Apple Mail: Organisation without folders

  • 27 minutes ago
Using Apple Mail is easier when you use it simply. Email is the simplest tool in your toolbox, but over the years, I’ve found many making it more complicated than it needs to be. So I’m going to show you how not using folders will help.


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00:00Email is vitally important to any business now obviously everyone uses email so everyone knows how to use email there a bunch of email apps out there that.
00:11Someone can pick up email and they just know how to use it's like riding a bike email is one of those things that everyone knows and for a business is it's vitally important because that's how you communicate with your clients generally you have a contact form on your website.
00:28You talk to your clients via email email is incredibly important now being the Mac junkie.
00:36I deal with companies with who have Apple the Apple ecosystem.
00:41So Apple Macs phones and stuff.
00:44Even though there are third-party mail apps and I've used pretty much 99% of them and and I kid you kid you not I really have.
00:56The one that I keep coming back to and I talk about this all the time is Apple mail due to its simplicity.
01:03I actually made a video about it last week or the week before.
01:08Now the way people use it is kind of complicated because I see this all the time to have a bunch of folders on the side.
01:19I made a video two years ago actually even about crazy fold crazy email folders.
01:27Now, I'm here to tell you that you don't need folders, especially nowadays with the new computers and I say the new computers because the operating systems got so good that when you're searching for something you can find it just like that.
01:40It's really really simple.
01:42So having folders just complicates things for you.
01:48So because it's just another step something something else to do rather than dealing with that email.
01:55So how do you use Apple mail without folders easy?
02:01Stop using folders.
02:02You have folders already built in folders in the sense of your inbox is effectively a folder and your archive is effectively a folder.
02:12So something comes in you deal with it.
02:15You delegate it you put it into your task manager or your CRM and it's gone then get it out and put it into your archive.
02:23So once you deal with it put it into your archive.
02:26Now when as I said when you deal with it, you either deal with it there or you do do it with the other with the task manager or the CRM said that twice is weird.
02:38So but if you can deal with it there and then you deal with it and then you archive it.
02:43Why are you putting into a folder now many say to me?
02:46Well, I need to know where all my financial stuff is.
02:49I need to know where all my stuff from Uncle Bob is and stuff from Auntie Mary is and so on and so forth and it blows my mind that people do that because that in itself makes things complicated.
03:03They may think it's easy because then I just go to folder Bob or folder Mary and I know everything is well.
03:10Yes, that's yes, but it's complicated in the sense that you have to you have to put it there, right?
03:19You have to think is this from is this for finance is this for home is this for business.
03:25So just dealing with the items in an email because email shouldn't be your task manager.
03:34I'm going to talk about this in another video email should be a communication tool.
03:39It's like the phone someone phones you up you talk about it.
03:43You take notes you put it in your notebook and then you put the phone down.
03:47So email is effectively the same thing but text format someone's calling you emailing you you deal with it.
03:54You take notes in the relevant places and then you put it away.
03:58So you you don't need a massive filing system in your email.
04:04Once you have the other places in place as well, and I'm going to talk about those in another email.
04:11So back to what I was saying get rid of your folders and you'll be better organized.
04:21It's kind of a reverse way of looking at it.
04:24But get rid of your folders.
04:26You'll be way more organized.
04:28Anyway, hopefully that helps if you need help with your email or you just wanted to have a chat.
04:33I'll put a link below to book a call with me.
04:36Have a great day and I'll see you in the next one.