The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 1-15min Versions-22.Episode 22

  • 2 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 1-15min Versions-22.Episode 22


00:00I can make my world come true. All my dreams will see me through. Doesn't matter what they come my way. Believe me now, I will win someday.
00:22Howdy peasants!
00:23How come you're so cheerful?
00:25Somebody died horribly.
00:27You know what Louise, you're developing a nasty streak. And that kind of thing doesn't go down well with foster parent types.
00:33Says the Lady Mayoress of Reject City.
00:36That was the old me. I've changed. And what better sign than a brand new outfit?
00:40Oh, clothing allowance day.
00:43Big deal. We can just about afford a pair of socks between us.
00:47Ah, but unlike some people, I've been saving up. And when I go into town on my special trip today with Jenny, my reward will be the swishiest swankiest outfit ever.
00:57It may be hard to make up my mind, but Jenny's pretty hot stuff in fashion.
01:13Alright Jenny, show me the money.
01:18Hi. You must be Tracy Beaker.
01:22And you are?
01:23Leah, the temporary care worker.
01:28Pleased to meet you.
01:32What's happened to Jenny?
01:34She's in hospital, ingrown toenail.
01:37What, so no one's in charge?
01:39Well, I'm in charge actually.
01:41No, seriously.
01:43I find that very hurtful, Tracy.
01:45Well I don't know this Leah person. She's bound to disrupt things.
01:48Well, I'm in charge actually.
01:50No, seriously.
01:52I find that very hurtful, Tracy.
01:54Well I don't know this Leah person. She's bound to disrupt things.
01:57We're all very sensitive, you know. A lot of us come from broken homes.
02:01Her name is Leah, and I hope you'll give her a fair chance.
02:10That went surprisingly well.
02:16Uh oh, Beaker alert.
02:20Can't believe you're wasting your time on stupid ball games. Haven't you seen her?
02:23Seen who?
02:24Temporary care worker.
02:25How can you be so casual?
02:27Temporary care worker?
02:34Don't those words mean anything to you?
02:36Don't those words mean anything to you?
02:52I don't understand.
02:54Look, what do you do in school when a student comes and teaches you?
02:57Um, make every waking moment a nightmare.
03:00See? At least there are people who still believe in traditional values.
03:04OK Beaker, what's the plan?
03:07You've met Tracy then? She's alright really, they all are.
03:11As crazy as a box of frogs, but a great bunch.
03:14I'm sure you're right.
03:15You see, you can have all the training and qualifications you like,
03:18but the secret to being good at this job is experience.
03:21You've got to be as friendly and as open as is reasonable.
03:25What, you mean something like getting them all together for a meeting to introduce myself properly?
03:30Yeah, yeah, that's a great idea, yeah.
03:33Great, well thanks for the suggestion. I'll call a meeting.
03:45You met the temporary care worker then?
03:47Not really, but she looks OK.
03:49Well, we've had some terrible stories about her.
03:51Yeah, and the last time she worked in, they caught her using the cane.
03:56She won kids so hard, she left splinters in his bottom.
04:00She had to go to prison.
04:02Thing is, they let her keep the cane.
04:09So, you've seen Leah then?
04:11Yes, she seems nice.
04:14Nice? I bet she fooled the army into thinking she was nice.
04:18The army?
04:19Didn't you know she used to be in the army?
04:21Oh, but isn't she a bit too young for that?
04:26That's it, you see.
04:28She was only in for a few months.
04:30They had to let her go. She was too crazy.
04:38And then she was a bouncer in this nightclub,
04:41but they had to sack her because she beat up that film star.
04:44You know, the one that was in that film with that woman.
04:47And... And, um...
04:49And then...
04:50You're not very good at this, are you?
04:53This is a big idea, isn't it?
04:55If we're going to do this, we'd better do it properly.
04:58Well, well. Look what they're sending us these days.
05:01Chu! Hiya!
05:06Yeah, I got these a couple of years ago in Thailand.
05:09Oh. Have you met all the kids yet?
05:12Chris is a box of frogs, but they're a great bunch
05:15if you give them a fair chance.
05:17Yeah, I've heard that.
05:19Do you know what I'd do if I were you?
05:21I'd have a getting-to-know-you session without me or Mike being there.
05:26Well, I, er...
05:28Well, think about it.
05:30Better go.
05:32Work to do.
05:36Peter, Maxie, Leo wants to talk to you.
05:39I haven't done anything!
05:41Um, Ben wanted me to help him with his homework.
05:44Oh, yes. Tired of getting A's all the time.
05:47Fancied a bit of a change.
05:51Sorry, Peter.
05:52It's OK. It was quite funny in a nasty sort of way.
05:55Come on, Maxie, let's go.
05:59Hi, Tracy.
06:00When will you be ready for my shopping trip?
06:02Can't you wait till Jenny gets back?
06:04So I'm supposed to walk around in my underwear?
06:06I think I could cope with the shopping trip.
06:10Well, I don't know. Jenny's very good at that kind of thing.
06:14She's got a great understanding of the kind of things a girl like me really needs.
06:22You can scarcely afford a pocket calculator, let alone a computer.
06:29Well, let's face it, Linda, or whatever your name is,
06:32you hardly look like an expert in retail therapy.
06:37Hello, Mel.
06:38I can't believe it. What are you doing here?
06:40It's so good to see you.
06:42I'm just here for the week. Are you all right?
06:44I can't believe it, yeah.
06:45Tracy, are you coming to the X and O meeting?
06:47I think I know you as well as I need to.
06:49Excuse me, I have a shopping trip to prepare for.
07:05Hi! You been helping out in the garden?
07:07Might have been an idea to wash your hands and change your wellies.
07:10Was she here, Taz?
07:12What about this meeting, then?
07:14Well, as you know, my name is Leah.
07:17Perhaps you could tell me a bit about yourselves?
07:19You mean you haven't read our notes?
07:22Very unprofessional.
07:24If she can't be bothered to read our notes,
07:26I bet she doesn't even know the normal rules.
07:29See, we all have emotional problems,
07:31so you being here instead of Jenny could be quite upsetting.
07:34So we need to be treated with kid gloves.
07:36Well, of course.
07:38And we're allowed to stay up late to watch TV
07:40cos we're too upset to sleep.
07:42And no baths in case we catch a cold.
07:44Just let me...
07:45And I suppose you'd also forgotten
07:47about the extra £10 pocket money rule
07:49to help us cope with the emotional distress.
07:51Only £10.
07:53Well, that's up to you, of course.
07:55Oh, yeah, and you're not allowed to discuss this with Mike and Duke.
07:58No, of course not. What, anything else?
08:00Takeaways for tea.
08:02OK. What kind?
08:06Can you run that by me again?
08:08OK, got all that.
08:10Is there anything else I should know?
08:12The free run of amusement arcade rule, perhaps?
08:16The no-getting-up-before-midday rule.
08:19The no-chores-until-you-feel-quite-up-to-it rule.
08:25Please, miss, we've washed our hands.
08:27Oh, hi, you two. The name's Leah.
08:30Right. Now we've got all the rules out the way
08:33and we have got them completely out of the way, haven't we?
08:37Good. Does anyone have any questions?
08:41How many people does she shoot?
08:46What was it like in prison?
08:50Well, you know how it is.
08:53Your very first exotic holiday and suddenly
08:57you find yourself suspended in a bamboo cage
09:00above a steaming swamp
09:02with murderers and madmen all around you,
09:04the angry sun beating down on your shaven head,
09:07snapping mercilessly beneath you
09:09and the jaws of 1,000 crocodiles.
09:13Good. Now I've got your attention,
09:15do you think we can have a proper meeting?
09:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:23OK, Tracey, ready for the off?
09:25Yeah, and so's Ben.
09:26Ben? What?
09:28Yeah, Ben.
09:29Well, if you can't keep track of residents in a home as small as this,
09:33maybe you shouldn't be in this job.
09:35There, there, Ben.
09:37This is always happening to him, always getting left behind,
09:40having his name missed off lists.
09:42No wonder he wets the bed.
09:44Ben Battenboosie?
09:46Hi. Duke's told me all about you.
09:48You live just down the road, don't you?
09:51Well, better be off.
09:54Let's go. Quick.
09:56I thought this was supposed to be my special trip.
09:59I thought it might be nice to organise a little expedition.
10:02You know, take me back to my army days.
10:06So, enjoy your meeting.
10:08Disaster. She's too clever for us.
10:11That's it. We've been allowing her to be too clever.
10:14I think it's time we go back to basics.
10:23Miss, can you help me?
10:36Oh, no.
10:38I'll just check in the book.
10:42Tracy, what if she gets in trouble?
10:44Do you think it would stop me?
10:46Tracy, Nia's got your money.
10:48Oh, well.
11:10Crickadel hide us.
11:12Who from?
11:17We ran away, and she's looking for us, and we're going to get in trouble,
11:21and she's going to get in trouble, and...
11:23She's getting a bit too big for her boots.
11:25Oh, caught on to your little wind-ups, did she?
11:28I have no idea what you mean.
11:30Lia knows every scam in the book. She probably invented most of them.
11:33What are you talking about?
11:35When I was Maxie's age and I had to go into care for the first time, Lia looked after me.
11:39Don't be silly. She can't have been a care worker that long. She's not old enough.
11:43She wasn't a care worker. She was a resident.
11:47You mean she was one of us?
11:50Exactly. One of us.
11:52She's managed to do something with her life, and you're helping to get her in serious trouble.
12:04Yeah, I realise that, Duke. I know.
12:07But the car got far.
12:09Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry.
12:13I'll call you back.
12:16Aren't we supposed to be going shopping?
12:20We arranged to meet up at the post office. Didn't we tell you?
12:26Do you remember that time you tried to convince Duke you were allergic to carrots?
12:29With a fake tan from the chemist, I turned bright orange.
12:32Mind you, the dirt was almost on me. I came that close to having my stomach pumped.
12:36Nasty! Wow!
12:38What was Duke like when he was younger?
12:40You should have seen him! There was this one time he came up...
12:47I was meant to call you, wasn't I?
12:49Things got...
12:51Well, I found them.
12:53It's all a wind-up. Imagine that.
12:55I've been driving like a madman. I've been thinking all sorts of...
12:59We'll talk later, will you?
13:01Oh, come on, Duke. Lighten up.
13:03You know your trouble. You won't give people a fair chance.
13:28I'm sorry.
13:30I'm sorry.
13:32I'm sorry.
13:34I'm sorry.
13:36I'm sorry.
13:38I'm sorry.
13:40I'm sorry.
13:42I'm sorry.
13:44I'm sorry.
13:46I'm sorry.
13:48I'm sorry.
13:50I'm sorry.
13:52I'm sorry.
13:54I'm sorry.
