• last year
00:00Maybe my response is does it matter?
00:03Mm-hmm. No way to get it done
00:06Get one of them like does it matter it might because the bottom line is
00:12Both of them are still not in camp. That's the point if three guys wanted money this offseason
00:18McCaffrey Iuke and Trent Williams
00:21Their pride they prioritized it the way we're watching him prioritize it
00:26Here's here's what I think Trent Williams needs to do he needs to he needs to sit down at that big desk in East, Texas
00:33That's where they say that he's gonna pull out. I'm going old-school
00:37He needs to pull out a papermate pen, and he needs to write a letter to Brandon Iuke
00:43thanking him
00:44For how he handled his offseason because if Brandon I you could not handle the offseason like he has
00:51Way more people would be on to what Trent Williams is trying to do. Not to me
00:59He's an OG, and he's still a powerful OG. He's still good as hell one of the top
01:05players in the game. I mean that. That's great. That's great. What would you tell me the difference right here?
01:11Brandon Iuke wants to be paid like a top-five receiver and the 49ers go you ain't
01:16Got you and Trent Williams wants to be paid like a number one left tackle in football, and they're saying you ain't
01:23What's the difference? Look at my resume. You're not the best right now
01:28I'm your best left tackle. That's right, and Brandon Iuke's your best wide receiver. Is he? Yes. Well, then why'd you draft Pearsall?
01:35Well, because we knew he was gonna be a problem. And you said I'm better than Debo? I don't make more than Debo right now. You will
01:41Well, or you will not
01:43Maybe the 49ers look and say you know what McCaffrey wants to be the highest paid running back. Well, he is. You're paid
01:51Iuke you want to be paid like a top-five receiver. We have you at 12
01:57Trent Williams, we want to be number one paid. You're five right now. Well, you're five
02:02I know you want him to get his chicken, but I bet you in a Texas second
02:07I don't give a rat's behind. Trent is going to get a raise. All right, that is for sure. He might get a raise
02:13I wouldn't give him any guaranteed money
02:16There's a salary cap. We got to deal with that
02:20just the idea that like that that
02:23But you said just a minute ago say real quick you understood Trent like you he's got two years probably left
02:29And they know I don't understand Trent. I mean, I yeah, he's being selfish. Yeah, that's how I understand
02:36I think Trent what Trent Williams is pulling is kind of worse than Brandon Iuke. I do
02:43Everybody knows Brandon Iuke's in his window. We all knew that we knew it March 1st.
02:49I can't believe it. What we didn't know was that Trent Williams was gonna look at 22 million and say now I want guaranteed money
02:56Because I'm old now. Right. Get out of here. And the 707 dude, there's a salary cap. That's right
03:02Yeah, but you still found a way to offer Iuke 26 allegedly had he took that and I that would have been that
03:10He was only 12. They're gonna take care of Trent so all that can still happen
03:14the bottom line is do you think it's going to happen because according depending on who you listen to a
03:19Trade is going to pop off. It's in place. It's at the goal line. It's on the tee
03:24We don't know but something is about to pop off. I think the Niners do not want to part ways with Iuke
03:30He don't want to lead a bay and
03:32Trent will get his money when he gets his money. He's probably at home playing the new Madden
03:37Let's go to Maher in San Francisco, what's up Maher? How you doing?
03:43Hey guys
03:47Man I'm loving the talk. I just hate the
03:50Situation the 49ers just put themselves in you know, I mean, um, I understand Brendan Iuke situation
03:56But I agree which was kind of selfish for Trent Williams to do this
04:00And just ask for more money. I mean you mean you made like a good Jillian
04:05Millions to Jillian dollars
04:08Even though he is the best left tackle. I think in the game. He's an all-pro
04:13He deserves it and I think he's more important than Brandon. I you
04:18If you if you take away Trent Williams from this team
04:21Prop 30 is getting sat there left and right left and right
04:25I mean we already have a weak offensive line a middle of the pack offensive line. I don't want to say weak
04:30I mean we need a we need a couple people
04:32In there, that'd be nice
04:33But if you take away Trent Williams from that old line brought pretty is getting sacked all day
04:38Look at that three game losing streak, but yeah when Trent was out
04:41It was I know it's just all of last year guru, but that was bad
04:45What you're talking about? Yeah Debo was out of that game
04:50Also also a Devo Samuel
04:53I think I value him more to this team then just because he brings the energy he brings everything and other than that he had
04:59That three touchdown game against the Eagles watch the Super Bowl. He was her that hamstring was barking in the Super Bowl for Debo
05:06I'm just saying that's the only thing is injuries injuries is stopping us
05:10I think that's the thing for us this year is
05:12The injury bug has to not bite us if the injury bug bites us this year. We're gonna have a hard year guys
05:18Here's the other thing. I don't know why I haven't brought this up
05:23but you know everybody says well, it's it's our Super Bowl window and
05:28Anything and everything it's got to be for this year for this year for this year
05:33It's the most important thing is this year. Yeah to you
05:37Maybe the foot. Let me ask you this
05:41If trade if they just cave in to Trent Williams
05:44Okay, and then we go through next year you think Nick Bosa is not just gonna hold out if
05:50Somebody surpasses him as the highest paid left tackle in football. What about Fred Warner?
05:56So you say when does it stop exactly but why would Nick Bosa?
06:00Yeah, not hold out next year if somebody becomes a higher paid left tackle. Thank you
06:07I'm not living my life or running my team like that. We'll do what you have to run your team
06:12Clean the house last time with Bosa. That's the point and they and Trent Williams cleaned house three years ago
06:18And he's trying to do it again. Exactly. He's going to win. We'll see
06:21We'll see but you can't just continue I mean you're asking
06:28Happens man, okay, then why doesn't every team have four holdouts a year like oh
06:34This is just gonna be business as usual because the studs are pretty much taken care of Stiney
06:39Maybe the 49 average Bears ain't gonna be able to pull this and I love Lenore's and all those guys
06:45They ain't gonna have the gravitas to to pull this Trent Williams card, man
06:49You cannot as good as Trent Williams is I
06:57Mean he's gonna get paid partner. I
07:01Never come to camp again
07:02I have it written in my contract that every time a guy gets paid more than me on another team
07:08You got to give me a raise
07:10That's what we're talking about
07:13Fred Warner Fred Warner the best middle linebacker in football one of them
07:17Is he the highest paid middle linebacker in football
07:20Well, I'd hold out if I were him
07:23What what makes him different than Trent Williams? He's important
07:27But you're doing you're speaking for a guy's character that Fred Warner who hasn't done that
07:33But he could so now we're talking about character. I don't know but you're talking about saying no you're you're you're
07:40You're bringing up actions
07:42By people that haven't done what you're saying they can do and for the ink hasn't even tried on boasts his contract
07:48So we know Stiney. He ain't gonna pull that shenanigan, which is a one-year-after
07:57For you
07:59Is that from you to say he's gonna pull that he just signed it
08:03Tell me two years from now
08:05But to say he's gonna do it next year is as dumb as you're saying that I'm like let it he got a couple
08:10Stiney before he pulls that
08:14It's gonna happen next year, I'm just
08:18Every year with somebody Trent is at the end, bro
08:23All the more reason to not give in but he's your bet
08:28He's one of the best tackles in the game. I use one of the best wide receivers in the game
08:33Oh now he is. Are you saying that?
08:35Average I said top 10 top 12. Well, there's no difference to me. This is first time
08:40There's nothing to get paid. That's right. That's another reason
08:43I'm telling Trent Williams to kick rocks or you know what don't play on the 22
08:48But you're not gonna be as good on the field
08:50You're not gonna be as good as on the field without I you if you move him
08:53But see they must feel that they must feel differently about that because it's looking that way. I
09:00think if I'm the 49ers, I am absolutely worried that this will just keep happening if you if you just keep throwing money at
09:10Like you know what McCaffrey got his
09:13McCaffrey didn't they had two guys who did it this year McCaffrey and Trent Williams
09:17You think it hasn't run through Parag Murat's mind that if they go down a certain road
09:22They're gonna run into this problem time and time again
09:25I'm not saying that it's not on their their radar
09:29But and and the idea good are the people pulling this prank the idea that Nick Bosa
09:36Wouldn't take a page out of Trent Williams playbook to me is preposterous when we heard a teammate of
09:43Nick Bosa George Kittle say well that that's what the Bosa's do they hold out
09:49Any yeah, my whole point is this is brand news Donny, but again
09:54I'm like I that wouldn't be I wouldn't be worried about that from Bosa next year
09:59Maybe two years from now or well, then who's so there's somebody next year
10:03There's gonna be somebody next year who signed a contract three years ago
10:06I'm not gonna
10:07I don't think they're gonna be as talented or it Bosa well if he when did Warner sign his contract like two years ago
10:13Okay, so he's due to hold that could be more longer than that. He's too. Oh my then he's really due to hold out
10:18I'm surprised not holding out now D
10:19Lou says you're spitting facts, but if I'm not saying you're not but it don't make you're right there
10:26There are two dudes that are away from camp. No. That's the point going to cave. You're gonna pay Trent Williams
11:01You got veteran players that are looking around like
11:09Brandon I hate I'm running precise routes so he can know that I'm there when the ball at the media. I
11:17Mean, it's a team game. You're gonna tell me
11:22Are you gonna take this young kid break the bank for him? If you're not gonna break me off anything and I don't
11:30The players are not going to each other players want each other to get their
11:36Periods, they don't care. They're Williams is great waiting out. He has legitimate
11:43Brandon are you like he said he's on his rookie contract all rookie contracts don't come
11:49Where you play out your whole working contract? No, this is this time to get paid
11:57What if I told you Darryl that
12:01What you just said
12:02It was is the most impactful thing. I've heard about this situation in the last week because I didn't I never thought that
12:11Which but you might be on to something when when Jed York said
12:16That Brock Purdy will reset the market
12:20The guy had played one and a half seasons
12:23Dow are you still there?
12:25Yeah, okay. All right. I mean, I think it's a great point on the point
12:32Thanks, Dale. Appreciate the call. All right, I
12:35didn't I didn't put two and two together like that, but
12:39Hmm. I mean think about it, but I you is not I use contract is what it is
12:45He was about to enter the final year of his contract
12:48Why would he risk that that to me that has nothing to do with Brock Purdy
12:51Yeah, it also on top of that. I got to worry about my neck and chest
12:54I can't worry about the owner saying possibly they're getting ready to to reset the quarterback market
13:00I got to worry about me. Okay, Trent is 36. He probably has two good years left. He's hinted at retirement
13:06He can play this card. I don't I don't think the card is being played as the owner said that they're
13:12There's something there, but what does it mean I'll tell you into the day
13:16I will tell you what it means Brock Purdy came in here and quarterback 25 football games and the owner said
13:24We know he will reset the market
13:27Okay. Well now let's look who's
13:29Trying to get their money
13:31Well the left tackle who protects the guy who you just said would reset the market the wide receiver
13:39That he throws the ball to
13:41well, we offered him 26 man and
13:45Christian McCaffrey, yeah, I like I think there is a connection there
13:48I do the more I think about it like there may be something there if your owner says
13:55Brock Purdy's gonna reset the market after a year and a half
13:58I think the guy who's been there four years the guy who's been there
14:02However long Trent Williams has been there and Christian McCaffrey at that point would say so they're telling me they're gonna reset the market
14:08with this guy already
14:11Well, I'm gonna try to go get my money right now and how hey, how's that working for you?
14:16It was actually doing the same thing if Brock what if Brock was a seven-year veteran. I don't know maybe
14:25maybe but I I didn't put those things together and
14:31Then you because then it's like you can jump in hearing. Oh, no
14:36Cuz I feel like it's you going in the Higgins office and I'll just I'll use a are you Shasky?
14:41You know, I'm here a Shasky might be getting a big contract. Yeah, so pay me
14:45Yeah, well, you would never do something like that. I wouldn't but if I did you're different guy
14:50Yeah, but but I guess the natural element of their contract is what it is
14:54Trent's 36 so I can exclude I'm not saying the caller was wrong and that that doesn't matter
15:00He was trying to he's gonna play this card
15:02Regardless study cuz the guaranteed money ran out and he knows he's probably has two good years left
15:07So he's playing the card Iukes rookie deal is up next year
15:11He don't want to risk the biscuit this year and he's playing a card. He needs it naturally would play he needs
15:19They need it now because they know
15:22Purdy's getting it next offseason
15:28Yeah, so you think they're mad I'm just asking you think they're mad at Purdy or looking sideways no, but I do think
15:35Yes, if I'm Trent Williams, and I'm McCaffrey and I'm Iuke
15:40All right, and we have this prolific offense and he's turned this seventh round pick
15:46got you into a quarterback and we're already saying I'd want a Super Bowl and
15:51The owner is already saying well, see we're prepared. This guy's gonna reset the market
15:56Well, why wouldn't Trent Williams say well
15:58I'm gonna try to reset the market too, and I've done more than him and Christian McCaffrey
16:02I'll reset the market too. Why cuz I'm the best fool. I'm the best running back in football
16:09You know what come to fit like all like whenever we talk about Brock Purdy
16:13There is an assumption and probably rightfully so oh, he's gonna get 50. Well if he's getting 50
16:21The others are feeding right now or trying to feed exactly to her and that's why they're that's why they're in this situation
16:28And I'm like damn
16:31Like Stanley, I'm being real
16:32I can't get mad at Brock because the boss said that he might reset the market when we're looking at Jordan Love who's unproven
16:39You get mad at Jed and he's getting you know, he's the highest paid quarterback
16:42But you get mad at Jed for saying it after a year and a half. I just think again if
16:49You were the Niners quarterback Trent would play this card because he's 36 and probably sees his career winding down
16:55Yeah, and I might be right the same thing, but maybe he's more. He's he's more likely to do it now
17:02Because he just heard the owner say
17:05That this guy who hasn't even been here for two years is gonna reset the market
17:09Let's do some role if somebody says if the 49ers no Purdy's gonna reset the market and they're okay with it
17:17Hell yeah, I would be like well
17:20Let's all go get ours. Well, what about Trent say what would you say to Trent if he says so?
17:25Let me get this straight you guys took care of McCaffrey and you're not taking care of me. What is the difference?
17:33We prioritize Christian
17:36Opens the holes for him. Yeah, I'm all pro. I'm not saying you don't have great questions. So what was it?
17:42Where's my chicken? We can't pay everybody and Christians in his prime and you're 36. Okay
17:47Okay, what? Okay. No, you're gonna play that game. Yeah
17:51Okay, we'll see what you do on the field. Okay, and we'll see you walk away from 22 million
17:56Go ahead and walk away from 22 million. We can't man. Hey Trey
18:00Difference Donnie, we can't run a business like this. We can't I guess I'm not triggered
18:06I guess I would tell the caller who met a great astute point
18:10The bottom line is Donnie. We know quarterbacks get the most money. We know unproven ones on this team
18:16but I
18:19All I'm saying is I could see
18:23Huh that all I'm saying is when Daryl called in from Alameda and brought that up. It made me go, huh?
18:30That is kind of interesting
18:33Evan but now you're does it? Yeah
18:35If Brock Purdy is not proven then who is besides my home?
18:40Well, I'm just saying why would you use that as your hey, I want to get paid because you said he's about to reset
18:46The market because he's their teammate
18:49Okay, he's been here a year and a half
18:52Iuk's been here four years
18:54McCaffrey's been in the league ten years including three here and Trent Williams. Oh my god twelve years including four or five here. So
19:04Yes, I get how brand now you might think that Brock Purdy's not as proven as he is
19:09Well, what if management said, you know what Stani? Don't worry about Brock. Let's worry about what you got going on
