Married at first sight Australia S. 11 Ep.11

  • mese scorso


00:01Can't listen to you without
00:04Orchestra previously I feel like you've just done mine made up at first sight
00:10Natalie and Collins officially left the experiment for good. I know that love is out there for me
00:19I'm melting
00:22And when Alessandra launched intimacy week genital copying you say that
00:28Adore you Andrea and Richard's love continued to grow
00:32She takes my breath away and Timothy's insensitive comments
00:37Maybe come to bed with a shirt on so Lucinda fire back
00:41And I asked the same of you the dude's got a pair of boots on him. It goes both ways
00:46Let's get up
00:48Sending Alessandra to the rescue closer closer bodies against each other
00:53I feel more hopeful and I feel committed to the experiment, but for Lauren and Jonathan
00:59I really don't want to do this surely you think it's cream
01:04Things took a drastic give me no passion give me nothing and fiery turn
01:11You're literally like I hate you
01:18Have a seat
01:19Alessandra's intimacy workshop. I don't have sexual energy with her sees Jack make a brutal confession
01:27I don't have a spark if I want to have sex with this girl ASAP
01:31You can see that Tori's totally into him
01:34I wonder if she knows as Ellie makes a shock revelation about her husband Ben
01:40He was mocking me in a high-pitched voice. He mocks you
01:44I am very much looking forward to talking to Ben at the next commitment ceremony
01:53As intimacy week continues
01:55Time for dessert things heat up for some I think everyone wants to be with someone that makes them laugh
02:03But for others do you feel attracted to Tristan the spark is fading
02:13As Sarah and Tim reach breaking point
02:22For that that is not fair. Oh feels like the gloves are off. Okay, I'm done
02:43This year's intimacy week quickly approaches the halfway point a
02:49Night out has resulted in a setback for one of the couples
02:56Ben and I decided to go out for dinner tonight
02:59We were chatting about like our expectations of after the show and you know
03:03And here I am like bleeding on about you know
03:06Hoping for the best and you know wanting a relationship blah blah blah and then he asked me do I think?
03:13That he's here for the right reasons or is he here trying to promote a podcast and I was like, yeah
03:19I believe that you're here for the right reasons and then he actually mocked me and he said oh
03:24You're here for the right reasons and it was really high-pitched and honestly that struck a nerve and it made me feel really stupid
03:31And I just thought well, you just belittling me. Why would you start that conversation last night and and
03:38Then like go at me like that and make me feel so stupid and to be honest
03:43I can actually feel very annoyed the way you treated me was just you know
03:47really really awful and I don't I would I don't stand for that and
03:52Now I'm questioning whether or not he's here for the right reasons because I I want to waste my time
03:58I'm not here for the for the airtime. Like I literally whatever like I don't care
04:03I don't know what he's thinking. Is he here for the right reasons? Like now I do have a little bit of doubt
04:21Love this one
04:23I love intimacy wake
04:25The couples in our experiment aren't a fast-tracked relationship timeline
04:30Those who don't find an initial spark can struggle to connect not just on a physical level but on an emotional one as well
04:38We did
04:39the exercises I give them during intimacy week will help develop those bonds and open lines of communication so that the
04:47Relationships have the best possible chance of success. I want you to set up a photo shoot complete with your sexiest outfits and poses
04:54I have organized some props to help you enjoy
05:00I've made you a list with a variety of turn-ons
05:04Fantasies and sexual activities for you to discuss. So that's the list
05:10You were asking for a list the other day
05:13There's gonna be a few different things. I'm excited for this
05:17Holy camera. Yeah, so we can stick them on our wall and keep them from oh, it's a chef thing
05:23You can just be a naked chef. You don't even need the rest of the props and strawberries
05:27Oh my god
05:31Filming sex. Yeah. Okay. So you're a hard. Yes for that hard. Yes. Will you go?
05:36And once it's filmed, what do you do with it?
05:39Send it out to all the people
05:49I am I may have taught Richard a thing or two already
05:55Think a part of being bitten by a partner. Why are you smiling?
06:08Jaden will take any excuse to take his clothes off. He loves it
06:12I'm always used to you dressing up now because you do it so often
06:15He's having fun and being silly. So this task was right up Jaden's alley. It's time for
06:23I love it. It makes me laugh a lot. I think everyone wants to be with someone that makes them laugh
06:39Down the hall
06:41The mood is tense in Lauren and Jonathan's apartment
06:45Yesterday was intense like we had some
06:48Really tough discussions out of the topics that the experts gave us
06:54Often the most intimate experiences can come from simple acts like looking deep into someone's eyes
07:00Three minutes. Let's get it over with. This is cringe. We have to do
07:05It's all you think it's cringe
07:12Sometimes I think he is just trying to get through this experience with its least conflict and as you know
07:18The path of least resistance I need to hear your thoughts about stuff like this. Give me no passion
07:23You give me nothing. You just give me like like autopilot this morning
07:27They've decided to draw a line in the sand and give intimacy week their full effort in the hopes of building a more intimate
07:35Connection. Yes, I was totally the worst day. We've had we've just been kind of skating through to be honest
07:40and it's all just been a bit like, you know, just
07:43Just Blair
07:45It's not just one person's fault. Yeah, well, we're gonna give it a crack
07:49Yeah, I mean we've both said that we're gonna try so let's just try
07:53I think we're both definitely willing to put in the work and see what happens, but we'll need to see what happens
07:59It's one thing to say I want them to actually do it. It's a fresh day. It is
08:05We spoke to sir, you're like today's gonna be peaceful and long, okay
08:15I'm deceased. Oh god. It's gonna be tough for us. I'm having a full men to be
08:24Nothing beats a classic hug and it can be incredibly intimate if you completely succumb don't get a bone
08:46Over at Tori and Jack's apartment Tori can't stop herself from admiring the view the pink moment going on here pink bumping ball pink
09:01I'll hold football
09:03More right from the start Tori was blown away by her husband
09:11Jack is so gorgeous. It's like what more could you want? Honestly, and her mum was also smitten
09:17Even if it doesn't work, you just come home
09:24On their honeymoon
09:26The attraction grew even more powerful for Tori him swinging like Tarzan was like it was a vision really wasn't it?
09:33the hair body
09:35The water just runs off him
09:38Glistening in the Sun something I could watch
09:42All day really all day, but despite that the couple still haven't consummated their marriage
09:50So she's hoping intimacy week can help them to finally seal the deal. Can I just skim this one too, please?
10:00Yeah, sweet
10:05Feeling desired and sexy is extremely important for the longevity of any romantic relationship
10:11Getting physically close that builds confidence with this in mind. I've organized something that could not only
10:17Inject a bit of fun, but may also dial up the passion genital cupping
10:23What the hell is that? I'm excited about this task Jack and I we haven't had sex yet
10:29there's no denying I'm attracted to Jack and
10:32Now we need to cup each other cup it, but don't touch it just so close, but not too close
10:39It's like saying
10:41Just look at that chocolate. I just think about what it tastes like
10:45Babe, I'm probably just gonna eat the choccy
10:49Jackie's delicious like let's go
10:53Just you just come close little turn
10:59Show me your position
11:01Is this where you want your lefty righty? Yeah, just open the legs a bit
11:06Put your foot take me to dinner first like that. Yeah like that. I've never dated someone like Jack before ever
11:13That dominant masculine energy. Yeah, he gives me I
11:18Want to rip your clothes off vibe?
11:23I'm not feeling the surge yet
11:31Gazing I really like cuz I love like intimidating like eye contact
11:39I'm eating you. I am consuming you with my eyes, and you'd know it although. I think he does know it. Yeah
11:46Are you thinking?
11:52I'm very intuitive swipe. I know what he's thinking
11:56Before he verbalizes what he's thinking, but he's definitely wanting to progress
12:02At this point. I'm ready for us to be like rooting like rabbits
12:08Mr.. Gallagher
12:13Maybe there it is
12:18Good job
12:21Alessandra take a day off. I put your feet up
12:24Have a mimosa for Christ's sake
12:27You saw now things are definitely like heating up
12:34How funny if he was like yeah, nothing's a pretty low-key hey, and I'm like
12:43Truthfully, I don't have massive sexual energy with Tory Alessandra's intimacy workshop reveals all I just don't have a spark
12:51I want to have sex with this girl ASAP. I wonder if Tory knows
13:04As intimacy week continues
13:06Tim is hoping it's the catalyst he and Sarah need to reignite the romance in their relationship
13:12Which has been under strain since confessions week?
13:17When Sarah refused to do the phone swap task
13:21Do you feel strongly about not doing it? Yeah, I do I?
13:25Haven't given you a reason not to trust me
13:27But Tim waited till they were on the couch to reveal his true feelings. I wonder why you were like so against doing that task
13:36feelings triggered by his past
13:38So my last relationship ended
13:41Tumultuously she was unfaithful
13:43How present is that betrayal the element of trust is going to be a roadblock for me like a hurdle
13:51And now Tim's hoping to finally put the past behind him
13:58So he can move forward with Sarah
14:01My reaction of the phone task, I feel like that's to be expected considering like my history
14:07So I'm just gonna try and work on my trust issues
14:12Because I don't want to project onto her and I don't want to tell her she's doing something that maybe she's not doing
14:19So for this task, I want you to gaze into your partner's eyes for three minutes
14:22Allow yourself to be vulnerable and be present in the moment, but be careful not to stare your partner down
14:28This experience should be intimate and sensual
14:32Don't stare me down
14:34You're actually really good with eye contact. That's why I get my read on people
14:41Let's get into it
14:58I actually don't mind staring into Tim's eyes. I
15:02Mean, he's gorgeous
15:05But also I could tell that he was like like trying to communicate with me
15:09I think he's trying to build that intimacy and I'm not used to it
15:15Tim's such a lovely guy and I've been pulling back, but I need to appreciate his niceness
15:26Were you thinking anything when you're looking at me it's it's different like just staring into each other's eyes
15:30I thought you had a really pretty eyes
15:33I always help up
15:35It's nice. Thanks. What do you think?
15:38I was trying to communicate with you. Really?
15:42What were you communicating? I was giving off intentions
15:48First and foremost, I do want to support you. I want to be like
15:50When you show you that I'm on your team, you know that I'm
15:54With here for you. Oh
16:04I think Tim really likes me
16:08I think he does
16:10He shows that he really likes me. I think he's like really trying to
16:15build this connection like
16:17Build this connection like
16:21So I'm hopeful. I feel like we were paired up for a reason
16:25So I'm hoping that I can move past any speed bumps. We've had that we kind of build on that romantic connection
16:31That I let my walls down
16:34That I let him in I guess
16:38You're sweet
16:42While Sarah and Tim have managed to deepen their connection through Alessandra's eye gazing task
16:48Across the hall at Ellie and Ben's apartment. The intimacy has completely stalled
16:54Following a fight at their dinner last night
16:59Yeah, they're pretty good I mean yesterday they've been better
17:06Yeah, she did get frustrated when I said why we here talk about the experiment and if there's a
17:13opportunity after experiment
17:15It wasn't well received. You know, there's no yelling or anything
17:18But Ellie's extremely sensitive and it's hard to have a conversation when someone's very emotional
17:24They just weren't really on the same page. I
17:27Know for me. It's not a great big deal
17:29The conversation last night has planted seeds in my mind like doubting his attentions
17:35He's not thinking about me when he's chatting about future plans. He's actually thinking about
17:39Opportunities that exist outside of the experiment and I'm like
17:44I'm right here
17:47It has made me feel
17:50Like I just have tons of doubts about how Ben really feels about me
17:55But if he's not here for the right reasons
17:59And I'm going to leave
18:10After seeing how beneficial my intimacy workshop was with all the couples last year
18:14I've invited this year's brides and grooms to separate group workshops
18:20Where they can speak freely in morning
18:23Have a seat and take away information they can implement to strengthen their own relationships through the experiment and beyond
18:44Welcome everyone
18:47Intimacy week has begun as you all well know and this is the one chance
18:52I get to chat to all of you in this kind of setting about
18:56Matters pertaining to intimacy in this experiment people think intimacy because like sex week
19:05And sex is a component but it goes way deeper
19:09Intimacy is about building trust so that then you can feel safe to share your vulnerabilities
19:16So having that in mind, I want to know how everybody's doing with the first activities that you were asked to partake in for intimacy week
19:25Let's start with
19:27Richard yeah
19:30We saw the commitment ceremony, I imagine this is gonna be like a fun week for you
19:34I've just kind of exploring getting close, but I may be wrong. Tell me how
19:39It's been a fun week for us. Okay, we are
19:42Just extremely compatible sexually, it's just ridiculous
19:48We first had sex on the morning of our honeymoon
19:55Woke up in the morning and I just felt I was like, yeah, she's in she's in and I knew straight away
20:02And off we went and since then it's just been great we did the eyes thing and that was I love that
20:12So I adore you
20:15So I feel yeah, I look at you, yeah
20:20Yeah, you're ready. You don't mean I adore you
20:25I'm very sensitive and I get quite emotional
20:28I like eye contact and look into the soul and all that. So the eyes thing was really good for me. That's amazing
20:36Your experience goes beyond simply physical. It really connects you and it feeds the relationship
20:42And that's where you get the really high quality
20:45difference between being with somebody that you're falling in love with or
20:49Simply can partake and have good sexual chemistry with exactly there is a difference and you will feel it when you experience it
20:58Jack yes, tell me about your experience so far with intimacy week. Yeah, look we had a good time
21:07We had a list and it was like kinks desires sexual preferences
21:15I've got to be a freaky deaky
21:18It's a said golden shower
21:24Was that on the list that was on the list, ah, that was on the list, you know, they're rented beds ain't
21:30Jack's into some weird shit. That's what I found out like a Jesus Christ. Don't go out with him on a Friday night
21:39I'm a bit of a dominant in the bedroom. I
21:43Just like to lead and like to kind of have it my way
21:46Because we haven't been intimate. It's all just talk at the moment
21:50Who's holding that back?
21:53Truthfully, I don't have massive sexual energy with her
22:00I think she's sexy. I just I don't have a spark of I want to have sex with this girl ASAP
22:08Jack said to the boys, it's sexually he wasn't attracted to Tory which really surprised me
22:17You can see that tour is totally into him. Yeah, I wonder if she knows
22:26Ben how has it been for you?
22:30It's been easy things are good hell he's terrific and yeah, I think she's happy with me
22:37Okay, and the topic that we talked about on the couch whether you want to have children or not
22:42I'm curious. Do you find yourselves like you're in the same page?
22:46Yeah, like
22:49Are only two weeks in we're still getting there
22:58Figuring this out should be the priority because it may be a deal-breaker for her. I think
23:08Ali is a
23:10lovely beautiful
23:12smiling happy and very intelligent woman and
23:16He danced around the subject of wanting kids again
23:21It does make you question his motives for being here
23:26And it's just it's a bit ick so I don't buy Ben at all. I just go not
23:37Next he was mocking me. He mocks you Ellie's shock revelation about Ben something's fishy here
23:44Leads to one of the most surprising moments
23:47Had a bit of an epiphany today the experiments ever seen and that's realized
24:12Welcome ladies grab a seat
24:17Welcome everybody. I love how you're all bunched up over there. We just want to be super close
24:24Is everybody comfortable? Yes
24:28Let's get this going this is intimacy week as you know, I've had a chance to chat to your husband's about it already
24:39But now I want to hear how things are going from your perspective
24:46Don't yes, ah
24:50Intimacy week was good. Tim and I did the gazing task
24:55That one I think was a little bit like we were giggling throughout little bits and pieces are okay
25:02And it was sweet cuz I could tell he was like
25:06Speaking to me with his eyes and then at the end I asked him like what were you thinking about?
25:10He was like I was setting intentions
25:14That's sweet
25:15So he's just yeah, he's really trying which is so sweet that's amazing
25:22Cassandra tell us about your experience so far this week. Oh, no
25:30It's just kind of about this bit of an art a cooler temperature than usual
25:36He's he's kind of he had these moods so he goes up and down I hate myself
25:42Like the way I look I think I sound annoying as well
25:47From day one. I have told him I think he's the whole package of Tristan. I absolutely door. I'm so attracted to
25:54It was there
25:56But his moods his energy all just yeah turning me off. Oh
26:02Do you want it back? Yeah, what would it yeah, I really hope it comes back
26:07Like he is phenomenal
26:11He's the best person. Oh, yeah
26:15You could get that back. It's not out of the realm of possibilities
26:20When things cool off it doesn't necessarily mean that things are dead
26:27He clearly is really struggling at the moment
26:31What you need for him to be in his power? Yeah, because
26:35Real strong confidence is very very sexy
26:45Tell me how the experience so far of this intimacy week has been like for you
26:50I was really looking forward to this week because we have been intimate and very touchy-feely
26:56So I did the hug with him, okay, but I'm not feeling really connected with Ben
27:01But I'm not feeling really connected with Ben
27:04To be honest this week, you know, I my feelings towards Ben have changed
27:11So we went out for dinner and I was my idea to have a date night
27:18And then he asked me if I believe here he's here for the right reasons I
27:25Kept saying I believe you I believe you I said it four times
27:28And then he was mocking me he marks you
27:38I'm so sorry that happened
27:42What was the reasoning for mocking you we were talking about like the reasons of why we're here for the experiment and I said well
27:48I'm here to find love and
27:50Then he asked me if I believe he's here for the right reasons and I kept saying I believe you I believe you
27:57I said it four times and then he was mocking me in a high-pitched voice saying
28:05He asked you the question
28:08What are his real intentions and if it's not to find someone I don't know who's my cousin brought up something at our wedding about
28:14Him being here to promote himself and he was talking about opportunities after the show and I'm like, hey, you're married
28:21Even on the couch
28:24Someone with some amazing in the future and I was like, have you not seen what you're seeing next to all of my
28:30About wanting to have kids. I was like something's fishy
28:33Yeah, like you do want to have the way you don't if you were to ask me that question
28:36Maybe ten years ago, Ben. Do you want to have children pose it? No, but they asked you like yesterday. It wasn't ten years
28:43Yeah, yeah, so I've changed and I'm gonna continue to change at this point. Do you want children or not?
28:49Leaf on meet someone who wants that
28:52Open for that to be my journey
29:02So at the moment like I'm not a hundred percent certain on it
29:09Probably like 50-50 on it
29:13Was a little service in my opinion. Yeah, I
29:16Wanting to give this experiment the best shot and I feel like he just has to make like a joke about everything
29:22so I am really second-guessing his reason for being here I
29:28Called this guy was a dickhead
29:31No, it didn't surprise me Ben's an idiot he's just like this controlling like manchild
29:40Mocking the jokes
29:42They're sitting on the couch next to your wife telling the experts that when he finds the right person
29:45He'll have kids with him and you're like you are you're either like
29:50Or you've got balls bigger than Texas because I would not be saying that
29:56I just want to validate
29:57Your response and your feeling because of course any one of us would have felt exactly the same way if we were mocked by our partner
30:05It's totally disrespectful to mock somebody
30:10Especially if it's about tackling a topic that is serious
30:14If you're thinking long-term and building a life with someone you need like really concrete things about the kind of life you want to lead
30:23Do you want children
30:26Do you not want children I am very much looking forward to talking to Ben at the next commitment ceremony
30:38Know there was a little whisper of like oh, I you know I had a feeling wasn't here for the right reasons I
30:43Was thinking he was here for the right reasons
30:45And I try and believe that because all I've ever wanted in life is to get married and start a family
30:51But a little part of me is now doubtful. I don't really know where we're at
30:57Yeah, it feels pretty crap
31:04Had a bit of an epiphany today, it's the most unexpected revelation
31:13And still to come
31:15Alessandra offers some much-needed help. Do you feel attracted to Tristan, but is it too little too late?
31:23Plus the sexual tension the sexual chemistry is absolutely that it'd be very telling if you go through like intimacy
31:29We and then you don't sleep together is Tori about to get a rude awakening
31:34I love having power and control. Yeah, the ball is in my court. It's where I like it
31:45Following Alessandra's workshops she has provided the couples with a new relationship
31:50She has provided the couples with some nighttime marital aides to help them navigate the rest of intimacy week
32:15Okay one day slowly suck on your partners
32:24What more would you want truly?
32:26This is cute pink moment. It does it matches my nails. Maybe we start with that one
32:33It'll be good for our games games
32:37How do you feel loved by me what is that why don't want you
32:43Couple of years a couple years
32:46This is wild
32:48I've never played with something like that. I'm very curious. These things have got character
32:53They're sort of you know they do all sorts of bits and pieces at the same time
32:58It's gonna be a fun night. I
33:01Mean you can have that
33:03That just did like block it out
33:07You got a blindfold just to kind of really stay in the dark with whatever I'm gonna get up to tonight
33:14And I have offered some earplugs to well
33:20To me the box could not have come at a better time
33:26And while Lucinda is excited for some self-romance
33:30It's a different mood at Ellie and Ben's apartment
33:34After some tough questions from Alessandra at the intimacy workshop led Ben to an epiphany
33:43Fabulous I didn't get to see you. Yeah, I know you didn't get to see me. I don't get to see you. Hi
33:48Good to see you. How was your afternoon great?
33:53You want to grab a seat? I would love to these boots are killing me, but
33:58Take them off. Yeah, help me unzip
34:01Yeah, how was it? Did you have fun with the boys?
34:05I did
34:06So I did have a bit of a moment today
34:10Like I was just at the gym
34:13And then I had a phone chat with my sister-in-law
34:16Have a niece and nephew in the background
34:19They were crying and screaming, but it's made me smile. Yeah, and I just realized what I want
34:30So does that does that mean that you are here for the right reasons means that I'm ready to settle down proper I
34:37Do want to have kids in the future
34:48You actually
34:50It hit you today
34:53Do you know it's really random that you just tell me that because literally just said to the girls today
34:57I'm not sure if Ben's intentions anymore. Well, this is what I want
35:01There was no fireworks. There's no revelation. It was just like, huh? Yeah
35:07It's just so random that I said on the couch should like to the girls and then you just say that then like we like
35:12All the same way. Yeah, are you reading my mind? Yeah, it's just I do want to have kids in the future
35:24Okay, it's a bit random but I mean I'm pleased to hear that answer, of course
35:28He knows, you know, I definitely wanted to hear that. It just feels right
35:33Better late than never
35:37I'm really grateful that you opened up to me and told me that
35:40So I've been asking for the last like three weeks for you to say that and it's just taking you off to intimacy
35:45You know Sandra it obviously shows he does care about me. Yeah
35:51Well, it's one of them it's been a big day
36:00Too early to say the L word
36:06Thank you, I really appreciate that
36:15That makes me really happy. Thank you. This makes you feel so much better. I feel like I just needed to hear that from you
36:26Coming up the heat is turned up on intimacy week. I don't see how we go through like intimacy week. I don't sleep together
36:35Next thing, you know, you're attending the mass baby group or so Tori thinks it's not it's not like a big wow factor for me
36:45Before I don't know what else to do to make you feel more secure in this relationship
36:51I'm done
36:54Sarah and Tim reach crisis point
36:59No head in
37:14Intimacy week continues
37:16More tasks are arriving at the couple's apartments to help strengthen their romantic bonds
37:26Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
37:31Is it flowers?
37:33Intimacy week
37:36Nothing beats a classic hug
37:39Love a good hug. It's comforting. It's warm and it can be incredibly intimate if you completely succumb to it
37:46Allow yourself to melt in your partner's home for three minutes. So we just get started in come here you little snoggy bear
37:53three minutes
37:55Yeah, are we talking on silent, let's just enjoy
38:05Confessions week, we obviously had a bit of a hiccup with Jaden in the confession letter did cause a bit of a drama between us
38:12But intimacy week for Jaden and I has been is been really good and it's it's built a lot of trust between us
38:17So I've really enjoyed it
38:20One of my top love languages is physical touch. So yeah, Jaden is great at giving that
38:25before sleep
38:35Tim's love language is physical touch. So yeah, it was really special Tim and I perfectly fit in each other's arms
38:52Felt longer than the eye-gazing one. How did that feel for you?
38:57Do you know why I felt longer? Why was I set the timer for four minutes?
39:02I got an extra minute out of you buddy. That was a four minute hug
39:12Over at Tori and Jack's apartment Tori is enjoying playing some ball games with her husband
39:19And she's still blissfully unaware of Jack's workshop revelation that he feels no sexual spark with her
39:27I'm vibing the cardigan. Oh, you like the cardi? I like it
39:30Do you know we're like matching if I didn't have this cardigan on? Look at this
39:36Are you just like morphing into me or something? I think you're morphing in
39:40To me. Okay. Intimacy week's been really good. Jack and I we are very secure and very strong
39:48That's what it feels like
39:53But I look at the other couples in this experiment they're sleeping together and I'm like
39:59Why aren't I sleeping with my husband?
40:02And I was like intimacy week and the most like horniest of settings right I'm like
40:09Stay tuned watch this space
40:14Yeah for this task I want you and your partner to share a five
40:19Minute makeout session that makes your partner feel desired
40:24Who kisses for five minutes, that's a long time. It's not gonna go for five minutes
40:34Two minutes. Yeah, let's go. I'll follow you
40:39I'm not nervous at all about this task. I'm excited
40:43You know what? I'm saying. It's like you're kissing fully closed 30 seconds later
40:47You don't know what day it is where your clothes are in what room you're in
40:51Bucker up
41:01I'm a very simple person and the sexual tension the sexual chemistry is absolutely there. I can feel that
41:11And I know that he feels that too
41:20He's got the softest lips like the softest
41:32Grip and I'm thinking about all the things that could be happening and all the things that I don't want my mother to see
41:41Next thing, you know, you're attending the mass baby group
41:50I don't see how we go through like intimacy week. I don't sleep together
41:58Tori likes the attention from me
42:01She likes me to kiss her and hold her and touch her
42:04But it's not it's not like a big Wow factor for me
42:08It's not there for me yet
42:13But I 100% like to feel desired in a relationship
42:20Knowing that Tori's into me and wants me it does make me feel good and sexy
42:26I love having power and control and I know I've got it where I want it
42:31Yeah, the ball is in my court. It's where I like it
42:34Say that right now
42:38That's it
42:43Next I was a little concerned because I know that you guys are having some difficulties
42:48Can Alessandra work her magic
42:51I had an idea of what I thought I wanted to do with you and get one of the experiments most beloved couples back on course
42:59His energy his mood these thoughts that he's latched on to so much emotion
43:19Cassandra and Tristan are one of the strongest matches this year sharing deep values and common goals
43:26But after hearing Cassandra speak about their intimacy issues at the workshop
43:32I've decided to stop by their apartment in the hopes of getting the couple back on track
43:41It's my hope that I can give them tools to learn to listen to one another and grow their connection
43:46So how nerve-wracking is it that I'm here
43:54Yeah, I
43:56Was a little concerned because I know that you guys are having some difficulties. What has been going on?
44:02He directly asked me are you physically attracted to me or not?
44:07And I'm just like this is what I'm trying to tell you that it's more to it than just a physical side
44:14And he said Cass to me. He's like I've heard everything you tell me before people say
44:20They're like, I'm funny. I'm tall or great sense of
44:25Attitude humor eyes dimples. I've heard all this before but I never heard you say I'm physically attracted to you. I
44:33Don't find myself attractive at all. It would be nice to hear from someone else
44:38It's almost like you have an expectation of what you want to hear
44:42I do and that's what I've been kind of resonating
44:44Well, like she says all these amazing things and then it's just like you're just looking for it's like kind of I want it
44:49not to like kind of
44:51What I explain like I'm kind of trying to find some fault in it. I guess if that makes sense
44:55It's a little self-sabotage. Yeah, exactly what it is else avatars
44:59So my question is today. Do you feel attraction to one another today Tristan? Yes or no?
45:07Of course, I still feel attracted to Cass like yes. Yeah. Yes. I
45:13Ask you Cassandra. Do you right now today? Do you feel attracted to Tristan?
45:28What is turning you off about Tristan his energy his mood these thoughts that he's latched on to
45:39Have a tissue
45:43I am sorry about bringing your energy down
45:47Didn't know she was feeling that bad I was too in my head to notice that you've been down
45:52It's infected your energy and now you're looking at things negatively as well
45:59Like I don't know that it's sad and right now it's like
46:02It's sweet, it's we it's so much emotion
46:09So coming in today I had in my mind an idea of what I thought I wanted to do with you that we try the
46:16Eye-gazing while I'm here. I would love to see how you undertake that
46:22But the cushions get them out of the way
46:25We don't need cushions in the middle
46:29Yes face one another
46:31As much get as close as you feel comfortable with
46:39As you're gazing into each other's eyes and feeling each other's energies flowing through one body to the next through your hands
46:47You can in the back of your mind both of you
46:50remind yourselves of
46:53Things that you appreciate about the other
47:04Realized that I'm just missing Tristan. I'm missing him so much and what we had
47:12As I'm standing in front of you today
47:14About to go on the craziest ventures that we'll have in a lifetime. I can promise you will both shine bright like a diamond
47:26Pretty lovely it looks pretty
47:32In the best Tristan II way possible
47:39I'm just missing all that so much. I was just feeling him and
47:46Trying to just look at him everything again from fresh eyes, and I felt instantly better
47:53He doesn't want to hurt me. He doesn't want to push me away. He's just he's just as scared as I am I
48:00Just want to give Tristan a big hug and a squeeze that's how I'm feeling I just want to
48:05Get back to us
48:07And I would say one really big deep breath together. Oh
48:12I'm so glad she visited today. It was terrifying, but like good terrifying
48:18She really helped me in cast and it put us back in a better direction
48:21And I really hope that we keep them going down this way
48:25And a really long grounding exhale to bring this exercise to a goal
48:35Thank you, thank you enough words my goal is now just to make cats happy. That's just it
48:58Despite their emotional intimacy going from strength to strength this week
49:03Tim is nervous
49:06He has something important to tell Sarah
49:10You know how we were on the couch, and we've sort of talking about sparks. You know building a house bar. Yeah
49:19So I've booked us a little day, oh
49:30That was so cute. Oh, I was not expecting that I feel like he's such a lovely guy
49:35I've verbalized like I really like you know little gestures like planning dates like like the courting stuff like that's all really important to me
49:42He is really trying to listen to what I want, so I'm like
49:47That's sexy like I love that stuff
49:55Where are we going?
49:57So I don't want the guy to be direct, and you know take the lead. It was good reaction
50:03Yeah, it sounds like she's excited for the day
50:04And hopefully we can keep it light and fun and flirty and and just enjoy each other's company and have a nice little day together
50:12I'm excited. Yeah, it's gonna be good
50:17While Sarah is excited for her date with Tim tomorrow some of the other couples have embarked on dates of their own
50:26And after a successful visit from Alessandra earlier in the day
50:31Cassandra and Tristan have renewed pep in their step felt like happy wife happy life
50:36We should bring back the fun. You know I can't paint well luckily I can
50:41Today we're gonna be doing a kink yoga class
50:45So who wants to tie who?
50:47I'm gonna tie him great
50:51Is this sign it's therapy I've seen shit like this, and it doesn't end well
51:00You ready to freeze your balls off
51:04Mine is called Tristan as a husband
51:12This is Tristan like if I've blocked that blocked his name
51:18It's called custody Cass
51:27Why boots on there why
51:38Well the Sun rises on couples feeling more connected and intimate
51:42Basking in their post date night glow
51:45I have to come up with the next thing. I think yeah next day Cass takes lead
51:51Across the hall, it's Sarah and Tim's turn for a romantic date or so Tim thought
52:00All right
52:05I try to take her on a date and
52:08You know then she was like oh look. I'm gonna hungover
52:11Like she doesn't want to go on a date because she ran out last night with the girls
52:17I'm just gonna take it now
52:21I mean yeah, not a great vibe at the moment
52:26I'm trying to win her over right I have
52:29Planned three dates like three weeks in a row now, but she wants to spend a night out with the girls
52:34Canceling yet another day
52:39So it just showed me like where her priorities are
52:45She should be trying to win me over as well
52:50I've had enough of trying to mold to her expectations
53:06Honestly, I just feel a bit let down
53:08I'm just like
53:10Disappointed that
53:12We've had a date plan, and then you hung over it cuz you right out with the girls
53:16Don't take things so personally
53:30I'm going out with my friends like it's not it's not like that's not a personal
53:34thing on you I
53:36Like to go out with my girlfriends and not have to worry about
53:40That kind of stuff I
53:43Just don't feel like you like you can do that like I don't feel like you can
53:48Be that person that's just cool with that
53:51That is not fair you canceled a date. That is what I was frustrated at
53:56There's like I obviously am trying to plan shit here, and I'm trying to take the lead here. You're the one canceling dates on me
54:04feel like
54:05Like you don't want to be around me
54:07That's just the fact that's been three weeks in a row
54:11You are showing me that trying to make a relationship work doesn't feel like a priority to you
54:20And it just like irks me because I do try I'm giving you what I can but like I needed to have my own time
54:29We're in this like 24 hours a day together I apologize for canceling on the dates
54:39But like I just I don't know what else to do to make you feel more secure in this relationship
54:45Honestly the apology doesn't feel Daniel. You know I'm sorry about the day, but you're needy and insecure
54:54You know like it's not an apology if there's a but
55:03After attempting to woo his wife with a romantic date Tim was left hanging when Sarah ditched the date
55:10Because she was hungover after a night out with friends. I just I don't know what else to do to make you feel more secure
55:17in this relationship
55:22I'd like to go out with my girlfriend and not have to worry about that kind of stuff
55:30That was that's you getting into your head though, this is you turning around you canceling a date on me
55:36I'm not turning the date thing around feels like that's what it is. It really feels like
55:48And it's just her grass on the straws, and it feels like it's to swerve
55:53Responsibility you know I apologize for cancelling the date
56:00But like no no no no no no no no
56:06You've got this picture of me what I'm just this needy, dude, and I'm insecure
56:12It just felt like there was absolutely
56:16Zero empathy from your end at all
56:21Well it was just like you don't have the capacity to let me have a girl's night out
56:27That's not what I said
56:34You're on the offense, but you keep you keep blindsiding me just a tip a tap like
56:43Feels like the gloves are off. Okay. I'm done here
56:52She's asked me to take the lead and this was the third time
56:56She's flagged on me, but um she's still trying to pay me at some like insecure little bitch. You like just
57:15You reckon there'll be any dramas tonight, what am I talking about of course is in the drama
57:23Everyone Timothee's coming straight for the Jaguar. I love a good fight. We've got some eggs
57:28He was like do you really think that I'm your match like we're not a match
57:32to grind
57:34Ben's in the firing line, and he needs to get a bullet
57:39Just wanted to hide in my little shell
57:45Kristen is absolutely amazing and chaos
57:48Jack's a sexual person you're a sexual person. It's not happening. There is no connection there. You don't even like your wife
58:03Fiery feast is
58:05This dinner party's gonna be now sleep
58:08the dinner party tomorrow 730 on 9
