Kung Fu Sock - Episode 41 - Manipulens' Past

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Premiere Date: December 14, 2022

Manipulens gets badly hurt when he's pushed out of Hao's body, and must find a place to meditate and recuperate; while Manipulens tries to cure himself, his thoughts take him back to when he was a little boy.


00:00Time to wake up, time to hurry
00:05Hear the ocean, I'm running to the top
00:09Make a wish as I stare out into the night
00:13You came from the sky
00:15And we will be together now
00:19Ancient powers guide us through the darkness
00:22No one can hold us back, run to the light
00:25Time to fight, let's fight for love and kindness
00:29Put on my sock, kick them with love
00:32Shining through the dark night like a spark
00:36Put on my sock, stars and rainbows
00:39Change the world just with the power of love
00:59I can feel the power within me
01:20Darn it, I'm not fully recovered yet
01:29Power! I'm in urgent need of some more power!
01:57I won't be the strongest among the strongest
02:05Only if I can hold all the kui here in my hand
02:22No one's stronger than me, so I always get to do whatever I want
02:29My son, are you okay?
02:30Daddy, why don't you fight back?
02:34Only a few pieces of fruit were damaged, not a big deal
02:37But why do we have to put up with him?
02:39Everyone puts up with him, just get used to it
02:42You have to let it go and keep living
02:44So that means he gets to do whatever he wants?
02:48No one's stronger than me, so I always get to do whatever I want
02:54My son, kung fu won't help
02:56You know that it will only bring us trouble
02:58We're already in trouble and that's because we're weak
03:00I think maybe you just need to accept it
03:03I want to be stronger, so no one will ever bully us
03:18No one's stronger than me, so I always get to do whatever I want
03:48Did you see that? Now I'm stronger than you
04:01You don't scare us anymore, now beat it!
04:05Otherwise, you'll be sorry
04:08Yeah, we'll see
04:19Break everything!
04:24Hey, what are you doing? Stop him right now!
04:29Can you please stop? You may take these fruits for free, but leave us in peace
04:33No daddy, it's time to fight!
04:35I don't want you to, please don't fight
04:43What do I do? What do I do now?
04:46What do I do now?
04:47Put the fire out!
04:53No, please don't! Please, I beg you!
04:56Please don't hurt me! I'll give you everything we have!
05:00Anything you want!
05:02Still think so highly of yourself?
05:04Why don't you tell me who the strongest is now?
05:07The fire is spreading, let's get out of here
05:12Remember, you asked for this
05:24Now everything is ruined, everything is lost
05:28What's wrong with you? You didn't help us at all! This is your fault!
05:32You're always so weak, and they do what they want! I don't ever want to be like you!
05:40I want to be the stronger one, so I'll never be bullied again!
05:44That's not really what you want, my son
05:49Who are you?
05:50I am someone who can help you, however, my help comes at a price
05:56So you can help make me stronger?
06:05Yes, count me in! I will do anything just to be stronger!
06:10What's this, Star Drain?
06:14Yes, it's Star Drain! This is the answer to my problem!
06:18It hurts! It hurts so much!
06:27Is this my power?
06:54I can do whatever I want, as long as I'm the strongest of the strongest!
06:59Hey, those are my apples!
07:01Oh no, what are you doing?
07:03The weaker can only ask for mercy! It's so pathetic!
07:08Meanwhile, the stronger can do whatever they want!
07:15It's impossible! What about my Star Drain?
07:17Master Kekko! It's Master Kekko! Thank you! Thank you so much!
07:21That's the answer to my problem!
07:23Master Kekko! It's Master Kekko! Thank you! Thank you so much!
07:27That's the Master of Kung Fu, Master Kekko!
07:30Master Kekko is so strong! I'm not afraid now that Master Kekko is here!
07:38Why can't I be strong enough? Why am I still losing?
07:42If I want to keep doing things the way that I want, then I must be stronger than the strongest!
07:53Stronger than the strongest!
07:57Yes, I want to be stronger!
08:01Manipulenz's new base is right there!
08:03Turns out it's here! No wonder I spotted no one at the station!
08:07He moved his base here, after you came along!
08:10It doesn't matter where he hides!
08:12This time, Kung Fu Girl and Sword Master are together!
08:15We can definitely beat Manipulenz!
08:24Hero How, I believe he's badly injured from being kicked out.
08:28That's why he let us go unharmed. I'm not sure what is going on.
08:32However, what I know is that we must beat him right away!
08:36You're right. I could feel it when he was in me.
08:38He grew stronger every time he absorbed a Kui.
08:41But that power was not easy to handle.
08:45We need to hurry up then!
09:16What I need, what I urgently need is more power!
09:20Whoever has made me suffer at all, will have to suffer more than they know!
09:27No, but just not yet!
09:38T-Zang, Manipulenz may be really strong now. You must be careful!
09:42Hero How, you be careful too!
09:44Alright! Time to get this show on the road!
09:47Let's go now! We'll catch him off guard!
09:51That's much better. I'm feeling much stronger and powerful now.
09:58Manipulenz, we're setting the score today!
10:03Manipulenz is not here!
10:12You've done a really great job.
10:15Things are about to change. Your luck is running out.
10:19And once I'm all healed, my luck will begin!