The Moon (2023) stream deutsch anschauen

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00:00:0010.15 UTC
00:00:03Current time 10.15 UTC.
00:00:06The solar wind has damaged the radio system of the Hori Ho.
00:00:10And I, Wan Son Wu, am leaving a status report.
00:00:13Commander Lee and Lieutenant Cho are conducting an outbound landing
00:00:17to repair the power and communication antennas.
00:00:20Sir, the pressure in the decompression chamber is rising.
00:00:23It could be a voltage failure of the decompressor.
00:00:25You should come back in.
00:00:27Understood. Another H1-2042 has failed.
00:00:32H1-2033 is stable.
00:00:35The current status is...
00:00:38a fuel cell warning.
00:00:40An overload.
00:00:43Why is the valve of the emergency power line closed?
00:00:46How can something like this happen?
00:00:49The scope...
00:00:51of the system failure...
00:00:53is getting bigger and bigger.
00:00:55According to the manual, chapters 11-14...
00:01:03Another H1 fuel cell has just failed.
00:01:06Sporadic malfunction of H2 during repair.
00:01:10This can cause a problem if the temperature regulator can't be reset
00:01:13while the PTC mode is off.
00:01:17And the worst thing is...
00:01:19that the warnings are getting more frequent.
00:01:21The mechanical...
00:01:26How's it going?
00:01:27As you can see.
00:01:29I feel like I can talk a little.
00:01:32It's really all right.
00:01:34Now don't take it so seriously.
00:01:36Take care of it.
00:01:40My dear Goethe.
00:01:43Can soft-boiled eggs be added to the shields nowadays?
00:01:46I'll get cancer from that.
00:01:48So much excitement for nothing.
00:01:50I'm here to explore the moon...
00:01:52and not to let you get on my nerves.
00:01:54I don't want to hear from you anymore.
00:01:56That's an order.
00:01:58Just go to sleep.
00:02:00Hey, Space Seal.
00:02:02Are you taking this seriously?
00:02:04And Flight sounded like...
00:02:06he had seen death before.
00:02:08Don't go out!
00:02:10No outboard use!
00:02:14It's not like...
00:02:16he comes himself and repairs it.
00:02:18Space Seal.
00:02:19Increase the power of the command module.
00:02:21Right away.
00:02:24Power supply reset.
00:02:27My dear Goethe.
00:02:31I think we have a video signal.
00:02:33Lieutenant Shaw.
00:02:34We'll go back in when we have an audio connection.
00:02:36Yes, understood.
00:02:40By the way, sir.
00:02:42Now that the connection to Earth has been interrupted...
00:02:47the space feels...
00:02:50somehow like hell.
00:02:53Hell is the place where your earthly guilt remains.
00:02:58This is heaven.
00:03:00Where there is neither debt nor interest.
00:03:02Why are you talking about hell in this holy place?
00:03:05We haven't been here that long.
00:03:06Do you miss your wife?
00:03:09take it back, sir.
00:03:13What about you?
00:03:14Are you crying?
00:03:17Of course not.
00:03:19I thought of my son, who is still in this hell.
00:03:24Why should I cry?
00:03:28You haven't given your unborn daughter a name yet.
00:03:32I almost had one earlier.
00:03:34But this damn solar wind...
00:03:47Thanks and who?
00:03:49Check the power supply and stop dreaming.
00:03:53Mr. Minister.
00:03:54The probability that there will be serious problems again is extremely low.
00:03:58The previous program failed because your predecessor didn't work thoroughly enough.
00:04:03That certainly won't happen to you.
00:04:04What are you worried about?
00:04:05If this goes wrong, I can go back to Congress.
00:04:08But you can't.
00:04:09I asked to become Foreign Minister.
00:04:11What kind of a literature scholar should be a scientist?
00:04:14What's going on here?
00:04:15What happened?
00:04:16We restored the connection.
00:04:20Can you hear me?
00:04:21What's going on?
00:04:23Hurry up!
00:04:24Only your video link works.
00:04:27Can you hear me?
00:04:29Hurry up!
00:04:31Do you understand me?
00:04:33Slowly up.
00:04:35How did you manage to restore the connection?
00:04:38You're re-uploading the system.
00:04:40But there's only one video link.
00:04:43Current location?
00:04:44You are, as planned, near the bypass.
00:04:47Isn't it dangerous to go out in this situation?
00:04:52To all departments.
00:04:56When the network has stabilized, save all data and check the remote access, power supply and pressure.
00:05:03Hurry up!
00:05:04Yes, sir.
00:05:05You shouldn't use a foreign word.
00:05:12Hey, Sun Wu.
00:05:14What's up?
00:05:15Are there any other errors than 1102?
00:05:18Check the solar cells facing the sun for errors.
00:05:24Error 1240 is displayed.
00:05:28That's the voltage transformer.
00:05:33Error 1240 is displayed.
00:05:37That's the voltage transformer.
00:05:42I think we should open it.
00:05:44I'll check if it was a short circuit due to engine sparks.
00:05:48If there's a problem, take it out.
00:05:50We have three megas.
00:05:52And you and John?
00:05:53Do you have enough oxygen?
00:05:56My tank is full.
00:05:57Very good.
00:05:58If there are no interferences, you can try to repair it.
00:06:01Open the leak in the tank and go back in.
00:06:03Yes, Commander.
00:06:06Commander, is there anything else I can do?
00:06:10The connection is open.
00:06:13You could turn on some other music and stop making us nervous.
00:06:21I've got something.
00:06:22There might be a short circuit on the solar module 1.
00:06:24Lieutenant Cho is moving into the problem zone.
00:06:27Maybe he wants to check the fuel tank.
00:06:30I'll open it.
00:06:42I'll check the fuel tank.
00:06:48Well then...
00:06:56I think...
00:06:58you should take a look at this.
00:07:00What is it?
00:07:02The fuel.
00:07:04The fuel?
00:07:05It's running out.
00:07:19Lieutenant Cho!
00:07:24Yoon Jong!
00:07:28Yoon Jong!
00:07:44Oh god, Commander!
00:07:50What's with the picture?
00:07:51What happened?
00:07:53Someone has to know what's going on.
00:08:10Wake up, Commander!
00:08:14We've lost Lieutenant Cho's life sign.
00:08:18What about Lee?
00:08:20Commander, wake up!
00:08:22Come to your senses!
00:08:25Commander, over here!
00:08:28Over here!
00:08:30Are you okay?
00:08:35Please wake up!
00:08:37What are we supposed to do now?
00:08:49What about Cho?
00:08:51His belt has been torn.
00:08:53Please, come back in!
00:08:56Please come back in, Commander!
00:08:58I beg you!
00:09:01Grab him! I'll get you out!
00:09:27What are you doing?
00:09:30I'm opening the door.
00:09:32And what about the pressure difference?
00:09:37Listen to me.
00:09:39If you open it, you'll be dead.
00:09:42You won't make it anyway.
00:09:44Just listen to me.
00:09:46I only have oxygen for 15 seconds.
00:09:50I'll get you out of here.
00:09:52I only have oxygen for 15 seconds.
00:10:04I can't... I can't see anymore.
00:10:08I won't leave you out there alone.
00:10:13No, please, no! Don't do this!
00:10:16I beg you!
00:10:18You can't drag a corpse with you.
00:10:21It's a problem with the ship's controls.
00:10:28No, Commander, I beg you.
00:10:32This is... This is an order.
00:10:36No, I...
00:10:38If you completely restart the system, then...
00:10:42No, please.'ll get a connection.
00:10:47Ask for help.
00:10:48What are you talking about? You can't do that!
00:10:50First of all...
00:10:54This is not an order.
00:10:56It's much more of a request.
00:11:00Return to home.
00:11:05Astronaut Van Son.
00:11:07No, not Commander, no!
00:11:09Please don't do this!
00:11:15No, no, no!
00:11:22You can't do this!
00:11:25No, Commander!
00:11:31You can't do this!
00:11:49The flight director!
00:11:51The VORIHO is reconnecting!
00:11:54The transmission and reception are working!
00:12:02This is the flight director.
00:12:04Van Son, how are you?
00:12:06Please answer when you hear me.
00:12:12We were hit by...
00:12:15...sunlight 30,000 kilometers above the moon.
00:12:19The power supply...
00:12:22...of the command module was disconnected.
00:12:26Commander Lee Sang Won...
00:12:28...went out to repair the communication antennas.
00:12:32After the repair...
00:12:34...there were problems with engine 1.
00:12:39The decompression chamber lost power.
00:12:44I didn't know what to do.
00:12:46Because of the explosion of the fuel, Lieutenant Cho...
00:12:53We lost Commander Lee's sign of life.
00:12:58When we tried to save him...
00:13:00...Commander Lee was injured by a solar module...
00:13:03...and I could do nothing but...
00:13:05Van Son, where?
00:13:07We know what's going on around you.
00:13:09So calm down, okay?
00:13:11I'm the only one left.
00:13:14I'm sorry.
00:13:17I'm so sorry.
00:13:22We'll discuss the rest of the procedure here.
00:13:27Check the system again, okay?
00:13:32Yes, sir.
00:13:34Two of the men are dead...
00:13:36...and the surviving astronaut...
00:13:39...unfortunately is not able to...
00:13:42...operate the spaceship from down here without help.
00:13:46But as a former Gaseel...
00:13:48...he possesses a strong physique and great mental strength.
00:13:51If he follows the repair instructions...
00:13:53Don't give me this mental nonsense!
00:13:55You all witnessed this debacle five years ago.
00:13:58You all witnessed this debacle five years ago.
00:14:01You all witnessed this debacle five years ago.
00:14:03You all witnessed this debacle five years ago.
00:14:05What did I tell you from the start?
00:14:07After being thrown out of the space committee...
00:14:09...we can only win if we are better than everyone else.
00:14:11We can do it.
00:14:13And how much money did it cost us?
00:14:16But you know that the development of our own technology...
00:14:19...cost us only a fifth of what it would have cost us... the committee.
00:14:25That's why we tried it alone.
00:14:27Forget it.
00:14:29Just bring him home.
00:14:31The mission has failed.
00:14:33Just bring him home.
00:14:35We have to save at least one of you.
00:14:37And what should I tell the press?
00:14:39In order to bring him back to Earth...
00:14:41...we would have to be able to control the command module.
00:14:44But after the solar wind...
00:14:46...the remote control system has completely failed.
00:14:48Then fix it.
00:14:50Who's best at it?
00:14:54We have to get the man...
00:14:56...who designed the command module.
00:15:00I don't know who could be a great help to us.
00:15:03The WURIHO is more or less a replica...
00:15:05...of the spaceship NARIHO.
00:15:07It was designed by two men...
00:15:09...the former flight director and the technical director.
00:15:11The technical director, Wang Qite...
00:15:13...took his own life five years ago.
00:15:18To take on his kind of responsibility.
00:15:21And the other one?
00:15:25There were two of them.
00:15:30Where is the former...
00:15:32...flight director?
00:15:34Bring him here.
00:15:40A lot of snow has fallen...
00:15:42...and we are deep in the forest.
00:15:45Do you think we will starve here?
00:15:47They will send a helicopter.
00:15:49That means if one of us survives...
00:15:51...and now be quiet.
00:15:53Yes, but doctor...
00:15:55...if I stay quiet and don't speak...
00:15:57...I could lose consciousness.
00:15:59Can't we make a fire and wait?
00:16:01If you were a wild boar...
00:16:03...would you come here?
00:16:06If you see people talking on a campfire...
00:16:09...use your brain if you want to eat meat.
00:16:12Watch out, over there!
00:16:18It's here! It's really here!
00:16:21Shoot! Shoot!
00:16:23Shoot! Come on!
00:16:36Doctor, what are you doing?
00:16:42I don't have bullets.
00:16:44But I forgot.
00:16:52The whole family is here.
00:16:56Shouldn't we run away?
00:17:00We will leave very slowly.
00:17:09Slowly? Really?
00:17:11Quick! Quick! We should run!
00:17:15No, damn it! I told you not to run!
00:17:26They are gone, aren't they?
00:17:35The WURI-HO started with great ambition...
00:17:38...and we were all full of hope.
00:17:41But now two astronauts have died in a tragic accident...
00:17:45...and we don't know if the last survivor will make it.
00:17:48So far we haven't been able to...
00:17:50The command module can run for three weeks without any support.
00:17:54Please ask NASA for help in the meantime.
00:17:57And leave us alone.
00:18:00We will ask for help.
00:18:02But as you know, the ISC and NASA were against our moon expedition.
00:18:07And if you reject our request, we don't know what to do.
00:18:12Please help us save at least one life.
00:18:16Mr. Director, please help us.
00:18:19Mr. Director?
00:18:25If you really want to save a life...
00:18:28...then leave now.
00:18:31I'm no help.
00:18:33But you did it five years ago.
00:18:39Yes, because it was my job.
00:18:42Yes, because it was my job.
00:19:08I haven't been a researcher for long.
00:19:12Where was he, Mr. Director?
00:19:14Was he on the bank?
00:19:17I want the unfulfilled dream...
00:19:21...of my father to come true.
00:19:29Yes, that's right.
00:19:31He is Wang Ke Te's son.
00:19:35Thank you for your visit.
00:19:38I'm sure that my dear father is watching over me in heaven.
00:19:44And I will fulfill my mission.
00:19:47I will do my best to live up to the expectations of the people.
00:20:26Wang's temperature is dropping.
00:20:28The temperature control is a problem.
00:20:30If it keeps dropping, it can affect the system of the command module.
00:20:34And the electrical heating?
00:20:36It's been running for 30 minutes, unfortunately only sporadically.
00:20:39Why are you reporting this now?
00:20:41We were looking for the cause.
00:20:43I'm sorry.
00:20:44What is it?
00:20:46What is the problem now?
00:20:49Did someone screw up?
00:20:53Who was that?
00:20:55What is this?
00:20:56I told you not to do anything until the former flight director has arrived.
00:21:00Is that so serious?
00:21:01Who are you?
00:21:02How did you get in here?
00:21:06The former flight director.
00:21:12It wasn't easy, but I was able to convince him.
00:21:21ETC mode.
00:21:26What is the status?
00:21:28After the engine explosion, it failed.
00:21:31How high will the temperature rise when it turns to the sun?
00:21:35Over 5 degrees.
00:21:37Time until the moon orbit?
00:21:39At the current speed?
00:21:4030 minutes.
00:21:42That's more than enough.
00:21:44Call the thrust simulation.
00:21:46Uh, so...
00:21:48Do it already.
00:21:50We lost an engine.
00:21:52If something goes wrong,
00:21:54the Voriho will only be a windwheel.
00:21:56So he's supposed to freeze?
00:21:58He has to turn when he enters the orbit,
00:22:00so we should initiate that now.
00:22:02Calculate the discharge of the engine and the required time.
00:22:13Wang Chong Bu.
00:22:15Can you hear me?
00:22:17We will now re-align the spaceship.
00:22:20If you follow my orders,
00:22:22it will be in the right position...
00:22:25to be able to enter the moon orbit without additional input.
00:22:29Do you think you can do it?
00:22:32Yes, I will try.
00:22:35So, when we turn the ship towards the sun,
00:22:39the temperature rises without the heating system being activated.
00:22:44And the PTC mode is reset.
00:22:47If you're ready, let's get started.
00:22:50Do you see the ACS display?
00:22:53Yes, next to the other parameters.
00:22:56Here are the data.
00:22:58Activate it.
00:23:07ACS is ready. Ready for manoeuvre.
00:23:11Due to the accident, we lost engine 1.
00:23:15We will only use engine 2 and 3.
00:23:18On my signal, activate engine 2 at 20% for 2 seconds.
00:23:22Yes, understood.
00:23:25Engine 2...
00:23:27at 20%...
00:23:29for 2 seconds.
00:23:32All set.
00:23:34Countdown for engine 2.
00:23:48Manual ignition of the V2 RCS engine for 2 seconds.
00:23:51CSM setting.
00:23:52RCS from Bravo package. Check the temperature.
00:24:14Possible deviation from the coordinates.
00:24:16Deviation from the schedule.
00:24:18Mode high.
00:24:19Manual mode reverse.
00:24:23Engine 3 for 1.5 seconds.
00:24:25For 1.5 seconds.
00:24:33Alignment is being adjusted.
00:24:36Everything is nominal.
00:24:38Delta V status is nominal.
00:24:40Delta V status is nominal.
00:24:42Vector data identical to previous values.
00:24:44Interior temperature is rising again.
00:24:52Vaurio, you are now in the rendezvous runway and can continue to fly without any problems from now on.
00:24:57Rendezvous in progress.
00:24:59In flight mode, CSI mode nominal.
00:25:01Rotation speed satisfied.
00:25:03CSI mode restored.
00:25:05The spacecraft is flying at nominal speed.
00:25:08CSM error code 2501.
00:25:11RCS 3309.
00:25:13The former flight director Kim Jae-guk is also the architect of Na Rae-ho.
00:25:18It took me a lot of effort to get him away from NASA.
00:25:24I don't care about that.
00:25:26The only important thing is whether he can be saved or not.
00:25:30That is my only concern at the moment.
00:25:32Just keep your mouth shut.
00:25:34You did well.
00:25:38The Hoolihoo is now approaching the other side of the moon.
00:25:41Then the connection will break.
00:25:44Take a break until the connection is restored.
00:25:47We will contact you when you are back on our side.
00:25:54One moment, please.
00:25:56I would like to know who I am talking to all the time.
00:26:09Kim Jae-guk.
00:26:11Five years ago, I worked with your father.
00:26:27Wang Son-bu.
00:26:30We know each other.
00:26:39Kim Jae-guk.
00:26:42We know each other.
00:26:45Kim Jae-guk.
00:26:48We know each other.
00:26:51Kim Jae-guk.
00:26:54We know each other.
00:26:57Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:00We know each other.
00:27:03Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:05We know each other.
00:27:08Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:11We know each other.
00:27:14Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:17We know each other.
00:27:20Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:23We know each other.
00:27:26Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:29We know each other.
00:27:32Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:35We know each other.
00:27:38Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:41We know each other.
00:27:44Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:47We know each other.
00:27:50Kim Jae-guk.
00:27:53We know each other.
00:27:56Commander, you haven't given your unborn daughter a name yet.
00:27:59Oh, I almost had one before, but this damn solar wind...
00:28:04A name?
00:28:06I'll choose it when I'm on the moon and look at the earth.
00:28:29The Moon
00:28:46Does this mean that it is almost impossible to receive any support from NASA at the moment?
00:28:52Tell me, isn't there an American space station that has been orbiting the moon for some time?
00:28:57Unfortunately, that's not so easy.
00:28:59In space, you can't just meet somewhere.
00:29:02There are no tracks, like on the Autobahn.
00:29:05Attaching a space ship that has been destroyed means many problems.
00:29:19It's me.
00:29:22It's been a while.
00:29:24Is Jimin good at school?
00:29:26Which class is he in now?
00:29:30Well, I'm still the same.
00:29:34I work in the star watch.
00:29:38Now they're coming!
00:29:39Are you still listening to me?
00:29:41I'm all ears.
00:29:43I'd like to ask you a favor.
00:29:45Is that okay?
00:29:46As long as it's not about your broken Woriho, it's not a problem at all.
00:29:49Keep going.
00:29:50Moon Jung.
00:29:51Do you have your own conditions there?
00:29:54Are you voluntarily going back?
00:29:56What's that supposed to mean?
00:30:01Listen carefully.
00:30:03Your Lunar Gateway will be near Woriho in 48 hours.
00:30:06Until then, I'll have Woriho repaired.
00:30:10At the moment...
00:30:11No, you listen to me!
00:30:14The only survivor is Kyutei's son, Wang Chong-Hu.
00:30:17You know him, too.
00:30:19I'd like to speak now.
00:30:23So here's the thing.
00:30:29The Lunar Gateway was hit by solar wind.
00:30:31And nothing works normally, except communication.
00:30:33My team has been working on it for two days now to repair it.
00:30:37Everyone here is completely exhausted.
00:30:39If you ask for help, you'll bump into deaf ears.
00:30:43And the answer will certainly be the same even if your president makes a formal request.
00:30:49Please help me.
00:30:52It's not possible.
00:30:53And please believe me.
00:30:57I wish we could save him.
00:31:02And I would really like to do that.
00:31:07But that wouldn't bring Kyutei back.
00:31:13All right.
00:31:19The lander is being docked.
00:31:24He wants to land on the moon.
00:31:25Everyone is going crazy.
00:31:29Woriho is ready to dock.
00:31:31Check the EVA equipment.
00:31:33Checking the EVL checklist for signal nominal.
00:31:36LSS nominal.
00:31:37Oxygen analysis.
00:31:38Lightness measurement.
00:31:39Confirm the new state of the lander.
00:31:41Lander HAN-7.
00:31:42Betrayal assignment confirmed.
00:31:44Betrayal assignment confirmed.
00:31:45Preparation of the lander.
00:31:47Confirm the new state of the lander.
00:32:03I don't agree with that.
00:32:05It wasn't our decision.
00:32:07Stop that right now!
00:32:08We have no influence on that.
00:32:10Wang decided to land on the moon on his own.
00:32:13That's just the way it is.
00:32:14Can he even operate the lander?
00:32:16Have you lost your mind?
00:32:17We can't prevent what he's doing from here.
00:32:19From docking to landing.
00:32:21Even the return to the command capsule.
00:32:23Everything runs on autopilot.
00:32:37This is Kim Jae-guk.
00:32:39The Lunar Gateway will reach your position in two days.
00:32:42We can dock then.
00:32:43We'll wait until then, okay?
00:32:45And if not?
00:32:49could refuse to dock.
00:32:51You have reasons for that.
00:32:52Because even your ship...
00:32:53is not in a good condition.
00:32:55Then I will...
00:32:56reset the command module.
00:32:58And then I will...
00:33:00normalize the system again.
00:33:02And bring it back.
00:33:05Direct the sequence abort.
00:33:08And if you can't do it?
00:33:10You failed at Nariho.
00:33:12How can you be so sure?
00:33:14End the sequence!
00:33:16Dr. Kim Jae-guk.
00:33:19Why should I put my life in your hands?
00:33:24You couldn't even protect my father.
00:33:34Listen to me.
00:33:35Get out with him.
00:33:36Whether the Lunar Gateway takes me...
00:33:38or the command capsule is repaired...
00:33:40both options take two days.
00:33:46And in the name of the astronauts you killed...
00:33:48I will use this time.
00:33:50And in the name of those...
00:33:52who sacrificed themselves five years ago.
00:33:55And of course for our country.
00:33:58Prepare the landing sequence.
00:34:00Over and out.
00:34:02I'm standing here in front of the Naru Space Center.
00:34:05It's really a historic moment.
00:34:08The Woriho will be the second manned spaceship...
00:34:10to land on the moon after the U.S.A.
00:34:12Doctor, I have a question.
00:34:14Do you have the meteorite shower data?
00:34:16I watch it all the time on the IAU website.
00:34:18Keep an eye on it.
00:34:20And keep an eye on me.
00:34:22Your question has to wait.
00:34:23I have to repair a command module.
00:34:36In a few moments we will see...
00:34:38how the first Korean will set foot on the moon.
00:34:42An update on the current status of the spaceship...
00:34:45It is reported that the South Korean spaceship Woriho...
00:34:48which lost two astronauts in an explosion...
00:34:51will try to land on the moon.
00:34:53The only survivor of the spaceship...
00:34:55the astronaut Wang Son-guk...
00:34:57has suggested to carry out the mission alone.
00:35:00The landing works nominally.
00:35:02The last test before docking will be initiated.
00:35:06ECOM works.
00:35:08GNC works.
00:35:10Guidance works.
00:35:13Second stage OK.
00:35:14Operator OK.
00:35:15Control OK.
00:35:16Guidance OK.
00:35:18ECOM OK.
00:35:19NCO OK.
00:35:21End control, docking confirmed.
00:35:28Woriho, you can dock now.
00:35:49AOS confirmed.
00:35:50Docking works.
00:35:56Unlocking the command module.
00:36:03Tracker lights confirmed.
00:36:05Autonavigation system checked.
00:36:09Altitude descent of the lander.
00:36:11Checking guest start vectors.
00:36:15Attention all.
00:36:16Check the system of the lander...
00:36:18before the descent maneuver again.
00:36:20The former NASA researcher Dr. Kim Jae-guk...
00:36:23returned home 14 years ago...
00:36:25for the first Korean mission...
00:36:27to explore the moon.
00:36:30The Korean air and space technology...
00:36:32was non-existent...
00:36:33and based on Dr. Kim's...
00:36:35The results of the last clothing test...
00:36:37are within our prediction range.
00:36:39And the separation test was a success.
00:36:41The BMS insulation is also good.
00:36:43Except for the scale...
00:36:44everything is in line with the flight model.
00:36:46The scale-based model is also on the way.
00:37:00When the researchers took off...
00:37:02the fourth Korean plane...
00:37:04had the ability...
00:37:05to fly by itself...
00:37:06to build the Orion.
00:37:08They conquered the sky...
00:37:10and got a step closer to the moon.
00:37:14Can Korea bring the second man on the moon?
00:37:46This is my son.
00:37:47He studies physics.
00:38:03I'm just crossing the Mare Feconditatis...
00:38:06and getting closer to the Shackleton crater.
00:38:10Prepare the landing sequence.
00:38:13Reverse thrust.
00:38:15Two minutes.
00:38:16Landing sequence running.
00:38:17Landing sequence running.
00:38:19Landing sequence running.
00:38:22Landing sequence running.
00:38:48In the course of the flight, the plane was suddenly hit by a massive landslide.
00:38:52The plane's landing gear was torn, and the plane fell to the ground.
00:38:55The pilot was immediately evacuated to a hospital.
00:38:58After the crash, the plane was again on the ground and the crew were evacuated to the hospital.
00:39:03The plane crashed in the middle of the night.
00:39:06The plane's landing gear was torn, and the crew were evacuated to the hospital.
00:39:10Maintain horizontal speed.
00:39:13Check if the horizontal speed is maintained.
00:39:16Confirmation of the landing zone.
00:39:18Landers, reduce speed. Continue with descent manoeuvre level 3.
00:39:23Roger. Guidance in level 3. Descent manoeuvre level 3.
00:39:29Descent manoeuvre level 2.
00:39:33The autopilot is steering in the horizontal direction.
00:39:41Descent manoeuvre level 3.
00:39:44Altitude 30 metres.
00:39:46Speed 1 metre per second.
00:39:55Lander has reached shoemaker grade.
00:39:58But we don't feel the gravity.
00:40:00Introducing the last landing sequence.
00:40:02Landing sequence.
00:40:07Lander, last landing sequence ready.
00:40:10Altitude 110 metres.
00:40:2015 metres to landing zone.
00:40:220.9 metres per second.
00:40:25Elevation angle set to 6 degrees.
00:40:27Speed is reduced.
00:40:33Visually affected.
00:40:35Structural deformation.
00:40:381 metre and slightly to the right.
00:40:454, 3, 2, 1.
00:41:03Moon contact lights.
00:41:08Disconnecting the lander engine.
00:41:15...has landed on the moon.
00:41:18Very good!
00:41:22Very good!
00:41:24Well done! That was great!
00:41:26Good work!
00:41:33The landing sequence.
00:41:54We have just received the announcement that the Rorio has landed on the moon.
00:41:57This means that Korea is the second country to land a spaceship on the moon.
00:42:04Ice will be removed from Shackleton Point and examined.
00:42:08Wang will secure water and hydrogen samples to explore the possibilities of using the moon's resources.
00:42:26Exploration drone Maru is taking off.
00:42:38The video transmission of the drone is working flawlessly.
00:42:40The video transmission of the drone is working flawlessly.
00:42:51Citizens of Korea,
00:42:53Today is a historic day,
00:42:56when space is now in our reach far beyond the earth.
00:43:04Before we were able to set foot on the moon,
00:43:09we have experienced countless obstacles and setbacks,
00:43:12but we never gave up, and that was the right thing to do.
00:43:16Today is a monumental day,
00:43:19thanks to our decision not to be stopped by setbacks
00:43:23and to carry on with our will with determination.
00:43:27Please pray for Wang's safe return home
00:43:41and that he will be able to successfully complete his mission.
00:43:46And as the representative of the Korean government,
00:43:50I will officially ask the United States for your cooperation and help.
00:43:56I will do everything in my power to bring Wang Song-gu back,
00:44:01at any cost.
00:44:27In the remaining time, I ask you to do the following.
00:44:31Please reset the nitrogen valve, the position module and the car navigation.
00:44:40We have returned to the command module five hours before Wang.
00:44:43It is not necessary to restore all systems.
00:44:46I will go through the system reset code.
00:44:52Let's get started.
00:44:56Let's go.
00:45:11I will now start the main mission.
00:45:15Coordinates 89.9S, 0.0E.
00:45:19Entry completed.
00:45:21Nitrogen of the Maru nominal, over-battery at 98%,
00:45:244 LSS nitrogen at 4 hours.
00:45:27So, let's go on the search.
00:45:52As you can see, all functions of the Gateway are back to normal,
00:45:57except for the control arm, not the robot arm.
00:46:00And of course, the use of the robot arm is not necessary
00:46:03when docking the command module of the Wudiho,
00:46:06which Korea has requested.
00:46:08So it won't be a problem.
00:46:11In addition, the robot arm should be repaired
00:46:14when entering the Gateway into the orbit,
00:46:17at an altitude of 140 km above the lunar surface,
00:46:20where the Wudiho will be in two days.
00:46:23Are there any special offers from your home country?
00:46:28Oh, well.
00:46:30For a future NASA director,
00:46:32no offer can be special enough.
00:46:40The general inspector at the construction of the Nare
00:46:43was your ex-husband, wasn't he?
00:46:49This question was asked by the White House.
00:47:00is my husband.
00:47:05I have sent you data on the meteorite shower from the NeoCam.
00:47:10It is moving towards the moon.
00:47:12I have already alerted the Gateway.
00:47:15Please pay special attention to possible damage.
00:47:34Approach to the main launch site.
00:47:36The Wudiho and the EVA checklist.
00:47:38The LSS and the oxygen display are OK.
00:47:40Performance check is running.
00:47:42Naro, this is Wang speaking.
00:47:44I'm heading to the mission area in the center of the Shackleton crater.
00:47:48There is a shadowed crater in front of us.
00:47:52Wang Son Bu.
00:47:53That's the border of the near side of the moon.
00:47:55It's minus 160 degrees behind it.
00:47:57Be careful.
00:48:00I understand.
00:48:04Approach to the main launch site.
00:48:06Naro, analysis in progress.
00:48:08Pay special attention to possible damage.
00:48:11The International Space Commission has no reason to exclude Korea from the mission.
00:48:17Doctor, if this mission is successful,
00:48:19the International Space Commission has no reason to exclude Korea from the mission.
00:48:23Is that right?
00:48:24Yes, that's right.
00:48:25It's really interesting.
00:48:27Here at the South Pole we have the King Sejong Station.
00:48:30What happens if we build a station on the moon?
00:48:33Do you play with the resources?
00:48:36According to the space contract,
00:48:38the countries that have explored the moon have the right to make territorial claims.
00:48:43The ISC must be very nervous at the moment.
00:48:46And as luck would have it,
00:48:48our astronaut, Wang Son Bu, is currently on the South Pole of the moon.
00:48:54Dr. Krugman, will this lead to international tensions?
00:49:02Naro, this is Wang speaking.
00:49:04I have arrived at the mission area.
00:49:06I will now begin with the drilling.
00:49:24I have some unfortunate news.
00:49:26Korea's application for an undock permit for the Woody Ho was rejected.
00:49:34You will receive an official answer via the diplomatic channels of the Foreign Ministry.
00:49:39And the reason?
00:49:44May I ask for the reason?
00:49:48This morning, after American time,
00:49:50the NEO Surveyor in the Halo orbit discovered a meteor shower.
00:49:56The trigger could be the solar wind.
00:49:59It's pretty intense.
00:50:00In which direction?
00:50:02Meteor shower?
00:50:04The other side of the moon.
00:50:06Mr. Minester.
00:50:08Please call the weather service.
00:50:09Doctor, please.
00:50:11Doctor, one moment.
00:50:12Weather service?
00:50:13We have to be absolutely sure.
00:50:15Our weather service can't even predict today's weather.
00:50:21Wang is currently collecting lunar samples.
00:50:23Check the progress of the sample collection of the main mission.
00:50:28Main mission 3 completed.
00:50:30Main mission 3 ready.
00:50:31Confirm FOD request.
00:50:43Confirm FOD request.
00:50:44The samples are being pulled up.
00:50:48Main mission 3 ready.
00:51:01Believe me.
00:51:02You should bring your astronauts back to the command module as soon as possible.
00:51:06That would be all.
00:51:14Send Wang back.
00:51:15The shower will be on the other side of the moon.
00:51:17He is on the border between the near and the far side.
00:51:21He will get there.
00:51:24Go to the side.
00:51:26Let me go!
00:51:27You can't do that!
00:51:28Out of the way!
00:51:30Out of the way!
00:51:53Daro, this is Wang speaking.
00:51:55I have two good news for you.
00:51:57Good news?
00:51:58He has good news.
00:52:01I extracted ice from the crater.
00:52:07It's in the sample box.
00:52:09Very good.
00:52:19And the other one?
00:52:21He said he has two good news.
00:52:25What is the other good news?
00:52:29The meteor shower on the other side is over.
00:52:34I haven't seen any activity in the last two minutes.
00:52:39I think you can all be reassured now.
00:52:55The meteor shower on the other side is over.
00:53:07Moon wave detected.
00:53:08Check the solar system.
00:53:33Get to safety!
00:53:37Meteor shower! Meteor shower!
00:53:45Check the impact area of the meteor shower.
00:53:47Mission abort.
00:53:48Meteor shower danger.
00:53:49EWA warning.
00:53:50EWA stop!
00:53:51EWA stop!
00:53:52Confirm the location of the impact area.
00:53:57Get to the lander as soon as possible!
00:54:00Command to Maru!
00:54:01Take me to the lander!
00:54:06I'm going back to the lander!
00:54:13Limit your return to the lander.
00:54:15According to the C.H.R. and coordinate calculations,
00:54:17the meteor shower will most likely hit Wang next.
00:54:40The impact area of the meteor shower!
00:54:43Stop! Stop! Stop!
00:54:51And the tests?
00:54:52We don't have time.
00:54:53Reset the command module.
00:54:55And what if it doesn't get any power?
00:54:58That won't happen.
00:54:59If the underport doesn't work, then that's it.
00:55:01Run the test first!
00:55:12Oh God!
00:55:21The flight director!
00:55:22A huge meteor is flying towards the Shackleton crater!
00:55:27Oh God!
00:55:42Oh God!
00:56:12Oh God!
00:56:35Did he fall in?
00:56:40What happened?
00:56:53Reset and restart the command module.
00:57:01Now do it!
00:57:02I'll take over.
00:57:04The responsibility.
00:57:05So do it!
00:57:06I.D.A. Warning!
00:57:07Mission cancelled!
00:57:08Meteor shower danger!
00:57:09I.D.A. Warning!
00:57:10I.D.A. Warning!
00:57:13Command module has been lowered.
00:57:15The system is restarted.
00:57:16Solar panels are in place.
00:57:18And now, evacuation on standby.
00:57:27To my position!
00:57:35I can't get out of here!
00:57:37Initiate emergency evacuation!
00:57:41I.D.A. Warning!
00:57:50Mission cancelled!
00:57:51Meteor shower danger!
00:57:52I.D.A. Warning!
00:57:55The command module is ready for restart.
00:58:10Go, go, go, go, go!
00:58:40I did it!
00:59:11Command module has been lowered.
00:59:15Solar panels are being restarted.
00:59:17Confirm the evacuation.
00:59:26Very good.
00:59:27The command module is running again.
00:59:31I'm going to get into the lander right now!
00:59:41I.D.A. Warning!
00:59:47More meteor showers!
00:59:48The lander has to start now!
00:59:51Lander ready for takeoff!
00:59:54Activate the takeoff!
00:59:57I'm ready for takeoff!
00:59:58There's a meteor shower near the lander!
01:00:00I.D.A. Warning!
01:00:01I.D.A. Warning!
01:00:07Bang Son Bo!
01:00:08We're going to start the lander right now!
01:00:10Lander is taking off!
01:00:31Fuel at 42!
01:00:33Oxygen at 48!
01:00:34Autopilot is working flawlessly!
01:00:36Emergency alert system is working nominally!
01:00:45Eternal power at maximum!
01:00:46Automatic system switching normal!
01:01:02The lander has reached the runway!
01:01:06Take off!
01:01:18Naru, direct over the spaceship.
01:01:20Horizontal 204 meters, vertical 46 meters.
01:01:24Vertical 46 meters.
01:01:28Command module signal has not yet been identified.
01:01:33The tracking coordinates have to be sent from the command module.
01:01:37Command module on TPI level, maneuver.
01:01:39Undock position.
01:01:40Undock position.
01:01:45Maneuver to TPI level to adjust the landing gear.
01:01:49Execute rendezvous program.
01:01:51Alignment of the platform.
01:01:53The APCS to command module is working normally.
01:01:56Signal at maximum.
01:01:57MSSL communication status confirmed.
01:01:59It can start!
01:02:00We have remote access to the command module!
01:02:02The remote access system is working!
01:02:05Rendezvous program is working nominally.
01:02:08Introducing the undock sequence.
01:02:12Lander has reached the undock point and is ready to take off.
01:02:16Wang, do you copy?
01:02:17We have taken over the control again.
01:02:19Set up IDA-2.
01:02:21Undock sequence of the command module to IDA-2 of the lander.
01:02:24Undock sequence of the undock sequence.
01:02:28Adjustment of the speed from 0.3 to 0.1 meters per second.
01:02:32Confirmation of the transmission of command module tracking coordinates.
01:02:36The transport platform of the command module is fixed.
01:02:47The target for the undock point has been identified.
01:02:52Soft capture. Check.
01:02:53Soft capture. Check.
01:03:12Six meters to target.
01:03:14Five meters.
01:03:15Four meters.
01:03:18Three meters.
01:03:21Two meters.
01:03:24One meter.
01:03:34Soft capture completed.
01:03:35Hard capture undocking is in progress.
01:03:37Wang Son Wu, good work.
01:03:39That was really amazing.
01:03:41Undocking is confirmed.
01:03:49I thank you.
01:03:55I will now switch to the command module.
01:03:57Jade Keeper, confirm the transfer to the command module.
01:04:00The transfer has been made.
01:04:01The return procedure is being prepared.
01:04:03FGO, check the return route.
01:04:55Error in the security system.
01:04:57Error in the book balance.
01:04:59Leaving the return route.
01:05:01Height is decreasing.
01:05:02One after the other.
01:05:04Control system, take over the autopilot.
01:05:06The autopilot system cannot be restored.
01:05:09It's crashing.
01:05:10Possible emergency landing on the other side of the moon.
01:05:13Error in the emergency detection.
01:05:17Coordinates are incorrect.
01:05:21You must separate it.
01:05:23Separate the lander.
01:05:24Initiate manual separation.
01:05:27Manual separation.
01:05:32Take off the caps.
01:05:36Hang the caps.
01:05:51Take off the caps.
01:06:00Take off the caps.
01:06:05Take off the caps.
01:06:21Take off the caps.
01:06:28The book balance has no time left.
01:06:32You must check the spin.
01:06:34Switch to manual mode.
01:06:36Switch to manual mode.
01:06:59I can't breathe.
01:07:02I can't breathe.
01:07:07Possible ammonia cooler failure.
01:07:11Put on your helmet!
01:07:12Don't breathe and put on the helmet!
01:07:15Chan-Wu, don't breathe!
01:07:28Since it is a number in the manual
01:07:44In the manual
01:07:46It's a it's a it's we don't in the manual modus vixen
01:08:17We have the
01:08:20Feminine fellow
01:08:26Yeah, if you have a dozen now von wang's lebens erhalten den system verloren
01:09:02What if we had now who think on top of our son who forlorn and swarm around the ricketts and commando module
01:09:07It's not the best I know how to miss you on the end of that decommunication with the war is said to be stuntman
01:09:13It's kind of a
01:09:14Sign from the master now to me a discussion of the
01:09:17Affecting extraction and I suppose that I do the animal I don't know for hearing the evening into
01:09:22All this passing to know in nine stuntman and I think we need not a lot of
01:09:27Escaped kind of I can inform a children's I will be a believe that
01:09:31Abadi experts in the midst of optimist
01:09:40It's been just four stuntman said to have been don't want a problem with it does problem is there
01:09:47source of the book
01:09:49We hope it's a new by leaving strong
01:09:51After under and say to have shown me knows when that's exit guard
01:09:55So that's battery and type stuff he'll shut up about the end
01:10:01Under president
01:10:03Medicine tempo that was shiny shown in a stunt on a good day
01:10:08When they
01:10:09Felt it. Oh, it's have an impressive briefing for but I did here listen to the spitter do it
01:10:16Shaken see in between
01:10:18It's a challenge break does the light of the Aston mission involved yet, but not as I was known of schlimmer
01:10:23Aladdin's fellow does not give a bind on to them let
01:10:28Once on
01:10:29By an astellum named as many as the wisdom shaft and technology would have a cunt that's a meteorite
01:10:35And slob, we're in this under for guns to use a foot in upstairs
01:11:42That's why I'm here with a couple in Waffle
01:11:48So like in a passion of tablets in the song
01:11:52And see at what's why you want to have fun name I reckon see the moon schneller I'd see a sick for stinker
01:12:29Doctor, take a look at this!
01:12:58Doctor, take a look at this!
01:13:07Magnus is still alive. This is the access code to our geo-satellite.
01:13:10I can't do anything else. Good luck.
01:13:12Mayday! Mayday!
01:13:29Here is Wang Tsong-Fu.
01:13:34Can you hear me?
01:13:37Here is Wang Tsong-Fu.
01:13:41Astronaut of the Republic of Korea.
01:13:45Can you hear me?
01:13:48Mayday! Mayday!
01:13:53Can you hear me?
01:14:06Mayday! Mayday!
01:14:36Mayday! Mayday!
01:15:16Mayday! Mayday!
01:15:19That's him!
01:15:22The Korean astronaut Wang Tsong-Fu reports about the emergency situation.
01:15:28The monitor! To the side!
01:15:35Tsong-Fu! Wang Tsong-Fu!
01:15:38Can you hear me? It's me!
01:15:40Dr. Kim Jae-guk!
01:15:43I fell to the moon.
01:15:46Why can't he hear me?
01:15:48Astronaut of the Republic of Korea.
01:15:52I know why! I have to change the channel!
01:15:56On the other side of the moon.
01:16:00I'm stranded on the moon.
01:16:03Please answer me.
01:16:06I'm on the moon.
01:16:07What was that?
01:16:08I have an idea. You'll see.
01:16:10By a meteorite impact during the mission.
01:16:19Can you hear me?
01:16:21Pan, can you hear me?
01:16:23Pan, please answer me!
01:16:27Wang, can you hear me?
01:16:29Wang Tsong-Fu, it's me.
01:16:31Dr. Kim Jae-guk, answer me if you can hear me.
01:16:38Tsong-Fu! Wang Tsong-Fu!
01:16:45We are...
01:16:46Wang Tsong-Fu, can you hear me?
01:16:49Here is Kim Jae-guk.
01:16:50What is your situation?
01:16:52I had a crash in the Kempelgrat.
01:16:54On the other side.
01:16:56I know.
01:16:57How are you?
01:17:02I'm fine.
01:17:04What about the lander?
01:17:06I lowered the oxygen content.
01:17:08It is now at...
01:17:0940 percent.
01:17:10Then we have five hours.
01:17:12I couldn't seal the ammoniac neck and to save electricity...
01:17:16I turned off the radiator.
01:17:23The external damage can not be checked.
01:17:25Should I go out and read?
01:17:30Is the meteorite impact still going on?
01:17:38It looks like it.
01:17:40Don't go out.
01:17:41Don't go outside, okay?
01:17:43Not before the meteorite impact has stopped.
01:17:46Can the control center...
01:17:49I am...
01:17:51not in the control center.
01:18:27How did you do that?
01:18:29You said there was only one way.
01:18:31And that's how I did it.
01:18:35And this.
01:18:38I'll upload it to YouTube.
01:18:40With some epic music.
01:18:42Then it will go viral.
01:18:44By reducing the oxygen content, you may fall asleep.
01:18:49And that's it.
01:18:56My good doctor.
01:18:58Was it really a heart attack?
01:19:00I came too late.
01:19:01I'm so sorry.
01:19:08Are you the doctor?
01:19:10I'm sorry.
01:19:11You said...
01:19:13he died.
01:19:18I'm sorry.
01:19:19Oh man.
01:19:20Let's go save someone.
01:19:22And where?
01:19:23And where is he?
01:19:34You mean up there?
01:19:39On the moon?
01:20:10He's not dead.
01:20:13Hey, look at this.
01:20:14He's still alive.
01:20:15A YouTube video containing Wang's emergency call,
01:20:18which crashed on the moon, has spread on the Internet.
01:20:21You can hear Wang's voice.
01:20:23How he tries to communicate with the earth.
01:20:26And he also says that he is on the Kempel crater
01:20:29and that he is doing well in the circumstances.
01:20:32The details have not yet been verified.
01:20:36I couldn't seal the ammonia leak and save electricity.
01:20:39All right, Mr. Wang?
01:20:49Wang Sun Wu, you're not sleeping, are you?
01:20:52No, I'm not sleeping.
01:20:54I can't sleep.
01:20:55What about your mood?
01:20:57I'm out of breath.
01:20:59I'm half awake.
01:21:05Well, you could still fall asleep.
01:21:08And that's why I'd like to ask you a few questions.
01:21:13Why did you join the SEALs?
01:21:26Should I guess why you voluntarily signed up for it?
01:21:31I'm not going to fall asleep.
01:21:33Can't you just be quiet?
01:21:35I wanted to get to the...
01:21:37limits of my pain.
01:21:40In a hard training session,
01:21:42where your pain goes beyond the limits,
01:21:45are you physically or mentally?
01:21:48You can't think of anything else, can you?
01:21:52We instinctively focus on the greater pain.
01:21:56Was it perhaps...
01:21:58because of your father?
01:22:02Because you couldn't bear the loss.
01:22:06Am I right?
01:22:10You know what?
01:22:12You and I are similar.
01:22:14We are...
01:22:16so similar.
01:22:18We had a hard time after my father died.
01:22:20We are similar?
01:22:24You know...
01:22:26nothing about me.
01:22:28You take a lot from me.
01:22:30You take a lot from me.
01:23:00The security code for the satellite changes every six hours.
01:23:04And it's only shared with you,
01:23:07and the astronauts.
01:23:10Who do you think passed it on?
01:23:13The location where the file was uploaded to YouTube was confirmed.
01:23:17It's called Mount Sobek.
01:23:21Not even the Naro Space Center.
01:23:23Give us your phone.
01:23:25Check your calls and text messages
01:23:27and take your computer.
01:23:31The White House wants to speak to you.
01:23:33He's waiting for you on the phone.
01:23:58The White House wants to speak to you.
01:24:00He's waiting for you on the phone.
01:24:06We have another signal from the country.
01:24:09The communication is working again.
01:24:15Autopilot is nominal.
01:24:16Fuel supply two hours.
01:24:18Navigation and control systems are in order.
01:24:20Steering is nominal.
01:24:21This is Naro from Korea.
01:24:23Where do you hear me?
01:24:25Can't you hear me?
01:24:27If you have a signal...
01:24:30This is Wang Chun-Wu.
01:24:31I can hear you.
01:24:33Unfortunately, only the interior video feed works.
01:24:36Wang, how is it?
01:24:37The state of things inside the country.
01:24:39What the hell is going on here?
01:24:43What are you doing there?
01:24:45Wang Chun-Wu is alive.
01:24:51You uploaded the video to YouTube, right?
01:24:54In the president's office, hell broke loose.
01:24:57He gave a speech,
01:24:59and I cried in front of the press and the public.
01:25:02But Wang is still alive.
01:25:03And what now?
01:25:04What happens now, huh?
01:25:05The internet is going crazy.
01:25:06They want him to be saved.
01:25:07But how are we supposed to do that?
01:25:09We can't save him.
01:25:11He's on the other side of the moon.
01:25:13And he'll probably die there, too.
01:25:18Another meteor shower.
01:25:20And the country is very affected by it.
01:25:29We'll get him to a safe area first.
01:25:36Where in space is a safe area?
01:25:38Please answer me.
01:25:40Where is a safe area in this area?
01:25:44And don't start with NASA again, okay?
01:25:47Yeah? Yeah?
01:25:48You all know exactly how you reacted to our request.
01:25:51You will never go into this meteorite minefield.
01:25:55Mr. Minister!
01:25:56Mr. Minister!
01:25:58You know, Lunar Gateway agreed to our request.
01:26:03It was decided at a meeting in the White House.
01:26:06What are you waiting for?
01:26:07Call them.
01:26:08NASA is ready.
01:26:09Dr. Kim, quick!
01:26:13The U.S. is in a difficult situation.
01:26:15Thanks to the clip, the Americans demand their rescue.
01:26:18They ask the government what the ISS is doing now.
01:26:20The White House server has crashed.
01:26:22Who uploaded it? How was it done?
01:26:24I don't know exactly.
01:26:25Yes! Yes! Yes!
01:26:30Very good.
01:26:37This is Mission Control.
01:26:39Please inform us about the progress of the new mission.
01:26:43This is Sergeant James Glenn from the Lunar Gateway.
01:26:46We have just completed our course corrections.
01:26:50We are at the minimum speed.
01:26:52To dock at Uri Ho.
01:26:54Roger. The new mission will start at 3.40 p.m. UTC.
01:26:57Gateway, be careful when landing on the runway.
01:27:00Docking will take place within 100 kilometers of the red surface.
01:27:04You will vacate Yoon's office, and all your things will be checked.
01:27:07As soon as we have evidence for the leak,
01:27:09you will be quoted by the disciplinary committee.
01:27:13Then this docking mission will be your last job here.
01:27:17Keep an eye on them.
01:27:20Lunar Gateway will soon approach the Doppler crater runway
01:27:24and will be able to dock without further problems
01:27:27and take control of the lander.
01:27:31As soon as the lander is 100 kilometers above the moon's surface,
01:27:35Lunar Gateway will take control and rescue WAN.
01:27:39Send us the autopilot code of the lander,
01:27:42and we will keep our channels open.
01:27:50I want to make it clear that if this is not successful for whatever reason,
01:27:55there will be no further docking attempts.
01:27:58If you are ready, please start the countdown.
01:28:01We can go.
01:28:03To all departments, pre-flight control.
01:28:05Retro is running.
01:28:06FTO is running.
01:28:07FTO is running.
01:28:08Guidance is running.
01:28:09System is running.
01:28:10GNC OK.
01:28:11Controller OK.
01:28:12FTO OK.
01:28:14Retro OK.
01:28:16Start the countdown sequence.
01:28:29Maximum thrust!
01:28:36Ignition of the lander!
01:28:47No, no!
01:28:50The lander!
01:28:52Wang Chun-Fu!
01:28:53Take off!
01:29:13Wang, stop the sequence!
01:29:16Error in navigation and control system.
01:29:17Handle is lost.
01:30:44Handle is lost.
01:30:45Drop 9 is lost.
01:30:46Electric system is lost.
01:30:47ACS is lost.
01:30:57Come on, the report!
01:30:59The autopilot system is lost.
01:31:03ACS has been destroyed.
01:31:04No control.
01:31:06The undock port!
01:31:08What about it?
01:31:12The undock port has been completely destroyed.
01:31:20That means we can't do anything now, can we?
01:31:30What's working?
01:31:31What's still working?
01:31:33What's still working?
01:31:36Mission Control, we can't maintain and abort this speed any longer.
01:31:41I repeat, we can't maintain and abort this speed any longer.
01:31:49We have to get on the runways now.
01:31:52We can't maintain and abort this speed any longer.
01:31:55Please return to the Halo runways as soon as possible.
01:31:58I'll wait for confirmation from Mission Control.
01:32:00Stay tuned.
01:32:01Moon Young?
01:32:05Back to the Halo orbit.
01:32:08We'll fly back to the near side.
01:32:22The environmental control system has failed.
01:32:24The environmental control system has failed.
01:32:26So that's it for me.
01:32:31What are you doing?
01:32:33There's enough oxygen.
01:32:35Turn the controls to manual.
01:32:39I think we've tried everything we can.
01:32:45The oxygen valve...
01:32:48...was closed.
01:33:01This boy...
01:33:04You're just like your father.
01:33:07Yes, that's possible.
01:33:11I didn't want it... end like my father did, but...
01:33:19Now I can't help it.
01:33:21I'm sorry.
01:33:23It wasn't your father's fault!
01:33:27Open the oxygen valve!
01:33:31You didn't read his will, did you?
01:33:41One month before Nareo's accident...
01:33:47...he knew there was something wrong with the engine.
01:33:53He knew about it...
01:33:55...and still admitted that it had started.
01:34:00He didn't tell anyone about it.
01:34:03He couldn't do it.
01:34:08He just hid it.
01:34:13I guess he wanted...
01:34:15...not to hurt anyone.
01:34:18I won't ask you to forgive my father...
01:34:22...but I will make amends for his sins.
01:34:26I thank you for everything.
01:34:30And may you all live in peace.
01:34:34Wang Chun-Fu!
01:34:36Listen to me!
01:34:38I don't want to die!
01:34:40I don't want to die!
01:34:42I don't want to die!
01:34:44I don't want to die!
01:34:46Listen to me!
01:34:52I have to tell you something.
01:34:54One day before Nareo's death...
01:34:57...your father came to me.
01:34:59He was very excited.
01:35:05He said there was a problem...
01:35:09...with the engine.
01:35:12He said it would be dangerous to continue.
01:35:16He asked for a two-month suspension.
01:35:20He begged me for it.
01:35:26But I said no.
01:35:34The probability of an accident was very low.
01:35:40But the main reason...
01:35:42...for my rejection of his request was...
01:35:46...that I was afraid...
01:35:48...that after all the delays...
01:35:50...that already existed...
01:35:52...another delay...
01:35:54...could lead to the end of the project.
01:36:01I wanted it to be a success.
01:36:21I won't ask you for forgiveness.
01:36:31You must forgive your father.
01:36:36Come back!
01:36:40Come back!
01:36:44And forgive your father!
01:36:52I beg you!
01:37:10The oxygen valve is open again!
01:37:23Astronaut Wang Chun-Fu...
01:37:29...requests new instructions.
01:37:33I'm sorry.
01:37:36I'm sorry.
01:37:40I'm sorry.
01:37:44I'm sorry.
01:38:09Chance. Bald kommt ein neuer Meteoritenschauer.
01:38:12Wo soll er hin?
01:38:14Wir können nicht an das Gateway andocken.
01:38:16Der Andockport ist beschädigt worden.
01:38:19Zur nahen Seite.
01:38:21Der Kopf des Landers ist der nahen Seite des Mondes zugewandt.
01:38:26Dort musst du ihn hinbringen.
01:38:27Zur nahen Seite?
01:38:29Angenommen, wir können starten.
01:38:31Wir können aber nicht landen.
01:38:33Wir können nicht steuern.
01:38:35Wie soll das funktionieren?
01:38:37Das ist deine Aufgabe.
01:38:39Ich weiß, dass dir was einfallen wird.
01:38:42Hast du gehört?
01:38:45Ich werde von hier alles tun, was möglich ist.
01:38:49Wir haben sie gefunden.
01:38:51Eine Frage.
01:38:56Bist du dazu von der NASA autorisiert?
01:39:02Das wird mein letzter Job bei der NASA sein.
01:39:05Ich muss auflegen.
01:39:24Wie viel Treibstoff ist noch übrig?
01:39:2630 Minuten Flugzeit.
01:39:27Vier Minuten maximale Leistung.
01:39:28Das ist genug.
01:39:29Offene Verbindung.
01:39:31Start vorbereiten.
01:39:37Start initiieren.
01:39:41Und wohin?
01:39:42Zur nahen Seite des Mondes zurück.
01:39:46Ist das denn möglich?
01:39:47Was hat er denn vor?
01:39:51Denken Sie, Sie können die Drohne in den Lander bringen?
01:39:54Ja, ich glaube schon.
01:39:59Also, alle mal herhören.
01:40:04Hören Sie gut zu.
01:40:29Holen Sie sie sofort da raus.
01:40:56Okay, jetzt los.
01:40:58Capcom, okay.
01:40:59Operator, okay.
01:41:00EDA, okay.
01:41:01Bodenkontrolle, Startstatus drücken, abgeschlossen.
01:41:03Wang, sind Sie bereit?
01:41:04Ich bin bereit.
01:41:05Hauptantrieb, bereit für Zündung.
01:41:11Zwei, eins.
01:42:22The official mission to rescue the Korean astronaut could not be completed, as you know.
01:42:32Disengaging power stop in 3, 2, 1.
01:42:35But the astronaut Wang Son-Wu has re-launched the unfortunate spaceship all by himself.
01:42:41He has just flown to the near side of the moon.
01:42:45William Jones, born in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
01:42:48Julie Anderson from Quebec, Canada.
01:42:50Andy Walker from Melbourne, Australia.
01:42:52Sergeant James Glenn from Montana, USA.
01:42:55Although they come from different countries, I believe that they are all united.
01:42:59Open the door, Wu-Tiang! We have nothing to do with this!
01:43:03As soon as they were on board and as astronauts of the Lunar Gateway, they left the Earth.
01:43:09They were a unit. They are all astronauts.
01:43:14Wu-Tiang! Wu-Tiang, open the door! Please open the door!
01:43:19For me, Wang Son-Wu is also one of these astronauts.
01:43:24He is not a Korean who has not fulfilled his mission.
01:43:29Wang Son-Wu could soon fall to the near side of the moon.
01:43:38At this moment, this astronaut is asking us for help.
01:43:42He survived alone and lost two of his comrades.
01:43:47But he has not given up yet.
01:43:58Just forget his nationality.
01:44:03Please save the astronaut Wang Son-Wu, who ...
01:44:09who desperately asks for help.
01:44:16This is really our last chance.
01:44:19Now the time has come for unity.
01:44:22You are the only astronauts who have the opportunity to help him.
01:44:27Wu-Tiang, come out, please!
01:44:30And of course ...
01:44:33it is up to you to decide whether you will help him alone.
01:44:39This is not an order from down here.
01:44:44God bless you.
01:44:47I will help you.
01:44:57Wu-Tiang, you really should go now.
01:45:08I'm going to the decompression chamber now.
01:45:1198 kilometers above the Kettler crater on the near side of the moon.
01:45:15Wang Son-Wu is now ready.
01:45:22Wang is ready to go.
01:45:24He is now on the near side.
01:45:26He must jump before he reaches the orbit.
01:45:28If we wait any longer, we will lose him.
01:45:31Wang Son-Wu!
01:45:34Open the hatch!
01:45:36Okay, open the hatch.
01:45:39The third hatch is open.
01:45:42EDA status.
01:45:44TLS power at 15 percent.
01:45:46Fuel at 80 liters and at 4.3 PSI.
01:46:08TLS power at 80 liters and at 4.3 PSI.
01:46:18Requesting final confirmation.
01:46:20Final confirmation.
01:46:21Final confirmation.
01:46:23All departments, final status check.
01:46:25All departments, final status check.
01:46:27Capcom is running.
01:46:29Operator is running.
01:46:31EDA is running.
01:46:32Capcom is running.
01:46:33EDA is running.
01:46:34System is running.
01:46:35FTO is running.
01:46:36GMC is running.
01:46:37Wang, jump!
01:47:04EDA status check.
01:47:05EDA check.
01:47:06TLS power at 20 percent.
01:47:07Floor check.
01:47:08Floor check.
01:47:09Power at 17 percent.
01:47:10Altitude 85 kilometers.
01:47:36Floor, new floor.
01:47:5810 kilometers.
01:47:599 kilometers.
01:48:008 kilometers.
01:48:017 kilometers.
01:48:05Hey, I'm getting smart
01:48:35No, no, no!
01:49:17This is Luna Game Race
01:49:20Answer! When you can hear us, what should we call?
01:49:24I repeat!
01:49:26Please answer, when you can hear us
01:49:29What should we call?
01:49:32Mission Control, this is Julie Anderson. We will land the Lunar Gateway rescue ship. We are ready for takeoff.
01:49:40Glenn and William were on the rescue ship while I was speaking. The rescue ship of Lunar Gateway is ready for takeoff.
01:49:46This is Gateway. We are moving to the rescue point. I repeat, on the way to the rescue point.
01:49:53Lunar Gateway ready for takeoff. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, liftoff.
01:50:02150 kilometers above the surface of the Kepler crater, the rescue ship has been liftoff.
01:50:18Thank you very much.
01:50:36Passenger, slow down. The rescue ship is on its way to the Kepler crater. Please confirm your health status and your coordinates.
01:50:45Please answer if you can hear us. I repeat, the rescue ship is on its way to the Kepler crater. Please confirm your health status and your coordinates.
01:51:05Is he alive?
01:51:06No, no. No, no.
01:51:11He speaks Wang Son Vu.
01:51:15I never planned to land on the near side of the moon.
01:51:20Mayday. Mayday. This is astronaut Wang Son Vu from Korea.
01:51:28My vital function is stable. Everything is fine with my body.
01:51:36Mayday. Mayday. This is astronaut Wang Son Vu from Korea.
01:51:44Mayday. Mayday. As soon as you have my coordinates, please save me.
01:51:54I repeat, the rescue ship is on its way to the Kepler crater. Please save me. Mayday.
01:52:03Mayday. This is astronaut Wang Son Vu from Korea.
01:52:11Mayday. Mayday. This is astronaut Wang Son Vu from Korea.
01:52:19We have an emergency report. Astronaut Wang Son Vu, who was believed to have died on the moon, was rescued by the Lunar Gateway of NASA.
01:52:27My colleague Mi-Hyang has the whole story for you.
01:52:32A lander docked from the Lunar Gateway command ship. It goes down to the lunar surface.
01:52:37This morning at 8 o'clock, the lander of the Lunar Gateway made its way to the Kepler crater on the near side of the moon
01:52:45and rescued astronaut Wang Son Vu.
01:52:49He will return to Korea in two weeks at the earliest.
01:52:54Citizens of Korea, astronaut Wang Son Vu has returned to us.
01:53:01To the members of NASA, who have devoted themselves to nationality and ideology.
01:53:07And to the members of the KASC, who have taken the first step to explore space in spite of insufficient conditions.
01:53:16I would like to express my deepest appreciation to you.
01:53:20The moon does not belong to a single nation alone.
01:53:26You can't own it, you can't control it, and you shouldn't either.
01:53:31It is a resource for the entire earth and also for the future of the earth.
01:53:35I promise to pass on all data and experiences of this expedition to the whole world.
01:53:43You will return, won't you?
01:53:46All nations must cooperate.
01:53:49We must all work together.
01:53:53For a better future.
01:53:56Thank you very much.
01:53:58I will return.
01:54:02To Monsurbeck.
01:54:16To Mars.
01:54:20To Earth.
01:54:23To the edge of the universe.
01:54:25To the moon.
01:54:28Though our story may not intertwine, Surely forever we'll align over time.
01:54:36line over time.
01:54:41Galaxies afar will dance like a pitch-dark starry sky.
01:54:49I'll figure, so our dreams shall fly, be mine.
01:54:58Let me be your light.
01:55:01I love you.
01:55:05I love you, cause you'll ever be mine.
01:55:17Cause I'll never find my way through time.
01:55:26I'm quite close, I feel your shine.
01:55:35Palestine's shining bright.
01:55:39Pulled together, love's delight over time.
01:55:47Destiny's embrace.
01:55:51Twirl, spin, look, cause you're always by your side.
01:55:56Hide the secrets that I abide.
01:56:00Be mine.
01:56:04Let me be your light.
01:56:34I'm quite close, I feel your shine.
01:56:40Pulled together, love's delight over time.
01:56:46Hide the secrets that I abide.
01:56:52Be mine.
01:56:55Let me be your light.
01:57:01I'm quite close, I feel your shine.
01:57:07Hide the secrets that I abide.
01:57:13Be mine.
01:57:17Let me be your light.
01:57:30Auf dem Mond!
01:58:24I don't know what to do.
01:58:26I don't know what to do.
01:58:54I don't know what to do.
01:58:56I don't know what to do.
01:58:58I don't know what to do.
01:59:00I don't know what to do.
01:59:02I don't know what to do.
01:59:04I don't know what to do.
01:59:06I don't know what to do.
01:59:08I don't know what to do.
01:59:10I don't know what to do.
01:59:12I don't know what to do.
01:59:14I don't know what to do.
01:59:16I don't know what to do.
01:59:18I don't know what to do.
01:59:20I don't know what to do.
01:59:22I don't know what to do.
01:59:24I don't know what to do.
01:59:26I don't know what to do.
01:59:28I don't know what to do.
01:59:30I don't know what to do.
