Kung Fu Sock - Episode 43 - Dear Diary

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Premiere Date: December 15, 2022

Tee Zeng is found writing her diary and Kung Fu Sock becomes a bit curious. Naturally, Tee Zeng does not want to show her diary to him, but it makes Kung Fu Sock even more curious.


00:00Time to wake up, time to hurry
00:05Hear the ocean, I'm running to the top
00:09Make a wish as I stare out into the night
00:13You came from the sky
00:15And we will be together now
00:19Ancient powers guide us through the darkness
00:22No one can hold us back, run to the light
00:25Time to fight, let's fight for love and kindness
00:29Put on my socks, kick them with love
00:32Shining through the dark nights like a spark
00:36Put on my socks, stars and rainbows
00:39Change the world just with the power of love
00:43T-Sek, are you drawing me?
01:01Of course not! I'm writing in my diary! I'm not drawing you at all!
01:05It's time to sleep!
01:24Something's going on!
01:28Hey, come back here!
01:29Let's go outside!
01:33That's the diary she wrote in and locked up last night.
01:36But why would she draw my picture in it?
01:39Could T-Sek be making fun of me?
01:46Min, I'll catch you later! I need to grab a drink!
01:55Huh? Hold on a second. Isn't this T-Sek's?
01:59Ah, Takui! Careful Min, watch out!
02:05Min, I was thinking, do you want-
02:07What's my diary doing here? And who opened it?
02:11T-Sek, Min was sucked in by the-
02:13What? Oh no!
02:22Wait, is that me? It didn't do me justice!
02:25Even in a socks form, I'm still a magnificent kung fu sock and I deserve to be portrayed as such!
02:32The garbage monster!
02:36Wait a minute, why are there two kung fu socks?
02:43Focus on the monster!
02:46Garbage monster, take my sword!
02:51Is everything we see here just an illusion?
02:54Wow, I think we might be inside the world of my diary!
02:57It's like yesterday, but really strange and illustrated!
03:03Come on, I was not beaten to a pulp like that!
03:12Stop bullying socks! And small animals!
03:15Oh, I didn't know you were worried about me!
03:18It wasn't about you, it was- well, you know what? I was only trying to be nice, that's all!
03:31Look how flushed you are!
03:32I am not flushed at all!
03:39The koi has possessed the monster's illusion, and now it has gained a physical form!
03:44Kung Fu Girl, transform!
04:04Taisen, if we were able to beat this pile of garbage once, we can beat it again!
04:08No problem! Time for Rainbow Cyclone Kick!
04:15The koi!
04:20Well, maybe I can beat it, but I can't stand the smell!
04:24Now I remember, that's right, back then when we first beat it, we cleaned it with strong soap and water!
04:30That's not possible, you can't wash an illusion, it won't work!
04:34How can we attack the koi if we can't wash away all this filth?
04:39So the koi is hiding in this pile of rubbish?
04:43Okay, fine! Activate High Frequency Vibration Ultrasonic Mode!
04:53Tizeng, hurry up now, catch it!
04:58Now it's gone!
04:59Hirohao, tell me, how did you do that to the monster?
05:02Well, the high frequency vibration of my sword caused resonance inside it, making it tremble.
05:06The vibration was so strong that garbage monster completely fell apart.
05:11Yeah, I got it.
05:12What did you get?
05:13Something to do with high technology, too complicated for you.
05:16By the way, you said that Min was in the diary too, how come we didn't see her?
05:25Look at my body, it's fading away!
05:28We will be totally absorbed if we stay too long in this place, we must go faster!
05:33Looks like the koi has brought us to the next chapter.
05:37Higher! Higher! Even higher! Yes! Higher still! Oh, I wanna go higher! Oh, yes!
05:43I didn't know Kung Fu Sock had this side.
05:45What's that supposed to mean? Do you really think I was that silly?
05:50Hello? It's my diary! I get to write whatever I feel like! Besides...
05:54I never want to stop swinging!
06:01Are you kidding me? You got bullied by a squirrel? You're better than that.
06:05No, I was just... I was trying to buy you some more time so you could play.
06:16I don't recall the squirrel being able to stretch its arm like that, where did it learn that from?
06:20So you beat that guy? What are his weaknesses?
06:24It can't resist anything that shines.
06:27Don't you girls carry those shiny things with you? Like a hairpin or a barrette?
06:33You know, those accessories? You don't have any?
06:36Hey! Are you implying that I'm not a girl?
06:42T-Zang, here's our chance!
06:54Hero Hao! T-Zang! Min!
06:57So you got stuck here too!
06:59Min, thanks for the hairpin!
07:04We're running out of time! We must catch the Kui!
07:09It's... the length of spirit!
07:15T-Zang! Please let it go!
07:17That's the time you almost died trying to save me!
07:23The mosquito can grow as strong as iron after it absorbed the spirit!
07:26We'll have trouble trying to stop him now! He's so strong!
07:29T-Zang, don't worry. Just go ahead. Let me deal with it.
07:41Now is the time!
07:45I got it!
07:48Kung Fu Sock, how did you come up with that plan?
07:51I have done a little research since your last mosquito catastrophe,
07:54and there are pesticides on their weaknesses and also...
07:57Okay, I get it. I see you wanted to avenge me.
08:09Come back here!
08:28The scroll is torn?!
08:39What is that?
08:40I don't really care, but I might be the only one who can get it.
08:43Kung Fu Sock, it's too dangerous!
08:45Relax! A Kui without having any possession is a piece of cake!
08:55Great! No flying!
09:09I am me again! Just a teeny tiny Kui!
09:20Why, that's... that's my old world!
09:33Stop bullying Sock!
09:44Kung Fu Sock!
09:51Oh my! That was a close one!
09:56Kung Fu Sock! At last! You're back! I was worried about you!
10:03You thought what? You thought that a tiny Kui would ever be able to give me a hard time?
10:08What was in that crack anyway?
10:13There was nothing. Only darkness.
10:16Just leave it alone! All's well that ends well.
10:19Let me handle the Kui next time it comes around town, alright?
10:22Min, let's go! Let's go back to class!
10:24Will I see the crack of time once more? And... can I really go back?