Married at first sight Australia S. 11 Ep.10

  • mese scorso


00:00:00Look at this gorgeous creature.
00:00:04When nine couples met and married at first sight...
00:00:08Oh, wow.
00:00:09...some found an instant spark.
00:00:10But for others...
00:00:11You need to relax.
00:00:12Oh, yeah, you don't say that.
00:00:13...their start to the experiment...
00:00:14I'm, like, in such a mood now.
00:00:15...proved to be a challenge.
00:00:16I didn't tell you to relax directly, so don't put words in my mouth.
00:00:18And at the first commitment ceremony...
00:00:30How long has it been since you've felt this way?
00:00:32It takes me back to my 20s.
00:00:35Andrea and Richard proved that age is no barrier...
00:00:38I adore him.
00:00:40...when it comes to true love.
00:00:42I choose Andy because I choose Andy, and it's as simple as that.
00:00:46I ended it.
00:00:47I was...
00:00:48So, hold on, hold on.
00:00:49Was that before or after you met us?
00:00:50Jack was caught out by the experts...
00:00:53You do the calculations.
00:00:54...and then...
00:00:55I said leave.
00:00:56...Colin's performance...
00:00:58Oh, my God.
00:00:59I want to stay, mate.
00:01:01I'm not here to tell you what to do.
00:01:02I want you...
00:01:03You're not?
00:01:04You're not here to give me advice?
00:01:05...left the whole room speechless.
00:01:08You challenging me is deflecting from the issue at hand here.
00:01:14When Tim finally found his voice...
00:01:17Does Sarah intimidate you?
00:01:19Essentially, yeah.
00:01:20...Sarah was left feeling blindsided.
00:01:23She firmly didn't want to do the phone task.
00:01:25Did you have anything to hide?
00:01:27I think that he's...
00:01:32I suppose we're just getting to the crux, whether you're in or out this week.
00:01:36I feel like I'm on the couch again.
00:01:38Timothy loses his cool with Lucinda.
00:01:41I'm pissed off.
00:01:42Oh, dear.
00:01:45It's time for Intimacy Week!
00:01:47Come here.
00:01:48The next phase of the experiment...
00:01:51I adore you. unveiled.
00:01:55Where over two big nights...
00:01:57Grab a seat.
00:01:58Hello. Alessandra helps our newlyweds explore the intimate side of married life.
00:02:05Bodies against each other.
00:02:06But not all the couples...
00:02:08Give me no passion.
00:02:09Give me, like, autopilot.
00:02:11...will be feeling the love...
00:02:13I'm not doing this experiment.
00:02:14...with some serial killer who has the same response to everything as Sarah and Tim.
00:02:18That is not fair.
00:02:20...reach breaking point.
00:02:21Oh, it feels like the gloves are off.
00:02:24Okay, I'm done.
00:02:26Before Natalie...
00:02:28This feels like an Oscars performance.
00:02:30I'm sorry.
00:02:31...finally calls out Collins.
00:02:33I need to take myself away out of this experiment.
00:02:43It's one hour after the dramatic first commitment ceremony.
00:03:00And disappointed with how their couch session went, Sarah has stayed up to discuss Tim's
00:03:08I felt completely blindsided by you.
00:03:12And it sucked.
00:03:14Like, it really sucked.
00:03:18In Confessions Week, Sarah refused to participate in the phone swap task.
00:03:24I feel like it's invasive.
00:03:26Do you feel strongly about not doing it?
00:03:28Yeah, I do.
00:03:31But Tim decided to wait until they were on the couch to voice his concerns.
00:03:36I think the phone task was challenging.
00:03:38I wonder why you were, like, so against doing that task.
00:03:43But, um, I don't know if I've actually voiced this...
00:03:46You haven't. you yet.
00:03:49Tim, does Sarah intimidate you?
00:03:52Yeah, potentially, yeah.
00:03:56You throw something like that to me, like, it makes me look stupid.
00:04:00I'm like, well, I didn't know that my husband was feeling like this.
00:04:04You made it seem like I was being defensive about it, and I wasn't being defensive.
00:04:08I just didn't want to do it.
00:04:10If you have to look at my phone, that means you don't trust me.
00:04:15You were quite firm in the fact that you didn't want to do it, and you also...
00:04:19That's not being defensive, though.
00:04:20That's being firm.
00:04:22Being firm on a decision is just saying, no, I don't want to do it.
00:04:25There's no in-between.
00:04:26Like, it's either a yes or a no.
00:04:29Tim, relax.
00:04:31Don't tell me relax.
00:04:34So, wait, I'm sorry.
00:04:35So, it actually pissed you off, right?
00:04:38Did it?
00:04:40If you're...
00:04:41Yeah, it's only fair that you shouldn't say it to me...
00:04:44...if you don't want me to say it to you.
00:04:45So then?
00:04:46It's a two-way street.
00:04:51What I was trying to say was it was the reaction that made me feel uneasy.
00:04:56It wasn't the fact that we didn't do it.
00:04:59I don't know if Tim trusts me or not.
00:05:00I feel like him bringing that up might have indicated that he doesn't.
00:05:05At the same time, it could be a little bit, like, triggering for him
00:05:08because he had an ex who was also cheating on him,
00:05:11and it could just be, like, an insecurity from a past relationship as well.
00:05:26Tim, we need to get the f*** out of here, mate.
00:05:30Tim's got to go because it's girls' night.
00:05:34We're about to talk all the shit.
00:05:35Yeah, we are.
00:05:37Guys, I'm excited.
00:05:38You're on the champagne duties.
00:05:40Are we celebrating?
00:05:42Well, we made it through the first commitment ceremony,
00:05:44so we deserve a drink.
00:05:47A lot of shit went down at the commitment ceremony,
00:05:49and, like, I think we were just, like, busting at the seams to, like, talk about it.
00:05:55My favourite sound.
00:05:57Are we the Real Housewives of Sydney?
00:05:59I think we're, like, the Stamford Wives, truly.
00:06:02We're, like...
00:06:04I don't know, I feel like we're, like, the calendar girls for MAPS 2024.
00:06:13Bottoms up.
00:06:15OK, let's go around and all say what we found
00:06:18to be the most, like, annoying, shocking thing.
00:06:21I'm going to count to three.
00:06:22Let's count to three and then we'll say it together.
00:06:24OK, ready?
00:06:25One, two, three.
00:06:30What was that?
00:06:32I'm sorry, but that was the worst acting I have ever seen in my life.
00:06:36He kept being like this.
00:06:37Just stop.
00:06:38Just stop.
00:06:43Oh, my God.
00:06:45How can you leave?
00:06:47Oh, just give me a moment and...
00:06:51Just drink these ones and these ones.
00:06:56And it was like, what are you doing, brah?
00:06:59When he puts his head down and pretends to cry, I'm like,
00:07:02where are the tears? There's no tears.
00:07:06This performance that he put on was ridiculous.
00:07:09Like, it's so see-through. It's all beers.
00:07:13I've said from day one I think he's here for the wrong reason.
00:07:16I just feel like he sits on the couch and he puts on this act
00:07:19that he feels so sorry for her and it's like he's this big,
00:07:22supportive guy that's doing all these things for her,
00:07:24but he literally doesn't talk to her unless we're all watching.
00:07:26Ultimate victim.
00:07:27Like, you are like, I'm a victim, I'm a victim.
00:07:29Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:07:30He's not taking responsibility because he hasn't actually done
00:07:33anything that's shown people that he's not being serious about this.
00:07:37I'm really interested to see, like, how the relationship develops.
00:07:40What's going to happen tomorrow with them?
00:07:42What's happening the next day?
00:07:44Like, I don't think this is going to... this thing isn't going to hold.
00:07:49We're all speculating, but he is not ready for a relationship.
00:07:53He's not an inter. Like, he's not attractive.
00:07:56Everyone can see what's going on there.
00:07:58I think Stevie Wonder can see what's going on there.
00:08:09It's the morning after the first commitment ceremony.
00:08:15Oh, you're at the end of the cereal as well.
00:08:17I know!
00:08:18And there's a lot to unpack for Lucinda and Timothy.
00:08:22So, last night was all the things, wasn't it?
00:08:30After what happened yesterday,
00:08:32I'm feeling in a bit of sort of...
00:08:37..humiliation, I suppose you could say.
00:08:39At last night's commitment ceremony,
00:08:41the experts asked Timothy directly if he's attracted to Lucinda.
00:08:46Lucinda's a very touchy-feely person.
00:08:49I'm just not.
00:08:50I've always said I'm a sloper.
00:08:52The conversation came up, the Bucks and I,
00:08:55would you sleep with your partner on the first night, OK?
00:09:00Tim, I'm afraid to say you were, I would first night.
00:09:03So you were not the slow burn guy on the Bucks night.
00:09:10Last night, it highlighted to me that he's a sexual being,
00:09:14he's into intimacy, but none of that's happening.
00:09:18Is he committed? Is he taking aboard the experts?
00:09:21Does he think we're so incompatible that it's impossible?
00:09:24Like, I just don't know.
00:09:27We obviously got to unpack something that threw up
00:09:29at the end of the night that was thrown into my ball court.
00:09:33That you would like to sleep with your bride on the first night,
00:09:36depending on the bride.
00:09:38Definitely not me.
00:09:42Sometimes you say something, you know,
00:09:44it's a little bit of a bullshit thing.
00:09:46Sometimes when you say something at a boys' night, you know...
00:09:50So you're just like, if my wife's hot,
00:09:53I'll sleep with her on the first night?
00:09:55I can't remember the exact content,
00:09:57cos I had a couple of drinks.
00:09:59You know, and generally loose sleeps sink ships,
00:10:02once you've had a few drinks.
00:10:04Suppose we're just getting to the crux,
00:10:06whether you're in or out this week,
00:10:08and whether you're attracted to me and want to give it a go.
00:10:11I mean, all of that...
00:10:13Attraction can build.
00:10:16OK, I've got a question for you.
00:10:18What is your intention on this experience?
00:10:21Like, are you...
00:10:23Do you want to roll your sleeves up and give something a go?
00:10:26I am giving it a go.
00:10:28No, I know, but are you just going to see if something emerges?
00:10:32Well, that's how I process...
00:10:34So, OK, what did you hear from the experts,
00:10:37and what are you going to take from their advice
00:10:41and feedback to you last night?
00:10:44What have you extracted from the wisdom
00:10:47that they shared last night?
00:10:50I'm just interested to hear what...
00:10:53what you're going to take into the week,
00:10:55like, as we look at the forecast of this week.
00:10:58How are you going to move forward?
00:11:00How are we going to move forward?
00:11:02I don't know.
00:11:05Suppose my question is,
00:11:07what are you going to do differently to forge forward?
00:11:10Like, how are we going to move forward?
00:11:12In an interesting, dynamic way
00:11:14that's not the same as last week.
00:11:16I feel like I'm on the couch again.
00:11:22You've got to give it some time.
00:11:24I'm not, like...
00:11:26Well, I'm prepared to do that.
00:11:28And so am I.
00:11:30Just one more question.
00:11:32Um, I suppose I've got to do, you know,
00:11:35the bending and the compromise
00:11:38Now I'm getting pissed off.
00:11:40I give an answer,
00:11:42and you just keep prodding and prodding and prodding.
00:11:45I'm getting pulled across the coals
00:11:47by this conversation, by John,
00:11:49and it's starting to shit me.
00:11:53So now I'm done.
00:11:55I'm actually done filming.
00:11:57I'm pissed off.
00:11:59I'm pissed off.
00:12:01I'm pissed off.
00:12:03I'm pissed off.
00:12:05I'm pissed off.
00:12:07I'm pissed off.
00:12:09Me too.
00:12:14I can't handle this.
00:12:30You okay?
00:12:33I, you know, I...
00:12:38You know, I have a lot of self-respect.
00:12:41That has taken so many years.
00:12:43You know, it's clicked in only a couple of years ago.
00:12:47As a 43-year-old woman, you know, now...
00:12:52I want to be in co-creation with another
00:12:55that respects me and celebrates me
00:12:59and enjoys me.
00:13:01I love you.
00:13:07Coming up...
00:13:09Intimacy, wee!
00:13:10It's the spiciest phase of the experiment.
00:13:16You're probably not ready for what I've got to share.
00:13:18What's wrong with you?
00:13:19But not all the couples will be feeling intimate.
00:13:22This feels like an Oscars performance.
00:13:24I'm sorry.
00:13:25As Natalie finally puts her foot down with Collins.
00:13:30Without hearing orchestra.
00:13:32If this is the real him and that's him forever,
00:13:34I could not do that.
00:13:37Give me no passion, give me nothing.
00:13:39Lauren doesn't hold back.
00:13:41Not doing this experiment with some serial killer
00:13:43who has the same response to everything.
00:13:45Can Jonathan step up?
00:13:47I didn't know why I needed to be yelled at again.
00:13:50Do you think that was yelling?
00:13:51Do you want to see yelling?
00:14:00As the day after the first commitment ceremony
00:14:02draws to a close,
00:14:04Lucinda is still at home, alone,
00:14:07after Timothy stormed out this morning
00:14:10and didn't return.
00:14:12I'm done filming.
00:14:13I'm pissed off.
00:14:23How you doing?
00:14:24Good, how are you doing?
00:14:27I left because I knew that she was hurt.
00:14:32And it's not a good feeling.
00:14:35You know?
00:14:37I had a big day.
00:14:39Yeah, what was so big about it?
00:14:41I just had to go to the gym
00:14:43and I've never done so many pull-ups in my entire life.
00:14:47Can you pull yourself up?
00:14:48Nah, I'm too fat.
00:14:54One of the reasons we matched Timothy with Lucinda
00:14:56was their shared sense of humour.
00:14:59But having lost most of his family already,
00:15:02Timothy struggles letting people get close to him,
00:15:05as over the years anyone he's ever loved has left him.
00:15:09So sometimes he puts up a wall to protect himself.
00:15:16We're hoping that Lucinda is one of the few people
00:15:18that is kind and patient enough
00:15:20to help him break down those barriers
00:15:22and help him embrace love.
00:15:25I just wanted to say this morning
00:15:27I understood why you cracked up.
00:15:29You were overwhelmed, underslept.
00:15:32You felt it was too much.
00:15:35And you've got a bit of fire in your belly.
00:15:38You're not the only one.
00:15:41I pushed you too hard this morning.
00:15:43Look, I just think it was backed up with yesterday,
00:15:47backed up with last night,
00:15:49backed up with this morning.
00:15:51I just can't do the...
00:15:54I just might be able to do without.
00:15:57I wonder what it smelled like.
00:16:01Was that with Windex?
00:16:03I think you just Windexed your nose.
00:16:06Yeah, that's rough on the nostrils.
00:16:08It's a pungent smell.
00:16:10I'm grateful you're here.
00:16:12I'm grateful to be doing this experiment with you,
00:16:15with your Windex nostrils.
00:16:17Exactly. Exactly.
00:16:21It's good to see you smiling again.
00:16:24It's very taxing for Tim, all the emotional talk
00:16:27and talking about feelings.
00:16:29And, you know, it's...
00:16:31Yeah, they're trigger points for him, you know.
00:16:34And this morning when we unpacked all of last night,
00:16:37it was too much.
00:16:39But really, at the end of the day,
00:16:41I think we do on us well together.
00:16:43We do silly well together loves.
00:16:46Like, there is a bit of chemistry there.
00:16:49And, you know, it's yet to be explored,
00:16:52and it's full flavour, you know.
00:16:55So I'm hopeful, yeah.
00:16:58While Lucinda and Timothy are happy to move on
00:17:01from last night's commitment ceremony,
00:17:03Lauren still has Jack on her mind,
00:17:06and the article that revealed he was still dating his ex
00:17:09when applying for the experiment.
00:17:11Oh, Jack, eh?
00:17:13I mean, his story with all his big words in the middle
00:17:16about respectfully ended a relationship.
00:17:18Basically, I ended that relationship as respectfully as I could.
00:17:21How long ago?
00:17:23Six, seven weeks.
00:17:25You're in a relationship with someone else
00:17:28while applying for Married at First Sight?
00:17:33You know you didn't respectfully end it.
00:17:35You know that you applied for this show while you had a missus.
00:17:38You didn't tell her, and then you f***ed off to go on the show.
00:17:41Thought you'd get away with it, but you got caught out.
00:17:44Lauren wasn't the first person to question Jack's character
00:17:47at their wedding,
00:17:49Tori's friend Leah had her own doubts.
00:17:51There is something about him that is, like, guarded.
00:17:54I can feel it in my f***ing bones.
00:17:57But we won't know until it comes out.
00:17:59Despite Jack being caught out by the experts,
00:18:02it was Tori's reaction that surprised everyone.
00:18:05Tori, has it left you with any questions about Jack?
00:18:09No, nothing.
00:18:12At the end of the day,
00:18:14I was looking forward to getting on the couch with you
00:18:17and hoping we were going to come home a happy couple.
00:18:20I said we were going to, and we did.
00:18:24I was hesitant when I met Tori.
00:18:26I've said this from day one, I thought she was fierce
00:18:29and I thought maybe she's, you know,
00:18:31she's a strong, independent, confident woman,
00:18:33and I thought we might lock horns at times.
00:18:35But she hasn't challenged me yet.
00:18:37So, so far, so good.
00:18:39So, so far, so good.
00:18:44You feeling good after it, though?
00:18:53It was a lot. Last night was a lot.
00:18:55Like, I didn't want to have our first argument
00:18:57sitting on the couch in front of everyone.
00:19:02I guess I haven't really, like, processed it yet.
00:19:10It's a big topic. Yeah.
00:19:12And my thing is, I don't trust people easily, absolutely not.
00:19:16But when you've got my trust, it is completely unconditional.
00:19:21Despite presenting a tough, assertive exterior,
00:19:25Tori is about to reveal a childhood trauma
00:19:28that may well shed some light on her protective shell.
00:19:32Growing up, my dad was not in the picture, so, yeah.
00:19:40And it hurts a lot, because he knows I exist,
00:19:45and I think if he's not reaching out... kind of says a lot, doesn't it?
00:20:08I'm just not doing it.
00:20:19I'm just going to keep doing it.
00:20:22Oh, and look, look.
00:20:25That's stunning. Yes!
00:20:27You look like Cinderella.
00:20:28Even though I was raised by a really strong,
00:20:31independent, single mother... dad leaving probably has moulded
00:20:39what I want in a relationship.
00:20:42I want love to feel like...
00:20:45..just an unconditional... unconditional...
00:20:54Oh, yeah, like, there's just...
00:20:56It's completely unconditional, safe and secure, and, yeah.
00:21:04Look, I'm trustworthy.
00:21:07They've matched us for a reason.
00:21:09Yeah, I'm going to be here every night you go to bed,
00:21:12and I'll be here every morning when you wake up.
00:21:15I'm committed, and so, yeah, I'm here for you.
00:21:19And hopefully that gives you the confidence.
00:21:21Yeah, and I definitely do feel that. It's nice.
00:21:27With the article that was released,
00:21:29I'm not going to be like, oh, I love that for you.
00:21:32Truthfully, I don't love it.
00:21:34But all I know is the foundation that we've got is strong.
00:21:39Jack's shown me that he's completely capable
00:21:41of protection and security.
00:21:43It is completely unconditional, and I've just never had that.
00:21:46So I will stick by that.
00:21:49All right, wife.
00:21:51Obviously, I've spoke to you about the media leak.
00:21:55I've spoke to the guys about it at the dinner party, you know.
00:21:59We can put it to rest now.
00:22:04I hope that we don't have to talk about it ever again.
00:22:13As a new day dawns over Sydney,
00:22:15Natalie and Collins are once again waking up in separate apartments
00:22:20after Natalie wrote leave at the first commitment ceremony.
00:22:27The first commitment ceremony, it was a lot.
00:22:32I've been playing it over my mind constantly.
00:22:35Yeah, a lot of learning for myself.
00:22:45She's here. She wants a connection.
00:22:47How have you showed Natalie that you want to bring her close to you?
00:22:51I've tried. I really have, but...
00:22:53Let's hear it. Let's hear what?
00:22:55What do you think that you can do, Collins,
00:22:57that will bring her close and make her feel special?
00:23:01I'm here for one thing, and that is Nat.
00:23:03So I'm immediately taking John's advice
00:23:05of what are you going to do to show her that,
00:23:08I care, I want this.
00:23:11Oh, God, yeah, I want to fight for this.
00:23:14And I will fight for this.
00:23:24Hey! Hey!
00:23:26How are you coming?
00:23:27I'm good. I'm good.
00:23:31You're looking so good.
00:23:32Thank you very much.
00:23:33You're smelling very good.
00:23:35Just seeing her, I just found it very...
00:23:37So cute.
00:23:38Just so heartwarming when she's in her element.
00:23:41Wow, you seem...
00:23:44It's good to...
00:23:46Wow. Yeah.
00:23:48As soon as I walked in...
00:23:49Oh, my God.
00:23:50This is... Oh, I feel so cool.
00:23:52I feel so happy.
00:23:53Oh, my God.
00:23:54This is... Oh, I feel so cool.
00:23:56I feel so happy and genuinely happy to see you so happy.
00:24:01I was like, this is the Nat.
00:24:02This is the wedding day Nat.
00:24:03I think about the wedding day,
00:24:05and I just think about the banter.
00:24:08I want to fight for this.
00:24:10I put stay because I think about the times we can play Mario Kart.
00:24:15I put stay.
00:24:18Just to show you
00:24:20and really also tell you that I'm trying my best.
00:24:27Can you tell me times that we've been together
00:24:30apart from the wedding day that's made you happy?
00:24:33Oh, my God.
00:24:34Every moment I see you, I am happy because that's what I'm here for.
00:24:40That's why I put stay.
00:24:42This feels like an Oscars performance.
00:24:44I'm sorry.
00:24:45I can't listen to you without hearing orchestra.
00:24:50OK, you're questioning now who I am as a person.
00:24:54I cannot communicate with someone who talks to me
00:24:57like we're on the set of Neighbours or Home and Away.
00:25:02Oh, Nat.
00:25:03This is married at first sight.
00:25:05I feel like you've just done mine made up at first sight.
00:25:10It just feels so manufactured.
00:25:14If this is the real him and that's him forever, I could not,
00:25:18I can't, I could not do that.
00:25:20It's exhausting.
00:25:22If this is genuinely you, that is, that's you.
00:25:26But it is not someone that gives me energy.
00:25:31It drains me.
00:25:34I don't feel that I can build a romantic connection with you
00:25:38I do not see a future.
00:25:40I can't see us forming an emotional and a romantic connection.
00:25:45And I am certain of that.
00:25:47It is time for me to go.
00:25:50I need to take myself away out of this experiment.
00:25:55I'll see you out.
00:25:56I don't think he's devastated that his time spending with me is ended.
00:26:02I think he's devastated that his journey has to end
00:26:04because I have said, we're done.
00:26:07We're done.
00:26:09Bye, babe.
00:26:10Thanks so much.
00:26:11All the best, hey?
00:26:12Same to you.
00:26:15I think if he could, he would stay on the experiment on his own.
00:26:22But I know that I made the right decision.
00:26:26I know that love is out there for me.
00:26:30And someone will love me.
00:26:32And I will love them.
00:26:37I love you.
00:26:46At Sky Suites, the remaining couples are waking up
00:26:49to the start of one of the experiment's most exciting weeks.
00:26:53I'm going to make us a coffee.
00:26:58Oh, Tristan.
00:27:00What have we got?
00:27:01It's an envelope.
00:27:03My favourite.
00:27:04I wonder what it is.
00:27:05This is fun, Richard.
00:27:06Hope it's not yucky.
00:27:07Oh, my God.
00:27:08It's time for Intimacy Week.
00:27:10Why you got to do it like that?
00:27:14This week is Intimacy Week,
00:27:16which is an exciting and vital part of the experiment.
00:27:20Do you think we'll get some nice sex toys?
00:27:25A lot of people would define intimacy as sex.
00:27:30I certainly do not.
00:27:32Intimacy is about bonding.
00:27:34I love this.
00:27:35And feeling like you can create a safe space
00:27:37for you and your partner
00:27:38to enhance your deeper connection to one another.
00:27:41Intimacy Week.
00:27:42That'd be nice.
00:27:44It's going to be adorable.
00:27:45Whilst Intimacy Week might be challenging for some,
00:27:49it will help create deeper bonds
00:27:51and stronger connections within each couple.
00:27:54This next phase of the experiment
00:27:55is about building trust with your partner.
00:27:57Strengthening your understanding of connection,
00:27:59closeness, romance, and sexual compatibility.
00:28:02Oh, yes.
00:28:05I've set you a series of tasks to try over the next few days.
00:28:09This week might be confronting and at times uncomfortable,
00:28:12but I have faith it will bring you closer
00:28:14and more intimate together as a couple.
00:28:16All the best, Alessandra.
00:28:18Right on time.
00:28:19Right on time.
00:28:20I'm not going to lie.
00:28:21I'm actually really nervous.
00:28:22Like, I'm not good at making a move
00:28:24because I don't really like rejection.
00:28:26It's going to be fun. It's going to be a good week.
00:28:27It's going to be a lot of fun.
00:28:28It's going to be good.
00:28:30So, we'll see how we go.
00:28:34I knew it was coming.
00:28:35Yeah, I thought it was going to be this week.
00:28:37Do you feel like that we're ready for Intimacy Week?
00:28:41On their honeymoon,
00:28:42the couple explored intimacy for the first time.
00:28:50A gentleman never tells, you know?
00:28:52I feel like it's not my place.
00:28:55We did.
00:28:58We have been intimate,
00:28:59like, after our conversation last night.
00:29:02Tim and I probably aren't in that romantic mood,
00:29:05so I guess maybe unfortunate timing, you know?
00:29:10I'm excited for this week.
00:29:11It's going to help us come closer together.
00:29:16So, yeah, I'm excited for it.
00:29:17Yeah, totally.
00:29:21With Intimacy Week now unveiled,
00:29:23Alessandra has sent her first tasks to the couples.
00:29:28Time to attempt a form of...
00:29:32Genital cupping?
00:29:35I can't even... What?
00:29:37Focus on the feeling of your partner's hand being so close,
00:29:40yet not actually touching you,
00:29:42and notice how it makes you feel.
00:29:44Tune the position.
00:29:49Genital cupping?
00:29:53I can't believe this is actually a thing.
00:29:57I've never heard of this before.
00:29:59My initial reaction was, like,
00:30:02hell to the nah to the nah-nah-nah.
00:30:05Do you want me to spread my legs?
00:30:07I can't do that!
00:30:09Then I started thinking about it,
00:30:10and I was like, it's not like we haven't already, like,
00:30:12had our hand on each other's...
00:30:15each other's genital orbit.
00:30:17I can confirm that we have.
00:30:22I mean, it was the second the doors closed
00:30:24and the producers left.
00:30:28Jonathan and I, we're attracted to each other,
00:30:31there's no doubt about that.
00:30:32He's the best person.
00:30:33See, like, I'm blushing and smiling.
00:30:36Stand up, stand up.
00:30:37So intimacy, it makes it easy for us.
00:30:46Tell me when.
00:30:47Some people sound like this.
00:30:51Genital cupping?
00:30:52I thought they actually meant a full, like,
00:30:55like monkey grip or some shit, so...
00:30:59OK, now you stay there.
00:31:01I feel like you're definitely going to get a boner.
00:31:04It was an accident.
00:31:05I accidentally brushed his genitals.
00:31:08I've heard that before.
00:31:09Yes, I've heard that.
00:31:10I feel like Harvey Weinstein used to say that quite often.
00:31:14Deep breath, deep breath.
00:31:17It's definitely...
00:31:20I have nose!
00:31:23It was fun.
00:31:24Like, it was funny.
00:31:25Like, we were both laughing.
00:31:28That reminded me of my wedding day.
00:31:31Yeah, I'm feeling, like, a little bit closer to him
00:31:33after I cupped him.
00:31:37That is wild.
00:31:38Wild, wild, wild.
00:31:44Andrea and Richard are one couple
00:31:46who have had no problems in the area of intimacy.
00:31:49All right.
00:31:50All right.
00:31:51Alessandra's hoping she can help them
00:31:53to deepen their connection even more.
00:31:55Where are you going with this?
00:31:56Sit down.
00:31:58You're going to sit down and read it?
00:31:59Our connection is amazing.
00:32:02Oh, this is magic, you know.
00:32:04We have so much going for us, and I'm excited.
00:32:07For this task, I want you to gaze into your partner's eyes
00:32:10for three minutes without looking away.
00:32:13Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
00:32:15Look deep into their eyes.
00:32:18And be present in the moment.
00:32:20Eye gazing is part of my love language.
00:32:25How close should we be?
00:32:28When we first met at our wedding,
00:32:31that was the first connection we ever had,
00:32:33was just looking through the eyes.
00:32:36And that's quite amazing and quite special.
00:32:40How I feel about her,
00:32:42a whole range of emotions and feelings, actually.
00:32:46I suppose, well, how would you describe it?
00:32:48Spontaneous combustion?
00:32:54I felt quite emotional.
00:32:55It comes out of the heart, that feeling.
00:32:58I get all that from her as well, 100%.
00:33:01Tools, clock.
00:33:06I just started.
00:33:11I love looking into Richard's eyes.
00:33:16He's got the kindest, softest eyes,
00:33:19and that's literally the first thing I noticed about him
00:33:23on our wedding day.
00:33:24It was really nice.
00:33:29I was surprised at how comfortable we both just fell into it.
00:33:35Sometimes when I'm with her, I actually lose my breath.
00:33:38She makes me, she takes my breath away.
00:34:03I adore you.
00:34:05That's how I feel.
00:34:07When I look at you, yeah.
00:34:09Still, yeah.
00:34:10You already adore me.
00:34:12I adore you.
00:34:14He's rich, isn't he?
00:34:17I feel blessed, yeah.
00:34:20I adore Andy, absolutely adore her.
00:34:22And that just came out.
00:34:25You know I adore you, so...
00:34:29Yeah, that's good.
00:34:32You like that?
00:34:33I love that.
00:34:34Did you?
00:34:35I love that.
00:34:36People will ask and say,
00:34:38so are you in love or do you love her?
00:34:41I think we headed in that direction for sure.
00:34:44Yeah, definitely.
00:34:52Still to come,
00:34:53Alessandra makes a surprise house call.
00:34:57But first...
00:34:58I felt the honeymoon was...
00:35:02Is Jono proving too soft for Lauren?
00:35:05You give me no passion.
00:35:06You give me nothing.
00:35:07You just give me like autopilot.
00:35:13Timothy's shocking comment.
00:35:15That was a bit rude, Tim.
00:35:17Wow, she's just pissed in my cornflakes.
00:35:29Despite an argument following the first commitment ceremony,
00:35:33Lucinda and Timothy are back on good terms
00:35:37and ready to embrace their first Intimacy Week task.
00:35:41You hate those knocks at the doors, don't you?
00:35:44Embrace the envelope.
00:35:46Right now I'd prefer an Amway salesman
00:35:49or a Jehovah Witness over these.
00:35:51I'd invite them in for a cup of tea.
00:35:54Lucinda and I, we're in a good place.
00:35:56After the conversation we had last night,
00:35:59I feel a little more relaxed today.
00:36:01So, you know, if this is Intimacy Week,
00:36:04I'm going to breeze through it.
00:36:06For this task, I want you to gaze into your partner's eyes
00:36:09for three minutes without looking away.
00:36:12Oh, ****.
00:36:15I tried to do it once, if you really want to know.
00:36:18I was at a pub staring at this young lady's eyes across the room
00:36:21and then she walked by and said,
00:36:23why don't you take a picture, dickhead, it'll last longer.
00:36:26So I don't have a good...
00:36:28I don't have a good track record with it.
00:36:31OK, you ready?
00:36:32Three, two, one, go.
00:36:58I love looking into Tim's lovely blue eyes
00:37:01cos they're so gorgeous with all these laughter lines.
00:37:06I was just there with the beautiful, pure soul that he is.
00:37:12There's a flick of chemistry, I know he feels it too.
00:37:17There's something there I think would be sweet to explore.
00:37:28How is that for you?
00:37:30That's intense.
00:37:32And you?
00:37:34I enjoyed it.
00:37:35I could see, you know, your beautiful soul
00:37:38and, like, beyond all the layers,
00:37:40just, yeah, like, the gorgeous creature that you are.
00:37:44It's beautiful.
00:37:58Despite Lucinda and Timothy having a breakthrough moment
00:38:01in their eye-gazing task yesterday,
00:38:04overnight there's been an unexpected turn of events.
00:38:10What else is in here?
00:38:16You good?
00:38:17I'm all good.
00:38:20I don't feel good.
00:38:23I don't, because last night we did end on a high note
00:38:29and I think she just thought,
00:38:31because we're getting along so well,
00:38:33because it's intimacy week, let's just, let's ramp it right up.
00:38:38And I climbed into bed and she rolled over and said,
00:38:43I hope you don't mind, I don't have a shirt on.
00:38:49Last night, that was lovely.
00:38:58You okay with me?
00:39:00Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay.
00:39:03Did I do something to upset you?
00:39:08No, but it's just...
00:39:11It's like I know that you want affection, I'm just not there.
00:39:15Yeah, and that's okay.
00:39:18I never want to hurt you, but I'm just,
00:39:23it's a little bit overwhelming.
00:39:28I've been feeling this pressure, this pressure building,
00:39:31and it just...
00:39:32You feel like I've been pressuring you?
00:39:34Well, just, it's just...
00:39:36I genuinely want to peel it back and just hit the reset button.
00:39:45Maybe come to bed with a shirt on.
00:39:59You know, that was a bit rude to him.
00:40:07Throughout this experience, he's only worn his undies,
00:40:11and I've been, like, in full pyjamas.
00:40:14So if he doesn't like me with my top off, absolutely,
00:40:18but you do the same.
00:40:22I'm used to sleeping naked,
00:40:24and I've worn my pyjamas the whole time,
00:40:27and last night I actually decided,
00:40:29because you have been for days,
00:40:31I decided to be topless and have my boobs out,
00:40:36which I'm very comfortable with.
00:40:38It sounds like you've asked me to pop my shirt on,
00:40:41which I'm very happy to do respectfully.
00:40:45And I asked the same of you.
00:40:49I'll let you be with that one.
00:40:54Goes both ways.
00:40:56You know what I mean?
00:40:58It's, like, same stuff.
00:41:02You've got boobs as well.
00:41:10She just pissed.
00:41:11She just pissed in my cornflakes.
00:41:18He didn't like it.
00:41:21But I think it's fair.
00:41:22It's fair game.
00:41:25I mean, cos the dude's got a pair of boobs on him, you know.
00:41:31I think self-romancing is where it's at at this point.
00:41:44Intimacy Week is an opportunity
00:41:46for the couples to get to know each other inside and out.
00:41:50Pick the nice spot.
00:41:51And after enjoying a little genital cupping yesterday,
00:41:54Lauren and Jonathan are eager to see
00:41:56what else Alessandra has in store for them.
00:41:59Often the most intimate experiences can come from simple acts
00:42:02like looking deep into someone's eyes.
00:42:04F*** me.
00:42:08So for this task,
00:42:09I want you to gaze into your partner's eyes
00:42:11for three minutes without looking away.
00:42:13This experience should be intimate and sensual.
00:42:17I really don't want to do this.
00:42:19Three minutes.
00:42:21I've got a lazy eye.
00:42:22I can't look into your eyes.
00:42:24You don't.
00:42:25You don't.
00:42:26No, I do.
00:42:27It's actually a fact.
00:42:28I do.
00:42:29Yeah, but, like, it's so minute.
00:42:32Oh, man.
00:42:33This is so cringe.
00:42:37Surely you think it's cringe too.
00:42:39I do think it's cringe.
00:42:40Say you think it's cringe.
00:42:41I'm not looking forward to it at all.
00:42:42Say if you think it's cringe.
00:42:43Say that.
00:42:44We have to do it.
00:42:46Sometimes I think he is just trying to get through
00:42:49this experience with his least conflict
00:42:51and as, you know, the path of least resistance.
00:42:54But when you feel a certain way, like, say it back to me,
00:42:58that is what a personality is.
00:43:00It's an opinion on something.
00:43:03This isn't the first time that Lauren has felt Jonathan holding back.
00:43:07It's the first time she's felt Jonathan hold back.
00:43:11This isn't the first time that Lauren has felt Jonathan holding back.
00:43:15I'm going to play a f*** Mary kill.
00:43:17My bride's fave.
00:43:18Um, this is so rough.
00:43:20I have to kill one of them.
00:43:22Oh, that's really, really hard.
00:43:24This is really tough.
00:43:25Jonathan's reserved behaviour led Lauren
00:43:28to a damning conclusion about his character.
00:43:32You're too nice.
00:43:33Are you f***ing kidding?
00:43:36Why are you holding back?
00:43:37Because I haven't held back on you.
00:43:41I need to hear your thoughts about stuff like this.
00:43:47Three minutes.
00:43:48Let's get it over with.
00:43:51We have to do it.
00:43:52I know, but if you think something, say it.
00:43:54I know, I'm more just like, let's get it over with.
00:43:57I see intimacy as getting to know the real me.
00:44:00Like, I'm super interested to know and, like, to see the real him.
00:44:04Give me a real personality and then we can, like,
00:44:07see if we actually like each other's personalities
00:44:09because right now I don't really know what yours is.
00:44:12In real life, there's going to be ups and downs
00:44:15and, like, I need to know whether we can get through it together.
00:44:19If you say what you think about something,
00:44:21it lets me, like, learn more about your personality and who you are.
00:44:24Because if you're just like, oh, let's just do it,
00:44:26I'm like, oh, why does this dude think this is OK?
00:44:28I'm so sick of the, like, let's just do it.
00:44:31Like, it's going to be OK. Like, OK.
00:44:33Like, I'm not doing this experiment for some serial killer
00:44:36who has the same response to everything.
00:44:42I'm not doing this.
00:44:44So cool.
00:44:48After their failed attempt at the eye-gazing task,
00:44:51both Lauren and Jonathan are hoping that Alessandra's listening task
00:44:55can get them back on the same page.
00:44:59For this task, you must talk about an aspect of your relationship
00:45:04that you need your partner to hear.
00:45:06Couldn't have come at better timing for us.
00:45:10For both of us.
00:45:13I feel like this task is good for us.
00:45:15Like, I really like Jono, but I, like, want a bit more of, like,
00:45:19passion, need more spice.
00:45:21Like, do you know what I mean?
00:45:22Like, I want that, like, personality.
00:45:24Because I saw it at the wedding.
00:45:28You can go first.
00:45:30Well, she's seen of me so far as a calm, nice person,
00:45:34where I think she needs me to challenge her, which I get.
00:45:37So now I will try and communicate how I'm actually feeling,
00:45:41and then we'll see if she can take it.
00:45:46So I need to tell you an aspect about our relationship.
00:45:51I felt like you were very quick to...
00:45:57..put me in a box.
00:46:03..I'd say I felt the honeymoon was...
00:46:10..not as enjoyable as it probably could have been.
00:46:13We probably could have tried to learn more about each other.
00:46:17It's like he's a robot.
00:46:19I'm literally like, if I only had a heart.
00:46:22Is that the robot or the scarecrow?
00:46:24The Tin Man?
00:46:26You know what I'm talking about.
00:46:27You know that movie, the really famous one with the yellow thing?
00:46:32..since then, we've sort of, we've had good days and bad days.
00:46:36Oh, my God, I'm actually going to go to hell.
00:46:39They're not the things that bother me.
00:46:42The things that bother me is the coldness one day
00:46:49that I'll get from you.
00:46:51OK, coldness? Yeah.
00:46:57OK, but it's been two weeks now.
00:46:59This is the first time I'm hearing about it.
00:47:01So that's not fair.
00:47:06We're in an experiment, right? Yeah.
00:47:08Where we've got however many weeks.
00:47:10They want us to get deep.
00:47:12They want us to not be serviceable.
00:47:14I'm doing that and you're not.
00:47:20That's actually not fair to yourself.
00:47:22You're not going to learn or grow at all
00:47:24if you just keep choosing the path of least resistance.
00:47:27And it's also not fair to me because I'm not getting the real you
00:47:30and all I want is the real you.
00:47:32It's so annoying, man,
00:47:34cos it's this, like, balancing act at the moment.
00:47:36Show me more and then when I do, it's like...
00:47:39..I'm caught in a bit of grief for it, so...
00:47:44Just from now on, when you think something in a moment, say it.
00:47:50Cos I don't have six months to decipher
00:47:52how you're really feeling and play those games.
00:47:54Like, just say it. Like, this is how I feel right now.
00:48:00Like, do you see where I'm coming from?
00:48:02I do.
00:48:23For Lucinda, it's been a lacklustre start to intimacy week,
00:48:28with Timothy pushing her away at every opportunity.
00:48:35So Alessandra has decided it's time to intervene.
00:48:40Ah, come in.
00:48:42Where is that at now?
00:48:43That's where it's going to be.
00:48:45Oh, shit.
00:48:52How are you, Timothy?
00:48:57May I come in?
00:48:59Nothing good can come from Alessandra standing at my door.
00:49:04Did I shock you?
00:49:07Cos I know what she specialises in.
00:49:10What does she specialise in?
00:49:16Now, honey, can we get you a tea or a coffee or a coconut water
00:49:19or a bikini?
00:49:20Oh, my God, I love it. No, thank you.
00:49:22You don't want anything?
00:49:23I would love a chance to chat with you guys.
00:49:25OK, let's do it.
00:49:26Can we do this?
00:49:27We're a bit stiff and feeling a bit awkward
00:49:29and having all these hard conversations.
00:49:32You know, I feel like Tim is constantly just pushing me away
00:49:37and I'm tired of being rejected.
00:49:41So, like, I'm a bit stuck.
00:49:45I know that you guys received that we're starting Intimacy Week
00:49:49and you got some of the tasks.
00:49:50Were you able to do any of them?
00:49:53But I guess it just made me uncomfortable.
00:49:56Look, it's come at a bit of an unusual time, Intimacy Week.
00:50:02No pressure. No pressure on either one of you.
00:50:05But in saying that, I do think that we can jumpstart a little bit.
00:50:08How would you feel about giving the Melted Hug exercise a crack
00:50:13here with me and I can guide you through it?
00:50:18Tim's not really into hugs.
00:50:21Have you ever been a hugger?
00:50:24Why not?
00:50:27I remember I would try and hug Dad and he'd just shove me
00:50:30and just go, you're an idiot, get away.
00:50:39So you learned not to hug?
00:50:44There's so many beautiful, beautiful things that come out of hugs
00:50:48and one of them is, again, easing and just the ability to form
00:50:53close connection with someone that is comforting,
00:50:56that is literally getting in sync with that person.
00:51:00The hug exercise that I suggest that you partake in,
00:51:04it's called the Melted Hug, so you will hug
00:51:06and then it's like you fall into the hug.
00:51:10How do you feel about that?
00:51:20I hear right now.
00:51:21Right here, right now.
00:51:23You game?
00:51:27Yeah, let's do this.
00:51:28Let's get up.
00:51:30Get up with you guys.
00:51:33Okay, so get closer.
00:51:35Closer, closer, closer, closer.
00:51:37Bodies against each other.
00:51:39Just hug.
00:51:40Do a hug like you would normally do.
00:51:43Oftentimes, if you simply concentrate on the heartbeat,
00:51:47on the rhythm of the breathing, of just...
00:52:29How was that?
00:52:32It was sweet.
00:52:34You felt it was sweet?
00:52:36I was actually 100% immersing in it.
00:52:39It was actually quite pleasant.
00:52:41So maybe letting my walls come down a bit
00:52:43isn't such a bad thing, you know?
00:52:45It was comfortable for you?
00:52:48Okay, good.
00:52:50I feel bad because what I said to Lucinda,
00:52:54I made her feel like not enough.
00:52:59I just didn't want to let her in.
00:53:04I was scared getting hurt, but Lucinda's a great person.
00:53:08You know, there's a lot of feelings there.
00:53:10So I want to try and get back to where we were
00:53:14and to see whether we can build something.
00:53:18No, thank you.
00:53:20I'm not the brave one doing this here.
00:53:22It's you guys.
00:53:24It feels like Tim is willing, like hope has been restored.
00:53:28Yeah, I love hugs.
00:53:32Thank you, lovely.
00:53:33Love you.
00:53:34You know, he's choosing to be here.
00:53:36I'm going to hug you, Tim.
00:53:38I was really proud of Tim.
00:53:41See you soon, Alessandra.
00:53:43See you, Gordon.
00:53:44Bye, guys.
00:53:46I feel more hopeful and I feel committed to the experiment
00:53:52and to Lu.
00:54:02This is not what I want.
00:54:03This is not what I came here for.
00:54:05Lauren and Jonathan implode.
00:54:08If you can give me some form of consistency...
00:54:11I'm bored with consistency.
00:54:14F*** this.
00:54:24Intimacy Week is now well underway
00:54:27and Jack is hoping to use their first Intimacy Week task
00:54:31to figure out just how far he can push Tori's boundaries.
00:54:39Doing this as a couple is a way to learn more
00:54:42about the sexual activities you both enjoy and want to engage in.
00:54:47I've made you a list with a variety of turn-ons,
00:54:50fantasies and sexual activities for you to discuss
00:54:53and find out what your partner is into,
00:54:56open to or completely opposed to.
00:55:00Um, OK.
00:55:01You're probably not ready for what I've got to share.
00:55:05Little does Tori know
00:55:07the full spectrum of Jack's sexual desires.
00:55:11Definitely not vanilla when it comes to the bedroom.
00:55:14Tell me which flavour you are.
00:55:16Yeah, chocolate.
00:55:17I put banana in there.
00:55:18I sprinkle it with sprinkles
00:55:19and I put it in the microwave and melt it down.
00:55:23I'm a dominant lover
00:55:25and I'm structured.
00:55:26I have my ways and I want to do what I want to do.
00:55:29I'm definitely attracted to the submissive type
00:55:32and I can tell, like, within ten seconds
00:55:35if I want to be physical with this girl.
00:55:38The yes, no, maybe task
00:55:40requires the couple to answer yes, no or maybe
00:55:44to a list of sexual preferences.
00:55:47No peeking until I'm sharing it.
00:55:49Which will finally give Tori some insight into Jack's desires.
00:55:54The anticipation. It's killing me.
00:55:57Of course I'm intrigued to see.
00:55:59It's kind of like a preview.
00:56:01Like, Jack and I, we haven't had sex yet.
00:56:04And now it's, like, intimacy week
00:56:06and now I'm like, everyone has needs.
00:56:11OK, I think I want you to go first.
00:56:13Mum and Dad, my three sisters and family
00:56:16to switch off this week.
00:56:18That's all I've got to say.
00:56:21Alright, so masturbation, yes.
00:56:24I said yes.
00:56:26Do you perform fellatio, wife?
00:56:29Oh, yeah.
00:56:31Pinching a partner or using any kind of clamp on them during sex.
00:56:36I said yes.
00:56:37Ooh, I'm going to give that a double tick.
00:56:46Being slapped or spanked by a partner
00:56:48in the context of sexual pleasure.
00:56:50I'm going to say yes for you.
00:56:52Am I right?
00:56:53Yeah, I said yes.
00:56:54Bang on with that.
00:56:58Golden showers.
00:57:01I said yes.
00:57:03Massive ick.
00:57:10Buddy, let's pump the brakes.
00:57:13Absolutely not.
00:57:16It's something that I would consider
00:57:18unnecessary to the highest degree.
00:57:21So what did you mark?
00:57:23Absolutely not.
00:57:26What's going on?
00:57:29What is going on?
00:57:31He's like such a clean OCD person
00:57:33and that's why I was so shocked
00:57:35because it's just not clean, is it?
00:57:44I'm going to change your life.
00:57:46What's wrong with you?
00:57:47It's not that bad.
00:57:48Is tonight the night you're finally going to have sex with Jack?
00:57:53Like absolutely not.
00:57:59Sunday we're going to church.
00:58:01You shave it down.
00:58:02And we're going to speak to the high heavens.
00:58:04Go to church.
00:58:05You need it.
00:58:09While Tori has managed to set a hard limit
00:58:12in her relationship with Jack...
00:58:14You haven't expressed your feelings to me.
00:58:16Upstairs, Lauren is at her limit with Jonathan.
00:58:19I'm acting this way because I'm getting
00:58:21nothing legitimate from you.
00:58:23After two unsuccessful Intimacy Week tasks
00:58:26have highlighted an ongoing issue.
00:58:29You give me no passion.
00:58:30You give me nothing.
00:58:31You just give me like autopilot.
00:58:35I need to see opinions on things
00:58:37and feelings about things
00:58:39and heightened emotions about some things
00:58:41and let's get angry.
00:58:43Let's f***ing have different emotions
00:58:45that aren't just this wishy-washy half of least resistance.
00:58:49We talked about this already and I said I would.
00:58:53I didn't know why I needed to be yelled at again.
00:58:56But yes, I will do it.
00:58:57Do you think that was yelling?
00:58:59Do you want to say yelling?
00:59:00No, I really don't.
00:59:02I'm just frustrated to be honest.
00:59:05I really like Jono, but like
00:59:07I'm vocal about what I feel isn't going right.
00:59:10But then nothing changes.
00:59:12But then I'm the bad guy because I'm vocal.
00:59:15I'm not sticking around for autopilot,
00:59:18cruise control, Terminator.
00:59:20Like what is going on?
00:59:21Is he a robot?
00:59:23I feel like we're not going to get anywhere in this experiment
00:59:25if you just want to get things done.
00:59:27I'm aware of that.
00:59:29Are you?
00:59:31It's just I just didn't understand
00:59:32why we were talking about it again
00:59:33when we just talked about it.
00:59:34But that's fine.
00:59:35I will do it.
00:59:36I agree with you.
00:59:37I think it will help.
00:59:38Can you not cut me off every time I speak?
00:59:40You speak like 90.
00:59:41I'm still talking.
00:59:44Every time I talk, you cut me off.
00:59:46You talk 90% of the time
00:59:48and then the 10% I do, you cut me off.
00:59:51I'm listening.
00:59:53I've said what I needed to say.
00:59:56I kept on talking whilst you were talking.
00:59:58You just probably didn't hear.
00:59:59Okay, repeat it then.
01:00:01I will give you what you asked for
01:00:03because I agree with you.
01:00:04I am trying.
01:00:05And after the conversation at the pool...
01:00:08Maybe try less.
01:00:09Maybe that's what I need to do.
01:00:12I'm so excited.
01:00:13If you can give me some form of consistency
01:00:16because there are days where I'm like...
01:00:17I'm bored with the consistency.
01:00:19I'm not a robot.
01:00:21I'm not going to be consistent.
01:00:22I don't...
01:00:23F*** this.
01:00:35If everything's just like on autopilot all the time,
01:00:38I'm never going to get to know you.
01:00:39A, we talked about this already.
01:00:41Yes, you didn't do it.
01:00:42B, I said I will do it.
01:00:45I feel like we're not going to get anywhere in this experiment
01:00:47if you just want to get things done.
01:00:51She just wants me to give her how I'm feeling.
01:00:56It's just not what I'm used to.
01:00:59I spent 20 years trying to not be reactive,
01:01:03trying to be calm.
01:01:05It's just not what Lauren's looking for.
01:01:07I didn't think there was something wrong
01:01:09with being a nice person,
01:01:11but it seems like there might be.
01:01:16One day you're literally like, I hate you.
01:01:19I've never said I hate you.
01:01:20That is how...
01:01:21But that's how it feels.
01:01:23And then the next day you'll be like really nice
01:01:25and things will be great.
01:01:29I feel like I've tried to explain this,
01:01:30but like by the full day of no real personality coming from me,
01:01:34by the next day I'm like, f*** this.
01:01:36Like my wall goes straight back up
01:01:38and I'm like, I don't want to deal with this.
01:01:40This is not what I want.
01:01:41Like this is not what I came here for.
01:01:44And then by the next day I'm like, all right, Lauren,
01:01:46that was like try your hardest.
01:01:48Like, come on, pull yourself out of that
01:01:50literally cage you put around yourself.
01:01:52Try again.
01:01:53I just can't do the same tone of voice,
01:01:57same level, same thing from you again that day.
01:02:00I think what you're saying is unfair.
01:02:03I do feel like you have categorised me as nice
01:02:07and not assertive.
01:02:11And it's not fair.
01:02:15All right, well, I think we're just gridlocked then.
01:02:17I don't see how we're going to get past this.
01:02:21F*** me, honestly.
01:02:25Tomorrow night.
01:02:26Welcome, welcome. Have a seat.
01:02:28Alessandra's intimacy workshop.
01:02:31I don't have sexual energy with her.
01:02:34Sees Jack make a brutal confession.
01:02:37I don't have a spark of I want to have sex with this girl ASAP.
01:02:41You can see that Tori's totally into him.
01:02:44I wonder if she knows.
01:02:46As Ellie makes a shock revelation about her husband Ben.
01:02:50He was mocking me in a high-pitched voice.
01:02:52He mocks you?
01:02:54I am very much looking forward to talking to Ben
01:02:57at the next commitment ceremony.
01:03:01Come in, you little snoggy bear.
01:03:03As intimacy week continues...
01:03:05I'm for dessert.
01:03:07Things heat up for some.
01:03:09I think everyone wants to be with someone that makes them laugh.
01:03:13But for others...
01:03:15Do you feel attracted to Tristan?
01:03:17The spark is fading.
01:03:23As Sarah and Tim reach breaking point.
01:03:27I'm not turning the date thing around.
01:03:28It just feels like that's what it is.
01:03:30It really feels like you're creating a bigger problem.
01:03:32I apologize for that.
01:03:34That is not fair.
01:03:36Feels like the gloves are off.
01:03:38Okay, I'm done.
