Herm Edwards - Both Parties Want This To Get Done

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00:00You know, I think both parties are you can blame both parties for this whole situation or whatnot
00:04He's coming in to hold in and he is in a film room and he's in the meetings and whatnot
00:09Can they repair this relationship?
00:11We hear all the rumors with the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Cleveland Browns and the Patriots
00:15Can both parties at this point from what you know with Brendan now you cuz I'm sure you communicate with them
00:21Can they salvage this relationship and get on the same page and play ball here in 2024?
00:26Absolutely, this is business and this is what you tell every player
00:30When you're the head coach when a player is going through the contract negotiation, you always tell the players is
00:36Just watch what happens during these negotiations if it gets into the news cycle and you're gonna have to deal with all that
00:44But at the end of the day guys, that's the business part of it. It's not personal
00:49It's not personal just business and and I think sometimes players need to learn that too. This is business
00:54It's nothing against you. It's just business and business is different than being the football player or being a football coach
01:00And so with that being said, hopefully this thing
01:04Will transpire where it can get done with both parties
01:07You know will shake hands and hug each other and get going and if not
01:11then you know Brandon will go somewhere else and the 49ers will have to regroup and you know continue to
01:18Continue to go with and at the end of the day guys, you know, it always said this it's like
01:23If a player gets hurt in the opening game
01:28You can't cancel the season
01:31You got a plan and if Brandon I you can no longer 49
01:34I hope he is because I think it's really good football team
01:37And I think he he has a chance to you know
01:39Get break Jerry or tie Jerry Rice's record a thousand yards receiving for three years in a row
01:43And he's done a lot of good things there. I hope he's there
01:47But if not, the 49ers got to move on and the players got to move on
01:51This is a this is a playoff football team
01:53This is a they have a window of opportunity and every player every coach knows that
01:59So we always hear like it's a business. It's a business take me through the dynamics of being the head coach
02:06Knowing the value of a player and the conversations you're having with whoever the contract person or the the financial person is with the owner
02:14How does the head coach impact those discussions? How would you go about impacting those discussions in this a situation like this?
02:22Well, first of all, you want to keep all your good players and you know in today's world is very difficult because the salary
02:27Okay, and you you know, you always got to look ahead. Who's next up?
02:31Who do we have to pay next and if we pay this guy this much?
02:35Then all of a sudden there might be a guy next year this up that you know
02:40I really want to keep that guy. So so at the end of the day, you know, basically put the names on the board
02:46And say coach
02:48There's seven guys up here you only can keep five
02:51what are the five you really want to keep and
02:54you got a circle and that's the business part of it and
02:58When this negotiation is going on as a coach all you do basically, you don't do the contracts
03:04You don't get involved in it anymore
03:06But the one thing you can do is continue to communicate with your player. This happened to me with Larry Johnson
03:13Yeah, and and I've called Larry every other day say how you doing coach I'm doing good
03:19So just keep working out. It's gonna get done. You know come to camp. I want you in shape
03:22I said don't don't get out of shape coach. I'm good any material you need. I'll get it to you. Whatever you need
03:27I said, we love you. Just just don't say anything. It'll get done eventually and eventually it did
03:32So that's all you can do is it he stayed away in that situation rivers on hard
03:42Hard knocks on HBO when they're doing that
03:44how would you have handled it if if he did a hold in and he was there because there's some days I you comes on to
03:51the field and then
03:52Again, there's different interpretations. The GM John Lynch is like kind of ushering him off the field. How how would you deal with that?
04:01Well as a coach, you know
04:03you want your players there regardless if he has a contract or not and the players want in there and
04:09You know that's showing hope that that's showing excitement for each other but at the end of it, you know, what's best for the team
04:16I mean that that's what you got to decide and if he's not a distraction
04:19You don't worry about it. If he comes into meetings and he's paying attention and he's doing he's supposed to do
04:24That's not a distraction anybody's not practicing. There's a lot of guys a lot of veterans don't practice. I mean anymore
04:30I mean these guys it means
04:32They wear baseball hats half the time
04:34You're trying to protect them and it's the football different than it was, you know, 10 years ago 20 years ago
04:39So we all understand that so I think every organization handles it a little bit different you as the head coach
04:44You know you report to the ownership to the GM
04:48But you also got over you also have a responsibility to your players
04:52Because you can never lose sight of the players because the players are checking the temperature of the head coach
04:58That's all the players care about. They're watching the head coach and all this stuff is going about. How was the head coach acting?
05:04And that's important because they're watching you
05:08Hermit we're two on the morning Ross on 95 7 game courtesy of the River Islands guest line
05:12How did Larry Johnson perform that season after holding out because we know Bosa held out with the Niners last year and he admitted I?
05:19Did not have the best season. I got off to a very slow start. He believed that missing training camp hurt him
05:24How did Larry how do you do you recall how Larry Johnson performed?
05:29He played well, I mean, you know, he played well and what we did is we protected burrow
05:33You know what I did I protected him, or I didn't give him as many carries early
05:37I got him into the I got him into the season, right?
05:40So you got to know your players and you got to protect them from yourself
05:42Because every guy when they hold out you're not or you know being around watching. It's not like practicing
05:48I've always said this about football the grass knows when your football cleats have not been
05:53You can't lie to the grass with your shoes your cleats know and when you don't when you don't practice
05:59This is a game of practice this football thing because we think about you practice more than you play you play 17 games
06:07You practice three or four days a week
06:09Are you kidding me?
06:10So, you know you you have to be a part of that and when you're not you can say well I can go squat
06:15No, you can't because
06:17Physically, you're not ready to do that mentally you might be so this is where you have to be very careful
06:22We got to give them spurts
06:24You just got to play them a little bit here and give them a little rest and a little bit here until they get in
06:29football condition
06:30What does this offense look like if they have to move forward without Brennan Iuke?
06:35Well, they're missing a big
06:38Explosive player that can you know that can this is a catch-and-run offense, right?
06:43This is not a vertical offense where they throw the ball down the field. They're throwing it inside the numbers
06:49It's all timing. It's catch-and-run offense and he has ability to do that
06:54You know pierce all who played for us
06:56You know, he's good in
06:59His in his ability to to catch and run, but he's not like are you right?
07:04He's more of a inside slot guy. You can move him around
07:07He's a really good blocker of the run game where I uke is a one-on-one contest
07:12He's going to win, you know, they throw it up there ten times
07:16He's probably going to win eight of them because of his ability to adjust and play the ball in the air
07:24Coach you reference pierce all a couple times here
07:28You said in the past that you got to like almost protect him from himself because he's he works too hard
07:33You worried about what's going on with some of these injuries because I'm a little concerned
07:38Well, you know, I mean he'll get over it
07:41I mean
07:41But but that and I think the more they understand the player that they'll get a feel for because he's a I tell you what
07:47He doesn't know how to either. He got one speed. It's full speed and
07:51I knew that when I had him in Arizona State there was times. I just told him. Okay, that's it
07:55You get you get ten plays a day. You're good. Come on stand with me, you know, because that's that's his mentality that that's
08:02That's who he is
08:03Now that's all he knows and so you got to understand that when you got a guy like this and hopefully these are little nicks
08:09And bruises that the players get sometimes he'll recover and get the play in the precinct
08:14Coach and I know you've had plenty of private conversations with Brendan
08:18You can I don't expect you to share any on these airways or whatnot, that's private and I'm gonna respect that
08:23However, if you can what do you think has annoyed Brendan I eat the most about this process?
08:29Well, look, I know both parties
08:40So, you know, I'll say this I
08:44Don't want to get in the middle of it, but I do know this I think both parties
08:48Would like this to get done
08:51Bottom line and I think sometimes when it gets out, you know the story
08:56It's like the guppy story
08:58It was a guppy in Miami and it's more people at tell stories to the story
09:02It becomes the great white whale when it gets them
09:05So we have to be careful, right when we when we say well
09:10Just just we don't know what's going on behind closed doors, right?
09:13No one knows except for the parties that are trying to do the contract, you know
09:18I'm Brandon the way you do
09:19Does he still want to be a 49er because we still want him to be a 49?
09:23I think the guy's dynamic
09:25Players I thought his season last year little we get a lot of fans who say man. He's the fourth option on the team
09:30Well, damn, he may be the greatest fourth option of all time because he let the team receiving yards and receptions
09:35You know the third down threat. So does he still at the end of day want to be a member of the San Francisco 49ers?
09:42Absolutely, you know Brandon likes to win and you know
09:46He wants to he wants to win and why not you're on a winning team
09:49you got a team that obviously every year is it's picked whether you know one or two to
09:55Go to the Super Bowl to represent the NFC and they've been close
10:00You know and this team, you know, I think this team when I look at it the question
10:04You got to ask yourself. They've been in what three Super Bowls in the last 12 years
10:09The energy is what you get worried about with a team like this all the energy that's needed to do that
10:16Right, and all of a sudden you're the target or every team you play
10:21because every team's excited about
10:23Not because you know, you know, you don't have to give a speech to your players the week
10:2949ers I got to tell them is that hey look these guys this is what they've done
10:35Three Super Bowls, right three three defeats and in the last 12 years guys, they've been there
10:41So this is the team we're dealing with and and the players know that and so they're excited about playing you're getting every team's best
10:48Game, it doesn't matter what the record is. They're playing the San Francisco 49ers
10:53How difficult is it for a player on the final year of their contract in terms of you know
10:58Especially at the counting positions, you know running back and wide receiver and quarterback
11:03How difficult is that to navigate?
11:05just just in general the emotions of people trying to up their their stats rightfully while also trying to win and and
11:12And knowing that there is money on the line
11:15Well, that's the business of it, you know in in in in today's world
11:19I mean, it's just it's phenomenal what these players are getting paid and I'm glad they are
11:24Because there's there's a generation of players before them
11:28that we're getting paid this kind of money and
11:31They're deserved every penny of it because it's you know, football is not a career
11:36You can't tell them to be a career football player. It's it's week two. It's week to week
11:41You know the in one play you could be done and your careers old
11:45So you have to get what you can get and you know, there has to be a way where I've always said
11:50How much do you need?
11:52You know, it's not what you know, you know, it's not what you want. How much do you need?
11:56Because at the end of the day you gotta ask yourself this as a player
12:01If I'm on a really good team and we can make some runs. I
12:06Got to make sure that you know, I get what I need
12:11but not what I want because maybe what I want will affect some other guys getting their money and
12:17Keeping the team together
12:19Now that's that would be my thing
12:22The bottom line is the win
12:24No player can win by itself
12:27Teams win right? That's what wins teams. And if I'm on a good team
12:31I want to keep that team together as long as I can because the more I win the better it is
12:38No doubt. You think the modern-day player thinks like that though that I don't know that. No that yeah
12:44I don't you know, I don't I don't know that and I think some of them do
12:47Mm-hmm, but a lot of them, you know, it's it's a me it's a me world, you know
12:53Yeah, I don't I don't think it's anyone's fault. I think that's the generation that we're dealing with now
12:58Yeah, and it's it's you know, it's the social media. It's all the things that
13:04There weren't we weren't involved in 20 years ago. And now this is part of it, you know
13:08And it's I look at it like this way. I say whatever, you know, when you press in you can't take it back
13:14Yeah, we know that
13:16And you cannot take it back it's out there and it's gonna be up for discussion. I'll be on NFL live today
13:23We'll probably talk about this stuff, right?
13:27Coach not knowing the specifics and and you know, both parties probably feel you know aggravated to a degree right?
13:37How if you could sit down with all the parties in the room
13:40Okay, and you're at the table and you were the consigliere. How could you get the genie back in the bottle here?
13:45Well at the end of the day if you want to get it resolved and when it gets resolved your hug, okay, man
13:50Let's go. Let's let's go win a championship, right? I did cuz at the bottom line when it's done. It's done
13:57Hermit words everybody
13:59It's just talk right? It's just talking. Everybody's talking right now and everybody's negotiating the contract and everyone's got an opinion, right?
14:06And at the end of the day you want to get it done and once it's done
14:13Right coach, I know you got TV we've got lines of Giants. Hopefully I don't fight today out there
14:25All right coach coach home air which here on the River Island's guest line
14:29Again, the River Islands guest line is in the time for you to discover the islands River Islands and later Herm said a lot
