FTS 16:30 24-08 Edmundo Gonzalez summoned to testify before Venezuela’s Public Ministry

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00:00In Venezuela, Attorney General Tariq William Saab summoned former candidate Mundo González
00:10Urrucha to testify before the public ministry this Monday.
00:16Palestinian-Israeli forces killed 69 Palestinian civilians in five new massacres the Zionist
00:21regime has carried since the Genocidal War in Gaza.
00:26In Russia, the government recorded 115 soldiers captured by Ukrainian forces during the incursion
00:30into the Kursk province.
00:33Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisa Studios in Havana,
00:43We begin with the news.
00:44In Venezuela, Attorney General Tariq William Saab summoned former candidate Mundo González
00:48Urrucha to testify before the public ministry on Monday.
00:51The former candidate is expected to testify regarding his alleged responsibility in the
00:55crimes of usurpation of authority, forgery of a public document, instigation to disobey
01:00the law, cybercrimes, association to commit a crime, and conspiracy.
01:05González Urrucha will also be held accountable for the publication of forged documents through
01:09our website.
01:10It is important to point out that the former candidate was declaring contempt after failing
01:14to appear before the Supreme Court of Justice Electoral Chamber.
01:24The Government of Venezuela denounced the interference of some administrations in the
01:27region against the sovereignty and independence of the Venezuelan people.
01:31This statement responds to the joint statement of 11 nations that expressed their disagreement
01:36with the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, which certified the
01:39results of the July 28 presidential elections.
01:42Previously, the 11 governments said they were unaware of the electoral process and the validity
01:47of the National Electoral Council's declaration.
01:49In this regard, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Iván Gil released a text of the Memorandum
01:54that rejects the attempts of these nations to violate international law.
02:13The Government of Venezuela condemned in an official statement a statement issued by several
02:17countries of the region in relation to the recent Supreme Court's ruling on the presidential
02:20elections results and affirmed that these governments intend to continue violating international law.
02:50Venezuelan Republic and Uruguay, who emulating the infamous, failed and defeated Lima Group,
03:04pretend to continue violating international law, committing an unacceptable act of interference
03:09in matters that only concern Venezuelans.
03:21These governments, with their positions, endorse and become accomplices of the criminal violence
03:27that attacked health centers, schools, universities, transportation, national symbols, and left
03:37a balance of murdered and wounded with the use of transnational criminal gangs hired
03:42for that purpose.
03:43The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, pointed out that the right-wing in the region
03:48wants to re-establish the Lima Group.
03:53These right-wing governments that pretend to revitalize and defend the Lima Group come
03:59out to defend the delinquents.
04:02These governments of the new Lima Group, to say that we are persecuting, that there is
04:08political persecution, what do you do with people who go out and burn and destroy a subway
04:16They are rewarded or are they decorated?
04:21Justice is what the people want, severe justice, and there will be justice against all those
04:28intellectually and materially responsible for the criminal assault that was attempted
04:33in Venezuela on July 29, 30, and 31.
04:40President Nicolás Maduro also condemned all those Miami influencers in the United States
04:43who followed the orders of the author right-wing to assassinate the Venezuelan people during
04:47the protests of July 29.
04:53Because we the Chavistas and Bolivarians respect the rest of the Venezuelans, and we have never
04:59called to kill anyone by TikTok, as the influencers of Miami called to kill.
05:07In turn, Venezuela's Executive Vice President, Dulce Rodriguez, denounced presidential candidate
05:13Edmundo González and former Congresswoman María Corina Machado for calling the so-called
05:17Guarimbas, which caused the death of more than 20 people.
05:22González Urrutia and María Corina Machado, for the deaths we had, more than two dozen
05:30we had in those days after the election of July 28, they're responsible and they have
05:37to pay in front of justice because they went against our National Guard officers, against
05:43our Bolivarian National Police, against our State and Municipal Police.
05:48They went straight to attack them, to assassinate them.
05:52They have to pay.
05:53If they think they're so, and so supported by the United States, well, come out, show
06:01your faces, present yourself to the justice as it corresponds.
06:05In this context, the member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America
06:10People's Trade Treaty welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela
06:14in which they ratified the electoral victory of Nicolás Maduro, who, by communique, has
06:19stated that it uploads the important work of the Supreme Court of Justice, which certified
06:24and endorsed the results issued by the National Labor Council, and has demonstrated that it
06:29is closely committed to the responsibility of guaranteeing peace and tranquility to the
06:33Venezuelan people.
06:34They also indicated that this decision of the highest court of this nation is an indisputable
06:39demonstration of Venezuelan institutionality, guaranteeing the Venezuelan people the full
06:44exercise of their sovereignty and self-determination.
06:47They ended their statement by saying the Bolivarian Alliance reiterates its support for the Venezuelan
06:53people and government, applauds the award for the example of sovereignty without interference
06:56of any kind, and celebrates the unobjectionable victory of President Nicolás Maduro Moros.
07:06For their part, Chilean observers participating in Venezuela's presidential elections condemned
07:11President Boric's interference in Venezuelan internal affairs.
07:14The international observers delivered a letter addressed to President Gabriel Boric, where
07:18they expressed their rejection of the declarations of their Chilean president, qualifying them
07:22as a serious interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.
07:27They also pointed out that the president's position towards Venezuela is aligned with
07:31the belligerent and interfering position of the government of the United States and its
07:35allies of the European Union.
07:37They also assured that they had witnessed a legitimate and democratic electoral process
07:42in Venezuela, which gave victory to Nicolás Maduro, and urged President Boric to respect
07:47the sovereign decision of the Venezuelan people in accordance with its constitutional order
07:52and its institutions.
07:54Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok at TELESURINGLISH,
08:01where you'll find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
08:07We'll be right back, stay with us.
08:22Welcome back.
08:30In Bolivia, President Luis Garza enacted a transitory law for the selection and appointment
08:34of a new General Prosecutor.
08:36The bill approved establishes the deadlines for the 13 stages of selection of the candidates
08:40for the Prosecutor's Office, its Institute, as well as the period for convening a session
08:45of the Legislative Assembly to appoint the Prosecutor.
08:48The rule indicates that the process will have international oversight, inviting the United
08:52Nations, the European Union, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
08:56The selection stages include the publication of the Call for Applications, presentation
09:00of applications, verification of requirements, and the publication of candidates.
09:18In the last 24 hours, the Israeli Occupation Army committed five new massacres in residential
09:30areas in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the killing of at least 69 civilians.
09:34According to medical sources, these actions also left 212 wounded, however, they warned
09:39that both figures could be even higher, since many of the victims of these attacks are trapped
09:44under the rubble of the infrastructures that were affected by the bombings.
09:48This is due to Israel's impediments to the entry of ambulances and civil defence teams
09:52into the bombed areas.
09:54According to the most recent health report, 40,334 Palestinians have been killed and an
09:59ordinary 3,356 have been injured since October 2023, when the Israeli war against the Gaza
10:05Strip began.
10:11On Saturday, the United Nations Children's Fund reported that there are at least 19,000
10:16Palestinian children orphans since October 7, 2023.
10:20A UNICEF spokesman said these infants, who are often called unaccompanied minors, have
10:25either suffered forced abandonment from their parents or the death of their parents as a
10:30direct result of the Israeli aggression in Palestine.
10:33They say, however, that in cases where there is an extended family, cousins, uncles, aunts
10:36or grandparents, they are the ones who take care and provide for these Palestinian children.
10:44Meanwhile, the Palestinian humanitarian crisis continues to worsen amid Israel's genocide.
10:51The authorities of a Gaza hospital warn that they will stop working for the lack of fuel
10:55to generate electricity.
10:57Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north of the coastal enclave is facing a health catastrophe and
11:02could cease to provide care in the coming hours due to food shortages caused by the
11:06siege and the Israeli blockade, compounded by the large influx of wounded, the lack of
11:10medical supplies and personnel.
11:13They warn that infants in incubators are at risk of death, plus seven cases in ICU.
11:18According to the Ministry of Health, the Israeli aggression has resulted in the destruction
11:21of more than 80% of the health infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and most of the hospitals
11:26are out of service.
11:30Meanwhile, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that about
11:3490% of the Gaza Strip's population has been displaced since the start of the Israeli invasion
11:38in October 2023.
11:41According to the agency, there is currently no safe place inside the territory and the
11:44displaced Gazans are confined to an area that constitutes only a tenth of the total space
11:49of the Strip in the midst of a war that has caused more than 133,000 victims, including
11:54killed and wounded, most of them children and women.
12:01On the other hand, the Gaza Ministry of Health stated that the vaccination plan includes
12:05the training of health teams, the definition of vaccination centers and the closing of
12:10staff training in assistance with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
12:15Refugees in the Near East, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's
12:19Fund and other local and international organizations.
12:23The ministry took the initiative due to a confirmed case of polio in the war-torn region
12:27and aims to stop the spread of the virus.
12:35In Iraq, millions of Shia Muslims arrived in the city of Karbala to participate in the
12:41Arbaeen pilgrimage.
12:43Arbaeen is one of the holy days of the Shia calendar.
12:46Millions of worshippers worldwide commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, grandson of
12:51the Prophet Muhammad.
12:53Some even travel on foot from Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and other nearby countries to gather
12:57around the shrine of Imam Hussein.
13:00Pilgrims participate in the ceremony to express their sorrow for Hussein's assassination by
13:03singing songs and performing religious ceremonies in the city.
13:13We now have a second short break coming up, but before, we invite you to visit our YouTube
13:18channel Ateles for English, there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
13:22special broadcastings and more.
13:23Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
13:27world's most recent events.
13:28Have a great break, don't go away.
13:52Welcome back.
13:56In Russia, the government recorded 115 soldiers captured by Ukrainian forces during the incursion
14:01into the Kursk province.
14:03The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the exchange of soldiers who arrived in Belarus
14:07to be later transferred to Moscow, where these soldiers would receive the necessary treatment
14:11at the health facilities of the Defense Ministry.
14:14On the other hand, the Russian military authorities explained that this exchange was achieved thanks
14:18to the mediation of the United Arab Emirates.
14:21Russia's Defense Ministry reports that Ukraine has lost 5137 soldiers since the start of
14:30clashes in the Kursk region.
14:32Russia's Defense Ministry says Kiev has lost 69 tanks, 27 infantry fighting vehicles, 55
14:37armored personnel carriers and 350 armored personnel transport troops.
14:43The statement also says that over the last 24 hours, Ukraine lost up to 400 fighters
14:48and 17 armored vehicles in the area, including a tank and other artillery pieces.
14:52Russian armed forces have attacked Ukrainian military groups in 10 localities in the Kursk
14:56district following the illegal Ukrainian armed incursion.
14:59In Bangladesh, authorities reported 30 deaths following heavy rains in the eastern part
15:21of the country.
15:22According to the authorities, at least 11 municipalities in the country are practically
15:25submerged by the overflowing of 6 large rivers whose water levels are well above the maximum
15:30danger limit.
15:31They also detailed that up to 4.9 million people have been affected.
15:35Meanwhile, more than 3,100 shelters have been set up to house the victims of what is the
15:41worst flooding in three decades.
15:43And in China, at least 11 people have died and 14 others are reported missing due to
15:51floods caused by heavy rains in the city of Huludao in Liaoning province in northeastern
15:57According to authorities, the worst affected parts of the city experienced in just half
16:01a day a year's worth of rainfall.
16:03Overall, it was the heaviest rainfall in Huludao since weather records began in 1951.
16:09The maximum daily rainfall recorded was 52.8 centimeters, breaking the provincial record.
16:15According to reports, at least 190,000 people have been affected, and authorities say there
16:20has been damage to the city's infrastructure and in the availability of basic supplies.
16:25As we see, rescue efforts continue.
16:29Meanwhile, in Brazil, at least 30 cities in the state of Sao Paulo are on high alert due
16:35to more than 2,300 forest fires in the last 48 hours.
16:39According to data from the National Space Research Institute, this figure represents
16:42almost seven times more wildfires than those that occurred in August 2023, when some 342
16:49fires were registered.
16:50So far, authorities report at least two deaths from these forest fires spread by dry weather
16:56and strong winds.
16:57Given the situation, local government ordered the civil defense to create a crisis office
17:01to look for solutions amid the drought and extreme heat that is plaguing the entire state
17:05and to guarantee the safety of the people.
17:09Meanwhile, health authorities in Senegal have reinforced measures to combat the spread of
17:17monkeypox during the pilgrimage of two Magal of Touba.
17:21In view of the arrival of millions of pilgrims for the celebration of the Magal of Touba,
17:25at least 6,000 medical personnel have been deployed due to the recent increase in cases
17:30of monkeypox.
17:31So far, at least 106 stations have been set up for pilgrims to ask for help should they
17:36exhibit any symptoms.
17:37Meanwhile, the Uruguay Regional Health Director, Mahama Daudine, urged people to wash their
17:42hands, avoid close contact, and use masks in crowded areas to prevent the spread of
17:47the disease.
17:53In Sudan, health authorities confirmed a new outbreak of cholera with several cases of
17:57people infected with the disease having been reported in recent weeks.
18:01According to data from the Ministry of Health, up to this week, almost two dozen people have
18:05died of the disease.
18:06The United Nations Refugee Organization Agency warned about the special risks that refugees
18:11are running with the spread of this disease, mainly in the states of Kassala, Qadharif
18:16and Yaseera.
18:17The cholera outbreak is seen as the latest calamity for Sudan, which has been in chaos
18:21since April 2023 when simmering tensions between the army and a parliamentary group erupted
18:27into open warfare across the country, destroying civilian infrastructure and the health care
18:33The United Nations Refugee Agency in Egypt says that over 748,000 refugees from Sudan
18:41have come into the country since conflict broke out in April 2023.
18:46Faced with this increase of Sudanese refugees in Egypt, United Nations authorities have
18:50announced a plan to meet the educational needs of minors arriving in the country fleeing
18:54the conflict in Sudan.
18:55To that end, the UN agency has announced a regional response plan, foreseeing the allocation
19:00of $109 million to meet the educational needs of Sudanese refugees.
19:05The UN warns that the mission in Egypt has a funding shortfall, which is why it has requested
19:09international support for social projects to support the displaced.
19:13We have come to the end of this newsbrief.
19:18You can find this and many other stories on our website at www.televisionenglish.net,
19:21or join us on social media on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
19:26For Television English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
19:30Subscribe to our channel for more videos.
