Nindza Kornjace 47. Epizoda - Poseta Iz Proslosti

  • il y a 2 semaines
00:00C'est la fin
00:30Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
00:32Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
00:34Splinter taught them to be ninja teens
00:38He's a radical rat
00:39He's not a leech
00:41Donatello does machines
00:43That's a fact, yeah
00:45Raphael is cool but rude
00:47Give me a break
00:48Michelangelo is a party dude
00:50Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
00:53Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
00:55Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
00:59Episode 47
01:01A visit from the past
01:08I'm gonna go crazy here
01:11Ever since we came back from Dimension X
01:14We've been buried here
01:17All our plans to climb the surface of the Earth
01:20Have failed
01:23That's why Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are to blame
01:26Their fighting skills defeat me at every step
01:30But not for long
01:32I'll turn my beloved into an invincible super ninja
01:39Oh my God, Oxteady
01:41Come on in
01:43You'll need a monster for them
01:48That's what I was thinking
01:52What's cooking, boss?
01:54Get in the transport module
01:56We're going east to the Asian-American Cultural Center
01:59I want to introduce you to someone
02:03I'll be right back
02:05I can't wait to hang out with Ninja
02:10Next time we conquer the planet
02:13I'll hang out with our leader
02:17You've learned well the habits of our foot clan
02:22They're not the only ones here
02:24Hit him, Michelangelo
02:27Watch out
02:31It's no wonder that a cockroach can't move from the depths of the Earth
02:35When he has to be carried by our ninja skills
02:38And pizza-making talent
02:41April O'Neill has appeared at the Asian-American Cultural Center
02:45Where, among other exhibits, the urn is exhibited
02:49It supposedly contains the ashes of the tribal warrior Shibano Shama
02:54He lived many hundreds of years ago
02:58Shibano Shama?
03:00We have to get to Sekach
03:03I'll explain along the way
03:06When Sekach took over the foot clan from me
03:09He stole all the clan records
03:12I'm afraid he's going to try to gain incredible power with them
03:19What does that have to do with the ashes of Shibano Shama?
03:23He founded the foot clan
03:30This is all so mysterious
03:32Just like in Kung-Fu movies
03:35Our only hope is to get to the urn before Sekach
03:38You're late, as usual
03:42The ninjas are funny, but they're small
03:46Gas to dispel them
03:49Hurry, the gas effect lasts only a few minutes
04:03As the leader of the foot clan
04:06I summon the spirit of Shibano Shama
04:11Shibano Shama
04:13Show yourself, I curse you
04:21Why are you summoning me?
04:24To teach my two beloved ones the secrets of the foot clan
04:28And to make them invincible super ninjas
04:32Get to work
04:35Only the true leader of the foot clan can find out
04:41I am the true leader
04:43I have the holy records
04:45I don't care
04:47The teacher Splinter is the true leader
04:49The teacher will explain
04:52Who am I?
04:54Who are you?
04:55Everyone who pretends to be the leader of the foot clan will feel the consequences
05:02Because of the technical problem with the teacher, we're all in the same boat
05:07He lost his memory from that gas
05:09I'll keep it until you take the teacher and make an antidote
05:13You know better about the antidote and the antidote
05:17I'll keep it
05:19My tongue is always faster than my mind
05:25Are you sure we'll be able to restore his memory?
05:28Yes, but gradually
05:30Teacher, do you remember anything?
05:34The teacher is completely paralyzed
05:37Let's remind him
05:41Your name is Splinter
05:43And your real name is Hamato Yoshi
05:45You lived in Japan
05:47And you weren't a kid
05:49The ninja clan was called the foot clan
05:52You were their Shidoshi
05:54Teacher of war and enlightenment
05:56You were the man in love with the renaissance
06:00One day, the teacher wanted to teach you the foot clan
06:06One day, the school was visited by the old teacher
06:10And the foot clan was formed
06:16There's no dog
06:20Bow to the teacher
06:24You scoundrel!
06:26You were going to kill the teacher
06:29You're ashamed, you're running away to America
06:32You live in a sewer because of your money
06:35Your only friends were the dogs
06:38One day, a kid put his dog in the sewer
06:42Meanwhile, in Japan, the foot clan was under the evil leader
06:47Eoroku Saki turned him into an army of criminals
06:50Until you, in New York, lived peacefully with your dogs
06:54Then something else happened in the sewer
06:58It was a mutagen
07:00It turned all living beings into animals
07:03With whom they were in contact for the last time
07:07We, the foot clan, took on a human form
07:10Because we were with you
07:12But before that, you were with the dogs
07:15You divorced yourself
07:19You divorced yourself, Splinter, that is, Iver
07:22And you named us after the most beloved painters of the Renaissance
07:26And you taught us the art of ninjutsu
07:29I became Leonardo
07:31This is Donatello, the master of disarming with the help of a wooden stick
07:36And Michelangelo, the master of handling nunchucks
07:40And Raphael, who is now fighting
07:44That's right, that's why we have to hurry
07:47Does this sound familiar to you, teacher?
07:50I don't know
07:52I'm not sure
07:55What happened to Eoroku Saki?
07:58And who gave you the mutagen?
08:00It's all connected
08:02Let me try
08:03It started when we met a girl named April O'Neil
08:06April is a journalist
08:08And she was working on the discovery of unusual thefts
08:11By scientific companies, which was carried out by a guy named Sekaki
08:15It didn't work out
08:18The end of your mission, April O'Neil
08:21Come on, kid
08:25Watch out, it's a dangerous toy
08:27You're like us, dead
08:46What kind of guys are they?
08:48And how are they dressed?
08:50I don't know, Kosta, but thank you
08:54But you're not human
08:56But this is what clickers do
08:59But you're a nunchuck
09:01Look, really
09:03Oh, this is too much
09:09Leonardo is the master of disarming with a wooden stick
09:14Leonardo, are you sure this is the right time for a life story?
09:18We've got to help the teacher in Splinter to remember everything
09:22Don't forget Raphael
09:24They say they may have already turned him into a pancake
09:29Your minions are very strong
09:32They will become special ninja warriors
09:36They need metal for their training
09:40Oh, I have a strange feeling that I'll be the one
09:59Hey, who turned off the lights?
10:04You fool, you'll never learn anything
10:09I'm not an ordinary teacher
10:12In the name of Saragonidia, son of Heaven
10:15I give you the power of a ninja teacher
10:25We only live to listen to our teacher
10:34Where are my friends?
10:36Why am I the only one who's getting dressed?
10:40Do you remember your teacher?
10:43Maybe, if you continue with the story
10:46But who poured mutogen on us?
10:48The clicker himself
10:50He plundered the city underground
10:52In a huge, armored ball called Technogram
10:57In addition to his ninja robots, he also used the strongest gems
11:00Of which the worst were Rocksteady and Beebo
11:05Sit down
11:11Why didn't I bring the strips?
11:25What are you doing to me?
11:27Just relax
11:30What do you want with those creatures?
11:34And then he turned them into mutants, just like us
11:37Does this help you, teacher?
11:40Ah, a little
11:42It's like I'm remembering
11:45Isn't Rockusaki connected to the clicker?
11:49Yes, that's right
11:51He is a clicker
11:53But we found out only when he caught you
11:57Okay, clicker, surrender
12:01I'm not going to use force
12:07Of course, we came to help you
12:10What about our teacher, Splinter?
12:12He's not going anywhere without him
12:14Surely he doesn't like him
12:15You know he does
12:18If you want, I can teach you
12:20But I don't know how
12:22You know he does
12:25If you want to see him again, you'll have to come in
12:28He's definitely a clicker
12:30I hate it when he says that
12:36Splinter, I'll bring you down, teacher
12:39I'll destroy you
12:42The same guy we fought last night
12:45You've done a great job
12:48What do you mean?
12:50Your cowardly friend calls me Rockusaki
12:56But you can call me Splinter
12:59Is that for potatoes?
13:01Learn to respect him if you want to join the powerful clan of Stoppala
13:07Why would we want that?
13:09Because I turned you into what you are now
13:13That's your fate
13:16Join me
13:19Do you know what it means to walk?
13:22Let the teacher down
13:24So, I have my mutants
13:28You, Rockusaki, destroy them
13:35With great pleasure, master
13:40Eskimos, hurry up
13:46Taming animals doesn't increase intelligence
14:09Come on, teacher, let's get out of here
14:12What are you waiting for, idiots?
14:16I hope I won't be late
14:29Take a break, teacher
14:31It was too easy
14:33When are you going to stop saying that?
14:36Bob and Rockstead really wanted to get us
14:39It's all right
14:44Please, teacher
14:53So, Bob and Rockstead are after you
14:56I see, they've been exposed
15:02Look what we've got
15:06We've got some unclean brains
15:16I'm going to kill you, idiots
15:19I'll show you
15:23We don't like rats in our beautiful city
15:27I should turn your neck
15:31Why are you in such a hurry?
15:37I'm going to kill you, idiots
15:41He really likes his job
15:59Do you remember what happened, teacher?
16:03I'm not sure
16:05I'm confused
16:07Leonardo, how are we going to stop the butcher
16:10even if the teacher gets his memory back?
16:13Shibano will be against the butcher
16:15if the teacher proves that he's the real leader of the clan
16:19Yes, but how?
16:21With the help of the Kurli Manoeuvre
16:24I heard the teacher mention it, but he never mentioned it
16:28It's a special attack that only the real leader of the Stoppala clan knows
16:32If he gets his memory back, the teacher can take the Kurli out of Shibano
16:38And prove that the butcher is lying
16:41I'm surprised that Rockstead has such technology
16:45Doesn't he have an ally?
16:48He does
16:50He's an alien from dimension X
16:53His name is Crank
16:55He's a war criminal whose body was taken from him and thrown on Earth
17:00He used Crank to make a new body for him
17:04Great! Now he's going to build this molecular fort
17:10But why?
17:12Every idiot doesn't waste time
17:15Our forces are at the brink
17:18They'll be chasing us
17:20They're going to build this fortress
17:24All right, I'll listen to you
17:37Maybe you'll feel a little dizzy when you wake up in your new body
17:54He's alive!
17:59He's alive!
18:02Crank's body has an electric wheel that can turn him into a giant
18:09The sun is shining
18:12Nothing can stop the invincible Crank
18:17Of course, we thought we should take care of that elephant
18:25Where's King Kong when you need him?
18:28Let's get this over with
18:33What's this?
18:35Get out of here, boy
18:37I don't want to die
18:39I don't want to die
18:41I don't want to die
18:44What's this?
18:45Get out of here, boy
18:49Welcome to the Horn of Zeppelin
18:51Can this really fly?
18:53Just look at it
18:55It's a boomerang
18:58We have to get rid of it as soon as possible
19:02I am the all-powerful Crank
19:05No one has ever beaten me
19:08Because you're not like the others
19:11What do you want to see?
19:17I'm coming, hurry up!
19:20Who's got that retro-mutagen t-shirt?
19:23I don't know
19:25I don't know
19:27I don't know
19:29Who's got that retro-mutagen t-shirt?
19:32If he beats us, he'll turn us into regular cranks
19:36Then we'll end up in the aquarium again
19:40You won't, you fool
19:42I'll make a soup of cranks
19:51Mr. Splinter
19:53Get on my back
20:00Of course
20:02I remembered everything
20:04Where's Raphael?
20:06He's fighting at that exhibition
20:09Let's kill him right now
20:15You've conquered all the battle stations in the Stoppalo clan
20:19But none of them are real
20:22Does anyone know how to perform the Curley Maneuver?
20:27Only the real leader of the Stoppalo clan knows
20:32Do you know?
20:37Curley Maneuver
20:40I can't move
20:51You're crazy
21:10Don't worry, he's always like that
21:13It's time for you to go back to eternity
21:17You're a little lonely
21:19Maybe you're right
21:22You were a good teacher, Hamato Yoshi
21:25Advise your students
21:28Always follow the path of the Stoppalo clan
21:31Be a devoted teacher
21:34Be good and honest
21:37And keep the last piece of pizza
21:41For me
21:49Translated by Goran Krychkovic
21:53Interpreted by
21:55Ljubiša Bačić, Nadej Blam, Vlastimir Djuza Stojiljkovic and Nikola Simic
22:01Magnetoscope, Predrag Jeremić
22:04Tonmeister, Miodrag Ževučkovic
22:08Realization, Slavko Tatic
