Kung Fu Sock - Episode 38 - Hao's Plan

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Premiere Date: December 12, 2022

Hao pretends to cooperate with Manipulens and offers to help him with his technological prowess. Manipulens is unsure at first, but he's convinced and let's Hao loose after he beats Kung Fu Girl.


00:00Time to wake up, time to hurry
00:05Hear the ocean, I'm running to the top
00:09Make a wish as I stare out into the night
00:13You came from the sky
00:15And we will be together now
00:19Ancient powers guide us through the darkness
00:22No one can hold us back, run to the light
00:25Time to fight, let's fight for love and kindness
00:29Put on my socks, kick them with love
00:32Shining through the dark nights like a star
00:36Put on my socks, stars and rainbows
00:39Change the world just with the power of love
01:00How dare you shock me like that!
01:03You stupid piece of junk!
01:05I'll smash you into a pile of scrap metal!
01:10Wait, what are you doing?
01:13Stop right there!
01:15If you do, I'll spare you!
01:17That's right, I'll spare your life!
01:25Its electromagnetic coils are already burnt out.
01:28Cut the drama.
01:30Like I needed your help.
01:32Hey, you mentioned the electro-something coils.
01:34What is that?
01:35Electromagnetic coils.
01:37They're special parts of iron seagulls
01:39and control the laser by transforming electricity
01:41to a magnetic force.
01:43But wait, are you telling me that you don't understand
01:45basic physics principles?
01:47I'm a steady genius.
01:49So yeah, electromagnetics or extra large pizzas
01:52are nothing to me.
01:54I will build my very own iron army
01:56when the time is right
01:58and rule all over this island.
02:00And then, I'll rule the entire world.
02:05Hey, I'm presenting my genius plan to you right now.
02:07Better stay focused.
02:09Allow me to do the math.
02:10To build a seagull army at your present speed
02:12that would take approximately...
02:14around 3,000 years.
02:16Are you trying to be funny here?
02:18No, I'm trying to help you.
02:20I thought it through.
02:21I'd rather make a deal with you now
02:23than die a prisoner.
02:25You want to help me?
02:27Well, isn't power all you want?
02:29I can help you with that.
02:30With my intelligence,
02:31you'll be able to have the quay much faster.
02:33And when it's done,
02:34you can give me my body back.
02:36You will be the evil king
02:37and I will be the island's hero.
02:42You are a complete idiot
02:43if you think I'd let you go in the end.
02:46If I need 3,000 years,
02:48then you'll stay my slave for 3,000 years.
02:56Stop it! Cut it out!
02:59Breaking news!
03:00A magnet monster emerged in a junkyard!
03:02Please stay away!
03:05That's the quay!
03:07Stupid bird! Let's go!
03:18I need to collect a few more quay
03:20and my power will be fully restored!
03:43Take that!
03:44Where's my sword?
03:56Darn it all!
03:58If absorbing the quay
04:00didn't take so much energy of mine,
04:03I could have lifted it with my pinky finger!
04:06Electromagnetism needs electricity.
04:08You need to cut the power off.
04:10That's it! I have a brand new plan!
04:12Iron seagulls, full attack right now!
04:22That was very smart.
04:23It could have helped.
04:24But only if they weren't made of iron.
04:26Get out of here!
04:28Hey stupid!
04:29Turn off the electricity!
04:49That really hurt!
04:52Darn it!
04:53What's this all about?
04:54Electromagnetism needs electricity to work.
04:57And it's the same for the quay in it.
04:59The quay also needs electricity.
05:01Turn off the power!
05:02Turn on the power!
05:03Turn off the power!
05:04Turn on the power!
05:05Turn off the power!
05:06Are you kidding me?
05:08No, wait.
05:10Tell me, why are you helping me?
05:12To make a deal.
05:13Starry Island is too small for two heroes.
05:15How about this?
05:16You have all the quay and I'll be the hero.
05:18Sort of like the dark sky brings out the bright moon.
05:21Are you suggesting we team up?
05:24Why should I believe you?
05:26Take it or leave it.
05:27Just remember that without my help,
05:29you won't be able to handle that quay.
05:31Hang on, are you implying I'm stupid?
05:33I know what to do, you understand me?
05:35I can make it work with some electricity.
05:38So turn it on and activate the quay.
05:40Can you just beat it then?
05:46Tell me how I can get that quay into my pocket.
05:49All magnetic fields have directions.
05:51In the same direction, the force gets stronger.
05:53In opposite directions, the magnetic force gets weaker.
05:56It's possible to minimize the magnetic force
05:58if we build an electromagnetic shield.
06:00Okay, okay, okay, just do whatever you want to do.
06:03I need some kind of high-powered chip
06:05to build an electromagnetic shield.
06:07There are only two such chips.
06:09One is in the cable center
06:11and the other is right in this junkyard.
06:14It's here?
06:15Why would that fancy stuff be in a crappy place like this?
06:17Recently, the cable center control system
06:19got struck by lightning.
06:21Afterwards, they threw the core chip in the junkyard.
06:23That's where it is.
06:30That's why we need recycling in the world.
06:33The monster's right there!
06:37Manipulants, get out of Sword Master's body!
06:40Do you want any more proof?
06:42What do you mean?
06:44First, we have to get rid of Kung Fu Girl.
06:46Then we have a deal.
06:48I like that idea!
06:50Sure, go on. Show me what you've got, then.
06:53Hi, Kung Fu Girl. It's been a while.
06:55Sword Master!
06:57You... so you... you're back for good?
07:01As you can see.
07:03That's wonderful!
07:05Can you believe how many people were worried about you?
07:08Gossip Boy, Min...
07:10So what?
07:12What... what are you doing?
07:14Starry Island has only room for one hero.
07:18That's not Manipulant!
07:20He's turned into the sidekick!
07:22Time to say goodbye!
07:24Sword Master, wake up!
07:26You can never trust Manipulant!
07:30So, Kung Fu Girl, is that all you got?
07:32You running away from me?
07:34Sword Master, I'm not going to fight with you!
07:36That's not up to you.
07:45What's... what's going on?
07:47Basic electromagnetism.
07:54Sword Master! Sword Master!
07:57Why didn't you wipe her out?
07:59I can fight her all day, if that's what you really want.
08:02But in that case, our plan for the chip will be down the drain.
08:05Once you will have captured the Kui,
08:07you'll be able to do what you wish with her.
08:11You know what?
08:13I'm starting to like your style, kiddo.
08:17Power on.
08:29The field is neutralized.
08:31Now absorb the Kui.
08:35Great! You'll get your reward
08:37as soon as I absorb all the Kui that's left!
08:42Oh no!
08:44My injury still hurts a lot!
08:46I can't absorb the Kui,
08:48feeling pain like this!
08:50If that's the case, let me help you.
08:54There are so many things about the Kui
08:56that you still don't know.
08:58I know quite well.
09:02Hero Hao, what are you doing?
09:04Your energy drains out
09:06while you're absorbing the Kui.
09:08And what better moment for me to kick you out
09:10than this?
09:12Well, do you get it?
09:14You were lying to me.
09:16Don't forget,
09:18if I can possess you once,
09:20I'll always be able to possess you.
09:22Will you?
09:26How much energy do you have now?
09:2830%? 20%?
09:30Or less than 10%?
09:32Want to be a hero?
09:34I can help with that.
09:36You are so smart.
09:38I can make you my right hand.
09:40Think of it!
09:42No, don't forget,
09:44you cannot kill me
09:46even if you cut me in half.
09:48I know, but I can kick you out of here.
09:50Don't run into me,
09:52or else you'll regret it.
09:56That little girl named T-Seng
09:58is going to be my next goal now.
10:00Well, there you go.
10:02I see that T-Seng girl
10:04means quite a lot to you.
10:06As far as the physics and magnetism,
10:08I don't know as much as you do.
10:10But about the weaknesses of men,
10:12the things I know
10:14would make you cry in bed at night.
10:16It looks like I need to pay a visit
10:18to that T-Seng girl
10:20one of these days.
10:22You should never make a hero.
10:24Wait for too long, am I right?