UК VS ТНЕ WОЯLD S02Е02 (2024)

  • last week


00:00:00I am gagged that Mayhem is the first person to go.
00:00:13Shakka gone.
00:00:14Shakka gone.
00:00:15Shakka gone.
00:00:16Shakka gone.
00:00:19She did do the worst in the talent show, that is an objective fact, but no one saw it coming.
00:00:26To Marina, congratulations.
00:00:27Honestly, it was such a hard decision for me to make.
00:00:33It's sad to send Mayhem home, but I just went with my gut.
00:00:37It's weird to send home a U.S. drag legend, but I wanted to give Gothi a chance to prove
00:00:44I hope moving forward, you shake it all out and show the real tiger inside you.
00:00:49I'm a lion now, not a tiger.
00:00:53A lion.
00:00:54Well, it's time for a Filipino to clean a mirror in the UK.
00:00:58Tell me about it.
00:01:00Now I am the only queen representing the U.S., which is terrifying.
00:01:06Well, Gothi, how does it feel to make it to episode two?
00:01:12It feels right.
00:01:15No, it's amazing.
00:01:17I think my mom's going to be so proud.
00:01:20I've never felt this feeling before, and it feels great.
00:01:22I really need to show the judges the confidence that I've built over the past few years.
00:01:25I'm a different drag queen now, and I just need to slow down and let them savor all of
00:01:30We have to know.
00:01:31Oh, God.
00:01:32Whose lipstick did you choose?
00:01:33I feel like this experience is just a big, big opportunity, and in that manner, I chose
00:01:46Mayhem, too.
00:01:48Because I feel like, yeah, Gothi, the world deserves to know you a little bit more.
00:01:52I couldn't take away Gothi's opportunity, so I feel like it was the right choice, and
00:01:59I will stand by it.
00:02:00I have to say, I feel so, so lucky to be part of this group.
00:02:05I just keep getting emotional the entire day, because I'm like, I can't believe I'm part
00:02:09of this.
00:02:14I'll take it back.
00:02:16I do not love you at all.
00:02:20Let's get out of drag, baby.
00:02:26I just sent the first girl home, and there's 50,000 on the line.
00:02:33It's competition time, baby.
00:02:35I feel like we need to have a little panel about the UK situation.
00:02:39It's UK versus the world.
00:02:40It's going to be a fight to stay out of the bottom.
00:02:43I'm not going.
00:02:44I feel like we need to get more strategic.
00:02:46There's an alliance going on here, everyone.
00:02:49No, it's not.
00:02:50It's not an alliance.
00:02:51Is that what I think it is?
00:02:54So it is UK versus the world.
00:02:57I just need help out of my corset.
00:03:00If one of them lands in the bottom, it's a scary place for the UK.
00:03:05Just remember, you're less than us.
00:03:08Oh, yeah, there's more of us than there are of them.
00:03:21It's a brand new day in the work room, and I've never said that before.
00:03:24So it feels great.
00:03:27And it's a first batch winner!
00:03:31Everybody now, I'm a Filipina.
00:03:34I'm a Filipina.
00:03:36Tell them about manifesting, baby.
00:03:38You did that.
00:03:39Marina had the gold badge.
00:03:41Good for her.
00:03:42But I'm telling you, I'm next.
00:03:45There are still four UK girls here carrying.
00:03:50Do you feel a target on your back?
00:03:52Any of the UK girls?
00:03:53Do you know what it is?
00:03:54After yesterday, I feel a bit more at ease because I see the girls are playing the game
00:03:59in honesty and decisions in their heart.
00:04:01Because it would have been very easy to get rid of one of us yesterday, and they didn't.
00:04:04They went with what felt right for them.
00:04:06And I think that's amazing.
00:04:09Four UK girls stayed.
00:04:13I think that won't be the thing for long.
00:04:16I feel great.
00:04:17Like, literally, that was the first time I've ever got to walk the runway in front of Ru
00:04:21wearing an outfit that's not shit.
00:04:24I felt gorgeous.
00:04:25I felt glamorous.
00:04:26And I felt like I'm no longer basic.
00:04:28You're welcome.
00:04:29You served the coffee.
00:04:30We really did.
00:04:31And it was piping hot.
00:04:36Her Majesty did already that.
00:04:38That hurts.
00:04:39Hey, pumpkins.
00:04:40You want to go to the ball?
00:04:44Then stop waiting for your Prince Charming to come.
00:04:47It's time to take matters into your own hands.
00:04:52Because everybody loves a happy ending.
00:04:57Balls, balls, balls.
00:04:58Boom girls love balls.
00:05:01Hello, hello, hello.
00:05:09Oh my God, Michelle!
00:05:11Hello, Queen.
00:05:15Mirror, mirror on the wall,
00:05:17who's your favorite full-time judge from America
00:05:21who sits on Ru's right of all?
00:05:28That is the correct answer.
00:05:31For today's mini-challenge,
00:05:32you are going to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
00:05:36Oh, Brit crew!
00:05:43Now, Queens,
00:05:44I'm going to ask a series of questions.
00:05:47You need to write on the mirror
00:05:49which queen is the answer.
00:05:56This is going to be interesting.
00:05:59Okay, darling, pass out the mirrors.
00:06:01Grab a mirror and a lipstick.
00:06:03Mirror and a lipstick for me.
00:06:05Queens, are you ready?
00:06:10Mirror, mirror in your hand,
00:06:12who's the fairest in the land?
00:06:14Who's the prettiest queen?
00:06:17All in.
00:06:18And turn.
00:06:22With seven votes,
00:06:24Marina is the fairest in the land.
00:06:28I don't think I'm the prettiest one.
00:06:30Maybe I am.
00:06:33Thank you for being so kind, ladies.
00:06:35Yeah, she is beautiful.
00:06:36I hate to say it, but she is.
00:06:38Okay, next question.
00:06:40Who's the shadiest in the land?
00:06:46Can we vote for multiple people?
00:06:49Show us your answers.
00:06:53With five votes,
00:06:55Hannah Conda is the shadiest of them all.
00:07:00Honestly, I'm giving off mixed messages,
00:07:03because I thought I was giving pretty,
00:07:05but apparently I'm giving shady.
00:07:07I'm just funny.
00:07:11Okay, next question.
00:07:13Who's the mightiest in the land?
00:07:16Who is your biggest competition?
00:07:21Okay, show us your answers.
00:07:25This was a close race, this one.
00:07:27Hannah received many votes.
00:07:29La Grande Dame received many votes.
00:07:32But with four votes,
00:07:34Marina, you are the mightiest in the land.
00:07:37Biggest competition.
00:07:38The biggest?
00:07:39The biggest.
00:07:40You got it.
00:07:41I would not want to be voted the mightiest,
00:07:44because it is way too early in the competition
00:07:46to have that big a target on your back.
00:07:50Okay, final question.
00:07:51Mirror, mirror, in your hand,
00:07:54who is the neediest in the land?
00:07:56As in, whose drag is in the most need of a boost?
00:08:02Plot twist!
00:08:03Okay, show us your answers.
00:08:08Jon Burrs received three votes.
00:08:13Jon Burr's face.
00:08:17But with five votes,
00:08:19Arrancha Castilla La Mancha!
00:08:21I want something!
00:08:24You are the neediest queen in the land!
00:08:28Condragulations, Arrancha.
00:08:30I don't care about the title,
00:08:31I just care that I won something on Drag Race, finally!
00:08:33Y que os joda?
00:08:36What she said.
00:08:38Now, I've just received news
00:08:41from inside the Palace Sugar Walls.
00:08:44Her Majesty RuPaul
00:08:46has invited you all
00:08:48to the Happy Ending Ball!
00:08:54Hashtag Drag Race UK.
00:08:56For this week's maxi-challenge,
00:08:58she wants you to serve
00:09:00three fairy tale looks.
00:09:04First look,
00:09:05Lady Prince Charming.
00:09:09A twisted take on a fairy tale hero.
00:09:13Second look,
00:09:14Sheevil Queen.
00:09:18Something wicked this way comes.
00:09:20Third look,
00:09:21Drags to Riches Eleganza.
00:09:25Using the scraps of fabric we've provided,
00:09:28you need to create a ball gown
00:09:30fit for a princess.
00:09:35Hey, Cinderfella, you missed a spot!
00:09:41So we have to make a ball gown
00:09:42out of scraps of fabric
00:09:44and wear two other fairy tale looks.
00:09:46This is epic.
00:09:50as you were voted the neediest queen,
00:09:52you get a ten second head start.
00:09:58Viva España!
00:10:01Go back to the UK where you belong.
00:10:07make haste!
00:10:10She saw what she wanted.
00:10:12Get this.
00:10:15start your engines
00:10:17and may the best drag queen
00:10:27Move it or lose it, kids!
00:10:29Get out of my road!
00:10:33Fun, fun, fun, fun!
00:10:34We are literally fighting
00:10:36for the queen.
00:10:39We are literally fighting
00:10:40for scraps here.
00:10:46Oh yes, purple.
00:10:47Oh my god, yes, this.
00:10:50I have an idea in my head
00:10:51of what I want.
00:10:52I'm going to be wearing purples.
00:10:54More purple, yes.
00:10:55So everything pink and purple
00:10:56is coming my way.
00:10:59Out of the corner of my eye,
00:11:00I can see Theresa
00:11:01going for literally every fabric.
00:11:04More shit.
00:11:06She is just hoarding.
00:11:09Theresa, is this yours?
00:11:10That's all mine.
00:11:11All of it?
00:11:13I'm a big girl.
00:11:14Get out.
00:11:16Theresa's opening a thrift shop,
00:11:19I saw fabric and I said,
00:11:23I need more fabric.
00:11:24This is the challenge
00:11:25that I've been dreading the most
00:11:27because on my series,
00:11:28the first time I was in the bottom,
00:11:30it was a sewing challenge.
00:11:32I love the hair,
00:11:33I love the bow.
00:11:35The end.
00:11:40I am staying away from green
00:11:43because I do not need
00:11:45to be triggered any more
00:11:46than I already am.
00:11:47Have I just had this
00:11:48for three years?
00:11:52I'll take that.
00:11:53All right, baby.
00:11:55Let's do this.
00:11:57I think I'm going to go
00:11:58for glitter, maybe.
00:12:00Shall I go for glitter?
00:12:01I don't know.
00:12:02Look at all these
00:12:03little mice.
00:12:05Oh, your little friends?
00:12:06Oh, yeah, my little friends.
00:12:07They're going to help
00:12:08me build my dress.
00:12:10My sewing skills
00:12:11are adequate.
00:12:12I definitely have been aptly named
00:12:14the hot glue gun queen
00:12:15because on my season,
00:12:16I use hot glue
00:12:17to glue leaves
00:12:18to a corset.
00:12:19Shall we ask the mouse
00:12:20who wrote my name
00:12:21as the thirstiest?
00:12:22Oh, yeah.
00:12:23Who do you think?
00:12:24Three votes.
00:12:25I'm not pressed.
00:12:26You're pressed.
00:12:27I'm just like,
00:12:28well, I'm a little pressed.
00:12:29There's people here
00:12:30that have not had a glow up,
00:12:32Don't look at me like that.
00:12:34In the short time
00:12:35from season four
00:12:36to here we are now,
00:12:37I think I've grown.
00:12:38So to hear
00:12:39that I'm the neediest
00:12:40from my own sisters,
00:12:42it's tough.
00:12:43Who thinks
00:12:44that I'm needing
00:12:45more of a glow up?
00:12:46Oh, yeah.
00:12:47Oh, yeah.
00:12:48She cannot let it go.
00:12:50You're not even
00:12:51the neediest.
00:12:52You're just second place.
00:12:53Get over it, girl.
00:12:54You had five
00:12:55and I had three.
00:12:56Answer that question
00:12:57because who didn't vote
00:12:58for her voted for me.
00:12:59Out of respect.
00:13:01For who?
00:13:03I did, I did, I did.
00:13:04You voted for me.
00:13:05Well, that's one.
00:13:06Who else did?
00:13:10Wow, so we have
00:13:11two people who are just
00:13:12not going to speak up then.
00:13:13Is that what it is?
00:13:14Is that what's going on here?
00:13:15Some people aren't
00:13:16really clear
00:13:17about their little votes.
00:13:19But, I mean,
00:13:20this is democracy.
00:13:21A vote should stay
00:13:22absolutely nameless.
00:13:24Someone must have voted
00:13:25for Chambers.
00:13:26Oh, I did.
00:13:27Sorry, I didn't know
00:13:28what we were talking about.
00:13:29I was like,
00:13:30I'll be then.
00:13:32Thanks, the UK.
00:13:33The UK alliance
00:13:37Who did Chambers vote for?
00:13:39That's not
00:13:40the question at hand.
00:13:41No, Chambers,
00:13:42who did you vote for?
00:13:43That's not the question
00:13:44at hand.
00:13:45Who did you vote for?
00:13:46Listen, if somebody else
00:13:47is going to be honest,
00:13:48I'm not going to speak up.
00:13:49I voted for Rancher.
00:13:50I'm being honest.
00:13:51Now I'm asking you
00:13:52who you voted for.
00:13:53I voted for you.
00:13:54I voted for Kida.
00:13:55Oh, wait.
00:13:56Noted, noted.
00:13:57But who's the dead
00:13:58person who voted
00:13:59for Chambers?
00:14:00Nobody is saying
00:14:01who voted for Chambers
00:14:02is the last person.
00:14:03What's going on?
00:14:04I voted for Chambers.
00:14:05Yes, I did.
00:14:06But because my glow-up
00:14:07is not good enough
00:14:08for you,
00:14:09you know what?
00:14:10You don't need
00:14:11a glow-up.
00:14:12You need
00:14:13this on top
00:14:14of your face.
00:14:15Oh, my God.
00:14:16Only joking.
00:14:17Am I the drama?
00:14:19I'm going to start
00:14:21Oh, yes.
00:14:22Oh, yes.
00:14:23Oh, yes.
00:14:24Oh, yes.
00:14:25Oh, yes.
00:14:26Oh, yes.
00:14:27Oh, yes.
00:14:28Oh, yes.
00:14:30Do you have gold?
00:14:31I think I might use it.
00:14:32Our design challenge
00:14:33back in France,
00:14:34we had to make
00:14:35outfits out of
00:14:36beach material.
00:14:37I almost won the ball.
00:14:38So this time
00:14:39I have a real,
00:14:40like, pressure
00:14:41on myself
00:14:42to do
00:14:43somewhat good.
00:14:44Anybody got gold?
00:14:45Oh, Tia.
00:14:46Hey, yo, Miss Tia.
00:14:48I'm telling myself
00:14:49I have to stick
00:14:50to one idea,
00:14:51so I pick gold.
00:14:52You've been
00:14:53the greatest
00:14:54of all time
00:14:55and you have such
00:14:56great taste
00:14:57for things.
00:14:59I think you picked up,
00:15:00like, gold,
00:15:01which is absolutely
00:15:02what I need right now.
00:15:03It's like...
00:15:04Is it?
00:15:06Do you know what
00:15:07I need right now?
00:15:08What do you need?
00:15:09I'm not sure I can
00:15:10say it on the BBC.
00:15:11La Grande Dame
00:15:12seems to be
00:15:13flirting with me
00:15:14to try and get
00:15:15this fabric
00:15:16and let me tell you
00:15:17something about
00:15:18Tia Coffee.
00:15:19If you try and get
00:15:20things from me
00:15:21by flirting,
00:15:22it'll work.
00:15:23I can help you
00:15:24on the drawing
00:15:25and the idea first.
00:15:26You're good at concepts.
00:15:27I've got no gag reflex.
00:15:29Sounds like it's
00:15:30an alliance, too.
00:15:31Ooh la la.
00:15:32Mon dieu.
00:15:33Are you single?
00:15:35Never mind.
00:15:36Well, hiya,
00:15:37my little
00:15:39Back, back,
00:15:40back again.
00:15:42Hi, kids.
00:15:45Hey, girls.
00:15:46Hey, girls.
00:15:48what are you gonna
00:15:49make for us?
00:15:51Last week,
00:15:52I brought you
00:15:53to the mountains
00:15:54of the Philippines.
00:15:55Now I'm gonna
00:15:56bring you
00:15:57under the sea.
00:15:58I'm gonna do
00:15:59a mermaid cut.
00:16:00I'm gonna use
00:16:01all this fabric
00:16:02down below
00:16:03to emulate the shore.
00:16:04This is a big
00:16:05undertaking, yeah?
00:16:06This is a lot
00:16:07to take on
00:16:08for someone
00:16:09who doesn't sew,
00:16:10but I did not
00:16:11come here
00:16:12to play it safe.
00:16:13I am here to show you
00:16:14what my drag
00:16:15is all about.
00:16:16For a small girl,
00:16:17I like big things.
00:16:20Well, good luck
00:16:21to you with that.
00:16:22Thank you so much.
00:16:23Scarlet Envy!
00:16:24Hi, Michelle.
00:16:25It is so good
00:16:26to see you back.
00:16:27You sew.
00:16:28I do.
00:16:29This is one of my
00:16:30favorite challenges.
00:16:31What are you gonna
00:16:32make for us, Scarlet?
00:16:33Well, it's just like
00:16:34the classic Cinderella
00:16:36kind of a light blue
00:16:37with the blues.
00:16:38Well, it looks beautiful.
00:16:40Thank you, kids.
00:16:42All right.
00:16:43Good luck.
00:16:45Carry on.
00:16:47Panaconda Ketaminaj.
00:16:48Now, Hannah,
00:16:49what I remember about you
00:16:50is you are not a sewer.
00:16:51You are a gluer.
00:16:52Yeah, and there's
00:16:53no shame in that.
00:16:54I am not shaming you.
00:16:55Can I show you
00:16:56what I've glued already?
00:16:57Already that color
00:16:58has me running away.
00:16:59Look, I've already done that.
00:17:00I don't think that's half bad.
00:17:01Well, what are you gonna do
00:17:02on the bottom of that?
00:17:03Because you know how
00:17:04I feel about a leotard.
00:17:05So she's going for
00:17:06this kind of experience.
00:17:07It's very bold,
00:17:08and I know it's not
00:17:09your favorite color.
00:17:10It's actually my
00:17:11least favorite color,
00:17:12but it's not about me, Hannah.
00:17:13It's about me.
00:17:15She's gonna be built
00:17:16by the mice,
00:17:17so I've got a basket of mice.
00:17:18And so they're gonna be
00:17:19running around on her dress.
00:17:21I'm here for the story.
00:17:24I think so.
00:17:25Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:17:26But there's another side to Keta
00:17:27because we see it in drag.
00:17:28Yes, for sure.
00:17:29I like superhero villains,
00:17:30like the evil characters
00:17:32and stories.
00:17:33Let me see what you're doing
00:17:34for your princess,
00:17:35Miss Darkness.
00:17:36So I'm doing
00:17:37a medieval moment.
00:17:38I can be a princess,
00:17:39but I need to be
00:17:40an evil princess,
00:17:41so this is gonna be
00:17:42like her evil princess.
00:17:43All gold.
00:17:44Yeah, like black and gold
00:17:45and maybe a bit of
00:17:46influence of a spider.
00:17:47Well, I can't wait
00:17:48to see what you've done.
00:17:49Happy gluing?
00:17:51Oh, thank you.
00:17:53Uh, Gothi.
00:17:54This is, I would say
00:17:55that you didn't get
00:17:56to the design challenge,
00:17:57but you didn't get
00:17:58to any challenges.
00:18:00Basically, I didn't do
00:18:01drag shit.
00:18:02Well, do you sew?
00:18:03Yeah, I do.
00:18:04I went to fashion school.
00:18:08That's gonna help you out.
00:18:09Fingers crossed.
00:18:10So, what are you
00:18:11gonna do for us?
00:18:12So, I'm going for like
00:18:13a classic Gothi silhouette,
00:18:14but I'm going for like
00:18:15different colors,
00:18:16like very not Gothi.
00:18:17Okay, what is not Gothi?
00:18:18Pastel like this.
00:18:19I'm normally like very
00:18:20like black cinched
00:18:21and scoffing.
00:18:22Yes, exactly.
00:18:23I think I can do it.
00:18:25Yeah, for sure.
00:18:26I think you can too.
00:18:28Le grand dame.
00:18:29Bonjour, bonjour.
00:18:30So, we know fashion
00:18:31is your thing.
00:18:32I wanna see what you're
00:18:33planning for us
00:18:34for this challenge.
00:18:35Um, I'll try to do
00:18:36something a little futuristic.
00:18:38I'm not a girly girl.
00:18:40So, I'm going with the gold.
00:18:41We'll see how it goes.
00:18:42It's a, yeah,
00:18:43it's a sort of lamé.
00:18:45Bonne chance.
00:18:46Good luck.
00:18:48Thank you very much.
00:18:49And don't fuck it up.
00:18:50Tia Coffey,
00:18:51what are you going
00:18:52to sew for us?
00:18:53So, for the princess,
00:18:54I wanted to go with
00:18:55an emo princess.
00:18:58Like the misunderstood girl
00:18:59from the high school.
00:19:00So, like Wednesday Adams?
00:19:02Yeah, okay.
00:19:03And I thought about
00:19:04making like this dress.
00:19:05Like maybe she was
00:19:06going to prom.
00:19:07This girl is going to prom.
00:19:09Okay, that's sweet.
00:19:10Together, yeah.
00:19:11It's a storyline.
00:19:13Where does your fashion
00:19:14sense come from?
00:19:15You have to have one
00:19:16for it to come from someplace.
00:19:17I'm still working on it.
00:19:18On my series,
00:19:19the ball wears
00:19:20some of my favorite
00:19:21and best looks.
00:19:22It's a shame the judges
00:19:23didn't think that.
00:19:24You do have style.
00:19:25It's just questionable.
00:19:26That's all.
00:19:27It's there.
00:19:32Listen, I've been called
00:19:34that my whole life as well.
00:19:35My drag always comes from,
00:19:38when you're trans,
00:19:39and you transition
00:19:41when you're an adult,
00:19:43you kind of miss
00:19:44those teenage years
00:19:45that you didn't have
00:19:46as a girl in my case.
00:19:49now I'm living that
00:19:50through my drag.
00:19:51That's why so much
00:19:52of my fashion sense
00:19:53come from the 2000s
00:19:54because it's when
00:19:55I was a teenager.
00:19:56I'm very excited for you
00:19:57because I'm not sure.
00:19:58It was understood
00:19:59in your series,
00:20:00so I think you get a chance
00:20:01to show it again.
00:20:03To your coffee.
00:20:07Yes, I've heard of it.
00:20:08I've heard of it.
00:20:09Is it?
00:20:10Rumors suggest it exists.
00:20:11So, you chose
00:20:12the red velvet.
00:20:13I did.
00:20:14Not an easy fabric.
00:20:15And what's your plan?
00:20:16So, I'm going to give you
00:20:17a traditional sort of
00:20:18like princess shape
00:20:19and just give you
00:20:20a journey in red
00:20:21because I've got a theme
00:20:22and I've got a reason
00:20:23for doing it.
00:20:24Have you figured out
00:20:25how to sew?
00:20:26I have indeed
00:20:27had sewing lessons.
00:20:28Good for you.
00:20:30Well, good luck to you both.
00:20:31Thank you very much.
00:20:32Can't wait to see
00:20:33your creations.
00:20:36Theresa McJumbers,
00:20:37I'm happy you're here.
00:20:38I'm so happy I'm here.
00:20:39The last time you did
00:20:41you had some story
00:20:42about an owl
00:20:43jizzing in your eye
00:20:44or something.
00:20:47You better believe
00:20:48the owl
00:20:49is back for the ball.
00:20:50Oh, no.
00:20:51Yes, she is.
00:20:52Oh, no.
00:20:53So, do you have a story
00:20:54with this?
00:20:55Well, you'll have to
00:20:56find out in the wrong way.
00:20:58But I just want to say
00:20:59the three looks are connected.
00:21:00Pantoray traditional,
00:21:01you know,
00:21:02snow white with
00:21:03the puffy sleeves,
00:21:04lots of pleats on the skirt.
00:21:05And I did manage
00:21:06to grab some materials
00:21:07in purple and black.
00:21:08Your drawing is...
00:21:09It's there.
00:21:10It's there.
00:21:12I promise I will
00:21:13look better than this.
00:21:16I can't wait to see it.
00:21:18John Burrs.
00:21:19How are you?
00:21:20I'm great. How are you?
00:21:21I'm all right.
00:21:22Thank you, wee kid.
00:21:23So, show us
00:21:24what you're going to do.
00:21:25It's kind of
00:21:27kind of like
00:21:2880s loquat.
00:21:29So, it's going to be gold,
00:21:30like gold and blacks.
00:21:31Last time you did
00:21:32a fashion challenge,
00:21:33it was...
00:21:34Hot apple pie.
00:21:35The woven.
00:21:36The woven.
00:21:39On my season,
00:21:40I didn't do so well
00:21:41on this challenge.
00:21:42So, you know,
00:21:44I'm ready to
00:21:45redeem myself.
00:21:46So, John Burrs,
00:21:47are the U.K. queens
00:21:48sticking together
00:21:50some have named you
00:21:51the neediest.
00:21:52You want to answer that,
00:21:54It was lost interest.
00:21:55I swear it was.
00:21:56It was.
00:21:57So, are the U.K. queens
00:21:58sticking together?
00:21:59I think we are.
00:22:00I think we are, yeah.
00:22:01I mean, it's...
00:22:03It's official, ladies.
00:22:04Are we?
00:22:05Apparently so.
00:22:06Did you hear that?
00:22:07They heard that.
00:22:08Thank you, U.K. queens,
00:22:09for making it
00:22:10so much easier
00:22:11because that's
00:22:12very pertinent information
00:22:13for everyone to know.
00:22:15Well, I cannot wait
00:22:16to see what you bring
00:22:17to the ball.
00:22:18Thanks, Michelle.
00:22:19And again, remember,
00:22:20confidence is key.
00:22:21Yeah, exactly.
00:22:26Charita, how's it going?
00:22:27It's going good, actually.
00:22:28How are you feeling
00:22:29about the whole thing?
00:22:30I heard that you also have
00:22:31a theme running through.
00:22:32Yeah, I just wanted to do
00:22:33something really special
00:22:34because I know
00:22:35my evil queen look
00:22:36is based on
00:22:39Cherry Valentine.
00:22:40Oh, wow.
00:22:41Meet the queens look.
00:22:42I haven't.
00:22:44I just thought it was
00:22:45really important that
00:22:46when I got to be here,
00:22:47I wanted to do something
00:22:48for her.
00:22:49Yeah, of course.
00:22:52It's OK.
00:22:54It's OK, baby.
00:22:55Come here.
00:22:582022 was a very
00:22:59difficult year for me.
00:23:00I lost my mum
00:23:02and then a few months later
00:23:04lost Cherry Valentine
00:23:05from my season of Drag Race.
00:23:08I think she would have been here.
00:23:10I don't know what it is.
00:23:11If she was here,
00:23:12she would have been
00:23:13on this.
00:23:16I want to do this
00:23:17to dedicate it
00:23:18to Cherry's legacy,
00:23:19to her memory,
00:23:20but also
00:23:21on behalf of
00:23:22all of the queens
00:23:23of Series 2
00:23:24who got to share
00:23:25this special time with her.
00:23:26The fact that you're doing this
00:23:27to just honour
00:23:28her memory,
00:23:29it's beautiful.
00:23:30I need to make sure
00:23:31the makeup's on point, though.
00:23:32I know.
00:23:33Because her face was always
00:23:35Stamped and the fashions
00:23:36were always incredible.
00:23:37I need to make sure
00:23:38it's gorgeous,
00:23:39it's glam,
00:23:40it's just
00:23:41quintessentially Cherry.
00:23:44I'm feeling a little bit
00:23:47I just really want to
00:23:48live up to
00:23:50and prove to the world
00:23:51that every day
00:23:52is Valentine's Day.
00:23:53I'm so proud of you
00:23:54for doing this.
00:23:56Love you, baby.
00:24:05Is it the fashion?
00:24:06Is it the fashion?
00:24:07She says.
00:24:09Come on, ladies.
00:24:10Come on, ladies.
00:24:11Wake up to go to the ball.
00:24:14What a mess.
00:24:15What a world.
00:24:16It's elimination day.
00:24:17We're getting ready
00:24:18for the happy ending ball,
00:24:20and we have to serve
00:24:21not one,
00:24:22not two,
00:24:23but three looks.
00:24:24Who's ready to go to the ball?
00:24:27I'm ready for the ball.
00:24:28Feel pretty, ladies.
00:24:29Feel pretty later.
00:24:38Well, that's drag.
00:24:40Right now,
00:24:41everything's together.
00:24:42I think I'm done.
00:24:43Are you done?
00:24:44It was Elizabeth Taylor,
00:24:45I believe,
00:24:46that said,
00:24:47when you leave the house,
00:24:48take one thing off.
00:24:49But I've just rolled
00:24:50it in a pile of shit.
00:24:52You're the first one done.
00:24:53If I add much more...
00:24:55I think that could be like...
00:24:56They might ball you on
00:24:57tacky if you do that.
00:24:58Oh, really?
00:24:59Oh, wow.
00:25:03Does this look tacky to you?
00:25:06Does this look tacky to you?
00:25:08How dare you?
00:25:15God, I can see everyone's
00:25:16stress and it's so pretty.
00:25:17How are you getting on with yours?
00:25:19It's going well.
00:25:20Lots of safety pins
00:25:21and desperation.
00:25:24Good glue.
00:25:25Today, I'm wishing upon a star
00:25:27for a happy ending.
00:25:35This is the last few minutes we have.
00:25:37Everyone is focused.
00:25:38And this is an elimination day.
00:25:40Someone's gonna have to
00:25:41send somebody home.
00:25:42So, Scarlett.
00:25:44I think the room
00:25:45really requires
00:25:46some motivational speaking right now.
00:25:48Go out there and believe
00:25:49in what you've made.
00:25:50Do you know what I mean?
00:25:52Sell it, girl.
00:25:54Sell the garment.
00:25:55Sell it.
00:25:56Sell the garment.
00:25:57Sell the garment.
00:25:58Although one of us
00:25:59is going to sachet today.
00:26:03It's gonna be crazy.
00:26:06Welcome to the main stage
00:26:08of RuPaul's Drag Race UK
00:26:10versus the world.
00:26:11She's kissed a few frogs,
00:26:13Michelle Visage.
00:26:14And I've shagged a few pigs.
00:26:19Oink, oink.
00:26:21International treasure,
00:26:23Graham Norton.
00:26:24Now, Graham,
00:26:25have you ever kissed a frog?
00:26:27No, but at midnight,
00:26:28I will turn into a rotten fruit.
00:26:31And the gorgeous,
00:26:33Adjoa Aboa.
00:26:36Are you ready to have a ball?
00:26:37Yes, queen.
00:26:39I can't wait.
00:26:41Thank you so much for having me.
00:26:43This week,
00:26:44we challenged our queens
00:26:45to serve three fairytale looks.
00:26:48And tonight,
00:26:49they are ready
00:26:50to tell their stories
00:26:51on the runway.
00:26:54start your engines
00:26:55and may the best drag queen win.
00:26:59Nobody feels it.
00:27:02Welcome all
00:27:03to the Happy Ending Ball.
00:27:06First category is
00:27:07Lady Prince Charming.
00:27:09Up first,
00:27:11Bette Midler's looking good
00:27:12as Prince Charming.
00:27:14For my first look,
00:27:16which I brought with me,
00:27:17I am serving what I like to call
00:27:19Hello Nails.
00:27:21You are the wind beneath my wings.
00:27:25He is the campest prince
00:27:26you'll ever see.
00:27:28It's very knockoff Disney
00:27:29and very my brand.
00:27:31And from these brussel sprouts,
00:27:32I will fashion a cape.
00:27:35Jumper's blonde.
00:27:37Is that Madame Ant?
00:27:40I am serving you
00:27:41Prince Farming,
00:27:42inspired by my favorite designers
00:27:43from when I was a kid.
00:27:45Quail she or won't she?
00:27:48This is kind of like
00:27:49if Quentin Crisp was a farmer.
00:27:52In the 80s,
00:27:53and loved Vivienne Westwood.
00:27:55She's got frills.
00:27:56They're multiplying.
00:27:58What's next?
00:27:59Arancha, Castilla, La Mancha.
00:28:02I think she's got
00:28:03some of Ziggy Stardust
00:28:04in her eyes.
00:28:06I went with a
00:28:07David Bowie inspired look
00:28:08because it is fascinating
00:28:10how he'll love to play
00:28:11with gender roles.
00:28:12She's got one eye
00:28:13on the prize.
00:28:16I'm looking at the judges' faces
00:28:17and I know exactly
00:28:18what they're thinking.
00:28:21because they are
00:28:22astonished by my beauty.
00:28:25Where are you going
00:28:26to get your blood work done?
00:28:27I don't know.
00:28:29To the labyrinth.
00:28:31Up next,
00:28:32question room eight.
00:28:34What's in the dossier?
00:28:37Tea or coffee?
00:28:39I am serving you
00:28:41Robin Hood realness.
00:28:43Now I did a Robin Hood
00:28:44look on my season.
00:28:45And this one,
00:28:46a glow up.
00:28:48she from the Robin Hood.
00:28:51the Hunger Games of drag,
00:28:52Katniss Everdeen,
00:28:58What's in the quiver?
00:28:59What's in the quiver?
00:29:00What is in the quiver?
00:29:01Where's the dossier?
00:29:03What's in the quiver?
00:29:08The grande dame.
00:29:11Tickets please.
00:29:12I am serving
00:29:13French haute couture houses.
00:29:15There is this
00:29:16Caparelli feeling,
00:29:17there is a Gauthier feeling.
00:29:19This is French excellence.
00:29:21I can't help myself,
00:29:24by making French weird noises.
00:29:27Oh yeah.
00:29:30If they like it,
00:29:32I will keep doing it.
00:29:36Up next,
00:29:37Scarlet Indy.
00:29:39I'll just have one breast.
00:29:42The story behind
00:29:43my Lady Prince Charming
00:29:44is a knight in shining armor.
00:29:46He's just a knight
00:29:47in shining armor.
00:29:49He's just slayed the dragon.
00:29:52I have two words for you,
00:29:53moth balls.
00:29:55He slayed the dragon,
00:29:57and then he slayed
00:29:58the runway.
00:30:00Oh, Spartacus.
00:30:02Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:30:06Petr Minaj.
00:30:08From a land
00:30:09that's tucked far, far away.
00:30:10Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:30:13I made this myself,
00:30:14so all my heart and sweat
00:30:15is in this look.
00:30:17One side is all
00:30:18covered in armor.
00:30:20Fancy a slice?
00:30:23So I'm very proud
00:30:24walking on this runway
00:30:25with this outfit
00:30:26because it really
00:30:27represents me.
00:30:29Can you tell
00:30:30which leg is wooden?
00:30:31Wouldn't you like to know?
00:30:34Up next,
00:30:35Gothi Kendal.
00:30:37Well, it turns out
00:30:38the emperor has a few clothes.
00:30:41My Prince Charming
00:30:42is on his way
00:30:43to find his princess,
00:30:44but secretly,
00:30:45he wants to find his prince.
00:30:46The prince is strong.
00:30:49There we go.
00:30:51That prince is pumping.
00:30:53I'm feeling like
00:30:54such a camp little prince
00:30:55in this.
00:30:56I'm loving it.
00:30:57I'm having a little skip.
00:30:58I'm showing off my muscles,
00:30:59and I'm enjoying it.
00:31:00Party at Versailles.
00:31:01Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:31:03Marina Summers.
00:31:08I am gonna let you dive in
00:31:10with my sexy prince
00:31:12of the underwater world.
00:31:14Hunka hunka burning queen.
00:31:17I guess with this look,
00:31:18the judges are really hooked,
00:31:20and I'm ready to
00:31:21wheel them under the sea.
00:31:23Ha ha ha ha.
00:31:24They call me Jelly.
00:31:26Ha ha ha ha.
00:31:28Up next,
00:31:29Theresa May.
00:31:30Oh, hello, Dolly.
00:31:32Salvador Dolly.
00:31:33Ha ha ha ha.
00:31:35I'm serving you Dolly
00:31:36with the moustache.
00:31:37I'm serving you Matador
00:31:38with the jacket.
00:31:39It's an aubergine emoji
00:31:41come to life.
00:31:42Ha ha ha ha.
00:31:43Very fiery look,
00:31:44but at the same time,
00:31:45very calm,
00:31:46because you know,
00:31:48She ain't scared of no bull.
00:31:50Ha ha ha ha.
00:31:52Nobody here
00:31:54ever seen her before.
00:31:56Second category is
00:31:58Shiva Queen.
00:32:00Up first,
00:32:02Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:32:06I'm going for a really
00:32:07traditional evil queen.
00:32:09She is sort of one color palette
00:32:11from head to toe.
00:32:12You ain't my evil stepmother.
00:32:14Yes, I am!
00:32:16I have such the color
00:32:18and the life out of everything,
00:32:19apart from my really gay self.
00:32:21Different from my first look.
00:32:23The story's coming to life now.
00:32:24Oh, isn't that wild?
00:32:26Ooh, spell you later.
00:32:28Ha ha ha ha.
00:32:30Up next,
00:32:31Jumper's blonde.
00:32:32Well, she's clearly a flamer.
00:32:34Ha ha ha ha ha.
00:32:36For my Shiva Queen look,
00:32:37I'm giving you
00:32:3890s Terry Moogler.
00:32:40Very fire-breathing dragons,
00:32:42but fashion.
00:32:43I love this look.
00:32:45Ha ha ha ha.
00:32:46Somebody grab the extinguisher.
00:32:47I'm hot.
00:32:49Fire in her hole!
00:32:51Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:32:53Arancha, Castilla, La Mancha.
00:32:56Will you sign my burn book?
00:32:59I am serving you
00:33:00the meanest queen of all,
00:33:02Regina George.
00:33:04She's a real mean girl.
00:33:06With this giant pen,
00:33:08With this giant pen,
00:33:09I want to write so many names
00:33:11of so many queens
00:33:13on this burn book.
00:33:15It's a can, not a can't book.
00:33:17It's a can book.
00:33:18I believe in you.
00:33:20See you next Tuesday.
00:33:23Up next,
00:33:24Tia Coffey.
00:33:26What's in the basket,
00:33:27Tia Coffey?
00:33:29Ha ha ha ha.
00:33:31For my Shiva Queen look,
00:33:32I am serving you
00:33:33my interpretation
00:33:34of the most iconic
00:33:36Cherry Valentine look.
00:33:38And she loved all things
00:33:39spooky ooky, Halloween,
00:33:41and Evil Queen.
00:33:45I'm giving you
00:33:46Cherry's aesthetic
00:33:47mixed with mine.
00:33:48And I'm very, very happy about it.
00:33:50I'm really, really just
00:33:51genuinely pleased
00:33:52that I get to present this
00:33:53to the world.
00:34:00Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:34:04I am serving you
00:34:06Laying Queen Mother alien.
00:34:09Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:34:11I'm taking a risk fully,
00:34:12I know it.
00:34:14But this look,
00:34:15I'm so proud of.
00:34:16Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:34:20Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
00:34:23Oh, the French.
00:34:24They'll eat anything.
00:34:25Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:34:29Scarlet Indy.
00:34:31Green with Indy.
00:34:33My She-Evil Queen
00:34:34is a very angry
00:34:35Mother Earth in her.
00:34:37We were rooting for you!
00:34:39Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:34:40This look is making me
00:34:41feel very empowered.
00:34:42In fact, I'm a little scared.
00:34:43Am I tapping into my villain?
00:34:45Give us a root.
00:34:47Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:34:51Come on, come on, here you come.
00:34:52Come on, come on.
00:34:53Don't be shy.
00:34:58I am the Evil Queen.
00:34:59You can find me
00:35:00in the red light district
00:35:01riding my big monster.
00:35:03How's the drag, hun?
00:35:05Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:35:09I really feel at home
00:35:11showing off my evilness.
00:35:13Ah ha ha ha ha!
00:35:15Couldn't wish for
00:35:16anything better than this.
00:35:18Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:35:20Dottie Kindle.
00:35:22I'm serving you dark glamour.
00:35:24She's not hungry.
00:35:26Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:35:27I've sort of mixed
00:35:28the Evil Queen from Snow White
00:35:30and Cruella
00:35:31into one look.
00:35:32Sort of like this
00:35:33fashion-y, sleek, Evil Queen.
00:35:36She's having Cruella the day.
00:35:38Ha ha ha ha!
00:35:41Marina Summers.
00:35:44Ooh, yeah!
00:35:46Ha ha ha ha!
00:35:47I am paying homage
00:35:48to one of the scariest
00:35:50Evil Queens
00:35:51that I grew up watching.
00:35:52We call her Dugong.
00:35:54She has kind of
00:35:55a very fugly body,
00:35:56but she has
00:35:57a very beautiful face.
00:35:58I must say.
00:35:59But how does she
00:36:00put her shoes on?
00:36:01Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:03I am giving you
00:36:04the mating call,
00:36:05which is the...
00:36:06Yeah, that's her mating call.
00:36:08Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:09What's the catch of the day?
00:36:11Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:13Theresa May.
00:36:17She's a hoot!
00:36:18Ha ha ha!
00:36:19My Evil Queen
00:36:20is paying homage
00:36:21to my Owl story
00:36:22from Season 3.
00:36:24That was the origin.
00:36:25Now we see her
00:36:26developed in a full
00:36:27crane with her beautiful
00:36:29owl by her side.
00:36:31Excuse me,
00:36:32your owl's on fire?
00:36:33Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:38Give a hoot!
00:36:39Don't pollute!
00:36:40Ha ha ha!
00:36:41Well, it's too late for that.
00:36:42Are the judges reacting?
00:36:44Can I see them?
00:36:45Absolutely not.
00:36:46Anyone else think that
00:36:47owl doesn't look
00:36:48too comfortable?
00:36:49Well, I hear she has
00:36:50bad owl movements.
00:36:51Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:53Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:54Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:55Ha ha ha ha!
00:36:56We can't see you!
00:36:58Ha ha ha ha!
00:37:05Final category is
00:37:07Drags to Riches Elegant.
00:37:10Up first,
00:37:13From the House of Mouse.
00:37:16Ha ha ha ha!
00:37:18For the look that I made
00:37:19in the workroom,
00:37:20I am serving you
00:37:21Princess of the Mice.
00:37:23Is it fashion?
00:37:24It depends on
00:37:25what you're into.
00:37:26Ha ha ha ha!
00:37:27Naughty, but mice.
00:37:28Ha ha ha ha!
00:37:30It's a story.
00:37:31You see now
00:37:32the twin sister.
00:37:33She's out of the tower.
00:37:34She had the scrap fabric
00:37:35left over from the brother
00:37:36to create the dress.
00:37:37I mean,
00:37:38come on.
00:37:39I thought I smelled cheese.
00:37:41Ha ha ha ha!
00:37:43Up next,
00:37:44Jean-Bert Blanc.
00:37:45Curly hair,
00:37:46don't care.
00:37:47Ha ha ha!
00:37:48Drags to Riches.
00:37:49This look is also
00:37:50inspired by one of my
00:37:51favourite designers
00:37:52as a kid,
00:37:54Like I always say,
00:37:55bows before hoes.
00:37:56Ha ha ha ha!
00:37:58It feels really special
00:37:59to walk the runway
00:38:00in something I've made
00:38:01that looks quite good,
00:38:03if you don't mind.
00:38:04Bitches better bow down.
00:38:08Arancha Castilla La Mancha.
00:38:11Okay, what?
00:38:12Stupid Prince Charming.
00:38:14Ha ha ha ha!
00:38:15I am serving you
00:38:16Goth Emo Princess.
00:38:18The girl that did not
00:38:19want to go to the ball,
00:38:21but her mum forced her to go.
00:38:25She is so over this runway.
00:38:27Ha ha ha ha!
00:38:28I don't want to go
00:38:29to the ball, mum!
00:38:30Okay, I'll go to your funeral,
00:38:32but I'm not going to be
00:38:33happy about it.
00:38:34Ha ha ha ha!
00:38:36Up next,
00:38:37Tia Coffey.
00:38:39don't see that wig
00:38:40after midnight.
00:38:41Ha ha ha ha!
00:38:43I am serving you
00:38:45an above-adequate dress
00:38:47that I made
00:38:48in the workroom
00:38:49by myself.
00:38:50How much is that poodle
00:38:52on her head?
00:38:56I wanted to present
00:38:57three looks.
00:38:58Four cherry,
00:38:59so that's a lot of pressure,
00:39:00and it didn't get to me.
00:39:02Ha ha ha ha!
00:39:04Come on, gross,
00:39:05as a person.
00:39:07The Grand Dame.
00:39:09A tail as gold as time.
00:39:11Ha ha ha ha!
00:39:13For the drag stud
00:39:15riches look,
00:39:16I am serving
00:39:17a gold goddess,
00:39:18a Charlize Theron
00:39:20getting out of the pool.
00:39:21Lame, you stay.
00:39:23Ha ha ha ha!
00:39:25Using scraps of fabric,
00:39:26I have created
00:39:28a princess ball gown
00:39:31fitted for a
00:39:32a modern princess.
00:39:35Ha ha ha ha!
00:39:37Scarlet Envy.
00:39:39You know,
00:39:40I really missed
00:39:41the season one filter.
00:39:42Ha ha ha ha!
00:39:44I'm serving you
00:39:45classic Cinderella ball gown.
00:39:48You shall have ball.
00:39:50Is that how it went?
00:39:51She'll grant you
00:39:52three bitches.
00:39:53Ha ha ha ha!
00:39:54I feel glamorous.
00:39:56If she's not gonna crowd me,
00:39:57I brought my own.
00:39:59Ha ha ha ha!
00:40:00Princess Grace of Monahoe.
00:40:02Ha ha ha ha!
00:40:05Keita Minaj.
00:40:07They sure don't make
00:40:08straight jackets
00:40:09the way they used to.
00:40:10Ha ha ha ha!
00:40:12Everybody's going for, like,
00:40:13the princess kind of vibe,
00:40:15but I want to stay
00:40:16true to my brand,
00:40:18so I'm like a young witch
00:40:19going to her ball
00:40:21for the first time.
00:40:22I wonder what time it is.
00:40:23I'll just check my...
00:40:24Oh, never mind.
00:40:25Ha ha ha ha!
00:40:27I almost cannot believe
00:40:28I made this look
00:40:29in this amount of time.
00:40:31I am proud of myself.
00:40:33Do you besleeve
00:40:34in life after love?
00:40:35I think we do.
00:40:36Ha ha ha ha!
00:40:38Gothie Kendall.
00:40:40Pastel Gothie Kendall.
00:40:43This Pastel Goth princess
00:40:44is on her way
00:40:45to an underground rave.
00:40:46She's going to go
00:40:47camp it up to some
00:40:48PC pop stupid shits.
00:40:50She's just a girl
00:40:51about crowns.
00:40:53I feel quite pretty
00:40:54in this look.
00:40:55I mean, these colours
00:40:56are so opposite
00:40:57to what I normally wear,
00:40:58so I'm glad I went out
00:40:59of my comfort zone
00:41:00a little bit.
00:41:01What's a mini train?
00:41:02Is the mini train still running?
00:41:04You know,
00:41:05I summer at the marina.
00:41:06I call it Marina Summer.
00:41:08Great name.
00:41:09I'm all welcome
00:41:11I am serving you
00:41:12a princess by the ocean.
00:41:15I made this
00:41:16mermaid cut dress.
00:41:18You know,
00:41:19mermaid, ocean,
00:41:21see what I did there.
00:41:23Emilda Marcos,
00:41:24eat your heart out.
00:41:26Don't cry for me, Philippines.
00:41:29I look pretty,
00:41:30I look regal,
00:41:31I look like I own
00:41:32the entire queendom.
00:41:34She's famous for having
00:41:35very fat ankles.
00:41:36Ha ha ha ha!
00:41:39Chorizo me.
00:41:41That owl does not look well.
00:41:44I'm serving you
00:41:45ugly sister going to the ball,
00:41:47getting the happy ending
00:41:48she deserves.
00:41:50Because everyone deserves
00:41:51a happy ending,
00:41:52right, poison girl?
00:41:55Oh, dear.
00:41:56Cage before beauty.
00:41:58That owl was
00:41:59an inner suffator,
00:42:01telling me all these
00:42:02ugly things about myself,
00:42:04and I decided to
00:42:05fully destroy it.
00:42:06Bye bye, birdie.
00:42:08Welcome, queens.
00:42:09UK versus the world rules
00:42:12are in full effect.
00:42:14Now, based on your
00:42:15three runway presentations,
00:42:18I've made some decisions.
00:42:20When I call your name,
00:42:21please step forward.
00:42:24Jumpers Blonde.
00:42:27Tear Coffee.
00:42:31Scarlet Envy.
00:42:36Gothy Ken Doll.
00:42:39You are all safe.
00:42:46Please step to the
00:42:47back of the stage.
00:42:50Thank you very much.
00:42:54Ladies, you represent
00:42:56the tops and the bottoms
00:42:57of the week.
00:42:58Now it's time for
00:42:59the judges' critiques.
00:43:01Let's start with
00:43:02Hannah Condom.
00:43:03You know, you came out
00:43:04here and there's always
00:43:05kind of a wink
00:43:06and a nudge nudge
00:43:07in your drag,
00:43:08and I love that about you,
00:43:09and I thought your Lady
00:43:10Prince Charming was funny.
00:43:11I like the intentional bulge.
00:43:13I just thought you had
00:43:14a good time with it.
00:43:15As a fellow ginger,
00:43:16I hope the upstairs
00:43:18matches the downstairs,
00:43:19and that's about it.
00:43:20You were amazing.
00:43:25Are you saying
00:43:26you have hardwood floors?
00:43:27Oh, baby, it's always
00:43:28hardwood with me.
00:43:31Sheevil Queen.
00:43:32I think that was
00:43:33your prettiest.
00:43:34You went classic,
00:43:35and you sold it to us
00:43:36with your spells
00:43:37and your cackling.
00:43:38Throughout all your
00:43:40it's the face,
00:43:41it's the character.
00:43:42You always have
00:43:43a good time,
00:43:44and I expect that
00:43:45from an Australian.
00:43:46This, there's something
00:43:47a bit dressing up box
00:43:48about it.
00:43:49It's not necessarily
00:43:51Oh, no.
00:43:52But I quite like that
00:43:53it stands out
00:43:54from all the others.
00:43:55I think what could have
00:43:56made it better,
00:43:57maybe not so many mice,
00:43:58but to be honest,
00:43:59for gluing,
00:44:00not that terrible.
00:44:01Okay, so I've been
00:44:02upstairs with my
00:44:03mice friend,
00:44:04and they helped me.
00:44:05It's really cute.
00:44:06Oh, the mice
00:44:07helped you construct it?
00:44:08Yeah, the mice helped me.
00:44:09Yeah, they just
00:44:10haven't left yet.
00:44:11Does everyone live
00:44:12happily ever after?
00:44:13Oh, fuck no.
00:44:14That's boring.
00:44:16Thank you very much.
00:44:17Thank you very much.
00:44:18Up next, Aracha.
00:44:21Your Lady Prince charming,
00:44:22you did, I would say,
00:44:23a nod to David Bowie,
00:44:24but basically you were
00:44:25David Bowie.
00:44:26It was cute,
00:44:27but on the main stage
00:44:28of RuPaul's Drag Race,
00:44:29we don't want to see
00:44:30what lies beneath.
00:44:31We want the performance
00:44:32just sticking out.
00:44:35And it takes us
00:44:36out of that fantasy.
00:44:37To pick David Bowie
00:44:38to represent
00:44:39sort of gender fluid thing
00:44:40was really good,
00:44:41but it missed
00:44:42a bit of polish.
00:44:43What I loved about
00:44:44the second look
00:44:45was this oversized jumper.
00:44:46It was a cloak,
00:44:47but it had
00:44:48those great sleeves,
00:44:49and I thought
00:44:50that was such
00:44:51a lovely touch
00:44:52to the kind of
00:44:53mean girls aesthetic.
00:44:54I love mean girls,
00:44:55but I didn't get it
00:44:56until you turned around.
00:44:57I saw the burn book then,
00:44:58but then it was
00:44:59kind of too late.
00:45:01I always was
00:45:02the bullied girl
00:45:03on high school,
00:45:04and for once,
00:45:05I wanted to take it back
00:45:06and say,
00:45:07you know what?
00:45:08I'm going to bully you
00:45:09this time.
00:45:10What a lovely message.
00:45:12And then in your
00:45:13drags to riches,
00:45:14yeah, I mean,
00:45:15you struggled a little bit.
00:45:16I don't know if you
00:45:17claim to be a seamstress,
00:45:19Oh, please, no.
00:45:20Well, that's obvious,
00:45:21but I will say
00:45:22there's some fit issues
00:45:23and some hem issues
00:45:24and some sleeve length issues.
00:45:25It was great ideas,
00:45:26but presently,
00:45:27it's a little bit
00:45:28great ideas,
00:45:29but presentation
00:45:30kind of let you down
00:45:32This is not
00:45:33what we think of
00:45:34as drags to riches.
00:45:35What's your favorite
00:45:36part of this outfit?
00:45:37I like the neck
00:45:38because you can
00:45:39almost see my tits
00:45:40and they're starting to grow.
00:45:42I think it's time
00:45:43to show them.
00:45:45That's lovely.
00:45:47All right, up next,
00:45:48the grand dame.
00:45:49Lady Prince Charming,
00:45:50it was so funny,
00:45:51and it was so beautiful
00:45:52all at the same time.
00:45:53It was like
00:45:54Jean Paul Gaultier
00:45:55ran a railway.
00:45:56It was just
00:45:58It was like
00:45:59watching a cartoon.
00:46:00I really liked it.
00:46:01I mean,
00:46:02you should give
00:46:03every single model
00:46:04a lesson in walking.
00:46:05It was
00:46:06absolutely superb.
00:46:07Then you transformed
00:46:08into your Sheevil Queen.
00:46:10I thought it was
00:46:12but I just felt like
00:46:13some part of it,
00:46:14I wish I could have seen
00:46:15you in it,
00:46:17but that's fine.
00:46:18It was still amazing.
00:46:19I love that second look,
00:46:21and I disagree in that
00:46:22I could see your face.
00:46:23You were in there,
00:46:25and it was terrifying.
00:46:26Absolutely loved it.
00:46:28It was so different,
00:46:29and you definitely
00:46:30brought us
00:46:31into another world.
00:46:32Love the way
00:46:33your mind thinks.
00:46:34That was pretty remarkable.
00:46:36I was so impressed
00:46:37with the transformation.
00:46:39It was very smart
00:46:40and very skilled.
00:46:41I don't even know
00:46:42where to begin
00:46:43with this look.
00:46:44How many times
00:46:45do we see celebrities
00:46:46on the red carpet,
00:46:47and I don't think
00:46:48they come close
00:46:49to what you've created.
00:46:50It is Oscar-worthy.
00:46:52Those smoky eyes,
00:46:53it looks like
00:46:54Theresa May's owl
00:46:55has been all over them.
00:46:57You have a fashion background?
00:46:59I wanted to go
00:47:01and pursue fashion school,
00:47:02but that wasn't
00:47:03even an option.
00:47:04My household
00:47:05couldn't allow me
00:47:06to do that.
00:47:07Well, you've clearly
00:47:08proven your point.
00:47:09You've shown them,
00:47:10haven't you?
00:47:11All right.
00:47:12Thank you so much.
00:47:14Up next,
00:47:15Keita Minaj.
00:47:16Keita, Lady Prince Charming
00:47:17I adored.
00:47:18I loved the flounciness
00:47:20of the sleeve
00:47:21and the leg
00:47:22and the stiffness
00:47:23of the armor
00:47:24that you did.
00:47:25Your Sheevil Queen
00:47:26was silly, Keita,
00:47:27and this is kind of
00:47:28we're finding out
00:47:29who you are.
00:47:30I loved how stupid that was.
00:47:31There seemed
00:47:32something very British
00:47:33about it.
00:47:34It really made me laugh.
00:47:35It's very Monty Python,
00:47:36very wink, wink,
00:47:37nudge, nudge.
00:47:38You know,
00:47:39it would have been
00:47:40so obvious
00:47:41to kind of stride down
00:47:42like you were in control
00:47:43of this weird-looking animal,
00:47:44but instead this animal
00:47:45was almost in control of you,
00:47:46which I really loved.
00:47:47And this is beautiful.
00:47:50The execution of this
00:47:51is gorgeous.
00:47:53This is exactly
00:47:54what you said
00:47:55you were going to make,
00:47:56and then you added
00:47:57the headpiece to it,
00:47:58and I think you did
00:47:59a really good job.
00:48:00It's completely fantastic.
00:48:01It's definitely something
00:48:02that I'd see,
00:48:03you know, on the catwalk.
00:48:04Yeah, this is beautiful.
00:48:05Love the silhouette.
00:48:06It's really finished well.
00:48:08Well done.
00:48:09Thank you so much.
00:48:10Up next,
00:48:11you know,
00:48:12I summer at the marina.
00:48:13I call it
00:48:14my Marina Summer.
00:48:18your Lady Prince Charming
00:48:19was kind of like
00:48:20an Elvis of the Sea.
00:48:21I don't know if it said
00:48:22Lady Prince Charming,
00:48:23but I could tell
00:48:24how fabulous
00:48:25you felt in it.
00:48:26What I really liked
00:48:27about the first one
00:48:28wasn't so much
00:48:29the outfit,
00:48:30but the way
00:48:31you performed it.
00:48:32It's not easy
00:48:33to have those, like,
00:48:34massive, long, drapey things
00:48:35coming off your outfit
00:48:36and to style it out,
00:48:37and you did it
00:48:38absolutely perfectly.
00:48:39The one you're going to
00:48:40have to explain,
00:48:41I think, to all of us
00:48:42is the Sheevil Queen.
00:48:43What were you?
00:48:44It was a
00:48:45underwater character
00:48:46from the Philippines,
00:48:47which I was scared of
00:48:48when I was a child.
00:48:50Okay, understood.
00:48:51We were a bit confused.
00:48:52What I liked about it, though,
00:48:53because you're so pretty
00:48:54and beautiful
00:48:55and put together,
00:48:56I loved the lack
00:48:57of vanity in it.
00:48:58It did feel like
00:48:59that kind of fish
00:49:00at the bottom of the ocean.
00:49:01That is truly terrifying.
00:49:03This, however,
00:49:04when you told me
00:49:05you were going to make this,
00:49:06I was like,
00:49:07okay, good luck,
00:49:08but Marina,
00:49:09it is just phenomenal, kiddo.
00:49:11It's my first dress.
00:49:12Oh, shut up.
00:49:14You've never made
00:49:15a dress before?
00:49:17Can we have
00:49:18the trap door open now?
00:49:21It is perfection.
00:49:23It's beautiful.
00:49:26Up next,
00:49:27Theresa May.
00:49:28Lady Prince Charming,
00:49:29I love the nod
00:49:30to your culture,
00:49:31to your heritage.
00:49:32I love the matador.
00:49:33I think that your ideas
00:49:34are okay,
00:49:35but it's the fit
00:49:36that sometimes throws me off.
00:49:37I loved your first look.
00:49:38It was like
00:49:39the go-compare man
00:49:40get cast in Carmen.
00:49:41You were everything
00:49:42I wanted Theresa May to be.
00:49:43You brought it all.
00:49:44I loved the velvet,
00:49:46the mustache,
00:49:47and that senorita aspect
00:49:49that it also had.
00:49:50I really, really loved it.
00:49:52Your Sheevil Queen
00:49:53was great.
00:49:54It was fun.
00:49:55It was dark.
00:49:56The laugh,
00:49:57the owl with all the
00:49:58toxic shit coming out of it.
00:49:59The problem was,
00:50:01once that owl got going,
00:50:02Jesus, I don't know
00:50:03what it had eaten,
00:50:04but it was,
00:50:05it did not agree
00:50:06with that owl.
00:50:07We couldn't really see it,
00:50:09which was a real pity,
00:50:10I think.
00:50:12from drags to riches,
00:50:13I'm not sure I see the riches,
00:50:14but you were able
00:50:15to put a dress together.
00:50:17Now, did anyone else
00:50:18want this fabric?
00:50:22It's just not
00:50:23a pretty fabric,
00:50:25I love the accessories
00:50:26and the wig and everything,
00:50:27but I feel like
00:50:28the make element
00:50:29of the ball
00:50:30slightly let you down tonight.
00:50:32It just doesn't have
00:50:33the richness
00:50:34that this brief
00:50:35really called for.
00:50:39Thank you, queens.
00:50:40I think we've heard enough.
00:50:42based on the judges' critiques,
00:50:44you made some decisions.
00:50:49Keita Minaj,
00:50:51the Grand Dame,
00:50:54you are the top
00:50:55two queens of the week.
00:51:03Marina Summers,
00:51:06you are both safe.
00:51:10That means
00:51:11Arantxa Castilla La Mancha
00:51:13and Theresa May.
00:51:15I'm sorry, my dears,
00:51:16but you are both
00:51:18in the bottom.
00:51:21The Grand Dame,
00:51:22Keita Minaj,
00:51:24each of you
00:51:25needs to decide
00:51:26which of the bottom two
00:51:28you will eliminate
00:51:30if you win the lip sync.
00:51:34while you queens
00:51:35liberate in the workroom,
00:51:37the judges and I
00:51:38will complain
00:51:39about the weather.
00:51:42You may leave the stage.
00:51:47Oh, my God!
00:51:50I'm happy.
00:51:51It feels special
00:51:52to be back in the top
00:51:54for the second week in a row.
00:51:56Let's start by congratulating
00:51:57the winners because...
00:52:00That is amazing.
00:52:01I'm not surprised.
00:52:02It feels correct.
00:52:05But, yes,
00:52:06I'm very happy.
00:52:07But I have to say,
00:52:08everybody really turned it out.
00:52:10Like, they are saying
00:52:11your fabric is ugly.
00:52:12I don't find it ugly.
00:52:13Like, you made that whole dress.
00:52:15It's amazing.
00:52:16I'm very proud
00:52:17of what I presented.
00:52:18I am devastated.
00:52:19I was so close
00:52:20to the top last week.
00:52:21This is a total
00:52:22kick in the balls.
00:52:23How are you feeling, Arantxa?
00:52:25This is heartbreaking
00:52:26to be in the bottom
00:52:27with my best friend
00:52:28because no matter
00:52:29what happens,
00:52:30what I know is that
00:52:31next week,
00:52:32we are not going
00:52:33to see each other.
00:52:34Yeah, I know.
00:52:37That just fucking sucks.
00:52:40This is my sister
00:52:41and I want her
00:52:42to keep going
00:52:43in the competition.
00:52:44But on the flip side,
00:52:46I also want to be here.
00:52:48Whatever happens,
00:52:49I'm going to miss you so much.
00:52:52Now is when they play
00:52:53like really sad Spanish music.
00:52:57Subtitles say
00:52:58Christ in Spanish.
00:53:01Okay, so we have
00:53:02a very important decision
00:53:03to make now.
00:53:04Yeah, let's do it.
00:53:05I'm really bad
00:53:06at making decisions,
00:53:07so I'm not sure yet
00:53:08what I'm going to do.
00:53:09So let's have a chat.
00:53:12you helped me to win
00:53:13Do you realize that?
00:53:16Oh, these sleeves.
00:53:17That's my pattern.
00:53:18I didn't have any patterns,
00:53:19so I actually got help
00:53:21from Arantxa.
00:53:22So I'm
00:53:24kind of grateful for her.
00:53:25So how are you?
00:53:27To be here,
00:53:28representing the trans community
00:53:29to me,
00:53:30it is so important
00:53:31to keep fighting.
00:53:32I have to say like
00:53:33I really respect you
00:53:34and I think
00:53:35it's really important
00:53:36to represent
00:53:37the trans community
00:53:38for sure.
00:53:39But like,
00:53:40I'm also here
00:53:41to play the game.
00:53:43I can see in her eyes
00:53:44that she's trying to
00:53:45math it up
00:53:46all in her head.
00:53:48I have no idea
00:53:49what could come out of this.
00:53:52How are you, baby?
00:53:54I'm good, thank you.
00:53:55How are you?
00:53:56I'm devastated to be
00:53:57in the bottom,
00:53:58especially with
00:53:59a friend.
00:54:01But I did better
00:54:02and through
00:54:03the three looks,
00:54:04the consistency.
00:54:06LaGranda is a fair player
00:54:07in terms of
00:54:08she's going to keep
00:54:09who she thinks
00:54:10should stay
00:54:11and continue.
00:54:12She did that last week
00:54:13and I hope
00:54:14she does the same this week.
00:54:16I just want to make one
00:54:17to be sure.
00:54:20If the U.K. girls
00:54:22lands in the bottom
00:54:25and 2U deserves to go,
00:54:26you will vote
00:54:27the U.K. girls?
00:54:31Choriza is
00:54:32assuring me
00:54:33that there is
00:54:34no U.K. alliance
00:54:36I don't know
00:54:37what to think.
00:54:38Do what you think
00:54:39is best,
00:54:41it's the right answer.
00:54:43My question, Jonbuzz,
00:54:44who would you send home?
00:54:47Arantxa was
00:54:48safe last week
00:54:49in the bottom this week.
00:54:50They've both done
00:54:51really incredible.
00:54:52Yeah, I know.
00:54:53It's too fair for me.
00:54:54Oh, like,
00:54:55this is your track record
00:54:56and it's just like,
00:54:57ugh, I hate it, honestly.
00:54:58I really don't like
00:54:59going by track record.
00:55:00You don't?
00:55:01I mean, it's totally fair,
00:55:03It's probably
00:55:04the right thing to do.
00:55:05But, like,
00:55:06who wants to do
00:55:07the right thing?
00:55:08Do you just think
00:55:09she's the girl?
00:55:10No, I think she's my
00:55:11stronger competition.
00:55:12So you're gonna
00:55:13you're gonna
00:55:14the competition?
00:55:15I mean, I guess
00:55:16that's what I just said, yeah.
00:55:17I mean, I don't know.
00:55:18She said she's really
00:55:19gonna break the drama.
00:55:20She said she is the drama.
00:55:21I mean, it just
00:55:22it is what it is.
00:55:23Who said?
00:55:24I want to know everything.
00:55:26I have so much
00:55:27to show to the world
00:55:29my first time on Drag Race
00:55:30I did not believe
00:55:31in myself at all.
00:55:32But also,
00:55:33I think that I do have
00:55:34a lot to offer
00:55:35to this competition
00:55:36that, well,
00:55:37maybe Teresa
00:55:38doesn't have to offer
00:55:39because there are
00:55:40other three UK girls here.
00:55:41Irene Chai
00:55:42is really making
00:55:43a very good point.
00:55:44This is UK
00:55:45versus the world
00:55:46and maybe
00:55:47I should
00:55:48play into that.
00:55:49You have to make a decision.
00:55:50And either way,
00:55:51I love you a lot
00:55:52because you
00:55:54you are one of the people
00:55:55that I feel like
00:55:56I've connected the most
00:55:57being here.
00:55:58This is really tough.
00:55:59They are both stating
00:56:00really good points
00:56:01and I'll really need
00:56:02to think about it
00:56:03carefully for sure.
00:56:06I'm about to make
00:56:07a very important decision
00:56:08of course,
00:56:10You are.
00:56:11So why should we keep you?
00:56:13I'm one of the
00:56:14UK queens
00:56:15standing here
00:56:16and it would be very easy
00:56:17to break
00:56:18what maybe you girls
00:56:19could consider
00:56:20as a pack of four.
00:56:23I think
00:56:24you should look at
00:56:25what the challenge was.
00:56:27The fairest choice,
00:56:28I think,
00:56:29would be to keep me
00:56:30because I think
00:56:31I did better
00:56:32in the challenge.
00:56:33I'm not sure
00:56:34what I'm going to do
00:56:35but I take your
00:56:36your story
00:56:37into consideration
00:56:39we will see each other later.
00:56:43I cannot read her.
00:56:44I find it quite hard
00:56:46to know what's going on
00:56:47within her head.
00:56:48It's quite scary
00:56:49because she could send
00:56:51She's a player
00:56:52and she certainly is playing.
00:56:59This is a really tough
00:57:00decision I have to make.
00:57:01I know that
00:57:02whatever I do
00:57:03both are going to
00:57:04be very upset
00:57:05and sad.
00:57:08she's a very funny
00:57:09and entertaining queen.
00:57:11On the other hand,
00:57:12you have Rensha
00:57:13who is just
00:57:14the sweetest
00:57:15of the girls
00:57:16in this workroom.
00:57:18I really have to make
00:57:19the right decision.
00:57:20I want this to be fair.
00:57:23It's a very intense game.
00:57:26I'm a Libra
00:57:27so I'm always doubting
00:57:28should I do this or that.
00:57:30Sometimes you just have to
00:57:31feel your gut
00:57:32and then go for that.
00:57:33It is the name of the game.
00:57:34It feels shit
00:57:36but shit happens.
00:57:43Welcome back ladies.
00:57:44Two internationally
00:57:46acclaimed queens
00:57:48stand before me.
00:57:51this is your chance
00:57:53to impress me
00:57:54and earn the power
00:57:56to give one of the bottom queens
00:57:59the chop.
00:58:03Lip-syncing is my thing.
00:58:04Success mate,
00:58:05you shall have no doubt.
00:58:07Bring it on.
00:58:10The time has come
00:58:12to lip-sync
00:58:21This time,
00:58:22I want to feel
00:58:23the full fantasy.
00:58:24I want to be proud of myself
00:58:25for what I did
00:58:26and proud of myself
00:58:27for winning this
00:58:28goddamn lip-sync.
00:58:29Good luck
00:59:03Cause every time we touch
00:59:04I get this feeling
00:59:06And every time we kiss
00:59:07I swear I can fly
00:59:09Can't you feel my heart beat fast
00:59:11I want this to last
00:59:13Need you by my side
00:59:15Cause every time we touch
00:59:16I feel this throbbing
00:59:18And every time we kiss
00:59:19I reach for the sky
00:59:21Can't you hear my heart beat so
00:59:23I can't let you go
00:59:25Want you in my life
00:59:27You're my life
00:59:42Your arms are my castle
00:59:46Your heart is my sky
00:59:49They invite the way
00:59:51Tears that I cry
00:59:54Because every time we touch
00:59:55Every time we touch, I feel the static.
00:59:58And every time we kiss, I reach for the sky.
01:00:01Can't you hear my heart beat so high?
01:00:04Can't let you go.
01:00:05Want you in my life.
01:00:07Because every time we touch, I get the feeling.
01:00:10And every time we kiss, I swear I can fly.
01:00:14Can't you feel my heart beat fast?
01:00:16I want this to last.
01:00:18Need you by my side.
01:00:26That's awesome.
01:00:27You OK?
01:00:29Oh, wow.
01:00:32Oh, my god.
01:00:35Ladies, I've made my decision.
01:00:44The Grand Dame.
01:00:47You're a winner, baby.
01:00:50Let's go.
01:00:52Thank you so, so much.
01:00:53You are the proud recipient of a gold Rue pizza badge.
01:01:02And you wear it with pride.
01:01:06Keita Minaj, you are safe to slay another day.
01:01:10You may join the other girls.
01:01:20Will the bottom queens please step forward?
01:01:29The Grand Dame, with great power comes great responsibility.
01:01:35Which queen have you chosen to get the chop?
01:01:42They have such a special bond.
01:01:44And by being here, I'm going to break that.
01:01:47Can I ask pardons from both of you?
01:01:52The queen that I've chosen is Arantxa.
01:02:11As it is written, so it shall be done.
01:02:17You are and will always be a global phenomenon.
01:02:22Now, sashay away.
01:02:38I don't have words of gratitude to thank you all.
01:02:42And since I don't have words, I only have a gesture.
01:02:47Love you all, love you all, love you all, love you all.
01:02:52This has been an experience that I owe to myself
01:02:56to come back to Drag Race, but to not doubt myself
01:03:00and to have fun.
01:03:01And I did all of that.
01:03:02What I want to say to all the people that have supported me
01:03:05is thank you.
01:03:06And I'm so sorry that you chose the wrong icon to follow.
01:03:11It is what it is.
01:03:17Contragulations, queens.
01:03:18And remember, if you can't love yourself,
01:03:20how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?
01:03:22Can I get an amen up in here?
01:03:25All right, now let the music play.