Kung Fu Sock - Episode 49 - Game Over

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Premiere Date: December 20, 2022

To get Starry Island back, the squad are training themselves in the lighthouse; Kung Fu Sock feels both delighted and worried, because maybe these kids could create a miracle, but things could go wrong.


00:00Time to wake up, time to hurry
00:05Hear the ocean, I'm running to the top
00:09Make a wish as I stare out into the night
00:13You came from the sky
00:15And we will be together now
00:19Ancient powers guide us through the darkness
00:22No one can hold us back, run to the light
00:25Time to fight, let's fight for love and kindness
00:29Put on my socks, kick them with love
00:32Shining through the dark nights like a spark
00:36Put on my socks, stars and rainbows
00:39Change the world just with the power of love
01:04Enough! What are you doing at this early hour? I'm trying to sleep!
01:07We're just getting prepared to win back Starry Island!
01:09And that's why you're exercising like crazy?
01:13Yeah, muscles are your friend when facing manipulence!
01:16But you can just transform, then you'll have Kung Fu!
01:20But just in case, if, you know, what am I supposed to do if...
01:24If I can't... if I can't transform?
01:29I must make myself stronger!
01:31So I have nothing to worry about, if I can't transform!
01:37What is that?
01:38Sorry about that!
01:40Explain to me what you're working on!
01:42Oh, let me present Gossip Boy Magic 2000!
01:45Born to fight against manipulence and his minions!
01:48This explosive can launch confetti to distract the enemy!
01:54Gossip Boy!
01:59Why not? Just keep that to yourself!
02:01Watch out!
02:04Hero Howl, what are you doing?
02:06My apologies. I'm testing the sword's voice remote control.
02:13Hi, Kung Fu Sock! We are packing up, so that we'll all be prepared tomorrow!
02:19Why are you packing up?
02:20Because we're not coming back!
02:22I think we will definitely win, don't you?
02:25But I don't have special skills like they have.
02:28All I can do is get everything prepared while they're practicing.
03:45Hey! He's there!
04:08Kung Fu Sock, what's the matter? Are you worried about our chances to win?
04:12I... I was just...
04:15Just a little bit unsure.
04:18Don't worry. There's nothing we can't do as long as we work as a team.
04:22So get some rest.
04:29I hope you are right.
04:38Kung Fu Sock!
04:40Wake up! We need to go!
04:44Go where?
04:45Kung Fu Sock, we're ready to set off!
04:47Set off to what?
04:48To beat Manipulence!
04:50And you're still sleeping!
04:53Did we already find him?
04:55Let's go!
04:59Starry Island, we're coming for you!
05:13Wait till I see Manipulence. We'll show him he shouldn't have messed with us!
05:17Look, I found his hidden place on the map right here.
05:20How did you do that in so little time?
05:23Here, look.
05:35We're here.
05:53But nobody is here.
05:55I've got a weird feeling. Something must be wrong.
06:05It's so strange.
06:07I don't see anyone.
06:09Is Manipulence not here?
06:11He's supposed to be here.
06:13At last you have arrived, Kung Fu Girl!
06:18It's Manipulence! Be careful!
06:21Perfect. I knew you were hiding here.
06:25Your days are numbered!
06:26Wait a second!
06:30At last you have arrived, Kung Fu Girl!
06:34It's a trap!
06:40Enough! Let me out of here!
06:44What is this?
06:47Hold it! Don't touch the laser!
06:49No! We walked into his trap!
06:55Everyone be cautious!
07:00Be alert!
07:01Don't panic! We came prepared.
07:03Min, Gossifoy, use this rope to trap those zombies.
07:06I'll set Jizeng free.
07:09No problem! I'm on it!
07:19How come? What is this made of?
07:25Oh yeah! Nailed it! That's it! Problem solved!
07:39Oh no! Let me out of here!
07:41Stay calm, Jizeng! We've been training for this!
07:44We'll get these seagulls!
07:48Come on!
07:55Darn it!
07:56That's right! Gossifoy, drag them down!
08:01Take that, you little rat!
08:02Lend me your laser! Jizeng, dodge it!
08:13No! Stay away from me!
08:15Leave him alone!
08:21Stay away from me!
08:22Leave him alone!
08:29No, it's on fire! We must get out of here!
08:32Kung Fu Sock, you're the only one who can make it.
08:35With my sword, you must destroy the laser devices.
08:38Just say fly!
08:47Okay, it's now or never. Sword, fly!
08:52Damn it!
08:57Run for your life!
08:59Bad news, the sword got stuck. Fly! Fly! Fly!
09:36Did you seriously think those stupid kids had the slightest chance of beating my whole entire army and me?
09:44No! Oh no!
09:50It's wonderful! I like sentencing them to death!
10:03It was only a nightmare.
10:08I've got everything ready. Go to sleep, Kung Fu Sock.
10:12Go to sleep, Kung Fu Sock.
10:21I cannot send these kids to be destroyed.