Married at first sight Australia S. 11Ep.09

  • mese scorso


00:00:0018 singles from across the country
00:00:11I think it's gonna be an extraordinary adventure
00:00:20following their spectacular honeymoons
00:00:23I really like her, I like her a lot
00:00:25My feelings are definitely growing stronger
00:00:28They moved in
00:00:29Oh it looks good
00:00:31To begin living together as husband and wife
00:00:33It's lovely
00:00:36Convince your husband you're the hottest
00:00:38Why are you the hottest?
00:00:41I am
00:00:42I'm just in shock
00:00:43Wait he told you that
00:00:45Confessions week
00:00:46This is why I haven't tried to kiss you
00:00:48Saw some bonds deepen
00:00:51See done look at that look at that
00:00:54But for others
00:00:55That's just a very very good looking lady
00:00:58He starts to do that surface level performance
00:01:01It raised more questions
00:01:04Pretty sure this is you proposing
00:01:06Than answers
00:01:07Just better define better than me by the sounds of it
00:01:10What is the point of trusting if we can't actually just trust someone
00:01:13without looking through someone's phone
00:01:15Definitely raised some question marks
00:01:18Welcome everyone to the first commitment ceremony
00:01:21Our newlyweds face the experts as secrets
00:01:25She firmly didn't want to do the phone task
00:01:27Will be exposed
00:01:29Did you have anything to hide?
00:01:34I'm first here, this is Cassandra
00:01:37Some couples celebrate their love
00:01:40Intimacy came
00:01:41Two to four times a day
00:01:43Stop it
00:01:44Every night
00:01:45But other couples
00:01:47So you cheated on her?
00:01:49Will face the hard questions
00:01:52I ended it
00:01:53Hold on hold on I'm just doing the calculations
00:01:55Was that before or after you met us?
00:01:58You were seeing someone else while you're talking to us
00:02:02And then expert John
00:02:04Let me tell you okay
00:02:05I haven't finished talking
00:02:06Calls out Collins
00:02:08That was a lie
00:02:09That was a lie
00:02:10That was a lie
00:02:11That was a lie
00:02:12That was a lie
00:02:12That was a lie
00:02:13That was a lie
00:02:15That's a problem
00:02:16John it is
00:02:16That's a problem
00:02:18In one of the most heated exchanges ever seen
00:02:22If you decide to stay together
00:02:23You tell me
00:02:23No no no no
00:02:24No no no I'm sorry
00:02:25I'm not here to tell you what to do
00:02:27You're not?
00:02:28You're not here to give me advice?
00:02:29You challenging me is deflecting from the issue at hand here
00:03:11It's decision day
00:03:12And after two weeks in the experiment
00:03:15Today our newlyweds are getting ready to face the experts
00:03:19And each other
00:03:21In the first commitment ceremony of the experiment
00:03:25After taking time to deliberate separately
00:03:28Our brides and grooms will each decide
00:03:31Whether they want to continue in their relationship or leave
00:03:35Commitment ceremony today
00:03:38Game on
00:03:40Do you think we're good?
00:03:42I think we're really good
00:03:45Yeah yeah
00:03:46What can I do do you think?
00:03:48We're good?
00:03:49Yeah I think we're good
00:03:54The first commitment ceremony gives us as experts
00:03:56The platform to help our couples navigate the complexities of the experiment
00:04:01How are you feeling about the commitment ceremony?
00:04:07I've got a truck rolling up for the baggage
00:04:11Tonight we will not only be there to support, guide and advise our couples
00:04:16But also intervene if we can see they are in crisis
00:04:20I'm excited
00:04:21I'm keen as well yeah
00:04:22Like we're going into it in a really good place
00:04:25We'll offer them honest feedback
00:04:26Which they'll have to take on in front of the group
00:04:29And be held accountable for their actions
00:04:33I can't wait
00:04:34We all know me I'm nosy as f**k
00:04:35And I'm super excited and interested
00:04:38I see everything
00:04:40I've got shitty eyesight and a lazy eye
00:04:42But I see
00:04:44That's why because you see two things at once
00:04:45Because one eye's going that way
00:04:46One eye's going that way
00:04:47So I can see everything
00:04:49Two things at once
00:04:52Well how about we put like positive intention in
00:04:55You know to help us
00:04:58I suppose get out of our own way
00:04:59And feel like we're both getting our needs met
00:05:07Well I'm not
00:05:07Because I didn't put enough water in the kettle
00:05:11Ahead of tonight's commitment ceremony
00:05:14Jack is preparing to defend his relationship
00:05:17After an article about an ex-girlfriend appeared in the press
00:05:22Basically I've got a disgruntled ex
00:05:25It's not a
00:05:27Joke Laura
00:05:29There was talk about moving in together
00:05:31There was like meeting the parents
00:05:32Things like that
00:05:33So she felt like it was more serious than it was
00:05:38Um it's just all out of context
00:05:45It's a big deal when someone sort of
00:05:47Says something about you in the media
00:05:49And then it's there for everyone to see
00:05:52It's got absolutely nothing to do with who I am as a person
00:05:55Or my character
00:05:56Or you know me getting married to Torrid
00:05:59And now we're going to the first commitment ceremony
00:06:03And the experts are going to unpack this again
00:06:05I'm happy to answer any questions respectfully
00:06:07Like I don't want to be attacked
00:06:08I don't deserve to be attacked
00:06:09I've done nothing wrong
00:06:10As my wife will tell you
00:06:14You're looking good
00:06:15You look lovely
00:06:16Torri's had a great opportunity to be pissed off with me
00:06:20She could have slapped me
00:06:21Slammed the door in my face
00:06:22Walked out
00:06:23Very nice
00:06:25The emotional maturity
00:06:26And the way she's handled herself
00:06:28It's uh it speaks volumes
00:06:30And yeah I'm proud of it
00:06:33Um we're probably going to cover
00:06:35The story obviously in the paper
00:06:39I think we'll come out of this pretty unscathed
00:06:41We have to we're solid
00:06:43There's no BS here
00:06:45There is no BS here
00:06:48As Torri and Jack put on a united front
00:06:51Natalie and Collins are getting ready separately
00:06:57At their wedding
00:06:58Natalie felt an instant connection with Collins
00:07:02I think I've met the man of my dreams
00:07:05Will you be my player one to my player two?
00:07:12What a day
00:07:13What a day
00:07:14Stand behind you
00:07:16But after an unromantic honeymoon
00:07:21Natalie made the bold call to quit the experiment
00:07:24I just wanted to come and say goodbye
00:07:28That's goodbye for me too
00:07:30Oh great
00:07:32But hoping to see a more authentic side to Collins
00:07:35Natalie had a change of heart
00:07:37All right let's go
00:07:40And decided to give their relationship one more try
00:07:44That's just a very very good looking lady
00:07:48Yeah I'm proud of myself in a way that I'm
00:07:50I'm getting there
00:07:52You know
00:07:53I felt like it was just an easy answer
00:08:00Tonight is huge
00:08:03After saying that I was leaving at the dinner party
00:08:05I really want to stay to speak to the experts
00:08:07And get their take on Collins and I's relationship
00:08:10I mean I've given up so much to be here
00:08:13Especially with the recent passing of my dad
00:08:15I had such high hopes for finding love
00:08:19But I feel like Collins approaches me like a friend
00:08:25He never reciprocated any sort of affection
00:08:28Or reassurance of touch or anything
00:08:32And I feel like every question I ask him
00:08:36He seems to deflect
00:08:40I feel like he just says things that he thinks I want to hear
00:08:47I'm not sure if I've seen that authentic Collins
00:08:52I need some kind of guidance on where to go from here
00:08:59Do I try and break through that barrier
00:09:03And get Collins to bring those walls down?
00:09:07Or do I walk away from this so early on?
00:09:13It's a hard decision
00:09:28Greetings gents
00:09:43Good to see you all
00:09:44Grab a seat, settle in
00:09:50Very dapper boys
00:09:57Greetings ladies
00:09:59Hello ladies, come on in
00:10:01Hello, welcome
00:10:03Settle in, take a seat
00:10:22Welcome everyone to the first commitment ceremony
00:10:26This is a pivotal part of the experiment
00:10:30The commitment ceremony is where you get insights about your relationship
00:10:41This commitment ceremony is an opportunity for all of you
00:10:46To really lay it all out on the table
00:10:49The good, the bad and the uncomfortable
00:10:52There is no hiding on this couch
00:10:55You have to be open and honest
00:10:58We will not put up with people who are trying to be complacent
00:11:03And who are wearing masks
00:11:09This could be exactly what you need to move forward in your relationship
00:11:22Let's get our first couple up on the couch
00:11:29Cassandra and Tristan
00:11:33Honey, come on, let's go
00:11:37I'm Tristan, this is Cassandra
00:11:41You know what they say, first the worst, right?
00:11:43Second the best, you know
00:11:46That is the most enthusiastic entrance to the couch I think I've ever seen
00:11:52That means I get to sit back and watch
00:12:00You're all looking stunning by the way
00:12:02But not as stunning as my wife
00:12:05John, you look good, you know
00:12:07I do what I can, Tristan
00:12:08That's good, that's good
00:12:09I tried, but like, you know
00:12:13I'm just nervous, so I ramble a lot when I'm nervous
00:12:17This is really intimidating
00:12:21Why don't we start with you, Tristan?
00:12:25How are things going between the two of you?
00:12:27Things are going really well
00:12:28As you can see, you've done well
00:12:30Like, you know, you've done really, really well
00:12:3210 out of 10
00:12:35We've had a couple of ups and downs
00:12:37Mostly ups, which is always really, really good
00:12:39This has been a really hard week for me, to be honest
00:12:41I'm not very good at being vulnerable
00:12:44What did you find difficult this week?
00:12:47Me and Cass had problems like me making the first move to kiss her
00:12:51We actually only kissed each other at the park, like, a couple of days ago
00:12:55Okay, that's good
00:12:58I don't really like rejection too much
00:13:01But I'm trying to show her more affection
00:13:03Because she deserves it, and that's one of the things that she wants
00:13:06Do you?
00:13:08Okay, yeah, she does
00:13:08All right, she does, she does
00:13:12I think that our match has been incredible
00:13:17And I've had the best time
00:13:21The point that we're just trying to get past is this affection side
00:13:26I'm super clingy
00:13:27I love the cuddles, kisses on the head for no reason
00:13:29I love everything like that
00:13:32And I would love him to be more confident in just the kisses
00:13:36And the touching and the cuddling at night
00:13:38And it's gonna take some time for him
00:13:42Because he doesn't have that self-love
00:13:45So, Tricity, Cassandra described you as being someone who struggles to love yourself
00:13:53Oh, I hate myself
00:13:54Oh, I hate myself
00:14:14Cassandra described you as being someone who struggles to love yourself
00:14:19Oh, I hate myself
00:14:25I know, it's annoying, eh?
00:14:28It's like me saying things like that
00:14:30Like I'm aware of it that I don't like myself
00:14:32And I don't know how to change it
00:14:34Like it's only just been recently since I've started the experiment
00:14:37I can kind of out loud say it
00:14:42It is really harsh wording
00:14:45If I think it's the first time I've heard somebody say the words
00:14:48I hate myself
00:14:50And I would like to know how long in your mind
00:14:53You've been self-describing with hating yourself
00:14:57As long as I can really remember
00:15:01It's long
00:15:03So just so that I can have a very clear understanding
00:15:06What are those things?
00:15:07If you could list out those things that you feel you hate about yourself
00:15:15Just like a lot of things
00:15:17Like the way I look
00:15:19I think I sound annoying as well
00:15:21I guess I don't think I do good enough when I try to do good enough
00:15:23So a lack of achievement, I guess
00:15:26And things like that
00:15:27I don't know
00:15:27Like basically just kind of like a lot of things
00:15:33I would like for you to now tell me
00:15:36What are the things you really love about yourself?
00:15:42Oh, well, I don't have much of those
00:15:52What do you really, really like about Tristan?
00:15:58He's thoughtful
00:16:02He's patient
00:16:04He's generous
00:16:07Absolutely hilarious
00:16:09Cute as dimples
00:16:10He's tall
00:16:11He's fun to be around
00:16:14Beautiful energy
00:16:15He's a good listener
00:16:17He's a good listener
00:16:18He's a good listener
00:16:19He's a good listener
00:16:19Beautiful energy
00:16:24I can keep going
00:16:26He's one of a kind
00:16:28He's one of a kind
00:16:32Thank you
00:16:35How does that feel to hear?
00:16:38It feels obviously good
00:16:40But it's just like the most annoying thing about me
00:16:41Is like when she says these things
00:16:43I know she means it
00:16:44I just don't believe it in myself
00:16:46For you, Cass
00:16:47How does it feel for you when you hear him describe himself in this way?
00:16:51Oh, it's so sad
00:16:55And I've
00:16:56I know it's cliche to say
00:16:57But I really wish he could see himself how I see him
00:17:05How is his self-doubt impacting this new blossoming relationship?
00:17:12It can be scary at times
00:17:13It can be scary at times
00:17:15Because I don't know if I'm getting through to him
00:17:18I feel like I'm annoying him sometimes
00:17:21So it makes me just want to withdraw
00:17:24Because I don't want to upset him or say something wrong
00:17:31I think what we've heard Cassandra say
00:17:33Is that sometimes when you're showing this self-doubt
00:17:37She starts to retreat a little
00:17:39So it's really important that you can be very aware of that
00:17:44And, you know, start really noticing when you're doing that
00:17:48And the impact on her
00:17:50Because what we don't want here is for this to become a pattern
00:17:53Where you continue showing self-doubt
00:17:57And you continue to retreat
00:17:59Because that's going to drive you guys apart
00:18:01And I know you don't want to risk that
00:18:03I don't want to risk that
00:18:04Maybe when those negative comments come out
00:18:07Negative comments come up in your own mind
00:18:10You could swap them out for one of the things she's said to you
00:18:13That's a good one, I like that one
00:18:14I'll do that one, that one's a good one
00:18:19Tristan, let's go to your decision
00:18:21Look, obviously I wrote leave
00:18:25No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding
00:18:27I wrote stay and you're pretty
00:18:34I wrote stay with a smiley face
00:18:35Well done, there's a smiley face as well
00:18:41It's well done
00:18:43Thank you guys
00:18:45Have a great week
00:18:47Well done, honey, well done
00:18:51Yeah, you're good
00:18:53You're good, you're doing this, guys
00:18:55We're trying, hustling
00:18:56This openness, this transparency is wonderful
00:18:59Thank you guys, take a seat
00:19:00Thank you
00:19:00Thank you so much
00:19:01Come on, honeys, let's go sit down
00:19:03Let's go sit down
00:19:04You guys have got this, it's fine, it's not that scary
00:19:07It's not that bad, it's not that bad
00:19:11It's terrifying
00:19:13I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding
00:19:16We did it, we did it
00:19:18Oh, thank you
00:19:21Next up on the couch
00:19:26Lucinda and Timothy
00:19:27Oh, shit
00:19:32How are you doing now?
00:19:33I don't know
00:19:34Yeah, you too
00:19:37So fill us in, how has it been since the wedding?
00:19:46You know, we're just, we're very different
00:19:50Different how?
00:19:51I know that I can grind on a partner
00:19:56Does he annoy you?
00:19:58Not really
00:20:01No, I really enjoy his company
00:20:03I really like Tim, I've got a bit of a crush on Tim, there's no doubt about it
00:20:08Yeah, you do
00:20:10He's a total spunk, you'd be crazy not to
00:20:14I love checking him out and just being a total perv
00:20:22You look surprised, Timothy
00:20:25You don't annoy her
00:20:26Where's this coming from, then, if you don't annoy her?
00:20:29Um, Lucinda's a very touchy-feely person, I'm just not
00:20:37I love affection, you know, I want cuddles
00:20:40Like, I love a spoon at night or footsies in the bed
00:20:43You know, can we have pachathons?
00:20:46Oh, yeah, girl
00:20:49How important is that for you?
00:20:53You know, I've been a little bit like Matilda, his dog, like
00:20:56I just want to, like, get in there, but, you know, it's not his jam, you know
00:21:05I've always said on the slow burn, like, when you don't push me, I'll come forward
00:21:12But if you're always pushing me, yeah, I go back the other way
00:21:18And I suppose, for me, that's what I'm really trying to
00:21:23give grace, you know, that he needs lots of time and space
00:21:27And, you know, for me not to thrust myself upon him
00:21:31And, I mean, I don't want to be arrested here, like, just thrusting myself on this poor man
00:21:37You know, when he really doesn't want to
00:21:38So, you know, it's a dance, it's a dance
00:21:47Here's the thing, you've said that you're a slow burn
00:21:52And that you can be a grind on your partner
00:21:57Now, if that's your mindset, you will be
00:22:03You are going to need to either get on board and get uncomfortable
00:22:09or essentially watch it fizzle out
00:22:15All right, let's go to the decision
00:22:19Lucinda, stay or leave?
00:22:23Absolutely stay
00:22:23Right, big stay, okay
00:22:25Timothy, you're up, stay or leave?
00:22:30I've written stay
00:22:34Yeah, Lucinda's very happy about that
00:22:36I am
00:22:38I'm not ready to let you go
00:22:41Here you go
00:22:49Thank you so much, thanks
00:22:51Well done
00:23:02Let's get our next couple up, Tori and Jack
00:23:13Well, hello you two
00:23:19All right, you two, I have to cut straight to it
00:23:23The dinner party, there was a big topic that came up that related to you particularly, Jack
00:23:31About an ex-girlfriend on the outside
00:23:38I want to hear your thoughts on that
00:23:51Firstly, again, I'm sorry, but that's how that had to come out
00:23:55Here we go
00:24:01Basically, the girl I was with, very passionate and I could tell she was looking for long game
00:24:10I ended that relationship as respectfully as I could
00:24:17How long ago?
00:24:19Six, seven weeks, probably seven, eight weeks now, sorry, been in here a little while
00:24:25So it's probably, yeah, seven, eight weeks
00:24:28Or eight or nine
00:24:32I ended it
00:24:32Oh, hold on, hold on, I'm just doing the calculations
00:24:35Was that before or after you met us?
00:24:44You do the calculations
00:24:49Because what I'm sitting here thinking, are you doing assessments with us while seeing somebody else?
00:24:56Yeah, I guess it could, yeah, I could have been, yes, if that's the fact, yes
00:25:02So just to be clear, Jack, you were seeing someone else while you're talking to us?
00:25:39To be clear, Jack, you were seeing someone else while you're talking to us?
00:25:54So let me be clear
00:25:55So you're in a relationship with someone else while applying for Marriott First Sight?
00:26:14Let me give that finish in context
00:26:17It wasn't serious, it was a weekend Friends With Benefits relationship
00:26:21There's no significance to it, it's a disgruntled ex that I had a casual relationship with
00:26:34Tori, has it left you with any questions about Jack?
00:26:40Your level of trust in him?
00:26:44No, nothing
00:26:48What he was doing the morning of his wedding and beyond is my concern
00:26:54What he was doing the night before and before that, I, to be brutally honest, couldn't f***
00:27:10Tori, you do seem a little defensive about this
00:27:13I'm just sick of talking about it
00:27:15We are going to have bigger fish to fry in this experiment
00:27:20and I'm not going to use all my energy on a disgruntled ex
00:27:33I've actually, I grew fonder of Tori through this little challenge because
00:27:40that's how she's answered and responded all of this
00:27:43Jack, is Tori the one that you were hoping for?
00:27:51Yeah, I think
00:27:55There's always going to be the challenge of finding someone for me because I'm quite traditional
00:28:00I like to, I like to lead and I like to provide and, you know, be the man
00:28:07But it's happened naturally, I haven't had to force anything on Tori
00:28:13And with the way that your body language is, I would assume that
00:28:18sex is a big part of this relationship and I'm wondering if that's the case
00:28:23Go for it
00:28:29We haven't been intimate yet
00:28:34So is it you setting these rules or is it something that you have come to together?
00:28:40We've definitely had this discussion a few times
00:28:44I, I'm a connection guy
00:28:47It's very rare for me to just have an instant sexual connection with someone which we've discussed
00:28:53That's not something I would have expected you to say
00:28:57You specifically
00:28:59Because it is an area that we spoke at length about
00:29:03the way you like to express yourself when you feel that sexual attraction
00:29:08And especially with the physical body language being also so comfortable and connected
00:29:15We're not here just to have a short-term relationship, build on lust and a sexual connection
00:29:24Do you feel sexually attracted to Tori?
00:29:28I do, I think she's gorgeous
00:29:33But the sexual spark with Tori, it is a slow burn
00:29:39The sex will come
00:29:42Hold your thought
00:29:45Timothy, what's going on?
00:29:47You are laughing over there, chuckling even
00:29:51I'm not, I'm not chuckling, it's just a comment
00:29:54Talk to us, what's going on?
00:29:56Tim is outrageous
00:29:58Go on, say it
00:29:59I just, I think there's more cracks in the room than everyone wants to admit
00:30:05Do you consider us not sleeping together a crack?
00:30:09What are you getting at, Timothy?
00:30:11Like the slow burn thing doesn't add up
00:30:18All right, well actually
00:30:22The conversation came up on the Bucks night
00:30:25Would you sleep with your partner on the first night, okay?
00:30:30Jack, you were like, no way, can I take my time and all that, yeah?
00:30:34You were, I would, first night
00:30:40So you were not the slow burn guy on the Bucks night, okay?
00:30:43I have to point that out
00:30:51May I bring it back over here a little bit?
00:30:53Yeah, because that's boring as shit
00:30:59If I'm into my girl, this is what I'm doing
00:31:02My arm's on her, my shoulder off, and I hold her hand and I'd be proud
00:31:07And I want her to do the same with me
00:31:09You certainly look pretty comfortable on the couch there
00:31:15I bet you are
00:31:17We're gonna go to the decision
00:31:19Uh, stay or leave
00:31:25Um, this is obviously very easy for me
00:31:28Jack and I are getting along great
00:31:30And I think we're gonna really benefit from this experience
00:31:36So I've said stay and a little kiss and a hug
00:31:40Very cute
00:31:42And for you, Jack
00:31:49I wrote stay
00:31:51Uh, great to see you, off you go
00:32:01I was a little bit struck
00:32:08My feelings were a little bit hurt by Richard's comment from the Bucks night
00:32:14Just saying that, you know, Tim said he would have slept with his bride on the first night
00:32:18But, you know, we haven't been intimate
00:32:21It highlighted how far Tim and I have got to go
00:32:25Because it just feels like the slowest burn even to get a hug
00:32:29So, yeah, I'm feeling a little bit, a little bit sore
00:32:38Coming up
00:32:39I don't trust him
00:32:41Natalie's shock confession
00:32:43Oh my god
00:32:44Leads to a fiery showdown
00:32:46I'm sorry, if we're being honest, I don't agree with you
00:32:50I haven't finished talking
00:32:53You're talking to me as though you were an expert
00:32:59And you need to start listening
00:33:09So next up on the couch, Sarah and Tim
00:33:19Welcome to the couch, you guys
00:33:22How have you been?
00:33:24Like we've had, we had like a little bit of
00:33:26Some bumps happen
00:33:27We're actually doing really well right now
00:33:29But we've had an emotional roller coaster, if you will
00:33:34I felt like he wasn't comfortable around me
00:33:36I was getting this like nervous energy
00:33:38And I just kind of pulled back
00:33:42Tim, how did that impact you?
00:33:46There was like moments where
00:33:51You know, we
00:33:53First couple of days were a little bit hard
00:33:55I think adjusting to the intensity of this experiment
00:34:00He must have felt really rejected
00:34:01He was like confused
00:34:03He must have or he did
00:34:04How did you feel?
00:34:06Look, it was
00:34:09I feel like it's
00:34:10I just could see definitely she had her walls up
00:34:13And I was like
00:34:13I must have done something to give you like an ick
00:34:18Let's get into this past week
00:34:22Oh, the whole, the
00:34:23I thought it was a good week
00:34:24I thought this week we actually got a lot closer
00:34:32I wonder, Tim, for you
00:34:34What task of this past week was the most challenging?
00:34:41So the first task, which was the letter
00:34:43I spoke about my trust issues
00:34:45And how, you know, I had been mistreated in a previous relationship
00:34:48I did say that, you know, trust is like a big thing for me
00:34:53And then we got another task, which was the phone task
00:34:59What I was like sort of iffy about was your like immediate reaction on it
00:35:06Because you were like fairly defensive about it
00:35:09I wasn't defensive
00:35:10Not defensive, but like you were like
00:35:13Was she defensive or not?
00:35:17I want to hear how he perceived it
00:35:21Did you feel she was defensive?
00:35:24I think that she was
00:35:26She firmly didn't want to do the task
00:35:35How did that make you feel?
00:35:39I don't know if I've actually voiced this
00:35:40You haven't
00:35:41To you, yeah
00:35:43I felt like
00:35:45Why I was just questioning why she was so
00:35:49Like I wonder why you were like so against
00:35:52Doing that task
00:35:59So what are your doubts?
00:36:07I don't think I have any doubts
00:36:11Yeah, okay
00:36:11Well, I've had enough
00:36:16Because when I'm sitting here listening to you, Tim
00:36:18You're talking, but not really getting to the point
00:36:22You're nervous about her reactions
00:36:24That's what it looks like
00:36:25I think that he's
00:36:27Is that right, Tim?
00:36:35Tim, does Sarah intimidate you?
00:36:40Come on, Tim
00:36:47Yeah, potentially, yeah
00:36:52What's intimidating about it?
00:36:55Intimidating the fact that I feel like
00:36:57If I
00:37:00Express my emotions, it's not met with the least
00:37:03An ear, you know
00:37:06It's just hard for a person to
00:37:07You know, bring up how they feel
00:37:08And just have that
00:37:10Thrown back at them and kind of like
00:37:12Blown up in their face
00:37:18Yeah, I think it's intimidating
00:37:22My observation is that probably
00:37:24You do a lot of the talking in the relationship
00:37:28You have tonight, and he doesn't
00:37:31I can't help it
00:37:32Well, this has got to stop
00:37:35You have got to listen
00:37:36And just sit with his feelings when he brings them up
00:37:41So, Tim, what's the issue?
00:37:42Give it to me straight
00:37:45You had a task
00:37:47There was a reaction you didn't like
00:37:50Why didn't you like it?
00:37:51Yeah, it felt like she had something to hide
00:37:53She had something to hide
00:37:55Now, did you have anything to hide?
00:38:02So it's a pretty easy one
00:38:04Here's the phone
00:38:05They want us to do this process
00:38:07Let's jump in
00:38:10Sarah, we're going to throw you a lot of tasks
00:38:12And you've got to embrace this
00:38:15You are going to be confronted with all sorts
00:38:18Of challenges in a short period of time
00:38:20That couples have to deal with over several years
00:38:22And this one was particularly around trust
00:38:25You must roll your sleeves up and dive in
00:38:34Let's go to the decision
00:38:36Today or leave
00:38:43Well, I do see a lot of potential in Tim and I
00:38:47So, I wrote stay with a smiley face
00:38:52What about you, Tim?
00:38:55Honestly, same here, you know
00:38:56It's been a great ride so far
00:38:59And I think getting to know you is going to be a lot of fun
00:39:07All right, guys, well done
00:39:09You're just stuck in this little pattern
00:39:10That you weren't aware of until tonight
00:39:12But that's what these commitment ceremonies are all about
00:39:15Now go away and work on doing it different
00:39:18Thank you
00:39:19Good luck
00:39:20We'll see you next time
00:39:21Thanks, guys
00:39:22Well done
00:39:29Well done, guys
00:39:36Just getting out
00:39:41Yeah, well done, man
00:39:54So you cheated on her?
00:39:57Jayden's dark secret leaves the room speechless
00:40:13So next up on the couch
00:40:20Ellie and Ben
00:40:28Oh, wow, it's our turn
00:40:31We're on
00:40:32So how's it been?
00:40:34It's been great, actually
00:40:37You know, we've had a little couple of speed bumps
00:40:42You know, but overall feeling really good
00:40:44And I'm so happy like that I matched with Ben
00:40:48That is excellent
00:40:49But I've heard the word speed bump
00:40:52So now I'm curious what the speed bumps are about
00:40:58When we were doing our values
00:41:00I had family orientated right at the top and then wants children
00:41:06Ben's values, like the family orientated and wants children were,
00:41:10you know, a little bit lower, more about seven or eight
00:41:16And then we had to really have that conversation like, do you want kids?
00:41:22What was the answer?
00:41:23So if you were to ask me that question, maybe 10 years ago,
00:41:27Ben, do you want to have children?
00:41:28I would've said no
00:41:33But they asked you like yesterday, it wasn't 10 years ago
00:41:35Yeah, yeah, so I've changed and I'm going to continue to change
00:41:40At this point, do you want children or not?
00:41:45If I meet someone who wants that, I'm open for that to be my journey
00:41:50He's already met someone
00:41:54He's talking like he's going to meet someone else
00:41:58So at the moment, like I'm not 100% certain on it
00:42:04Probably like 50-50 on it
00:42:08How much of a red flag is that for you, Ellie?
00:42:12I was under the impression the other day that we had like
00:42:14discussed this and then we were like, okay,
00:42:17we had like discussed this and then you had said,
00:42:21oh, you know, I do want children in the future
00:42:25And now I'm hearing that perhaps he's not wanting children
00:42:31If he doesn't want kids, then this isn't going to work, you know, because I want a family
00:42:39I mean, the idea is very appealing
00:42:43Those fatherly instincts are there within me, it's growing
00:42:51Do you feel reassured by that?
00:42:55Yeah, I feel like Ben is very genuine
00:42:59And he's 39 now, he has said, you know, he wants to settle down
00:43:04I feel like, you know, this could grow into something really amazing
00:43:08I do think it's very important that you continue having the talks
00:43:11that you've begun having this week
00:43:13The idea is to have a common goal
00:43:19And we're going to go to the decision
00:43:23It's a big stay! Exclamation point
00:43:30Stay with a smiley face!
00:43:38Thank you so much, have a great week, you guys
00:43:49Our next couple up on the couch
00:43:54Lauren and Jonathan
00:44:00Hello, you two
00:44:05How are things going?
00:44:07You can answer it
00:44:08Yeah, good
00:44:12I thought I'd get a bit more enthusiastic
00:44:16So did I
00:44:17Let's build on that
00:44:21One thing I do notice is that your body language is very comfortable
00:44:27So how is the physical attraction and play going?
00:44:31What's happening?
00:44:31There's definitely a physical attraction
00:44:34Is there physical play?
00:44:35Is there sexual play?
00:44:37I mean...
00:44:39This is you
00:44:43I can confirm that we have
00:44:47Was this early on in the relationship?
00:44:52I mean, it was the second the doors closed and the producers left
00:44:59This was what, wedding night?
00:45:02All right, so that chemistry was there
00:45:05And has it continued or has there been lulls there?
00:45:08Yeah, there have been lulls when we are, like, not feeling close together
00:45:15Okay, we don't need to get into details
00:45:19Oh my god, I'm dying
00:45:24So, how's the week been?
00:45:27I like deep emotional conversations
00:45:29I think that's how you really get in to know someone
00:45:33I find it horrific
00:45:36Yeah, she's not so good at all
00:45:41I find I struggle to talk about my emotions and get deep
00:45:45without getting, like, silly and making jokes and being sarcastic
00:45:48I feel like that's my wall
00:45:50I know that's my toxic trait and, like, I try and figure out how to work on that
00:45:53No, it's definitely not
00:45:55I love your sense of humour
00:45:57Do you?
00:45:57Yeah, I think it's the best
00:46:01You know, to your credit, Jono, you're taking the lead here
00:46:03and you're showing that vulnerability
00:46:05It's now your turn, Lauren
00:46:07You've got to step up
00:46:08I know, I do, I really do
00:46:10I'm gonna try
00:46:12Thanks, babe
00:46:14All right, well, with that, we're gonna go to the decision
00:46:17Let's go first to Lauren
00:46:25And to you, Jonathan
00:46:27I am also going to stay
00:46:29Thank you
00:46:30And a kiss
00:46:31And a kiss
00:46:35Thank you, guys
00:46:36Thank you
00:46:38Well done
00:46:44All right, let's get our next couple up on the couch
00:46:52Eden and Jayden
00:46:56Thank you
00:47:00Hello, welcome
00:47:00Hi, guys
00:47:04Thanks for having us
00:47:08Well, you two, how's the experiment been for you so far?
00:47:14Where do you want to begin?
00:47:15What was challenging over the first two weeks?
00:47:17Because we threw plenty of challenges at you
00:47:21Well, we had the confessions letter
00:47:24I think that was the biggest challenge, I think
00:47:28Probably for both of us
00:47:30That was probably the one moment now, you know, marriage so far
00:47:33Struggled a bit with
00:47:36Okay, so lay it out for us
00:47:37What happened?
00:47:42It's basically a story about how I had an ex cheat on me many, many times
00:47:49Behind my back
00:47:49After finding out about what my ex-partner did
00:47:53I basically just thought I would do the same thing back to her
00:48:02So you cheated on her?
00:48:11What my ex-partner did is, you know, something that hurt me a lot
00:48:15So when she wanted another chance
00:48:19I basically said to her, okay, I'll give you another chance
00:48:21But I'm going to do the same thing back to you
00:48:26I'm going to sleep with someone
00:48:30A friend
00:49:02So just to be clear, you got back together with your ex
00:49:06But part of the condition of getting back together was you slept with someone else
00:49:12A friend
00:49:27Why do you think that was the choice that you made at that time?
00:49:31Probably because I felt so betrayed
00:49:35So was the intention there for her to experience pain just like you had?
00:49:42All I could say was what's happened to me now
00:49:45I'm in a lot of pain, I'm in a lot of hurt, I'm embarrassed
00:49:47I need to do something stupid
00:49:49And that's exactly what I did, but I shouldn't have
00:49:52It wasn't until looking back on it, talking about it with Eden
00:49:56It made me realise it was the wrong thing to do
00:50:00So just to be clear, with you sitting here right now
00:50:05Do you feel that you do regret this?
00:50:09100% I regret it
00:50:10You do regret it
00:50:11I made that very clear, I do regret it
00:50:13It was absolutely the wrong thing
00:50:17I was in a dark place, it was a decision I made purely based on emotion
00:50:21And I became a bad person
00:50:23Yeah, you can see that now
00:50:30You know, I've got to say, Jaden, I've met you, we've talked
00:50:35What I'm seeing here tonight is not the guy that I got to know
00:50:38This story is shocking
00:50:43And unacceptable
00:50:47And toxic
00:50:49And it doesn't matter how hurt you are
00:50:52What must be made clear, particularly from the experts
00:50:56Is that that behaviour in a relationship is totally unacceptable
00:51:03So Eden, what does that make you think about the future?
00:51:09What does that make you think about the future with Jaden?
00:51:15I would just be worried that I'm not perfect and I'm going to do things wrong
00:51:20You know, how will he react when I do do something wrong?
00:51:26That is very destabilising in a relationship
00:51:29And when you do that in the past, it's natural for your partner to start thinking
00:51:34Could this ever happen again?
00:51:36I'm not going to understand that
00:51:39What do you need from Jaden to reassure you moving forward?
00:51:43I really would love if he could try and get a handle on his emotions and reactions
00:51:48So that he can think with a little bit more logic
00:51:50Rather than thinking with just with emotions and reacting in that way
00:51:56I think Eden, the way you've handled it
00:51:58And the way you've listened, tried to understand
00:52:02And then move forward with Jaden has been really commendable
00:52:07Thank you
00:52:10We should go to the decision
00:52:12Stay or leave Jaden
00:52:14I came to the experiment for one thing
00:52:16And that's to find the right person for me
00:52:17I believe that is what I got
00:52:20So we're staying
00:52:24Eden, what are you going to do? Stay or leave?
00:52:27I don't agree with what Jaden did
00:52:29And Jaden knows I don't agree with it
00:52:31But I haven't given Jaden the chance to try and improve from it yet
00:52:35And I'm willing to give him that chance
00:52:38I wrote stay as well
00:52:44This is an opportunity to turn it around now
00:52:47Jaden, but you've got a lot of work to do this week
00:52:49Are you up for it?
00:52:52All right, you can go back to the group
00:53:03All right, next couple on the couch
00:53:07All right
00:53:11Natalie and Collins
00:53:23Hey guys, how are you? Pleasure
00:53:32All right, well, I'm going to cut straight to the chase
00:53:35The dinner party was extremely difficult for the both of you
00:53:39And you made a decision that night
00:53:41What was that decision?
00:53:43I wanted to leave
00:53:46So this is confusing to me
00:53:48Because when you first walked into the dinner party
00:53:51You were holding hands and you were very upbeat
00:53:54So what changed?
00:54:00Collins and I had talked about going into the dinner party
00:54:04And we were going to be a united front
00:54:07I've got your back
00:54:09But then we walked in into this big group situation
00:54:14And immediately separated
00:54:23My dad passed away two months ago
00:54:30My anxiety, my grief
00:54:32It was just starting to overtake
00:54:35And I never thought that at a dinner party
00:54:40I would feel alone
00:54:45So you didn't feel like you were a united front at that point?
00:54:47No, not at all
00:54:51He noted that I was being negative and sour
00:54:54And talking bad things about the honeymoon
00:54:58So he knew I was becoming quite upset
00:55:00But I had to ask him to hold my hand
00:55:03To walk into the dinner party even though I was shaking
00:55:09So Collins, what do you say to that?
00:55:13It killed me to hear that during that dinner party
00:55:15She felt alone
00:55:16Absolutely killed me
00:55:17Let's get specific on this, Collins
00:55:18How have you showed Natalie that you're connected with her?
00:55:26That you want to bring her close to you?
00:55:30I've tried, I really have
00:55:32Let's hear it
00:55:45What affection have you showed Natalie?
00:55:47I feel
00:56:06Yeah, look, I may need to work on those specifics
00:56:10I really, really do
00:56:11And I haven't done too much in that
00:56:15But I'm really struggling
00:56:17Because so far since the beginning of the experiment
00:56:19It has been prevalent that Nat's grief
00:56:22The grief that she's feeling has been a huge, huge part of this experiment
00:56:28So Nat and I can't really string just two or three days together
00:56:31When she's present in this experiment
00:56:35Natalie, when you've been with Collins
00:56:39Do you feel like you've been present with him?
00:56:48And let me jump in
00:56:50Grief aside to the best of her ability
00:56:53She has been present
00:56:54Sorry, you just said grief aside
00:56:56Because I'm trying to make a point
00:56:59I'm sorry, if we're being honest, I don't agree with you
00:57:09I don't think it's grief aside
00:57:12You can't just put grief aside, I'm sorry
00:57:15This is a huge, huge factor
00:57:19No one's saying that the grief is not playing into this
00:57:22You know what, John, let me tell you, okay?
00:57:24I haven't finished talking
00:57:36I'm saying she's here as a complete package
00:57:39She wants a connection
00:57:42And you yourself sat here tonight and said
00:57:45I actually can't tell you anything that I've been doing
00:57:47To really bring her close
00:57:50And I need to work on that
00:57:52That's your words, not mine
00:57:55That's a problem
00:57:57John, it is
00:57:58That's a problem
00:58:02What do you think that you can do, Collins
00:58:05That will bring her close and make her feel special?
00:58:08No, I'm sorry, I came to you for advice
00:58:10What should I do?
00:58:14Just think, just think about it
00:58:16If you decide to stay together
00:58:17You tell me
00:58:18No, no, no, no
00:58:18No, no, no, I'm sorry
00:58:19I'm not here to tell you what to do
00:58:21You're not?
00:58:21I want you
00:58:22You're not here to give me advice?
00:58:33What do you think that you can do, Collins
00:58:36That will bring her close and make her feel special?
00:58:39No, I'm sorry, I came to you for advice
00:58:41What should I do?
00:58:45Just think, just think about it
00:58:47If you decide to stay together
00:58:48Just think, just think about it
00:58:49If you decide to stay together
00:58:50You tell me
00:58:51No, no, no, no
00:58:52No, no, no, I'm sorry
00:59:01I want to be very clear here
00:59:05You have never been in a relationship with anybody before, correct?
00:59:12You're talking to me as though you are an expert
00:59:19And what I'm saying to you is
00:59:23You need to open your mindset
00:59:26And you need to start listening
00:59:31John, if...
00:59:37You challenging me is deflecting from the issue at hand here
00:59:43Which is, there's a woman that wants a connection with you
00:59:47What could you do this week that would make it blossom?
00:59:52I want you to take ownership and be the agent of change here
01:00:05I would love to spend time with Nat
01:00:07I would love to do things together
01:00:10What sort of things?
01:00:11Doing life together
01:00:13So what you're saying is you want to move in with her?
01:00:17Right, from day one, yes
01:00:23Now Natalie
01:00:26Collins has said quite clearly that he wants to move in with you
01:00:30That he wants to really build on what you've started
01:00:38How do you feel about that?
01:00:46I don't trust him
01:01:08So can you tell us a little bit more about that?
01:01:10What don't you trust about this?
01:01:13When we talk
01:01:16The answers he gives
01:01:21He like, he don't, I know he doesn't want to hurt me
01:01:23And I feel like he's just giving me the answers he thinks I want to hear
01:01:29Do you feel there's a connection Natalie?
01:01:34Not at the moment, no
01:01:39So do you feel a connection Collins?
01:01:42Mate, I do feel a connection
01:01:45Because there are those moments where when we're on there is that connection
01:01:49It's fun, it's bubbly
01:01:51Collins, how do you feel about Natalie?
01:01:53Mate, I feel awesome
01:01:56She's good fun, she's a top, top lady
01:01:59She's a heart of gold
01:02:01She's so pure
01:02:03It sounds like you're describing your mother
01:02:12A top, top lady
01:02:15I want you to think about her and how you feel and really get real with me
01:02:23My feelings are there for Natalie
01:02:25What feelings?
01:02:27The feelings that I have for her
01:02:28And the feelings that I have for you
01:02:31What feelings?
01:02:32The feelings of wanting to build something, a potential romance
01:02:36What is that feeling?
01:02:39Those, those butterflies, those
01:02:43What's this feeling? That's, that's a little bit different
01:02:49So you excited?
01:02:50Mate, I'm buzzing
01:02:52But it took you a while to get there
01:02:57She doesn't buy it
01:02:58No, she doesn't
01:03:00So let's go to the decision
01:03:07Let's go with you first, Natalie
01:03:13When I ask questions, I don't get answers
01:03:20And Collins does say that he wants to support me and he's here for me and he's got my back
01:03:25But the actions don't always follow through with that
01:03:29And that's why I said leave
01:03:38And for you, Collins, stay or leave, what did you decide?
01:03:49Mate, I am absolutely heartbroken
01:03:55This is the first time I'm hearing Nat doesn't trust me
01:03:58I don't know what I've done to, or said to lose that trust
01:04:06So Collins, what is your decision?
01:04:09Mate, I'm sorry but how can you write leave when we haven't even started this experiment
01:04:16We haven't done life together
01:04:18And see, oh my god
01:04:26So Collins, show me the card, what did you decide to do, stay or leave?
01:04:29Oh my god, what can I do?
01:04:33Either I'm thinking and putting myself first
01:04:36Or I'm being selfish and I'm not putting my wife's feelings first
01:04:39We just want a decision
01:04:41Oh my god
01:04:50So Collins, show me the card, what did you decide to do, stay or leave?
01:04:54What can I do?
01:04:56Either I'm thinking and putting myself first
01:04:59Or I'm being selfish and I'm not putting my wife's feelings first
01:05:03We just want a decision
01:05:05Oh my god
01:05:12So Collins, show me the card, what did you decide to do, stay or leave?
01:05:15Oh my god, what can I do?
01:05:20I've done everything I can for Nat
01:05:23But for the first time I've put myself and what I want
01:05:28And I haven't given this a proper shot which is why I wrote
01:05:33Want to stay mate
01:05:39But it kills me to my core that my wife doesn't want to be here
01:05:44And she doesn't trust me
01:05:47What I'm going to say to you being the first commitment ceremony
01:05:50Is that when one person says stay the other person says leave
01:05:55Then that couple remains in the experiment
01:05:59For an opportunity to turn it around
01:06:02Now we've seen it many times over the years
01:06:05One week can create huge amounts of change
01:06:10It can grow from here
01:06:12And all you need to focus on, the two of you, is how do we build our connection this week?
01:06:25Alright, off you go
01:06:53Last couple on the couch
01:06:58Richard and Andrea
01:07:08Quite the rousing applause
01:07:10This is my husband Richard
01:07:12And he's quite fancy
01:07:18What did you tell us about your fancy husband?
01:07:20I adore him
01:07:22I like his accent
01:07:32He's hilarious
01:07:34We play a lot
01:07:36We're playful, I think we're probably more childish
01:07:38Than most of these beautiful people here
01:07:40That's right
01:07:42And he's sensitive and romantic
01:07:44And he's affectionate
01:07:46It's beautiful
01:07:48Well certainly beautiful to watch
01:07:54What's it like from your side of the fence?
01:07:56Ya it feels really really right for both of us
01:07:58And uh
01:08:00It started from the moment
01:08:02I first saw Andy
01:08:06She has this presence
01:08:08And she kind of exists in this bubble
01:08:10You know
01:08:12And it's a bit of a crazy bubble
01:08:14It's a bit mad
01:08:16It really is
01:08:18And that might really annoy some people
01:08:20But to me I just absolutely adore
01:08:22Oh my god
01:08:24My heart
01:08:26Hearing you describe her
01:08:28And using words like I adore her
01:08:30I'm wondering how long has it been
01:08:32Since you felt this way about a woman
01:08:34It probably takes me back
01:08:36To my twenties
01:08:40To be honest
01:08:48It's beautiful to watch
01:08:50The ease with which you come close
01:08:52And just touch
01:08:54Tell us about that aspect
01:08:56Our intimacy came
01:08:58Naturally and beautifully
01:09:00And it's
01:09:02Very nice
01:09:04It's full on
01:09:10Two to four times a day
01:09:12Stop it
01:09:18Tell us more
01:09:20So I don't think
01:09:22That there's any doubt
01:09:24In anybody's mind in this room
01:09:26What you guys are going to say
01:09:28In terms of leaving or staying
01:09:30But we would love to know officially
01:09:32I did a song lyric
01:09:36So when she's stay
01:09:38Just a little bit longer
01:09:42Good one
01:09:44And I write stay with a big smiley face
01:09:46And sort of like
01:09:48Smitten eyes
01:09:50Oh my god
01:09:56You seem to really be taking
01:09:58The experiment on
01:10:00And everything that it has to offer
01:10:02And really taking the best of it
01:10:04And making it work for you
01:10:06I'm wondering if you could
01:10:08Perhaps share with the group
01:10:10What can you share with them
01:10:12That you think might be helpful
01:10:14To the rest of the group
01:10:18I think
01:10:20Life kind of works
01:10:22When you choose what you've got
01:10:24You make a choice and you choose something
01:10:26A choice is different from a decision
01:10:28A decision is
01:10:30Do I not this or maybe
01:10:32It's got reasons behind it
01:10:34A choice is a choice
01:10:36I choose Andy because I choose Andy
01:10:38And that's what I'm committed to
01:10:40And that's what I'm going for
01:10:42You know
01:10:44And it's as simple as that
01:10:46It's I think really really important
01:10:48Strong message
01:10:50All gotta choose to be here
01:10:56Thank you so much guys
01:10:58Keep doing what you're doing
01:11:00So much joy
01:11:02We are
01:11:04Truly blessed
01:11:08With sound effects
01:11:14Tomorrow night
01:11:16I suppose we're just getting to the crux
01:11:18Whether you're in or out this week
01:11:20I feel like I'm on the couch again
01:11:22Timothy loses his call with Lucinda
01:11:24I'm pissed off
01:11:26Oh dear
01:11:30It's time for intimacy week
01:11:32The next phase of the experiment
01:11:34I adore you
01:11:36Is unveiled
01:11:38Where over two big nights
01:11:40Grab a seat
01:11:42Expert Alessandra
01:11:44Helps our newlyweds explore
01:11:46The intimate side of married life
01:11:48Buddies against each other
01:11:50But not all the couples
01:11:52You give me no passion
01:11:54You give me like autopilot
01:11:56Will be feeling the love
01:11:58Not doing this experiment
01:12:00With some serial killer who has the same response to everything
01:12:02As Sarah and Tim
01:12:04That is not fair
01:12:06Gloves are off
01:12:08Okay I'm done
01:12:10Before Natalie
01:12:12This feels like an Oscars performance
01:12:14I'm sorry
01:12:16Finally calls out Collins
01:12:18I need to take myself away out of this experiment
