• last year
Badan Pangan Nasional atau Bapanas terus mengoptimalkan, pembangunan ekosistem pangan nasional, salah satunya dengan upaya keterpaduan sinergi dari hulu hingga hilir yang dilakukan para pelaku di sektor pertanian. Kepala Badan Pangan Nasional (Bapanas), Arief Prasetyo menegaskan, bahwa sinergi yang kuat para stakeholder sektor pertanian akan menciptakan ketahanan pangan yang mandiri dan berdaulat.


00:00What is the role of BAPANAS?
00:05BAPANAS continues to optimize the development of the national food ecosystem
00:10one of which is the effort to combine synergies from upstream to downstream
00:14carried out by farmers in the agricultural sector.
00:17Chief of BAPANAS, Arief Prasetyo Adi, affirmed that strong synergies
00:21by the stakeholders in the agricultural sector
00:23will create independent and sovereign food security.
00:28Therefore, BAPANAS assessed that the revival of the national food
00:31can be initiated starting from quality paddy cultivation
00:36and followed by the next process until the ideal hillarization is achieved.
00:40On the other hand, the government through the national food body
00:43continues to do its best to meet the target of reducing food stocks,
00:46especially rice, nationally.
00:50Today, together with the private sector, the food body,
00:53of course, the government has also increased production in the paddy.
00:57The ideal government food stock for national food security
01:00is based on food independence.
01:04We give an example of 150 hectares.
01:07Then, Mr. Adi, we are also grateful to the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing.
01:12Look at the water.
01:15It is said that it is dry season, right?
01:17But the water from the iron pipe has been flowing smoothly until now.
01:23So, there are 40,000 hectares of paddy here.
01:26We hope that the paddy will be good and the fertilizer will be suitable.
