Kung Fu Sock - Episode 46 - Kung Fu Girl's Defeat

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Premiere Date: December 16, 2022

Having taken in the dark power of Kwei, Manipulens is fully recovered, and now he gets even stronger and can sense the existence of Kwei; he goes all over Starry Island and absorbs all of the Kwei before he goes up to Tee Zeng.


00:00Time to wake up, time to hurry
00:05Hear the ocean, I'm running to the top
00:09Make a wish as I stare out into the night
00:13You came from the sky
00:15And we will be together now
00:19Ancient powers guide us through the darkness
00:22No one can hold us back, run to the light
00:25Time to fight, let's fight for love and kindness
00:29Put on my socks, kick them with love
00:32Shining through the dark nights like a spark
00:36Put on my socks, stars and rainbows
00:39Change the world just with the power of love
00:51How marvelous, I've recovered at last!
00:54Kiko, it's time we meet again now that I've regained my strength!
01:00Ah, Kwe!
01:03Oh yes, I can feel your sweet presence!
01:11Come to papa, my dear Kwe!
01:13Time to get back into battle!
01:29Time for short combined pendulum kick!
01:42That was great, 39 seconds faster than before!
01:45Wow, you're the best duo ever!
01:48That's right, I can't wait to meet up with Manipulenz, then we'll show him!
01:52I wouldn't get too carried away, you still have a long way to go!
01:56Come on, we have to try to be positive!
01:59Of course, and I believe in you guys!
02:03It's a Kwe!
02:05Okay, now let's show him what we learned!
02:08Wait, why did it stop beaming?
02:10Could it be a Kwe running away?
02:12Let's look for it together!
02:27Does that mean the scroll is wrong?
02:29The scroll is never wrong!
02:31Then what is it all about? Do you think the problem is what we're seeing?
02:34Everyone saw it beaming up!
02:36There's one other possibility! A Kwe emerged and soon was wiped out!
02:41Wiped out? Someone is preying on a Kwe?
02:43It's Manipulenz!
02:45Finally, he came back and he came for the Kwe!
02:47Do you really think so? Nobody recovers that fast.
02:50Besides, we have nothing to worry about.
02:52I'm sure Sword Master and Kung Fu Girl can definitely beat him!
02:55We're ready for him!
02:57That's right! This guy Madness will be a piece of cake!
03:23No way! That's not good for us! We must be prepared!
03:31Kung Fu Sock, did you get any sleep at all?
03:34I fear that all the rest of the Kwe have fallen into his hands.
03:38That can't be!
03:40That's impossible! You're scaring yourself for no reason!
03:47Kung Fu Sock, when was the last time you took a bath?
03:51Well, maybe I was just overreacting. I'll go take a bath now.
03:56Nothing like a good bath. You relax. I need to give Mom a hand.
03:59Okay. Bye-bye. See ya.
04:04I have to make a delivery. Watch the store for me.
04:07I got it, Mom. No problem.
04:13That was a fast delivery.
04:15Teas and Laundry!
04:17It's Manipulenz!
04:18Nice to see you again.
04:22Did you miss me, little one?
04:24It's been a while since last time.
04:26And where is that stinky sock of yours?
04:32Kung Fu Sock!
04:34Ha! Teasing!
04:44You broke my watch!
04:49Oh, no! I forgot I was bathing! Just a second!
05:00Oh, my dear Master Kekko, would you just look at yourself!
05:05Give me the squirrel, or neither of you will be leaving this place today!
05:15Resistance is useless!
05:19No! No! No!
05:24Torturing a little girl is no fun at all!
05:27Come on! Transform with the old sock! I can wait!
05:34I love being dry! Let's transform!
05:36Kung Fu Girl! Transform!
05:57Oh, my! I'm so scared of you!
06:02Just kidding! Check my Star Train!
06:05Star Train!
06:17Time for Rainbow Cyclone Kick!
06:27Kekko, I just want you to know something.
06:30I can crush and turn you into powder now!
06:36How did you do it?
06:42Bubble Gobble Blast!
06:50Oh, please! You call that Kung Fu?
06:53You know why I came to you in the first place.
06:56To beat you once and for all!
06:58And that's what I did! I'm the strongest of the strongest!
07:02I've gotten so strong that nothing can stop me now, little girl!
07:12He was infected by the Kui. He's lost his mind.
07:15But I'm going to stop you!
07:22Time for Steaming Shadow Kick!
07:26And Spongy Tai Chi Punch!
07:29You? You are not my rival!
07:31Well, at least you're certainly not anymore!
07:34Gross! Get your hands off me!
07:37So, you're ready to leave? Fine!
07:41Blast and go!
07:56Oh no! It's a monster!
07:58Kung Fu Girl! She's in big trouble!
08:06We have some breaking news!
08:08There's been a fight at the local laundromat.
08:11Kung Fu Girl was approached by a mysterious attacker.
08:14Citizens, please be alarmed and stay inside!
08:18How did he grow so much stronger?
08:27Teasing! Teasing!
08:29Little girl, safe to say playtime is over.
08:33Tell me now, where is the scroll?
08:36I'll never...
08:38You have it! Never ever!
08:42Stop manipulence! Let her go!
08:44This is what will happen!
08:46Either you buy your life with the scroll,
08:48or I'll just have to find it myself!
08:52Let go of Kung Fu Girl, you filthy monster!
08:58Get your hands off of me!
09:01Teasing! Teasing! Teasing!
09:03Are you alright?
09:04Where did you come from, kiddo?
09:06Why must you always try to stand in my way?
09:11You're all going to die today! All of you!
09:14Manipulence! Did you want the scroll?
09:19You're all going to die today!
09:21You're all going to die today!
09:23You're all going to die today!
09:25You're all going to die today!
09:27Did you want the scroll?
09:31The scroll?
09:48Finally! At last, the scroll belongs to me!
09:52Kung Fu Sock, did you really give him the scroll?
09:55Not the scroll.
09:57Not in a million years would I give him the real scroll.
10:00Nailed it. There's no visual difference at all.
10:22How dare that dirty sock fool me!
10:25They will all pay the price! They're all going to regret this!