The Jeremy Kyle Show (07 Feb 2017)

  • 3 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (07 Feb 2017)
00:00on today's show
00:03What's my calling Billy he's gone against me
00:12We saw you there you do a DNA test you find out the Zack's not the dad
00:16He makes the promise to be with you forever
00:30But Jaden no one else
00:34Stop walking off make no I'm here. No, I'm coming here a minute
01:01Welcome to the show you might just remember my first guest today from a previous encounter on this very stage. Take a look at this
01:09What does this child mean to you what does today mean to you Zack a lot
01:13She's terrified. Tell him just listen to this because this is this is really important
01:17I'm terrified of the DNA test come back that you're not the dad. You're going to leave us. I'm not gonna leave you
01:25How would you bring somebody else's child up if it isn't yours as my own the DNA test results show that Zack
01:35I'm sorry. I'm not the child's biological father. I hate this
01:42I'm not gonna go anywhere
01:47Even knew that says I'm not
01:51I'm still gonna be there for him
01:53I've been there from the start
01:57Now since the show Tony says that not only is that abandon her
02:01But he's also gone back on his promise to be there for her son in Tony's eyes the problem firmly lies with Zack's new fiance
02:06Becky whom she says is controlling and is frankly stopping Zack from being involved today
02:10Tony says that Zack has one last chance to step up and be a dad
02:13But he's adamant that Becky will have no part in her son's life. She's very determined
02:18She says I've got a lot to say Jess Tony's back on the Jeremy Kyle show that way
02:28Yeah, what's my cousin Billy what's my cousin Billy he's gone against me
02:40Actually Jones, I'm tell you why no, I'm going between no sides mates at any day
02:46I'm going here for a little man to sit down
02:49Sorry, sorry, sorry Billy
02:52It's it
02:53We saw you there you do a DNA test you find out the Zack's not the dad
02:57He makes the promise to be with you forever and bring up
03:01You haven't been there. He's apparently now a new relationship. Yes engaged after two months. He's a waste of space
03:06He's a player. He's a rubbish daddy promised to be there for my son, and he broke it
03:10He broke up with me over whatsapp
03:13Five minutes ladies engaged and shacked up with that dirty girl, but she's dead Becky's definitely downgraded my dog is better-looking than her
03:21Which would it apply to me that you're jealous of the family? No, right?
03:25Well to many more you can drop dead for all I care
03:28For me it's my son. I could definitely do better than me treating me like he's made
03:32He never washed and he stank have gone off cheese
04:22Can we lose the photo pictures and just calm everybody down um now most people watching this would assume
04:29You're gonna tell me to shut up, but I'm gonna say anyway. You're still in love with him. Aren't you know?
04:33Shut up. Oh, you must be that was passionate
04:36Wow, you want him in your child's life. No, no, I'm
04:41Because he made a promise you've got a waste of space and a rubbish dad. Why the hell would you want him in your kid?
04:5116 months
04:53He made a promise on the last show there for him. Tell me why he's all right
04:59He says you've stopped him seeing the kid cuz he's moved on with no
05:04Receiving today the steps up and stops putting that thing first before his kid or he can get lost and get out of our lives
05:14So you blame back
05:19You blame Becky don't you
05:22He's on the Jeremy Cowell show that way
05:3918 well you need to go
06:12Sit down and you
06:15I've obviously missed the whole point of the story
06:17So you're saying that on the last Jeremy Kyle show despite the fact that he found out he's not the dad
06:21He made a promise to be there
06:23And he's let the child who's 16 months and wouldn't know any way down and that's because he's with her his new bird with that
06:30Shut up
06:31Would that be right? Yeah, why have you stopped him seeing the kid?
06:48To do me it's up to him. Sorry
06:52I'm about to throw a huge atomic bomb right into this which you won't like and I don't give a damn
07:00Go ahead point something out right? He's not the dad your kid shouldn't be saying data
07:33But why don't you go find the real dad and stop slagging him off
07:38What I know
07:41The kids should call him dad, uh, no
07:44It shouldn't call him data
07:53Why is Jaden calling a bloke you're no longer with who isn't his dad data
07:58Why don't you go find Jaden's dad and get him to call him dad?
08:13It's an absolute fact no
08:21Sorry guys
08:25Can you just slow down please stop
08:29Because you're not
08:31How can you expect
08:33Running around it. Listen to me. Calm down. No, I get the promise. Hear me out. I get
08:40Absolutely, but what you've got to understand is you come back here and you say right
08:46This guy made a promise absolutely with you on that
08:50Shut up. He's with this new girl. I believe the girl has stopped him
08:55Trying right? Yeah in the pod. He says it's not about you and me anymore. I've moved on
09:01It's about the kid which says to me. He does want to see Jaden
09:06I'm gonna go to a break. We're gonna get out there. Are you still in love with this bloke?
09:12Because this smacks of this babe. No, we're gonna get you and him on that stage
09:16And we're gonna talk about the thing which you so jealous of her. No, I'm not you are how much of a go
09:22She's gone. Listen, he can't get away past. Hey, let's see if he speaks. We'll get you on the stage
09:27I mean lead you on I'll get him out. We'll do it after this break. Don't go anywhere you go that way
09:35You're the one
09:42Zack stop walking off my come here. No, I'm coming here a minute
09:58Becky I want you to do me a favor and keep quiet. Okay, Tony's back on the Jeremy Carlton. Give her a round of applause
10:14Do you understand what I said to you? Yes, I get absolutely that he made a promise and I for one
10:20I mean I've spent 11 years
10:22Saying that if somebody makes a promise I agree, but maybe he couldn't handle not being the dad
10:29Now if that was the case and he gets with Becky, that's his business. That's his right
10:33But from that you're saying she's stopping him from being a dad in that shut up in the pod even moving your head
10:40Don't in the pod. He said it's not about you and me anymore
10:44You said to me he won't talk so we are going to attempt to get him and you to talk not scream
10:49Zack's on the Jeremy Kyle show that way
10:58Stepped up
11:01How are you? All right, and you're the one who's stopping me from being a dad to him
11:05Have you
11:16I'll do right. Let me let me get inside. That's what you wanted. Dan. Can you stand there, please?
11:24You left the last show gutted that the kid wasn't yours
11:28But you said and I quote I want to be in his life and stay with you
11:33How that changed what happened well, she stopped me from seeing why are you cheating on her with Becky?
11:38No, see that's something that you believe because it was so
11:42Right. So this is what I'm trying to do without your shouting right? You believe that she was lined up, right?
11:48Mm-hmm. Why is he on the birth certificate suite because he wanted to be why would you want to be on the door?
11:54Just step up for him, but he's not you know his father
11:58So you say that the minute you split up with him and you got with Becky that's when she has stopped you seeing Jaden
12:03Yeah, you have to answer that to him and talk to each other. No, I didn't
12:08Why she says on Facebook?
12:11What did you what did she say on Facebook?
12:13But I have stopped you. Did you yeah on a comment you obviously did because you've gone very quiet. Did you put that?
12:19Okay, maybe I did. This is because you're jealous of her. Isn't it? No. Yes
12:24That's got a name darling and Tony, okay
12:27Maybe I stopped you from seeing my son because you were a waste of space and you never did anything for him
12:31And you never really came to see him. I took him. Well, let's put it this way. I was the one I took him hospital. Yeah
12:42Hello, well, let's put or rather let's put it this way
12:46I was the one who has taken him to hospital and that you had been the one that has stopped me seeing and that's why
12:50I have not come and seen him because you have told people what you want to tell them. Not the truth
12:55I did a lot for Jaden. Thank you. And don't worry. No, you didn't
12:58If he wasn't with her and he was away from you, would you allow him to see the kid?
13:06So you are stopping him, aren't you?
13:11This is what we're not going to agree about don't say what on the one hand you go he's a waste of space
13:17He doesn't care about his son and I go well
13:19It's nice son because you have to say somebody else and he's and he's not with you anymore
13:23And you've just thought we've just found out that you stopping him from seeing him
13:26Why would you want a waste of space to see a kid? Anyway, even if he could you're stopping him. It's not his fault love
13:31It's your fault
13:38Scream but I'm not I've done this a long time. I don't understand this. You're in love with him, aren't you?
13:43No, then why won't you let him see the kid? Why should he then? Why are you moaning about the fact that he's not?
13:50Because he never did when we were together
13:52Then why?
13:54This is a bit like tennis if he didn't while you were together
13:57Why do you want him to now and you're bitching about the fact that he can't but then when he can't you don't want him
14:00To anyway, so you say he's not doing it
14:02To go get
14:11Why would you want a man you describe as a waste of space and a rubbish dad
14:16Why would you want a guy you call a rubbish dad around your kid? You're moaning
14:22You're moaning that he doesn't do it and then you're saying I don't want you to do it
14:25Anyway, you can't have it always darling. You can't this is because you're jealous of her. Who's Melissa my friend Melissa
14:32Is on the Jeremy Kyle show that way?
14:39You made a bond with that child Zack, and you know, yeah, she's stopping me from seeing it he is not she is not stopping
14:46on Facebook
14:49Because you keep walking in and out of his life like a yo-yo you missed his first birthday
15:00Sit down
15:03Melissa can I ask you a question part your backside? Um, thank you for coming
15:07Is he supposed to be the chart in the child's life?
15:11I'll say he should be but he's not the father. He may not be the father, but he was there
15:17Why this friend of yours is not fighting as hard as she is against him to go and get the real father and get
15:25him in the child's life
15:32So it's all on him, but here we go again, I'll put to you what she won't answer whatever
15:36She says he is a waste of space a player and a rubbish dad Melissa question for you
15:43Why would she want him involved in her son's life?
15:45If he's those things because he made the bond with him at the end of the day
15:49Then he says he's tried and she's admitted that she's stopping him because he's with her. He hasn't tried though
15:53He's still in love eat. She's still in love with him, isn't she? She's jealous. Come on be honest
15:57She's just trying to be a good mom and thinking of a good mom would say to you a 16 month old kid
16:02I'm gonna get that bloke off your birth certificate wasn't involved in
16:05Creating you and I'm gonna go and find your real dad. And even if he's a waste of space, I'm gonna try
16:17Okay, you're right
16:18Am I yeah?
16:20Why don't you do that and don't be immature? It's too complicated to do
16:25I get I get that he made the promise and I'm with you and I understand that you feel let down
16:31I understand that he said he would stay and he went that's not great. But the fact of the matter is Jaden
16:39deserves to know his real father and however complicated however difficult if you as a mother try and
16:45You can prove to Jaden when he grows up that you did try give him some tangible evidence
16:51Jaden will be grateful. I'm sorry, but I'm not trying to break here. I'm trying to upset you
16:55I know you're still in love with him
17:17It's the worst thing in the world when somebody you love and somebody who's made a promise to you
17:22Changes their mind. I get that but this is what you said. It's about Jaden, isn't it?
17:27It's like I don't even know why we're doing these lie detector
17:42And she's still in what did she just say
17:47What did she just say I'm in love with you
17:57Listen come here. She's still in love with you mate. She's honest it you've got to accept and acknowledge that
18:05And if you're gonna keep walking out of his life
18:22Said to me
18:26Yeah, and you said you wasn't my wife to me
18:35Nobody's against you
18:39Stop walking off mate. No, I'm here. I'm coming here a minute
18:46You are in love with him on here
18:48Food because of how much of a bond and that lies made with jaded out, but she's been there when he was there
18:54I get it. It's horrible
18:57Mr. Every single person watching the show at some point in their lives
19:00Somebody's not in love with you. I can't sugarcoat this babe
19:03I just said it every single person watching this at some point would have been in that position when that happens
19:08It's horrible
19:09But if you think about your kid the reason I shouted at you was because on the one hand you were saying he's horrible
19:14He's a waste of space and on the other hand you were saying I want to be like
19:16You know the best thing don't you the absolute best thing and I know this is gonna sound really awful
19:21And I hope he's listening
19:23The best thing is to take his name off the birth certificate
19:26We got some walk away and walk away you admitted to me
19:29Which is really brave that you still love him and it's horrible and it's not come back from him
19:33But you know what? Okay in the first place at the end of the day
19:37Rid, that's what I think. Oh, you know what? We're having a guy now
19:41I don't think she should let you anywhere near the kid
19:44Why because you won't talk to me anyway, just eat flouts enough like a kid
19:47Well, then do you wanna would you stop getting aggressive and listen to what I'm trying to say?
19:51Will you just listen to me?
19:53Will you listen everybody stop? Hey, you're not involved in this be quiet
19:58I'm gonna say it calmly. Please don't get involved. I'm not
20:03In her mind don't interrupt me. Hear me out
20:07She was terrified that you weren't gonna be the father and you didn't end up being you made a big thing
20:12I'm not having to go that you would be there for her and Jade now
20:16When that didn't materialize because you couldn't handle being not the father hear me out. You've moved on. Absolutely
20:22You're right. Now. You might be really surprised what I think about this and you might hate me
20:27you're not the kids father and
20:29Although you were there for the first few months of the child's life
20:32The problem we've got here is is that she can't differentiate between right the kids and you
20:40So I'm not having to go
20:43Now you might not like what I'm gonna say the nice the most horrible thing for everybody for both of you
20:48But the absolute right thing to do is for your name to not be on that birth certificate for her with our help to try
20:54At least give the real father an opportunity and you brokenhearted and her to walk away and get on with your lives because
21:01You're doing it again. Come here. She's in love with you, mate
21:05You want to see that kid
21:07But you only want to seem to see the kid because you want to be with him, don't you?
21:11We're gonna do this and we're gonna be honest
21:13You can't you can't make a difference between him as a dad and him as a boyfriend
21:16Can you and you know?
21:18What's the hardest thing in the world when you love somebody they don't love you back if he wants to see Jade and he can
21:23But I don't want to anyone
21:26That is absolutely on my knees. I respect you
21:41Would be saying thank you very much indeed and we will make this work with the Jeremy car shows teams help
21:47That's why I would be saying really quickly
21:57We're gonna ask Graham to broker this deal that you know what, you know, I'm gonna walk away from this part
22:02You know, I'm gonna think my god, whatever anybody says about the Jeremy car show
22:05It took 25 minutes, but here's two people who have actually put a kid first. Well done. Give him a round of applause
22:17With them and the kids and after the break the man who says he doesn't know if he's the father to his girlfriend's baby
22:22But as he cheated on it, we're back with the results next don't go anywhere
22:26Immediately you find out she's pregnant mutual friends are running around saying she's cheated. You want to watch you back?
22:30It must be a horrible feeling as a horrible thing
22:32But three different people told me are you sure it's your kid then all of a sudden you find these messages on her tablet
22:38What did they say the first message said why wouldn't I want to join you in the shower?
22:42Is it okay to pop down later, honey?
22:44And all of that and you're here clearing your names. She's probably have done some kids when we first got together
22:49I did actually cheat on her
23:01To be welcome back my next guest today
23:03Caleb says that he was overjoyed when girlfriend Ainsley announced that she was pregnant
23:06But says the joy turned to misery when he was told she may have cheated now despite trying to put the doubts
23:11To the back of his mind Caleb says that just a few weeks ago
23:14He found explicit messages from another man to Ainsley and worryingly they are dated around the time
23:19She conceived he says to make matters worse things are being turned around on him so much so that he's having to take a lie
23:24Detector he says I'll clear my name. I've got doubts. That's why I'm here
23:28Caleb is on the Jeremy Carl show that way
23:38This is really
23:40Just detail this story. I mean I have to point out that the for the audience as well. Um how far gone is she a
23:4617 weeks she obviously can't do a lie-detecting so after that and DNA or whatever it is when the baby's born
23:53But you've come here, and then you have these doubts
23:56Explicit messages, and yeah, it's turned around and you're doing a lie detector. Why are you doing a lot? I don't understand that because
24:04Just clear my name basically the explicit messages. I mean the relationship was good you met at a house party
24:09You ended up in bed together on the first date
24:11We began a relationship, and I moved back to be near my family. Um she got pregnant quite quickly
24:17What was was that great was that exciting was that it was a big big shock
24:21Mixed feelings like a I just really thought that I'm a bit too young to be a dad
24:26You know what I mean, but I'm teen years of age big step. I'm gonna step up and obviously be the dad. She's 25
24:33Immediately you find out she's pregnant friends her friends people mutual friends are running around saying she's cheated you want to watch you back
24:38That must be a horrible feeling as it's a big horrible thing
24:41But three different people told me are you sure it's your kid because she's been with such-and-such and that's nice
24:47So you've got that in your head all that's going on and then all of a sudden you find these messages on her tablet
24:52What what do they say?
24:53well, they say
24:56There's a bloke asking basically for sex
24:58I that's exactly so he said the message the first message
25:01And I know she'd obviously deleted messages before that because the first message said why wouldn't I want to join you in the shower?
25:07it's okay to pop down later, honey for a
25:11And then she texts he's half 11 that night saying a what are you doing tonight?
25:16You know I mean so got me thinking a lot
25:19Messages were on the 9th for me
25:21She's met a have the baby on the 11th for January any normal person would count that to nine month
25:25And you said as well. We weren't intimate at that point. I mean there's those messages
25:31there's the fact that people have told her that that she's told you that she's cheated and
25:36Around the time of conception you and she went in a great place and and so there's that
25:41Two different parts of the country. I'm 60 40 if I'm the daddy you desperate to be the dad
25:45Do you think if you were the dad that would write all the problems, or do you think it goes deeper than that?
25:50You love her I do love her right
25:53And all of that and you're here clearing your name because you feel like because you brought up these doubts
25:59She's thrown it back at you mm-hmm
26:00But a I've actually got to down myself a wee bit to the fact that she's probably think I've done some cuz when we first
26:06Got together. I did actually cheat on her
26:11She know about that yeah, yeah, did you tell the lie detector examiner that you cheated at the beginning of the relationship?
26:16No, because I really didn't see why I had to because what was it when you'd started the relationship?
26:22She said it was but I'd still fought it. We were only being friends with benefits say probably gonna fail probably
26:30When did you tell her
26:32When did you tell her that you had had sex with somebody else at the beginning of the relationship when it was defined when did you?
26:37Tell that night the night you did it. He didn't think to tell the lie detector examiner
26:42Brilliant, I guess he's on the Jeremy Kyle show that way
26:54He paints a sad picture really
26:58Relationship was good. It was exciting you fell pregnant very quickly
27:01Did you cheat on him tell me about the messages sex in the shower? Why were you getting them? Who was that from?
27:07Just I can't hear you don't need another meal a male
27:11So somebody that you don't really know yeah, I don't know them right so he's sending you messages saying I'd like to have sex in
27:17the shower with you and
27:20You didn't think that that would upset your boyfriend
27:23Would you have shown those messages to him or were you doing that on the sly serious question?
27:29Well, I went I've shown on them. No
27:32Well, I'll tell you one thing about you to you honest. Oh, yeah, so
27:35So when he found out you've been getting it's anything happen with this bloke
27:39no, but when you conceived the child you weren't intimate with Kayleigh were you and
27:45The messages were at the time that you got pregnant so he thinks the other shower man's the father
27:51No, I've been pregnant from April. The messages are from me. We did a 4d scan today
27:58Which we organized for you. You're 17 weeks pregnant. Are you excited about this child?
28:04Yeah, have a look ladies and gentlemen
28:09Do you know what you're having do you want me to tell you what you're having? Why are you crying darling?
28:17Because this should be the happiest time of your life and it's not yeah
28:24Say hello to your daughter pal
28:36Think she's cheated. I think a bloke tried it on. I think there's been a bit of grief going on
28:40Are you right? And of course, there's nothing that we can do at this moment in time
28:47to prove
28:49About what she's done because of her situation
28:52And I think it's a bit of a shame that she's gone. I think it's a bit of a shame that she's gone
28:56I think it's a bit of a shame that she's gone. I think it's a bit of a shame that she's gone
29:01About what she's done because of her situation and her condition and so what are we faced with this?
29:06He's gonna go on and on and on. Why don't you want him to do a lie detector?
29:10He's never off his phone
29:12It's on his phone from the minute he wakes up till he goes to bed
29:16And I'm not saying he can't have friends and I'm not saying that he can't be female
29:19But that phone gets more attention than my other he failed every single question
29:29Why was that
29:31Fess up mate right now and don't even begin to tell me that was the woman at the beginning that was before
29:36This isn't a relationship nice try go on. Tell me the truth. Mr. Shifty
29:41You've cheated on her haven't you?
29:46Tell her and I know why you cheated on her. Why did you cheat on her?
29:58Know the answer and you know the answer, but you're gonna tell me and prove you are a man
30:03Why did she cheat on her?
30:05So obviously felt as if I'd done that I'd get my own back, but obviously not
30:09You when you got the messages believed that she cheated on you
30:13So you went out and slept with someone didn't you?
30:15And you thought you'd take me on and try and get out of it by pointing out that she knew you cheated with somebody at
30:20The beginning but that was before it became serious. So that rather scuppered you didn't it?
30:24How are you gonna feel pal when she has that baby and does a lie detector test?
30:28And if it says there's nothing happened with the man in the shower, it's obviously gonna kill me on it
30:42When was the last time you hugged your lady
30:50Move back to be near your family. She's got no friends. You spend all your time on the phone
30:55Some bloke shows her a bit of attention. I guess it might have been quite flattering and you
31:00You go and have sex with somebody which you've admitted to on the show
31:04To get your own back your own back on something that isn't even proof yet
31:09I'm having a go at you mate, but you don't have to live with I understand that on a percent
31:14I'm gonna make a little bet right now. I bet she hasn't cheated on you
31:20How many people in this audience think this lady's cheated?
31:24And we've only just met her and you've been with her for how long over a year I
31:29Don't put you through anymore. I want you to get backstage on us to look after you just very quickly
31:33Okay, we will do whatever we can to help you. I'm sorry. It's not what you wanted to hear
31:37You don't want that do you?
31:39Most importantly you must remember and think about this baby. Do not do anything rash
31:45Make the right decisions Graham's were waiting for you both over there. Give her a round of applause
32:01The world was turned literally upside down when she was told by her partner of eight years and the father of her two kids
32:06He'd actually slept with another woman on an airbed in her living room while she was asleep in the bedroom next door now Kerry is
32:11Desperate to know the truth and says these results really are make or break not just for her but for the family
32:17It's a massive day Kerry is next on the Jeremy Kyle show that way
32:27Oh my god, I love you immediately you look terrified and worried and shocked and old
32:31I've been up all night as well in a night shift. I'm not a new sleep
32:35That's all mum of two has a job and works all night
32:43He's been a bit of a pain he keeps running around I'm gonna tell you right here and now if he's failed
32:47He's an idiot because you are top and I can tell you
32:54Is I
32:56Feel physically sick. There are rumors going around that he's cheated on me. Where do they come from her?
33:01So who's her the girl in question, I can't say her name, right
33:06So she could be spreading this because what I think she's a fantasist. You think that she wants him for herself
33:12Yeah, well, I just think she likes to cause trouble
33:15Right. My gut says these rumors are rubbish, but I can't get out of my head
33:18I need to know for sure four days ago. This person came around the did well
33:22I'm she didn't actually it was that came round and not to my door and said there's more to it
33:28You've slept with her Jack slept with her Jack's begged me that he hasn't he supposedly cheated four months ago on a blow-up bed
33:37Yeah, they stayed at my house. I said, yes, I'll put you up stay at mine
33:41He stayed at my house for three days. It was on the third night and apparently when him
33:48He went to get the keys for a new flat
33:52Me Jack has apparently gone into the living room
33:55Slightly and come back in bed with me
33:59This could break up my family our relationship is so strong we have two kids together
34:06He stormed off by the way while we're talking I've asserted my why would he storm off he's nothing to hide I
34:13Don't know you can find out where is he? Which way which way we going?
34:18Why would somebody storm off they got nothing to hide so you've got her as a stirrer
34:22You don't know what to believe your brains doing cartwheels and he's rushing around. He's begged you that he's he's I
34:28And this was in the next-door room. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean I would have been able to I wouldn't I don't know
34:34But I don't think he will do that's nice to know
34:37I don't know why it's storming off because she doesn't think you're gonna fail anyway, Jack. What's the matter, bud?
34:41Just stage fright mate. All right. Nice to meet you. Take a seat next to him
34:51Cheat on her
34:52Did you cheat on her? No, because I'm gonna tell you here and now if you do you're an idiot
34:56You're an absolute idiot because she's all right
35:04How are the kids foreign to I'm here to prove that I'm dedicated this relationship carrying the kids mean the world to me
35:11Did you go into the room? No, sorry. Did you go on the blow-up bed? No
35:17Talking both of us let him speak. I wouldn't I wouldn't do that to my partner or to my kids
35:23I would never do that. Would you don't hate me? But you know, I mean people have said that to me
35:27Oh, no, you must hear every day. I know why these accusations being made now
35:31I don't know. This is a thing. Apparently it's happened four months ago. And apparently it's just come out four days ago
35:37So I don't know what she's what she's doing. I really don't know what she's playing out. It's good right your whole family
35:41Yeah, yeah, and I just don't understand what I've done to deserve to be treated like this. I really don't
35:48I'm adamant. I have not done anything wrong
35:54I hope to God you haven't I
35:57Think I'd know if I stopped my end or something
36:02Put a lot of store on this show about what I think when I see somebody
36:06When you look in your boyfriend's eyes the father of your kids tell me what you see
36:14It's heartbroken break this is killing him he was telling the truth
36:34No, no, what are you gonna do is wait listen to an old man listen to me listen to me listen to me
36:42Now you listen to me because he's alright and so are you listen to don't not now not now
36:49Can I say something that you listen to please? Yeah
36:52The worst thing you can do in your life is give that person any look at me
36:58Credence what you do with that is you keep that in your house
37:02And you get on with your life with your boyfriend and your kids you don't give her the time of day because people like that
37:07Want a reaction one day you might want to shove it with the sun don't shine
37:11But you know what will kill people like that silence
37:15It's made her a full on national TV, and no one go near him with a barge pole
37:19Thank you, Jen really good to meet you all right kids seriously really nice
37:35You say she's messing with my head
37:37She's lying about being pregnant, which is a bit bleeding rich as I know she ain't and I know she's a cheat
37:45You hold in someone else's hand when you went to court
37:50Show your relationship Richard's did you passionately kiss anyone else you said no once I know
38:05Richard is here to tell ex-partner Jenny the relationships over will you please stop harassing me once and for all he says he called off
38:12The relationship two weeks ago because he believed that she was a cheat he says that she has even gone to the extent of lying
38:17About being pregnant with his kid in a desperate bid to get him back. He says today. Mr.. Kyle. It's done Richards on the Jeremy
38:24Kyle show that way
38:34This is a long-term relationship. I was with her for two months. Well. I wouldn't say long-term. I'll be together. How'd you mean?
38:42Oh nice love at first sight don't see that search you went on for 56 days
38:48Now listen, let's talk about the relationship
38:50I know we're here to talk about what's happened since you say she's messing with your head who finished it
38:55Why did she finish it? Why did she finish it? Why did it go finished it?
38:58You told my team throughout the relationship. It's one of my greatest lines ever shut up in the 11 years of the Jeremy Kyle show
39:04Throughout the relationship she got to McDonald's to get a Happy Meal, but I think she was getting a sausage of a different kind
39:12I was working she turned I said to me she
39:16She went out in a in a car with her ex-boyfriend, and she went to McDonald's romantic date
39:22So will you take a woman Steve?
39:24Mackey D's for a big sausage
39:28Since you split with her you say she's messing with my head
39:31She's lying about being pregnant which is a bit bleeding Richards. I know
39:36She ain't and I know she's a cheat which is why I've dragged her here today to prove
39:41She's a cheat and to get her out my life. Yeah, that's it and she's ready. How do we know she's not pregnant?
39:46Because she's told someone else you're in a new relationship. I don't even your new partner since fourth this month
39:5417 days
39:56She's pregnant isn't she not by my child?
39:59It's possibly it could be that's another show not by my child
40:06Possibility but it might be yours possibility. Yeah, it's 50-50 on that one
40:12Can't you just get to know somebody anyway right the one that you say is a fruit in the meantime
40:18You say she's I'm just don't have a go at me. I'm in the middle
40:23She's too lightly anyway. She's what do you lolly at times? She's do lally you oh Christ. You think she was cheating
40:31I don't believe she's pregnant. I want a
40:34Pregnancy test and I want a lie detector in my guts
40:38I'm 95% certain. She'll fail the lie detector and I'm convinced. She's not pregnant
40:42I want to get on with my new life to Alana. Yep, lovely a Jenny
40:48Alana said this has set out to ruin my relationship with Richard at the moment. She's succeeding. She's manipulative and evil. Shut up
40:54She even claimed that she's pregnant with his baby
40:56She's constantly messaging me. I'm trying to cause trouble
40:59I live in me and Richard were talking to each other whilst he was still with Jenny, but we didn't do anything
41:03I want her to stay out of my life and leave me alone. The ex is Jenny
41:07She says I am pregnant. I didn't cheat
41:08You're a nightmare and I wish hell to freeze over with you in it. Jenny is on the Jeremy Kyle show
41:21When you went to court
41:24Was I know?
41:27Get your facts, well, you don't know
41:29You don't know nothing. That's why when we were together you went off in your ex-boyfriend's car
41:35And you do that, did you go in your ex-boyfriend's car to McDonald's for a happy meal? No, I never so what do you
41:41Don't want to go in someone else's Philly. Oh fish. So what do you do?
41:45Well, it's working. I'm emotional. Bring me water. You went into in a car with your ex-boyfriend
41:52No, I never have you ever so what do you say that then? No, I never what
41:59Did you ever tell him hello hi
42:02Have you ever told him that you're pregnant? No, I haven't right
42:07It's interesting because I've got a message that proves that you did tell him that that's quite interesting text message
42:14No, I won't and I am carrying which is baby, but he ain't allowed nothing to do with it
42:18Okay, you are not have his baby. You are a liar. I ain't I ain't I ain't no liar
42:24Thanks. Thanks. I'm eight weeks. Send me the skin and pick
42:29No, because I don't want rich have anything to do with the baby and he ain't even going on the birth
42:35circfix because
42:37I'm going to tell the baby that the dad died
42:51See what I always know you can't remember what you say after 20 pretty convenient then that's something as horrible as that
42:56Are you sure you didn't cuz you jealous that he's with a new girl
42:58I'm sure I didn't sure about the fight didn't make the pregnancy up because you think he's with a new girl and she's up the
43:02Duff as well. Why don't you just accept you're not with him? Did you send those messages? No, I never did you cheat on him?
43:09No, so you're gonna pass the lie detector
43:11Yeah, and the pregnancy test will prove that you're not pregnant because you say you never said it who's Kaylee my friend
43:17Best friend for 10 years. You're only with him for eight weeks
43:21Katie's on the Jeremy Carr show
43:30Don't know why you broke in
43:32Give it a big pool. How are you love fine? Thank you. She sent those horrible messages. She's an outrage your friend, isn't she?
43:38She'll be setting up anger. So she did send them bingo lingo. Clickety-click. That's all over then. Give me a round of applause
43:46She didn't send them. No, I didn't she just said you did I've got someone else to send them for me on my account
43:53You just said it was somebody else's account you liar it's my account, but I'm on a different account
44:02So indirectly by getting somebody to tell him that you were pregnant with his baby you were telling him you were pregnant, yeah
44:12Sorry, maybe
44:15Meanwhile back at the ranch William and I are starring in a new show called. What the hell are we doing with our lives?
44:22Did you send
44:25Indirectly or directly those messages telling him you were pregnant whether it was through a friend on somebody else's Facebook or via a bloody carrier
44:33Pigeon, did you or not? I've got some nice to send it for me
44:38Actually saying that then getting someone else send it then you're mitten it
44:41Yeah, so what do you just turn my say that you didn't send it because she's a liar. There you go
45:03What have you been messaging and I'm ringing my new partner then
45:15Yeah, go stay
45:23Yeah, but hello
45:25Did you send the messages for her? No, what no, but she's just admitted to lying
45:30I didn't send if I didn't know she sent them to like today
45:33If you don't want to get back with him
45:35Why are you trying to cause trouble by sending messages like that serious question?
45:38Cuz I don't think he should be with any other girl because he can't treat a girl, right?
45:43Why are we doing the lie detector?
45:45Did you cheat during the relationship? No, I never could I have the lie detector?
45:50Did he break my
45:52By the way, just to let you know we did a test you're not pregnant. Are you? Yeah, so you lied about that
45:58See what?
46:00I've got lie detector sit down. So you lied about being pregnant? Yes or no. I
46:06Didn't say I was pregnant officially
46:11We asked Jenny
46:12During your relationship with Richards. Did you passionately kiss anyone else? You said no, what's I know cuz I'm telling you this is you're a liar
46:22Did you have sexual contact with anyone else you said no you were lying
46:25Do you know what she failed every single question? Listen to me this card
46:48If you want to be here you need my help visit our website
46:51The details are on screen to my guest for the audience and to you for watching home, you know, you are
46:55I'll see you very soon. Take care. Bye. Bye for now