Avoid the software trap

  • last month
Things are starting to become more and more complicated with software and apps. And I've touched on this before, but what tends to happen is that apps and software companies tend to put many features into the apps because they're constantly being asked for features.

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00:00Things are starting to become more and more complicated with software and apps and I've touched on this before but what tends to happen is that apps and software companies tend to put in a bunch of features into their apps because they're constantly being asked for features.
00:21Now you got to listen to your clients.
00:23I get that but the problem is that the average user using these apps are probably never going to use those features.
00:32So you have a minority of people who are doing a beta testing Etc using the apps kind of dictating to the majority as to what should be in the app and app makers and software makers aren't really listening so much.
00:50They just keep constantly adding more and more features.
00:54Now this is a problem for you and I because when we want to come to use these apps and services it's kind of overloaded with features that will never use and it gets so complicated in the fact that we just want to do tasks.
01:12We don't want to do loads of other things for instance but because the apps that the app does way more than just tasks we get confused and don't bother using the app.
01:22The problem is that these apps are actually really really good at that one thing.
01:28But because they've added all these other things around that one thing it just loses its weight in not the weight.
01:39Sorry the quality of the app itself.
01:42It kind of loses its function.
01:45So it's kind of up to you and I to look for apps that we need our things done.
01:54So if I need a task manager I will go and get to do this for instance.
01:58But even though that is starting to become a bit complicated things three I mean Apple reminders that tick tick etc.
02:07There's so many other apps just that just do one thing just do reminders fantastic.
02:13I'll just do calendars even again.
02:16That's an app that's starting to add more and more features.
02:19So we got to be very careful that we choose the apps with that does that one thing really well and not bother as much to look at all the other things it does because if we do we don't get anything done or we just don't do the don't use the app.
02:39So you got to make sure that you know what you need before you go and find the app.
02:43I think that's basically what I'm trying to say.
02:45Anyway hopefully that helps.
02:47If you need to get in touch there'll be a contact details here somewhere.
02:51Have a great day.
02:52I'll see you in the next one.