Fire Emblem Three Houses - Annette and Byleth

  • 3 months ago
Annette is trying and failing to slow down.
00:06Hello professor, do you have a moment?
00:12Well, I have this book of battle tactics that I borrowed from one of the Knights
00:16There's one part that I just don't understand. Do you think you could explain it to me?
00:24Great thank you so much. It's about this diagram here
00:27I don't get why the Knights are grouping up in that forest there. I just can't see the advantage to a formation like that
00:37Yay, I finally get it. You really are a great teacher. I
00:45Knew asking you is the right idea. I
00:49Just love learning new things
00:52That's why I came to the officers Academy
00:54I want to learn magic battle tactics martial arts and and well all kinds of stuff
01:00I'm learning more now than I have in my whole entire life
01:04Speaking of I better go visit the library for some research before magic practice, which is just before sword training
01:15That's just not possible I always find it's more tiring to laze around doing nothing
01:20I've never been any good at that. I have to have something to do
01:24Like on my days off. I need to get up early and take care of the cleaning first, or I just can't relax
01:29You know what? I mean?
01:35I'm so glad you agree. You'd be surprised how rare it is to find people like us
01:40Mercy never sets foot outside her room on her days off. I don't get that girl sometimes
01:46Not to mention. Oh, wait. Oh, no. I was supposed to be on cooking duty today. I completely forgot
01:53Sorry professor, but I have to run. Thanks again for your help
02:18I'm so sorry professor. I somehow overslept and missed our training session
02:23I didn't mean to cause you and the others so much trouble
02:27Imagine if that had happened during one of our missions. It really is inexcusable
02:35It's just when I'm studying tactics I lose track of time and
02:40Who am I kidding? I've always been like this
02:43Before I came to the officers Academy. I was a student at the school of sorcery and Ferdiad
02:48Even back then I was pulling all-nighters well before the exams, and I never even noticed I was harming myself
02:55I'm just too focused on my goal. I know I've already told you this, but I really love to learn new things
03:01It's a passion of sorts. I first realized I had the learning bug when I was about four or five years old
03:07My father was so happy to see me using magic
03:10Seeing him happy made me happy too, and that made me want to work even harder
03:16If only things could have stayed like that
03:22When I was about 13 my father left home
03:26He was a devout man, so I figured he'd gone to the monastery
03:30That's why I went to the school of sorcery so that I could eventually get accepted at the officers Academy
03:36I studied harder than ever and sure enough. I finally earned a referral
03:41Unfortunately my passion for learning became more of an obsession. I got so focused. I kind of forgot how to relax
03:49Feels like I've been running in circles ever since
03:56That's true just look at today if my hard work stops me from working hard, what good is it?
04:03Okay, it's decided from now on. I'll try my best not to try my best
04:13I'm sorry all I meant is that I'll try I mean I'll slow down a bit
04:18From now on if you see me going overboard. Just let me know I'm a new woman after all
04:33Professor I'm happy to see you here. Everybody's been asking about you. You're really popular with the students. Oh
04:44Really, huh
04:47Actually, I've been trying to find you too
04:50But if you're not interested in dancing, that's okay
04:53We are supposed to be at a ball though. If you're not gonna dance tonight when and where will you get another chance?
05:03Wait, really?
05:04There isn't any music
05:06But this is too special to pass up. Maybe I could sing a little something
05:13I may not look like it, but I'm a practiced singer
05:17Though people do tend to think my lyrics are a little odd
05:21Fry the food it tastes so good
05:24It fills up our hungry tummies
05:31About this yummy stew one of the monks taught me to make a while back. Oh, I know I'll make it for you
05:37It really is just about the tastiest thing in the world
05:42If I'm bothering you, please tell me now and I'll leave you alone
05:49Say professor, did you know that if you make a wish here at the goddess tower, it will for sure come true
05:55That's why people usually meet up with someone they like here for a rendezvous and they make a wish that they'll stay together forever
06:03So, uh, I thought you might be waiting for a girl here and that I'm messing it up
06:15That's just what I'd expect you to say but since we're already here let's go ahead and make a wish together
06:25Mm-hmm. I've already decided what it will be
06:29Dearest goddess. I wish for the professor and I to always be the best of friends
06:36How's that sound can we wish for that?
06:42Really that makes me so happy
06:46Well, I'd better be going now and you should think about returning to the ball too. So make sure you save me a dance
07:06Hi professor
07:12Do you remember what we talked about before about doing my best to not do my best
07:18Well, I've been pretty busy recently and despite my best efforts. I've been trying way too hard
07:24I was busy all day yesterday with training and work. I just couldn't help myself
07:29That's why I decided to take a day off today. It's just now that I have a day off. I don't know what to do with myself
07:38Please you have to help me. What should I do?
07:46Tried that I couldn't calm down enough to fall asleep
07:50I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm cut out for not doing my best
07:58You're a professor you must know some secret technique for deep relaxation, right if you do, please teach me
08:05I'm begging you. I'm at my wits end
08:14Got it. I'll try that right now
08:19This candy is so sweet and delicious and it goes so well with piping hot tea. Oh
08:26And speaking of the tea your brewing skills are incredible, I'd love to be able to make such nice tea but Oh
08:35Professor will you teach me how to brew tea like this? I'll do my best to learn and then I'll make delicious tea for you
08:42as thanks
08:48Sorry back to my old tricks it seems
08:51Go, why is it so difficult to not do my best?
08:55I try and try to not try but it just doesn't work
09:07You're right doing nothing is just not my style to be myself I've got to do my best every day
09:19Okay, then you really must teach me how to make such delicious tea you will won't you please oh
09:27and also well
09:29Thank you. You've listened to me and helped me face my troubles
09:36Now I feel like I can talk to you about anything honestly, I wish we could go on drinking tea like this forever
09:58There you are everybody's been looking for you
10:02It must be hard being so popular. I bet it's a whole lot of work, too
10:07If I'm being honest, I'm a little bit envious. Oh
10:14But don't you enjoy keeping busy
10:17After each battle, there's always more to do so every day is exciting in its own way
10:22Though it's true. I haven't been able to relax for a while. No matter where I go or what I do
10:30Okay, so I finally realized why it is I feel this way it's because I
10:37Need you
10:42When I'm with you, I feel like I can be myself
10:46It's not a matter of doing my best or not doing my best
10:50What really affects my happiness is whether I'm with you or not
10:57Um, actually
11:00I've practiced what I'm gonna say to you countless times. But of course now that it's time to say it. I'm feeling shy
11:08Terribly shy
11:13You you what
11:17Oh goodness, you really mean it
11:30I'm sorry
11:33Why am I crying when I'm so happy?
11:37I've been so worried about this
11:41I was thinking about what I'd do if
11:45If you said no
11:48But then you asked me I
11:52Didn't even have to ask you
11:55I'm just so relieved
12:03Love you, so very very much
12:07We'll be together forever and ever I promise to make you happier than anyone's ever been my darling
