
  • 2 days ago
00:00Train sounds
00:10Come here! Don't say a word!
00:12Get away!
00:14Farid, let me go!
00:16Don't say a word! Go!
00:24Farid, let me go!
00:30Help me!
00:32Help me!
00:34What happened?
00:36Help me!
00:42Where is Seiran?
00:44I can't see her.
01:28What happened?
01:32Something happened.
01:34The ambulance is on the way.
01:36Why are they here?
01:38What happened?
01:40I don't know.
01:42I can't hear anything.
01:44Farid is stealing Seiran.
01:46It's dangerous.
01:48It's dangerous.
01:50Where is Farid?
01:52Farid is fine.
01:54What happened?
01:58She is fine.
02:00Calm down.
02:02Help us.
02:04Calm down.
02:06Help us.
02:08Calm down.
02:10Calm down.
02:12Calm down.
02:16I don't know what happened.
02:18Calm down.
02:22Calm down.
02:40What happened?
02:42Who stole Seiran?
02:44Where is Seiran?
02:46We will find her.
02:48Calm down.
02:50How can I calm down?
02:54Calm down.
02:56Find Seiran for me.
02:58Bring Seiran to me.
03:00Someone must have stolen her.
03:02Calm down.
03:04Calm down.
03:06We will find her.
03:08Calm down.
03:12They want to steal Seiran.
03:14Who stole her?
03:16I'm going crazy.
03:18I'm losing my mind.
03:22Calm down.
03:24Look at me.
03:26If you don't want to play,
03:28don't play.
03:30We are wasting our time.
03:32Let's go to the Emirates.
03:34The car is here.
03:36Let's go to the Emirates.
03:38Let's think about what to do.
03:40I don't know where this is coming from.
03:42Look at me.
03:44I can't live without you.
03:46I can't live without you.
03:48Think about Seiran.
03:50Don't open the door.
03:52She is waiting for you.
03:54Do you understand?
03:56Get in the car.
03:58Open the door.
04:00Farid, sit down.
04:02Let's go to the Emirates.
04:04Get in the car.
04:08Let's go to the Emirates.
04:18What's going on?
04:22Why are you crying?
04:24What's going on?
04:26Tell me what's going on.
04:28Farid has been kidnapped.
04:32Answer me.
04:36Seiran has been kidnapped.
04:42That's right.
04:44Seiran was kidnapped.
04:46The ambulance is on its way.
04:48I don't want to upset anyone.
04:50But this is a serious matter.
04:52I hope it's not her father's doing.
04:54What are you saying?
04:56What are you saying?
04:58Kazem is not doing this.
05:04Call the doctor.
05:06Call the doctor.
05:08Come on.
05:10Come on.
05:12Sit down.
05:16Sit down.
05:18Sit down.
05:24Where are you going?
05:26You just got here.
05:28Thank you, Kazem.
05:30I have a lot of work to do.
05:32Hassan, don't be sad.
05:34You can stay as long as you want.
05:36I wanted to see you.
05:38I have to go back.
05:42Let's go.
05:44Let's go.
05:46Let's go, brother.
05:48I want to say hello to my friend.
05:50I want to say hello to my lover.
05:52Welcome again, Mr. Hassan.
05:54Be careful, son.
05:56Go slowly.
05:58Be careful.
06:04Sona, my daughter.
06:08Dad, Seiran.
06:12What took you so long?
06:14I'm here, brother.
06:16Sona, I can't hear you.
06:18I don't know what you're saying.
06:20Calm down.
06:22Dad, they stole Seiran.
06:24They stole Seiran.
06:28Sona, I don't understand.
06:32Seiran is sick.
06:34Why are you crying?
06:36Calm down.
06:38Someone has hurt you.
06:42How did they steal Seiran?
06:46What happened to Seiran?
06:48How could they steal Seiran?
06:50I don't know.
06:52They shot her in front of the guard.
06:54We called the ambulance.
06:56We don't know who stole her.
06:58Where did they take her?
07:00Save my sister.
07:02Calm down, Sona.
07:04Don't cry.
07:06Calm down.
07:08They did something to Seiran.
07:10I have to go.
07:12Calm down.
07:14Get in the car.
07:16What happened?
07:18How did they steal Seiran?
07:20I don't know.
07:22I'll tell you later.
07:24I don't care.
07:26I want to go.
07:28Open the door.
07:30I'll stay here.
07:34Open your eyes.
07:36Open your eyes.
07:40I hope you die.
07:42You're not a human.
07:44You're an animal.
07:48Ece, wake up.
07:52Wake up.
07:56Calm down.
07:58It's nothing.
08:00I'm here.
08:02Don't be afraid.
08:04It's nothing.
08:06Don't be afraid.
08:10Let Ece go.
08:12It has nothing to do with Ece.
08:16I'm talking to you.
08:18Look at me.
08:20Why don't you look at me?
08:22Akin, I'm talking to you.
08:24We trusted you.
08:26She thought you loved her.
08:28Do whatever you want with me.
08:30Let Ece go.
08:32Seiran, stop.
08:34Stop the car.
08:36Stop the car.
08:54What happened?
08:56Don't worry.
08:58He's fine.
09:00Thank God.
09:02Mr. Farid, what should we do?
09:04Hatosh is sick.
09:06The doctor is here.
09:08My wife won't give birth.
09:10The doctor doesn't know where to go.
09:12I'll take care of it.
09:16You have to be with me.
09:18Whatever I say...
09:20You shouldn't object.
09:24I need you.
09:26Don't worry.
09:28I'll take care of it.
09:30Has anyone seen Emre?
09:32Didn't he tell you anything?
09:36He said he didn't see anything.
09:38I can't get the camera from the car.
09:40It's not the time for that.
09:42We'll attack them one by one.
09:44Gather your men.
09:46We'll go after the man.
09:50Do you think it's him?
09:52I don't know.
09:54We killed him.
09:56Remember what we did before.
10:00Send some men to Mr. Kinin's house.
10:04See what's going on in Azadar's house.
10:08Mr. Latif.
10:10Oktay, come with me.
10:12Come on, guys.
10:16We're just passing through the front door.
10:20You two stand in front of that door.
10:22Oh, my God.
10:24Oh, my God.
10:38My son.
10:42Where is Seyran?
10:44Did you find my sister?
10:46Tell me you found her.
10:48I'll find her.
10:50I'll find her.
10:52From now on,
10:54you'll listen to me.
10:56When I come back,
10:58you'll do as I say.
11:00Do you understand?
11:02What do you mean?
11:04Don't talk nonsense, Farid.
11:06You can't go anywhere.
11:08Let me go.
11:10Let me go.
11:12Let me go.
11:14Where is Seyran?
11:16Who is she with?
11:18But, Farid...
11:20You have to listen to me.
11:22Not me.
11:24Did you hear me?
11:26You have to listen to me.
11:28Farid, don't be disrespectful.
11:30I will.
11:32I will.
11:36Think about it.
11:38Is she a stranger today?
11:40Or is it a joke?
11:42Think about it.
11:44I don't know.
11:46You're scaring me.
11:48You're stealing her.
11:50We have to think about it.
11:52If there's anything else,
11:54or if something happened,
11:56my wife,
11:58if there's anything,
12:00tell me now.
12:02We have to think about it.
12:04Mr. Farid,
12:06Miss Hatoush has made a mistake.
12:08I didn't send Miss Aseman to the Emirate.
12:10You're being accused, Mr. Latif.
12:12What does this have to do with this?
12:14Mr. Farid, we're ready.
12:16We can go.
12:20did you find out anything about
12:22the sports teacher
12:24I showed you?
12:30Find him and take him somewhere
12:32so I can see who he is,
12:34what he's doing,
12:36what he's doing for us.
12:38Look, Farid.
12:40I know you're very angry right now.
12:42But what does Seiran have to do with my coach?
12:44It has nothing to do with you, Aseman.
12:48But I don't know
12:50why you're defending her.
12:52How long have you known her?
12:54Farid, I'm worried about Seiran.
12:56Do you understand?
12:58But you shouldn't blame anyone.
13:02Listen to me.
13:04Don't be ridiculous.
13:06I said listen to me.
13:08Farid, stop it.
13:10My God.
13:12My wife.
13:14A while ago,
13:16they stole my wife in front of me.
13:18Do you understand what I'm saying?
13:22Mr. Latif.
13:24Take Aseman to his room.
13:26Until I tell you,
13:28you don't have the right to come out.
13:30Mr. Latif, wait.
13:32Don't talk to anyone.
13:34I'll go myself.
13:40Listen to me.
13:42I'll never forget you.
13:46Let's go, brother.
13:48Farid, let me find my sister.
13:50Farid, I'll come with you.
13:52No, you stay here with my father.
13:54Don't let my thoughts be here.
13:56Okay, Farid.
13:58Be careful.
14:10Let's go.
14:34Are you okay, brother?
14:36I'm fine.
14:40I'm not okay at all.
14:42My God.
14:44They stole Seyran in front of me.
14:46We didn't do anything.
14:48I couldn't do anything.
14:50I'm going crazy, brother.
14:52Before they left,
14:54I looked at her.
14:56We looked into each other's eyes.
15:02That last look
15:04I don't remember at all.
15:08what if they come after Seyran?
15:10What if they do something to her?
15:12Please, let me go.
15:14Okay, I'm going.
15:16Seyran is a strong girl.
15:18She will protect herself.
15:20She will endure.
15:22Don't worry so much.
15:24Leave her alone.
15:26Didn't you hear from the boys?
15:28What did Mr. Kino do?
15:30Did they catch Sartar?
15:32No, they're still on their way.
15:34We'll be there soon.
15:48Khan, do you have time?
15:52Come, Latif.
15:58I came to ask how you are.
16:00How should I be, Latif?
16:04Look at me.
16:08I've turned yellow.
16:12If I lose my brother,
16:16I won't be green anymore.
16:24I have no power left, Latif.
16:26No matter what I have,
16:30I will die slowly.
16:34Don't say that, Khan.
16:36Your shadow will always be with you.
16:38This family is under your shadow.
16:40It's because of you
16:42that everyone is around.
16:44God willing,
16:46Mr. Farid will solve the problem.
16:48Don't worry.
16:52Take Farid to me, Halis.
16:54Take Farid to me, Halis.
16:58Hatooch, I'm here.
17:00I'm with you.
17:02The doctor has given him a sedative.
17:04But he keeps calling Farid.
17:06Where is he?
17:08Why did he come back?
17:10I left with Abedin.
17:12They're looking for a transfer from Tehran.
17:16Answer the phone.
17:18It's from the guard, Khan.
17:24Mr. Shahmooz and Mr. Kazem are here.
17:30Let them in.
17:34don't let anyone hear this.
17:36You'll be a disgrace to the people.
17:38Don't touch them.
17:40Don't give them anything.
17:42Don't tell the police
17:44or the reporters
17:48Don't tell anyone.
17:52Yes, Khan.
18:06Halis Korhan, come here.
18:08Where is my daughter?
18:10Calm down.
18:12We can't find your daughter.
18:14Brother Shahmooz,
18:16don't you know
18:18what they did to my daughter?
18:20Mr. Korhan, come here.
18:22Come here.
18:26Mr. Latif,
18:28where is my daughter?
18:30Who did this to her?
18:32Calm down.
18:34We're still looking for her.
18:36What are you looking for?
18:38Dorhan, come here.
18:40Calm down.
18:42My daughter.
18:44I'm so scared.
18:46Don't be scared.
18:48Your sister will be fine.
18:50We'll find her.
18:52Do something.
18:54Find my sister.
18:56I don't know where she is
18:58or what she's doing.
19:00Calm down.
19:02Don't worry.
19:04I'll get to the bottom of this.
19:06I'll destroy them all.
19:08All of them.
19:10I promise.
19:12Mr. Korhan.
19:14I'm telling you.
19:16No one listens to me.
19:18It's all Akash's fault.
19:20It's all Akash's fault.
19:22I have a question.
19:24If I'm not mistaken,
19:26Akash is dead.
19:28Am I right or not?
19:34That woman is a miserable woman.
19:36She doesn't have a son.
19:38It's not their fault.
19:40Hanis Korhan.
19:42Show yourself.
19:44Everyone is better now.
19:46Farid wants to tell us something.
19:48We're waiting for him.
19:50Farid, where is he?
19:52Some people were suspicious.
19:54They went to see Abedin.
19:56So, the people of the Emirate
19:58didn't listen to us.
20:00Tell me.
20:02Who are you suspicious of?
20:04Hanis Korhan.
20:10What happened?
20:12Who are you?
20:14Don't talk.
20:16Come with us.
20:18Let me go.
20:20Who are you?
20:22Let me go.
20:24Let me go.
20:26Let me go.
20:28Let me go.
20:30Let me go.
20:32Let me go.
20:34Let me go.
20:36Let me go.
20:38If you want to live,
20:40you must pass the key.
20:50Go that way.
20:52Go that way.
20:54Where is Seiran?
20:56Are you crazy?
20:58Answer me.
21:00Where is Seiran?
21:02Answer me.
21:04No one is here.
21:06I don't know where Seiran is.
21:08Is it your wife's turn now?
21:14Something is wrong.
21:22What is this?
21:24Where are you running away?
21:28Where are you running away?
21:30You're mistaken.
21:32I don't know where Seiran is.
21:34I'm leaving.
21:36What do you want from me?
21:38What happened?
21:40No one was here.
21:42Give it to me.
21:44We will take this key.
21:46We will decide
21:48when the news
21:50reaches the children.
21:54You're mistaken.
21:56You said you're leaving.
21:58You won't let me go.
22:00You'll regret it later.
22:04You're still angry?
22:06Are you threatening me?
22:08Do you want to steal my wife?
22:10She's my wife.
22:12Do whatever you want.
22:14You'll regret it later.
22:16You'll regret it later.
22:22I'll kill you later.
22:24Do you hear me?
22:34The children took the apple.
22:36But there was no one at home.
22:38What do you mean?
22:40What do you mean?
22:42Was it their doing?
22:46Why did you laugh?
22:58Yes, Mr. Latif.
23:04Okay. We'll be right there, brother.
23:07Bring him.
23:09What did Mr. Latif say?
23:11He wants to say something.
23:14He knows what's going on.
23:16He's here with you.
23:17Okay. I'll take this boy with me.
23:19Come when you're done.
23:21He knows something.
23:23Because it's not normal to laugh like that.
23:32Where is he?
23:33Where is the police?
23:35Where is he?
23:36Mr. Kazem.
23:37We won't run or hide.
23:39Khan is taking care of your uncle in this condition.
23:43Yes. That's right.
23:45That's right.
23:46You're right.
23:48That's why you didn't let me down.
23:50That's why you didn't let me down.
23:54That's why you didn't let me down.
23:58We're all worried about you.
24:00But we won't talk about this anymore.
24:03I'll talk about it.
24:05I'll talk about it.
24:08What are you saying?
24:10They stole my daughter.
24:11Do you understand?
24:17You've ruined my life.
24:19I can't go after my daughter.
24:21Don't get mad at me.
24:23As far as I know, Sehiran is used to this.
24:26You were the one who stole your daughter's weapon.
24:30Mr. Kazem.
24:31What are you doing?
24:33I don't understand.
24:34Who is responsible for what happened today?
24:38Didn't you do it?
24:39Calm down, ma'am.
24:41Try to understand.
24:44Let her go.
24:45If this man was a bit more careful,
24:47this wouldn't have happened.
24:49No, dad.
24:51It's strange.
24:52How could you do this, ma'am?
24:54It looks like you can't do anything but sleep here.
25:00Please don't be rude.
25:02Thank God.
25:03You don't have to teach me manners.
25:06You're right.
25:07Mr. Kazem has been rude to you.
25:10But the girl you're crying for
25:13was on TV.
25:15She told everyone about us.
25:21You have no right.
25:22Mom, stop it.
25:23Mind your own business.
25:24Stop it, Sana.
25:25Stop it.
25:27I'm telling you the truth.
25:29Do you understand, ma'am?
25:33If I find out that
25:36one of you has taken my daughter's weapon,
25:41I'll come and kill you
25:45with the weapon you're holding.
25:48Oh, my God.
25:49I'm so emotional.
25:51What happened?
25:52Has your mother's feelings changed?
25:54I wish you'd show her your weakness.
25:57Because your daughter wouldn't care
26:01if I taught her manners.
26:03Go away, dad.
26:09Let's go.
26:10Let's go.
26:11Sit down.
26:12Let me carry you.
26:14Sit down.
26:19Have you heard from Latif?
26:21Not yet.
26:22I'm still looking for him.
26:24Mr. Farid called.
26:25He's on his way.
26:26He wants to talk to Ms. Hatuj.
26:29Farid doesn't talk to me
26:31when I don't talk to him.
26:33Go away.
26:34Let me talk to Farid first.
26:36Then you can do whatever you want.
26:48Let me talk to him.
27:07Just go.
27:30I'm right here.
27:34Don't be afraid.
27:35Don't be afraid.
27:36Nothing will happen.
27:38If you want to play dirty...
27:40I'm done playing dirty with you!
27:42That's enough, that's enough.
28:14Your wife knows very well what you have done and you should deny it.
28:18What a family you have, what a family your husband has.
28:22Now, let's go.
28:23Let me go. I'll go myself. Let me go.
28:26As far as I'm concerned, if you don't act rashly,
28:31Sahi and Salim are waiting for him in another room.
28:35But if you don't listen to him and want to act rashly,
28:40whatever happens to you will happen to them too, Seyran.
28:44It's up to you.
28:46Do whatever you want with me.
28:49Just leave.
28:51I'm standing in front of you, here. I won't say anything.
28:56Not me.
28:57As for your will,
29:01my mother will decide.
29:40Prove your thing.