DESTINO Y AMOR Capitulo 16 Español Audio Latino - Beautiful Gong Shim
00:00:00Destino y amor, una encantadora coincidencia.
00:01:01Destino y amor, una encantadora coincidencia.
00:01:04Perdido, se busca.
00:01:33Te contaré toda la verdad a JonSaw en la tarde, que soy JonPyo, y su madre es la culpable
00:01:42de esto.
00:01:43Le pondré fin a este asunto.
00:01:47Él no tiene por qué pagar los crímenes de otros.
00:01:53Así será.
00:01:56JonSaw es inocente.
00:01:57Hola Dante, soy yo.
00:02:16Oha Kongshim, ¿entramos?
00:02:24Es grano tostado en polvo, lo compré cuando venía de regreso, sabe como a nuez.
00:02:40Gracias, es deliciosa.
00:02:44¿Por qué hablas de ese modo?
00:02:46Creo que esta forma de hablar queda bien con mi personalidad.
00:02:51Yo no creo.
00:02:52No hables así, por favor.
00:02:55Bébelo antes de que el polvo se seque.
00:02:59Oh, es cierto, esto sí sabe a nuez.
00:03:08¿Crees que te pueda pedir un gran favor?
00:03:11Sí, pídeme lo que quieras.
00:03:14Es solo que pasé el proceso de selección en la empresa que solicité.
00:03:20¿Es en serio?
00:03:23Y aquí viene el favor.
00:03:25Tendré una entrevista.
00:03:29Este es el formulario.
00:03:31¿Podrías preguntarme sobre esto?
00:03:33Por supuesto, tú me diste tu grano tostado.
00:03:41Siéntate aquí.
00:03:44Escuché que las compañías ejercen presión sobre los solicitantes durante las entrevistas.
00:03:49¿Te parece bien si empieza fuerte desde un inicio?
00:03:53De acuerdo.
00:03:54Ya estoy lista.
00:03:55Haz las preguntas.
00:04:01Kong Shim, tu carrera es la horticultura.
00:04:04Dime, ¿por qué pedir un puesto de diseño?
00:04:07Es solo que desde que era joven, mi sueño siempre ha sido dibujar.
00:04:10Sin embargo, lo tuve que abandonar debido a mi situación familiar.
00:04:14Aún así, yo creo que tengo talento.
00:04:17Así que si ustedes me contratan, yo siempre daré lo mejor.
00:04:20Estoy dispuesta a seguir aprendiendo todo lo que se pueda.
00:04:24¿Por qué aprenderías en el trabajo?
00:04:28¿Crees que esto es una escuela?
00:04:33Veo que tus calificaciones son bastante bajas.
00:04:37Dime, ¿a qué se debe esto?
00:04:47Se debe a que tenía que trabajar mientras estudiaba, así que no me lograba concentrar.
00:04:52Sé que son bajas, pero en mi trabajo me iba bien.
00:04:56Además, yo creo que la experiencia que obtuve es mucho más importante.
00:05:01¿No crees que una beca te habría ayudado a no desgastarte tanto en el trabajo?
00:05:09Esto me suena a que estudiaste mucho para conseguir una, pero no lo lograste.
00:05:14Por lo que no creo que seas muy inteligente.
00:05:19Kong Shim, no me digas que estás apretando los puños.
00:05:26¡Claro que no! ¡Solo estoy muy nerviosa!
00:05:33Dice aquí que a menudo cambias de empleo. ¿Por qué razón?
00:05:38La primera empresa quebró en cuanto me contrataron.
00:05:41En la segunda, ellos me despidieron, pero fue injustificado.
00:05:45En la tercera, el director huyó con todo el dinero, así que yo tuve que renunciar.
00:05:50El que solo hayas conseguido empleo en esas compañías significa que no eres competente.
00:05:57Y tu expresión facial me está diciendo que estoy en lo correcto.
00:06:02Kong Shim, déjame. No te puedes alterar tan fácilmente.
00:06:05Yo solo hice el favor que me pediste. Ahora suéltame.
00:06:18¡Kong Shim!
00:06:20¡Kong Shim!
00:06:22¡Kong Shim!
00:06:24¡Kong Shim!
00:06:26¡Kong Shim!
00:06:28¡Kong Shim!
00:06:35Lo siento. Creo que me enojé mucho.
00:06:41¡Kong Shim! ¿Tienes problemas de ira? ¡Por poco me matas!
00:06:47En la entrevista no podrás hacer esto.
00:06:50Lo siento mucho. Nos vemos.
00:06:53No te vayas.
00:06:54¿Por qué no?
00:07:01Kong Shim, ¿esta noche crees que podamos vernos?
00:07:07Perdí el control, ¿cierto? Lo lamento.
00:07:13¿Dónde te veo?
00:07:15En la terraza está bien. O podría ser en el parque.
00:07:19¿A qué hora nos vemos?
00:07:21También quedé de ver a Jonzo hoy, así que a ti te vería después.
00:07:25¿Te puedo llamar una vez que haya terminado de hablar con él?
00:07:28Sí, claro. Pero solamente dime si hay una razón por la que quieras hablar con el director.
00:07:37Es un trato.
00:07:40¿Así que no quieres decírmelo? De acuerdo. En la noche nos vemos.
00:07:45Claro. Hasta luego.
00:07:59Pero... ¿por qué querrá hablar conmigo?
00:08:15Kong Shim, esta noche te quiero.
00:08:20¿Por qué?
00:08:23Kong Shim, esta noche te explicaré por qué no había podido decirte nada.
00:08:30Te diré la verdad.
00:08:33Sabrás que yo no soy Dante, sino que soy Jonpyo.
00:08:42Informe de resultados.
00:08:45Resultado de parentesco.
00:08:47No coincide.
00:08:53Oye, Jonzo. No entiendo por qué estás tardándote tanto.
00:08:57Date prisa y dinos. Es frustrante.
00:09:00En serio lo es.
00:09:03¿Tú no estás preocupado?
00:09:06¿Qué? Ah, sí.
00:09:22Dante no es Jonpyo como creía.
00:09:25Pero yo estaba seguro de que Dante era Jonpyo.
00:09:29¿Cómo es posible?
00:09:31Jonzo, ¿qué esperas? Todos estamos impacientes.
00:09:36Ay, sí. Ya todos queremos saber. Date prisa y dinos.
00:09:53Lo que quería decirles hoy...
00:10:00es que ahora ya no perteneceré a la compañía. Eso es todo.
00:10:05¿En serio, Jonzo?
00:10:07¿Renunciar? Pero es nuestra compañía. ¿Por qué quieres renunciar?
00:10:14Solo explícanos qué pasó. ¿Por qué lo harás?
00:10:19Quiero empezar mi propio negocio.
00:10:21No quería vivir así, siempre lleno de comodidades.
00:10:25Quisiera ganarme el éxito y lo haré por mi cuenta.
00:10:30¿Estás diciendo que empezarás un negocio fuera de Grupo Star?
00:10:36Ay, no. Es que no lo entiendo.
00:10:38Alguien hágalo entrar en razón. ¿Por qué no quieres lo que te corresponde?
00:10:42Jonzo, ¿pero qué es lo que te sucede? Esto no tiene sentido.
00:10:47Disculpen. Firmaré mi renuncia.
00:10:53No entiendo por qué hace esto.
00:10:56No, espera. Déjalo.
00:10:58No, no, no.
00:11:17No, no, no.
00:11:19¿Quién es?
00:11:20¿Quién es?
00:11:45Aquí está la toalla.
00:11:47Te gratezco.
00:11:49Dante, lo tengo.
00:11:52Ponlo aquí.
00:11:57Por cierto, ¿para qué es mi cepillo de dientes usado?
00:12:01Porque necesita ser el mismo cepillo que vendes en tu tienda.
00:12:04¿Qué es lo que harás con mi cepillo?
00:12:06¿Este es el que has estado usando?
00:12:08Sí, ya llevo una semana usándolo.
00:12:10Excelente. Ahora te deberé un cepillo de dientes.
00:12:50¿Qué es lo que harás con mi cepillo de dientes?
00:12:53¿Qué es lo que harás con mi cepillo de dientes?
00:13:16Oye, ¿por qué dio ese anuncio?
00:13:19Podría llegar a ser el presidente. ¿Por qué renunciaría?
00:13:22Dime si algo malo sucedió.
00:13:24No, para nada.
00:13:25Entonces, ¿por qué dijo eso?
00:13:27Dijo que es solo porque no quiere las comodidades.
00:13:30Ay, qué extraño. La verdad es que me preocupa que encuentren a Jompio.
00:13:34Siento que está actuando así porque tiene sospechas.
00:13:38Ahora que ya mencionaste a Jompio, ¿recuerdas a Sojong?
00:13:42Era tu amigo en el ejército y él fue quien perdió a Jompio.
00:13:47Sí, es que averigué en dónde está Sojong.
00:13:52Me enteré hace poco que está en coma en un hospital.
00:13:57¿En serio?
00:13:58Solo que no sé por qué.
00:14:00Tal vez es porque está enfermo o quizás un accidente.
00:14:05¿Pero qué haremos si despierta del coma?
00:14:09Si Sojong despierta y habla sobre Jompio, tú y yo estaremos muertos.
00:14:15Es que Dante es el hijo de Sojong y si despierta seguramente va a revelarle todo.
00:14:22Sí, ya lo creo.
00:14:24Es que cuando Sojong perdió a Jompio, tú fuiste la que dio la orden de que no lo buscáramos.
00:14:30Solo yo lo sé. No olvides a tu hermano.
00:14:37Basta. ¿Por qué estás mencionando esto? Solo asegúrate de que no hable.
00:14:42Yo me encargaré de eso. Tú no te preocupes.
00:15:13Sojong, estoy contigo.
00:15:43¡Enfermera! ¡Enfermera! ¡Enfermera!
00:16:05¿Qué sucede?
00:16:06Sojong despertó.
00:16:08¿Pero qué? ¿Estás seguro que despertó?
00:16:11Sí. Abrió los ojos.
00:16:13¿Entonces salió del coma?
00:16:15Sí. ¿Qué le hago?
00:16:18No hagas nada. Antes necesito ir a verlo, ¿de acuerdo? Así que por favor no te muevas de ahí. Espérame.
00:17:04¿Qué pasó?
00:17:08¿Que mi padre ya despertó?
00:17:11¿Mi padre recobró la conciencia?
00:17:14Sí, entiendo. Voy de inmediato.
00:17:27Mi padre por fin despertó. Es asombroso. Creo que todo está mejorando ahora.
00:17:41Ya despertó.
00:17:51Cuñada Sojong.
00:18:04Joven militar.
00:18:07Ah, hola, ¿qué tal?
00:18:09Buenas tardes. Soy el amigo de Sojong con el que habló la última vez.
00:18:13Ah, sí. Lo recuerdo ya.
00:18:16¿De casualidad está en el hospital?
00:18:18Ah, sí. Estoy en el hospital.
00:18:20Eso es estupendo.
00:18:23Yo también estoy en el hospital, en la entrada. Quería darle el obsequio que no pude darle la última vez.
00:18:29Sabe, ahora no es buen momento.
00:18:31Solo voy a dárselo y me iré. Voy a estar esperándola en la entrada.
00:18:35Ah, sí. De acuerdo. Espéreme ahí. Bajaré por usted en un momento.
00:18:40Claro. Muchas gracias.
00:18:59¿Quién es ese hombre?
00:19:29¿Quién es ese hombre?
00:21:01Ay, Dante.
00:21:03¿Qué sucede, tía?
00:21:04Tu padre ya abrió los ojos. Solo que aún no reconoce a la gente.
00:21:08El doctor dijo que recobrará la conciencia muy pronto.
00:21:13Es asombroso, ¿no crees?
00:21:15Y todo es gracias a tu esfuerzo.
00:21:17Pero, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí abajo?
00:21:19Oh, es que un amigo de Sojong vino y le trajo algo.
00:21:22Pero ahora no lo sé.
00:21:24Ah, de acuerdo. Yo subiré a ver a mi padre.
00:21:27Te alcanzo después.
00:22:57¡Corran, corran!
00:23:14¿Qué pasó?
00:23:22¡Cierra e ir a inmediato!
00:23:37¿Doctor, puede decirme qué está pasando?
00:23:40Me dijeron que mi padre había recobrado la conciencia.
00:23:43Cálmense. No sirve de nada que se altere.
00:23:46Intentaremos salvarlo.
00:23:48Hablamos luego.
00:23:55¿Qué ocurre?
00:24:03Es probable que mi padre muera.
00:24:11¡No quiero, no!
00:24:14¡No quiero, no!
00:24:17¡So John!
00:24:19¡Por favor, no!
00:24:37Era tu amigo en el ejército y...
00:24:40él fue quien perdió a John Pio.
00:24:43¿Qué haremos si despierta del coma?
00:24:45Si So John despierta y habla sobre John Pio,
00:24:48tú y yo estaremos muertos.
00:24:50Es que cuando So John perdió a John Pio,
00:24:53tú fuiste la que dio la orden de que no lo buscáramos.
00:24:57Solo yo lo sé.
00:24:59No olvides a tu hermano.
00:25:30Oiga, doctor.
00:25:33Le agradezco que haya salvado a mi padre.
00:25:38Yo creo que alguien quitó la línea de soporte vital a propósito.
00:25:46Hay señales de que alguien hizo esto a propósito.
00:25:49Así que llamaremos a la policía.
00:25:52Entonces significa...
00:25:55que esto fue intencional.
00:25:58Doctor, alguien intentó asesinar a mi padre, ¿verdad?
00:26:01Desconozco los motivos.
00:26:03Pero estoy seguro
00:26:05de que lo desconectaron de manera completamente intencional.
00:26:24Doctor, ¿estás seguro?
00:26:27¿Me estás diciendo que no fue un accidente, cierto?
00:26:32Así es.
00:26:34Se lo puedo asegurar.
00:27:05¿Ya volviste?
00:27:07Sí, lo hice.
00:27:09¿Te fue bien en el viaje?
00:27:13Llegaste antes de lo que acordamos.
00:27:18aquí directamente desde el aeropuerto?
00:27:25¿Y qué pasó?
00:27:27¿Qué pasó?
00:27:30¿Aquí directamente desde el aeropuerto?
00:27:36Llegué esta mañana.
00:27:38Descansé antes de venir.
00:27:42Si estamos aquí es porque tenemos cosas que decir.
00:27:50¿De qué me querías hablar en un lugar así...
00:27:53tan silencioso donde nadie nos oye?
00:27:56Tengo curiosidad.
00:28:00Quería pedirte...
00:28:05que no insistas más.
00:28:07Ya tienes que dejar de buscar a John Pio.
00:28:12Por tu expresión,
00:28:14asumiré que quedó entendida mi petición.
00:28:20Solo que tú también querías decirme algo.
00:28:25Opino lo mismo.
00:28:28Quería decirte lo que tú acabas de decir.
00:28:31Ya fue suficiente.
00:28:33No busques a John Pio.
00:28:39hay algo que sí voy a hacer.
00:28:45A quien voy a encontrar...
00:28:48será a su secuestrador.
00:28:51Será a su secuestrador.
00:29:21Yes, Ms. Gong Shim.
00:29:23I just got home.
00:29:25Can I see you now?
00:29:28What time is it?
00:29:30I'm waiting for you in front of my house.
00:29:33Okay, I'm coming down now.
00:29:56I'm late, aren't I?
00:30:00Yes, you're a little late.
00:30:02Let's go.
00:30:04Where to?
00:30:36It's my first time watching a horror movie.
00:30:45The movie has started.
00:31:52It's true that my grades were never very good.
00:31:55However, that's because...
00:31:57I had to focus on my part-time job.
00:32:00However, instead of good grades, I managed to get...
00:32:03A very valuable work experience.
00:32:07Gong Shim.
00:32:08Before your interview, can I tell you something?
00:32:12What happens is that I had a pretty great dream.
00:32:14And I just want to tell you.
00:32:18Tell me.
00:32:20I think it was a prophetic dream.
00:32:22Because in my dream, you approved the interview.
00:32:27Thank you.
00:32:28You're not late.
00:32:31Yes, I'm coming.
00:32:33Since I was little, my dream has always been to draw.
00:32:37But I had to leave it because of my family situation.
00:32:40But I know I have talent.
00:32:42Since I was little, my dream has always been to draw.
00:32:50But I know I have talent.
00:32:52Since I was little, my dream has always been to draw.
00:32:55But I know I have talent.
00:32:57Since I was little, my dream has always been to draw.
00:33:04Lawyer Gong.
00:33:08I didn't expect to see you here today.
00:33:12We need to talk.
00:33:14Do you have time now?
00:33:17What do you want to talk about?
00:33:19I'd rather we talk outside.
00:33:36Did you know that John Soh was the director of Star Group
00:33:41the first time you met him in the studio?
00:33:43Yes or no?
00:33:45How is it possible that as the secretary's sister
00:33:48you didn't know he was the director?
00:33:51You made fun of me all this time.
00:33:55I really can't believe it.
00:34:01Here's what you ordered.
00:34:02Thank you.
00:34:09Drink it.
00:34:16My mother told me what happened.
00:34:21Ah, yes.
00:34:25Director, I'm very sorry.
00:34:28No, don't apologize for that.
00:34:34I don't care.
00:34:37Let's not talk about that anymore.
00:34:41The reason I wanted to see you today is because
00:34:44I want to ask you something.
00:34:47Ask me something?
00:34:49I decided to be an independent company
00:34:52and I wanted to know if you'd be interested in working there with me.
00:34:59I'd like you to be the leader of the legal team.
00:35:02Do you agree?
00:35:05Are you serious?
00:35:06Well, it's still a big company, but I'd like to be able to count on your help.
00:35:13It would be a great contribution.
00:35:17But the truth is that I'm not sure how much I could contribute to the company.
00:35:23I'm asking you because I know your abilities.
00:35:27But I don't want it to be a burden for you.
00:35:30You just have to meditate it.
00:35:33You can say no.
00:35:38Well, then I think I'll think about it.
00:35:44It's yours.
00:36:14Being able to count on your help would be a great contribution.
00:36:25Where did you learn to draw?
00:36:27I received drawing lessons when I entered the art academy.
00:36:31I wanted to do a career in art, but I couldn't do it because of my family situation.
00:36:35And I learned on my own.
00:36:37Your drawings are original and warm.
00:36:40You don't see this individuality in people who learned on their own.
00:36:45Oh, I appreciate it.
00:36:47In fact, I wanted to go study in Italy, so I decided to start studying a little Italian.
00:36:53If you want, I'll show you.
00:37:03You have passion.
00:37:05I appreciate it.
00:37:09Thank you.
00:37:15Kong Shim!
00:37:16Director, hello.
00:37:18What are you doing?
00:37:19I'm applying for a position here.
00:37:22Oh, really?
00:37:24Was the interview for this company?
00:37:26In fact, I was already interviewed.
00:37:28What are you doing here, director?
00:37:31Oh, I had to take care of some business.
00:37:36Kong Shim, I really had no idea.
00:37:39I would like us to have some tea.
00:37:41But I don't have time now.
00:37:43Oh, maybe next time.
00:37:45When you have time.
00:37:47Yes, okay.
00:37:57Hello, director.
00:37:58Hello, how are you?
00:37:59How are you?
00:38:01Director, will you have a new company?
00:38:03Oh, yes.
00:38:04I'm planning that.
00:38:06How did the interviews go?
00:38:08Good, there are good candidates.
00:38:10The reports.
00:38:12Thank you.
00:38:18Kong Shim.
00:38:21Do you know any of them?
00:38:23Do you have any that you would like to recommend?
00:38:26No, in fact, I don't want to get involved in all that.
00:38:31I trust that you will choose based on your skills.
00:38:34I think the same way.
00:38:38One moment.
00:38:44Did you go out?
00:38:46Yes, I had things to do.
00:38:48I want to talk to you as soon as possible.
00:38:51Okay, I'm on my way, Grandma.
00:38:56Ah, Jon-So.
00:38:58I need you to go to Jo-Jo.
00:39:02I asked Mr. Kang for ceramics.
00:39:04In fact, I asked him a month ago.
00:39:06And he told me he wanted to see you, so he asked me to send you to pick it up.
00:39:10Will you help me?
00:39:12Yes, I will.
00:39:18Were you looking for me, ma'am?
00:39:21The director will go to Jo-Jo and I want you to accompany him.
00:39:26Ah, the last time I saw Mr. Kang,
00:39:29Secretary Dante was so kind to accompany me to his workshop.
00:39:33And it's not that easy to get there.
00:39:35I trust that Dante will be a good guide.
00:39:41Go so it won't be late.
00:39:46Yes, Grandma.
00:40:02What are you doing?
00:40:04Jo-Jo is not in this direction.
00:40:06I have to make a stop on the way.
00:40:09I wanted to do it before because we still have time.
00:40:12Do you agree?
00:40:34Where are we?
00:40:37In a tree.
00:40:39Someone left me something that I have to pick up.
00:40:43Well, do it.
00:40:44Actually, there are many things and I don't think I can do it alone.
00:40:47Do you think you could help me?
00:40:54It's just a favor.
00:41:02Of course.
00:41:05Thank you.
00:41:15Yes, I see.
00:41:17Give me a second, please.
00:41:20The discount applies if there are more than 30 people.
00:41:24Minors are free.
00:41:26Yes, of course. It was a pleasure.
00:41:29How can I help you?
00:41:31I just came to see someone.
00:41:34He's an employee here. His name is Kim Gil Bong.
00:41:37Kim Gil Bong?
00:41:39He stopped working here today.
00:41:41I understand.
00:41:43But surely there must be a way to contact him.
00:41:46Since it's an urgent matter.
00:41:48I don't know.
00:41:50There's no time.
00:41:52We should go.
00:41:54I'm not supposed to give you his number, but try to call him.
00:42:05Yes, thank you very much.
00:42:13The number you have dialed is not available.
00:42:19She says it's not available.
00:42:23I'm sorry.
00:42:31Here, it's yours.
00:42:33I don't know. I'm not sure I can accept this.
00:42:38You just have to change your phone.
00:42:41And enjoy this.
00:42:45I assure you that you will find a job that is close to your house.
00:42:50You should not worry.
00:42:51Thank you very much.
00:42:54Really, thank you.
00:42:56You're welcome.
00:42:58Let's toast.
00:43:22I don't believe it.
00:43:25It's John So and Dante?
00:43:41It's all I'll do, right?
00:43:47It's all I'll do.
00:43:49Oh, yes.
00:43:51Just change your phone and don't contact your old job.
00:43:54If they ask you,
00:43:56just don't say anything about the lady you gave the note to.
00:44:00Okay, I'll act like I've never seen that lady.
00:44:04I assure you.
00:44:08Go ahead.
00:44:18What are you doing?
00:44:37What's going on?
00:44:43Explain to me.
00:44:45What did you just do?
00:44:46You took me to that place on purpose, right?
00:44:49I need you to explain to me what's going on.
00:44:53Is all this related to finding John Pio?
00:44:57I think I was pretty clear.
00:45:00I told you to stop looking for John Pio.
00:45:03Why should I do it?
00:45:05I don't understand.
00:45:07Why do you want me to stop looking for John Pio?
00:45:10I can't believe you haven't noticed.
00:45:13What were you trying to do when you took me to that place?
00:45:17The person disappeared.
00:45:20And she didn't answer her phone.
00:45:22That means you have to stop.
00:45:25Because you're messing with the company and you're acting in a ridiculous way.
00:45:30Everything indicates that you should stop doing this.
00:45:33Do you understand?
00:45:35You got rid of the arboretum employee.
00:45:39Dante, enough.
00:45:41I know you went to the arboretum that day.
00:45:43I have proof.
00:45:44You did.
00:45:46Then you got rid of him because you knew that everything would be revealed
00:45:49if I managed to contact him.
00:45:51Watch what you say.
00:45:53Whether it was the arboretum that day or you who got rid of the employee,
00:45:58the reality is that I don't care about those things anymore.
00:46:03The only thing I care about
00:46:05is who you're trying to cover up.
00:46:09And what you're trying to hide.
00:46:11I do want to know that.
00:46:14Don't say stupid things.
00:46:17If you keep acting the same way,
00:46:21I'll do something about it.
00:46:23It's a warning.
00:46:32You can still regret it.
00:46:41You can still regret it.
00:47:00So now Dante is suspecting Johnson.
00:47:04This is getting extremely interesting.
00:47:27Are you okay?
00:47:29You look strange.
00:47:30It's all my fault.
00:47:32It was all because I left him alone.
00:47:35And that's why he was hurt.
00:47:38He could have died.
00:47:42That's not true.
00:47:45I already spoke to the hospital people.
00:47:47They increased the security.
00:47:51Now you can't enter this area without a card.
00:47:54In fact, the police also came.
00:47:57They said they were going to arrest you.
00:47:58The cameras didn't work.
00:48:02Hey, tell me what happened in detail, please.
00:48:05Actually, there's not much to say.
00:48:07I just got off because I got a call.
00:48:10It was Sojong's friend who had brought him something.
00:48:13So I went to pick him up.
00:48:15That's when you and I met at the reception.
00:48:22I could never find his friend.
00:48:24I even called him on the phone,
00:48:25but he didn't answer me.
00:48:27When I got back,
00:48:29all this had already happened.
00:48:32Aunt, do you think you can give me
00:48:34my father's friend's phone number?
00:48:40Here it is.
00:48:56I don't know the number.
00:49:01He doesn't answer.
00:49:03The number you dialed is not available.
00:49:05He didn't answer.
00:49:26Hello, Mr. Park.
00:49:28I'm Director Yeung.
00:49:30I want to find out the number of one of your employees,
00:49:33the president's secretary.
00:49:37Ah, perfect.
00:49:56Thank you.
00:49:58See you later.
00:50:14So Dante just called me on the phone.
00:50:26Hey, Dante.
00:50:29You don't look very well.
00:50:31Is something wrong?
00:50:35I'm fine.
00:50:37And you, how did the interview go?
00:50:41I think...
00:50:43Actually, I did pretty well.
00:50:45I felt calm.
00:50:50Do you remember the interview?
00:50:55Do you remember the interview you gave me
00:50:57when we were practicing?
00:50:59Of course!
00:51:01I'm sure it was very helpful.
00:51:03I already knew it, all thanks to my support.
00:51:05It wasn't anything like that, actually.
00:51:07So it didn't help me at all.
00:51:09I should never have practiced with you.
00:51:15I don't even want to remember it.
00:51:19I think thanks to that, I didn't feel nervous anymore.
00:51:22For that part, I think it did work.
00:51:27I just wanted to help you,
00:51:29and I assumed that by putting pressure on you
00:51:31in the practice interview,
00:51:33it would help you,
00:51:35and I did it for that.
00:51:39Cong Shim, congratulations.
00:51:41They haven't hired me yet.
00:52:01We should eat.
00:52:04Let's stay like this for three bites.
00:52:09Two bites.
00:52:12Just two.
00:52:13Two bites.
00:52:15Yes, Cong Shim, as you wish.
00:52:23Why aren't you eating?
00:52:25I don't want two bites to pass.
00:52:29We'll let go
00:52:31when anyone eats two bites.
00:52:33Then don't eat.
00:52:44This isn't fair.
00:52:46It doesn't have to be.
00:52:49Eat, come on.
00:53:09I'd like a tattoo of these.
00:53:10They're temporary, right?
00:53:12Sometimes they only last a few days,
00:53:14and if you take care of them,
00:53:16they can last a couple of weeks.
00:53:18Oh, great.
00:53:20You should get one.
00:53:29Should I get one too?
00:53:41Do you want to walk like this
00:53:43down two streets?
00:53:48Of course I do.
00:53:51Oh, you're so mean.
00:53:56This is better than two bites.
00:53:58Two streets.
00:54:00It's not that much,
00:54:02so that's enough.
00:54:04Well, actually, it is.
00:54:05How cute.
00:54:15You testified.
00:54:17You said she said
00:54:19my yumpy butterfly.
00:54:21You're a liar.
00:54:23You're a liar.
00:54:25You're a liar.
00:54:27You're a liar.
00:54:29You're a liar.
00:54:31You're a liar.
00:54:33You're a liar.
00:54:35I heard that clearly.
00:54:37She said my yumpy
00:54:41But she didn't mean
00:54:43Yumpy's tie.
00:54:45She was actually talking about
00:54:47Yumpy's kidnapper
00:54:49when she said butterfly.
00:54:53That won't take me to Yumpy,
00:54:55but it will take me to her kidnapper.
00:55:06I don't know why they didn't call.
00:55:09Did I do it right?
00:55:12Oh, no.
00:55:16Call me.
00:55:18Call me now.
00:55:20Come on, call me, please.
00:55:22Call me.
00:55:23Call me.
00:55:28Corporate Bo.
00:55:36Good morning.
00:55:38This is Kong Shim.
00:55:44I'm going to start
00:55:46working at the new company
00:55:48of director Jon Sol next week.
00:55:50Oh, great.
00:55:52I wasn't feeling well
00:55:54because of Taiji,
00:55:56but this improved it.
00:55:58That boy is choosing
00:56:00a very difficult path.
00:56:02A young man like that is weird.
00:56:03I'm glad he considered
00:56:05our daughter.
00:56:07Yes, I'm happy.
00:56:10Mom, Dad, Sister!
00:56:12I did it!
00:56:14What? Is this for real?
00:56:16What you said is real?
00:56:20We have to celebrate!
00:56:22It's great news!
00:56:24You know, it's a great day.
00:56:26Our two daughters
00:56:28came home with good news.
00:56:30I'm so happy.
00:56:31Thank you all.
00:56:33I did it!
00:56:42I'll let Dante know right away.
00:56:53Yes, Kong Shim?
00:56:57Yes, I got hired.
00:57:01Yes, really.
00:57:03Thank you so much.
00:57:05What are you doing today?
00:57:07I'm going to the company this afternoon.
00:57:09Then I'll come see you at work.
00:57:11We'll eat together.
00:57:13We have to celebrate this.
00:57:15I'll invite you.
00:57:17Oh, I got the job.
00:57:19You can't pay.
00:57:21I'll pay.
00:57:23Well, you pay today.
00:57:25Okay, see you later.
00:57:38Good morning, I'm Kong Shim
00:57:40and I'm going to work here.
00:57:42Congratulations, you did great.
00:57:46Good morning.
00:57:50How are you?
00:57:54Kong Shim?
00:57:56You didn't tell me, you got hired?
00:57:58I'm here because this is my new job.
00:57:59But what are you doing here?
00:58:01I don't understand.
00:58:03I work here.
00:58:05Director, did you know Kong Shim?
00:58:12So I guess the new company I was talking about
00:58:15has to do with this company, right?
00:58:19Yes, you're right.
00:58:22Oh, okay.
00:58:24Did you have anything to do with me being hired?
00:58:27Of course not.
00:58:29I don't have the authority to do it.
00:58:31In fact, I just found out about all this.
00:58:34It's true.
00:58:36Kong Shim, we decided to hire you because of your skills.
00:58:40Oh, good.
00:58:42We'll see each other again.
00:58:44Yes, I'll try.
00:59:00I just got a call from a number I didn't recognize.
00:59:04I answered and hung up.
00:59:06Are you sure it wasn't my father's friend's number?
00:59:09Yes, I know it wasn't that number,
00:59:12but I have a bad feeling about this and that's why I called you.
00:59:16Tell me,
00:59:18haven't you tried calling him again?
00:59:21He's still not answering?
00:59:26I'm going to try again.
00:59:36My father's friend.
00:59:38When will you start working?
00:59:40I was told I'd start tomorrow.
00:59:42Oh, Dante will come see me this afternoon.
00:59:46Oh, really?
00:59:48I think it would be nice if the three of us ate together.
00:59:51This time I'll invite him.
00:59:52By any chance, do you have time?
00:59:59My father's friend.
01:00:08I think your phone is ringing.
01:00:10My phone?
01:00:14The sound is coming from your bag.
01:00:23My phone is ringing.
01:00:48Is Dante there?