Signora Volpe S2 Episode 3 - Death of a Ghost

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Signora Volpe Season 2 Episode 3


00:00:00Thank you very much.
00:00:30You're welcome.
00:01:02Ciao, Raffaella.
00:01:04Could you check a licence plate for me?
00:01:06I'll text you the details.
00:01:08I think I might have an admirer.
00:02:48Who is this?
00:02:53I've told Signora Paravesi.
00:02:55She'll get her money, but she needs to be patient.
00:03:00No, I'm not in Panicale.
00:03:05Don't you dare threaten my family.
00:03:23So this is where you've been hiding out?
00:03:25Yeah, my own garden.
00:03:27Sneaky of me.
00:03:29You know you've been avoiding me.
00:03:31Not you.
00:03:33I saw Dad chatting up Antonella in Panicale yesterday.
00:03:37Did he say hello?
00:03:39No, he didn't see me.
00:03:41That's very good.
00:03:43No, it isn't good or bad yet.
00:03:45If you're trying to get round me, you'll have to do better than that.
00:03:50How are the two of you getting on?
00:03:55It's weird.
00:03:57Sometimes it feels like I've known him all my life.
00:04:00Then suddenly, he's a stranger again.
00:04:02One day, he won't be there at all.
00:04:09You know I'm picking up Alice from the airport later?
00:04:13I'll see you later.
00:04:17I'm picking up Alice from the airport later.
00:04:19Great. How long is she staying?
00:04:21Just a few days.
00:04:23She said she wants to take a break from her studying.
00:04:25Don't you think Alice should meet her grandfather?
00:04:27Oh, my God.
00:04:29He's not just like Matteo.
00:04:31Let's all go out to dinner tomorrow night.
00:04:34Il Baccanale, my treat.
00:04:36You won't get a table.
00:04:50What a nice surprise.
00:04:52For your olive grove.
00:04:54It's lovely.
00:04:56But I don't have an olive grove.
00:04:58You do now.
00:05:00Silvia, er...
00:05:02Is anything wrong?
00:05:04I haven't seen you since Villarossa.
00:05:06Sorry, there's some family stuff going on, that's all.
00:05:10I was going to call you.
00:05:14Hello, Capitano.
00:05:16We meet again.
00:05:18Signor Priest.
00:05:22His name is actually...
00:05:24Henry Fox.
00:05:26He's my father.
00:05:46Silvia, last week on the murder scene I met Michael Priest.
00:06:01This week you tell me his name is Henry Fox.
00:06:04And he's your father?
00:06:06I know it must seem strange.
00:06:10Giovanni, this is a good thing.
00:06:13It's like I found a piece of myself that I didn't know was missing.
00:06:20Just be careful.
00:06:23We're all going out to dinner tomorrow.
00:06:25Alice and Antonella too.
00:06:27Why don't you come?
00:06:29Thank you, but I can't.
00:06:31That's a shame.
00:06:35See you soon.
00:06:52I hope I didn't make things too awkward with your friend.
00:06:57He was surprised to see you, understandably.
00:07:00Look, it's time I got out from under your feet.
00:07:04I'm going to head off first thing in the morning.
00:07:06Because of Giovanni?
00:07:07No, no, no.
00:07:08I have to go to Madrid to check out a painting.
00:07:11It would be strange for us to have dinner with Isabella Matteo.
00:07:14Isabella agreed to that?
00:07:17Alice will be there.
00:07:22I'm sorry, but this Madrid thing could be quite important.
00:07:27More important than meeting your granddaughter?
00:07:32Sorry, some other time.
00:09:12I thought you were leaving this morning.
00:09:16Sylvia's disappeared.
00:09:20I think somebody's taken her.
00:09:22Taken her?
00:09:24What do you mean, taken her?
00:09:26There was a van and a phone was lying in the road.
00:09:31Right. And have you called the Carabinieri?
00:09:37Si, Capitano arriva, per favore.
00:09:43Si, si. Grazie.
00:10:22Who's this?
00:10:24My name is Henry Fox. I'm Sylvia's father.
00:10:27And why do you have a phone?
00:10:29I found it outside her house.
00:10:31Look, who are you? Are you a friend of Sylvia's?
00:10:34Maybe. Where is she?
00:10:37I don't know. She's disappeared.
00:10:39Dio. I should have called her before.
00:10:42Why? Did something happen?
00:10:45I can't talk right now.
00:10:47Just bring me a phone so at least I can check her messages.
00:10:50You know her password?
00:10:52No, but it's not a problem.
00:10:54Look, I have to go. If you know something, tell me now.
00:10:58No. Meet me at Gelateria del Castellani in Perugia, 2 o'clock.
00:11:03Sit outside and read in the paper. Don't tell anyone.
00:11:07Look, I just...
00:11:13Let's go.
00:11:21So, you heard the sound of the horn and then you saw the van drive away?
00:11:29But you didn't see her get into the van?
00:11:33And what time was this?
00:11:34Around 7.30.
00:11:36There is a time mark and no sign of a crash.
00:11:39Do you think I'm making this up?
00:11:41No, no, Senior Fox.
00:11:43You don't know Sylvia very well, do you?
00:11:46Sometimes she goes away without warning.
00:11:48Nobody just leaves without saying goodbye.
00:11:50Some people do.
00:11:51Her car is still here.
00:11:53And you found her phone on the road.
00:12:02Do you know her passcode?
00:12:06Well, I gave it to our tech guys. They might be able to open it.
00:12:10I doubt it.
00:12:32I couldn't see the driver, but the van was a white Fiat Ducato 10,
00:12:36no signage or livery, registration DP507GF.
00:12:41You took a picture of the licence plate?
00:12:43No, but the number's correct.
00:12:46Has anyone made any threats to Sylvia?
00:12:49Not that I know of, no.
00:12:51No. No.
00:12:53What aren't you telling us?
00:12:56It's not important.
00:12:58It's not important.
00:13:00It's a misunderstanding about some money with a client of mine.
00:13:04What does that have to do with Sylvia?
00:13:10It's just that a man rang yesterday and was rather unpleasant.
00:13:16He knew I was staying here, or in Panacale, anyway.
00:13:20Oh, my God. You've been back in our lives for five minutes.
00:13:24I really don't think this has anything to do with my work.
00:13:27Who's the person you owe money to, Xenia Fox?
00:13:30You'd be wasting your time, Capitano, and we need to find Sylvia.
00:13:33The name, please.
00:13:36Greta Paravesi. She lives in Rome, the Via Messalina.
00:13:40The van belongs to a printer in Città della Pieve.
00:13:43He was reported stolen one hour ago.
00:13:48Wait, wait. There is one other possibility.
00:13:51Sylvia's made some enemies since she's been here, hasn't she?
00:13:56Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's earned a reputation as a bit of a detective.
00:14:00How so?
00:14:02Well, she found a woman who'd been missing for 20 years,
00:14:06and a stolen pig, and...
00:14:08Well, it's hardly grounds for a vendetta, surely.
00:14:11There were other cases more serious.
00:14:14A very bad guy Sylvia helped to put away.
00:14:17Riccardo Gregori.
00:14:20Forze ci di mezzo, Lui.
00:14:22You'll keep us updated?
00:14:24Of course.
00:14:26You sure there's nothing else I wish you know?
00:14:31We will find her.
00:14:49Come on.
00:14:50Come on.
00:14:52Come on.
00:15:18Are you dead?
00:15:22Come on.
00:15:23Come on.
00:15:49Does the Capitano know what Sylvia used to do for a living?
00:15:52He's not stupid. I expect he's worked it out.
00:15:55Like I did.
00:15:57Are you suggesting someone from Sylvia's past has tracked her down and abducted her?
00:16:03That's precisely what I'm suggesting.
00:16:06I, um...
00:16:08I was in the same game a long time ago.
00:16:10What game are you in now?
00:16:12Can't imagine art historians get threatened that often.
00:16:16You'd be surprised.
00:16:18I'm going home.
00:16:19You coming?
00:16:20Thanks, but I have some calls to make.
00:17:04Are you okay?
00:17:07Oh, God! No! No!
00:17:20Oh, God.
00:17:44Oh, God.
00:17:50Hello. How can I help?
00:17:52Put me through to Felicity Morris, please.
00:17:54Tell her it's Henry Fox and it's an emergency. A code nine.
00:17:58I'm not familiar with that term, sir.
00:18:01And I'm afraid I can't confirm the names of personnel.
00:18:04Felicity Morris's position as head of the service is a matter of public record.
00:18:08I'm a former colleague of hers.
00:18:10What's the nature of the emergency, sir?
00:18:15It's about one of your agents, Sylvia Fox.
00:18:18She's my daughter and she's gone missing.
00:18:20I'm in Italy. So is she.
00:18:22Or at least she should be.
00:18:25Can you hold on a moment, please?
00:18:36There's no agent of that name currently active on His Majesty's service.
00:18:40I didn't say she was currently active.
00:18:42You're saying you and your daughter were both former agents?
00:18:49Have you reported her disappearance to the Italian police?
00:18:52Yes, but they're not equipped to deal with something like this.
00:18:55You need to get someone out here immediately.
00:18:57I'm afraid that isn't an option, Mr Fox.
00:19:00Best to leave this to the local force.
00:19:02Hopefully they'll find your daughter soon.
00:19:04If not, she'll return over roll call.
00:19:06For God's sake, she's not a teenage runaway.
00:19:08Goodbye, sir.
00:19:21Hello, darling. Did you sleep well?
00:19:23Like a baby. Always do here.
00:19:34What's the matter?
00:19:36Sylvia's gone away and we don't know where.
00:19:39It's nothing new, is it?
00:19:41No, it's just your grandfather's worried about her.
00:19:44Well, he wouldn't be if he knew her.
00:19:48Sylvia can take care of herself.
00:19:54I told Antonella we'd meet here at the cafe in the piazza at 11, if that's OK?
00:19:58Yeah, yeah, that's fine.
00:19:59Oh, don't say anything about what I just told you, will you?
00:20:02Yeah, sure. Bye.
00:20:07I thought he was leaving this morning.
00:20:09Henry, or whatever I'm supposed to call him.
00:20:11Yeah, he was, but he changed his mind.
00:20:14Oh. OK.
00:21:08OK. Grazie. Ciao.
00:21:16Gregorio's been transferred from Rebibbia five months ago.
00:21:19Now they're looking for him in the system.
00:21:22Do you really think he might be connected to Sylvia's disappearance?
00:21:25Of all the people Sylvia's met here, he's the one who's got the most contacts.
00:21:30What more do you need?
00:21:32Come on, let's go to Rome.
00:21:34I want to know if Greta Padovesi knows anything about Henry Vaughn.
00:21:45Come on.
00:23:51Buongiorno. Buongiorno.
00:23:54Are you Raffaele?
00:23:56You have Sylvia's phone?
00:24:00I had to give it to the carabinieri.
00:24:04Wait here.
00:24:16Thank you, but...
00:24:18Take it. You are in a gelateria, you eat a gelato.
00:24:27What's going on?
00:24:29My daughter was abducted this morning from outside our house.
00:24:33Are the carabinieri looking for her?
00:24:35Yes, but I think they're looking in the wrong place.
00:24:38You said you should have called earlier. Why?
00:24:41Sylvia asked me to trace the registration number of a moped.
00:24:45She had seen it around too often, you understand?
00:24:48It belongs to Hotel Sereno, near Trasimeno.
00:24:52Lots of the hotels have them to rent out to guests.
00:24:58What will you do now?
00:25:00Find out who's been using that moped.
00:25:12What's going on?
00:25:33Signore Padovesi, do you know a man named Harry Fox?
00:25:41And Michael Priest?
00:25:44I know him, yes.
00:25:46On a professional level, you understand.
00:25:52Recently he sold a painting on my behalf.
00:25:55And you were satisfied with his work?
00:25:58Why do you ask?
00:26:00He said someone threatened him on his behalf for not doing what he was supposed to do.
00:26:04He wasn't threatened.
00:26:06He was just reminded that the debt had to be paid.
00:26:09Why didn't you hire a lawyer?
00:26:11I like to take care of my own business.
00:26:16Did Priest complain to you?
00:26:19No, but a member of his family suddenly disappeared.
00:26:23This has nothing to do with me.
00:26:26Who called Michael Priest?
00:26:32My doorman.
00:26:34It's better for men to take care of certain things.
00:27:37Sometimes strange things happen.
00:27:40I try to be useful.
00:27:42It's all part of the job.
00:27:44The lady wrote what she should have said.
00:27:47Let's go.
00:28:03Panicale is a beautiful place.
00:28:06And your daughter's house is very nice.
00:28:09How did you know where the lady was staying, Mr. Michael Priest?
00:28:14She has a large family.
00:28:16Where were you this morning at 7.30?
00:28:18I came to work.
00:28:20I started at 8.
00:28:24What do you think?
00:28:26Well, we know that Panicale wasn't here this morning.
00:28:30But do we know where his brother was?
00:28:32Or the lady's brother?
00:28:34Because you seem to be connected.
00:28:37I agree.
00:28:39Investigate his relationships, his past and his phone calls.
00:28:44And also about her.
00:28:46Yes, Captain.
00:28:47But it will take time to obtain the necessary authorization.
00:28:50And you do it without.
00:29:14Oh, shit!
00:29:44Who are you?
00:29:52It's too late for this game, Sylvia.
00:30:01Where did you find me?
00:30:03I don't know.
00:30:05I don't know.
00:30:07I don't know.
00:30:09I don't know.
00:30:12Where did you find me?
00:30:14I still have some contacts.
00:30:17I must be getting careless.
00:30:19But the accident was a nice touch.
00:30:22Trying to do the right thing.
00:30:24It's always been your weakness.
00:30:27I thought you died in Matara.
00:30:30You thought right.
00:30:32Graham Conway was killed in a prison fight.
00:30:36I'm someone else now.
00:30:40That must have cost you.
00:30:42It was the only way out of that stinking jail.
00:30:46The jail you put me in.
00:30:48I just did my job.
00:30:50You were stealing from the Mataran people.
00:30:53From their rulers, perhaps.
00:30:56The people wouldn't have seen a penny.
00:30:57You know that's not true.
00:30:59The profits from the mines funded health and education programs.
00:31:04Very commendable.
00:31:06Did you give your pal the same lecture?
00:31:08What pal?
00:31:10Richard Vaughan.
00:31:14The journalist?
00:31:15So he claimed.
00:31:16What do you mean?
00:31:17Vaughan worked for me.
00:31:19And I think he was one of you lot.
00:31:26Was the scheme Vaughan's idea?
00:31:28It was mine.
00:31:30From start to finish.
00:31:32I shipped the goods out to Vaughan in Kondulu.
00:31:35And he sold them on.
00:31:37The bastard disappeared while I was inside.
00:31:39Taking ten million dollars of my money with him.
00:31:42You were surprised he didn't wait around to hand it over?
00:31:45But he didn't just leave Kondulu.
00:31:47He disappeared.
00:31:51As only a spook can.
00:31:54And that's when it all started to make sense.
00:31:57He didn't work for the service, if that's what you mean.
00:32:00Don't bullshit me!
00:32:03How else would you have known about the operation?
00:32:07Vaughan told you.
00:32:09And the pair of you sold me out.
00:32:11Where's my money, Sylvia?
00:32:13I don't know.
00:32:15He didn't tell me about the smuggling.
00:32:17Let alone offer me a cut.
00:32:22I just need to know Richard Vaughan's real name.
00:32:25And where he is now.
00:32:27I have no idea.
00:32:30I barely knew the man.
00:32:32I haven't spoken to him or thought about him in years.
00:32:38I understand you have to say that.
00:32:41Maybe take some time to think things over.
00:32:44A night or two.
00:32:46Down here.
00:32:48All alone in the dark.
00:32:50Who knows what you might remember?
00:32:52Who knows what you might remember?
00:35:44Okay, grazie.
00:35:46Non ci credo.
00:35:50Gregorio is in jail in Palermo.
00:35:54I'll have to ask the guys at the station to talk to him.
00:35:57Do you want me to go?
00:35:59No, no.
00:36:01You're here.
00:36:05It turns out that Greta Padovesi's husband was Dino Lombardi.
00:36:09The criminal.
00:36:12That's interesting.
00:36:15The doorman?
00:36:17One of Lombardi's fans.
00:36:19He was sentenced to aggression and intimidation.
00:36:21Telephone interception?
00:36:24The guys in the city of La Pieve are checking the videos
00:36:27of the CCTV cameras in the place where they stole the van.
00:36:33We'll find her, Captain.
00:37:08You must be Alice.
00:37:12I'm Henry.
00:37:14Your grandfather.
00:37:17How about you?
00:37:19Oh, dear.
00:37:21I'm afraid it's probably all true.
00:37:27So you're...
00:37:29You're here on holiday, are you?
00:37:33Just for a few days.
00:37:35How about you?
00:37:37Bit of a long story.
00:37:43Is your mother about?
00:37:48So it's just through there and then up the stairs for the...
00:37:51Stairs, yeah. ..terrace. Yeah.
00:38:01Alice said I'd find you up here.
00:38:05You've met?
00:38:07Well, briefly.
00:38:12She's lovely.
00:38:23Any news?
00:38:25Well, there's been no word from the Carabinieri.
00:38:30I might have a lead.
00:38:36You have to pass this on to her, Eva.
00:38:38No, absolutely not.
00:38:40Now, if this is someone from Sylvia's past,
00:38:42he's likely to be highly trained and completely ruthless.
00:38:45If he suspects the Carabinieri are on to him, he'll kill her.
00:38:49Or worse.
00:38:53Well, disappear.
00:38:55Leaving her somewhere she won't be found.
00:38:59What's going on?
00:39:01What's happened to Sylvia?
00:39:13DOOR OPENS
00:39:30Alice... you know that Sylvia used to be a spy?
00:39:36I mean, I... I don't know.
00:39:38But, well, she has a gun and mad self-defence skills.
00:39:41I mean, I thought it had to be something like that.
00:39:43She used to work for MI6.
00:39:46And we think someone she encountered back then
00:39:49may be behind her disappearance.
00:39:52No, you think that.
00:39:54I'm sorry, but it's also possible that she's been abducted
00:39:57by someone whom your grandfather owes money to.
00:40:00Yes, and I told you that's very unlikely.
00:40:03Now, if I'm right, and Sylvia's disappearance
00:40:06has any connection to her old life,
00:40:09then this is something we have to handle ourselves.
00:40:14What about us?
00:40:18Well, Sylvia's not the only trained operative in the family.
00:40:26Don't be silly, darling.
00:40:35So what happens now?
00:40:37We need to find out who the chap on the moped is
00:40:40and whether he's our man.
00:40:43Sorry, what moped?
00:43:29Well, I think it'll work.
00:43:31Now, except for one thing, I should be the one to go, not you.
00:43:37Why do you think that?
00:43:39Someone will have seen you there today.
00:43:41When you go back tomorrow, asking questions, they'll start to wonder.
00:43:45No-one noticed me, I guarantee.
00:43:50I'm sure you were a good spy,
00:43:52but I doubt you were invisible, Henry, even in your prime.
00:43:57Darling, would you just go and put those up with the others?
00:44:03Are you staying?
00:44:05That's very kind.
00:44:07You can if you like.
00:44:09Then I will.
00:44:16I'm not letting you put yourself in danger.
00:44:21It's a bit late to start acting like the protective father now, isn't it?
00:44:28Are you sure this is the right thing to do?
00:44:31You're not just harking back to your glory days.
00:44:37I'm not sure I'll succeed, Isabel, but I have to try.
00:44:42You don't have to get involved.
00:44:45Yes, I do.
00:44:47If it's our only way of finding Sylvia, she'd do the same for me.
00:44:52In that case...
00:44:54I need to teach you a few things.
00:45:24Come on.
00:45:54Come on.
00:46:24Come on.
00:46:54Come on.
00:46:56Come on.
00:46:58Come on.
00:47:22Buongiorno, signora.
00:47:32Welcome to the Hotel Sereno, signora Ford.
00:47:35Room 207, on the second floor.
00:47:38Is this your first visit to Umber?
00:47:40No. In fact, I'm hoping to revisit some old haunts.
00:47:44It says on your website that you have mopeds that guests can use.
00:47:49We have only one. Let me check if it's available.
00:47:55I'm sorry, it's booked until the end of tomorrow.
00:47:58Would you like me to reserve it for you?
00:48:02I'll get back to you on that. OK.
00:48:06There is one other thing.
00:48:08Do you happen to have a copy of La Repubblica?
00:48:12I think so. Let me check it.
00:48:21Here it is.
00:48:23Thank you. You're welcome.
00:48:27Have a nice day. Thank you.
00:48:35I didn't think I'd hear from you again.
00:48:39Signora Paravesi, I owe you an apology.
00:48:43You owe me a great deal more than that.
00:48:46I did warn you the process might be complex.
00:48:49You will get your money, I assure you, but I need more time.
00:48:53You sent the Carabinieri to my home.
00:48:55That was risky, wasn't it?
00:48:57I had no choice. My daughter's missing.
00:49:00I don't care about your daughter.
00:49:02Get me my money, or I will make sure that no one in Rome does business with you again.
00:49:08I trust this man less and less every day.
00:49:11I'll bring him back here to interrogate him.
00:49:25Send me the GPS coordinates.
00:49:28They found the van.
00:49:32At least what's left of it.
00:49:37The moped is rented to a man called Nick Wallace.
00:49:40He's got it until tomorrow night.
00:49:42Well done. Have you got into his room yet?
00:49:45Give me a chance.
00:49:47Speak later. I'm on my way to Rome.
00:49:50Why are you going there?
00:49:51To make use of the information you've so cleverly acquired for me, darling.
00:50:31Si, Capitano.
00:51:25All okay?
00:51:52Right here.
00:52:06There it is.
00:52:26I'm sorry, darling. I'm really sorry.
00:52:29You won't need it during the lesson.
00:52:33I can't see it.
00:52:35Call my mobile, please.
00:52:38I'm sorry. I'm not usually this forgetful.
00:52:41I'm just too relaxed.
00:52:43It's ringing.
00:52:52We don't have to play tennis, you know.
00:52:58Why don't we ditch the lesson and go back to bed?
00:53:08Very tempting, but the poor guy is waiting for us.
00:53:11We should go back.
00:53:14Come on.
00:53:17Come on.
00:53:19You're too good for me.
00:53:43Come on.
00:54:15Hello, Miriam.
00:54:17So glad to find you still in action.
00:54:20Well, half the top brass have forgotten I'm here.
00:54:23And the other half, too scared to tell me to retire.
00:54:28What can I do for you?
00:54:33I need a favour.
00:54:35You know I have a daughter.
00:54:37I need a favour.
00:54:40I need a favour.
00:54:42You know I have a daughter.
00:54:45In Beirut, last I heard.
00:54:48And then something about a career break.
00:54:51That's right. She's living in Italy at the moment.
00:54:54She disappeared yesterday.
00:54:56Snatched from outside her house in Umbria
00:54:58and driven away in a stolen van.
00:55:00And you think it's related to her work for the service?
00:55:04Have you been in touch with Vauxhall Cross?
00:55:06I've tried.
00:55:07Let me guess.
00:55:09Some callow teenager on work experience hung up on you.
00:55:13He was perfectly polite,
00:55:15but he obviously thought I was some kind of fantasist.
00:55:18We're a pair of fossils, you and I.
00:55:21Have you alerted the Carabinieri?
00:55:23They're investigating.
00:55:25But I have a lead.
00:55:28And I don't think it would be wise to share it with them.
00:55:31But you'd like to share it with me.
00:55:33Yes, please.
00:55:37Who is he?
00:55:38I was rather hoping you might be able to tell me.
00:55:42He's staying at the Hotel Sereno near Castiglione del Lago
00:55:46under the name Nick Wallace.
00:55:48I'll get the picture run through our system
00:55:50and see what that yields.
00:57:08Want some?
00:57:10No, thank you.
00:57:38There's food, too.
00:57:40I'm not hungry.
00:57:55I'm not going to poison you, Sylvia.
00:57:58The Carabinieri will be searching for me.
00:58:01If anything happens to me, they'll track you down.
00:58:04I doubt it.
00:58:06I'm pretty good and I've been planning this for a while.
00:58:56Oh! Oh!
00:59:00Are you OK?
00:59:01Yes. It's my own fault.
00:59:03I couldn't resist these shoes.
00:59:06They are very chic.
00:59:07Yes, but not very practical.
00:59:09Do you mind if I just...
00:59:10No, of course.
00:59:11Catch my breath.
00:59:16My name is Sabine.
00:59:19Nice to meet you.
00:59:20And you.
00:59:21So, have you had a chance to think about things?
00:59:37What's there to think about?
00:59:39Come on, Sylvia.
00:59:41You want to get out of here alive, don't you?
00:59:45If I tell you, how can I trust you to let me go?
00:59:50Well, you can't.
00:59:52But it's your only chance, so you might as well take it.
00:59:58Did you know Richard Vaughan was American?
01:00:02He didn't sound like a yank to me.
01:00:04His father worked for some big oil company, and he grew up in London.
01:00:10Vaughan didn't tell me about the smuggling.
01:00:12And he definitely wasn't MI6.
01:00:14But he could have been CIA.
01:00:17Even if he wasn't, the agency might have had its own reasons to help him disappear.
01:00:24Yeah, well, this is all very interesting.
01:00:27But I need his real name.
01:00:29I can't tell you what I don't know.
01:00:39You know the guy's life story, but not his name.
01:00:47His name was Ryan Erickson.
01:00:53And his family came from Minnesota.
01:00:56That's all I know.
01:01:02You better be telling the truth.
01:01:04You better be telling the truth.
01:02:34Come on.
01:02:54Oh, yes.
01:02:59A proper cup of tea.
01:03:01Fortnum's loose leaf.
01:03:03You see anything I miss about Britain?
01:03:05I get it sent out in the diplomatic bag.
01:03:09Oh, here we are.
01:03:11Nicholas Jacob Wallace entered the country three weeks ago on a South African passport.
01:03:18That's not good.
01:03:19It's showing a match, a man named Graham Arthur Conway.
01:03:23Why is Conway on your system?
01:03:25He's a former British military intelligence officer.
01:03:28Former? What is he now?
01:03:30He went rogue and was killed in a prison fight, allegedly.
01:03:34Do you happen to know if Sylvia was in East Africa at the time?
01:03:37No, she'd moved on by then.
01:03:40But she was there a few years earlier when Conway was convicted.
01:03:43And what was he done for?
01:03:45Running a mineral smuggling operation.
01:03:49He was suspected of the murder of two mine workers.
01:03:54But there wasn't enough evidence to charge him.
01:03:58That's odd.
01:04:00I'm trying to see who else of ours was in the region at the time,
01:04:03but the system keeps blocking me.
01:04:05Black Ops?
01:04:06Yes, perhaps.
01:04:08Is there anything else I can do to help?
01:04:10Just a few bits and pieces from the stationery cupboard, if you'd be so kind.
01:04:15That's quite a shopping list.
01:04:18I shall need it all back.
01:04:20Of course.
01:04:22Don't do anything foolish, Henry.
01:04:27We leave tomorrow, but it's been a fabulous trip.
01:04:30The first of many, I hope.
01:04:32Nick is a great guy.
01:04:34And where is he, this wonderful boyfriend of yours?
01:04:37I can't wait to meet him.
01:04:38He's gone hiking.
01:04:40Wants to get fit again after three weeks of indulgence.
01:04:43You've been here three weeks?
01:04:45It was meant to be ten days,
01:04:47but Nick's schedule changed and he said we should stay longer.
01:04:52Are you here with your partner?
01:04:54No, I'm on my own.
01:04:56I'm celebrating my divorce.
01:04:58Oh, I'm sorry.
01:05:00Don't be.
01:05:01I'm well read.
01:05:04Excuse me.
01:05:10Avoid any contact with Wallace and get out of there now.
01:05:13Oh, hi, Nick!
01:05:14Thank you so much. Yes, I'll be there right away.
01:05:18I must go.
01:05:19Thank you for being so adorable.
01:05:21It was good to meet you, Arabella.
01:05:23See you later, maybe?
01:05:29Who was that?
01:05:30A nice woman who is staying here.
01:05:35What's wrong?
01:05:57Capitano Riva, any news?
01:06:06It's on.
01:06:15Come on.
01:06:16The van was abandoned here,
01:06:18next to the border with Tuscany and the Autostrada,
01:06:21so Sylvia could be hundreds of kilometres away by now.
01:06:24Or she could be just up the road.
01:06:26Yes, which is why our officers are searching the immediate area.
01:06:31I'm sorry.
01:06:32Was there something else?
01:06:34Because I should be getting back to Panicale.
01:06:36I must ask you again, sir.
01:06:40If there is a chance that Sylvia's disappearance
01:06:42has anything to do with one of your business dealings,
01:06:46tell me now.
01:06:48So you can harass my other clients?
01:06:51I promise you, there's nothing to tell.
01:06:53What exactly is your business, Senior Fox?
01:06:57I'm an art historian.
01:06:59I advise collectors and dealers,
01:07:02as I was doing for Lee Hamilton at Villa Rosa.
01:07:05Where he went by the name of Michael Priest.
01:07:08Why was that?
01:07:10I prefer to keep my private and professional lives separate.
01:07:14The laws in Italy governing the sale of art are very strict, you know.
01:07:18I'm well aware of that.
01:07:19Capitano Riva, why are we wasting time talking about my work
01:07:22when we should be looking for my daughter?
01:07:28For Sylvia's sake, I hope you're not trying to conduct a human investigation.
01:07:34I'm an old man in a foreign country.
01:07:36What could I possibly do?
01:07:38Serious damage if you're trying to play the hero.
01:07:42What can you tell me about Sylvia's life before she moved to Italy?
01:07:45She's told me very little.
01:07:47You too, I imagine.
01:07:49Our secret services might be able to assist, but they won't.
01:07:53Unless I have more information.
01:07:56I'm afraid I can't help you there.
01:08:10So how does someone come back from the dead?
01:08:14With the right help.
01:08:17With the right help and enough money,
01:08:20it's not that hard to fake your own death.
01:08:23Sabine said that she'd never met his family.
01:08:26They've only been together for a few months.
01:08:28Very convenient.
01:08:30Please get in touch with Riva.
01:08:32Please, please.
01:08:33This man is a killer and a soldier.
01:08:38We can't fight him on our own.
01:08:40It's the only way we can fight him.
01:08:43Conway is still at the hotel,
01:08:46so Sylvia's not going to be far away.
01:08:48And if he and his girlfriend are leaving tomorrow evening,
01:08:51he has to make his final move either tonight or in the morning.
01:08:57Why can't we call the Carabinieri to keep him under surveillance?
01:09:02And what then?
01:09:04Supposing Conway doesn't realise and leads them to Sylvia.
01:09:08They'll go in mob-handed with an armed response unit.
01:09:11Now, they may get Conway,
01:09:14but there's no guarantee that Sylvia will come out alive.
01:09:21what are we going to do?
01:09:24We'll get her back, Izzy.
01:09:26We will.
01:09:48Oh, no!
01:09:58Just take me instead. I'll be more use than Mum.
01:10:02Why do you think so?
01:10:04I mean, I'm younger, I've got better eyesight, I can run faster.
01:10:08It's not quite as simple as that.
01:10:11So what does it take to be a good spy, then?
01:10:13You're staying here.
01:10:15I'll message you once an hour.
01:10:18What am I supposed to tell Matteo?
01:10:19I don't know. I mean, he doesn't get back into love till midnight.
01:10:22Just pretend you've gone to bed.
01:10:23I was writing him a note saying that I'm spending the night at Sylvia's.
01:10:26Well, he's going to find that weird.
01:10:32I'll explain in the morning.
01:10:36And I bet you can't run faster.
01:11:35Try Kazan.
01:11:37Conway and Sabine are back in their room.
01:11:39He told her he's going for an early morning hike.
01:11:44Make yourself comfortable.
01:11:47It's going to be a long night.
01:12:09Come on.
01:12:40See you later.
01:12:41I love you.
01:12:43What's happening?
01:12:46He's on the move.
01:13:09Damn it.
01:13:22He's come back into the hotel.
01:13:24Hope to God he hasn't seen us.
01:13:32Right. I'm going to go and have a closer look.
01:13:40You there?
01:13:42It's a bread van.
01:13:48The driver's taking the bread inside.
01:13:54Oh my God.
01:13:56Conway's back.
01:14:02He's stealing the van!
01:14:39We have to go get Mum.
01:14:40From Siva's house?
01:14:41No, no.
01:14:42Hey, hey, hey. Alice.
01:14:43What the hell is going on?
01:14:44Just get dressed and then come with me.
01:14:45I'll explain on the way, OK?
01:14:46Just come on. Now!
01:15:10Come on.
01:15:11Your whole family's goddamn crazy.
01:15:13His plan was a good one.
01:15:14So why didn't you tell me about it?
01:15:18Just get in.
01:15:21Go. I'm tracking him.
01:15:39Come on.
01:16:25You're not going anywhere.
01:17:08According to his CIA file,
01:17:10Ron Erickson was killed in a car crash in Nigeria three years ago.
01:17:15But you already knew that.
01:17:17I swear I didn't.
01:17:20I know you spooks stick together.
01:17:23But why are you still protecting Richard Vaughn?
01:17:26Why not?
01:17:28You're going to kill me anyway, aren't you?
01:17:31You know I have to.
01:17:35But not before you tell me what Vaughn's real name is.
01:17:40Where did you get that?
01:17:42Where did you get that?
01:17:46From the jewellery box in your sister's bedroom.
01:17:52Isabel had nothing to do with this!
01:17:56She'll be dead by the end of the day.
01:17:58Unless you tell me Vaughn's real name.
01:18:09You were right.
01:18:12Richard Vaughn was MI6.
01:18:15His real name is Adam Haynes.
01:18:18You sure about that?
01:18:22Then why should I believe you?
01:18:25I used to be married to him.
01:18:29Well, well, well.
01:18:34Come on.
01:18:36Where are we going?
01:18:37Where are we going?
01:18:40I don't know anything about the money, I swear.
01:18:44Adam and I were divorced long before I was posted to Matara.
01:18:49And he used to lie to me all the time.
01:18:52Yeah, well I'll be sure to give him your regards when we catch up.
01:20:08He's dead.
01:20:12Are you okay?
01:20:20Are you okay?
01:20:21Are you okay?
01:20:22Are you okay?
01:20:42Give me the gun.
01:20:43No, you'd best not touch it.
01:20:44I have to.
01:20:46If I'm going to say I fired the shot.
01:20:49I'm an Italian citizen in good standing with a clean record.
01:20:53And you?
01:20:54Just give me the gun.
01:20:58Let him do it.
01:21:01Thanks, Matteo, but there's no need.
01:21:04I'm just going to go.
01:21:05Give me a ten minute start.
01:21:07Then call the carabinieri.
01:21:09Tell them you found Conway dead and Sylvia in shock.
01:21:12Sylvia will say I shot Conway, then took off.
01:21:16I'll take this with me.
01:21:29Thank you so much.
01:21:36Take care, my darling.
01:21:38You too.
01:21:45I didn't answer your question about what makes a good spy.
01:21:51None of the things that make a good human being.
01:22:05Will he be okay?
01:22:06He'll be fine.
01:22:13He knows how to disappear.
01:22:28Grazie, Matteo.
01:22:30I think it will be fine.
01:22:31Okay, I'll be right there.
01:22:36Excuse me.
01:22:44You sure you never saw him before?
01:22:51He was going to kill me.
01:22:54Do you know his name?
01:22:57Nick Wallis.
01:22:58He's the name on his driver's license.
01:23:00Doesn't mean anything to you.
01:23:06I don't believe you, Sylvia, but I don't care.
01:23:09Because I'm just so glad you're safe.
01:24:05The person you're calling is unavailable.
01:24:07Please leave a message after the tone.
01:24:11Hi, Adam.
01:24:14A dead man tried to kill me.
01:24:18He wanted to know what you did with his ten million dollars.
01:24:24I'd like to know too.
01:24:35I'm sorry.
01:25:05I'm sorry.
01:25:35I'm sorry.
01:26:35I'm sorry.
01:27:05I'm sorry.
01:27:06I'm sorry.
01:27:07I'm sorry.
01:27:08I'm sorry.
01:27:09I'm sorry.
01:27:10I'm sorry.
01:27:11I'm sorry.
01:27:12I'm sorry.
01:27:13I'm sorry.
01:27:14I'm sorry.
01:27:15I'm sorry.
01:27:16I'm sorry.
01:27:17I'm sorry.
01:27:18I'm sorry.
01:27:19I'm sorry.
01:27:20I'm sorry.
01:27:21I'm sorry.
01:27:22I'm sorry.
01:27:23I'm sorry.
01:27:24I'm sorry.
01:27:25I'm sorry.
01:27:26I'm sorry.
01:27:27I'm sorry.
01:27:28I'm sorry.
01:27:29I'm sorry.
01:27:30I'm sorry.
01:27:31I'm sorry.
01:27:32I'm sorry.
01:27:33I'm sorry.
01:27:34I'm sorry.
01:27:35I'm sorry.
01:27:36I'm sorry.
01:27:37I'm sorry.
01:27:38I'm sorry.
01:27:39I'm sorry.
01:27:40I'm sorry.
01:27:41I'm sorry.
01:27:42I'm sorry.
01:27:43I'm sorry.
01:27:44I'm sorry.
01:27:45I'm sorry.
01:27:46I'm sorry.
01:27:47I'm sorry.
01:27:48I'm sorry.
01:27:49I'm sorry.
01:27:50I'm sorry.
01:27:51I'm sorry.
01:27:52I'm sorry.
01:27:53I'm sorry.
01:27:54I'm sorry.
01:27:55I'm sorry.
01:27:56I'm sorry.
01:27:57I'm sorry.
01:27:58I'm sorry.
01:27:59I'm sorry.
01:28:00I'm sorry.
01:28:01I'm sorry.
01:28:02I'm sorry.