Nutritional Dos and Don'ts for Managing Morning Sickness

  • last month
Nutritional Dos and Don'ts for Managing Morning Sickness
00:00Struggling with morning sickness? Let's explore some effective do's and don'ts for relief.
00:05Nutritional Do's
00:06First, eat frequent, balanced meals. Small meals keep blood sugar stable and help prevent nausea.
00:11Focus on whole grain, lean protein, and fruit.
00:14Incorporate ginger and peppermint. Ginger tea or candies and peppermint tea can soothe your stomach.
00:20Prehydrate with clear liquids. Opt for water, herbal teas, and broth to maintain hydration and prevent dehydration.
00:26Nutritional Don'ts
00:28Avoid high-fat and fried food. They slow digestion and can worsen nausea.
00:33Choose lighter options like crackers and rice.
00:35Cut back on caffeine and sugary drinks. These can increase nausea and cause dehydration.
00:40Switch to hydrating, non-caffeinated options.
00:43Skip foods with strong odors. Strong smells may trigger nausea.
00:46Opt for mild-smelling foods that are gentle on your senses.
00:49By following these nutritional tips, you can better manage your morning sickness and improve your comfort.
00:54Remember, everyone is different so find what works best for you.
