll talk, okay?
16:46Mr. Civan.
16:51Okay? Let me see. Let me see.
16:54Okay. Where is the furnace?
16:56The real furnaces are here. I put them in a place where they can't be seen under the feathers. They can't be found alive.
17:01Let me see.
17:02It opens all the way from here.
17:05Put the guns in the gloves.
17:07Like this?
17:09I tried it, by the way. It doesn't work when you touch it like this.
17:12Did you prepare all the guns?
17:13Yes, yes. The guys are waiting for the news. We'll put the guns in as soon as we approve it.
17:19Well done, Kadir. Well done.
17:21As I said in this transfer incident, we're doing it, okay?
17:24Let's get rid of these guns without anyone's soul. Come on.
17:27As usual, the warehouse, the transfer, everything is ready.
17:30Look, open your eyes wide.
17:31This doesn't look like a diamond, okay? We need to be careful three or five times.
17:37I'm so nervous.
17:40What should I do with this bear?
17:48Do whatever you want, Kadir. Do whatever you want.
17:56Come here, come here.
18:06What's up? What happened?
18:09Let me see the most beautiful one of your sisters-in-law.
18:15What did you find? Is this my photo?
18:18I'm looking for the most handsome photo. I found this. Ece asked for it.
18:22Ece? Why?
18:25We were looking at family photos. She asked me questions about you.
18:28I'll tell you.
18:30Are you serious?
18:31Would I come to your door if I wasn't serious?
18:34She's a very sweet girl. I hope this works.
18:37The most beautiful of the sisters-in-law.
18:42Come on.
18:43I'll order a meal for you.
18:44Okay, okay.
18:50Look at this.
18:53Ece said she likes pophidic things, right?
18:59Then I'll go and get dressed. I'll wear something nice on me.
19:03You get that pophidic bear ready in a nice package.
19:06Let's go.
19:14God damn it! God damn it! God damn it!
19:19Why is everything going wrong?
20:30Do you like halal?
20:38I saw halal when we were hugging in the morning.
20:40You've been acting different since then.
20:43I feel it.
20:45You're more distant, you're colder.
20:48You're away from me.
20:51Ece, I don't think you're making a lot of mistakes.
20:54It's not like that.
21:01Don't you like halal?
21:50Ece, halal can be a beautiful woman, yes.
21:52But it's just a part of my job.
21:54And there's no other place in my job.
22:04Do you understand what I mean?
22:10I understand.
22:12I understand.
22:15So if the reason you're acting like this to me is halal,
22:19what did I do to you, Onur?
22:21Okay, I just tried to save you.
22:24I may have gone a little too far.
22:26But what then?
22:27Onur, why are you acting like this to me?
22:30Because, Ece.
22:34When you're with me, I can't control my emotions.
22:38Do you understand?
22:49You're making me make mistakes.
22:53There's no place for such things in my job.
22:55There's no place for such feelings in my job, Ece.
23:02Please stay away from me for your own good.
23:06Please go.
23:10Go, Ece.
23:56Where is he going so late at night?
24:11Civan has left. He's going somewhere.
24:13Okay, you stay with him.
24:15Give me the location, and I'll take action before he gets here.
24:18Okay, boss.
24:34Wait, it's mine.
24:35Girl, you scared me. I thought it was Hazar again.
24:40God damn you.
24:42He won't bother us again after I tell him I'm going to work for Hazar.
24:45Don't worry.
24:49How am I going to work for Hazar?
24:50With the bracelet on my arm and Onur on my head?
24:54Why are you sitting in the dark?
24:56Are you bored of something?
25:00Let's say I had a weird day.
25:03You were going to take the cake to Onur.
25:04Did it go bad?
25:06I can't say it's good or bad.
25:08But Onur didn't care about the cake at all.
25:10He's probably melting in a corner of the organization right now.
25:16The important thing is, stay away from me.
25:20Maybe this is better.
25:21So when you stay away from Onur, you can work more comfortably with Hazar, right?
25:28I don't want to stay away from Onur.
25:32What do you mean?
25:33Musti, I went to Onur with a cake in my hand today.
25:36I made a cake.
25:37I even hugged him.
25:39Why don't you warn your friend?
25:43Do you really like this guy?
25:46But my daughter, he's a cop.
25:49I mean, if he finds out, he'll lock you up.
25:53You lied thousands of times in front of TK.
25:55What if he finds out you're gay?
25:58Yes, yes, I'm aware of everything.
26:01So, what about him?
26:07I'm not sure.
26:08I don't know.
26:09He's a weird guy anyway.
26:11I mean, he's acting weird.
26:14But the important thing is, stay away from me today, he said.
26:17He wants me to stay away from him.
26:20In short, he said I can't confuse his mind with his job and love.
26:24Maybe that's the truth, huh?
26:26The man is handsome, successful.
26:28And you're always at the bottom of the girl.
26:30I mean, it's impossible not to be affected.
26:32It's okay.
26:34I guess.
26:37I guess.
26:39I guess it's okay.
26:43What's not okay?
26:45This is okay, this is okay.
26:49I'm giving you the real bomb news.
27:07She's not here.
27:15Ms. Handan is a member of Aydın.
27:19Aydın was adopted to a family, my brother.
27:21We were in Aydın at the time.
27:23I mean, the chorales already have a connection to the ring.
27:27Musti, no matter what I do, I have to get close to the chorales.
27:31Who is that?
27:32Who's that?
27:33He's saying...
27:34Is this a joke? Civan's calling.
27:37At this hour?
27:41Yes, Civan? Is something wrong?
27:44I'm sorry to bother you, but...
27:48I'm in your apartment now. I have a surprise for you.
27:51Which apartment is yours?
27:55I think you're in the apartment right now.
27:59Third floor, last floor. There's no floor above us.
28:01Come, I'll wait for you.
28:03Then open the door.
28:14You've scattered everything. Take this.
28:16What's going on? What is Civan Koroglu doing here?
28:27Hello, chef.
28:29I told you to change the subject. Come on, what happened?
28:31There's no future for you, chef.
28:33Civan Koroglu came to visit Ece.
28:38What is Ece doing here at this hour?
28:40I don't understand either.
28:42She bought gifts and went inside.
28:47Okay, don't leave there.
28:49Let me know when it's over.
28:51Okay, chef.
29:01Civan, are you okay? What happened?
29:04Ece, nice to meet you.
29:05I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, but...
29:07You're welcome.
29:08I have a surprise for you.
29:09That's why I came here.
29:10Now, I was getting gas from the gas station.
29:14I saw this cute bear.
29:16I thought of you.
29:17So I thought I'd bring it to you.
29:19Did you buy this bear for me?
29:21I'd eat it, but it's so cute.
29:24I'm glad you like it.
29:25Because I'm so happy when you're happy, you know?
29:28Thank you.
29:38I'm acting weird.
29:40Don't think I'm crazy.
29:41No, it's obvious that you're happy.
29:43I'm so happy when you're happy.
29:45I'll say come home.
29:46The house is very messy.
29:47And it's late.
29:48No, I understand.
29:49It can't be at this hour.
29:50No, I usually don't bother you at this hour without notifying you.
29:53As I said, this is a special situation.
29:55But now that I know where the house is,
29:57I'll come for coffee next time.
29:59Okay, coffee next time.
30:01Great plan.
30:02If you give a name to the bear, please tell me.
30:05Civan Espresso.
30:07Good evening. See you.
30:09Good evening.
30:11Look how cute it is.
30:13What is this?
30:16I see it's a bear.
30:17Is Civan Korol coming to our house now?
30:19I didn't notice the happiness of the bear.
30:25What is this?
30:26It's like a bear.
30:28Shut up.
30:30It doesn't suit you at all.
30:31Shut up.
30:32I'll take it to my left side.
30:33We'll sleep together.
30:34One is missing.
30:58I'm sorry.
30:59I'm sorry.
31:00I'm sorry.
31:01I'm sorry.
31:02I'm sorry.
31:03I'm sorry.
31:04I'm sorry.
31:05I'm sorry.
31:06I'm sorry.
31:07I'm sorry.
31:08I'm sorry.
31:09I'm sorry.
31:10I'm sorry.
31:11I'm sorry.
31:12I'm sorry.
31:13I'm sorry.
31:14I'm sorry.
31:15I'm sorry.
31:16I'm sorry.
31:17I'm sorry.
31:18I'm sorry.
31:19I'm sorry.
31:20I'm sorry.
31:21I'm sorry.
31:22I'm sorry.
31:23I'm sorry.
31:24I'm sorry.
31:25I'm sorry.
31:26I'm sorry.
31:27I'm sorry.
31:28I'm sorry.
31:33I'm sorry.
31:39I'm sorry.
33:45What happened?
33:48I found you on the internet.
33:51You have good references.
33:54But I have never hired a detective before.
34:00Now I think that we will be talking about a lot of things.
34:06I have been doing this for many years.
34:10If I didn't trust her, I wouldn't be able to do anything.
34:14Now, how can I help you?
34:26This woman is my friend.
34:28But I don't know her very well.
34:30I think she's hiding something from me.
34:33She's constantly disappearing.
34:36Last night, she hanged my fiancé in front of my eyes.
34:38And she rejected him.
34:41I want you to follow this woman.
34:43Night and day.
34:45Her name, last name, address, photo.
34:48Everything is under control.
34:52I'll start following her today.
34:54If you find anything, we'll let you know tomorrow.
34:58Have a nice day.
35:13Mr. Civan.
35:22The goods are ready.
35:23If you approve it, it will be loaded into containers.
35:2516 to 10.
35:27I swear I'm going to have a heart attack from stress.
35:29Take these.
35:32This is a disaster.
35:35This is very dangerous, Kadir.
35:36It's not a mistake, Kadir.
35:37Everything is okay. Are we sure?
35:39I'm sure, Mr. Civan. You can trust me.
35:41Is that so?
35:42I'm so relieved when you said that.
35:44I swear, I don't have any worries. Thank you.
35:47What happened to the necklace of the cameramen?
35:49We're still looking for it.
35:50We're giving the money that will come from this shipment to the cameramen as it is.
35:53It will buy us some time.
35:55If only I could get that necklace stealer.
36:02Come here. I'm very nervous.
36:03I'm going to contract. I'm going to stay.
36:05Come here.
36:07Start a little.
36:08A little tight.
36:09A little tight.
36:12Slow down.
36:14You don't have a setting.
36:16A little tight.
36:17Do you see there?
36:18Oh my God.
36:19I'm so nervous.
36:22Slow down.
36:25Normally, I'm not such a nervous man.
36:27Let's get this over with as soon as possible.
36:29Let's get this over with.
36:37A little tight.
37:07I was so distracted last night. I don't remember anything.
37:11Did I say anything to Uncle Mefit? What happened?
37:13No. It's nothing important.
37:18You were in love with a blonde girl from the neighborhood.
37:20I kept telling him.
37:38Good morning.
37:43It was an incident last night, Meli.
37:46Yes, boss. I'm sorry.
37:50I'm looking at you, Meli.
37:52I'm sorry.
37:55If something like this happens again, I'll leave it to your imagination.
38:01This is not a bluff.
38:04Got it, boss.
38:16Is there any activity in Civan?
38:19Civan is still at home, boss. He didn't go out to the garden.
38:24Did you get the goods of the market?
38:26Yes, boss.
38:27Bring it to me.
38:34Where is Ms. Ayla?
38:36Don't you remember her?
38:40What happened?
39:03I don't remember anything.
39:04It's nothing important.
39:05I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:06I'm sorry.
39:07I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:08I'm sorry.
39:09I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:10I'm sorry.
39:11I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:12I'm sorry.
39:13I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:14I'm sorry.
39:15I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:16I'm sorry.
39:17I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:18I'm sorry.
39:19I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:20I'm sorry.
39:21I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:22I'm sorry.
39:23I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:24I'm sorry.
39:25I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:26I'm sorry.
39:27I'm looking at you, Meli.
39:28I'm sorry.
39:30You promise me you'll wake me up!
39:42I was waiting for you to wake up.
39:48What's my condition?
39:50What condition?
39:51Why am I naked?
39:52Are you asking me, Muftehi?
39:55you always make men naked and at home,
39:56so I'm going to ask you, of course.
39:57You're the one who talks like a man. Of course, I'll ask you.
40:01Last night, I threw you out of the house.
40:07I wasn't going to laugh.
40:10Look, I ironed your shirt and pants.
40:14Come on, get dressed. Go get dressed. I'll be right behind you.
40:22Look at me.
40:24Did I come here last night?
40:27You don't remember anything.
40:29I came to the tavern last night to get the butcher's son.
40:35That boy eats like a monkey and drinks like an elephant.
40:38And then?
40:40And then, we brought you home because you were drunk.
40:47We cleaned you up.
40:50Who are we?
40:51Civan Korhan, a musician?
40:52Or someone else you don't know?
40:56Why does my life bother you?
41:01Or are you jealous of me?
41:03Me? I'm jealous of you?
41:05Ms. Ayla, look.
41:06I lived in the same city as you for 20 years.
41:08I lived happily ever after without seeing you.
41:12I had no intention of seeing you even if Onur deceived me about the engagement.
41:16You finally saw me, Mefit.
41:18What happened?
41:19It's been 20 years. What are you talking about?
41:22Stop being stubborn.
41:24Let's sit down and talk.
41:26Let's sort out the past file.
41:30That file is closed.
41:32I have nothing to talk to you about.
41:34I heard what I was going to hear 20 years ago and I got my answer.
41:37Have a good day, Ms. Ayla.
41:44Yes, what is it?
41:46Your feet are naked.
41:49You're out of your mind.
41:58Kadir, set up a video call in my office.
42:01Let me check how everything is going.
42:04But look at me.
42:05The camera will be off.
42:06And our names will never be recognized.
42:10Civan, do you have two minutes?
42:12Of course, my queen.
42:13I always have time for you.
42:14I'm listening, yes.
42:16What about our debt issue?
42:18Will the cameramen file a lawsuit?
42:20What are your plans for the company?
42:23I want to learn about these.
42:25I'll tell you all of these one by one, mom.
42:27But now I have a meeting.
42:28If you'll excuse me, I'll go to him.
42:30But don't worry.
42:31Everything is fine.
42:32We're going straight.
42:33Civan, there's one more thing.
42:35Yes, mom.
42:36Do you remember Sibel?
42:39Ms. Güzin's daughter.
42:40You went to the same school in England.
42:44Wait a minute.
42:45She was younger than me, wasn't she?
42:47Yes, I remember.
42:48What happened?
42:49I want to invite her to coffee.
42:51She's a great young woman.
42:53Just for you.
42:54Mom, where do you get these ideas from?
42:57What can I do, Civan?
42:59I'm either bothering my family or the company.
43:05Which one do you prefer?
43:07Coffee is a great idea, mom.
43:09Yes, let's do it.
43:11Just coffee, okay?
43:13Okay, my dear.
43:15My dear mother, come on.
43:18The most beautiful of mothers.
43:30I'm researching the past of Handan Koral's family in Aydın.
43:34But since that information is not processed on the computer,
43:37I'm researching the archive.
43:38It will take some of our time.
43:39Okay, Melek.
43:41This is Hazar's file.
43:43There are hundreds of properties all over Turkey.
43:46But the man made all his property
43:48on his family, siblings, relatives.
43:50Nothing is visible.
43:52Of course it will be like that.
43:55In order to kidnap the gun,
43:57there is a need for cash, depots, elements
43:59and more importantly, connections.
44:02Of course, he will explain somewhere.
44:06I trust you, Melek.
44:07Thank you, chef.
44:21Mom, I was going to say I'm going out.
44:23What's going on here?
44:27My son, Selvi went crazy.
44:31He has bad energy at home.
44:33He has a fever.
44:35He made us sit here like chickens.
44:37He has a fever.
44:38Shut up, girl.
44:39We're going to suffer now.
44:40Look, Civan.
44:41That's why I'm telling you.
44:43The spouse you will choose is very important.
44:46I told you before.
44:48I didn't interfere with Murat.
44:49Look what we're dealing with.
44:52By the way, where is Hilal?
44:53Did you give him a fever too?
44:55What happened?
44:56He went to the company.
44:58Selvi, what are you doing, for God's sake?
45:01You're all over the place.
45:03The energy coach suggested it.
45:04All the bad luck, misfortune,
45:06misfortune, negativity,
45:07it's all going to go, God willing.
45:09It's going to be because you burned two sticks, right?
45:12I don't believe in such things, for God's sake.
45:14Don't say that, Civan.
45:15Whether you believe it or not,
45:16we have to do it.
45:17We're burning two pieces of wood on top of each other
45:19so that our work goes smoothly.
45:21Think about it.
45:22Is that so?
45:23What if it works?
45:24You say.
45:26I mean...
45:27I don't know.
45:28I've never tried anything like this before.
45:30But if so many people are trying it in the world,
45:32there must be a reason.
45:33Maybe it works.
45:34Come here.
45:35I need something like this too.
45:37Give me a kiss.
45:39All over.
45:41Is it working?
45:42It's working.
45:43By the way, where is my brother?
45:44I'm also kissing him in the room.
45:46For sexual energy.
45:48Selvi, what are you saying?
45:49Such things to me, for God's sake.
45:51Mr. Civan, they're looking for you.
45:52It's urgent.
45:53I hope your kiss worked.
45:54I hope it's good news.
45:56Let's go.