UК VS ТНЕ WОЯLD S02Е03 (2024)

  • last week


00:00We are back in the work room.
00:10I just won a gold repeater badge.
00:12And at the same time, I just sent Arantxa home.
00:14So it's bittersweet.
00:16I leave a piece of my heart with each and every one of you.
00:20I love you, Arantxa.
00:22Aww, baby girl.
00:24She's such an incredible queen.
00:26And she's one of the best things that I have in my life.
00:28I am absolutely devastated.
00:30Her journey has been cut so short.
00:35And it's ironic because the song they just lip-sync every time we touched.
00:40That was our song.
00:42Now the whole world gets to know who Arantxa Castilla-La Mancha is.
00:46They might not be able to pronounce her name, but they will never forget her.
00:51I will take it all the way to the end.
00:52Not just for me, but for Arantxa.
00:56Congratulations, La Grande Dame.
00:59Two times in the top and now a gold badge.
01:01Why did you choose Arantxa?
01:03I feel like she did worse in the challenge.
01:05I couldn't see myself.
01:08Bring you home.
01:09I really appreciate that.
01:10Theresa's just asked La Grande Dame to send home her best friend in the world.
01:14That feels like someone's getting very competitive.
01:15And I'm getting very suspicious of Theresa.
01:18Miss Keita Minaj, who did you pick?
01:23Somebody's gonna hate me.
01:25I chose...
01:31I didn't expect that.
01:33I want to say I'm not mad at it, but I'm very glad you didn't win.
01:38Of course I'm very pissed off about Keita picking my lipstick.
01:41The moment I get to send that face home, trust and believe.
01:44Keita Minaj, bye.
01:47You did say you were here to play the game.
01:50And that you were kind of threatened that I was a funny queen.
01:53A very big reason for me is that without her, I didn't have my outfit.
01:57You couldn't be mad at me because she's such a good friend of yours.
02:00I know. You saved my friend. Thank you.
02:02I wanted to save Arantxa.
02:05Was it a dumb decision? Probably yes.
02:07Because now there's a target on my back.
02:09In all honesty, I brought up the idea that you're very strong in competition.
02:12That you're very, very funny.
02:13A lot of your strong suits are probably coming up in the future.
02:17It's nice to see how everybody's thinking.
02:20That would go fair every time.
02:23I can tell that some of you girls aren't going that path.
02:28I'm not here to play nice.
02:30Scarlet Envy's a bitch, and you can tell her I said it.
02:33Let's get out of drag.
02:36My eyes are on you, Keita.
02:39So you think Scarlet's going to play dirty?
02:41She pretty much denounced it.
02:44The other girls are considering to eliminate their biggest competitors.
02:47I have to watch my back.
02:49I don't think it's about fairness.
02:51Getting rid of the biggest competition just shows insecurity.
02:56La Grande Dame has really come out of the gates strong.
03:01And I'm going to take her down, girl.
03:07It's a new day in the workroom.
03:08Come on, cowboy.
03:10I'm going to put on my best suit today.
03:12That suit's the Rue Peter badge.
03:14A little broke back mountain.
03:17Break my back mountain.
03:20I know it's only week three, but the competition definitely feels real now.
03:24This makes me nervous.
03:26But I've got my cowboy hat on, and I'm ready to buckle up.
03:30We have a brand new Rue Peter badge among us.
03:35My eyes are pierced.
03:38I just love the fact that Dada's wearing my best right now,
03:41because it's the closest my clothes have ever got to a Rue Peter badge.
03:48Her majesty did already had hers.
03:51Hey, squirrel friends.
03:53What do drag queens and livestock have in common?
03:57They'd both be lost without their brands.
04:02So, save a horse, ride a drag queen.
04:08Come on, is somebody going to stamp me?
04:11Bonjour, queens.
04:15Come on, artist extravaganza with her pussy bow.
04:18Pussy, pussy, pussy bow.
04:20Good morning, queens.
04:21Good morning.
04:23Immersive experiences are popping up all over the globe.
04:27For this week's maxi challenge,
04:29you need to create your own attraction
04:32in the new immersive experience, Drag Race World.
04:38I'd go to that.
04:39Hashtag Drag Race UK.
04:41Each team will produce and star in a video
04:44that sells their unique experiences
04:47using the latest in green screen technology, darling.
04:53You'll be working in teams of three.
04:56The Grand Dame, Kata Minaj, and Theresa May.
04:59As last week's tops and bottom, you'll be team captains.
05:04I get to pick people that can help me win this challenge.
05:08Let's do this.
05:09Oh my God, yes.
05:11The Grand Dame.
05:12Anna, please.
05:14Kata Minaj.
05:15I'm not sure that I want to be on Kata's team.
05:18She's not, she's not very funny.
05:25Theresa May.
05:27Is it me?
05:28Grand Dame.
05:37Marina girl.
05:42And that means Gothie Kendall, you are with Theresa May.
05:45I guess I sort of thought I was going to be picked last.
05:48No one's ever seen me do a challenge like this before.
05:50So we have team Grand Dame, team Kata Minaj,
05:54and team Theresa May.
05:57Racers, start your engines.
06:00And may the best drag queen win.
06:07So for this week's Maxi Challenge,
06:09we're coming up with immersive experiences.
06:11It's all about showing Rue our personal brands,
06:14humour, and selling our experience.
06:24Thank you for picking us.
06:25Wow, what a dribbbed ass stoppage right there.
06:28Stop it.
06:29You know, I was picked last in the acting challenge,
06:31and I ended up winning it.
06:32And I was picked last in the girl group challenge,
06:34and I ended up winning.
06:35To be honest, Gothie got picked last,
06:37and I'm a bit concerned.
06:38I know comedy might not be her forte.
06:41She's never done a challenge like this before.
06:43I know you've done challenges that are similar like this.
06:45You won an acting challenge.
06:46I needed someone who was funny as well.
06:48Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
06:49Well, I'm super happy you picked me.
06:50But yours is known for being a bit of a car crash.
06:53Yeah, it was a shit show.
06:55So for those who didn't watch season 3,
06:58we all fucked up the green screen challenge,
07:00and no one won that week.
07:02I'm really, really disappointed.
07:04I'm feeling fucking triggered, if I'm honest.
07:07So we're selling the idea of what it's like to be on Drag Race.
07:11The three things are makeup, lip sync,
07:13and I want to say crying, but that's not what I wrote.
07:18Maybe the after party.
07:19Our audience is Drag Race super fans, right?
07:21So it's like a get up and close and personal
07:22with your favourite TV show.
07:23Love that.
07:24Side note, my degree is in advertising design.
07:28But I'm going to keep that to myself.
07:30Let's put this degree to use.
07:32For the first time ever.
07:34I think the best thing for a challenge like this
07:36is to relay on references Ruan, the audience,
07:39already knows about.
07:41The Tiger with you.
07:42You are the drama.
07:43And I'm going to do something hell related.
07:45They combine and we can create a whole experience together.
07:47I'm ready.
07:49It's going to be cats.
07:50It's going to be cats.
07:51I feel like the key is making the judges laugh.
07:53Have we got ideas?
07:55It's like an airline where we transport you
07:57to a Filipino vacation.
07:59I am a tropical Filipino bombshell queen.
08:02That is the brand.
08:04I'm not sure yet what I want to do.
08:05Because your world is going to be more the Philippines.
08:08Maybe I should make it more Dutch.
08:10And maybe we can do it like in every different continent.
08:14Marina and Keita seem to be doing a tourist advert
08:18for their respective countries.
08:19And I am trying to do the challenge.
08:22My original season, I was very anxious and very nervous.
08:26So I was thinking about doing like tears trauma.
08:31That's funny.
08:32That's very nice, yes.
08:33Something like that.
08:35It's nice to be at the top.
08:37So what are we thinking?
08:38I'm considering that each of us is like,
08:40it's our own little land.
08:41The land is everything.
08:42And then we've got our own little section.
08:44Like Disneyland.
08:46So what would your land be?
08:47I think I'm going to call it Hannah's Co.
08:49It was a little section in the club
08:50where I used to take boys and do nefarious things with them.
08:52And they called it Hannah's Co.
08:56Slut corner.
08:57Slut corner, well now it's going to be called Hannah's Co.
08:59My brand has definitely fallen into the realm of fantasy,
09:03whimsical and stupid.
09:05I like to lean into that heavily.
09:06I don't know if you all know this, but I'm going Irish.
09:08She's Irish, everyone.
09:10And I kind of want to bring people into a party party.
09:13Because nobody parties like a party.
09:15I want to incorporate characters that have been in my drag race past.
09:19Me being a good time gal and my vowels.
09:21I mean, clangily clang, clang, clang.
09:23Pick like three really funny things.
09:25I think we have one activity each.
09:27I'm only doing one attraction.
09:29I would make things as understandable as possible.
09:32Go a little obvious.
09:34I'm going to sell myself as this grand lady that made it into fashion.
09:38And make people meet the people I've met.
09:41So that you can get as fabulous as I am.
09:44Oh, that's cute.
09:45I think I have a solid brand.
09:47It's in the name.
09:48I'm the tall bitch that runs Fashion Week back in Paris.
09:51Let's get to work.
10:00My queer imagineers.
10:04This is the first time that we're going to talk to Ru on a walkthrough.
10:08Equal parts excited and shitting myself.
10:11Now, Kayda, why did you choose these two?
10:13Because they're funny as hell.
10:15That's the only reason you chose them?
10:21And gorgeous and wonderful.
10:23All of that right there.
10:25Now, what are the attractions in this immersive experience?
10:30I'm going to give the perfect Filipino vacation.
10:33You know, get a chance to swim with a shark.
10:36Oh, okay.
10:37What's yours?
10:38I want to bring the visitor to my culture.
10:40Your culture, which is Dutch.
10:43Where in Holland are you from?
10:46We went there once.
10:47Oh, my God.
10:48Oh, my God.
10:49Oh, my God.
10:54We'll talk later.
10:55You know, you're talking about making it about Amsterdam.
10:58You're talking about making it about fish.
11:01I mean, how are you going to make this about drag race?
11:08Kind of what I was thinking from the start.
11:10They still wanted to do the tourist board thing. Fine.
11:12So, we're going to have to adapt.
11:13There are so many franchises now all across the world.
11:16We represent different versions of that.
11:18So, we're taking you on a flight across the drag race world.
11:21First class or coke?
11:22Are you going to come?
11:23Yeah, I will.
11:24Depending on how well you pull it off, you know.
11:27Kate is still the team leader,
11:28but I am the self-appointed Secretary General of the United Nations of Drag.
11:32So, I'm going to make sure the nations truly unite on this challenge.
11:36What are some of the things that you're going to be serving up?
11:38I'm doing the Inferno after party.
11:40Inferno is a running theme for you.
11:42Uh-huh. Well, we are talking about branding.
11:44I hope the other girls are listening to this.
11:46It's a branding challenge.
11:49I hope they are not.
11:51Quiet, Rue. Shut up.
11:53Gothi, what part of the experience are you doing?
11:55I'm doing the glam section.
11:57I'm going to be painting their faces as tigers.
11:59Oh, Roar.
12:00You've shown me that, obviously, the whole tiger thing is what I'm known for.
12:03I need to embrace it and just, you know.
12:04Oh, God, yeah.
12:05I think that our chat with Rue is going well.
12:07You know, this is my first ever walkthrough,
12:09and you want to make sure that you impress her.
12:11What's your brand, lady?
12:12Am I the drama?
12:14Is it me?
12:15Now, right, what I've seen with you
12:17is that you do this super 50s, 60s glamour girl.
12:21I love old Hollywood.
12:22I would say that's part of my visual brand.
12:24Can't get enough of the silver screen.
12:26I love that Rue confirmed how she sees me.
12:29I'm going to lean all the way into that.
12:31In fact, I'm going to just fall into that.
12:33I can't wait to experience it.
12:36Thank you, Rue.
12:38Bonjour. Good day.
12:39How are you guys?
12:40Hi, how are you?
12:41How are you?
12:43Now, you've ended up one of the top girls
12:45two weeks in a row.
12:46Yeah, indeed.
12:47How do you feel about that?
12:48It does feel good, but right away, put it aside.
12:52And keep focused.
12:53So that's what I'm doing today.
12:54Yeah, good.
12:55Jonburst, how are you going to play at this time?
12:57I love a party, and I'm Irish,
12:59so I'm incorporating that
13:00and building an Irish party party.
13:02Well, I mean, this is a branding challenge, isn't it?
13:04I see you're wearing your green.
13:05Now, you know you can't wear green on a green screen.
13:13What am I going to do?
13:15And Hannah.
13:17You're a long way from home.
13:18I am.
13:19How does it feel to be in England?
13:20My hubbies are Brits.
13:21You know, they say, you are what you eat.
13:23So that means I'm British.
13:26So I feel at home here.
13:27Down under, there was an advertising challenge
13:30that you won.
13:31I did.
13:32What do you attribute that win to?
13:33Well, I listened to what you said.
13:34It just taught me to embrace the zany.
13:36There you go.
13:38Cannot wait to immerse myself in the experience.
13:41Au revoir.
13:42Au revoir.
13:43I feel like I've got an advantage.
13:44I've done it before.
13:45I kind of know what works.
13:55We're ticking all the boxes.
13:57I think it's about creating a plan, though.
13:59Prior preparation prevents piss-poor performance.
14:01Or feel to prepare, prepare to feel.
14:06That's deep.
14:07How do you feel like the other teams are going to do?
14:10The other team didn't quite lean into their own brands.
14:13Brand isn't your country.
14:14Brand is yourself.
14:16And I think we know what our brand is,
14:17and that's what we're delivering to them.
14:18I'm a bit nervous.
14:20Yeah, I'm a bit nervous.
14:21But, you know, I'm just thinking about
14:23how I'm going to make it more drag.
14:25There's a lot of things to rewrite.
14:26There's storyboarding, and we have to get in drag.
14:29On top of that, it's a lot, girl.
14:33I want to make a painting.
14:35Drag is making art, you know?
14:36And I don't want to ruin paint.
14:38We've got 2 minutes in total,
14:40so I'd maybe, like, narrow it down a little bit.
14:43There is a sense of panic now.
14:44We have to change our stories and make this more drag race.
14:50We can do it.
14:51We can do it.
14:52We can do it.
14:55Time to hit the green screen studios
14:57under the watchful eye of Michelle Visage.
15:01You have 45 minutes, so let's get right into it.
15:03You want to start?
15:04Sure, yeah.
15:05It's a good thing Therese has made a deal with the devil,
15:07because, honey, she's watching us do this challenge right now.
15:09Let's hope for the best, bitch.
15:11I was thinking of a television camera that's in the shot.
15:13All right, so if you need a prop or anything,
15:15the Brit crew will help.
15:17And action.
15:18Are you a drag race super fan?
15:20Turn the camera to the thingy.
15:22It's your turn to go behind the camera
15:25of Hollywood's favorite show, RuPaul's Drag Race.
15:29Boom and cut. That's all we need.
15:31Okay, great.
15:32That's where we will cut to the voiceover.
15:35You're a natural.
15:37Oh, that was fast.
15:38I'm doing the face paint section,
15:39where I'm going to turn them into fierce drag tigers, basically,
15:42and I'm going to be like this.
15:45I'm telling you, the world does not need another bukkake joke.
15:48I'm shocked she's saying that.
15:49The Gothic Kendall brand is tiger and slut.
15:55It's your gig.
15:56You do it the way you want to do it.
16:00More, more, give more.
16:03I don't know if it's, like, a bit done.
16:05I think that is safe for today.
16:08And cut. Okay.
16:10Oh, listen, I've seen it all.
16:12It's true.
16:13Every single green screen challenge
16:14has some kind of a sexual joke like this one.
16:17I am a bit stressed out with Gothi's section.
16:20Okay, let's see what the mind of Theresa May gives us.
16:23You're drinking the cocktail like it's the nicest thing.
16:25The secret ingredient is tears of a drag queen.
16:27I'm very familiar.
16:28And action.
16:30Feel sexy and sassy while you enjoy an exclusive cocktail.
16:35My thoughts are, Theresa, you're not featured a lot in the advert.
16:40I'm feeling a little bit nervous.
16:43And cut.
16:44Isn't this the most fun you've ever had in Drag Race, pal?
16:47You done?
16:48Yeah, we're done.
16:49Thank you, guys.
16:50We filmed everything we wanted to.
16:51What's in the can is in the can.
16:53That's a Hollywood term.
16:55I'm just hoping that Gothi's joke pays off.
16:57Okay, ladies, we will see you at Drag Race World.
17:02Talk me through your setup for Drag Race World.
17:05We're going to do an airlines kind of theme.
17:08I'm apprehensive going into this.
17:10My team are not great.
17:12This could really go either way.
17:14You're getting aboard an aircraft.
17:16Use that as your motivation.
17:18And action.
17:19Welcome aboard.
17:20You have a big baggage.
17:22I love it.
17:23Marina's getting some laugh, which is a good sign.
17:26We could be on the up.
17:27What's next?
17:28It's going to be me, Holland.
17:30Are you going aboard the airline?
17:32No, I think I'm going to say catamorphosis.
17:40It's like a wordplay with metamorphosis.
17:44That's all you're going to do?
17:45And then I'm going to roll in the paint.
17:46You're going to do whatever you're going to do.
17:48Are you willing to do this scene with me?
17:51And action.
17:52Her eyes are, like, piercing my aura, so I'm like,
17:54okay, I need to do something, like, impressive.
17:58Splatter, yes.
17:59And I also want to roll with him in the paint.
18:02Hubba, hubba, hubba.
18:06I think Keita has thought this through,
18:09but Keita's mind is a whirlpool of nonsense.
18:13Is it working?
18:14I don't know what's happening.
18:15I'm distracted by the Brit crew.
18:20I feel like I'm watching some crazy, bizarre,
18:22Shirley Bassey dream.
18:24You are.
18:25I'm thinking London's next.
18:26The U.K., babe.
18:27All right.
18:28We're going to run through things that may cause you trauma.
18:31You can look sad when I start describing them,
18:33and then when I give you the solution, it's happiness.
18:35Is he ever going to talk?
18:36At no point.
18:37Your lines have been cut in favor of my moment.
18:40All right.
18:41Here we go.
18:42And action.
18:43Michelle doesn't like your adequate dress?
18:45Well, just tell her it's gorgeous,
18:47and she should get one herself, because it's so well-constructed.
18:53And your green dress was still adequate.
18:55I don't disagree.
18:56I don't disagree.
18:58Is this promo going to be a treasure or trauma?
19:01I don't know.
19:02I thought I was funny, but I'm not sure about the other two.
19:06I think that's a wrap.
19:07We'll see how that ends up.
19:09You're on the clock, so use the time wisely.
19:12OK, shall we get to going?
19:13Holy shit.
19:14OK, we'll prepare while she goes off.
19:16And action.
19:17I get it.
19:18You want what I have.
19:21And have what I...
19:23And have what I have.
19:25And have life as easy as I got it.
19:27I am nervous.
19:29This is new for me.
19:30I've never done a commercial.
19:31I'm having to do takes maybe two, three, four times to get my lines out.
19:37You're going to meet here at the...
19:41Everybody's welcome.
19:43Everybody's welcome.
19:44You're going to meet.
19:45You're going to get.
19:46I want...
19:50I can't really tell her what to do, but my grandam has run over a little bit.
19:54Hola, ¿qué tal?
19:55Soy Ambo Gotye.
19:57I'm worried that I'm not going to get enough time to shoot my section.
20:00And please, can you change outfit?
20:01I only ate half of the...
20:04Could not understand a word of that.
20:06Let's do one more.
20:07We don't have time for all that, girlfriend.
20:0814-minute warning, girl.
20:10Oh, shit.
20:11Oh, fuck this then.
20:12Fuck that.
20:13Let's not do that.
20:15Get the necessary bits.
20:16Jonbris, we still need to do your section.
20:18I know.
20:20The clothes rack, if I can.
20:21Are you going to get it?
20:22No, fuck it.
20:23Leave it, leave it, leave it.
20:24There's no time.
20:25And action.
20:26Marketing challenges always feels very chaotic, but then can come together at the end.
20:30You're such an idiot.
20:32But maybe we have over-committed.
20:34I cut things left, right, and center.
20:38I'm hoping that me laughing into the ear of a sheep is something that makes RuPaul hate me.
20:44Let's get Jonbris.
20:45And action.
20:47If you want any makeup tips from me, speak now or forever hold your peace.
20:54Can I have...
20:55I need a plinth.
20:56A plinth?
20:57Wait, were you happy with that take or do you want to try it again?
20:59The plinth is one of those.
21:00The time is ticking.
21:01Fuck, can you help me?
21:03We have a couple minutes.
21:04And action.
21:05We have toast on offer.
21:06And if you're not...
21:07I'm so sorry.
21:09We serve carbs here.
21:20You gonna chew it?
21:23And cut.
21:24OK, ladies.
21:25We are definitely out of time.
21:27I'm feeling...
21:28I don't know how to feel because they delivered the brief.
21:31But La Grande Dame took up all the time, so I made the most of what little I had.
21:37I have no idea what I just watched, but I can't wait to see it on the main stage.
21:47Gorgeous, gorgeous girl.
21:50Today is elimination day.
21:51Are you runway ready?
21:54Someone is getting a lovely, immersive experience of how it feels to go home.
22:04Like a baby's ass.
22:05Tia, my girl.
22:07How are you feeling after yesterday's experience?
22:09It was camp, wasn't it?
22:10Yeah, it was.
22:11Because I feel like the content that I had was tough to cram it all in, if I was honest.
22:14But what I did get in, I think, was quite funny.
22:16Yeah, size doesn't matter.
22:17It's what you do with it that counts.
22:18Yeah, it's about how you use it.
22:24La Grande Dame, how did you find the challenge?
22:26I found it challenging.
22:28The time management was scary for me.
22:31But I think we pulled it off.
22:33I'm not feeling amazing about what I've done.
22:35I could have had more time.
22:37I was confident enough.
22:38I got what I said what I needed to do.
22:40Whether or not that landed, I'm going to have to wait and find out.
22:45I think we did good yesterday.
22:48You can never tell.
22:49It's just a matter of taste.
22:50I think my vision will translate to the promo.
22:53I think it will be a cohesive thing.
22:55Honestly, I'm just so happy that we get to film our own ads.
22:59Because in the Philippines, you don't have that much opportunity to do that.
23:03Drag is not a mainstream thing back in the Philippines.
23:06We don't really have that much queer representation.
23:09Is it illegal to be gay in the Philippines?
23:11It's not illegal.
23:12But even up until this day, we have no gay rights or any bill.
23:16No way, really?
23:17Not even anti-discrimination laws.
23:20Wow, really?
23:21We don't have anything to protect us.
23:24But when Drag Race started in the Philippines, we're seeing a lot of conversations.
23:28We haven't seen something like that in the past 10 years.
23:31We're able to spark conversations about queer struggles
23:35and how to not only tolerate, but also understand and respect the LGBTQ plus community.
23:41I'm happy to see that step, but we have a long way to go, girl.
23:44But there's still a lot of attacks.
23:46In Holland, we have gay bashing still occurring there.
23:50We have the same in France.
23:51The people that hate us, in reaction to the progress we're making,
23:56are being way more vocalized and way more violent.
24:02Like, I got fully attacked.
24:05Got sent to the hospital.
24:06That's why I left Nice.
24:07Oh no.
24:08Oh my god.
24:10I got fully redone.
24:12Oh my god.
24:14I went to the police and said what happened.
24:19And there was no investigation.
24:21Oh, you know it happens every weekend.
24:23That's basically their response.
24:25And you're like, ah, okay.
24:26So, all right.
24:28Oh my god.
24:30That is terrible.
24:31And you see that happening more and more.
24:33And it keeps getting crazier and crazier.
24:36Like, people have died.
24:38We have to keep the fucking fight going.
24:41Even in countries where the law is with us,
24:43it stays hard to get justice for what happens to us.
24:48It takes so much more to hate than it does to love.
24:53I think it's to do with people are afraid of change.
24:55People are unhappy about people being happy
24:58and about living their lives authentically.
25:01For all the equal rights,
25:02we still have a very, very, very long way to go.
25:07More rights for us doesn't mean less rights for them.
25:12And I think we need to just stand united
25:13and it's not a time to be complacent.
25:16While we're very lucky in main city hubs,
25:18there are people in different countries
25:20and different parts around the world
25:21that still do it quite tough.
25:22As silly as it might look while we're putting
25:24all of our makeup on and stuff,
25:25like, we have such a responsibility.
25:28I just encourage everyone to start thinking
25:30outside of that bubble.
25:31Don't get complacent because the things that we have now
25:33can be easily taken away.
25:39Welcome to the main stage of RuPaul's Drag Race
25:42UK versus the world.
25:44Michelle Visage.
25:47Now, have you ever had an immersive experience?
25:50I try to have one at least twice a day.
25:52Oh, I know.
25:54High colonics.
25:56The original throat goat, Alan Carr.
26:00Have you ever had an immersive experience?
26:03I know.
26:07And our favorite pop tart, Kim Petras.
26:11Are you ready to be fully immersed in drag?
26:14Wrap me up and swallow me whole.
26:19This week we challenged our queens
26:21to create their own immersive experiences
26:24at Drag Race World.
26:26And tonight, on the runway,
26:28category is Reveal Yourself.
26:32Racers, start your engines
26:34and may the best drag queen win.
26:43Category is Reveal Yourself.
26:46Up first, La Grande Dame.
26:49For my roovie look, I want to do a gag-worthy reveal.
26:53So you want the judges to throw up what they just ate,
26:56whether it's caviar or champagne.
26:58So I decided to piss myself.
27:01Now she's taking the piss.
27:04Actions leak louder than words.
27:07I'm serving you Miss France that want world peace,
27:10but she served world piss.
27:12It's going to be a wet afternoon.
27:14To pee or not to pee, that's the question.
27:20Up next, Theresa May.
27:23I believe she's a homosexual.
27:26Today I want to be elegant woman.
27:29Fuck that.
27:31I'm serving you full-on Marge Simpson realness.
27:34I feel actually sexy. I'm a proper milf.
27:38Oh! Oh, beehive.
27:41Take my big, juicy coconut skin, Petrus, and my blue bush.
27:46Oof, she barted.
27:51Tia Coffey.
27:53I am revealing RuPaul.
27:55We've gone to classic RuPaul
27:57from the cover of one of her early singles.
27:59I think my sister got it on cassette tape.
28:02You better work.
28:07That was a heavy-ass wink.
28:11Come on, supermodel.
28:13A new Ru look. Vanity Fair cover.
28:16I look gorgeous. I'm giving you body.
28:18I look like Ru. What more can you ask for?
28:23Marina Summers.
28:25I am serving you a volcano goddess.
28:28This look is inspired by the Philippines
28:30because we have a lot of active volcanoes.
28:32Come on, education!
28:40I'm going to be this beautiful lava goddess.
28:43Oh, baby, this girl is on fire!
28:47I love this look.
28:53Next, Keita Minaj.
28:55Oh, that really suits her.
28:58Reveal number one, big tie into small tie.
29:02I know it's a bit disappointing, but that's the point.
29:05But don't worry, opening up like a flower.
29:08Peace fruit.
29:10Who's ready for reveal number three?
29:13Purple witch bursting in flames.
29:16I'm serving you witch realness.
29:18Powerful, elegant, sexy.
29:21From suit to slut in six seconds.
29:27Up next, her Hannah Connor do.
29:30Look, it's Mary Poppins!
29:33I'm giving you pope realness.
29:36She's acting like the high holy queen herself.
29:39She spends a lot of time on her knees.
29:44And bam!
29:46Oh, now that's unholy.
29:48She's one of us!
29:51It's the creature from the green saloon.
29:58Up next, John Bush Blonde.
30:00I'm giving you a pastel rainbow.
30:03And at the end of that rainbow, it's a pot of gold.
30:06I feel expensive.
30:08That is gorgeous.
30:10It's so beautiful.
30:12I would wear that.
30:14That look is off the chain.
30:16This is heavy.
30:18This is bloody heavy, everybody.
30:20I'm going to say fucking, but I'm not going to swear.
30:22There's so much gold, she should be in Fort Cox.
30:28Next, Scarlet Envy.
30:31I'm giving you trenches.
30:33You want to see what's inside?
30:35She's sparkling, honey.
30:37Anybody want to buy a watch?
30:40This is the tightest dress I've ever worn.
30:43But who needs to walk when you can just shimmy?
30:50Up next, Gothi Kendall.
30:53Lady Bunny, what are you doing here?
30:56I'm serving you 60's housewife.
30:58She's on her way to the shops.
31:00She's got kids.
31:02Oh, oh.
31:04Here they are.
31:06You thought I've only got Sminty in the house of Kendall?
31:08Here are two more children for you.
31:10She's got twins.
31:12It's Mary-Kate and Ashley.
31:14That's what you call twin peaks.
31:20These judges gather shit out of me, so let's just walk off.
31:24Welcome, queens.
31:26Time for the world premiere of your drag world presentations.
31:31First up, Marina Summers, Tia Coffey, and Keita Minorge.
31:39Hi, my boo, hi.
31:41All right, babes.
31:43Learn how to do drag from different countries around the globe
31:46on Glamazonian Airways.
31:48Welcome aboard. You have a big baggage.
31:52First stop, Holland.
32:00You look lecker lecker.
32:02Let's then go with me, babes.
32:07Yes, let's do it like this.
32:16Splatter, yes, splatter.
32:23Do you fancy a stroopwafel?
32:28Are you ready to continue your flight?
32:30Next stop, the Philippines.
32:34My boo, hi.
32:36Where we turn you into a fierce, fabulous performer, Filipino style.
32:41Learn the duck walk by planting rice.
32:44Come on, bitch.
32:46You better plant that fucking rice.
32:48The house on boots.
32:51Find your signature catwalk
32:53in the middle of the rice field.
32:55Come on, baby.
32:57Oh, so easy.
32:59You're doing amazing, sweetie.
33:01Just don't fall.
33:04I spoke too soon.
33:07It's time for your next flight to...
33:10The UK, hon.
33:12Hi, I'm Tea Coffee,
33:14and you might remember me as the anxiety-riddled Baroness Basic of UK Series 2.
33:19Not anymore, bitch.
33:21Here at the UK Hun Experience,
33:23we turn your potential trauma into treasure.
33:28Michelle doesn't like your adequate dress.
33:31Tell her it's gorgeous and stunning,
33:33and she wants one herself because it's so well-constructed.
33:36Rue doesn't want to see any more H&M.
33:39Throw some glitter on it, bitch.
33:41Alan doesn't like your pterodactyl costume
33:43and says it looks like a sad pigeon.
33:46Well, there's not much we can do about that.
33:48It was a really bad outfit, wasn't it?
33:50You don't have any lines. This is my scene.
33:54Now we've dealt with your trauma,
33:56you're a glamazon bitch ready for the runway.
34:01Good luck.
34:02And don't suck it up.
34:11We did it!
34:13Next up, La Grande Dame,
34:16and Chompers Blonde.
34:22Hi, Arye!
34:23G'day, mate!
34:24And welcome to Drag Race World!
34:28Let's go to...
34:31Oh, you love fashion.
34:33But fashion doesn't love you back.
34:37I get it.
34:38You want to feel how I feel.
34:40You're going to get to meet all the people
34:42that made me who I am.
34:45Meet Jean-Paul Gaultier.
34:46Hola, que tal?
34:47Soy Jean-Paul Gaultier,
34:49and I like men in skorts and perfume.
34:52Perfume, yeah.
34:53I like perfume.
34:55Meet Karl Lagerfeld.
34:57And please, can you change outfit?
34:58I only had half of the arm out,
34:59I want to throw up right now, eh?
35:02Everybody's welcome.
35:04Even if you're wearing knockoffs.
35:06Looking like you've been knocked up.
35:13Welcome to Condor's Cove.
35:16In this magical world,
35:17the only way to get to the main stage
35:19is by parkouring over some hardcore shit.
35:25Every guest gets a complimentary recording
35:27of Hannah's cackle on a device of their choosing.
35:30And once you're done in Condor's Cove,
35:32we'll take you straight to the patty party.
35:35Are you ready to get unholy?
35:38Welcome to the patty party.
35:40Before we, well, get shitted,
35:42there's some rules that I need to let you know about.
35:44Rule number one, don't be a dick.
35:47Rule number two, we will have a surprise guest.
35:49If you don't want to be a dick,
35:51we'll have a surprise guest.
35:53Rule number three,
35:54don't be a dick.
35:56Rule number four,
35:57rule number two, we will have a surprise guest.
35:59Nadine Coyle will be here,
36:01if she finds her passport.
36:03And if you want any make-up tips from me,
36:06speak now or forever hold your peace.
36:10Oh, you're all a bit quiet, aren't you?
36:12Just like that, then, is it?
36:14Here at the patty party,
36:16we have several drinks on offer from our bar person.
36:19Look, everybody, it's Thugly!
36:22And don't worry, if you smell toast,
36:24you're not having a stroke.
36:26We serve carbs here.
36:29That's our plan.
36:31In room two, we're going to have Northern Irish lessons.
36:34Repeat after me.
36:36How are you?
36:38How are you?
36:43Come on down to Vegas, as well.
36:46And don't pay us, we'll pay you.
36:49We'll leave the money on the dresser.
36:51Wink. Wink.
36:57Oh, dear.
37:03And finally, Scarlet Envy,
37:06Theresa May, and Gothi Kendall.
37:12Are you a Drag Race super fan?
37:15Did you sell your wedding ring for tickets to DragCon?
37:18Well, we want you.
37:20Now it's your turn to go behind the cameras
37:23of Hollywood's best show, RuPaul's Drag Race.
37:28Introducing Drag Race World!
37:31Get glam in the workroom with Gothi Kendall.
37:34Lip sync for the world on the main stage with Scarlet Envy.
37:37And untuck with Theresa May.
37:40Do you like it raw?
37:42I'm Gothi Kendall, and I'm going to unleash
37:44your inner drag tiger with a fierce drag makeover.
37:50And now that these racers are in drag,
37:53let's get them to the main stage with Scarlet.
37:56Are you the drama racers?
37:59Welcome to the main stage of Drag Race World.
38:02Two in the pink stand before me,
38:05but only one will get in my sting.
38:08Good luck, and remember...
38:10Fuck it up!
38:13Hola, welcome to Hell!
38:17I mean, untucked.
38:19Hi, I'm Theresa May, and I'm going to be hosting
38:22the Inferno After Party to celebrate your big day on set.
38:26Feel sexy and sassy
38:29while you enjoy an exclusive cocktail
38:31with our secret ingredient,
38:33Satsa Tears of Fire.
38:36Satsa Tears of Fire.
38:39Satsa Tears of Fire.
38:41Satsa Tears of a Drag Queen.
38:44It makes for a great tally.
38:50Drag Race World, coming to a city near you.
38:58That was good.
39:00Ladies, this week you worked as teams,
39:03but tonight you'll be judged as individuals.
39:07When I call your name, please step forward.
39:10Marina Summers.
39:15Theresa May.
39:18You are all safe.
39:22Please step to the back of the stage.
39:26Ladies, you represent the tops and bottoms of the week.
39:31Now it's time for the judges' critiques.
39:34Let's start with Tia Coffey.
39:36What I liked about your experience
39:38is that it was easy to understand.
39:40Tonight on the runway, the send-up to Rue was really fun.
39:42I thought tonight was a very strong night for you, Tia.
39:45Kim Petras, meet Tia Coffey.
39:47Hi, you're so gorgeous.
39:50I thought you were the star of your immersive experience.
39:53I loved it.
39:54Listen, in Season 2, I openly admitted I didn't get you.
39:58Now I get you.
40:00I just love your trademark deadpan sense of humor and delivery.
40:03You know, you did look like a sad pigeon,
40:06but look at you now, you're a beautiful peacock.
40:11You understand what makes Tia Coffey funny,
40:14and we all got the brand.
40:17I feel like a proud mother.
40:25Up next, Keita Minaj.
40:28I loved your reveal. It was so clever.
40:30I love the hyper-masculine look, and then you whipped it off,
40:33that lovely, gorgeous purple hues.
40:35I like your look, it's very villainous.
40:39With your immersive experience,
40:41you had so much that you wanted to do, Keita,
40:44that it was actually too much.
40:47Sometimes it's okay to edit ourselves
40:50so we can get to the point.
40:52I relate to you because when Michelle was talking about
40:55doing too much and having a lot of ideas,
40:57I thought of myself, you were very funny.
40:59When you go to Amsterdam, why did you pick painting?
41:02After the talk that we had, I was like,
41:04how can I make this more drag?
41:06Maybe Van Gogh, Van Gogh is a painter, let's paint the outfit,
41:09and then throw it on the guy, and then we have a catamorphosis.
41:12The rolling around with the picker didn't really land.
41:15Maybe it's a bit weird in my head, but that's Keita.
41:17She's a bit weird, yes.
41:19I know in your mind it read, but for us, the audience, it didn't read.
41:22What the challenge was is to help us understand.
41:25Keita, you want to sell that.
41:27That's where I felt like you fell short.
41:31Up next, the Grand Dame.
41:33When it comes to immersive experience, I have no idea what's going on.
41:37It was difficult to understand, and I'm not talking about your accent,
41:40I'm talking about the way you were delivering them.
41:42They were kind of muffled, and you couldn't really get it.
41:45Hola, que tal? Soy Ian Paul Gaultier.
41:48I have to say, I like that.
41:50When I was a kid, I remember watching a bunch of
41:52Karl Lagerfeld and Jean Paul Gaultier interviews
41:54and being like, what the hell are they saying?
41:56They're just slurring their words so hard.
41:59They were probably my favorite reveal
42:01and my favorite in the immersive experience.
42:03I got more of the story of the runway.
42:06You came out there, a nervous Miss World, needed to go to the toilet.
42:09I get it. This more than makes up for the immersive experience.
42:13You look absolutely delicious tonight.
42:16That is something we've never seen before.
42:17That is creative, that's funny.
42:19This was a reveal.
42:21This is great, and it's stupid.
42:23This level is what we come to expect from you on this runway,
42:26and it is so your sense of humor.
42:28There were some really great ideas in the immersive experience,
42:31but it wasn't concise enough.
42:33I can totally see what you guys are saying.
42:36That will help me in here, and so thank you for that.
42:39Feel free to send us the dry cleaning bill.
42:42Up next, Jumpers Blonde.
42:45I thought the immersive experience was a little bit convoluted.
42:49I didn't understand the stand-up routine in the church.
42:52I think you needed to stick to the one place.
42:55I just don't think many of the jokes landed.
42:58Oh, you're a little bit quiet, aren't you?
43:01I think I agree with the immersive experience,
43:03even though I like anything unholy, so that's that.
43:06Tonight, I am so in love with what you're wearing.
43:09Just really beautiful.
43:11The immersive experience, meh.
43:13Tonight, oh yeah, great.
43:15Great reveal. It is absolutely gorgeous.
43:19You know how to create a focal point,
43:22which was missing from your presentation.
43:24Did you have fun doing it?
43:26Yeah, I did.
43:27Stressful because of our time was running out.
43:30Doesn't matter how much time you have.
43:32You girls are superstars.
43:34You should know how to sell that brand.
43:37I understand that.
43:38Thank you, Jumpers.
43:40Up next, Scarlet Envy.
43:43Listen, no-one's going to be in years' time going,
43:46do you remember Scarlet's reveal?
43:48Her lining was the same material as her dress.
43:52This is gorgeous. I'm just being ultra-picky.
43:55I love a flasher, like, love it.
44:02Scarlet, in your immersive experience,
44:04I knew exactly what I was going to get.
44:08Now it's your turn to go behind the camera
44:11of Hollywood's best show, RuPaul's Drag Race.
44:14Great job.
44:16We're very proud of you.
44:17The reason it was such a success
44:19is that you laid out a menu of what we were going to get.
44:22It was concise, and we were like, yes, I want that!
44:26That was my idea.
44:27I actually have a degree in advertising.
44:30This is the first time I'm ever using it.
44:33Super glamorous. You look gorgeous.
44:36Thank you, Ru.
44:37Up next, Gothi Kendall.
44:41I was trying to guide you all away
44:42from the jizz-in-the-eye sex stories.
44:45We've done them all.
44:46But the way you did it with the face painting,
44:48well, we've never seen that before,
44:50and it ended up being really cute.
44:51You're still stiff,
44:54but you've definitely loosened up a little bit.
44:57Right now it's Uniqueness 10, Charisma 2.
45:01Loved you in your immersive experience,
45:03and the reveal, you come out looking all cutesy.
45:05The next thing you know,
45:06I've got two demonic child titties staring at me.
45:10I love the dolls.
45:13Kind of giving Tim Burton. I really like it.
45:16It's really a lot of fun.
45:17I was surprised at how well you did in this thing.
45:19It was very funny.
45:20You should be Goofy Kendall.
45:22That's who you should be.
45:24I want to see Goofy Kendall.
45:26Me too!
45:27I just wanted to be stupid with this look,
45:29and I think I've done it tonight.
45:31You did it.
45:32Thank you, Goofy Kendall.
45:35Ladies, based on the judges' critiques,
45:39I've made some decisions.
45:41Tia Coffey,
45:44Scarlett Envy,
45:46you are the top two queens of the week.
45:50Oh, my.
45:51Well done, Scarlett.
45:52Well done.
45:56Goofy Kendall,
45:58La Grande Dame,
46:00you are both safe.
46:03That means,
46:04Keita Minaj,
46:06Jambers Blonde,
46:08sorry, my dears,
46:09you are the bottom two.
46:12Tia, Scarlett,
46:14each of you must decide
46:16which of the bottom two
46:18you will eliminate
46:20if you win the lip sync.
46:22While you queens deliberate in the workroom,
46:25the judges will teach me
46:27which one's ant
46:29and which one's deck.
46:35You may leave the stage.
46:38Oh, little beverage.
46:40I need alcohol.
46:42We are back in the workroom,
46:44and I'm gagged, girl.
46:46She has officially left the safe club.
46:49Good dragulation.
46:53I'm feeling overwhelmed
46:55because I am notoriously bad at drag race.
46:57This is like the first time I felt
46:59I've done something right,
47:00and it's really exciting,
47:02but at the same time,
47:03I'm a bit conflicted.
47:04I've never had to do this before.
47:06It's a tough position to be in.
47:07How is everyone else feeling?
47:08I feel sad, of course.
47:10There's a chance that I'm leaving the competition.
47:12Yeah, it's nerve-wracking.
47:13I came here to slay,
47:15and this week I'm in the bottom,
47:17so no, it's not a good feeling.
47:19It's a roller coaster.
47:21It's not particularly where I wanted to be
47:23if I had more time than I could have.
47:25I'd have lived a bit more in my...
47:27The material you had, you had too much of it.
47:29It didn't work.
47:31Babe, your material was also criticized.
47:33People in glass houses, darling,
47:35I think I've fallen a little bit short.
47:37Do I think I'm the worst? Absolutely not.
47:39But it is what it is.
47:40This is how the cookie has crumbled.
47:42Do you two want to come and join us for a little chat?
47:45Let's do it. It's very exciting.
47:47I know how much every queen wants to be here,
47:49and I don't know if I'm ready to make that decision.
47:51Just kidding. Of course I am.
47:53You look amazing. You look gorgeous.
47:55You're the most beautiful queen in this whole competition.
47:59Oh, my God.
48:01You're so good at this.
48:03My tactic is just putting my charm.
48:05I have to fight to stay.
48:06We are both villains. Come on.
48:08We are. That's true.
48:10You are definitely the villain.
48:12Well, let's be villains together.
48:14I hope you see me as a strong competitor.
48:16You know, I mean, I'm just such a huge fan of your drag.
48:18I know how good she is.
48:20Maybe it's very American to send home the stronger competitor.
48:23At the end of the day, we know what we all signed up for.
48:26Well, I have a lot to think about.
48:29I'm not going to cry because of you.
48:31Like, you know...
48:33I had a blip.
48:35Babe, I'm devastated.
48:37I really want to be here.
48:39Like, I don't want to leave.
48:41Like, you saved the UK,
48:43but I want you to save me because I should be here.
48:46I really want to be here.
48:48I don't think I've done terribly.
48:49They love my look.
48:51She's my UK sister.
48:52We've become good friends, I would say.
48:54If the rules were reversed,
48:55I think I would save my sister.
48:57We are from the same franchise of this show.
49:00Like, these are important things.
49:01I can really feel how much she wants to be here.
49:03There will be a loss if Jumbas isn't here.
49:05I do have the guts to make it all the way to the end.
49:08I know I do.
49:09Honestly, I'm one of those people
49:10who believes that you have to beat the best.
49:12But are you saying that about me,
49:14or are you saying that about home?
49:17I don't know.
49:19Who would you send home from the bottom two?
49:23I'm looking out for the UK girls, obviously.
49:25I would also probably send Kata home.
49:27Even though I'm, you know, the closest with her,
49:29I think I'm still going to pick Kata.
49:31She had bad critiques for her performance.
49:34I could not send Jumbas home.
49:36We were together in this challenge.
49:37Kata picked my lipstick.
49:39If she's on top again, she could do that again.
49:41You know what I mean?
49:42Scarlett did say she will get rid of a talented queen.
49:47She was here to play the game.
49:54This is an imaginary cat.
49:55I'm being an evil villain.
49:56Oh, can I caress it as well?
49:58Yes, you may.
49:59Oh, yes.
50:01I feel like I should be more dramatic.
50:03What are you offering?
50:04What do you want?
50:05Do you need wigs?
50:07Do you need massages?
50:08Oh, what kind of massage do you want?
50:10What are we offering?
50:12It's been three weeks.
50:14Oh, you want to go that way?
50:16My feeling says she's going to keep Jumbas.
50:19It's her UK sister, but I'm doing everything to change her mind.
50:23Anything to say, like, keep me.
50:26Drek makes me happy.
50:27Being able to do that on this big stage is very important for me.
50:31Kata was our team captain, and she did not lead.
50:35But then it's a branding challenge.
50:37In Kata's promo, I saw more of her identity.
50:40It's not cohesive, but it feels like it's Kata.
50:44This is making the decision really tough.
50:46I really want to fight that way to the end and be with the best people.
50:50How do you see me?
50:51Do you see me as a real competitor?
50:56Who knows?
50:58My story isn't done here yet.
51:00I've still got a lot more to give.
51:02I'm a super queen.
51:04I have been twice safe.
51:05They've seen something that they want to keep me for.
51:08You are a fashion queen.
51:09Thank you so much for saying that.
51:11You are a beautiful classic beauty.
51:13I'm a martini.
51:14You look fucking stunning.
51:16Thank you so much.
51:17It's intimidatingly good.
51:19I think I'm competition for Scarlett.
51:21People are telling me all the time that we look similar,
51:23so I don't know whether this is going to be a help or a hindrance.
51:27I think we've become friends, and I respect you as a queen and as a person.
51:30And you want to be the best.
51:32You've made my decision no easier, so thank you for that.
51:35You're welcome.
51:36Love you.
51:37I can tell that she really, really wants to be here.
51:39And I do want this 50,000 pounds.
51:43It would be smarter to get rid of your strongest competition.
51:47I have a very big decision to make today.
51:57This is the first time I've had the opportunity to send someone home in this competition.
52:03I just don't know what to do.
52:05This is so overwhelming.
52:07I mean, do I save my UK sister?
52:10Or do I save my teammate?
52:13I don't know.
52:15Do I get rid of my fiercer competitor to be one step closer to the crown, scepter, and the money?
52:23Or do I keep my fiercer competitor and show the girls I am here to play fair?
52:32I mean, listen, is it worth having a target on my back, especially this early in the competition?
52:39Sending someone home?
52:41Do I have to?
52:49Welcome back, ladies.
52:51Two internationally acclaimed queens stand before me.
52:56Prior to tonight, you were asked to prepare a lip sync performance of Future Starts Now by Kim Petras.
53:06Ladies, this is your chance to impress me and earn the power to give one of the bottom queens the chop.
53:15Oh my goodness.
53:16Kim is literally sat there.
53:17I need to serve pop star realness.
53:20Scarlet, I'm going to take you down, sunshine.
53:25The time has come for you to lip sync for the world.
53:36Kim Petras is a queen and I am going to slay it.
53:41Cold blood, baby.
53:43Good luck and don't.
53:46Look at her.
54:25Take the pain and make it.
54:39You're more than just anybody.
54:43Don't give up the future.
54:47Take control. Anything you want tonight.
54:50Good to go.
54:51Let the moment blow your mind.
54:53Take your time. Take your time.
54:55Baby, it don't matter.
54:57Let it ride. Let it ride.
54:59Take it to the after.
55:01Let your heart decide.
55:03Let it change your life tonight.
55:05In the dark, baby.
55:06Don't you know the future starts now?
55:13Ain't nobody gonna stop me.
55:17Don't you let the music stop now.
55:20You're more than just anybody.
55:24Don't give up the future starts now.
55:45Come on, yoga.
55:46Come on, yoga.
55:48Ladies, I've made my decision.
55:54Scarlet Envy.
55:58You're a winner, baby.
56:01Oh, thank you.
56:04And you are the proud recipient
56:06of a golden Rue Peter badge.
56:12We're with pride.
56:15Tea or coffee?
56:17You are safe to slay another day.
56:22Good job.
56:25I'll take a normal Rue Peter badge.
56:26That's an opportunity.
56:29Will the bottom two please step forward?
56:38Scarlet Envy.
56:40With great power
56:41comes great responsibility.
56:44Which queen have you chosen
56:46to get the chop?
56:49This is really difficult
56:50because I didn't really have anything
56:52to go off of.
56:53None of them were on my team.
56:55I want the girls to see that
56:56I'm paying attention in the competition
56:58and that people who have been successful
57:01in past weeks deserve to stay.
57:04I'm so sorry.
57:06I chose Jombers.
57:10Well done.
57:15As it is written,
57:16so it shall be done.
57:18Jombers Blonde,
57:19you are and will always be
57:22a global phenomenon.
57:25Now, sashay away.
57:33I just want to say Rue,
57:35thank you for believing in me
57:36and thank you for inviting me back.
57:38It really means a lot.
57:40This has been an amazing experience.
57:46Bye girls.
57:49Well apparently
57:50the luck of the Irish doesn't work.
57:54Bye bitches.
57:55Love you.
57:56Love you.
58:04This feels weird.
58:05I haven't had to do this before.
58:07Obviously I'm devastated.
58:08Last time I made it to the final
58:10and I think Scarlet voted me out
58:12because I was strong in competition.
58:13I feel like I could have made it all the way
58:15but it's a different kind of game this time.
58:18I've done myself proud
58:19and I think I have done Northern Ireland proud.
58:22I hope Tia goes all the way.
58:23I love Tia.
58:24Love you all.
58:25Have a fab time.
58:34Congratulations queens.
58:35And remember,
58:36if you can't love yourself,
58:37how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?
58:39Can I get an amen up in here?
58:42Alright, now let the music play.
58:48I love you.
58:49I love you.
58:50I love you.
58:51I love you.
58:52I love you.
58:53I love you.
58:54I love you.
58:55I love you.
58:56I love you.
58:57I love you.
58:58I love you.
58:59I love you.
59:00I love you.
59:01I love you.
59:02I love you.
59:03I love you.
59:04I love you.
59:05I love you.
59:06I love you.
59:07I love you.
59:08I love you.
59:09I love you.
59:10I love you.
59:11I love you.
59:12I love you.
59:13I love you.
59:14I love you.
59:15I love you.
59:16I love you.