Fire Emblem Three Houses - Dimitri and Mercedes

  • 3 months ago
Went from sowing to not forgetting the past.
00:06My goodness sore training again today
00:09Don't overdo it. All right, I
00:12Certainly won't but thanks for your concern Mercedes
00:15It's more of a hobby than anything. So don't worry too much a hobby. How wonderful
00:21I would probably get tired of it, but that's just me
00:28Didn't you say you hope to take the sword test soon?
00:34You're right, I completely forgot that's coming up. What should I do?
00:39To be honest, I've been a bit worried as I haven't seen you at the training ground much
00:43Why didn't you say something sooner if you were so worried about me? It didn't occur to me that you could have forgotten
00:50But you're right. I should have mentioned it as an apology. Why don't you let me help you with your swordsmanship?
00:57You would do that for me, I'd really appreciate your help
01:01Okay, but keep in mind that since we're short on time. We may have to overdo it a little I don't like to overdo it
01:09But if we must I'll try my best
01:12It's settled. Let's begin
01:17Don't tell me you've forgotten how to hold a sword
01:19We have our work cut out for us. I usually just hold the sword without thinking about my grip, you know
01:26Let's see what happens now that you've shown me the proper way to handle it
01:30I was nervous at first, but just look at me now
01:40Well, I didn't realize offering to help you would mean risking my life
01:45I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I just meant to swing the sword. I didn't think it would go flying like that
01:53I'm impressed with how quickly you can dodge
01:56Yes, I know you didn't intend to murder me
01:59Though that scare likely took years off my life
02:02Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole sword fighting thing
02:06Nonsense, it's far too early to give up the first time I picked up a sword. I was much like you
02:13It's true that different people are better suited to different things
02:16But if you keep at it and refuse to give up you're certain to improve. Do you really think so?
02:23Thank You Dimitri, it's very kind of you to oh, there's a rip in your cuff Dimitri, how do you think?
02:31It seems I didn't dodge your sword fast enough
02:34Don't worry. I can easily repair it. I'm the one who tore it. So I'll be the one who mends it
02:40How does that sound? No, please don't worry yourself over it. Just focus on your exam
02:59Mercedes I'm sorry to ask this of you, but will you lend me a hand?
03:04What can I do for you? Oh
03:07Is the cuff of your overcoat still torn?
03:10Mending that shouldn't be a problem at all
03:13It's pathetic. I know but I fear my sewing skills are
03:17Well as you can see, they're just about non-existent
03:22Goodness you must have been concerned when I tore your cuff. Ah
03:27that is to say
03:30Would you please teach me to sew I hear you're rather amazing at it
03:36Of course I'll teach you don't look so heartbroken
03:39You will thank you. I owe you for this. I'll go get my sewing kit. You wait here
03:49Am so sorry Dimitri, I've never seen um
03:53Well, it's just a bit
03:55No need to dance around the issue
03:57You're fed up with my clumsy efforts, aren't you?
04:00I thought you might end up bending some needles if you tried mending this on your own
04:04But how did you manage to break a pair of scissors?
04:09I'm just
04:10I'm so sorry. Really. I try to be careful, but with delicate work like this
04:16I just can't seem to manage
04:18There's no need to apologize
04:20But you must have been uncomfortable making your way here with this tear my inability to control my own strength is humiliating
04:28Of course, I'm useless at needlework
04:30No giving up on yourself. You just have to practice. That's all no matter how difficult
04:36Something is if you keep at it and don't give up then you're sure to improve
04:42Isn't that what you told me?
04:44Right you are
04:45To give in to despair isn't like me
04:48Thank you for the reminder
04:50Okay, I'm ready to give it another go great. I'm glad to hear it first things first
04:57Let's make sure the needle is actually threaded this time
05:02No, I bent another one
05:18You've been spending a lot of time at the training ground Mercedes as far as swordsmanship goes you're like a whole new person
05:25Thank you. I have such a great time when you teach me that
05:30Improving comes naturally. It's all because of your own hard work
05:35Compared to you. I you shouldn't be so disappointed in yourself. You're improving too. You just need to keep at it
05:43Well, I can't hold a needle in thread without breaking anything now, that's something
05:50That's a big step when we started you couldn't even hold a pair of scissors without twisting them apart true
05:58I'm sorry for being such a burden. You're no bother at all. I like sewing with you
06:04It reminds me of when I was young and my mother taught me how to sew
06:09My mother would sit with my brother and me and we'd all sew together
06:13Yeah, I really miss it
06:16Even though I was barely better than you when I started did your mother like to sew Dimitri?
06:23my birth mother
06:25From my father's accounts. She wasn't great at it either. Oh
06:28Of course, I forgot that the Queen of Fargis passed away long ago
06:34Yes, I don't really remember what she was like
06:38But I remember my stepmother
06:41Always sitting by the window sewing away. I'm sure she would have been happy to teach you if you had asked
06:47She always looked so lonely when she was sewing so unreachable
06:52She was kind to me. Yes, but when she was like that, it was hard to talk to her
06:57I'm not certain she would have wished to teach me. I'm so sorry Dimitri. I didn't mean to bring up such difficult memories
07:06Don't worry about it
07:07If I don't talk about those things, sometimes I'll risk forgetting them all together and that would truly be a shame. I see
07:18No, but now I'm just going on and on about myself, why don't you tell me more about you
07:24More about me. Oh goodness. I don't even know what to say
07:29It's hard to think of something on the spot, isn't it?
07:32You could speak of your family I suppose you want to know more about my family on that topic
07:39I'm happy to oblige. In fact, I'm so glad you asked
07:44It's important to think about your past and share it every now and then this might take a while
07:49But would you be willing to stay and listen, of course, I will listen for as long as you wish
08:08Good evening Dimitri
08:10Have you come to pray?
08:12Something like that and you oh
08:15Yes, that's why I'm here. I love how calm and peaceful the cathedral is this late at night. It really is
08:28Coming here on a quiet night
08:30Always makes me think of those who aren't with us anymore
08:34We've lost so many in this war too many to count
08:37I hope they all get to live in eternal happiness at the goddess's side
08:42These prayers are all I have to offer
08:45You are a kind soul Mercedes. I
08:49Think you're kind to Dimitri sometimes to a fault
08:54Kind me
08:56No, not at all. I
08:59am just a killer a
09:03disgusting monster
09:04But why do you kill?
09:07For the sake of your loved ones
09:10Those who have passed real monsters kill for selfish reasons
09:15They're incapable of expressing sorrow when they kill so please don't call yourself a monster
09:23Mercedes I
09:25I am scared
09:27So scared that I will forget their faces the people who have died
09:32Who I have killed. I
09:35Cannot let myself forget them. I know that and yet
09:41Whatever my feelings it is all the act of a monster
09:46It's sad, but the truth is that people forget you may be afraid to forget your past
09:53But you'll never be able to revisit it living in the present is the best we can do
09:58We owe it to those who can't come back
10:01If someone had said those words to me five years ago, I would be a different man today
10:07What do you want to do now Dimitri
10:10Continue fighting for those who have died
10:13Not as a king, but as my classmate
10:16What do you want to do?
10:18my own dreams I
10:20Have never given it any thought
10:23What about you? What do you want Mercedes? I want to keep sewing and training with you even after you've become king I
10:32Want to be your friend?
10:34But I have no right to stand beside you
10:37Please I can't hear any more of this self-deprecation. I just want to be by your side
10:45Is that so much to ask?
10:47Mercedes I
10:50Want the same thing if you allow it I wish to stay by your side
10:56I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. Let's spend a little more time here together. Just the two of us
