Kung Fu Sock - Episode 45 - Thunder Storm

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Premiere Date: December 16, 2022

Hao joins Tee Zeng's squad, and he and Tee Zeng always step out to fight with Kwei and that makes Min and Gossip Boy feel left behind because they want to help too; one day, Kwei possesses the dark clouds in the sky and creates a crisis.


00:00Time to wake up, time to hurry
00:05Hear the ocean, I'm running to the top
00:09Make a wish as I stare out into the night
00:13You came from the sky
00:15And we will be together now
00:19Ancient powers guide us through the darkness
00:22No one can hold us back, run to the light
00:25Time to fight, let's fight for love and kindness
00:29Put on my socks, kick them with love
00:32Shining through the dark night like a star
00:36Put on my socks, stars and rainbows
00:39Change the world just with the power of love
01:00We lost again! Thanks to Gossip Boy!
01:02My plan was to distract it! No way! It's Hero Household!
01:05But I didn't get to do anything!
01:07My goodness, these kids are so noisy. All you have to do is hit play again.
01:11Huh? I didn't do it, did I?
01:19Is it really raining? Like, out of the blue?
01:22A thunderstorm has caused damage to several buildings in the region.
01:25Whoa! And a major blackout?
01:28We didn't talk about that in the weather forecast.
01:31The scroll is lighting up!
01:33Huh? That dark cloud? It's so strange, look!
01:36Could it be a quake controlling the cloud?
01:38Hurry! Kung Fu Sock, we need to go!
01:40I'm ready too!
01:41Okay, Centerlink Cloud Pictures Army!
01:43Great! And Thunderstorm Knowledge is on me!
01:45Kung Fu Girl Transform!
01:58Whoa! We look so good, you guys!
02:00We definitely could use a name!
02:02How about Kung Fu Squad? Isn't that so cool?
02:06And check out my signature pose. It's called Eagle Wings.
02:12My PK Duckling Game Box!
02:14I'm sorry.
02:15Gossip Boy, I want you and Mint to just stay here.
02:17It's pretty dangerous outside.
02:19Hero Howl, let's get going!
02:23But, um...
02:24But we wanted to go with you too.
02:33It's time for Steaming Shadow Game!
02:40I'm so excited!
02:42I'm so excited!
02:44I'm so excited!
02:46I'm so excited!
02:48I'm so excited!
02:50I'm so excited!
02:52I'm so excited!
02:54I'm so excited!
02:56Are you laughing at us?
02:58Sword Master Strike!
03:00Spongy Typing Punch!
03:03Now what?
03:26I'm concerned. They have been gone for a long time.
03:29Gossip Boy, we really need to help them.
03:31I have an idea!
03:33Portable Fireworks!
03:43Spongy Tyching!
03:50Sword Master!
03:51The Quay is right there! Kung Fu Girl, use the scroll!
03:56T-Zang! Hero Howl! Are you alright?
03:59Hey! And I just blew the Quay away!
04:02Did you all see it?
04:03So it was you who did that!
04:05Gossip Boy, you did it again!
04:07Come on, I almost beat it!
04:09Just look at what you did now!
04:10Really? I was only trying to help.
04:12I didn't ask for your help!
04:14She's right, because it's simply too hard to fight the Quay and protect you at the same time.
04:18What are you talking about?
04:20I don't need your protection!
04:22Actually, I think we could have beaten the Quay together if only we had cooperated.
04:26That's right. We can be very helpful if you change that attitude.
04:30What is wrong with our attitude?
04:32Every time the Quay comes near, you're always saying things like,
04:35Hey, get back! Stay right there!
04:37What? That's not true, is it?
04:39It's too dangerous!
04:41It's dangerous out there!
04:42We're going to fight the Quay. I want you and Min to stay here.
04:46Anyway, you never trust Min and me with anything.
04:50Alright, wait. It's water under the bridge.
04:52We really need to get prepared since the cloud can be back at any time.
04:56Here, put Kung Fu Sock in this bag. In case it gets soaked, you need to be able to transform.
05:00Thank you, Min.
05:01That's very unnecessary, though.
05:03Look, it's like you can't help yourselves.
05:05Rejecting us again.
05:07We're not as useless as you think.
05:09To fight the Quay, we need Kung Fu Girl's Kung Fu and my sword.
05:12And that's the end of the story.
05:13T-Zang, let's go.
05:15We won't be waiting.
05:16We will never help you.
05:18Never again in our life, do you hear?
05:21Like I asked for your help!
05:31Min, forget about it.
05:33Those two can deal with the Quay on their own.
05:35They don't need us anyway.
05:37But it's you who dragged us to the beach because you said the Quay is coming from the sea.
05:41Ah, that's not true.
05:43I was just longing for the ocean breeze.
05:49Look, that's the cloud.
05:51Gossip Boy, you weren't wrong.
05:53The cloud monster is right there.
05:55Everybody, please take cover.
05:57There's a storm coming.
06:00Gossip Boy, you must let T-Zang know.
06:03No way.
06:04They said they didn't want our help.
06:06Don't be upset.
06:07They were just trying to protect us, and you know that.
06:14It's too dangerous.
06:16It's really dangerous out there.
06:18I'll pull out my new weapon.
06:22We're going to fight the Quay.
06:24I want you and Min to stay here.
06:26You're kind of right.
06:30I've been searching everywhere.
06:32Hero Hao, I can't find the dark cloud.
06:35I'm almost done.
06:36Still a little unsteady.
06:38Gossip Boy just sent me this.
06:41Oh no, the Quay is back.
06:43Oh no, the Quay is back.
06:44We must go to the sea.
06:51There's a big storm coming.
06:52There's a big storm coming.
06:53Please, you have to go home now.
06:58Gossip Boy, there's no time.
06:59Let's hide in the locker room.
07:05Min, Gossip Boy.
07:10Where's the Quay?
07:12The Quay is probably...
07:14Oh, it's right here.
07:19Hurry, get inside.
07:20T-Zang, transform now.
07:22Kung Fu Girl, transform.
07:27Kung Fu Sock is soaking wet.
07:28We'll just dry him off.
07:39Not again.
07:40We don't have all day.
07:41Hang in there.
07:42I'm almost totally dry.
07:51Now, I will take care of this.
07:54Gossip Boy, watch out.
08:01What is that noise to our cloud?
08:11I thought you liked tricks,
08:13but it turns out you can't stand them.
08:25You can't catch me.
08:28Everybody, let's make fun of the cloud.
08:31My sword is fixed.
08:32And I'm ready too.
08:34Kung Fu Girl, transform.
09:15Time for Rainbow Cyclone Kick.
09:28The Quay is right there.
09:32Bubble Double Blast.
09:44T-Zang, Hiroha, you guys are brilliant.
09:46Thank you so much.
09:47You helped us out so much.
09:48Min, you saved the day with your hair dryer.
09:51We wouldn't have won without you.
09:53Gossip Boy, thanks for all your help today as well.
09:59We're sorry.
10:00You were right all along.
10:02The trouble you made just helped us out.
10:04And remember, united we stand, divided we fall.
10:08Does that mean we can call ourselves the Kung Fu Squad then?
10:12Kung Fu Sock, what do you think?
10:13I'm content with being a sock.
10:15Do you really think I'd be bothered by a simple name like that?
10:20So from now on, the Kung Fu Squad.
10:23Yeah, that's right.
10:24Our game is not over yet.
10:26Want to continue?
10:27Back to our game.
10:28Let's go.
10:45See you next time.