• 2 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (16 April 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10On today's show...
00:12Why are you here today?
00:13To expose her, to be a liar that she is.
00:15That girl told me she had cervical cancer only last year.
00:19She put me to the floor when she told me that.
00:21She made a disgusting, serious allegation against my brother,
00:25to say that her uncle had molested her, when he hasn't done anything of the sort.
00:38When I was 11 years old, I told her what he did.
00:41Why does she not believe your 11-year-old daughter?
00:43Because she's sick and twisted.
00:44You absolute...
00:51I ain't 11 anymore. You don't scare me.
00:53You don't scare me. You don't scare me.
00:55You're a liar. She's a liar.
01:21Hello, thanks, good morning, and a big, big welcome to the show.
01:23All right, my first guest this morning, Faye,
01:25was sat at home watching this show just a few weeks back
01:27and decided she needed to be here to confront her daughter, Lisa.
01:31The reason was she saw Lisa on a previous show.
01:34Take a look at this.
01:37He's basically accusing you of being a cheat, isn't he?
01:40Yeah, with every Tom, Dick and I, basically.
01:42For past six months, your own family member's telling me that my daughter is not mine.
01:46Your own mother says,
01:47My daughter is a compulsive liar.
01:49She is an attention seeker and all she cares about is herself
01:52and it doesn't matter who she hurts along the way.
01:54Craig is not Ruby Grace's father.
01:57My daughter told me that herself.
01:59That's your own mother!
02:01That's coming from someone, yeah,
02:02that couldn't even back it up by being here today.
02:04She's got a sick child to look after.
02:06That's not right.
02:08You are the child's biological father.
02:15It is absolutely wrong.
02:17And her mother's an absolute liar.
02:19She's a disgrace and I want her on this show.
02:23So as you can see from the clip,
02:25Lisa called Adam and Fay on national TV to come to the show
02:27and face up to her about the allegations she has made.
02:29So today, Fay says,
02:31You got it, one massive showdown with her daughter Lisa,
02:34she says, is a disgrace.
02:36Fay says,
02:37No, you know what?
02:38The girl pulled the wool over your eyes, Jess.
02:40She's a liar. Let's get her out here.
02:42This is Fay on the Jeremy Carr Show.
02:44That way!
02:51So on many occasions on the show,
02:53we'll get somebody here and there'll be a statement
02:55and this particular statement from you said,
02:57My daughter's nothing. My daughter's a liar.
02:59Oh, she is.
03:00She was here doing a DNA test.
03:01She said in your statement, let's start with this,
03:03He's not the father, Craig, and he was,
03:05which makes you a liar.
03:06No, I'm not a liar. She's a liar.
03:09She told me that my granddaughter was not Craig's.
03:11On my mum's 60th birthday, she told me that.
03:15You say that she'd lie about anything.
03:17Oh, aye.
03:18Last time, the big thing was with the DNA.
03:20You know, you've walked out, Craig.
03:21You've left me with our sick child.
03:23You say she's exaggerated that illness.
03:25Oh, yes, she has, yeah.
03:26So your granddaughter's not ill?
03:27Not as ill as she's making out now.
03:28What do you mean, not as ill?
03:29If the baby was that ill,
03:31then why is she, like, going out drinking all the time?
03:33Why is she leaving the baby with Craig?
03:35Do you know what I mean?
03:36She's making out herself to be the perfect mother when she's not.
03:38You say that I was fooled by her lies
03:40and you're disgusted by it.
03:41Has your relationship with her always been bad?
03:43No, I had a good relationship with Lisa.
03:45Of course I did.
03:46When did it start to go wrong?
03:48When I found out, basically, that she'd cheated on Craig.
03:50I basically told her she should tell Craig the truth,
03:53that he is not Ruby's dad,
03:55that she shouldn't be sleeping about with a gentleman
03:57that she's been sleeping about with recently,
03:59that she got pregnant to.
04:03Whatever, Lisa, you know it's true.
04:05You know it.
04:07You know it.
04:08You talk it, run your mouth.
04:10Alky, little druggy.
04:14Can I just say something, darling?
04:20I gave you the benefit.
04:21Lisa, let her speak.
04:23You will get your chance.
04:24Do me one favour.
04:26Don't be disrespectful with that language.
04:28Sit down and be quiet.
04:29Lose the picture.
04:31So, in your mind, she's cheated on Craig.
04:35She has.
04:36She's exaggerated about the illness that her daughter suffered from.
04:38She's even gone lower than that.
04:40She told me she had cervical cancer only last year.
04:43Yeah, she put me to the floor when she told me that.
04:45As a mother, to hear your daughter tell you that is disgusting.
04:49Do you know what I mean?
04:50Not just as she told me that.
04:52She's made a disgusting, serious allegation against my brother.
04:56This is Stephen.
04:57Oh, that's Stephen.
04:58Who is on this show.
04:59This was an accusation about Stephen.
05:01Oh, yeah.
05:02Let's just have the facts from you.
05:04This is a difficult one for this show. Go on.
05:06Basically, that girl has used my past
05:09to say that her uncle has molested her
05:13when he hasn't done anything of the sort.
05:15If he's done that, why would she leave her children with him?
05:17So, she's left her children with him and yet has accused him...
05:20And she's a liar, Lisa! You dirty girl!
05:22I want you to talk to me. I want to lose those pictures.
05:25This guy is here.
05:26He's been accused by his own niece of being a paedophile.
05:29Oh, yeah.
05:30But, yeah, I'm supposed to have known about that.
05:32I'm supposed to have known about this.
05:34So, you've got a boyfriend who you say is a mug
05:36because she's cheated on him.
05:37She's got pregnant and had an abortion with another man.
05:40Oh, yeah.
05:41A child who has been sick but not to any extent that she's made out,
05:44so she's used that.
05:46You say she's said that she's had cervical cancer.
05:49And lower than that, she's accused her uncle,
05:52who she lets look after her kids, of being a paedophile.
05:56So, you were sat at home thinking, this girl's full of it.
05:58She's full of it.
05:59Why? What is a mother?
06:00Why would you believe that she's like that?
06:02I really don't know.
06:04She's taken a lie detector today. She says you're full of it.
06:06She hasn't cheated on Craig. She hasn't done any of this.
06:08She says that you're on drugs.
06:09Yeah, cos I am. Yeah, whatever.
06:10She is on drugs. She takes cocaine.
06:14Who is it who were like last year, Lisa, when you live with me, yeah?
06:17You live with me, and yet you could not get up off that couch
06:21to see to your own daughter, who was laid next to you.
06:24What's up?
06:25I'm not either on...
06:26Do you take drugs?
06:27No, I don't take drugs.
06:28Have you done drugs tests?
06:29Yes, I have.
06:30So, why are you here today?
06:31To expose her, to be a liar that she is.
06:32With what end?
06:33What's the reason? In the end, what happens?
06:35Well, I had a lot to do with her once, this is...
06:37How long has that been going on for?
06:39That you don't want anything to do with her?
06:40Since she said that about my brother.
06:42So you don't see your sick grandchild?
06:43No, I don't see him.
06:44She stops me from seeing him. I can't see him.
06:46Smacking like you've seen a shitload of...
06:48Let's get her out. Lisa's on the Jeremy Carr Show.
06:50That was...
06:55I told you, I told you at 11 years old, you little...
06:59Yeah, whatever, shut up.
07:00Now, sit down.
07:01Sit down. My daughter's not ill, is she?
07:03You absolute...
07:06Come on.
07:09Come on.
07:19Sit down.
07:22Sit down.
07:23My daughter's not sick.
07:24Sit down.
07:25Oh, please.
07:26I'm just going to make threats, darling,
07:28then it's not going to work, is it?
07:30Stop shouting and wait.
07:33Who are you swearing at?
07:35You disrespectful.
07:36You're an alcoholic.
07:37If you are going to...
07:38Hello, if you're going to do it, stop swearing or I won't do it.
07:40She's had her say. Look at me.
07:42I'm an alcoholic.
07:43Shut up.
07:44That I was fooled.
07:45They say that you pulled the wool over my eyes.
07:47Let's put to you exactly what your mother just said, Lisa.
07:50She said, and I quote, that you cheated on your boyfriend, Craig...
07:55..despite the fact that DNA last time proved he was your brother.
07:57I haven't finished.
07:58And that you had an abortion because you had sex with somebody else.
08:01No, I didn't.
08:02I lost twins only five weeks ago in hospital.
08:04Oh, my God.
08:05So you're lying, little...
08:06Yes, you are.
08:07I'm telling you, you have cervical cancer.
08:09No, I didn't. No, why would I say that?
08:11Why would I say that?
08:12And then from that pod comes a very angry lady, Kirsty, because...
08:15Oh, you black-teethed...
08:19How are you expecting to get any...
08:21She's married to a little paedophile and she expects me to sit here.
08:24If he is, why would you let him be with your kids, is what she said.
08:27When do you look after my kids? When? When? Never.
08:31No, she did. She did.
08:33What are you doing? What are you doing?
08:35You're declaring yourself to be something different with the language you're using.
08:38Nila, Nila, because I'm defending myself.
08:40This guy that you've made this accusation, tell me the story then, go on.
08:43When I was 11 years old, I told her what he did.
08:45What did he do? What did he do?
08:47He raped me.
08:48Why didn't you go to the police?
08:50Because I was 11 years old, she shit me off to my...
08:52Why don't you go now?
08:53I am doing, I am doing, don't worry about that.
08:55But why would you come on national television and talk about it?
08:57She dragged me on here.
08:58Why wouldn't you go to the police before?
09:00She dragged me on here.
09:01I called you out, though, to say about the accusation,
09:03about you calling my daughter a...
09:05That's why I called you out.
09:07Why did you not believe your daughter?
09:10Why did you not believe your 11-year-old daughter?
09:12She's never told me...
09:15Oh, my God.
09:17Whatever, Lisa.
09:18I'm asking you the question again because you're just going to shout all day
09:20and I'm not going to.
09:21Why did she not believe your 11-year-old daughter
09:23when she told you she'd been attacked?
09:24Because she hasn't ever, never, ever told me that.
09:26I would believe her.
09:27How old was she when you kicked her out?
09:28I didn't kick her out, she left.
09:30At what age?
09:32Why would she, excuse me, why would an 11-year-old choose to leave?
09:36Because she's sick and twisted.
09:37But 11?
09:41Maybe you are the mother you're pretending to be.
09:42I ain't pretending to be anything.
09:43Come on, love, at 11 a child goes,
09:45I don't want to live here anymore.
09:47She's attention seeking.
09:4811-year-olds got taken into care, they don't go to their parents and go,
09:50I'd rather be somewhere else.
09:52She was just jealous of my relationship with her older sister.
09:54Were you a good mother?
09:55Oh, yeah, I've been the best mother I can be.
09:57Do you think a good mother's 11-year-old would say,
09:59I don't want to be with you anymore?
10:00Just without shouting, answer that question.
10:02Obviously not, no, but I have done everything I possibly can
10:05for both my girls.
10:06Are you going to cry now?
10:07No, I'm not going to cry, no, I'm not.
10:08Look at you.
10:09I'm not looking at you.
10:10Why are you looking at me?
10:11I'm a good mum to my kids at least.
10:12Because she went there 24-7 for my daughter.
10:13Did the guy abuse you?
10:14Yes, he did, yes.
10:15Did she get cervical cancer?
10:17She lies.
10:19So you...
10:20She didn't tell you she had cervical cancer?
10:22She said she had cervical cancer last year.
10:23How do you get to this as a mother and daughter?
10:25It's because I told her to tell Craig the truth on New Year's Day.
10:29Go tell Craig the truth.
10:30So if you've known over a year, why didn't you say something before?
10:32It weren't my fault.
10:33I told you to tell him.
10:34She's seen the child.
10:35But Craig is the father of a child.
10:37We proved that on the last show.
10:38But she told me he wasn't.
10:39She said I switched DNA.
10:40She said on the show that, oh, you came and you must have switched DNA.
10:43What did I do?
10:44Turned into a flying fly.
10:45I've told lots of people, not just me, Lisa, lots of people.
10:48You're a fool, mate.
10:49You're a fool.
10:50Lots of people are fools.
10:51Let me ask something to you as well, if I'm balancing this out.
10:53I take it that at 11, if you tell your mother that you're being abused,
10:55you would put your trust in that person.
10:57And I wasn't there, so I have to be very careful.
10:59But when you got to 16 or 18 of adult age, and you are today 20,
11:02why haven't you already gone to the police?
11:04Because I had a child at 16.
11:06I wanted to move on with my life.
11:08All I wanted...
11:09And those pictures were taken in 2017.
11:11That was a year ago.
11:12Hold on a second.
11:13That's a picture, you smiling and cuddling and kissing a bloke
11:17you say sexually abused you, so why would that be?
11:20Can I just say that, then? Can I just say that, then?
11:22She always said to me, yeah, the only way...
11:24She won't force me to go into care or get rid of me back to my dad's
11:27if I pretended, yeah?
11:28Because that's what uncles do, apparently.
11:30You never told me, Lisa.
11:31Are you joking?
11:32I only found out the other night of this allegation.
11:34So why did you kick me out when I was 11 years old?
11:36Why did I go to my dad's?
11:37You make it a let-up and you went to live with your dad.
11:39But why does an 11-year-old make such an awful lie?
11:41And I'm alive!
11:42And I'm 11 years old. Come on, tell me that.
11:44I don't know why she did that that night.
11:46Come on, all right, were you kicked?
11:47Yeah, of course I did.
11:48And then suddenly at 11, she said,
11:50my uncle abused me.
11:51I had to go to court to find out that.
11:52You're not listening.
11:53Suddenly at 11, from being a perfectly good child,
11:55she went, oh, by the way, my uncle's a paedophile
11:57and I want to live with my dad.
11:58My dad's got parental responsibility.
12:00My dad always had parental responsibility,
12:02because she was in class as an unfit mother in the court of law.
12:05An unfit mother.
12:06Is that true?
12:08You was an alcoholic the entire night.
12:09You were drinking a bottle of vodka.
12:10Are you an alcoholic?
12:11No, I'm not an alcoholic.
12:12Are you on drugs?
12:13No, I'm not, love, no.
12:14I'm not pleased to come to the hospital
12:15to search me on the week off.
12:16So you've done a drugs test.
12:17Why haven't you done a lie detector today?
12:19Because she's saying that I'm cheating on Craig.
12:21Because she has.
12:22She's only just got back in with them people now,
12:24and then all of a sudden she's switched.
12:25She's coming very quickly.
12:26Be quiet.
12:27How many people, just a vibe, just a flavour,
12:29how many people buy Faye?
12:31Hand in the air.
12:32How many people buy the daughter?
12:34It's interesting, isn't it?
12:35Because you said the wall was put up.
12:36It could be long.
12:37She could be, but there's a couple of things
12:39that aren't stuck up.
12:40Loads more people involved and more after the break.
12:42We're right back on the J.K. show.
12:43Don't go anywhere.
12:44She told my team that you allowed Stephen
12:48to trim his sister out when her...
12:51Are you real or are you real?
12:53Are you real or are you real?
12:54Are you real?
12:56You can't be real!
13:03I started this show 13 years ago
13:05and I wanted to help men fight to see their children.
13:07I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he sees his kid.
13:13Hello, mate.
13:14Be good for her, yeah?
13:15To help addicts change their lives.
13:17There is nothing in the world
13:19that is a better option than this.
13:21We'll get an intervention that will help you cope.
13:23To give victims an important voice.
13:26Have you seen what you're doing to me?
13:28I'm going to make sure this boy has as much help
13:30and as much support on you
13:32and do whatever you want to reunite families.
13:37For 39 years you haven't seen her.
13:39Karen's on the Jeremy Carr show now.
13:42And of course, as you know,
13:43I believe that everybody should know who their dad is.
13:45He's your dad.
13:47He's your dad.
13:51I don't know about you,
13:52but I think we're doing a pretty good job.
13:54If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
13:57email talk at itv.com along with your number.
14:00Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
14:02Text costs 25 pence plus one standard rate message.
14:05Or you can call my team today.
14:06It's 09011.
14:08It's 123456.
14:09Calls cost 25 pence plus network access charge.
14:22Welcome back for the Great Mother and Daughter Award finally.
14:24One of the big accusations,
14:25and you two have got to let this happen
14:27because you're just shouting too much over each other,
14:29you say that when you were 11 years of age
14:31you were sexually abused by your uncle Stephen.
14:34Stephen is here, he's backstage.
14:36We'll try and get him involved later on.
14:39She said she told her mother, you at 11,
14:41you didn't believe her, you packed her off to the father.
14:43You said she was a normal kid and then one day at 11
14:45she woke up and said,
14:46my uncle's a paedophile, I don't want to live with my dad.
14:48His wife is absolutely seething and says,
14:53like your mother, and this is interesting,
14:55you are an attention-seeking liar who does all of this
14:58because of your own inadequacies.
15:00Curses on the Jeremy Carl show that way.
15:05You're a liar! You're a liar!
15:07You're a dirty liar!
15:08You were leaving my house at 7 o'clock at night.
15:10Shut up.
15:11You were leaving my house at 7...
15:12Brush your teeth.
15:13Brush your teeth, you little...
15:15What are you going to do?
15:17You're a bully.
15:18She left my house at 7.
15:21I'm telling you, who's a bully?
15:23Shut him up!
15:24Who's a bully?
15:25Come into my house at half one in the morning.
15:27If you swear you'll have to go, I'll park your backside.
15:31If you swear you'll have to leave,
15:34then shut up a minute and let her speak.
15:36You're a liar, Lisa.
15:37I want her to speak. Be quiet.
15:39Don't laugh at me.
15:41She used to come to my house and tell Craig, right,
15:43she was sitting in my house from 7 o'clock to 1 o'clock in the morning.
15:46Yes, she did.
15:47You left your kids with Craig.
15:49You left your kids with Craig, Lisa.
15:51Can I ask you a question?
15:52Yes, you did.
15:53Someone told me something that I find quite astonishing.
15:56Just stop swearing and listen.
15:58You can't answer a question if you're talking over it.
16:00How long have you been married to Stephen?
16:01Five years.
16:02So you weren't married to him when she made the accusation?
16:05Were you aware? I would like to ask the question.
16:07No, I wasn't aware of it.
16:08So when did you become aware of this accusation
16:10that at 11 years of age,
16:12your husband had been accused by his 11-year-old niece of sexual abuse?
16:15Only when she found out we were taking him on the show.
16:17He wanted to do a lie detector test to prove his...
16:19So did I, love, so did I.
16:20I'm going to pay for one privately.
16:22It's a very difficult one,
16:23because we can't do a lie detector on something so difficult.
16:26The other accusation is that this girl is so full of it
16:29and such a fantasist that she has lied about the extent
16:32of how ill her daughter is.
16:33Why would you believe that this girl,
16:35apparently and allegedly, and it's difficult for me,
16:38would make up such horrible...
16:40Because she likes to hide it.
16:41You don't even wait till the end of a sentence, do you?
16:43I do, Lisa.
16:44I've got 50 pieces of paperwork that I've given all the team
16:46of every single diagnosis my daughter's got.
16:48You absolute idiot.
16:49Two weeks ago, you said they were searching for a diagnosis.
16:52They're still doing 13 more tests.
16:5413 more tests when my daughter's PCD and APS5.
16:57You don't even know what that is, do you?
16:59Oi, oi, oi, oi, you're doing all right.
17:01Can I ask you another question?
17:02Why are you doing a lie detector?
17:04Why am I doing one?
17:05Because apparently she doesn't have cheating on Steve.
17:07So, Craig was here last time.
17:09Now, you said on the statement, you're cheating on Craig,
17:12you told me you cheated on Craig, you told me the kid isn't Craig.
17:15So out came Craig, there to Barney...
17:17Shut up!
17:19DA proves that the baby was Craig's.
17:22Craig's here to defend her and say you lot are full of whatever.
17:25Craig's back on the Jeremy Cole show, that way.
17:34I'm telling everybody.
17:36I've even got it on a recording.
17:38She's got it on a recording.
17:40He's heard it.
17:42Craig, did you not hear it?
17:44He's heard it.
17:46We set you up, you little fool.
17:49He's heard it, he's heard it.
17:51It's just like with all your mates.
17:53I can't mention his name.
17:57I'm going to lose my voice and then I can't do the show.
18:00I saw you Friday, Craig, you know I did.
18:02I saw you Friday, we had a good conversation.
18:04You told me that you wanted Faith to bring Lisa on, did you not?
18:08Yes, she did.
18:10Well, could I talk to her then, Gobby?
18:12Shut up!
18:16I promise you, we can't do this if you carry on like this.
18:20You were here last time. Yeah.
18:22There were accusations about the fact that Lisa had cheated,
18:25that the kid wasn't yours, the DNA proved the kid was yours.
18:28I want to talk to you without being interrupted.
18:30They say, and I quote,
18:32she's made up how ill your daughter is.
18:34My daughter's very ill. I've been there.
18:37They say that she made up that she had cervical cancer.
18:40I never knew about cervical cancer.
18:42She told you, Craig.
18:44I'm sorry, did you all fall when I rang the door?
18:47She told me.
18:49She told you that. I've got the messages.
18:51She told you and you said, I'm sorry, babe.
18:53You asked me.
18:55I can't talk.
18:57I've got the messages.
18:59When did you find out about the allegation that Lisa was sexually abused
19:03at the age of 11, nine years ago, by Uncle Stephen?
19:06When did you find out about that?
19:08She told me...
19:10..a year ago. Why wouldn't you tell him when you first met him?
19:13Because it would embarrass him.
19:15I see myself as damaged goods.
19:17You slept with anything walking?
19:19You slept with anything walking?
19:21When you first get with someone, yeah,
19:23and if you've been raped or abused,
19:25why would you first do it?
19:27I'm in a new relationship. I'm going to tell you I've been abused.
19:30I've looked it all up on Google.
19:32I haven't understood a damn word,
19:34because all you lot do is shout over each other.
19:37Listen to her.
19:39Go on, listen.
19:41Here we have it as a potted version.
19:44The next person who interrupts me in the next minute is off this stage.
19:47I don't care what anybody on the side says.
19:49You come out here last time.
19:51He apparently believes that you're cheating
19:53because of things that have been said.
19:55The kid isn't his. We nailed that.
19:57You watching this programme, you're absolutely beside yourself.
20:00This is a manipulative lie. She's lied about cervical cancer.
20:03She's lied about the extent of her daughter's illness.
20:05Worst of all, she's made up that my brother,
20:07your husband, don't say a word, sexually abused her when she was 11.
20:10You're at it, you're at it, you're at it.
20:12Today we get definitive, because if you two are right,
20:14she will fail the lie detector.
20:16You make a counterclaim that she's cheated
20:18on the man that you say abused you.
20:20But we've got the next generation.
20:22Your mother thinks you're a manipulative liar.
20:24Your auntie thinks you're a manipulative liar.
20:27And here's the best bit.
20:29Your grandmother thinks you're worse than both of them put together.
20:32Margaret's on the Jeremy Carl show that way.
20:38You're lying!
20:40I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it.
20:43I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it.
20:45I'm not going to do it. I'm listening to you.
20:47When you've gotten about my mum...
20:49You think I'm going to attack her? You're stupid.
20:51You've gotten about the blinking, the one what died,
20:53that I took his money.
20:55Yes, you did!
20:57You've got dementia!
20:59I haven't got dementia!
21:01I haven't!
21:03Why say it then? Why say it then, grandma?
21:06When she said that you were trying to burn her house down,
21:08you were put in prison when that happened.
21:10Kirsty, I have no option but I'm going to have you taken out.
21:12That's fine.
21:13Can you just please let somebody else talk?
21:15Welcome to the show. Hello.
21:17Now, her mother and her have obviously got a nightmare relationship.
21:20The auntie, obviously, because she's accused, you know,
21:23the husband, the uncle of whatever.
21:25I want to hear from you. What's your side of this argument, Margaret?
21:28It's not true. How do you know that?
21:30Because I've been there as well.
21:34Can I tell you something else as well that this girl says?
21:37Who brought your kids up? You panned your kids up to your mum.
21:40You didn't even bring Stephen and Kirsty up.
21:42How dare you? How dare you?
21:44You didn't know!
21:46I'll go further. She told my team that you...
21:49Go on. ..you allowed Stephen to pimp his sister out when...
21:55Are you really? Are you really?
21:59You're disgusting!
22:02Go on, let's hear it.
22:05What are you going to do?
22:08You're a liar! She's a liar!
22:10You're a liar!
22:12She's got you up line and sinker.
22:14Ask them.
22:16Let Stephen do a lie detector test.
22:19Let him do it. Please.
22:21Let him do it, because I'm telling you, please.
22:23Yes, he can do it.
22:25Please let him do it.
22:27You don't know how I run this show.
22:29Lie detector about sexual abuse.
22:31But why not? They could clear his name.
22:33You've got to understand, right,
22:35unless you just all let everybody speak, it doesn't work.
22:38After this break, your husband, your son and your brother,
22:43a man you say sexually abused you and lie detector, there he is.
22:47We're right back. Don't go anywhere.
22:49Did you abuse her? No, I didn't.
22:51Why would she say that? If I did abuse her,
22:53why is she going to the police? That would have been a paedophile.
22:56All I ask from you ever is that you leave me alone.
22:58Let me go! Leave me alone!
23:00You're a gory sort of...
23:02Three lie detectors.
23:04Anything to admit? No.
23:06It's interesting, isn't it?
23:12There's a family secret ruining your life.
23:14Maybe you suspect your partner of having an affair.
23:17If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
23:20email talk at itv.com along with your number.
23:23Text TALK, plus your name, to 63334.
23:2525p plus one standard rate message.
23:27Or you can call my team today. It's 09011.
23:30It's 123456.
23:32Calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
23:44Welcome back. Let's bring it down one minute.
23:46You all shout and you all scream.
23:48Just the accusation that you've made,
23:50your absolute right to want to defend your husband,
23:53a lie detector ain't going to do that.
23:55Now, we can only, in certain instances, do that, right?
23:58Theft, infidelity, we can't do that.
24:01But there's a lot to be said when you listen to what people have to say.
24:05People will make an opinion.
24:07I want to go and talk... Can you just seriously not argue?
24:10Where is he? He's backstage, is he? Is he?
24:14To be accused of being a paedophile by your niece on national television...
24:19Yeah. It's awful, Jimmy. It really is.
24:22A lot of people would have run away from doing this.
24:25Exactly. Why did you come here?
24:27To clear my name, but I am nothing like that.
24:29Nothing at all, Jimmy.
24:31You understand my problem. I can only go with what people say.
24:34I'm just telling the truth.
24:36Especially when you say I picked my sister out.
24:38You picked your sister out? Disgusting.
24:40So you reckon that Lisa would make all this up?
24:42Of course, yes. Why? Because she's sick in head.
24:45There are people who tell lies to say that I had cervical cancer.
24:49It's not about attention. It's all about fame.
24:53You don't want to go on the stage? I'll go on stage, yeah.
24:56I want you to be comfortable, but I want everybody to listen
24:59to what everybody's trying to say.
25:01And you, to be sat here with five people shouting out,
25:04two of whom are saying that you do the most hideous things...
25:07I'll come on stage, yes. Come on stage, yeah.
25:10Excuse me, sorry.
25:14Stephen's on the show, ladies and gentlemen. Put a chair there, please.
25:20Come on, come on.
25:22Why are you two pulling? Why are you two pulling?
25:25I ain't 11 anymore. You don't scare me now.
25:28I'm not 11 anymore. I ain't 11 anymore.
25:31You don't scare me. I've got a clean record.
25:33You don't scare me. I'm not going to stand up to you.
25:36I'm not a little kid. I'm not a little kid anymore.
25:39I'm not a little kid. Idiot.
25:41She's a liar, though, Jamie. Idiot.
25:43Can we let your husband speak? Can you tell your wife to be quiet?
25:47Did you abuse her? No, I didn't. No, I didn't do that.
25:49Why don't you say that? If I did abuse her,
25:51why isn't she going to the police?
25:53I'm not going to be the paedophile.
25:55What do you think I am? I'm going to be doing...
25:57You could do it ages ago.
25:59All I ask from you ever is that you leave me alone.
26:02Leave you alone. Leave you alone.
26:05One of the things that's happened this morning
26:07is that everybody makes claim and counterclaim.
26:09We start with Faye saying that she'd made up about the cervical cancer,
26:12she's made up about this, she's a cheat,
26:14she's doing a lie detector to prove to Craig she hasn't cheated.
26:17That's the first thing.
26:18But she's also made this counterclaim about you and Lisa, right?
26:21Now, you naturally defend Steve, and I get that.
26:24You say, I've never cheated and I'll pass that lie detector.
26:27You've also done one as well. I've done a lie detector, yes.
26:29Why would you allow a woman who comes on television
26:32and says you're the worst of the worst to even force you?
26:35Why would you justify your relationship, in your mind,
26:38to a woman who's spread the worst lie about you?
26:42I'm evil. I'm evil.
26:44I'm evil. I'm evil. I don't want to touch you.
26:46She's getting the fame.
26:48You're calling him a woman?
26:50You did. You said that.
26:52It's just claim and counterclaim.
26:54You know she did, Craig.
26:56Don't laugh cos you know she did, Craig.
26:58I swear down.
26:59Yeah, you did.
27:00Apparently went to prison for two weeks.
27:02She told us that.
27:04Can I ask you a question?
27:05Do you believe that your husband's cheated on you?
27:07No, not in a million years.
27:08Do you believe that your wife has cheated on you?
27:12Do you believe that Lisa's cheated on you?
27:14Do you believe that he's cheated on you?
27:17So, actually, what happens is,
27:19and there are some pretty, pretty horrible things said,
27:22there are some horrible accusations made.
27:24This just becomes a war of words, yeah?
27:28Three lie detectors.
27:33This is to prove what?
27:35That you haven't cheated on your husband.
27:37She just claims it.
27:38Since the start of your relationship with Stephen,
27:40have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else?
27:42You don't even allow this to happen, do you?
27:44When you are in a physical relationship with her,
27:46does she shut up at all, ever?
27:50She's like, yeah.
27:51She says no.
27:53And you say she's a cheat,
27:54cos this test says she was telling the truth.
27:56Well, good.
28:02If you allow... Here's a little clue, right?
28:04If you keep your mouth shut and you allow what's said to, like...
28:08People go, ooh, I've got that.
28:09If you go, nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah, they don't get it.
28:11Since the start of your relationship with Stephen,
28:13have you had sexual contact with anyone else?
28:15Cos you said that was she had. She said no.
28:17Do you know what? She passed every single question.
28:24And to be fair, you've made all these accusations.
28:26You were wrong. Say sorry to her.
28:28I do apologise for that. That's fine.
28:30So why did you make the accusations then?
28:32I meant that you make more accusations.
28:34Because think what you want.
28:35So you've accused him of sleeping with...
28:37I know he has. With who?
28:39I know that he's cheated on a few people.
28:41Oh, a note from the lie detector expert.
28:44Which I know about.
28:45Why are you doing it again? Sorry.
28:49At the start of the test,
28:50Stephen admitted that whilst on a break,
28:52he had a one-night stand with another woman.
28:54Stephen said that...
28:56Sorry, I do apologise.
28:58Stephen said Kirsty knew about this.
29:00Stephen also stated that on one occasion
29:02he kissed another woman when she came on to him.
29:04He again said that Kirsty knew about this.
29:06Those two incidents were excluded from the test.
29:08You all right with that?
29:09Since the start of your relationship with Kirsty,
29:11apart from the two occasions you've admitted to,
29:13have you passionately kissed anyone else?
29:15She said no. Why did you say no?
29:17Cos the test says you're a liar.
29:19That's all right, is it?
29:21Can I just point out, you might have failed that question.
29:24That's it. Hold on.
29:25Since the start of your relationship with Kirsty,
29:27apart from the one woman you've admitted to
29:29you said no.
29:30Test says you were lying on that question.
29:34No, I'm not saying it's wrong.
29:35I'll deal with that when I get home.
29:37Will you?
29:38Cos here's the interesting thing.
29:40He failed the sexual intercourse question as well, love.
29:43Right, OK.
29:44Now, could I just point out, that doesn't mean,
29:47it's massively important, this,
29:48doesn't mean that the accusation that you made,
29:51any relevance, but you've cheated on your wife,
29:53haven't you, more than the two times? Come on.
29:55No, I haven't.
29:56Yes, you have. It's written all over your face.
29:59Two admissions at the beginning,
30:00you thought they would get you out of it.
30:02You're a liar.
30:05Do you know the worst bit about this story,
30:07and I didn't know that, look at me,
30:08cos you and I, you haven't listened to what I'm saying,
30:10but I'm going to say something nice to you.
30:12I have a massive admiration for the fact that,
30:14out of loyalty to your old man, you are out here,
30:16and I repeat, that test does not, in any way,
30:19imply anything about the sexual abuse allegation,
30:21but you know he's cheated on you, don't you?
30:23I know he has. Yeah.
30:24That's what I said.
30:25And you're out here defending that, and that does that to you.
30:27Cos I'm a loyal wife.
30:28Yeah, well, is he a loyal husband?
30:29Yes, I am. Yes, I am.
30:31Yes, I am.
30:32Admit that's right, then.
30:33We sure are.
30:34Admit, admit, Josh,
30:36admit that you did more than what you admitted to at the beginning
30:39to her now.
30:42And then, how about,
30:45that's not BS, is it, cos she was telling the truth?
30:48Cos she knew about it, she was there.
30:50So why didn't you accept it?
30:51Why didn't he admit to you?
30:52Come on, you're doing it again.
30:54Blindly defending him.
30:56And here's the big one.
30:57You said she's slept with 200 men.
31:00I didn't say she did that.
31:01Any man that was walking you said she's had sex with?
31:05Craig's mates, and you know which one, but I can't mention.
31:09Anything to admit?
31:11It's interesting, isn't it?
31:12We asked Lisa, since the start of your relationship with Craig,
31:14have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else?
31:16Did you say the mates?
31:18You said you haven't.
31:20Why did you say you haven't? Cos I haven't.
31:22She was telling the truth, love.
31:27Can I ask you something?
31:29You, right past, this man failed,
31:33and this girl passed every single question again.
31:42Come on, come on.
31:44Bye-bye, thank you, Joe.
31:46See you later.
31:52I'm a liar, I'm a liar.
31:54I'm a liar.
31:55You told us you slept behind Craig's back.
31:57He bragged about it, yeah, he did.
31:59All right, Mum, sit down a minute.
32:02How come she...
32:03Come on, bye-bye.
32:04How come she passed, then? Come on.
32:06You've got your husband's cheat on you!
32:09How did she pass?
32:11I really don't know.
32:12Well, because she's telling the truth, and they all scored it out.
32:15You said that the DNA tests were created for you.
32:18OK, once again...
32:21Can I say something else? Can I say something else?
32:24The other two tests were right.
32:25In fact, your sister-in-law,
32:27who was blindly supporting your cheating brother,
32:30admitted that she knew he cheated, and he admitted the test was right.
32:33So, out of three, why would her test suddenly be wrong?
32:36I don't know, but she...
32:37Oh, and you know she's on drugs.
32:39She did a drugs test, and she was clear on that as well.
32:46Did you do a drugs test?
32:48Did you do a drugs test?
32:49What do you think your drugs test said?
32:52Apparently, you were clear. That was a bit of a shock to me.
32:56I will say this...
32:58I said I had... My hand's up to that.
33:00Did she tell you at 11 she'd been sexually abused?
33:02No, she never did.
33:03Were you a good mother?
33:04Yes, I was.
33:05I don't think you... Listen, what am I supposed to say?
33:07But she's passed every test.
33:09The DNA said... What am I supposed to do?
33:11Let me say one thing. Let me say one thing.
33:13No, I never did that.
33:14Oh, so now you're not calling her a cheat?
33:16That's so sick. I've come here with Ruben Gainsby,
33:18who's so poorly, and I've come here...
33:20Come here!
33:22Steve, I never did!
33:24I swear to God, I swear to God.
33:26You're a liar!
33:28If you had told me that, you know I would.
33:30You're a liar. Pull up a chair, Steve.
33:32Steve, do you want to sit down? Sit down.
33:40Can I say one thing?
33:42Can I say one thing?
33:44You can only expect us, on a serious note,
33:47to base our assumptions...
33:49I have no assumption.
33:51I can only base it on what I'm told.
33:53I repeat, we are not able to do a lie detector
33:56based on the sexual abuse allegation,
33:58and despite the fact that Stephen failed that
34:01about infidelity, which he admitted was right,
34:04it in no way reflects on that.
34:06All I can say to you is, I can't say you're a bad mum,
34:09I can't say it didn't happen,
34:11but what I can say is, in two shows,
34:13having been told that she had cheated on him
34:15and the kid wasn't his, she hadn't and the kid is,
34:18the DNA proves that Craig was her father,
34:20she's passed the lie detector, she's passed the drugs test,
34:23what more can you expect me to do, darling?
34:26What more?
34:27The only thing that's got me the most is,
34:29how dare you say that Ruby's not ill?
34:31And that?
34:32You know that is wrong.
34:34You've been there visiting at the hospital in intensive care.
34:37I've been there, Lisa.
34:38So how can you say that I'm making up that she's ill?
34:40Why do you hate your daughter so much?
34:42Pardon? Why do you hate your daughter so much?
34:44That's a fact.
34:45She's been to hospital 22 times.
34:47She's got PCD and MPS5.
34:49I have not seen you for months, I've had her.
34:51She might not even live until she's five.
34:53There's your granddaughter.
34:55No, I haven't.
34:56Where are you going now?
34:58Yeah, no, she is.
34:59But I've not seen her, she uses them babies against me
35:02and all I've ever done is look at Craig.
35:04You know, though, Craig,
35:05you know that all I've ever done is look at her.
35:07Don't you think you should get in there and talk to your daughter?
35:10But you know that, Craig.
35:11Don't you think you should be in there talking to your daughter
35:14and trying to put this right?
35:16Don't be a mother.
35:18Don't be a mother, go on.
35:20Be quiet, be quiet.
35:22Go on, why don't you take the lead
35:24and go and talk to your kid for a minute?
35:27Seriously, nobody else.
35:29Nobody else.
35:30Nobody else.
35:32You know I've been there for you and them babies, you know that.
35:35Why say that Ruby's not ill?
35:37Why say that?
35:38Lisa, I haven't seen you for months.
35:40She is ill.
35:41No Ruby's been there since five weeks old.
35:43That poor baby's terminally ill, she's dying
35:45and you're telling me that she's not ill.
35:47You're wrong.
35:48Why don't you just try a different tack?
35:50Instead of she said, I said, this is a...
35:53That's your daughter.
35:54Yes, she is my daughter.
35:55Either you accept that you've both made mistakes
35:58or fabricated things or haven't been great to each other
36:01and you move forward or where does this end?
36:03You're going to spend the rest of your lives
36:05moaning and bitching and point scoring.
36:07Frankly, it's embarrassing to watch.
36:10It's shameful.
36:11So, this is done for me, I'm not doing this again.
36:14No, I said that, I didn't want to come back again.
36:16What happens from here?
36:18What happens?
36:19Because maybe I've come from a different world.
36:21My mother would have gone, my God, my granddaughter's ill,
36:24my daughter needs me, let's put aside whatever
36:26and let's do the right thing.
36:27No, everyone would have just thought we were talking.
36:29But you don't listen, you talk non-stop.
36:31I know I do, I'm a water mouth, I know, I apologise for that.
36:33What happens, guys?
36:35That's it, I've done today, I've got what I needed,
36:37I've proved myself.
36:38You've just picked a side, that's fine.
36:40But you've accused Stephen of doing something so violent.
36:43He hasn't.
36:44I'm not going back there.
36:46Why doesn't Stephen go to the police?
36:48Why doesn't Stephen go to the police?
36:50He's going to the police after the show.
36:52He's going, he's getting...
36:54Why didn't you tell me this?
36:55I only found out the other night, Lisa.
36:57Of course not.
36:58You don't want to resolve this with each other, do you?
37:00Not when she's been with them, no.
37:02Do you want to resolve this, yes or no?
37:04I just want to see my grandkids.
37:05How can you see your grandkids?
37:07When you say she's not even ill, you're not even bothered?
37:09So you will walk away from your daughter and your granddaughter
37:11because you believe that she's a manipulative liar, yes or no?
37:13Jeremy, can I just say one thing?
37:15Please, Jeremy, can I just say one thing?
37:17No, you can't, because I've listened to you all non-stop.
37:19She was in intensive care a week ago, she didn't even visit.
37:21So you're walking away, yeah?
37:23Because of what she said about me.
37:24Are you walking away?
37:25Yeah, yeah, yeah.
37:26So you put what she said... Right, go, then.
37:27Well, which way do I go?
37:28Go whichever way you want, love,
37:29cos, blatantly, you're not the sort of mother I'd want in my life.
37:31No, I'm fine.
37:34Thank you. Please sit down.
37:35No, I'm fine, love.
37:36I can tell, but you don't listen, mate.
37:38You talk non-stop.
37:40I repeat what we said out there,
37:41and it's a really dangerous story for us to do.
37:43We can't do a lie detector on sexual abuse.
37:45I have to take what you...
37:46And I'm not going to pass judgment on him.
37:48That's between the two of you.
37:49If you choose to take that further, then fine.
37:51But for me, you've proven with DNA that Craig's the father,
37:53you've proven with a lie detector that you haven't cheated on Craig,
37:56and you've proven with the drugs test that you're not taking drugs.
37:58But one thing that matters, just leave this and go home
38:01and be a mother and a father to your kids.
38:03I've come here to do this.
38:04All right, stay there. Listen, I'm lying down in the dark room.
38:06Back after the break. Don't go anywhere.
38:08Are you a cheat? No.
38:09Are you sure? Yeah.
38:10Since you restarted your relationship with Nick,
38:12have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else?
38:14You said no. Why don't you say no, babe?
38:16I haven't.
38:21What leads you here?
38:22You're the man, aren't you?
38:26Your wife of a year is now in a relationship with your own dad.
38:32She's having sex with her cousin.
38:36He's now with 11 people.
38:41So you're now with the mother, but you were with the daughter.
38:44Did you have any kids with the daughter? Yes.
38:46That means you're now sleeping with their granny.
38:49Stu is here to refute a shocking allegation.
38:53He says he did not rape his own daughter.
38:58That's little!
39:06You're a liar! She's a liar!
39:12You're lying!
39:19This job gets weirder by the day.
39:23Do you think you're being lied to?
39:25Do you have evidence to prove it,
39:27like home videos, recordings or texts,
39:29that you want to confront someone with?
39:31If you're 18 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
39:34email talk.itv.com along with your number.
39:37Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
39:39Text costs 25p plus one standard rate message.
39:42Or you can call my team today. It's 09011.
39:45It's 123456. Calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
39:56Thank you very much indeed. Welcome back.
39:59Nick is here to find out if his girlfriend Vicky has cheated.
40:02He says a string of unfaithful relationships have left him paranoid
40:05and he's worried that Vicky is exactly the same
40:07as he's constantly hearing rumours that she's been with other men.
40:10Nick admits to checking her phone and regularly questioning her,
40:13but says, I want to marry this woman.
40:15But he says, before I do, I need the truth.
40:17Big day for him. Nick is on the Jeremy Carr Show.
40:26Thanks for coming on.
40:28I say this a lot, but it is really this sort of story.
40:31It's a relevant comment.
40:33Some people will come here with quite tangible evidence
40:36and they'll say, look, others will go, it's a gut feeling.
40:39The intro said about you that you've been cheated on in the past.
40:43Yeah, I've had bad relationships in the past.
40:45Lots of bad relationships.
40:47When you say you thought it would be different with Vicky, why?
40:50Tell me about that. Talk up, speak up.
40:52It was good at the beginning.
40:55Yeah, of course. It was good at the beginning,
40:57but then obviously, like, I started getting paranoid.
40:59It started off like her...
41:01sent me a message, started sending me a message on Facebook
41:04saying, oh, be careful of her and all this,
41:06and that just started me off straight away.
41:08We can't be specific. You've been cheated on in the past.
41:11Has she got somewhat of a reputation,
41:13or are you being unfair towards her?
41:15I'm being unfair towards her. I know I am. I know I am.
41:18What happened six months into the relationship?
41:21Like, obviously...
41:23messaged me that, and that just set me off.
41:25Sends a message saying what?
41:27Basically, just saying, oh, you've got to be careful of her.
41:30See, here's the interesting thing about men.
41:32You know men are much less secure than women.
41:34Why didn't you go, ah, I know why that is,
41:37because they're not happy that we're happy
41:39and she's probably jealous that I'm...
41:41Because I've been in the same situations before.
41:43Well, maybe you need to look in the mirror.
41:45Oh, there you go, yeah. No, I'm not having a go, but maybe...
41:48I mean, how many times have you been cheated on?
41:51Oh, six.
41:54I know she's the love of your life, but there surely comes a point...
41:57All of us have had situations in our lives where it hasn't been ideal.
42:02But you're being unfair to this one.
42:04I know I am. I know I am. This is what I mean.
42:06Vicky is, I'm sure, great, and you're like,
42:08you're doing this, you're doing...
42:10I am, yeah. How paranoid are you with her?
42:12Quite paranoid, yeah. I walk into her room,
42:15she knows she'll jump, do you know what I mean?
42:18That's the reality. I know.
42:20You've got to change. I know. Paranoia will annoy her.
42:22In the end, you'll be on your own.
42:23In the end, something that really matters is going to go,
42:25do you know what, you don't believe me, do you check her phone?
42:27Yeah. Why? I can't help it.
42:29What do you mean, you can't help it? How can I help it?
42:31It's happened that much, and if I don't do it...
42:33You tell my team she gets defensive when I check her phone.
42:36Damn right, she's into her damn phone, man.
42:40I know, I know, I know. Now, you realise what that is.
42:44Get her heading for a right for all that.
42:46She's probably cheating with everybody in the room.
42:48Look, the fact is, your mindset has to change.
42:52I know it does, yeah. That's what I'm saying. I know.
42:55There comes a point where you can't feel sorry for yourself,
42:58you can't put onto the next relationship
43:00what you think's going to happen.
43:02What happens if she fails?
43:04Oh, I don't know. I don't know.
43:07Just another reason to think the whole world's against you, yeah?
43:10All women are like that, and the world's a nightmare.
43:12Can I tell you a little secret, right?
43:17Relationships aren't easy. Yeah, of course they're not.
43:19But you absolutely know, I promise you,
43:22when you are thinking straight and when you're with the right person.
43:26Yeah, exactly.
43:27And you need to take pressure off this lady, I think.
43:29I do. I love her to bits, she knows that.
43:31But then what's quite interesting about her is
43:33she's refused to do a lie detector from the beginning of the relationship.
43:36Only from when you restarted the relationship. Why's that?
43:39I don't know.
43:40Well, you apparently agreed with it.
43:42Well, I just said, like, we broke up...
43:44I've never seen anybody more miserable on the Jeremy Carr show.
43:48Vic is on the Jeremy Carr that way.
43:58Vic, welcome to the show. How long have you been with him?
44:01Just over a year.
44:03I knew as soon as I set eyes on him
44:05he was the one I would spend the rest of my life with.
44:07What, in this instance, in this way?
44:09No, well, it hasn't been like this, though.
44:11Only been for the last couple of months, hasn't it?
44:13No. Why?
44:14We can't be specific, but he got a text.
44:17No, he was on about the taxi, me and him, while taxiing him.
44:21She said that I used to be in a really bad relationship
44:24and, actually, I really thought that Nick had changed my view
44:27of how a woman could be cheated.
44:30Treated, not cheated.
44:31Oop, slip of the tongue.
44:33And it's just, that's devastated you a bit.
44:35Can I say something with that?
44:37I don't expect everybody to come at you and be,
44:39you do look miserable, you two.
44:42Yeah, well, you wouldn't be otherwise.
44:44Who's idea to ring the show?
44:46Are you a cheat?
44:48You sure?
44:50Tell him. Don't lie, don't hold his hand and go,
44:52I love you.
44:53Tell him what it's doing to you.
44:55I tell him every day.
44:56Don't be quite quoting them. Shut that.
44:58You didn't say when I wanted you to speak, now you won't stop.
45:00Listen to her, tell him.
45:01I tell you every day I want to be with you.
45:03What does it do? Not that.
45:05What do the accusations do to you?
45:07It puts me down and makes me upset all the time.
45:10I know it does.
45:11You know.
45:12Is he pushing you away?
45:13Oh, yeah.
45:14And the way that you behave now, you're watching yourself,
45:18I guess, the whole time because of what he's accusing you of.
45:21Yeah, it's that.
45:22You know.
45:24The relationship, that is it.
45:25It's that, I'm getting back in, jumping out of that
45:27and jumping back into it.
45:28Can I ask you a question?
45:30Can you imagine a situation where the accusations
45:33are so intense that you walk away?
45:35Oh, yeah, I'll be walking away if it don't change after today.
45:38I'll up and leave.
45:39There you go.
45:40Well, now you're doing it again, there you go.
45:42All women leave me, I'm a nightmare.
45:44No, no, I'm just saying.
45:46You stop being a victim, mate.
45:47You've got it written all over your...
45:49No, but you're shaking your head, you've got victim.
45:51What are you a victim of?
45:52Six women.
45:53Shall I tell you what my mum told me?
45:56If a person does that to you,
45:57they're not worth living well being with, are they?
46:02And there's a way of thinking about it.
46:04There's a way... Just remember that.
46:06Will, just remember that.
46:07If a woman cheats on you, you shouldn't be with it.
46:09Understand that, OK?
46:10The point is this.
46:12There's two ways of looking.
46:13You need to refocus your brain.
46:14You're like, oh, women cheating me, my life's a nightmare,
46:16I can't trust anybody, I've got to check my phone.
46:18I'd be going, do you know what?
46:20The other six weren't worth it, it wasn't nice,
46:23but it led me to a woman that I love,
46:25but in a minute, unless I change, she's going to do one,
46:28which will merely reinforce my belief
46:30that I'm not good enough and every woman's a nightmare.
46:32Come on, man, you've got to take some responsibility here.
46:34Oh, I know I have, yeah. I know that.
46:36But then if you fail, I'm going to look like a real idiot.
46:39Yeah, I'm not going to fail.
46:40How many people think Vicky's going to pass?
46:43There's a few who don't.
46:46But you won't stop.
46:47Here's another thing I want to tell you, and I'm not being cynical,
46:50you could pass this test and you won't stop being paranoid.
46:53You might have to lose her for you to wise up.
46:55By the way, why did you only do the test from when you restarted?
46:58Because that's where it sort of started from.
47:00That's where all the paranoia started.
47:02At the start of the test, Vicky asked us to ask the questions
47:04from when her relationship with Nick restarted,
47:06which we did, because that was agreed with you.
47:08Since she restarted your relationship with Nick,
47:10have you had sexual intercourse with anyone else?
47:12You said no. Why did you say no, Vick?
47:14I haven't.
47:15Cos she was telling the truth!
47:19Oh, no!
47:23Since she restarted your relationship with Nick,
47:25have you had sexual contact with anyone else?
47:27Cos she was telling... Do you know what?
47:29She passed every single question!
47:41I love you. You remind me.
47:58I told you.
47:59Better than when I did it recently.
48:01I went down on one knee and there was glass on the floor.
48:03Right, listen, can I just say,
48:05doing that doesn't make you feel any secure.
48:07She's good. She's listened to me.
48:09No, but you've got to listen, cos you've got a right bloke,
48:11but you'll end up messing it up.
48:13You've got to let her breathe.
48:15And I'm going to do this, and William always takes the mickey.
48:17It's like that. If you crush your butterfly, it'll just...
48:20Seriously. Nice to meet you. Happy?
48:23Pass the test. Frame it and stop believing everybody else.
48:25Get out of here. Give me a round of applause.
48:29That's where it'll end. We're out of time for this morning.
48:31If you want to go on the show, you need my help.
48:33Visit our website. The details are on screen.
48:35To the guests, to the audience and to your home,
48:37thanks for watching. We'll see you soon. Take care. Bye-bye for now.
48:55This programme contains strong language and adult humour